#' Individual transmission tower detection
#' Individual transmission tower detection function that find the positions of the transmission
#' towers. The method is supervised by a map of the electric network and the tower types.
#' @param las An object of class LAS with absolute elevations or a LAScatalog.
#' @param powerline A \code{SpatialLines*} that map the electrical network accurately
#' @param type character. One of "waist-type", "waist-type-small", "double-circuit" according to
#' \href{http://www.hydroquebec.com/learning/transport/types-pylones.html}{Hydro-Quebec}. Can also
#' be a list with custom specifications. See \link{get_tower_spec}.
#' @param buffer numeric. The \code{SpatialLines*} will be buffered internally to catch the powerlines
#' and the transmission towers. The buffer must ensure to catch all the powerlines.
#' @param dtm \code{RasterLayer}. Because the algorithm relies on absolute elevation a DTM is
#' requirered to compute the relative elevations.
#' @param debug logical. Plot the different steps of the algorithm so one can try to figure out what
#' is going wrong.
#' @return A \code{SpatialPointDataFrame} with several attributes. \code{Z} the elevation of the tower,
#' \code{dtm} the elevation of the bottom of the tower aligned with the top, \code{theta} the angle
#' of the tower with the x axis in radian, \code{ux, uy} the directional vectors, \code{deflection}
#' tells if a given tower is on a deflection (deflection towers are found twice by design) and
#' \code{type} the type name.
#' @references
#' Roussel J, Achim A, Auty D. 2021. Classification of high-voltage power line structures in low density
#' ALS data acquired over broad non-urban areas. PeerJ Computer Science 7:e672 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj-cs.672
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # A simple file with wires already clipped from 4 files + shapefile
#' # of the network
#' LASfile <- system.file("extdata", "wires.laz", package="lidRplugins")
#' wireshp <- system.file("extdata", "wires.shp", package="lidRplugins")
#' dtmtif <- system.file("extdata", "wire-dtm.tif", package="lidRplugins")
#' las <- readLAS(LASfile, select = "xyzc")
#' network <- sf::st_read(wireshp)
#' dtm <- raster::raster(dtmtif)
#' towers <- find_transmissiontowers(las, network, dtm, "waist-type")
#' plot(header(las))
#' plot(towers, add = TRUE, col = towers$deflection + 1)
#' arrows(
#' towers@coords[,1],
#' towers@coords[,2],
#' towers@coords[,1] + 100 * towers$ux,
#' towers@coords[,2] + 100 * towers$uy,
#' length = 0.05,
#' col = towers$deflection + 1)
#' x = plot(las)
#' add_treetops3d(x, towers, radius = 5)
#' }
#' @family electric network
#' @export
find_transmissiontowers = function(las, powerline, dtm, type = c("waist-type", "double-circuit"), buffer = 125, debug = FALSE)
UseMethod("find_transmissiontowers", las)
#' @export
find_transmissiontowers.LAS = function(las, powerline, dtm, type = c("waist-type", "double-circuit"), buffer = 125, debug = FALSE)
if (is(powerline, "sf") | is(powerline, "sfc")) powerline <- sf::as_Spatial(powerline)
lidR:::assert_is_all_of(powerline, "SpatialLinesDataFrame")
lidR:::assert_is_all_of(dtm, "RasterLayer")
stopifnot(st_crs(las) == sf::st_crs(powerline))
if (debug)
opar = graphics::par("mfrow")
graphics::par(mfrow = c(2,3))
on.exit(graphics::par(mfrow = opar))
# The name 'las' will be used later. Keep original object untouched
olas <- las
