
Defines functions print.rsenvironment rsenvironment

# ==========================================================================
# Package: Cognitivemodels
# File: rsenvironment-class
# Author: Jana B. Jarecki
# ==========================================================================

# ==========================================================================
# Helper Class for the hm1988 model
# ==========================================================================

#' Class for risk-sensitive foraging environments
#' @param budget Numeric, minimum requirement.
#' @param n.trials  Numeric, number of trials.
#' @param initial.state Numeric, starting state.
#' @param ... Numeric matrix (n x 2) with probabilities in column one and outcomes in columnn 2.
#' @param terminal.fitness Function that specifies the terminal reward (what you get at the end of n.trials), defaults to "get zero if below budget and 1 otherwise". See details.
#' @details The argument \code{terminal.fitness} must be a function with exactly two arguments \code{budget} and \code{state}, that returns for each budget and state the terminal reward.
#' @export 
rsenvironment <- function(budget, ..., n.trials, initial.state, terminal.fitness = function(state, budget) { as.numeric(state >= budget) } ) {
  Rsenvironment$new(n.trials = n.trials, terminal.fitness = terminal.fitness, budget = budget, initial.state = initial.state, ...)

Rsenvironment <- R6Class("rsenvironment",
    public = list(
        environment = NULL,
        n.trials = NULL,
        n.actions = NULL,
        n.states = NULL,
        actions = NULL,
        trials = NULL,
        states = NULL,
        vars = NULL,
        evs = NULL,
        terminal.fitness = NULL,
        budget = NULL,
        initial.state = 0,
        stateTrialMat = NULL,
        absorbing.states = NULL,
        T = NULL,
        initialize = function(n.trials, terminal.fitness, budget, initial.state, absorbing.states = function(x) { return(cbind(x, -1)) }, ...) {
          tmp = list(...)
          self$environment      <- self$checkenvironment(tmp)
          self$budget           <- budget
          self$initial.state    <- initial.state
          self$terminal.fitness <- terminal.fitness
          self$absorbing.states <- absorbing.states
          self$n.actions        <- dim(self$environment)[3]
          actions               <- dimnames(self$environment)[[3]]
          if (is.null(actions)) {
            actions <- seq_len(self$n.actions)
          self$actions          <- actions
          self$n.actions        <- length(actions)
          self$trials           <- seq_len(n.trials)
          self$n.trials         <- n.trials
          self$vars <- apply(self$environment, 3, function(z) varG(z[,1],z[,2]))
          self$evs <- apply(self$environment, 3, function(z) z[,1] %*% z[,2])
          self$makeStateTrialMat() # call before makeTransitionMatrix()!
          self$states <- c(na.omit(unique(c(self$stateTrialMat))))
          self$n.states <- length(self$states)
        checkenvironment = function(x) {
          if(is.list(x)) {
            nr <- max(unlist(lapply(x, nrow)))
            nc <- max(unlist(lapply(x, ncol)))
            x <- array(unlist(x), dim = c(nr, nc, length(x)), dimnames = list(NULL, NULL, names(x)))
           if (dim(x)[3] != 2) {
             stop("Environment must contain two options, but has ", dim(x)[3], ".")
           if (isTRUE( all.equal(apply(x[, 1, , drop = F], 3, colSums), rep(1, dim(x)[2]) )) ) {
            stop("Probabilities in the environment must sum to 1, but sums are ", paste(tmp2, sep = ",", collapse = ", "), ".")
           x[, 2, ] <- x[, 2, ] * as.numeric(x[, 1, ] > 0)
           if (any(apply(x, 3, function(z) any(duplicated(z[z[,1]>0, 2]))))) {
            stop("One of the options has the same outcome twice, outcomes cannot be duplicated,\nthe options are: ", paste(x, collapse = ", "))
        makeStateTrialMat = function() {
          # Correct X for Pr(x) = 0 probabilities and store
          # only the unique outcomes
          x <- self$environment[, 2, ]
          p <- self$environment[, 1, ]
          outcomes <- c(unique(x[p > 0]))
          # Initialize the result
          ans <- list(unname(self$initial.state))
          # For all trials from 2 to t+1
          trials_plus <- self$trials + 1
          # Store the unique cummulative outcomes for trials 2 to t + 1
          for (i in trials_plus) {
            possible_x <- c(outer(ans[[i-1]], outcomes, `+`))
            # apply absorbing states
            possible_x <- self$absorbing.states(possible_x)[,1]
            # store in the list
