
Defines functions StartracOut.plot Startrac.getSig Startrac.pIndex Startrac.calIndex

Documented in Startrac.calIndex Startrac.getSig StartracOut.plot Startrac.pIndex

#' @importFrom methods setClass setMethod setValidity validObject new slot

#' The Startrac Class
#' The Startrac object store the data for tcr-based T cell dynamics analyis. The slots contained in Startrac object are listed below:
#' @slot aid character. aid of the object, used for identification of the object. For example, patient id. default: "AID"
#' @slot cell.data data.frame. Each line for a cell, and these columns as required: `Cell_Name`, `clone.id`, `patient`, `majorCluster`, `loc`
#' @slot cell.perm.data object. list of `Startrac`` objects constructed from permutated cell data
#' @slot clonotype.data data.frame. Each line for a clonotype; contain the clonotype level indexes information
#' @slot cluster.data data.frame. Each line for a cluster; contain the cluster level indexes information
#' @slot pIndex.migr data.frame. Each line for a cluster; pairwise migration index between the two locations indicated in the column name.
#' @slot pIndex.tran data.frame. Each line for a cluster; pairwise transition index betwwen the two major clusters indicated by the row name and column name.
#' @slot cluster.sig.data data.frame. Each line for a cluster; contains the p values of cluster indices.
#' @slot pIndex.sig.migr data.frame. Each line for a cluster; contains the p values of pairwise migration indices.
#' @slot pIndex.sig.tran data.frame. Each line for a cluster; contains the p values of pairwise transition indices.
#' @slot clonotype.dist.loc matrix. Each line for a clonotype and describe the cells distribution among the locations.
#' @slot clonotype.dist.cluster matrix. Each line for a clonotype and describe the cells distribution among the clusters.
#' @slot clust.size array. Number of cells of each major cluster.
#' @slot patient.size array. Number of cells of each patient. 
#' @slot clone.size array. Number of cells of each clone.
#' @slot clone2patient array. Mapping from patient id to clone id.
#' @name Startrac
#' @rdname Startrac
#' @aliases Startrac-class
#' @exportClass Startrac
Startrac <- setClass("Startrac",
                     slots = c(aid = "character",
                               cell.data = "data.frame",
                               cell.perm.data = "list",
                               clonotype.data = "data.frame",
                               cluster.data = "data.frame",
                               cluster.sig.data = "data.frame",
                               pIndex.migr = "data.frame",
                               pIndex.tran = "data.frame",
                               pIndex.sig.migr = "data.frame",
                               pIndex.sig.tran = "data.frame",
                               clonotype.dist.loc = "matrix",
                               clonotype.dist.cluster = "matrix",
                               clust.size = "array",
                               patient.size = "array",
                               clone.size = "array",
                               clone2patient = "array"))

            function(object) {
              msg <- NULL
              if(!is.data.frame(object@cell.data) || 
                 !all(c("Cell_Name","clone.id","patient","majorCluster","loc") %in% colnames(object@cell.data))){
                msg <- sprintf("cell.data must be data.frame and contain these columns: Cell_Name, clone.id, patient, majorCluster, loc")
              if (is.null(msg)) TRUE
              else msg

#' show method for Startrac
#' @param object A Startrac object
#' @name show
#' @aliases show,Startrac-method 
#' @docType methods
  signature = "Startrac",
  definition = function(object) {
    cat(sprintf("An object of class %s, aid %s, %d cells from %d clonotypes\n",
    invisible(x = NULL)

