# read_data.R
# Notes:
# File type: C++ GCAM uses xml input files that are parsed within each
# individual source code file. For ease of use, we will
# read the csv files that are used to create those xml files
# as input into the R-based gcamland.
# Files: This file reads in a set of pre-specified file names based on
# GCAM 4.3's data system. These file names are hard-coded.
# Regions: This file also filters data to include a subset of regions
# if the user specifies. We do this here to reduce runtime
# later, as smaller datasets are quicker to process.
# Nesting structure: we would like the nesting to be as dynamic as
# possible. For now, this is set up so that
# you only need to modify this file by adding
# more levels and to modify `LandAllocator_setup`
# to call the read functions on those levels.
# We have created dynamic functions to add nodes & leaves
# in the `setup.R` file.
#' ReadData_LN0
#' @details Read in total land allocation and logit exponents
#' for the LandAllocator.
#' @param aRegionName Region to read data for
#' @param aSubRegion Subregion to read data for
#' @param subregionData Subregion data
#' @return Land allocator data
#' @importFrom readr read_csv
#' @importFrom dplyr rename select group_by summarize
#' @author KVC October 2017
ReadData_LN0 <- function(aRegionName, aSubRegion, subregionData) {
# Silence package checks
region <- land <- year.fillout <- logit.year.fillout <- Root.logit.exponent <- landAllocation <-
allocation <- subregion <- LandAllocatorRoot <- logit.exponent <- NULL
# For SubRegion only keep select columns pertaining to root
subregionData %>%
select(region, subregion, LandAllocatorRoot, year.fillout, allocation, Root.logit.exponent) %>%
rename(logit.exponent = Root.logit.exponent,
landAllocation = allocation) ->
# Sum allocation and find unique logit exponent across region, root, and year
data %>%
group_by(region, subregion, LandAllocatorRoot, year.fillout) %>%
summarize(landAllocation = sum(landAllocation),
logit.exponent = unique(logit.exponent)) ->
else {
# Read in calibration data
land <- suppressMessages(read_csv(system.file("extdata", "./initialization-data/L211.LN0_Land.csv", package = "gcamland"), skip = 3))
logit <- suppressMessages(read_csv(system.file("extdata", "./initialization-data/L211.LN0_Logit.csv", package = "gcamland"), skip = 3))
# Join all data into a single frame
logit %>%
rename(year.fillout = logit.year.fillout) %>%
left_join(land, by=c("region", "LandAllocatorRoot", "year.fillout")) ->
# Filter data for the specified region
data <- subset(data, region == aRegionName)
#' ReadData_LN1_Node
#' @details Read in unmanaged land value, names of children, and logit exponents
#' for the LandAllocator.
#' @param aRegionName Region to read data for
#' @param aSubRegion Subregion to read data for
#' @param subregionData Subregion data
#' @return Data on children of the land allocator
#' @importFrom readr read_csv
#' @importFrom dplyr rename select group_by summarize
#' @author KVC October 2017
ReadData_LN1_Node <- function(aRegionName, aSubRegion, subregionData) {
# Silence package checks
region <- subregion <- LandAllocatorRoot <- LandNode1 <- year.fillout <- logit.exponent <-
LandNode1.logit.exponent <- unManagedLandValue <- logit.year.fillout <- NULL
# For SubRegion only keep select columns pertaining to LandNode1 and logit exponent for LandNode1
subregionData %>%
select(region, subregion, LandAllocatorRoot, LandNode1, year.fillout, LandNode1.logit.exponent, unManagedLandValue) %>%
rename(logit.exponent = LandNode1.logit.exponent,
logit.year.fillout = year.fillout) ->
# Find unique logit exponent values across region, root, LandNode1, and year
data %>%
group_by(region, subregion, LandAllocatorRoot, LandNode1, logit.year.fillout) %>%
summarize(logit.exponent = unique(logit.exponent),
unManagedLandValue = unique(unManagedLandValue)) ->
else {
# Read in calibration data
data <- suppressMessages(read_csv(system.file("extdata", "./initialization-data/L211.LN1_ValueLogit.csv", package = "gcamland"), skip = 3))
# Filter data for the specified region
data <- subset(data, region == aRegionName)
# Filter data for specified AEZ
data <- subset(data, grepl(AEZ, data$LandNode1))
#' ReadData_LN1_LeafChildren
#' @details Read in the leaf children of LandNode1. That is
#' read in information on children that only have one
#' node above them.
