
Defines functions roc_time

Documented in roc_time

#' roc_time
#' @description
#' The "roc_time" function generates a Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) plot over time to assess the predictive performance of one or more variables in survival analysis. It calculates the Area Under the Curve (AUC) for each specified time point and variable combination, and creates a multi-line ROC plot with corresponding AUC values annotated.
#' @param input The input data frame containing the variables for analysis.
#' @param vars A character vector specifying the variable(s) to be used in the analysis.
#' @param time A character specifying the name of the time variable in the input data frame (default is "time").
#' @param status A character specifying the name of the status variable in the input data frame (default is "status").
#' @param time_point An integer or vector specifying the time point(s) for analysis (default is 12).
#' @param time_type A character specifying the type of time (e.g., "month" or "day", default is "month").
#' @param palette A character specifying the color palette for the plot (default is "jama").
#' @param cols A character specifying the color scheme for the plot (default is "normal").
#' @param seed An integer specifying the seed for reproducibility (default is 1234).
#' @param show_col A logical value indicating whether to display the color palette (default is FALSE).
#' @param path A character specifying the path to save the plot (default is NULL).
#' @param main A character specifying the main title of the plot (default is "PFS").
#' @param index An integer specifying the index for the plot filename (default is 1).
#' @param fig.type A character specifying the type of output file (e.g., "pdf", or "png", default is "pdf").
#' @param width A numeric value specifying the width of the plot (default is 5).
#' @param height A numeric value specifying the height of the plot (default is 5.2).
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("tcga_stad_sig", package = "IOBR")
#' data("pdata_stad", package = "IOBR")
#' input <- merge(pdata_stad, tcga_stad_sig, by = "ID")
#' roc_time(input = input, vars = c("Pan_F_TBRs", "CD_8_T_effector", "Immune_Checkpoint"),
#' time = "time", status = "OS_status", time_point = 12, path = "result", main = "OS")

roc_time <- function(input, vars, time = "time", status = "status", time_point = 12, time_type = "month",
                     palette = "jama", cols = "normal", seed = 1234, show_col = FALSE,  path = NULL, main = "PFS", index = 1,
                     fig.type = "pdf", width = 5, height = 5.2){


  path<- creat_folder(file_store)
  cols <- get_cols(cols = cols, palette = palette, show_col = show_col, seed = seed)

  input <- as.data.frame(input)
  input<- input[,colnames(input)%in%c(time, status, vars)]
  #filter data
  if(time_type=="day") input$time<-input$time/30

  input<- input %>%
    dplyr::filter(!is.na(time)) %>%
    dplyr::filter(!is.na(status)) %>%
    dplyr::filter(!.$time=="NA") %>%
    dplyr::filter(!.$status=="NA") %>%
    dplyr::filter(.$time > 0)
  print(paste0(">>>-- Range of Time: "))
  # input$time<-as.numeric(input$time)
  # input$status<-as.numeric(input$status)
  input <- as.data.frame(input)
  time <- input[, "time"]
  status <- input[, "status"]


    message(">>>--- For one variable, `time_point`: Three different times can be set")

    if(length(time_point)==1) time_point<- round(c(quantile(time)[2],quantile(time)[3],quantile(time)[4]), 0)
    roc1      <- timeROC::timeROC( T        = time,
                          delta             = status,
                          marker            = input[, vars],
                          cause             =1,
                          weighting         ="marginal",
                          times             = time_point[1],
                          iid               =TRUE)
    auc1 <- round(roc1[["AUC"]][2],2)
    roc2      <- timeROC::timeROC( T        = time,
                          delta    = status,
                          marker   = input[, vars],
                          cause    =1,
                          times    = time_point[2],
                          iid      =TRUE)
    auc2 <- round(roc2[["AUC"]][2],2)
    roc3      <- timeROC::timeROC( T        = time,
                          delta    = status,
                          marker   = input[, vars],
                          cause    =1,
                          times    = time_point[3],
                          iid      =TRUE)
    auc3 <- round(roc3[["AUC"]][2],2)

    p<- ggplot() +
      geom_line( aes(x = roc1$FP[,2], y = roc1$TP[,2]),color = cols[1]) +
      geom_line( aes(x = roc2$FP[,2], y = roc2$TP[,2]),color = cols[2])+
      geom_line( aes(x = roc3$FP[,2], y = roc3$TP[,2]),color = cols[3])+

      geom_line(aes(x=c(0,1),y=c(0,1)),color = "grey", linetype = "dashed" )+
      annotate("text",x = .7, y = .35, label = paste("AUC of ", time_point[1]," month = ", auc1),color = cols[1])+
      annotate("text",x = .7, y = .25, label = paste("AUC of ", time_point[2], " month = ", auc2),color = cols[2])+
      annotate("text",x = .7, y = .15, label = paste("AUC of ", time_point[3], " month = ", auc3),color = cols[3])+
      scale_x_continuous(name  = "False Positive Rate")+
      scale_y_continuous(name = "True Positive Rate")+
      ggtitle(paste0(vars, ", ", main, " = ", paste0(time_point, collapse = ", "), " month"))



    var1 <- vars[1]
    var2 <- vars[2]
    var3 <- paste0( var1, " + ", var2)
    #cox regression
    marker3 <- coxph(Surv(time, status)~ input[,var1] + input[,var2], data = input)
    input$var3 <-predict(marker3, type = "lp", newdata = input)