# Get the spec of the transmission towers
tower.spec <- get_tower_spec(type)
# Crop the lines to the extent of the las
pwll <- raster::crop(powerline, raster::extent(las))
if (debug)
plot(las@header, main = paste0("Raw powerline network"))
plot(pwll, add = TRUE, col = 1:length(pwll))
pwll <- gJoinLines(pwll, 2)
pwll <- rgeos::gSimplify(pwll, 40)
# Split each segment/section of the powerline
# This allow to support powerline deflection
spwll <- gSplitLines(pwll)
spwll <- gElongateLines(spwll, 25)
if (length(spwll) != length(spwll))
stop("Internal error: different sizes for spatial objects", call. = TRUE)
# Transform each segment/section into pol ygon
spwlp <- rgeos::gBuffer(spwll, width = buffer, byid = TRUE, capStyle = 'SQUARE')
if (debug)
plot(las@header, main = "Post-processed lines and buffers")
#plot(as(spwll, "SpatialPoints"), add = TRUE)
plot(spwll, add = TRUE, col = 1:length(spwll))
plot(spwlp, add = TRUE, border = 1:length(spwlp), lty = 3)
if (debug)
plot(olas@header, main = paste0("Tower candidates and corrected candidates"))
# Loop on each segment
output <- vector("list", length(spwll))
for (k in 1:length(output))
# Keep only the section k
pwll <- spwll[k,]
pwlp <- spwlp[k,]
# Fix for modern crs fev 2023
sfpwlp <- sf::st_as_sf(pwlp)
sf::st_crs(sfpwlp) <- sf::NA_crs_
sf::st_crs(sfpwlp) <- sf::st_crs(olas)
# Clip the las to work only within the buffer of the section of the powerline
# TODO: we need only XYZ, we can save memory with a better clipping
las <- lidR::clip_roi(olas, sfpwlp)
if (!is(las, "LAS")) stop("Internal error: object is not a LAS.")
if (lidR::is.empty(las)) stop("Internal error: object LAS is empty.")
# Merge the DTM, it gonna be useful later on
las <- lidR::merge_spatial(las, dtm, "dtm")
# Compute the orientation of the wires and towers
orientation <- sp::coordinates(pwll)[[1]][[1]]
orientation <- lidR:::fast_eigen_values(orientation)$coef
angle <- atan(orientation[2,1]/orientation[1,1])
# Find candidate location at being a transmission tower
towers <- tower.candidates(las, dtm, tower.spec, angle)
if (debug)
plot(towers, add = TRUE, col = "gray40")
graphics::text(towers@coords[,1], towers@coords[,2]+40, 1:length(towers), cex = 0.8, col = k)
#plot(las) %>% add_treetops3d(towers, radius = 5)
# Add informations in table of attribute about tower orientation
towers$theta <- round(angle,3)
towers$ux <- round(orientation[1,1],3)
towers$uy <- round(orientation[2,1],3)
# The canditate towers are innaccurate with false positive. The following
# steps aims to clean that by rectifying the positionning of the towers that are no centered
# on the towers (the ears of the towers are actually detected) and we clear false positives
rtowers <- tower.rectification(las, towers, tower.spec, angle, dtm)
if (debug)
plot(rtowers, add = TRUE, col = k)
graphics::text(rtowers@coords[,1], rtowers@coords[,2]+40, 1:length(rtowers), cex = 0.8, col = k)
#plot(las) %>% add_treetops3d(rtowers, radius = 5)
# Clean some remaining false positive in deflection
# (I don't remember which case it covers)
if (length(output) > 1) {
pwlp2 <- rgeos::gBuffer(pwlp, width = -10, byid = TRUE, capStyle = 'SQUARE')
keep = rgeos::gWithin(rtowers, pwlp2, byid = TRUE)
towers <- rtowers[as.logical(keep),]
} else {
towers <- rtowers
output[[k]] <- towers
# Merge the different segments into a single object
ptowers <- lapply(output, function(x) x[[1]])
ntowers <- sum(sapply(ptowers, length))
