
#' Survey a Fish Population
#' Sample a simulated population of pelagic fish
#' (created with \code{\link{SimFish}}) with down-looking acoustics
#' (cross-lake, west-to-east) and midwater trawls (west-to-east).
#' @param SimPop
#'   A list with elements \code{LakeInfo}, \code{FishInfo}, \code{FishParam},
#'   \code{FishPop}, typically output from \code{\link{SimFish}}.
#' @param NumEvents
#'   An integer scalar, number of sampling events, i.e., number of times
#'   to repeat the survey.
#' @param AcNum
#'   An integer scalar > 0, number of equally-spaced, cross-lake,
#'   acoustic transects (oriented west-to-east).
#' @param AcInterval
#'   A numeric scalar, length (distance) of acoustic interval (in m).
#' @param AcLayer
#'   A numeric scalar, depth of acoustic layer (in m).
#' @param AcAngle
#'   A numeric scalar, full beam angle width of down-looking acoustic transducer
#'   (in degrees).
#' @param MtNum
#'   An integer scalar > 0, target number of midwater trawl tows
#'   (oriented west-to-east along acoustic transects at random water depths).
#' @param MtHt
#'   A numeric scalar, height of rectangular midwater trawl opening (in m).
#' @param MtWd
#'   A numeric scalar, width of rectangular midwater trawl opening (in m).
#' @param MtLen
#'   A numeric scalar, length (distance) of midwater trawl haul (in m).
#' @param MtMinCat
#'   An integer scalar, the minimum catch (number of fish) per
#'   midwater trawl tow, default 2.
#'   Tows capturing fewer than \code{MtMinCat} fish will be tossed out.
#' @param MtMulti
#'   An integer scalar, the initial number of midwater trawl tows is multiplied
#'   by this scalar in an attempt to achieve the target number of tows,
#'   \code{MtNum}, even after eliminating those tows that extend beyond
#'   the boundaries of the lake or those with fewer than \code{MtMinCat},
#'   default 6.
#' @param PlotsPdf
#'   A character scalar, name of pdf file to store the diagnostic plots in.
#'   If FALSE, the default, no plots are created.
#' @param Seed
#'   An integer scalar, starting seed for stochasticity incorporated in
#'   placement of acoustic transects and midwater trawl tows.
#'   Use \code{Seed} to ensure the survey is conducted in the same location
#'   with each call to \code{SampFish}.
#'   Otherwise, if set to NULL, the default, a random seed is used,
#'   resulting in a different tow location with each call to \code{SampFish}.
#' @return
#'   A list with 3 elements.
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item \code{SurvParam} is a named vector with the survey inputs supplied
#'       as arguments to \code{SampFish}.
#'     \item \code{Targets} is a data frame with information on fish detected
#'       in the virtual acoustics survey.  Each row represents a single target,
#'       columns describe the specific location of fish in the lake and
#'       their target strengths.
#'       Three columns are included that would not be available in a real
#'       acoustic survey: group (\code{G}) and size (\code{len} and \code{wt}).
#'     \item \code{MtCatch} is a data frame with information on the fish
#'       captured in the virtual midwater trawl survey.  Each row represents
#'       a single fish, columns describe the specific location of the trawl and
#'       the group and size of the fish.  Seven columns are included
#'       that would not be available in a real midwater trawl survey:
#'       the specific location of the fish (\code{f.east}, \code{f.north},
#'       \code{f.d2sh}, \code{f.botdep}, \code{f.wdep}, \code{f.d2bot}) and
#'       their target strengths (\code{ts}).
#'   }
#' @details
#'   All sampling is assumed to be "perfect" with no issues of fish
#'   availability, acoustic dead zones, or trawl selectivity.
#'   So, the acoustic transects capture echoes from all fish that fall within
#'   the triangular prism defined by the randomly selected northing of
#'   the transect and the beam angle (\code{AcAngle}) of the transducer,
#'   which is assumed to be at the surface of the water.
#'   And, the midwater trawl tows capture all fish that fall within
#'   the rectangular prism defined by the randomly selected water depth of
#'   the tow, the trawl gape (\code{MtHt} and \code{MtWd}), and
#'   the tow length (\code{MtLen}).
#'   Three diagnostic plots are produced, if \code{PlotsPdf} is not FALSE.
#'   The first is a top (bird's eye) view of the acoustic transects and midwater
#'   trawls in lake, drawn to scale.
#'   In this plot, acoustic transects are shown as solid blue lines and
#'   midwater trawl tows are shown as red rectangles.
#'   Second is a side view of each acoustic transect separately, showing
#'   the individual fish targets as blue circles
#'   (larger circles indicate larger fish) and midwater trawl tows as
#'   red rectangles with the number of fish captured written inside.
#'   The acoustic transect number and the number of targets in the transect are
#'   printed on the plot.
#'   Third is a length frequency histogram for fish captured in each midwater
#'   trawl tow. The midwater trawl tow number and the number of fish captured in
#'   the tow are printed on the plot.
#' @export
#' @import
#'   MASS
#' @seealso
#'   \code{\link{SimFish}}
#' @references
#'   Yule, DL, JV Adams, DM Warner, TR Hrabik, PM Kocovsky, BC Weidel,
#'     LG Rudstam, and PJ Sullivan.  2013.
#'   Evaluating analytical approaches for estimating pelagic fish biomass using
#'     simulated fish communities.
#'   Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70:1845-1857.
#'   \emph{http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/abs/10.1139/cjfas-2013-0072#.U1KYxPldXTQ}
#'   Yule, DL.  2000.  Comparison of horizontal acoustic and purse-seine
#'     estimates of salmonid densities and sizes in eleven Wyoming waters
#'   North American Journal of Fisheries Management 20:759-775.
#'   \emph{http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1577/1548-8675(2000)020\%3C0759\%3ACOHAAP\%3E2.3.CO\%3B2}
#' @examples
#' # parameters for small (a) and large (A) alewife as input to the simulator
#' fishp <- data.frame(
#'   G = c("a", "A", "A"),
#'   Z = c(50, 140, 140), ZE = c(0.25, 0.2, 0.2),
#'   LWC1 = 0.000014, LWC2 = 2.8638, LWCE = 0.18,
#'   TSC1 = -64.2, TSC2 = 20.5, TSCE = c(0.02, 0.07, 0.07),
#'   PropN = c(0.55, 0.25, 0.20),
#'   E = c(NA, 900, 2800), EE = c(NA, 4.5, 0.3),
#'   N = NA, NE = NA,
#'   WD = c(5, 15, 15), WDE = c(0.5, 0.7, 0.7),
#'   D2B = NA, D2BE = NA
#' )
#' # simulate the fish population
#' res <- SimFish(LakeName="Clear Lake", LkWidth=3000, LkLength=2000,
#'  BotDepMin=20, BotDepMax=100, FishParam=fishp, TotNFish=50000, Seed=667)
#' # survey the population
#' surv <- SampFish(SimPop=res, NumEvents=2, AcNum=5, AcInterval=3000,
#'  AcLayer=10, AcAngle=7, MtNum=25, MtHt=10, MtWd=10, MtLen=200, Seed=545)
#' # look at the results
#' surv$SurvParam
#' head(surv$Targets)
#' head(surv$MtCatch)

