
Defines functions character_matrix fix_call get_call extractData

Documented in character_matrix extractData get_call

#TODO commands in data field should be evaluated, cannot assume data will be assigned to an object before operating on.

#' extractData
#' Grabs pertinent data from a metaSEM model
#' @param model a numeric.
#' @param model.name a model name.
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom tibble rownames_to_column as_tibble

extractData = function(model, model.name = NULL) {
  names = c(
  result = data.frame(matrix(ncol = length(names), nrow = 1))
  names(result) = names

  if (is.data.frame(model)) {
    result[1, ] = c(as.character(model$model.name),
                    rep(NA, length(names) - 3))

  safe_add = function(x)
    ifelse(length(x) > 0, x, NA)

  summary = summary(model)
  coef = summary$coefficients %>% data.frame %>% rownames_to_column
  names(coef) = c("row", "est", "stde", "lbound", "ubound", "z", "p")
  result$k = summary$no.studies
  result$n = summary$obsStat

  result$estimate = safe_add(coef[coef$row == "Intercept", "est"])
  result$SE = coef[coef$row == "Intercept", "stde"] %>%
  result$lbound = coef[coef$row == "Intercept", "lbound"] %>% safe_add
  result$ubound = coef[coef$row == "Intercept", "ubound"] %>% safe_add
  result$t2 = coef[coef$row == "Tau2_2", "est"] %>% safe_add
  result$t2p = coef[coef$row == "Tau2_2", "p"] %>% safe_add
  result$t2_3 = coef[coef$row == "Tau2_3", "est"] %>% safe_add
  result$t2_3p = coef[coef$row == "Tau2_3", "p"] %>% safe_add
  result$Q = summary$Q.stat$Q %>% safe_add
  result$Q_df = summary$Q.stat$Q.df %>% safe_add
  result$Q_p = summary$Q.stat$pval %>% safe_add
  if (!all(is.na(summary$I2.values))) {
    result$I2_2 = summary$I2.values[1, 2] %>% safe_add
    result$I2_3 = summary$I2.values[2, 2] %>% safe_add
  } else{
    result$I2_2 = NA
    result$I2_3 = NA

  if (!all(is.na(summary$R2.values))) {
    result$R2_2 = summary$R2.values[3, 1] %>% safe_add
    result$R2_3 = summary$R2.values[3, 2] %>% safe_add
  # if (!is.na(coef[coef$row == "Tau2_2", "p"])) {
  #   if (coef[coef$row == "Tau2_2", "p"] < 0.05) {
  #     result$t2 = paste(result$t2, "*", sep = "")
  #   }
  # }
  # if (!is.na(result$t2_3)) {
  #   if (!is.na(coef[coef$row == "Tau2_3", "p"])) {
  #     if (coef[coef$row == "Tau2_3", "p"] < 0.05) {
  #       result$t2_3 = paste(result$t2_3, "*", sep = "")
  #     }
  #   }
  # }
  slopes = sum(grepl("Slope", coef$row))

  if (slopes > 0 & slopes < 2) {
    result$slope = coef[coef$row == "Slope_1", "est"] %>% safe_add
    result$slope_se = coef[coef$row == "Slope_1", "stde"] %>% safe_add
    result$slope_lbound = coef[coef$row == "Slope_1", "lbound"] %>% safe_add
    result$slope_ubound = coef[coef$row == "Slope_1", "ubound"] %>% safe_add
    result$slope_p = coef[coef$row == "Slope_1", "p"] %>% safe_add

  } else{
    result$slope = NA
    result$slope_lbound = NA
    result$slope_ubound = NA
    result$slope_p = NA

  if (is.null(summary$call$model.name)) {
    result$name = NA
  } else{
    result$model.name = as.character(summary$call$model.name)
  result$Mx_status = summary$Mx.status1