#' initialize method for Startrac
#' @importFrom plyr llply ldply
#' @param .Object A Startrac object
#' @param cell.data data.frame contains the input data
#' @param aid character analysis id
#' @param n.perm integer number of permutation will be performed. If NULL, no permutation. (default: NULL)
#' @param cores number of core to be used. Passed to doParallel::registerDoParallel. default: NULL.
#' @name initialize
#' @aliases initialize,Startrac-method
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname initialize-methods
#' @return an object of class \code{Startrac}
          signature = "Startrac",
          definition = function(.Object, cell.data, aid="AID",n.perm=NULL,cores=NULL){
            .Object@aid <- aid
            .Object@cell.data <- as.data.frame(cell.data)
            .Object@clonotype.dist.loc <- unclass(table(.Object@cell.data[,c("clone.id","loc")]))
            .Object@clonotype.dist.cluster <- unclass(table(.Object@cell.data[,c("clone.id","majorCluster")]))
            .Object@clust.size <- unclass(table(.Object@cell.data$majorCluster))
            .Object@patient.size <- unclass(table(.Object@cell.data$patient))
            .Object@clone.size <- unclass(sort(table(.Object@cell.data$clone.id),decreasing = T))
            .clone2patient <- unique(.Object@cell.data[,c("patient","clone.id")])
            .Object@clone2patient <- as.array(structure(.clone2patient$patient, 
            .Object@cell.perm.data <- list()
                registerDoParallel(cores=if(is.null(cores)) (detectCores()-2) else cores)
                .Object@cell.perm.data <- llply(seq_len(n.perm),function(i){
                    perm.cell.data <- ldply(unique(.Object@cell.data$patient),function(pp){
                      .dat <- subset(.Object@cell.data,patient==pp)
                      .dat$clone.id <- .dat$clone.id[sample(nrow(.dat))]
                    ###perm.cell.data$clone.id <- perm.cell.data$clone.id[sample(nrow(perm.cell.data))]
                },.progress = "none",.parallel=T)

#' Calculate cluster level indices
#' @name calIndex
#' @aliases calIndex calIndex,Startrac-method
#' @importFrom plyr llply
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster stopCluster detectCores
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel
#' @param object A Startrac object
#' @param n.perm integer number of permutation will be performed. If NULL, no permutation. (default: NULL)
#' @param cores number of core to be used. Passed to doParallel::registerDoParallel. default: NULL.
#' @param normEntropy logical; whether normalize migration and transition index. default: FALSE.
#' @return an object of class \code{Startrac}
Startrac.calIndex <- function(object,cores,n.perm,normEntropy)
  ### cluster level expansion index (STARTRAC-expa)
  #### Todo: special case: number of clonotype is 1, i.e. sum(x>0)==1
  .entropy <- mcol.entropy(object@clonotype.dist.cluster)
  .entropy.max <- log2(colSums(object@clonotype.dist.cluster > 0))
  .gini <- apply(object@clonotype.dist.cluster,2,Gini)
  #.GS <- mcol.gini_simpson(object@clonotype.dist.cluster)
  object@cluster.data <- data.frame("aid"=object@aid,
                                    stringsAsFactors = F)
  ### clone level migration and transition index
    .entropy.migr.max <- log2(ncol(object@clonotype.dist.loc))
    .entropy.tran.max <- log2(ncol(object@clonotype.dist.cluster))
    .entropy.migr.max <- 1
    .entropy.tran.max <- 1
  object@clonotype.data <- data.frame("clone.id"=rownames(object@clonotype.dist.loc),
  ### cluster level migration index (STARTRAC-migr) and transition index (STARTRAC-tran)
  weights.mtx <- sweep(object@clonotype.dist.cluster,2,colSums(object@clonotype.dist.cluster),"/")
  index.mtx <- t(weights.mtx) %*% (as.matrix(object@clonotype.data[,c("migr","tran")]))
  object@cluster.data <- cbind(object@cluster.data,index.mtx)
    #cl <- makeCluster(if(is.null(cores)) (detectCores()-2) else cores)
    registerDoParallel(cores=if(is.null(cores)) (detectCores()-2) else cores)
    object@cell.perm.data <- llply(object@cell.perm.data,function(x){
    },.progress = "none",.parallel=T)

#' @export
setGeneric("calIndex", function(object,cores=NULL,n.perm=NULL,normEntropy=FALSE) standardGeneric("calIndex"))

#' @rdname calIndex
#' @aliases calIndex
setMethod("calIndex", signature = "Startrac", definition = Startrac.calIndex)