SampFish <- function(SimPop, NumEvents=1, AcNum, AcInterval, AcLayer, AcAngle,
  MtNum, MtHt, MtWd, MtLen, MtMinCat=2, MtMulti=6, PlotsPdf=FALSE, Seed=NULL) {

  if (is.na(PlotsPdf) | length(PlotsPdf)!=1 | is.numeric(PlotsPdf)) {
    stop("PlotsPdf must be either a character scalar, or FALSE")
  if (PlotsPdf!=FALSE) {
    pdf(PlotsPdf, width=9, height=6.5, title="Survey", paper="USr")

  # For the purpose of running the code, make sure we have at least
  #   two sampling events.
  # If only one event was requested, info from the second event is removed.
  nE.orig <- NumEvents
  NumEvents <- max(nE.orig, 2)

  # easting (m), range, (x direction)
  eastr <- c(0, SimPop$LakeInfo$LkWidth)

  # northing (m), range, (y direction)
  northr <- c(0, SimPop$LakeInfo$LkLength)

  # distance from west and east shore excluded from lake in m (x direction)
  d2shr.we <- c(0+SimPop$LakeInfo$ints[1]/SimPop$LakeInfo$slopes[1],


  # increase the number of initial trawls, so we'll still have enough when
  #   we get rid of those that hit bottom and those with fewer than 2 fish
  nT2 <- ceiling(MtMulti*MtNum/AcNum)*AcNum