            ans[[i]] <- unique(possible_x)
          # sort outcomes
          ans <- lapply(ans, sort)
          # Transform list into a matrix n(sates) x n(trials)
          ans <- sapply(ans, "[", i = seq_len(max(sapply(ans, length))))
          # Name matrix columns by the trime horizon
          colnames(ans) <- rev(seq_len(ncol(ans))-1)
          # Store result
          self$stateTrialMat <- ans
        makeTransitionMatrix = function() {
          states <- self$states
          # Initialize the 4 D transition matrix
          # n(states) x n(states) x n(trials) x n(actions)
          T <- array(0L,
            dim = c(length(states), length(states), self$n.trials, self$n.actions),
            dimnames = list(states, states, self$trials, self$actions))
          for(i in self$actions) {
            for(t in self$trials) {
              for(s1 in c(na.omit(self$stateTrialMat[, t]))) {
                for(s2 in list(outer(s1, self$environment[, 2, i][self$environment[, 1, i] > 0], `+`))) {
                  s1 <- match(s1, dimnames(T)[[1]])
                  s2 <- match(self$absorbing.states(c(s2))[,1], dimnames(T)[[2]])
                  T[s1, s2, t, i] <- self$environment[, 1, i][self$environment[, 1, i] > 0] + T[s1, s2, t, i]
          for (t in self$trials) {
            absorbing <- self$absorbing.states(self$states)
            s1 <- which(absorbing[, 2] > 0)
            s2 <- match(absorbing[s1, 1], self$states)
            T[s1, ,t , ] <- 0
            T[s1, s2, t, ] <- 1
          # Store the results
          self$T <- T
        makeStateTrialActionMat = function(x = NA, states, trials) {
          if (missing(trials)) {
            trials <- self$trials
            timehorizon <- pmatch(trials, colnames(self$stateTrialMat))
          if (missing(states)) {
            states <- as.vector(na.omit(unique(c(self$stateTrialMat))))
          return(array(x, dim = c(length(states), length(timehorizon), self$n.actions), list(states, timehorizon, self$actions)))
        policyEV = function(policy, s0 = self$initial.state, t0 = 1) {
          ev <- matrix(1) # initialize
          tr <- t0 # initialize
          while (tr <= self$n.trials) {
            T <- self$T[, , tr, ]
            if (tr == t0) { 
              # set transition pr to 0 if they do not start at s0
              T[-match(s0, dimnames(T)[[1]]), , ] <- 0
            P <- policy[, tr, , drop = FALSE]
            P <- array(rep(P, each = dim(T)[[1]]), dim = dim(T), dimnames = dimnames(T))
            TxP <- T * aperm(P, c(2,1,3))
            ev <- colSums(TxP * rowSums(ev))
            tr <- tr + 1
          ev <- rowSums(ev)
          fitness <- self$terminal.fitness(budget = self$budget, state = as.numeric(dimnames(T)[[1]]))
          ev <- ev %*% fitness
        policyPS = function(policy, s0 = self$initial.state, t0 = 1) {
          ps <- matrix(1)
          tr <- t0 # initialize
          while (tr <= self$n.trials) {
            T <- self$T[, , tr, ]
            if (tr == t0) { 
              T[-match(s0, dimnames(T)[[1]]), , ] <- 0
            P <- T
            P[] <- rep(policy[, tr, , drop = FALSE], each = dim(T)[[1]])
            TxP <- T * aperm(P, c(2,1,3))
            ps <- cbind(ps[, 1:tr], rowSums(colSums(TxP * ps[, tr])))
            tr <- tr + 1
          ps[-match(s0, dimnames(T)[[1]]), 1] <- 0
        makePolicy = function(type) {
          type = match.arg(type, c("random", self$actions, "ev"))
          pr <- rep(0, self$n.actions)
          if (type == "random") {
            pr <- (pr + 1) / self$n.actions
          } else if (type == "ev") {
            pr <- cognitiveutils::choicerule(t(self$evs), "argmax")
          } else {
            pr[match(type, self$actions)] <- 1
          nrows <- self$n.trials * dim(self$T)[1]
          policy <- array(c(rep(pr, each = nrows)), dim = c(dim(self$T)[1], self$n.trials, self$n.actions), dimnames = list(dimnames(self$T)[[1]], self$trials, self$actions))
        makeData = function(colnames) {
          return(reshape2::melt(self$stateTrialMat[, self$trials, drop = F], na.rm = TRUE, varnames = c(NA, colnames[1]), value.name = colnames[2])[, -1])
        print = function() {
          "\nReach", self$budget, "in", self$n.trials, "trials with options:\n",
          unlist(sapply(seq_len(dim(self$environment)[3]), function(x) paste("  ", dimnames(self$environment)[[3]][x], paste0("(", apply(self$environment[, , x], 1, function(y) paste0(rev(y), collapse = ", ")), ")", collapse = " or "), "\n"))),
          "\nInitial state of", self$initial.state,

print.rsenvironment <- function(obj) {
JanaJarecki/cogscimodels documentation built on Nov. 4, 2022, 5:33 p.m.