Man pages for JCVenterInstitute/FRmatch
Cell type matching in single-cell RNA-sequencing data using FR-Match

check_data_objectCheck data object
FRmatchFR-Match for single cell RNA-seq data
FRmatch_cell2clusterFR-Match cell-to-cluster matching
FRtestFriedman-Rafsky (FR) test
get_valuesUtility function to get the plotted values
make_data_objectMake data object
normalizationNormalization function for FR-Match analysis
plot_bi_FRmatchPlotting function for bi-directional FR-Match results
plot_cluster_by_markers"Barcode" plot
plot_clusterSizeCluster size plot
plot_exprDistGene expression data distribution plot
plot_FRmatchPlotting function for FR-Match results
plot_FRmatch_cell2clusterPlotting function for FR-Match cell2cluster results
plot_MSTPlot minimum spanning tree (MST)
plot_nonzeroNon-zero expression plot
predict_most_similar_clusterPrediction function for FR-Match results
runShinyShiny App for FRmatch Demo
sce.exampleExample data object
JCVenterInstitute/FRmatch documentation built on Dec. 15, 2022, 2:30 p.m.