if (ntowers > 0)
ptowers <- do.call(rbind, output)
points_matrix <- rgeos::gWithinDistance(ptowers, dist = tower.spec$length[2]/2, byid = TRUE)
diag(points_matrix) <- NA
v <- colSums(points_matrix, na.rm = TRUE) == 0
ptowers$deflection = !v
any_deflection = any(!v)
if (debug & any_deflection)
plot(olas@header, main = "All towers before deflection correction")
plot(ptowers, add = TRUE, col = ptowers$deflection + 1)
#plot(textent, add = TRUE, border = tlocation$deflection + 1)
graphics::arrows(ptowers@coords[,1], ptowers@coords[,2], ptowers@coords[,1] + 100 * ptowers$ux, ptowers@coords[,2] + 100 * ptowers$uy, length = 0.05, col = ptowers$deflection + 1)
# last correction for deflection
in_several_lines = rgeos::gContains(spwlp, ptowers, byid = TRUE)
remove = rep(FALSE, length(ptowers))
for (k in 1:length(output))
pwll <- spwll[k,]
orientation <- sp::coordinates(pwll)[[1]][[1]]
orientation <- lidR:::fast_eigen_values(orientation)$coef
angle <- atan(orientation[2,1]/orientation[1,1])
in_this_lines = in_several_lines[,k]
good_angle = abs(ptowers$theta - angle) < 10e-3
remove[in_this_lines & !good_angle & !ptowers$deflection] <- TRUE
ptowers = ptowers[!remove,]
ptowers$type = tower.spec$name
if (debug)
plot(olas@header, main = "Final towers")
plot(ptowers, add = TRUE, col = ptowers$deflection + 1)
#plot(textent, add = TRUE, border = tlocation$deflection + 1)
graphics::arrows(ptowers@coords[,1], ptowers@coords[,2], ptowers@coords[,1] + 100 * ptowers$ux, ptowers@coords[,2] + 100 * ptowers$uy, length = 0.05, col = ptowers$deflection + 1)
#' @export
find_transmissiontowers.LAScluster = function(las, powerline, dtm, type = c("waist-type", "double-circuit"), buffer = 125, debug = FALSE)
bbox <- raster::extent(las)
las <- lidR::readLAS(las)
if (lidR::is.empty(las)) return(NULL)
# pos and extent enforced to TRUE to guarantee to remove buffer properly
output <- find_transmissiontowers(las, powerline, dtm, type, buffer)
output <- raster::crop(output, bbox)
#' @export
find_transmissiontowers.LAScatalog = function(las, powerline, dtm, type = c("waist-type", "double-circuit"), buffer = 125, debug = FALSE)
pwrlp <- rgeos::gBuffer(powerline, width = buffer)
ctg <- lidR::catalog_intersect(las, pwrlp)
las$processed <- FALSE
las$processed[row.names(las) %in% row.names(ctg)] <- TRUE
options = list(need_buffer = TRUE)
output <- lidR::catalog_sapply(las, find_transmissiontowers, powerline = powerline, type = type, buffer = buffer, dtm = dtm, .options = options)
# Using a point cloud, a DTM, the tower specification and knowledge about the orientation
# of the tower, applies a local maximum filter to find which point are likely to be a tower.
# We use the normalized + raw data + soothed raw data because the LMF is prone at missing some
# towers. Using different post process allows to find more towers (i.e. more false positive) but
# the will be cleaned later. What matter is not having false negative.
tower.candidates = function(las, dtm, tower.spec, angle)
splas = filter_surfacepoints(las, 1)
# We work with relative elevations both in raw + smoothed data
#nlas <- lidR::lasnormalize(las, dtm)
ssplas <- lidR::smooth_height(splas, 10)
# Keep the top 5 m below the towers. With this we are sure to remove most of the noise
sub <- lidR::filter_poi(splas, Z > dtm + tower.spec$height[1] - 5)
#nsub <- lidR::filter_poi(nlas, Z > tower.spec$height[1] - 5)
ssub <- lidR::filter_poi(ssplas, Z > dtm + tower.spec$height[1]/2)
