
Defines functions ordiplot ordiplot.gllvm

Documented in ordiplot ordiplot.gllvm

#' @title Plot latent variables from gllvm model
#' @description Plots latent variables and their corresponding coefficients (biplot).
#' @param object   an object of class 'gllvm'.
#' @param biplot   \code{TRUE} if both latent variables and their coefficients are plotted, \code{FALSE} if only latent variables.
#' @param ind.spp  the number of response variables (usually, species) to include on the biplot. The default is none, or all if \code{biplot = TRUE}.
#' @param alpha    a numeric scalar between 0 and 1 that is used to control the relative scaling of the latent variables and their coefficients, when constructing a biplot.
#' @param main  main title.
#' @param which.lvs indices of two latent variables to be plotted if number of the latent variables is more than 2. A vector with length of two. Defaults to \code{c(1,2)}. 
#' @param jitter   if \code{TRUE}, jittering is applied on points.
#' @param jitter.amount   numeric, positive value indicating an amount of jittering for each point, defaults to 0.2 (jitter range).
#' @param s.colors colors for sites
#' @param s.cex size of site labels
#' @param symbols logical, if \code{TRUE} sites are plotted using symbols, if \code{FALSE} (default) site numbers are used
#' @param cex.spp size of species labels in biplot
#' @param cex.env size of labels for arrows in constrained ordination
#' @param spp.colors colors for sites, defaults to \code{"blue"}
#' @param spp.arrows plot species scores as arrows if outside of the range of the plot? Defaults to \code{FALSE} for linear response models and \code{TRUE} for quadratic response models.
#' @param spp.arrows.lty linetype for species arrows
#' @param lab.dist distance between label and arrow heads. Value between 0 and 1
#' @param arrow.scale positive value, to scale arrows
#' @param arrow.spp.scale positive value, to scale arrows of species
#' @param arrow.ci represent statistical uncertainty for arrows in constrained or concurrent ordination using confidence or prediction interval? Defaults to \code{TRUE}
#' @param arrow.lty linetype for arrows in constrained
#' @param fac.center logical. If \code{TRUE} place labels for binary variables at their estimated location.
#' @param predict.region if \code{TRUE} or \code{"sites"} prediction regions for the predicted latent variables are plotted, defaults to \code{FALSE}. EXTENSION UNDER DEVELOPMENT: if \code{"species"} uncertainty estimate regions for the estimated latent variable loadings are plotted. Works only if \code{biplot = TRUE}.
#' @param level level for prediction regions.
#' @param lty.ellips line type for prediction ellipses. See graphical parameter lty.
#' @param lwd.ellips line width for prediction ellipses. See graphical parameter lwd.
#' @param col.ellips colors for prediction ellipses.
#' @param rotate logical, if \code{TRUE} (default) latent variables are rotated to their principal direction using singular value decomposition
#' @param type which type of ordination plot to construct. Options are "residual", "conditional", and "marginal". Defaults to "residual" for GLLVMs with unconstrained latent variables and "conditional" otherwise.
#' @param ...	additional graphical arguments.
#' @details
#' Function constructs a scatter plot of two latent variables, i.e. an ordination plot. 
#' Latent variables are re-rotated to their principal direction using singular value decomposition,
#' so that the first plotted latent variable does not have to be the first latent variable in the model.
#' If only one latent variable is in the fitted model, latent variables are plotted against their corresponding row indices.
#' The latent variables are labeled using the row index of the response matrix y.
#' Coefficients related to latent variables are plotted in the same figure with the latent
#' variables if \code{biplot = TRUE}. They are labeled using the column names of y. The number
#' of latent variable coefficients to be plotted can be controlled by ind.spp. An argument alpha
#' is used to control the relative scaling of the latent variables and their coefficients.
#' If \code{alpha = 0.5}, the latent variables and their coefficients are on the same scale.
#' For details for constructing a biplot, see Gabriel (1971).
#' For a quadratic response model, species optima are plotted. Any species scores that are outside the range 
#' of the predicted site scores are not directly plotted, but their main direction is indicated with arrows instead.
#' This ensures that the plot remains on a reasonable scale.
#' Effects of environmental variables in constrained ordination are indicated with arrows.
#' If any of the arrows exceeds the range of the plot, arrows are scaled to 80% of the plot range,
#' but so that the relative contribution of predictors is maintained.
#' If standard errors are available in the provided model, the slopes of environmental variables