#' Calculate pairwise indices
#' @name pIndex
#' @aliases pIndex pIndex,Startrac-method
#' @importFrom data.table dcast
#' @importFrom plyr ldply adply
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster stopCluster detectCores
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel
#' @param object A Startrac object
#' @param cores number of core to be used. Passed to doParallel::registerDoParallel. default: NULL.
#' @param n.perm integer number of permutation will be performed. If NULL, no permutation. (default: NULL)
#' @return an object of class \code{Startrac}
Startrac.pIndex <- function(object,cores,n.perm)
  ####### index given two cluster or loc
  ## migr 
  clone.dist.loc.majorCluster <- table(object@cell.data[,c("majorCluster","clone.id","loc")])
  #clone.dist.loc.majorCluster.debug <<- clone.dist.loc.majorCluster
    cls.migr.index.df <- ldply(seq_len(dim(clone.dist.loc.majorCluster)[1]),function(i,clone.dist.loc.majorCluster){
      dat.cls <- clone.dist.loc.majorCluster[i,,]
      i.name <- dimnames(clone.dist.loc.majorCluster)[["majorCluster"]][i]
	  dat.cls.index <- NULL
	  if(!is.null(ncol(dat.cls)) && ncol(dat.cls)>=2){
		  comb.loc <- as.data.frame(t(combn(colnames(dat.cls),2)),stringsAsFactors=F)
		  dat.cls.pIndex.migr <- apply(comb.loc,1,function(x){
			dat.block <- dat.cls[,x]
			dat.block.clone.index <- mrow.entropy(dat.block)
			dat.block.clone.index[is.na(dat.block.clone.index)] <- 0
			t(rowSums(dat.block)/sum(dat.block)) %*% dat.block.clone.index
		  dat.cls.index <- cbind(data.frame(majorCluster=rep(i.name,nrow(comb.loc)),
										 stringsAsFactors = F),
    },clone.dist.loc.majorCluster=clone.dist.loc.majorCluster,.progress = "none",.parallel=F)
  },warning=function(w) {
    if(grepl("... may be used in an incorrect context:",conditionMessage(w)))
      ### strange bug, see https://github.com/hadley/plyr/issues/203
  if(!is.null(cls.migr.index.df) && nrow(cls.migr.index.df)>0){
	  cls.migr.index.df$crossLoc <- sprintf("%s-%s",cls.migr.index.df$V1,cls.migr.index.df$V2)
	  object@pIndex.migr <- dcast(cls.migr.index.df,majorCluster ~ crossLoc,value.var = "pIndex.migr")
	  object@pIndex.migr <- cbind(data.frame(aid=object@aid,
                                             NCells=object@clust.size[ object@pIndex.migr[["majorCluster"]] ],
                                             stringsAsFactors = F),
	  object@pIndex.migr <- data.frame()
  ## tran
  if(!is.null(ncol(object@clonotype.dist.cluster)) && ncol(object@clonotype.dist.cluster)>=2){
	  ##comb.cls <- as.data.frame(t(combn(colnames(object@clonotype.dist.cluster),2)),stringsAsFactors=F)
	  comb.cls <- expand.grid(colnames(object@clonotype.dist.cluster),
                            colnames(object@clonotype.dist.cluster),stringsAsFactors = F)
      comb.cls <- comb.cls[comb.cls[,1]!=comb.cls[,2],]
		cls.tran.index.df <- adply(comb.cls,1,function(x,object){
		  dat.block <- object@clonotype.dist.cluster[,c(x[[1]],x[[2]])]
		  dat.block.clone.index <- mrow.entropy(dat.block)
		  dat.block.clone.index[is.na(dat.block.clone.index)] <- 0
		  data.frame(pIndex.tran= t(rowSums(dat.block)/sum(dat.block)) %*% dat.block.clone.index)
		},object=object,.progress = "none",.parallel=F)
	  },warning=function(w) {
		if(grepl("... may be used in an incorrect context:",conditionMessage(w)))
		  ### strange bug, see https://github.com/hadley/plyr/issues/203
	  object@pIndex.tran <- dcast(cls.tran.index.df,Var2~Var1,value.var = "pIndex.tran")
	  colnames(object@pIndex.tran)[1] <- "majorCluster"
	  object@pIndex.tran <- cbind(data.frame(aid=object@aid,
                                             NCells=object@clust.size[ object@pIndex.tran[["majorCluster"]] ],
                                             stringsAsFactors = F),

		#cl <- makeCluster(if(is.null(cores)) (detectCores()-2)  else cores)
		registerDoParallel(cores=if(is.null(cores)) (detectCores()-2)  else cores)
		object@cell.perm.data <- llply(object@cell.perm.data,function(x){
		},.progress = "none",.parallel=T)
	  object@pIndex.tran <- data.frame()
		  ### nothing needed to do