  ACid <- 1:(AcNum*NumEvents)
  ACspace <- diff(northr)/AcNum

  sampinfo <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=nT2*NumEvents, ncol=10,
    dimnames=list(NULL, c("Event", "ACid", "ACnorth", "MTRgrp", "MTRid",
    "MTReast", "MTRbdep", "MTRwdep", "MTRd2sh", "MTRd2bot"))))
  sampinfo$Event <- rep(1:NumEvents, rep(nT2, NumEvents))
  sampinfo$ACid <- rep(1:(AcNum*NumEvents), rep(nT2/AcNum, AcNum*NumEvents))
  sampinfo$MTRgrp <- rep(1:(nT2/AcNum), AcNum*NumEvents)
  sampinfo$MTRid <- seq(along=sampinfo$MTRgrp)

  if (!is.null(Seed)) set.seed(Seed)

  # convert full down-looking angle from degrees to radians
  angleRadians <- 2*pi*AcAngle/360

  for(k in 1:NumEvents) {
    sel <- sampinfo$Event==k
    ACstart <- runif (1, northr[1], northr[2])
    ACnorth <- sort(unique(c(seq(ACstart, northr[1], -ACspace),
      seq(ACstart, northr[2], ACspace))))
    sampinfo$ACnorth[sel] <- rep(ACnorth, rep(nT2/AcNum, AcNum))
    sampinfo$MTReast[sel] <- runif (nT2, eastr[1]+MtLen/2, eastr[2]-MtLen/2)

    # calculate midwater trawl measures for the MIDPOINT of the trawl
    sampinfo$MTRbdep[sel] <- zfromx(x=sampinfo$MTReast[sel],
      maxz=SimPop$LakeInfo$BotDepMax, eastr=eastr,
      ints=SimPop$LakeInfo$ints, slopes=SimPop$LakeInfo$slopes)

    # random selection of midwater trawl depth
    # Assign NA to those cases where bottom depth < trawl height
    # These will be removed later
    tooshallow <- 0+(MtHt/2) > sampinfo$MTRbdep[sel]-(MtHt/2)
    sampinfo$MTRwdep[sel][tooshallow] <- NA
    sampinfo$MTRwdep[sel][!tooshallow] <- runif (sum(!tooshallow), 0+(MtHt/2),

    sampinfo$MTRd2sh[sel] <- dfromx(x=sampinfo$MTReast[sel], d2shr.we=d2shr.we,
    sampinfo$MTRd2bot[sel] <- sampinfo$MTRbdep[sel] - sampinfo$MTRwdep[sel]

    # make sure acoustic transect cones don't overlap
    mindist.allowed <- SimPop$LakeInfo$BotDepMax*tan(angleRadians/4)
    mindist.observed <- min(diff(sort(ACnorth)))
    if (mindist.observed < mindist.allowed) {
      warning("Acoustic transects are too close together.\nTry again with fewer acoustic transects.")

  # make sure that all of the acoustic transects are kept ...
  #   even if they have no midwater trawls associated with them
  ACsampinfo <- sampinfo[first(sampinfo$ACid)==1, 1:3]

  # make sure that midwater trawl doesn't hit bottom
  MTRbdep1 <- zfromx(x=sampinfo$MTReast - (MtLen/2),
    maxz=SimPop$LakeInfo$BotDepMax, eastr=eastr, ints=SimPop$LakeInfo$ints,
  MTRbdep2 <- zfromx(x=sampinfo$MTReast + (MtLen/2),
    maxz=SimPop$LakeInfo$BotDepMax, eastr=eastr, ints=SimPop$LakeInfo$ints,
  hits.bottom <- (MTRbdep1 - (sampinfo$MTRwdep + MtHt/2)) < 0 |
      (MTRbdep2 - (sampinfo$MTRwdep + MtHt/2)) < 0

  # make sure that midwater trawl doesn't extend too far east/west/north/south
  extends.out <- sampinfo$ACnorth - MtWd/2 < northr[1] |
    sampinfo$ACnorth + MtWd/2 > northr[2] |
    sampinfo$MTReast - MtLen/2 < eastr[1] |
    sampinfo$MTReast + MtLen/2 > eastr[2]

  sampinfo <- sampinfo[!hits.bottom & !extends.out & !is.na(sampinfo$MTRwdep), ]

  rm(ACid, ACspace, sel, ACstart, ACnorth, mindist.allowed, mindist.observed,
    MTRbdep1, MTRbdep2, hits.bottom, extends.out)