#' @param aRegionName Region to read data for
#' @param aSubRegion Subregion to read data for
#' @param subregionData Subregion data
#' @param aScenarioInfo Scenario-related information, including names, logits, expectations
#' @return Data on children of the land allocator
#' @importFrom readr read_csv
#' @importFrom dplyr rename select group_by summarize
#' @author KVC October 2017
ReadData_LN1_LeafChildren <- function(aRegionName, aSubRegion, subregionData, aScenarioInfo) {
# Silence package checks
region <- LandNode1 <- year.fillout <- subregion <- LandAllocatorRoot <- UnmanagedLandLeaf <-
allocation <- year <- UNIQUE_JOIN_FIELD <- NULL
# For SubRegion only keep rows for which LandNode2 is NA
# That is read in information on children that only have one node above them.
data <- subregionData[is.na(subregionData$LandNode2),]
# Only keep select columns pertaining to LandNode1
data %>%
select(region, subregion, LandAllocatorRoot, LandNode1, UnmanagedLandLeaf, year.fillout, allocation) %>%
rename(year = year.fillout) ->
# Sum allocation across region, root, LandNode1, and year
data %>%
group_by(region, subregion, LandAllocatorRoot, LandNode1, UnmanagedLandLeaf, year) %>%
summarize(allocation = sum(allocation)) ->
# For the SubRegion if data not available for all historical years then repeat data for all historical years
if(nrow(data) != 0) {
if (! identical(data$year , TIME.PARAMS[[aScenarioInfo$mScenarioType]]$HISTORY.YEARS) ){
data %>%
select(-year) %>%
mutate(UNIQUE_JOIN_FIELD = 1) %>%
full_join(mutate(tibble::tibble(year=TIME.PARAMS[[aScenarioInfo$mScenarioType]]$HISTORY.YEARS), UNIQUE_JOIN_FIELD = 1), by = "UNIQUE_JOIN_FIELD") %>%
else {
# Read in calibration data
data <- suppressMessages(read_csv(system.file("extdata", "./initialization-data/L211.LN1_UnmgdAllocation.csv", package = "gcamland"), skip = 3))
# Filter data for the specified region
data <- subset(data, region == aRegionName)
# Filter data for specified AEZ
data <- subset(data, grepl(AEZ, data$LandNode1))