#' @export
setGeneric("pIndex", function(object,cores=NULL,n.perm=NULL) standardGeneric("pIndex"))

#' @rdname pIndex
#' @aliases pIndex
setMethod("pIndex", signature = "Startrac", definition = Startrac.pIndex)

#' Get the p value given one Startrac object and a list of Startrac objects from permutation data
#' @name getSig
#' @aliases getSig getSig,Startrac-method
#' @importFrom plyr laply
#' @importFrom data.table melt
#' @param obj A Startrac object
#' @param obj.perm A list of Startrac objects from permutation data 
#' @return an object of class \code{Startrac}
Startrac.getSig <- function(obj,obj.perm)
  .get.empirical.p <- function(obj,obj.perm,slot.name)
    a.index <- melt(slot(obj,slot.name),id.vars=c("aid","majorCluster","NCells"),variable.name="index")
      perm.mtx <- t(laply(obj.perm,function(x){
        vv <- melt(slot(x,slot.name),id.vars=c("aid","majorCluster","NCells"),variable.name="index")
        vv.mtx <- as.matrix(vv[,"value",drop=F])
        rownames(vv.mtx) <- sprintf("%s.%s",vv[["majorCluster"]],vv[["index"]])
        colnames(vv.mtx) <- x@aid
      a.index$p.value <- sapply(seq_along(a.index$value),function(i){
        v.rnd <- perm.mtx[i,,drop=F]
        sum(v.rnd >= a.index$value[i])/length(v.rnd)
      a.index$p.value <- NA_real_
  obj@cluster.sig.data <- .get.empirical.p(obj,obj.perm,"cluster.data")
  obj@pIndex.sig.migr <- .get.empirical.p(obj,obj.perm,"pIndex.migr")
  obj@pIndex.sig.tran <- .get.empirical.p(obj,obj.perm,"pIndex.tran")

#' @export
setGeneric("getSig", function(obj,obj.perm=NULL) standardGeneric("getSig"))

#' @rdname getSig
#' @aliases getSig
setMethod("getSig", signature = "Startrac", definition = Startrac.getSig)

#' The StartracOUt Class
#' Object store the result of Startrac.run:
#' @slot proj character. identification of the object. For example, patient id. default: "AID"
#' @slot cluster.data data.frame. Each line for a cluster; contain the cluster level indexes information
#' @slot pIndex.migr data.frame. Each line for a cluster; pairwise migration index between the two locations indicated in the column name.
#' @slot pIndex.tran data.frame. Each line for a cluster; pairwise transition index betwwen the two major clusters indicated by the row name and column name.
#' @slot cluster.sig.data data.frame. Each line for a cluster; contains the p values of cluster indices.
#' @slot pIndex.sig.migr data.frame. Each line for a cluster; contains the p values of pairwise migration indices.
#' @slot pIndex.sig.tran data.frame. Each line for a cluster; contains the p values of pairwise transition indices.
#' @slot objects list. other objects
#' @name StartracOut
#' @rdname StartracOut
#' @aliases StartracOut-class
#' @exportClass StartracOut
StartracOut <- setClass("StartracOut",
                     slots = c(proj = "character",
                               cluster.data = "data.frame",
                               cluster.sig.data = "data.frame",
                               pIndex.migr = "data.frame",
                               pIndex.tran = "data.frame",
                               pIndex.sig.migr = "data.frame",
                               pIndex.sig.tran = "data.frame",
                               objects = "list"))

#' initialize method for StartracOut
#' @param .Object A StartracOut object
#' @param proj character analysis id
#' @aliases initialize,StartracOut-method
#' @docType methods
#' @return an object of class \code{StartracOut}
          signature = "StartracOut",
          definition = function(.Object, proj="AID"){
            .Object@proj <- proj

#' show method for StartracOut
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @param object A StartracOut object
#' @aliases show,StartracOut-method
#' @docType methods
          signature = "StartracOut",
          definition = function(object) {
            cat(sprintf("An object of class %s, proj %s:\n",
            cat("head of the clusters' index:\n")
            cat("head of the pairwise migration index:\n")
            cat("head of the pairwise transition index:\n")
            invisible(x = NULL)