# Find the local max using an oriented windows using both raw an normalized data
# This because in both we could miss some some towers but not the same.
rtowers <- find_localmaxima(sub, c(200, tower.spec$length[2]*1.2, angle))
#ntowers <- lidR::local_maximum(nsub, c(150, tower.spec$length[2]*1.2, angle))
stowers <- find_localmaxima(ssub, c(200, tower.spec$length[2]*1.2, angle))
#ntowers$Z <- ntowers$Zref
#ntowers$Zref <- NULL
stowers$Z <- stowers$Zraw
stowers$Zraw <- NULL
#plot(las) %>% add_treetops3d(rtowers, radius = 7)
#plot(las) %>% add_treetops3d(ntowers, radius = 7)
#plot(las) %>% add_treetops3d(stowers, radius = 4)
if (length(rtowers) == 0 && length(stowers) == 0)
# Keep only one tower if duplicates
towers <- rbind(stowers, rtowers)
towers <- towers[!duplicated(towers@data),]
#plot(las) %>% add_treetops3d(towers, radius = 7)
# We keep only one tower if a tower has been found twice at two close locations
points_matrix <- rgeos::gWithinDistance(towers, dist = tower.spec$length[2]*1.2, byid = TRUE)
points_matrix[lower.tri(points_matrix, diag = TRUE)] <- FALSE
v <- rowSums(points_matrix) == 0
towers = towers[v, ]
#plot(las) %>% add_treetops3d(towers, radius = 7)
# Get some loose on the bottom because some might be underestimated
rm = towers$Z - towers$dtm >= tower.spec$height[1] - 2 & towers$Z - towers$dtm <= tower.spec$height[2]
towers = towers[rm, ]
#plot(las) %>% add_treetops3d(towers, radius = 7)
#towers = raster::crop(towers, raster::extent(towers) - 2)
#text(towers@coords[,1], towers@coords[,2]+25, 1:length(towers), cex = 0.8)
#plot(las) %>% add_treetops3d(towers, radius = 7, col = colSums(points_matrix)+1)
#plot(las) %>% add_treetops3d(towers, radius = 7, col = colSums(points_matrix)+1)
tower.rectification <- function(las, towers, tower.spec, angle, dtm)
buffer.towers <- rgeos::gBuffer(towers, width = tower.spec$length[2]/2*1.3, byid = TRUE)
las2 <- lidR::filter_poi(las, Z > dtm + 2)
coords <- vector("list", length(buffer.towers))
for (i in 1:length(buffer.towers))
Zbottom <- raster::extract(dtm, towers[i,])
sub2 <- lidR::clip_roi(las2, buffer.towers[i,])
sub2 <- lidR::filter_poi(sub2, Z > Zbottom)
coords[[i]] <- tower.correction(sub2, angle, tower.spec, Zbottom)
coords <- data.table::rbindlist(coords)
rm <- coords$Tower
# No towers, return an empty SpatialPolygonsDataFrame and jump to next iteration
if (all(!rm))
out <- towers[0,]
out@bbox <- las@bbox
# Finalize the positionning of the towers in a SpatialPointsDataFrame
coordinates <- as.matrix(coords[rm, 1:2])
rectified.towers <- towers[rm,]
rectified.towers@coords <- coordinates
rectified.towers$Z = coords$Z[rm]
tower.correction <- function(las, angle, tower.spec, Zbottom)
dtm <- Z <- NULL
Xm <- mean(las$X[las$Z > Zbottom + 2])
Ym <- mean(las$Y[las$Z > Zbottom + 2])
Zm <- max(las$Z)
z <- las$Z
nz <- las$Z - las$dtm
# Test if the distibution is almost continuous on Z
# A tower is a continuous structure from the ground to the top
h <- graphics::hist(z, breaks = seq(min(floor(Zbottom) + 5, floor(min(z))), ceiling(max(z)), 1), plot = FALSE)
G <- sum(h$counts == 0L) <= 10