#' ReadData_LN2_Node
#' @details Read in names of children and logit exponents for LN2
#' @param aRegionName Region to read data for
#' @param aSubRegion Subregion to read data for
#' @param subregionData Subregion data
#' @return Data on level 2 nodes of the land allocator
#' @importFrom readr read_csv
#' @importFrom dplyr rename select group_by summarize
#' @author KVC October 2017
ReadData_LN2_Node <- function(aRegionName, aSubRegion, subregionData) {
# Silence package checks
region <- LandNode1 <- year.fillout <- logit.year.fillout <- logit.exponent <-
subregion <- LandAllocatorRoot <- LandNode2 <- LandNode2.logit.exponent <- NULL
# For SubRegion only keep rows for which LandNode2 is not NA and LandNode3 is NA
# That is read in information on children that have two node above them.
data <- subregionData[!is.na(subregionData$LandNode2),]
# Only keep select columns pertaining to LandNode2 and logit exponent for LandNode2
data %>%
select(region, subregion, LandAllocatorRoot, LandNode1, LandNode2, year.fillout, LandNode2.logit.exponent) %>%
rename(logit.exponent = LandNode2.logit.exponent) ->
# Find unique logit exponent values across region, root, LandNode1, LandNode2, and year
data %>%
group_by(region, subregion, LandAllocatorRoot, LandNode1, LandNode2, year.fillout) %>%
summarize(logit.exponent = unique(logit.exponent)) ->
else {
# Read in calibration data
data <- suppressMessages(read_csv(system.file("extdata", "./initialization-data/L212.LN2_Logit.csv", package = "gcamland"), skip = 3))
# Filter data for the specified region
data <- rename(data, year.fillout = logit.year.fillout)
data <- subset(data, region == aRegionName)
# Filter data for specified AEZ
data <- subset(data, grepl(AEZ, LandNode1))
#' ReadData_LN2_LandLeaf
#' @details Read in names of information on LandLeafs that are
#' children of LandNode2 nodes
#' @param aRegionName Region to read data for
#' @param aSubRegion Subregion to read data for
#' @param subregionData Subregion data
#' @param aScenarioInfo Scenario-related information, including names, logits, expectations
#' @return Data on LandLeaf children of LandNode2
#' @importFrom readr read_csv
#' @importFrom dplyr rename select group_by summarize mutate full_join
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @author KVC October 2017
ReadData_LN2_LandLeaf <- function(aRegionName, aSubRegion, subregionData, aScenarioInfo) {
# Silence package checks
region <- subregion <- LandAllocatorRoot <- LandNode1 <- LandNode2 <-
LandLeaf <- year.fillout <- allocation <- year <- UNIQUE_JOIN_FIELD <- NULL
# For SubRegion only keep rows for which LandNode2 is not NA and LandNode3 is NA
# That is read in information on children that have two node above them.
data <- subregionData[!is.na(subregionData$LandNode2) & is.na(subregionData$LandNode3) & !is.na(subregionData$LandLeaf),]
# Only keep select columns pertaining to LandNode2
data %>%
select(region, subregion, LandAllocatorRoot, LandNode1, LandNode2, LandLeaf, year.fillout, allocation) %>%
rename(year = year.fillout) ->
# Sum allocation across region, root, LandNode1, LandNode2, LandLeaf, and year
data %>%
group_by(region, subregion, LandAllocatorRoot, LandNode1, LandNode2, LandLeaf, year) %>%
summarize(allocation = sum(allocation)) ->
# For the SubRegion if data not available for all historical years then repeat data for all historical years
if(nrow(data) != 0) {
if (! identical(data$year , TIME.PARAMS[[aScenarioInfo$mScenarioType]]$HISTORY.YEARS) ){
data %>%
select(-year) %>%
mutate(UNIQUE_JOIN_FIELD = 1) %>%
full_join(mutate(tibble::tibble(year=TIME.PARAMS[[aScenarioInfo$mScenarioType]]$HISTORY.YEARS), UNIQUE_JOIN_FIELD = 1), by = "UNIQUE_JOIN_FIELD") %>%
else {
# Read in calibration data
data <- suppressMessages(read_csv(system.file("extdata", "./initialization-data/L212.LN2_MgdAllocation.csv", package = "gcamland"), skip = 3))
# Filter data for the specified region
data <- subset(data, region == aRegionName)
# Filter data for specified AEZ
data <- subset(data, grepl(AEZ, LandNode1))
#' ReadData_LN2_UnmanagedLandLeaf
#' @details Read in names of information on UnmanagedLandLeafs that are
#' children of LandNode2 nodes
#' @param aRegionName Region to read data for
#' @param aSubRegion Subregion to read data for
#' @param subregionData Subregion data
#' @param aScenarioInfo Scenario-related information, including names, logits, expectations
#' @return Data on UnmanagedLandLeaf children of LandNode2
#' @importFrom readr read_csv
#' @importFrom dplyr rename select group_by summarize
#' @author KVC October 2017
ReadData_LN2_UnmanagedLandLeaf <- function(aRegionName, aSubRegion, subregionData, aScenarioInfo) {
# Silence package checks
region <- subregion <- LandAllocatorRoot <- LandNode1 <- LandNode2 <-
UnmanagedLandLeaf <- year.fillout <- allocation <- year <- UNIQUE_JOIN_FIELD <- NULL