  # acoustic transects

  # select only those targets within the volume of space sampled by
  #   the acoustic transect (triangular prism)
  sua <- sort(unique(ACsampinfo$ACid))
  AC <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=0, ncol=13, dimnames=list(NULL,
    c("Event", "ACid", "ACnorth", "G", "f.east", "f.north", "f.d2sh",
      "f.botdep", "f.wdep", "f.d2bot", "len", "wt", "ts"))))
  # acoustic slice cone cushion, based on angle of ducer and maximum depth
  cushion <- SimPop$LakeInfo$BotDepMax*tan(angleRadians/2)

  # create a single row of missing values that looks just like
  #   the "fish" data frame
  # this will be used to maintain a row of information on
  #   an acoustic transect, even if it captures no targets
  nofish <- SimPop$Fish[1, ]
  ncol <- dim(SimPop$Fish)[2]
  nofish[1, 1:ncol] <- rep(NA, ncol)

  # acoustic transects
  for(j in sua) {
    # make sure that the acoustic slice does not extend further north or south
    #   than our sample space
    if (ACsampinfo$ACnorth[j] > (northr[2] - cushion) |
        ACsampinfo$ACnorth[j] < (northr[1] + cushion)) {
      warning(paste("\nACid = ", ACsampinfo$ACid[j], ", ACnorth = ",
        ": \nThe cone of the acoustic slice extends farther north or south \nthan the boundary of our simulated lake.",
        "  \nTry again using a different Seed or using fewer acoustic transects."))
    sel <- (abs(SimPop$Fish$f.north - ACsampinfo$ACnorth[j])) <

    if (sum(sel)>0) {
      temp <- data.frame(
        ACsampinfo[rep(j, sum(sel)), c("Event", "ACid", "ACnorth")],
        SimPop$Fish[sel, ]
      AC <- rbind(AC, temp)
    } else {
      temp <- data.frame(ACsampinfo[rep(j, 1), c("Event", "ACid", "ACnorth")],
      AC <- rbind(AC, temp)


  # midwater trawl tows
  # select only those targets within the volume of space sampled by
  #   the midwater trawl (rectangular prism)
  sut <- sort(unique(sampinfo$MTRid))
  MTRbig <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=0, ncol=20, dimnames=list(NULL,
    c("Event", "ACid", "ACnorth", "MTRgrp", "MTRid", "MTReast", "MTRbdep",
      "MTRwdep", "MTRd2sh", "MTRd2bot", "G", "f.east", "f.north", "f.d2sh",
      "f.botdep", "f.wdep", "f.d2bot", "len", "wt", "ts"))))
  for(m in sut) {
    j <- match(m, sampinfo$MTRid)
    sel <- SimPop$Fish$f.north >= (sampinfo$ACnorth[j] - MtWd/2) &
      SimPop$Fish$f.north <= (sampinfo$ACnorth[j] + MtWd/2) &
      SimPop$Fish$f.east >= (sampinfo$MTReast[j] - MtLen/2) &
      SimPop$Fish$f.east <= (sampinfo$MTReast[j] + MtLen/2) &
      SimPop$Fish$f.wdep <= (sampinfo$MTRwdep[j] + MtHt/2) &
      SimPop$Fish$f.wdep >= (sampinfo$MTRwdep[j] - MtHt/2)
    if (sum(sel) >= MtMinCat) {
      temp <- cbind(sampinfo[rep(j, sum(sel)), ], SimPop$Fish[sel, ])
      MTRbig <- rbind(MTRbig, temp)

  if (dim(MTRbig)[1] > 0) {

    ### select only needed number of trawls
    #     (remember, we sampled many more than what we needed!) ##
    # create an index of trawls
    mtr.indx <- MTRbig[first(MTRbig$MTRid)==1,
      c("Event", "ACid", "MTRgrp", "MTRid")]
    mtr.indx$mtr.grp <- unlist(lapply(table(mtr.indx$ACid), sample))
    # create a random variable for sorting
    y <- runif (length(mtr.indx$mtr.grp))
    # sort the index of trawls by event abd group number
    mtr.indx.sort <- mtr.indx[order(mtr.indx$Event, mtr.indx$mtr.grp, y), ]

