### Value Matching and Subsetting
### @description
### This set of functions provides shortcuts for value matching and subsetting,
### on top of the functionality provided by \code{\link[base]{\%in\%}}.
### \code{\%nin\%} returns a logical vector indicating if elements of \code{x}
### are not in \code{table}, This is the opposite of \code{\%in\%}.
### \code{\%sub_in\%} returns the elements \code{x} that are \code{\%in\%}
### \code{table} rather than a logical vector.
### \code{\%sub_nin\%} returns the elements \code{x} that are \code{\%nin\%}
### \code{table} rather than a logical vector.
### @param x vector or \code{NULL}: the values to be matched. \link[base]{Long vectors}
### are supported.
### @param table vector or \code{NULL}: the values to be matched against.
### \link[base]{Long vectors} are not supported.
### @name matchsub
### @rdname matchsub
### @keywords internal
`%nin%` <- function(x, table) !(x %in% table)
### @rdname matchsub
### @keywords internal
`%sub_in%` <- function(x, table) x[x %in% table]
### @rdname matchsub
### @keywords internal
`%sub_nin%` <- function(x, table) x[x %nin% table]
### Verbose Concatenate and Print with Indentation
### Concatenate and output the objects only if the \code{verbose} flag is set
### to \code{TRUE}. Allows for indentation, adding a series of spaces to the
### beginning of each line, 2 for every increment in \code{ind}.
### @details
### \code{vCat} is slightly more intelligent than regulat \code{cat} in the way
### it formats the output and breaks it into lines. As a result, \code{fill} is
### set to \code{TRUE} by default. Another notable difference from \code{cat} is
### the way newline objects are handled. For example, the call:
### \code{cat("hello", "world", "\\n", "foo", "bar")} won't wrap the newline
### character with spaces. This avoids the need to set \code{sep} to \code{""}
### and embed multiple \code{paste} calls. Finally, a newline character is
### appended to the end of the whole message, avoiding the need to manually
### specify this when calling \code{vCat}.
### @seealso \code{\link[base]{cat}}
### @param verbose logical. If \code{TRUE}, passes the rest of the arguments to
### \code{\link{cat}}
### @param ind an integer corresponding to the level of indentation. Each
### indentation level corresponds to two spaces.
### @param ... Arguments to pass to \code{\link[base]{cat}}
### @param sep a character vector of strings to append after each element.
### @param fill a logical or (positive) numeric controlling how the output is
### broken into successive lines. If \code{FALSE}, only newlines created
### explicitly by "\\n" are printed. Otherwise, the output is broken into lines
### with print width equal to the option width if fill is \code{TRUE}
### (default), or the value of fill if this is numeric. Non-positive fill
### values are ignored, with a warning.
### @param labels character vector of labels for the lines printed. Ignored if
### fill is \code{FALSE}.
### @keywords internal
vCat <- function(verbose, ind=0, ..., sep=" ", fill=TRUE, labels=NULL) {
if (!(is.vector(verbose) && !is.list(verbose) && is.logical(verbose) &&
length(verbose) == 1 && !is.na(verbose))) {
stop("'verbose' must be one of 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'")
if(verbose) {
# Put a timestamp at the start of the message:
if (is.null(labels))
labels <- paste0("[", format(Sys.time(), usetz=TRUE), "] ")
# We need to format each line with the indendation level
if (ind > 0) {
indent <- paste(rep(" ", ind), collapse="")
} else {
indent = ""
args <- list(...)
if (is.null(names(args))) {
str <- paste(args, collapse=sep)
named <- NULL
} else {
str <- paste(args[names(args) == ""], collapse=sep)
named <- args[names(args) != ""]
str <- gsub(" \n ", "\n", str) # make it easier to insert newlines
lines <- strsplit(str, "\n")[[1]]
# Handle automatic line wrapping
if (fill) {
if (is.logical(fill)) {
fillWidth <- options("width")
} else if (!is.numeric(fill)) {
stop("invalid 'fill' argument")
} else if (fill < 1) {
warning("non-positive 'fill' argument will be ignored")
fillWidth <- options("width")
} else {
fillWidth <- fill
words <- strsplit(lines, " ")