# For SubRegion only keep rows for which LandNode2 is not NA and LandNode3 is NA
# That is read in information on children that have two node above them.
data <- subregionData[!is.na(subregionData$LandNode2) & is.na(subregionData$LandNode3) & !is.na(subregionData$UnmanagedLandLeaf),]
# Only keep select columns pertaining to LandNode2
data %>%
select(region, subregion, LandAllocatorRoot, LandNode1, LandNode2, UnmanagedLandLeaf, year.fillout, allocation) %>%
rename(year = year.fillout) ->
# Sum allocation across region, root, LandNode1, LandNode2, UnmanagedLandLeaf, and year
data %>%
group_by(region, subregion, LandAllocatorRoot, LandNode1, LandNode2, UnmanagedLandLeaf, year) %>%
summarize(allocation = sum(allocation)) ->
# For the SubRegion if data not available for all historical years then repeat data for all historical years
if(nrow(data) != 0) {
if (! identical(data$year , TIME.PARAMS[[aScenarioInfo$mScenarioType]]$HISTORY.YEARS) ){
data %>%
select(-year) %>%
mutate(UNIQUE_JOIN_FIELD = 1) %>%
full_join(mutate(tibble::tibble(year=TIME.PARAMS[[aScenarioInfo$mScenarioType]]$HISTORY.YEARS), UNIQUE_JOIN_FIELD = 1), by = "UNIQUE_JOIN_FIELD") %>%
else {
# Read in calibration data
data <- suppressMessages(read_csv(system.file("extdata", "./initialization-data/L212.LN2_UnmgdAllocation.csv", package = "gcamland"), skip = 3))
# Filter data for the specified region
data <- filter(data, region == aRegionName)
# Filter data for specified AEZ
data <- filter(data, grepl(AEZ, LandNode1))
#' ReadData_LN3_Node
#' @details Read in names of children and logit exponents for LN2
#' @param aRegionName Region to read data for
#' @param aSubRegion Subregion to read data for
#' @param subregionData Subregion data
#' @return Data on level 3 nodes of the land allocator
#' @importFrom readr read_csv
#' @importFrom dplyr rename select group_by summarize
#' @author KVC October 2017
ReadData_LN3_Node <- function(aRegionName, aSubRegion, subregionData) {
# Silence package checks
region <- subregion <- LandAllocatorRoot <- LandNode1 <- LandNode2 <-
logit.exponent <- LandNode3 <- year.fillout <- LandNode3.logit.exponent <- logit.year.fillout <- NULL
# For SubRegion only keep rows for which LandNode3 is not NA
# That is read in information on children that have three node above them.
data <- subregionData[!is.na(subregionData$LandNode3),]
# Only keep select columns pertaining to LandNode3 and logit exponent for LandNode3
data %>%
select(region, subregion, LandAllocatorRoot, LandNode1, LandNode2, LandNode3, year.fillout, LandNode3.logit.exponent) %>%
rename(logit.exponent = LandNode3.logit.exponent) ->
# Find unique logit exponent values across region, root, LandNode1, LandNode2, LandNode3, and year
data %>%
group_by(region, subregion, LandAllocatorRoot, LandNode1, LandNode2, LandNode3, year.fillout) %>%
summarize(logit.exponent = unique(logit.exponent)) ->
else {
# Read in calibration data
data <- suppressMessages(read_csv(system.file("extdata", "./initialization-data/L213.LN3_Logit.csv", package = "gcamland"), skip = 3))
# Filter data for the specified region
data <- rename(data, year.fillout = logit.year.fillout)
data <- subset(data, region == aRegionName)
# Filter data for specified AEZ
data <- subset(data, grepl(AEZ, LandNode1))
#' ReadData_LN3_GhostShare
#' @details Read in ghost share for LN3 nodes
#' @param aRegionName Region to read data for
#' @return Ghost shares for level 3 nodes
#' @importFrom readr read_csv
#' @importFrom dplyr rename
#' @author KVC October 2017
ReadData_LN3_GhostShare <- function(aRegionName) {
# Silence package checks
region <- LandNode1 <- year.fillout <- logit.year.fillout <- NULL
# Read in calibration data
data <- suppressMessages(read_csv(system.file("extdata", "./initialization-data/L213.LN3_DefaultShare.csv", package = "gcamland"), skip = 3))
# Filter data for the specified region -- using dplyr::filter for data frames with more than 15,000 entries
data <- filter(data, region == aRegionName)
# Filter data for specified AEZ
data <- filter(data, grepl(AEZ, LandNode1))
#' ReadData_LN3_LandLeaf
#' @details Read in names of information on LandLeafs that are
#' children of LandNode3 nodes
#' @param aRegionName Region to read data for
#' @param aSubRegion Subregion to read data for
#' @param subregionData Subregion data
#' @param aScenarioInfo Scenario-related information, including names, logits, expectations
#' @return Data on LandLeaf children of LandNode2
#' @importFrom readr read_csv
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows rename select group_by summarize mutate full_join
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @author KVC October 2017
#' @export
ReadData_LN3_LandLeaf <- function(aRegionName, aSubRegion, subregionData, aScenarioInfo) {
# Silence package checks
region <- subregion <- LandAllocatorRoot <- LandNode1 <- LandNode2 <- LandNode3 <-