    roc1      <- timeROC::timeROC( T        = time,
                          delta    = status,
                          marker   = input[, var1],
                          cause    =1,
                          times    = time_point,
                          iid      =TRUE)
    auc1 <- round(roc1[["AUC"]][2],2)
    roc2      <- timeROC::timeROC( T        = time,
                          delta    = status,
                          marker   = input[, var2],
                          cause    = 1,
                          times    = time_point,
                          iid      =TRUE)
    auc2 <- round(roc2[["AUC"]][2],2)
    roc3      <- timeROC::timeROC( T        = time,
                          delta    = status,
                          marker   = input$var3,
                          cause    = 1,
                          times    = time_point,
                          iid      =TRUE)
    auc3 <- round(roc3[["AUC"]][2],2)
    p<- ggplot() +
      geom_line( aes(x = roc1$FP[,2], y = roc1$TP[,2]),color = cols[1]) +
      geom_line( aes(x = roc2$FP[,2], y = roc2$TP[,2]),color = cols[2])+
      geom_line( aes(x = roc3$FP[,2], y = roc3$TP[,2]),color = cols[3])+

      geom_line(aes(x=c(0,1),y=c(0,1)),color = "grey", linetype = "dashed" )+
      annotate("text",x = .7, y = .35, label = paste("AUC of ", var1," = ", auc1),color = cols[1])+
      annotate("text",x = .7, y = .25, label = paste("AUC of ", var2, " = ", auc2),color = cols[2])+
      annotate("text",x = .7, y = .15, label = paste("AUC of ", var3, " = ", auc3),color = cols[3])+
      scale_x_continuous(name  = "False Positive Rate")+
      scale_y_continuous(name = "True Positive Rate")+
      ggtitle(paste0(main, " = ", time_point, " month"))


    var1 <- vars[1]
    var2 <- vars[2]
    var3 <- vars[3]
    var4 <- paste0( var1, "+", var2, "+", var3)
    #cox regression
    marker4 <- coxph(Surv(time, status)~ input[,var1] + input[,var2] + input[,var3], data = input)
    input$var4 <-predict(marker4, type = "lp", newdata = input)

    message(">>=== Predicting combined score...")
    roc1      <- timeROC::timeROC( T        = time,
                          delta    = status,
                          marker   = input[, var1],
                          cause    =1,
                          times    = time_point,
                          iid      =TRUE)
    auc1 <- round(roc1[["AUC"]][2],2)
    roc2      <- timeROC::timeROC( T        = time,
                          delta    = status,
                          marker   = input[, var2],
                          cause    = 1,
                          times    = time_point,
                          iid      =TRUE)
    auc2 <- round(roc2[["AUC"]][2],2)
    roc3      <- timeROC::timeROC( T        = time,
                          delta    = status,
                          marker   = input[, var3],
                          cause    = 1,
                          times    = time_point,
                          iid      =TRUE)
    auc3 <- round(roc3[["AUC"]][2],2)
    roc4      <- timeROC::timeROC( T        = time,
                          delta    = status,
                          marker   = input$var4,
                          cause    = 1,
                          times    = time_point,
                          iid      =TRUE)
    auc4 <- round(roc4[["AUC"]][2],2)

    # print(data.frame(roc4$TP[, 2], roc4$FP[, 2]))
    # print(data.frame(roc3$TP[, 2], roc3$FP[, 2]))
    # print(data.frame(roc2$TP[, 2], roc2$FP[, 2]))
    # print(data.frame(roc1$TP[, 2], roc1$FP[, 2]))
    # print(cols)

    p<- ggplot() +
      geom_line( aes(x = roc1$FP[,2], y = roc1$TP[,2]),color = cols[1]) +
      geom_line( aes(x = roc2$FP[,2], y = roc2$TP[,2]),color = cols[2])+
      geom_line( aes(x = roc3$FP[,2], y = roc3$TP[,2]),color = cols[3])+
      geom_line( aes(x = roc4$FP[,2], y = roc4$TP[,2]),color = cols[4])+

      geom_line(aes(x=c(0,1), y=c(0,1)), color = "grey", linetype = "dashed" )+
      annotate("text",x = .7, y = .35, label = paste("AUC of ", var1," = ", auc1),color = cols[1])+
      annotate("text",x = .7, y = .25, label = paste("AUC of ", var2, " = ", auc2),color = cols[2])+
      annotate("text",x = .7, y = .15, label = paste("AUC of ", var3, " = ", auc3),color = cols[3])+
      annotate("text",x = .7, y = .05, label = paste("AUC of ", var4, " = ", auc4),color = cols[4])+
      scale_x_continuous(name  = "False Positive Rate")+
      scale_y_continuous(name = "True Positive Rate")+
      ggtitle(paste0(main, " = ", time_point, " month"))


  p <- p + design_mytheme(axis_angle = 0, hjust = 0.5, axis_title_size = 1.7)
  # print(p)
  ggsave(p, filename = paste0(index,"-", main,"-ROC-time",".", fig.type),
         width = width ,height = height, path = path$folder_name)
IOBR/IOBR documentation built on May 5, 2024, 2:34 p.m.