
Defines functions find_variable_genes

Documented in find_variable_genes

#' find_variable_genes
#' This function identifies variable genes from a gene expression dataset based on specified criteria.
#' It allows the use of multiple selection methods, including expression thresholding and variability estimation
#' via median absolute deviation (MAD). The function can handle both count and normalized data.
#' @description This function identifies variable genes based on specified criteria in a given gene expression dataset.
#' @param eset The gene expression dataset as a matrix.
#' @param data_type (character, optional): The type of data in the dataset. Default is "count". Possible values: "count", "normalized".
#' @param methods  (character vector, optional): The methods to be used for gene selection. Default is c("low", "mad"). Possible values: "low", "mad".
#' @param prop (numeric, optional): The proportion of samples in which a gene should be expressed. Default is 0.7.
#' @param quantile  (numeric vector, optional): The quantiles used to calculate the minimum allowable median absolute deviation (mad) value. Default is c(0.75, 0.5, 0.25).
#' @param min.mad  (numeric, optional): The minimum allowable mad value. Default is 0.1.
#' @param feas (character vector, optional): Additional features to include in the variable gene selection. Default is NULL.
#' @author Dongqiang Zeng
#' @return A matrix subset of `eset` containing only the genes identified as variable according to the specified criteria.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # loading expression data
#' data("eset_tme_stad", package = "IOBR")
#' # Determination of filtration criteria
#' eset <- find_variable_genes(eset = eset_tme_stad, data_type = "normalized", methods = "mad", quantile = 0.25)
find_variable_genes <- function(eset, data_type = c("count", "normalized"), methods = c( "low", "mad"), prop = 0.7,
                                quantile = c(0.75, 0.5, 0.25), min.mad = 0.1, feas = NULL){

  eset <- as.matrix(eset)
  feas0 <- feature_manipulation(data = eset, is_matrix = TRUE)
  eset <- eset[feas0, ]

  if(data_type=="count" & c("low")%in%methods){
    message(paste0(">>>== Genes expressed in more than", prop*100, " percent of the samples") )
    print(table(rowSums(eset==0) < ncol(eset)*prop))
    keep<- rowSums(eset==0) < ncol(eset)*prop
    feas1 <- rownames(eset)[keep]
    feas1 <- NULL


    eset <- log2eset(eset)
    message(paste0(">>>== min.mad = ", min.mad) )
    m.mad <- apply(eset,1,mad)
    message(paste0(">>>== Range of mad: ") )

    if(quantile==0.75) index = 4
    if(quantile==0.50) index = 3
    if(quantile==0.25) index = 2

    message(paste0(">>>== ", quantile*100, "% of the variables will be filtered out..."))
    feas2 <- rownames(eset)[which(m.mad > max(quantile(m.mad, probs=seq(0, 1, 0.25))[index], min.mad))]
    feas2 <- NULL
  feas <- unique(c(feas1, feas2, feas))
  feas <- feas[!is.na(feas)]
  fx <- eset[rownames(eset)%in%feas, ]
IOBR/IOBR documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 8:36 p.m.