year <- LandLeaf <- year.fillout <- allocation <- UNIQUE_JOIN_FIELD <- NULL
# For SubRegion only keep rows for which LandNode3 is not NA
# That is read in information on children that have three node above them.
data <- subregionData[!is.na(subregionData$LandNode3) & !is.na(subregionData$LandLeaf),]
# Only keep select columns pertaining to LandNode3
data %>%
select(region, subregion, LandAllocatorRoot, LandNode1, LandNode2, LandNode3, LandLeaf, year.fillout, allocation) %>%
rename(year = year.fillout) ->
# Sum allocation across region, root, LandNode1, LandNode2, LandNode3, LandLeaf, and year
data %>%
group_by(region, subregion, LandAllocatorRoot, LandNode1, LandNode2, LandNode3, LandLeaf, year) %>%
summarize(allocation = sum(allocation)) ->
# For the SubRegion if data not available for all historical years then repeat data for all historical years
if(nrow(data) != 0) {
if (! identical(data$year , TIME.PARAMS[[aScenarioInfo$mScenarioType]]$HISTORY.YEARS) ){
data %>%
select(-year) %>%
mutate(UNIQUE_JOIN_FIELD = 1) %>%
full_join(mutate(tibble::tibble(year=TIME.PARAMS[[aScenarioInfo$mScenarioType]]$HISTORY.YEARS), UNIQUE_JOIN_FIELD = 1), by = "UNIQUE_JOIN_FIELD") %>%
else {
# Read in calibration data
suppressMessages(read_csv(system.file("extdata", "./initialization-data/L213.LN3_MgdAllocation_crop.csv", package = "gcamland"), skip = 3)) %>%
bind_rows(suppressMessages(read_csv(system.file("extdata", "./initialization-data/L213.LN3_MgdAllocation_bio.csv", package = "gcamland"), skip = 3))) %>%
bind_rows(suppressMessages(read_csv(system.file("extdata", "./initialization-data/L213.LN3_MgdAllocation_noncrop.csv", package = "gcamland"), skip = 3))) ->
# Filter data for the specified region -- using dplyr::filter for data frames with more than 15000 entries
data <- filter(data, region == aRegionName)
# Filter data for specified AEZ
data <- filter(data, grepl(AEZ, LandNode1))
#' ReadData_LN3_UnmanagedLandLeaf
#' @details Read in names of information on UnmanagedLandLeafs that are
#' children of LandNode3 nodes
#' @param aRegionName Region to read data for
#' @param aSubRegion Subregion to read data for
#' @param subregionData Subregion data
#' @param aScenarioInfo Scenario-related information, including names, logits, expectations
#' @return Data on UnmanagedLandLeaf children of LandNode3
#' @importFrom readr read_csv
#' @importFrom dplyr rename select group_by summarize
#' @author KVC October 2017
ReadData_LN3_UnmanagedLandLeaf <- function(aRegionName, aSubRegion, subregionData, aScenarioInfo) {
# Silence package checks
region <- LandNode1 <- LandNode3 <- allocation <- LandAllocatorRoot <- subregion <- LandNode2 <-
