Man pages for Japrin/scPip
pipeline for scRNA-seq data analysis

calEffectSizeFromDEcalculate effect size given a de.out object
calProliferationScorecalculate the proliferation score
cal.signatureScore.gdT.FredIdentification of gamma delta T cells (Fred's method)
convertLimmaToSCEconvert the limma result to gene by meta-cluster data stored...
fill.contaminationcalculate the signature score of one potential contaminated...
g.geneOnUmap.listspecial gene list
gset.listlists of gene sets
HVG.From.GeneRankTbhighly variable genes finding (method using percetile rank...
inSilico.TCellIdentification of T cells (simple average-threshold method)
inSilico.TGammaDeltaIdentification of gamma delta T cells (simple...
make.geneTableLongmake a long type gene table, given a SingleCellExperiment...
mergeDataFromFileTablemerge data file file table
mergeSCEDataFromFileTablecollapse gene by cell expression data to gene by mini-cluster...
render_KnitReportrender a knitr report
resetSigreset the significance
run.HVGWraper for highly variable genes finding
run.inte.metaClustrun the integration pipeline
run.Leidenwrapper for running leiden clustering
run.ScanoramaWraper for running Scanorama
run.scanpyWraper for running scanpy pipeline
run.Seurat3Wraper for running Seurat3 pipeline
sigGeneHeatmapmake heatmap for top signature genes
Japrin/scPip documentation built on Jan. 29, 2024, 1:20 a.m.