#' plot the indexes
#' @name plot
#' @aliases plot plot,StartracOut-method
#' @importFrom plyr laply
#' @importFrom data.table melt as.data.table melt
#' @importFrom ggpubr ggbarplot ggboxplot
#' @importFrom ggplot2 facet_wrap theme element_text aes geom_text
#' @importFrom ComplexHeatmap Heatmap
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @importFrom circlize colorRamp2
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @param obj A object of StartracOut
#' @param index.type one of "cluster.all", "pairwise.migr", "pairwise.tran". (default:"cluster.all")
#' @param byPatient logical. plot indexes of each patient (default: FALSE)
#' @return a ggplot2 object or Heatmap-class object
StartracOut.plot <- function(obj,index.type,byPatient)
      p <- ggboxplot(as.data.table(obj@cluster.sig.data)[aid!=obj@proj,][order(majorCluster),],
                x="majorCluster",y="value",palette = "npg",
                color = "index", add = "point", outlier.colour=NULL) +
        facet_wrap(~index,ncol=1,scales = "free_y") +
        theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle = 60,hjust = 1))
      dat.plot <- as.data.table(obj@cluster.sig.data)[aid==obj@proj,]
      dat.plot$p.value.label <- ""
      dat.plot$p.value.label[dat.plot$p.value < 0.05] <- "*"
      dat.plot$p.value.label[dat.plot$p.value < 0.01] <- "**"
      dat.plot$p.value.label[dat.plot$p.value < 0.001] <- "***"
      p <- ggbarplot(dat.plot[order(majorCluster),],
                    x="majorCluster",y="value",palette = "npg",fill = "index") +
        facet_wrap(~index,ncol=1,scales = "free_y") +
		coord_cartesian(clip="off") +
        theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle = 60,hjust = 1),strip.background = element_blank())
        p <- p + geom_text(aes(label=p.value.label,y=value),size=5)

  }else if(index.type=="pairwise.migr"){
    if(nrow(obj@pIndex.sig.migr)==0){ return(NULL) }
      p <- ggboxplot(as.data.table(obj@pIndex.sig.migr)[aid!=obj@proj,][order(majorCluster),],
                     x="majorCluster",y="value",palette = "npg",
                     color = "index", add = "point", outlier.colour=NULL) +
        facet_wrap(~index,ncol=1,scales = "free_y") +
        theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle = 60,hjust = 1))      
      dat.plot <- as.data.table(obj@pIndex.sig.migr)[aid==obj@proj,]
      dat.plot$p.value.label <- ""
      dat.plot$p.value.label[dat.plot$p.value < 0.05] <- "*"
      dat.plot$p.value.label[dat.plot$p.value < 0.01] <- "**"
      dat.plot$p.value.label[dat.plot$p.value < 0.001] <- "***"
      p <- ggbarplot(dat.plot[order(majorCluster),],
                x="majorCluster",y="value",palette = "npg",fill = "index") +
        facet_wrap(~index,ncol=1,scales = "free_y") +
		coord_cartesian(clip="off") +
        theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle = 60,hjust = 1),strip.background = element_blank())
        p <- p + geom_text(aes(label=p.value.label,y=value),size=5)
  }else if(index.type=="pairwise.tran"){
    if(nrow(obj@pIndex.tran)==0){ return(NULL) }
    ## first 3 columns: aid, NCells, majorCluster
    dat.plot <- as.matrix(subset(obj@pIndex.tran,aid==obj@proj)[,c(-1,-2,-3)])
    rownames(dat.plot) <- subset(obj@pIndex.tran,aid==obj@proj)[,3]
    dat.plot[is.na(dat.plot)] <- 0
    yrange <- pretty(dat.plot)
    col.heat <- colorRamp2(seq(0,max(yrange),length=15),
                           space = "LAB")
    p <- Heatmap(dat.plot,name="pIndex.tran",col = col.heat)

#' @export
setGeneric("plot", function(obj,index.type="cluster.all",byPatient=F) standardGeneric("plot"))

#' @rdname plot
#' @aliases plot
setMethod("plot", signature = "StartracOut", definition = StartracOut.plot)
Japrin/STARTRAC documentation built on Dec. 4, 2023, 1:35 a.m.