#' get_call
#' This function is used to extract calls from meta3 models
#' @param model meta 3 model
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%

get_call = function(model) {
  call = model$call[-1] %>%

fix_call = function(model){
  model$call[1] = call("meta3")

#' character_matrix
#' creates a predictor matrix when cells can contain multiple tags
#' @param x a character vector
#' @param levels a vector. Provides the level (and order) of colnames.
#' @param pattern pattern provided to str_split
#' @importFrom stringr str_split
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @export character_matrix

character_matrix = function(x, levels = NULL, pattern = ",") {
  if (!(is.factor(x))) {
    x = factor(x)
    x = as.matrix(rep(1, length(x)))
    colnames(x) = "NA"
  }  # return singular result

  split = x %>%
    stringr::str_split(pattern) %>% #split based on pattern
    lapply(., trimws) #remove whitespace

  contents = split %>%
    unlist %>%
    unique %>%
    na.omit #don't record NAs

  out = lapply(seq_along(contents), function(c) {
    lapply(seq_along(split), function(s) {
      tag = contents[c]
      current = split[s][[1]]
      out = ifelse(tag %in% current, 1, 0)

      if (all(is.na(current))) {
        out = NA
    }) %>% unlist
  }) %>% do.call(cbind, .)

  colnames(out) = contents

  matrix_levels = levels(droplevels(x))
  levels_length_same <- length(matrix_levels) == ncol(out)

  if (levels_length_same & all(matrix_levels %in% colnames(out))) {
    out = out[, matrix_levels, drop = FALSE] #reorder matrix if possible

  if (!is.null(levels)) {
    if (!all(colnames(out) %in% levels)) {
      current_colnames =  paste0("(", paste(colnames(out), collapse = ","), ")")
      current_levels = paste0("(", paste(levels, collapse = ","), ")")
          "colnames ",
          " do not match supplied levels: ",
    } else {
      levels_missing = levels[!levels %in% colnames(out)]

      if (length(levels_missing) > 0) {
        find_data_rows = lapply(seq_along(out[, 1]), function(r) {
          all(!is.na(out[r, ]))
        }) %>% unlist
            "The following levels were not found in the vector: ",
            paste(levels_missing, collapse = ", "),
            ". They have been added."

        for (l in levels_missing) {
          missing = matrix(rep(NA, nrow(out)))
          colnames(missing) = l

          missing[, 1][find_data_rows] = 0
          out =  cbind(out, missing)
    out = out[, as.character(levels)]


#' get_args
#' Derrives arguments from elipses
#' @param ... elipises
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%

get_args <- function(...) {
  vars = substitute(list(...))[-1]

#' prepare_args
#' Takes a list of arguments, puts contents in names when there are none
#' @param args some args

prepare_args = function(args){
  vars = args
    names(vars) = rep("", length(vars))
  names = names(vars)
  names[names == ""] = vars[names == ""] %>%
  names = gsub("`","",names)

  # for(i in seq_along(vars)){
  #   if(names(vars)[i]== ""){
  #     vars[[i]] = NA
  #   }
  #   vars[[i]] = as.name(vars[[i]])
  # }
  names(vars) = names

#' get_k_n
#' extracts the numbers of k and n from a predictor matrix
#' @param model a model
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%

get_k_n = function(model){
  if(model$call$model.name == "Baseline"){
    info = extractData(model)
    k = info$k
    n = info$n
    data.frame(name = "baseline",
               k = k,
               n = n)
    n_data = model$data
    x_vars = names(n_data)[grepl("x",names(n_data))]

    lapply(seq_along(x_vars), function(i){

      temp_data = n_data[,c("y","v","cluster","time",x_vars[i])]

      temp_data = temp_data[temp_data[,x_vars[i]] == 1, ]

      k = length(unique(temp_data$cluster))
      n = nrow(temp_data)

      data.frame(name = "Slope",
                 k = k,
                 n = n)
    }) %>%