    # count up the number of trawls in each event
    f <- first(mtr.indx.sort$Event)
    x <- rep(NA, length(f))
    for(ix in 1:length(f)) {
      x[ix] <- if (f[ix]==1) {
      } else {
    mtr.indx.sort$mtr.count <- x
    # keep the first MtNum trawls in each event
    mtr.indx.keep <- mtr.indx.sort[mtr.indx.sort$mtr.count <= MtNum, ]

    MTR <- MTRbig[MTRbig$MTRid %in% mtr.indx.keep$MTRid, ]
    sampinfo.sub <- sampinfo[sampinfo$MTRid %in% mtr.indx.keep$MTRid, ]

    rm(mtr.indx, y, mtr.indx.sort, f, x, mtr.indx.keep)

  } else {
    MTR <- MTRbig[0, ]
    sampinfo.sub <- sampinfo[0, ]

  # categorize targets interval (along transect) and layer (in water column),
  #   both in m
  intbrks <- seq(eastr[1], eastr[2] + AcInterval - 1, AcInterval)
  intmids <- intbrks[-1] - AcInterval/2
  AC$interval <- intmids[cut(AC$f.east, include.lowest=TRUE, breaks=intbrks,

  laybrks <- seq(0, SimPop$LakeInfo$BotDepMax + AcLayer - 1, AcLayer)
  laymids <- laybrks[-1] - AcLayer/2
  AC$layer <- laymids[cut(AC$f.wdep, include.lowest=TRUE, breaks=laybrks,

  ###  diagnostic plots  ###
  if (PlotsPdf!=FALSE) {

    sel <- AC$Event==1
    ts.scaled <- (AC$ts[sel] - SimPop$FishInfo$TSRange[1])/
    sua <- sort(unique(AC$ACid[sel]))
    sut <- sort(unique(sampinfo.sub$MTRid[sampinfo.sub$Event==1]))

    # top view of acoustic transects and midwater trawls - to scale
    par(mfrow=c(1, 1), oma=rep(0, 4), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))
    eqscplot(1, 1, type="n", xlim=eastr/1000, ylim=northr/1000, axes=FALSE,
      xlab="Easting  (km)", ylab="Northing  (km)",
      main=paste(SimPop$LakeInfo$LakeName, "- Top View - drawn to scale"))
    axis(2, las=1)
    arrows(rep(eastr[1], length(sua))/1000,
      AC$ACnorth[match(sua, AC$ACid[sel])]/1000,
      rep(eastr[2], length(sua))/1000,
      AC$ACnorth[match(sua, AC$ACid[sel])]/1000, length=0, lwd=2, col="blue")
    polygon(eastr[c(1, 2, 2, 1)]/1000, northr[c(1, 1, 2, 2)]/1000)
    if (length(sut)>0) {
      for(m in seq(along=sut)) {
        sel2 <- sampinfo.sub$MTRid==sut[m]
        polygon((sampinfo.sub$MTReast[sel2]+c(-1, 1, 1, -1)*MtLen/2)/1000,
          (sampinfo.sub$ACnorth[sel2]+c(1, 1, -1, -1)*MtWd/2)/1000,
          border="red", lwd=3)

    # plot of each acoustic transect with outline of midwater trawl tows
    par(mfrow=n2mfrow(length(sua)), oma=c(2, 2, 2, 0), mar=c(3, 3, 1, 1))
    catch.tots <- table(MTR$MTRid)
    for(j in seq(along=sua)) {
      plot(AC$f.east/1000, -AC$f.wdep, las=1, type="n", xlab="", ylab="")
      sel3 <- AC$ACid==sua[j]
      points(AC$f.east[sel3]/1000, -AC$f.wdep[sel3], cex=2*ts.scaled,
      points(AC$f.east[sel3]/1000, -AC$f.botdep[sel3], pch=16, cex=0.5)
      sut2 <- sort(unique(sampinfo.sub$MTRid[sampinfo.sub$ACid==sua[j]]))
      mtext(paste("id=", sua[j], "\nn=", sum(sel3), sep=""), side=1, line=-1.5,
        adj=0.98, font=2, cex=par("cex"))
      if (length(sut2)>0) {
        for(m in seq(along=sut2)) {
          sel2 <- sampinfo.sub$MTRid==sut2[m]
          polygon((sampinfo.sub$MTReast[sel2]+c(-1, 1, 1, -1)*MtLen/2)/1000,
            -sampinfo.sub$MTRwdep[sel2]+c(1, 1, -1, -1)*MtHt/2,
            border="red", col="white")
          text(sampinfo.sub$MTReast[sel2]/1000, -sampinfo.sub$MTRwdep[sel2],
            catch.tots[sel2], font=2, col="red")
    mtext("Easting  (km)", side=1, outer=TRUE)
    mtext("Fishing depth  (m)", side=2, outer=TRUE)
      "- Acoustic Transects and Midwater Trawls"), side=3, outer=TRUE, font=2)