# Test if the distibution does not have too much point on the bottom
# A tower is a continuous structure from the ground to the top
h <- graphics::hist(nz[nz > 5], breaks = seq(min(5, floor(min(nz))), ceiling(max(nz)), 1), plot = FALSE)
J <- cumsum(h$density)[as.integer(length(h$density)/2)] < 0.53
# Test if the distibution is almost continuous on X after reorientation
# A tower is a continuous structure horizontally
a <- angle + pi/2
rot <- matrix(c(cos(a), sin(a), -sin(a), cos(a)), ncol = 2)
coords <- as.matrix(lidR:::coordinates(filter_poi(las, Z > Zm - tower.spec$wire.distance.to.top - 2)))
zero <- sp::bbox(las)[,1]
coords[,1] <- coords[,1] - zero[1]
coords[,2] <- coords[,2] - zero[2]
coords <- coords %*% rot
X <- lidR:::round_any(coords[,1], las@header@PHB[["X scale factor"]])
#Y <- lidR:::round_any(coords[,2], las@header@PHB[["Y scale factor"]])
#las@data[["X"]] <- X
#las@data[["Y"]] <- Y
#las <- lidR:::lasupdateheader(las)
fminX <- floor(min(X))
cmaxX <- ceiling(max(X))
h <- graphics::hist(X, breaks = seq(fminX, max(fminX + tower.spec$length[1], cmaxX), 1), plot = FALSE)
K <- sum(h$counts == 0L) <= tower.spec$length[1]/2
# Test if the area covered in small
A <- area(las) <= (pi * (tower.spec$length[2]/2*1.3)^2)*0.8
# There is at most 1/4 test that says it's not a tower: its a tower
is.tower = J+G+2*K+A >= 4
S = Zm - Zbottom >= tower.spec$height[1]
if (!S) is.tower = FALSE
ret <- list(X = Xm, Y = Ym, Z = Zm, Tower = is.tower)
#' Get specification of a tower
#' Return the specifications of a given tower type i.e. size range, width range, tension, number of
#' wire. If \code{type} is contains the specifications of a non supported type it checks the validity
#' of the specification
#' @param type one of \code{"waist-type"} \code{"double-circuit"} or \code{"waist-type-small"} or a
#' \code{list}
#' @return A list
#' @examples
#' specs = get_tower_spec("waist-type")
#' # Create new specs
#' new_specs = specs
#' new_specs$width = c(20, 25)
#' # Validate this specs
#' get_tower_spec(new_specs)
#' @export
#' @family electrical network
get_tower_spec = function(type)
waist.type = list(
name = "waist-type",
length = c(38,40),
width = c(15, 20),
height = c(32,64),
wires = 3L,
wire.layers = 1L,
wire.distance = 0,
wire.distance.to.top = 10,
tension = 1300)
double.circuit = list(
name = "double-circuit",
length = c(15,20),
width = c(10, 13),
height = c(40,62),
wires = 2L,
wire.layers = 3L,
wire.distance = 7 ,
wire.distance.to.top = 8,
tension = 1400)
waist.type.small = list(
name = "waist-type-small",
length = c(16,22),
width = c(7, 10),
height = c(28,40),
wires = 3L,
wire.layers = 1L,
wire.distance = 0,
wire.distance.to.top = 5,
tension = 1800)
if (!is.list(type))
type <- match.arg(type, c("waist-type", "waist-type-small", "double-circuit"))
if (type == "waist-type")
tower.spec <- waist.type
else if (type == "waist-type-small")
tower.spec <- waist.type.small
else if (type == "double-circuit")
tower.spec <- double.circuit
stop("This type of transmission tower does not exist", call. = FALSE)
if (!all.equal(names(type), names(waist.type)))
stop("Invalid definition of a tower type: incorrect element names names")
typeref = sapply(waist.type, typeof)
typedat = sapply(type, typeof)
if (!all.equal(typeref, typedat))