#' moderation_instructions
#' Takes instructions, can then be provided to moderate
#' @param ... moderation instructions
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @export moderation_instructions

moderation_instructions = function(...){
  args = vars = as.list(match.call()[-1]) %>%

#' moderate
#' This is a wrapper to perform meta3 moderations with. The original data file must be in the environment.
#' @param model A meta3 model. The original data file must be available in the environment, with the same name.
#' @param ... moderators, entered as objects
#' @param moderators a character vector. A vector of moderator names may be supplied.
#' @param binary_intercept a numeric. Constrain the intercept for matricies with binary elements
#' @param continuous_intercept a numeric. Constrain the intercept for matricies with continuous elements
#' @param remove_empty_slopes a bool. If true, removes empty columns from matricies.
#' @param call_only If TRUE, returns the call passed to meta3_ninja
#' @return a meta_ninja \(until I rename it\)
#' @export moderate
#' @details
#' moderate simplifies moderation analyses by taking the call from a meta3, and then using it to generate
#' subsequent moderation models. A few rules are used to do this.
#' 1. If a continuous variable is used a predictor, then an intercept is recorded
#' 2. If binary variables are included, then intercepts are forced to be zero, these binary variables become the intercepts.
#' @examples
#' library(metaSEM); library(msemtools)
#' model0 = meta3(y = drink_yi, v = drink_vi, cluster = study_id, dat = conigrave20)
#' summary(model0)
#' m_moderated = model0 %>%
#'  moderate(Gender, Age)
#' format_nicely(m_moderated, transform = metafor::transf.ilogit)
#' plot(m_moderated)

# model = model0; moderators = NULL
# args = get_args() moderators = msemtools:::moderation_instructions(Gender, Age)

moderate = function(model, ..., moderators = NULL,binary_intercept = 0, continuous_intercept = NULL, remove_empty_slopes = T, call_only = FALSE) {
  if (!identical(class(model), c("meta", "meta3"))) {
    stop("moderate only works  for meta3 objects")
  mods = c()
  call = get_call(model)
  args = get_args(...)

  if (call$data == ".") {
      "moderate grabs the data.frame based on it's name as stored in the metaSEM model call. You've used a pipe (%>%) to specify the model which records the data's name as '.' which cannot be accessed from the global environment. This breaks moderate, please specify the data name in the model explicitly."

  if (!is.null(moderators)) {
    mods = as.list(moderators) %>%
    mods = append(args, moderators) %>% unlist
    mods = args
    mods = mods %>%

  data = eval(model$call$data, envir = sys.parent())

    if (call_only) {
          call = call,
          mods = mods,
          binary_intercept = binary_intercept,
          continuous_intercept = continuous_intercept,
          remove_empty_slopes = remove_empty_slopes,
          data = data

      moderators = mods,
      binary_intercept = binary_intercept,
      continuous_intercept = continuous_intercept,
      remove_empty_slopes = remove_empty_slopes,
      data = data

#' is_binary
#' This function tests whether a matrix column is binary
#' @param x a matrix

is_binary = function(x){
  x = na.omit(x)
  apply(as.matrix(x),2,function(y) { all(y %in% 0:1) })

#' add_function
#' wraps text in a function
#' @param x character
#' @param f as character

add_function = function(x, f = NULL){
    x = paste0(f,"(",x,")")

#' character_call
#' converts character to a call object
#' @param x a character
#' @return a call

character_call = function(x){
  eval(parse(text = paste0("quote(",x,")")))

#' extractSlopes
#' Grabs slope coefficient data
#' @param model a model.

extractSlopes = function(model) {
  summary = summary(model)
  coef = summary$coefficients %>% data.frame %>% rownames_to_column
  names(coef) = c("row", "est", "stde", "lbound", "ubound", "z", "p")
  intercept = coef[grepl("Intercept", coef$row),]
  slopes = coef[grepl("Slope", coef$row),]

