Man pages for IOBR/IOBR
Immune Oncology Biological Research

anno_esetAnnotating gene expression matrix and remove duplicated genes
assimilate_dataAssimilate data with similar columns
batch_corBatch to conduct correlation analysis with multiple features
batch_pccBatch way to calculate the partial correlation coefficient
batch_survbatch_surv - Batch Survival Analysis Function
batch_wilcoxonBatch to conduct wilcoxon test between two groups
best_cutoffExtract best cut-off and add new binary object to data frame
best_cutoff2Extract best cut-off and add new binary object to data frame
BinomialModelBinomial Model construction
break_monthbreak month
CalculatePrefCalculate Pref
calculate_sig_scoreCalculating signature score on a gene expression dataset
calculate_sig_score_integrationCalculating signature score using Integration method
calculate_sig_score_pcaCalculating signature score using PCA method
calculate_sig_score_ssgseaCalculating signature score using ssGSEA method
calculate_sig_score_zscoreCalculating signature score using z-score method
CalculateTimeROCCalculate Time ROC
cell_bar_plotVisualize the results as a stacked bar chart with...
check_cancer_typesprocess batch table and check cancer types.
check_esetcheck_eset - Check integrity and outliers of expression set
CIBERSORTCIBERSORT is an analytical tool developed by Newman et al. to...
combine_pd_esetTitle combine_pd_eset
Construct_conConstruct contrast
ConvertRownameToLociConvert Rowname To Loci
CoreAlgTitle CoreAlg
count2tpmConvert read counts to transcripts per million (TPM)
creat_folderTitle creates a new folder or directory
deconvo_cibersortDecoding immune microenvironment using CIBERSORT
deconvo_epicEstimating immune microenvironment using EPIC: FOR RNAseq...
deconvo_estimateCalculation of stromal, immune, and ESTIMATE scores
deconvo_ipsCalculating immune phenotype score using IPS
deconvolute_quantiseq.defaultUse quanTIseq to deconvolute a gene expression matrix.
deconvolute_timer.defaultdeconvolute tumor microenvironment using timer
deconvo_mcpcounterEstimating immune microenvironment using MCP-counter
deconvo_quantiseqDeconvoluting micrornvironment using the quanTIseq technique
deconvo_refEstimate the fraction of cell types using defined reference...
deconvo_timerDeconvoluting using the TIMER technique Unlike the other...
deconvo_tmeDeconvoluting Tumor microenvironment on a transcriptomic...
deconvo_xcellDecoding immune microenvironment using xCell
DrawQQPlotDraw QQ Plot
enrichment_barplotEnrichment bar plot with two directions
EPICEstimate the proportion of immune and cancer cells.
eset_distributionTitle eset_distribution
exact_pvalueCalculate exact p value of correlation
extract_sc_dataExtract data frame
feature_manipulationfeature_manipulation - Manipulate features in a matrix or...
feature_selectFeature selection
find_markers_in_bulkFind markers in bulk
find_mutationsSearching for mutations related to signature score
find_outlier_samplesIdentification of Potential Outlier Samples in Gene...
find_variable_genesTitle find_variable_genes
format_msigdbFormat input signatures from MsgiDB
format_signaturesTransform signature gene data into list format
generateRefGenerate Reference signature matrix
generateRef_DEseq2Generate Reference signature matrix using DEseq2
generateRef_limmaGenerate Reference signature matrix using limma
generateRef_rnaseqGenerate reference gene matrix from DEGs result
get_colsSet and view the color palettes
get_corCalculate and Visualize Correlation between Two Variables
get_cor_matrixCalculate and Visualize Correlation Matrix between Two...
GetFractions.AbbasConstrained regression method implemented in Abbas et al.,...
getHRandCIfromCoxphExtract hazard ratio and confidence intervals from a coxph...
GetOutlierGenesGet Outlier Genes
high_var_feaExtract most variable features form statistical results
iobr_cor_plotIntegrative correlation between phenotype and features
iobr_deconvo_pielineTitle iobr_deconvo_pieline
iobr_pcaPrincipal Component Analysis (PCA) Visualization
IPS_calculationThis R-script can be used to calculate Immunophenoscore (IPS)
lasso_selectConstructing predictive or prognostic model
log2esetJudge whether the expression set needs log2 transformation
make_mut_matrixMake mutation matrix using maf data
merge_duplicateMerge data frames with duplicated column names
merge_duplicatesMerging the duplicates from the input matrix.
merge_esetMerge expression sets by row names
microenvironmentScoresCalculate microenvironment scores
mouse2human_esetConverting mouse gene symbol to human gene symbol of...
output_sigsave signature data into a data frame
palettesChoose colors.
ParseInputExpressionInput gene expression
percent_bar_plotFunction to create a percent bar plot.
PlotTimeROCPlot Time ROC
ProcessingDataProcessing Data
PrognosticAUCPrognostic AUC
PrognosticModelPrognostic Model construction
PrognosticResultPrognostic Result
quantiseq_helperHelper functions for quanTIseq
rawEnrichmentAnalysisCalculated raw xCell enrichment scores
RegressionResultRegression Result
remove_batcheffectRemoving batch effect of two or three expression set
RemoveBatchEffectRemove batch effect of expression set
remove_duplicate_genesRemove duplicate gene symbol on a gene expression data
remove_namesBatch to transform patterns to special character
scaleCountsScaling raw counts from each sample.
scale_matrixscale_matrix - Scale and manipulate a matrix
select_methodChoose which method to conduct following analysis
sig_boxTitle: sig_box - Generate a Box plot with Statistical...
sig_box_batchTitle sig_box_batch
sig_forestForest plot of survival analysis results.
sig_gseasig_gsea - Perform Gene Set Enrichment Analysis
signature_score_calculation_methodsList of supported signature score calculation methods
sig_pheatmapTitle sig_pheatmap
sig_rocDrawing multiple AUC into one graph
sigScoreCalculate siganture score using PCA function
sig_surv_plotMultiple survival KM-plot to a signature or gene
spillOverAdjust scores using the spillover compensation method
SplitTrainTestSplit Train and Test data
subgroup_survivalTitle Extract hazard ratio and confidence intervals from a...
surv_groupDrawing KM-plot to a Categorical variable with two or more...
tcga_rna_prepsTitle tcga_rna_preps
timer_available_cancersTIMER signatures are cancer specific. This is the list of...
TimerINFOSource code for the TIMER deconvolution method.
tme_deconvolution_methodsCollection of tumor microenvironment cell fraction...
Top_probeTop probe
transform_dataTransform features with Inf or NA to other number
transformScoresTransform scores from raw scores to fractions
xCellAnalysisThe xCell analysis pipeline
xCellSignifcanceBetaDistCalculate significance p-values for the null hypothesis that...
xCellSignifcanceRandomMatrixCalculate significance p-values for the null hypothesis that...
IOBR/IOBR documentation built on April 4, 2024, 1:07 a.m.