year <- UnmanagedLandLeaf <- year.fillout <- UNIQUE_JOIN_FIELD <- NULL
# For SubRegion only keep rows for which LandNode3 is not NA
# That is read in information on children that have three node above them.
data <- subregionData[!is.na(subregionData$LandNode3) & !is.na(subregionData$UnmanagedLandLeaf),]
# Only keep select columns pertaining to LandNode3
data %>%
select(region, subregion, LandAllocatorRoot, LandNode1, LandNode2, LandNode3, UnmanagedLandLeaf, year.fillout, allocation) %>%
rename(year = year.fillout) ->
# Sum allocation across region, root, LandNode1, LandNode2, LandNode3, UnmanagedLandLeaf, and year
data %>%
group_by(region, subregion, LandAllocatorRoot, LandNode1, LandNode2, LandNode3, UnmanagedLandLeaf, year) %>%
summarize(allocation = sum(allocation)) ->
# For the SubRegion if data not available for all historical years then repeat data for all historical years
if(nrow(data) != 0) {
if (! identical(data$year , TIME.PARAMS[[aScenarioInfo$mScenarioType]]$HISTORY.YEARS) ){
data %>%
select(-year) %>%
mutate(UNIQUE_JOIN_FIELD = 1) %>%
full_join(mutate(tibble::tibble(year=TIME.PARAMS[[aScenarioInfo$mScenarioType]]$HISTORY.YEARS), UNIQUE_JOIN_FIELD = 1), by = "UNIQUE_JOIN_FIELD") %>%
else {
# Read in calibration data
data <- suppressMessages(read_csv(system.file("extdata", "./initialization-data/L213.LN3_UnmgdAllocation.csv", package = "gcamland"), skip = 3))
# Filter data for the specified region
data <- subset(data, region == aRegionName)
# Filter data for specified AEZ
data <- subset(data, grepl(AEZ, LandNode1))
#' ReadData_LN3_NewTech
#' @details Read in new technologies that are children of LandNode3 nodes
#' @param aRegionName Region to read data for
#' @return Data on new technologies for children of LandNode3
#' @importFrom readr read_csv
#' @author KVC May 2018
ReadData_LN3_NewTech <- function(aRegionName) {
# Silence package checks
region <- LandNode1 <- NULL
# Read in calibration data
data <- suppressMessages(read_csv(system.file("extdata", "./initialization-data/L213.LN3_NewTech.csv", package = "gcamland"), skip = 3))
# Filter data for the specified region
data <- subset(data, region == aRegionName)
# Filter data for specified AEZ
data <- subset(data, grepl(AEZ, LandNode1))
#' ReadData_AgProd
#' @details Read in ag production data
#' @param aRegionName Region to read data for
#' @param aScenType Scenario type: either "Reference" or "Hindcast"
#' @param aSubRegion Subregion to read data for
#' @param subregionData Subregion data
#' @return All AgProductionTechnology information
#' @importFrom readr read_csv
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows rename select
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @import tidyr
#' @author KVC October 2017
#' @export
ReadData_AgProd <- function(aRegionName, aScenType, aSubRegion, subregionData=NULL) {
# Silence package checks
region <- AgSupplySector <- AgSupplySubsector <- AgProductionTechnology <- year.fillout <- NULL
# Only keep rows for which AgSupplySector is not NA
data <- subregionData[!is.na(subregionData$AgSupplySector),]
# Only keep select columns pertaining to Agricultural production
data %>%
select("region","subregion","AgSupplySector", "AgSupplySubsector", "AgProductionTechnology","year.fillout","calOutputValue","share.weight.year","subs.share.weight","tech.share.weight") %>%
rename(year = year.fillout) ->
agProdChange <- get_AgProdChange(aScenType, aSubRegion)
cost <- suppressMessages(read_csv(system.file("extdata", "./initialization-data/AgCost_SRB.csv", package = "gcamland")))
bioYield <- tibble(region=character(),
# Only keep select columns pertaining to Agricultural production
data %>%
select("region","subregion","AgSupplySector", "AgSupplySubsector", "AgProductionTechnology","year.fillout","harvests.per.year") %>%
rename(year = year.fillout) ->
# Create a costTechChange data frame filled with blanks. We don't use this for subregions, but need it to run
costTechChange <- data.frame(region = "NULL",
AgSupplySector = "NULL",
AgSupplySubsector = "NULL",
AgProductionTechnology = "NULL",