#' remove_function
#' @param string a call represented as a character.
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%

remove_function = function(string){
    string = gsub("[\\(\\)]", "", regmatches(string, gregexpr("\\(.*?\\)", string))[[1]]) %>%
      str_split(pattern = ",") %>%
      unlist %>%
      trimws %>%
      .[1] # keep first argument only

#' extract_colnames
#' Tries to determine column names of matricies
#' @param model the model to extract from
#' @param n the number of names to extract
#' @param data data
#' @param iteration the index to find the predictor matrix
#' @param pred_matricies a list of predictor matricies
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom stringr str_split

extract_colnames = function(model, n, data, iteration, pred_matricies) {
  names = c()
  predictor_matrix = pred_matricies[[iteration]]
  if (!is.null(colnames(predictor_matrix))) {
    names = colnames(predictor_matrix)
  if (length(names) != n) {
    names = deparse(model$call$x) %>%
      remove_function()#just give the names of the input

  if (length(names) != n) {
    obj = eval(original_x, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
    names = colnames(obj)

  if (length(names) != n) {
    names = as.character(model$call$x)[-1]
  if (length(names) != n) {
    #get multiple names out of function
    names = deparse(obj)
    names = gsub("[\\(\\)]", "", regmatches(names, gregexpr("\\(.*?\\)", names))[[1]]) %>%
      str_split(pattern = ",") %>%
      unlist %>%
  if (length(names) == n) {
  } else{
    rep("unknown variable", n)

#' get_new_matrix
#' Gets the final matrix to be used in models.
#' @param model_call the call of a matrix

get_new_matrix = function(model_call, dat) {
  predictor_matrix = with(dat, eval(model_call$x))
  y = with(dat, eval(model_call$y))
  x = with(dat, eval(model_call$x))
  v = with(dat, eval(model_call$v))
  cluster= with(dat, eval(model_call$cluster))

  whole_matrix = get_matrix_long2(y,v,x,cluster) #get long data

  slopes = names(whole_matrix)[(grepl("x", names(whole_matrix)))] #find slope references
  at_least1 = which(colSums(abs(as.matrix(
    whole_matrix[, slopes], na.rm = T
  ))) > 0)
  preserve_colnames = colnames(predictor_matrix)[at_least1]
  new_predictor_matrix = as.matrix(predictor_matrix)[, at_least1]
  colnames(new_predictor_matrix) = preserve_colnames

#' get_final_matrix
#' Evaluates models to see if sufficient information is available to moderate.
#' @param model_call the call of a matrix
#' @param matrix the matrix

final_matrix_singular = function(model_call, predictor_matrix, dat) {
    predictor_matrix = as.matrix(predictor_matrix)

    y = with(dat, eval(model_call$y))
    v = with(dat, eval(model_call$v))
    x = with(dat, eval(model_call$x))
    cluster = with(dat, eval(model_call$cluster))

    whole_matrix = get_matrix_long2(y,v,x,cluster) #get long data
    slopes = names(whole_matrix)[(grepl("x", names(whole_matrix)))] #find slope references
    slope_matrix = as.matrix(
      whole_matrix[, slopes], na.rm = T
    at_least1 = which(colSums(abs(slope_matrix)) > 0)
    final_matrix = slope_matrix[, at_least1]
    if (all(final_matrix == 1)) {
    } else{

#' meta3_ninja
#' This function streamlines the moderation process. Moderation strategy varies based on whether a numeric, or factoral variable is supplied.
#' @param call a call list
#' @param moderators a vector of moderators
#' @param binary_intercept a numeric. Constrain the intercept for matricies with binary elements
#' @param continuous_intercept a numeric. Constrain the intercept for matricies with continuous elements
#' @param remove_empty_slopes a bool. Inspects each matrix and removes empty slopes as neccesary
#' @param data dataset used to calculate baseline data
#' @importFrom metaSEM meta3
#' @importFrom dplyr filter %>% add_row everything
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom stats anova na.omit