# Create new lines by accumulating words in each line until the addition
# of the next word would exceed the fillWidth.
formatted <- lapply(words, function(lw) {
newlines <- c("")
curnl <- 1
for (w in lw) {
if (newlines[curnl] == "") {
newlines[curnl] <- paste0(labels, indent, w)
} else if(nchar(newlines[curnl]) + 1 + nchar(w) < fillWidth) {
newlines[curnl] <- paste(newlines[curnl], w)
} else {
curnl <- curnl + 1
labels <- paste(rep(" ", nchar(labels)), collapse="")
newlines[curnl] <- paste0(labels, indent, w)
paste(newlines, collapse="\n")
lines <- strsplit(paste(formatted, collapse="\n"), "\n")[[1]]
str <- paste0(lines, "\n", collapse="")
if (is.null(named)) {
} else {
# build expression from remaining named arguments
args = sapply(seq_along(named), function(n) {
if (is.character(named[[n]])) {
paste0(names(named)[n], "=", "'", named[[n]], "'")
} else {
paste0(names(named)[n], "=", named[[n]])
eval(parse(text=paste0(paste0(c("cat(str", args), collapse=", "), ")")))
### Insert NAs into a vector at specified positions
### Useful for inserting NAs into the correct positions when examining module
### probes that do not exist in the test dataset.
### @param vec vector to insert NAs to.
### @param na.indices indices the NAs should be located at in the final vector.
### @return
### The vector with NAs inserted in the correct positions.
### @keywords internal
insert.nas <- function(vec, na.indices) {
res <- vector(typeof(vec), length(vec) + length(na.indices))
res[na.indices] <- NA
res[!is.na(res)] <- vec
### Order the module vector numerically
### The module assingments may be numeric, but coded as characters.
### @param vec module vector to order
### @return the order of the vector
### @keywords internal
orderAsNumeric <- function(vec) {
}, warning=function(w) {
### Remove unnecessary list structure
### Removes entries that are \code{NULL} are extracts element if the length is 1.
### @param l a nested list
### @param depth depth to traverse to
### @return a list
### @keywords internal
simplifyList <- function(l, depth) {
# Recursively traverse until we hit the depth requested or we cant go deeper
stopifnot(is.numeric(depth) && depth > 0)
if (depth == 1) {
if (is.null(l)) {
# Delete empty leaf nodes
for (ii in rev(seq_along(l))) {
if (is.null(l[[ii]]))
l[[ii]] <- NULL
if (length(l) == 0) {
} else if (length(l) == 1) {
} else {
} else {
for (ii in rev(seq_along(l))) {
l[[ii]] <- simplifyList(l[[ii]], depth-1)
if (length(l) == 0) {
} else if (length(l) == 1) {
} else {
### Get a sorted list of module names
### If module labels are numeric, sorts numerically, otherwise sorts
### alphabetically.
### @param modules a vector of module labels to sort
### @return a sorted vector
### @keywords internal
sortModuleNames <- function(modules) {
}, warning=function(w) {
### Load a \code{'disk.matrix'} into RAM
### If \code{x} is a \code{\link{disk.matrix}} load in the matrix data at its
### associated file. If \code{x} is already a matrix, return as is.
### @param x a \code{'matrix'} or \code{'disk.matrix'}
### @return a \code{'matrix'}
### @keywords internal
loadIntoRAM <- function(x) {
if (is.null(x))
### Check if any objects are a 'disk.matrix'
### @param ... objects to check.
### @return
### \code{TRUE} if the class of any object in the list of input
### arguments is a "disk.matrix".
### @keywords internal
any.disk.matrix <- function(...) {
any(unlist(sapply(list(...), is.disk.matrix)))
### Silently check and load a package into the namespace
### @param pkg name of the package to check
### @return logical; \code{TRUE} if the package is installed and can be loaded.
### @keywords internal
pkgReqCheck <- function(pkg) {
suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(requireNamespace(pkg, quietly=TRUE)))
### Convert an absolute file path to a relative one if possible
### @param file file path to convert
### @return
### a file path relative to either the users home directory or the current
### working directory if the file is located underneath either.
### @keywords internal
prettyPath <- function(file) {
file <- gsub("//", "/", file)
file <- gsub(paste0(getwd(), "/?"), "", file)
file <- gsub(normalizePath("~"), "~", file)
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