stop("Invalid definition of a tower type: incorrect element types")
lengthref = sapply(waist.type, length)
lenthdat = sapply(type, length)
if (!all.equal(lengthref, lenthdat))
stop("Invalid definition of a tower type: incorrect element sizes")
# Derivation of Equations for Conductor and Sag Curves of an Overhead Line Based on a Given Catenary Constant
# Alen Hatibovic
# Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 58/1 (2014) 23–27 doi: 10.3311/PPee.6993
catenary = function(p1, p2, c = 1500) {
x1 = p1$x
x2 = p2$x
y1 = p1$y
y2 = p2$y
h1 = p1$z
h2 = p2$z
dx = x2-x1
dy = y2-y1
dz = h2-h1
S = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz)
x = seq(0, S, by = 1)
term0 = asinh((h2-h1)/(2*c*sinh(S/(2*c))))
term1 = x - S/2
term2 = c*term0
term3 = S/(2*c)
term4 = term0
term5 = sinh(1/(2*c)*(term1+term2))^2
term6 = sinh(0.5*(term3-term4))^2
hx = 2*c * (term5 - term6) + h1
x = seq(x1, x2, length.out = length(hx))
y = seq(y1, y2, length.out = length(hx))
z = hx
gSplitLines <- function(sl)
ccs <- sp::coordinates(sl)
out = vector("list", length(ccs))
for (j in 1:length(ccs))
cc = ccs[[j]]
if (length(cc) > 1) stop("Internal error length(cc) > 1 in gSplit")
cc = cc[[1]]
outputlist <- vector("list", nrow(cc) - 1)
i <- 1
while (i < (nrow(cc)))
coords1 <- cc[i,]
coords2 <- cc[i+1,]
bind <- rbind(coords1, coords2)
outputlist[[i]] <- sp::Lines(list(sp::Line(bind)), as.character(i))
i <- i+1
out[[j]] <- sp::SpatialLines(outputlist, proj4string = sl@proj4string)
out <- do.call(rbind, out)
gElongateLines <- function(sl, l = 25)
ccs <- sp::coordinates(sl)
ccs2 = ccs
for (j in 1:length(ccs))
cc = ccs[[j]]
if (length(cc) > 1) stop("Internal error: length(cc) > 1")
cc = cc[[1]]
if (nrow(cc) > 2) stop("Internal error: spatial lines are not made of simple segments")
orientation <- lidR:::fast_eigen_values(cc)$coef
angle <- atan(orientation[2,1]/orientation[1,1])
line1 = sp::Line(cc)
xs = if (cc[1,1] < cc[2,1]) -1 else 1
if (sign(angle) > 0)
ys = if (cc[1,2] < cc[2,2]) -1 else 1
ys = if (cc[1,2] < cc[2,2]) 1 else -1
cc[1,1] = cc[1,1] + xs * l * cos(angle)
cc[2,1] = cc[2,1] - xs * l * cos(angle)
cc[1,2] = cc[1,2] + ys * l * sin(angle)
cc[2,2] = cc[2,2] - ys * l * sin(angle)
line2 = sp::Line(cc)
if (sp::LineLength(line2) <= sp::LineLength(line1))
stop("Internal error: line not elongated in gElongate")
ccs2[[j]] <- sp::Lines(line2, ID = as.character(j))
out = sp::SpatialLines(ccs2, proj4string = sl@proj4string)
gJoinLines = function(sl, th = 2)
cc <- sp::coordinates(sl)
cc <- lapply(cc, function(x) { do.call(rbind, x) })
cc <- do.call(rbind, cc)
sp <- sp::SpatialPoints(cc)
m <- rgeos::gWithinDistance(sp, dist = 5, byid = TRUE)
m[upper.tri(m, diag = TRUE)] <- FALSE
join <- which(m, arr.ind = TRUE)
if (nrow(join) > 1) stop("Internal error: to many lines to join")
if (nrow(join) == 0) return(sl)
cc <- cc[as.numeric(join),]
xm <- mean(cc[,1])
ym <- mean(cc[,2])
for (i in 1:length(sl))
l <- sl@lines[[i]]@Lines[[1]]@coords
u <- l[,1] %in% cc[,1] & l[,2] %in% cc[,2]
sl@lines[[i]]@Lines[[1]]@coords[u,1] <- xm
sl@lines[[i]]@Lines[[1]]@coords[u,2] <- ym
sl2 <- rgeos::gLineMerge(sl)
sl2 <- sp::disaggregate(sl2)
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