year = "NULL",
nonLandCostTechChange = "NULL")
# Create a subsidy data frame filled with blanks. We don't use this for subregions, but need it to run
subsidy <- data.frame(region = "NULL",
GCAM_commodity = "NULL",
year = "NULL",
subsidy = "NULL")
# Only keep select columns pertaining to product name
data %>%
select("region", "subregion", "AgProductionTechnology", "AgSupplySector") ->
else {
# Read in data
suppressMessages(read_csv(system.file("extdata", "./initialization-data/L201.AgProduction_ag.csv", package = "gcamland"), skip = 3)) %>%
bind_rows(suppressMessages(read_csv(system.file("extdata", "./initialization-data/L201.AgProduction_For.csv", package = "gcamland"), skip = 3))) %>%
bind_rows(suppressMessages(read_csv(system.file("extdata", "./initialization-data/L201.AgProduction_Past.csv", package = "gcamland"), skip = 3))) ->
agProdChange <- get_AgProdChange(aScenType, aSubRegion)
suppressMessages(read_csv(system.file("extdata", "./initialization-data/L205.AgCost_ag.csv", package = "gcamland"), skip = 3)) %>%
bind_rows(suppressMessages(read_csv(system.file("extdata", "./initialization-data/L205.AgCost_bio.csv", package = "gcamland"), skip = 3))) %>%
bind_rows(suppressMessages(read_csv(system.file("extdata", "./initialization-data/L205.AgCost_For.csv", package = "gcamland"), skip = 3))) ->
suppressMessages(read_csv(system.file("extdata", "./initialization-data/L201.AgYield_bio_ref.csv", package = "gcamland"), skip = 3)) ->
suppressMessages(read_csv(system.file("extdata", "./initialization-data/L201.AgHAtoCL.csv", package = "gcamland"), skip = 3)) ->
suppressMessages(read_csv(system.file("extdata", "./initialization-data/AgCostTechChange.csv", package = "gcamland"), skip = 3)) ->
suppressMessages(read_csv(system.file("extdata", "./initialization-data/Crop_Subsidy.csv", package = "gcamland"), skip = 3)) ->
# Filter data for the specified region -- note using dplyr::filter for data frames with more than 15000 entries
calOutput <- filter(calOutput, region == aRegionName)
agProdChange <- filter(agProdChange, region == aRegionName)
cost <- filter(cost, region == aRegionName)
bioYield <- subset(bioYield, region == aRegionName)
HAtoCL <- subset(HAtoCL, region == aRegionName)
costTechChange <- subset(costTechChange, region == aRegionName)
subsidy <- subset(subsidy, region == aRegionName)
# Filter data for specified AEZ
calOutput <- filter(calOutput, grepl(AEZ, AgSupplySubsector))
if(aScenType != "Hindcast") {
# Hindcast data is only at the region level
agProdChange <- filter(agProdChange, grepl(AEZ, AgSupplySubsector))
cost <- filter(cost, grepl(AEZ, AgSupplySubsector))
bioYield <- subset(bioYield, grepl(AEZ, AgSupplySubsector))
HAtoCL <- subset(HAtoCL, grepl(AEZ, AgSupplySubsector))
costTechChange <- subset(costTechChange, grepl(AEZ, AgSupplySubsector))
# Set product name
calOutput %>%
select(region, AgSupplySector, AgProductionTechnology) %>%
unique() ->
return(structure(list(calOutput, agProdChange, cost, bioYield, HAtoCL, productName, costTechChange, subsidy),
rgn = aRegionName, scentype = aScenType))
#' get_AgProdChange
#' @details Read in AgProdChange for all periods and return them
#' @param ascentype Scenario type: either "Reference" or "Hindcast"
#' @param aSubRegion Subregion to read data for
#' @return Tibble containing AgProdChange by commodity and year
#' @importFrom readr read_csv
#' @author KVC October 2017
get_AgProdChange <- function(ascentype, aSubRegion) {
# Silence package checks
year <- NULL
filename <- paste("./scenario-data/AgProdChange_", ascentype, ".csv", sep="")
agProdChange <- suppressMessages(read_csv(system.file("extdata", filename, package = "gcamland")))
else {
# Read in data
if(grepl("Hindcast", ascentype)) {
agProdChange <- get_hindcast_AgProdChange(ascentype)
} else {
agProdChange <- suppressMessages(read_csv(system.file("extdata", "./scenario-data/L205.AgProdChange_ref.csv", package = "gcamland"), skip = 3))
# Filter for years in model only
agProdChange <- filter(agProdChange, year %in% YEARS[[ascentype]])
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