 # library(metaSEM)
 # binary_intercept =0; continuous_intercept = NULL; remove_empty_slopes = T
 # stop::unpack_fns("msemtools")
 # model = meta3(y=logOR, v=v, cluster=Cluster, data=Bornmann07, model.name="3 level model")
 # m_call = msemtools::moderate(model, "This is (a test)" = Discipline, Year, call_only = T)
 # moderators = m_call$mods
 # data = m_call$data
 # call = m_call$call

meta3_ninja = function(call, moderators, binary_intercept = 0, continuous_intercept = NULL,
                       remove_empty_slopes, data){

  #--------------------------------------- create base
  call$model.name = "Baseline"
  #Define variables to extract
  get_vars = function(x) {

  y = as.character(call$y)
  v = as.character(call$v)
  cluster = as.character(call$cluster)

  # define calls ---------------------------------------------
  calls = lapply(dplyr::everything(moderators), function(x) {
    #grab moderator details ----------------------------------
    mod_name = names(moderators[x])
    is_named = names(moderators[x]) != moderators[[x]]
    mod = moderators[x][[1]]
    mod_string = as.character(enquote(mod))[2]

    new_call = call
    #grab moderator matrix -----------------------------------

    # here we are trying to run a function, within our dataset, bringing in all functions from the global environment.
    # mod_matrix = parse(text = mod_string) %>%
    #   eval(data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))

    mod_matrix <- with(data, eval(parse(text = mod_string)))

    # mod_matrix = with(data, parse(text = mod_string))
    # mod_matrix = parse(text = mod_string) %>%
    #   eval(data, enclos = parent.env())

    # if not a matrix apply split to matrix ------------------
    if (!is.matrix(mod_matrix) & !is.numeric(mod_matrix)) {
      mod_matrix = character_matrix(mod_matrix)
      new_call$x = mod_string %>%
        add_function("character_matrix") %>%
    }else if(is.numeric(mod_matrix)){
      new_call$x = mod_string %>%

    # stop if not a matrix -----------------------------------
    if (!is.matrix(mod_matrix) & !is.numeric(mod_matrix)) {
      stop(paste0("Could not coerce '", mod, "' to matrix."))

    # Prepare intercepts -------------------------------------
    binary_elements = any(is_binary(mod_matrix))
    model_intercept = NULL
    if (binary_elements) {
      model_intercept = 0
      if (!is.null(binary_intercept)) {
        model_intercept = 0

    } else if (!is.null(continuous_intercept)) {
      model_intercept = continuous_intercept

    if (!is.null(model_intercept)) {
      new_call$intercept.constraints = model_intercept

    # if(!is_named) {
      new_call$model.name = mod_name %>%
        remove_function() #get rid of pesky functions in model.names
    # }

  # create call list
  calls = append(list(call), calls)
  call_names = unlist(lapply(calls, function(i){ #label calls with their names
  names(calls) = call_names

  # predictor_matrticies ------------------------------------

  # remove calls with empty moderators ----------------------
  empty_moderators = unlist(lapply(seq_along(calls), function(x){
    temp_call = calls[[x]]
    if(is.null(temp_call$x)) return(FALSE)
    mtrix = with(data, eval(temp_call$x))
    final_matrix_singular(temp_call, mtrix, data)
  removed_moderators = names(calls)[empty_moderators]
  calls = calls[!empty_moderators]
  call_names = call_names[!empty_moderators]

  predictor_matricies = lapply(seq_along(calls), function(x) {
    #load call
    predictor_matrix = NULL
    temp_call = calls[[x]]
    predictor_matrix = temp_call$x
    if (!is.null(predictor_matrix)) {
    new_predictor_matrix = get_new_matrix(temp_call, data)
      if (remove_empty_slopes) {
        #if we want to remove slopes
        predictor_matrix = new_predictor_matrix