    # plot of each midwater trawl catch
    if (length(sut)>0) {
      barz <- tapply(!is.na(MTR$len),
        list(MTR$G, 50*floor(MTR$len/50), MTR$MTRid), sum)
      barz[is.na(barz)] <- 0
      barz <- barz[, , dimnames(barz)[[3]] %in% sut, drop=FALSE]
      barz <- barz[apply(barz, 1, sum)>0, , , drop=FALSE]
      sus <- dimnames(barz)[[1]]
      par(mfrow=rev(n2mfrow(length(sut)+1)), oma=c(2, 2, 2, 0),
        mar=c(3, 3, 1, 1))
      for(m in seq(along=sut)) {
        barplot(barz[, , m], ylim=c(0, max(apply(barz, 2:3, sum))), col=1:50,
          names.arg=paste(dimnames(barz)[[2]], "+", sep=""), las=1)
        mtext(paste("id=", sut[m], "\nn=", sum(barz[, , m]), sep=""), side=3,
          line=-2.5, adj=0.98, font=2, cex=par("cex"))
      plot(0:1, 0:1, axes=FALSE, las=1, type="n", xlab="", ylab="")
      legend("center", sus, fill=seq(sus), title="Group")
      mtext("Length  (mm)", side=1, outer=TRUE)
      mtext("Frequency", side=2, outer=TRUE)
      mtext(paste(SimPop$LakeInfo$LakeName, "- Midwater Trawl Catch"), side=3,
        outer=TRUE, font=2)
      rm(barz, sus)

    if (PlotsPdf!=FALSE) graphics.off()


  cat(paste0("Mean number of fish per acoustic transect = ",
    signif(mean(table(AC$ACid)), 2), "\n"))
  cat(paste0("Mean number of fish per midwater trawl tow = ",
    signif(mean(table(MTR$MTRid)), 2), "\n"))

  ac.out.vars <- c("Event", "ACid", "ACnorth", "interval", "layer", "f.east",
    "f.north", "f.d2sh", "f.botdep", "f.wdep", "f.d2bot", "ts", "G",
    "len", "wt")
  # setdiff(names(AC), ac.out.vars)
  # 3 variables unknown to targets: "G" "len" "wt"
  mtr.out.vars <- c("Event", "ACid", "ACnorth", "MTRid", "MTReast", "MTRd2sh",
    "MTRbdep", "MTRwdep", "MTRd2bot", "G", "len", "wt",
    "f.east", "f.north", "f.d2sh", "f.botdep", "f.wdep", "f.d2bot", "ts")
  # setdiff(names(MTR), mtr.out.vars)
  # 7 variables unknown to trawl catch: "f.east"   "f.north"  "f.d2sh"
  #   "f.botdep" "f.wdep"   "f.d2bot"  "ts"

  ### only save *1* sampling event, if that is what was originally specified ###
  if (nE.orig==1) {
    AC <- AC[AC$Event==1, ac.out.vars]
    MTR <- MTR[MTR$Event==1, mtr.out.vars]
  } else {
    AC <- AC[, ac.out.vars]
    MTR <- MTR[, mtr.out.vars]

  SurvParam <- c(NumEvents=NumEvents, AcNum=AcNum, AcInterval=AcInterval,
    AcLayer=AcLayer, AcAngle=AcAngle, MtNum=MtNum, MtHt=MtHt, MtWd=MtWd,
    MtLen=MtLen, MtMinCat=MtMinCat, MtMulti=MtMulti, Seed=Seed)

  list(SurvParam=SurvParam, Targets=AC, MtCatch=MTR)
JVAdams/artiFISHal documentation built on May 7, 2019, 10:14 a.m.