  # run models ---------------------------------------------
  models = lapply(seq_along(calls), function(x){
    #load call
    temp_call = calls[[x]]
    original_x = temp_call$x
    predictor_matrix = predictor_matricies[[x]]

      temp_call$x = as.name("predictor_matrix")
    data_name <- temp_call$data
    temp_call$data = as.name("data")
    model_out = fix_call(try_even_harder(do.call(meta3,temp_call)))
    model_out$call$data = data_name
      model_out$call$x = original_x


  names(models) = call_names
  moderator_models = models[(2:length(models))]

  predictors = lapply(calls,function(x){
    pred = x$x

  # run anovas ---------------------------------------------
  model_anovas = lapply(dplyr::everything(moderator_models), function(x){
    out = anova(moderator_models[[x]],models$Baseline)
    data.frame(diffdf = out$diffdf[2], p =out$p[2])

  model_anovas = do.call(rbind, model_anovas)

  ################ --------------------------------------------
  #Baseline table
  baseline_table = extractData(models[[1]]) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(moderation = "Baseline") %>%
    get_vars() %>%
    dplyr::mutate(type = "Baseline",
                  n_slopes = 0)

  ################ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Moderator table
  model_table = future.apply::future_lapply(dplyr::everything(moderator_models), function(x) {
    # overall line --------------
    model_info = extractData(moderator_models[[x]])
    overall = data.frame(
      model.name = model_info$model.name,
      k = model_info$k,
      n = model_info$n,
      R2_2 = model_info$R2_2,
      R2_3 = model_info$R2_3,
      Q = model_info$Q,
      Q_df = model_info$Q_df,
      Q_p = model_info$Q_p,
      `anova p-value` = model_anovas$p[x],
      Mx_status = model_info$Mx_status,
      type = "moderator"
    # model slopes --------------
    slopes = extractSlopes(moderator_models[[x]])
    n_slopes = slopes$row[grepl("Slope", slopes$row)] %>%
    slope_names = extract_colnames(moderator_models[[x]], n = n_slopes , data = data, iteration = x + 1, pred_matricies = predictor_matricies)
    slope_k_n = get_k_n(moderator_models[[x]]) %>%
      dplyr::filter(name == "Slope")
    slopes$k = NA; slopes$n = NA
    slopes[grepl("Slope",slopes$row),]$k = slope_k_n$k
    slopes[grepl("Slope",slopes$row),]$n = slope_k_n$n
    slopes$row[grepl("Slope", slopes$row)] = slope_names
    slopes = slopes %>% dplyr::rename(model.name = row) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(type = "moderator level")

    plyr::rbind.fill(overall, slopes) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(moderation = model_info$model.name,
             n_slopes = n_slopes) %>%
      dplyr::select(moderation, model.name, k, n, estimate = est, SE = stde, lbound, ubound,
             R2_2,R2_3,Q,Q_df, Q_p,
             Mx_status,`anova p-value`=anova.p.value, type,
             n_slopes) %>%
      tibble::tibble() %>%


  model_table = do.call(rbind, model_table)

  merged_tables = plyr::rbind.fill(baseline_table,model_table)

  out = list(
    models = models,
    table = tibble::tibble(merged_tables),
    cluster = cluster,
    covariates = predictor_matricies,
    calls = calls,
    data = models[[1]]$call$data,
    removed_moderators = empty_moderators,
    moderators = moderators
  class(out) = c("meta_ninja")

  names(out$covariates) = names(out$models)

  #Flag to the users if models have a mx status of greater than one (which indicates issues)
  model_names = out$table$model.name
  model_scores = out$table$Mx_status
  model_names = paste0(model_names, "[", model_scores, "]")
  problem_models =  model_names[which(model_scores > 1)]

  if (length(problem_models) > 0) {
        "The following models had Mx status greater that one which indicates potential issues: '",
        paste(problem_models, collapse = "', '"),
      call. = F

JConigrave/msemtools documentation built on Aug. 10, 2022, 12:09 p.m.