#' for which the 95% confidence intervals do not include zero are shown as red, while others 
#' are slightly less intensely coloured.
#' For constrained ordination, a conditional plot includes both fixed- and random-effects to 
#' optimally represent species co-occurrence patterns, corresponding to "conditional" site scores in \code{\link{getLV.gllvm}}.
#' Marginal corresponds to an ordination plot that excludes residual patterns (i.e. excluding the random-effect),
#' so that it is only available with num.lv.c>0 or num.RR>0. A conditional plot requires num.lv.c>0. 
#' The "residual" type corresponds to an ordination diagram of only residual patterns. 
#' See \link{getLV.gllvm} for details.
#' @note 
#' - If error is occurred when using \code{ordiplot()}, try full name of the function \code{ordiplot.gllvm()} as functions named 'ordiplot' might be found in other packages as well.
#' @references 
#' Gabriel, K. R. (1971). The biplot graphic display of matrices with application to principal component analysis. Biometrika, 58, 453-467.
#' @author Jenni Niku <jenni.m.e.niku@@jyu.fi>, Francis K.C. Hui, Bert van der Veen
#'@seealso  \code{\link{getLV.gllvm}}.
#' @examples
#' #'# Extract subset of the microbial data to be used as an example
#'y <- microbialdata$Y[, order(colMeans(microbialdata$Y > 0), 
#'                      decreasing = TRUE)[21:40]]
#'fit <- gllvm(y, family = poisson())
#'ordiplot(fit, predict.region = TRUE)
#' \dontrun{
#' #'## Load a dataset from the mvabund package
#'data(antTraits, package = "mvabund")
#'y <- as.matrix(antTraits$abund)
#'fit <- gllvm(y, family = poisson())
#'# Ordination plot:
#'# Biplot with 10 species
#'ordiplot(fit, biplot = TRUE, ind.spp = 10)
#'@aliases ordiplot ordiplot.gllvm
#'@export ordiplot.gllvm
ordiplot.gllvm <- function(object, biplot = FALSE, ind.spp = NULL, alpha = 0.5, main = NULL, which.lvs = c(1, 2), predict.region = FALSE, level =0.95,
                           jitter = FALSE, jitter.amount = 0.2, s.colors = 1, s.cex = 1.2, symbols = FALSE, cex.spp = 0.7, spp.colors = "blue", arrow.scale = 0.8, arrow.spp.scale = 0.8, arrow.ci = TRUE, arrow.lty = "solid", fac.center = FALSE, spp.arrows = NULL, spp.arrows.lty = "dashed", cex.env = 0.7, lab.dist = 0.1, lwd.ellips = 0.5, col.ellips = 4, lty.ellips = 1, type = NULL, rotate = TRUE, ...) {
  if (!any(class(object) %in% "gllvm"))
    stop("Class of the object isn't 'gllvm'.")
  if(isFALSE(object$sd) & !isFALSE(predict.region)){
    warning("No standard errors present in model. Seting predict.region to FALSE.\n")
    predict.region <- FALSE
      spp.arrows <- TRUE
      spp.arrows <- FALSE
  if(is.null(object$num.lvcor)) object$num.lvcor=0 # For now.
  arrow.scale <- abs(arrow.scale)
  a <- jitter.amount
  Nlv <- n <- NROW(object$y)
  if(object$num.lv+object$num.lv.c+object$num.lvcor>0) try(Nlv <- NROW(object$lvs), silent = TRUE)
  p <- NCOL(object$y)
  num.lv <- object$num.lv
  num.lv.c <- object$num.lv.c 
  num.RR <- object$num.RR
  quadratic <- object$quadratic
  gr_par_list <- list(...)
  if(!is.null(object$lv.X) && is.null(object$lv.X.design))object$lv.X.design <- object$lv.X #for backward compatibility
  # If both scales are not given, use MASS::eqscplot
  if(("ylim" %in% names(gr_par_list)) | ("xlim" %in% names(gr_par_list))){
    plotfun <- plot
  } else {
    plotfun <- MASS::eqscplot
  if (!is.null(ind.spp)) {
    ind.spp <- min(c(p, ind.spp))
  } else {
    ind.spp <- p
    spp.colors <- rep(spp.colors,p)
  }else if(length(spp.colors)!=p){
    stop("spp.colors needs to be of length p or 1.")
  if ((num.lv+(num.lv.c+num.RR)) == 0)
    stop("No latent variables to plot.")
  if (is.null(rownames(object$params$theta)))
    rownames(object$params$theta) = paste("V", 1:p)
    type <- "residual"
  }else if(is.null(type)){
        type <- "marginal"
      }else if(num.lv.c>0){
        type <- "conditional"  
  # This must be done, otherwise the scale of the ordination is non informative if the scale of params$theta () differ drastically:
  if(type == "residual"|num.lv>0){
    # First create an index for the columns with unconstrained LVs
    sigma.lv <- NULL
      # to have similar scaling to unconstrained LVs
      sigma.lv <- object$params$sigma.lv[1:num.lv.c]
    }else if(num.lv.c>0){
      #here the LVs get scaled with sigma.lv not theta
      sigma.lv <- c(sigma.lv, rep(1,num.lv.c))
    # constrained LVs never have a scale parameter so always get 1
      sigma.lv <- c(sigma.lv, rep(1,num.RR))
      # unconstrained LVs always get their species parameters scaled, never LVs
      sigma.lv <- c(sigma.lv, object$params$sigma.lv[(num.lv.c+1):(num.lv.c+num.lv)])
      # scaling for quadratic coefficients
        sigma.lv <- c(sigma.lv, sigma.lv^2)

      # Do the scaling
      sigma.lv <- diag(sigma.lv, length(sigma.lv))
      object$params$theta <- object$params$theta%*%sigma.lv
      #remove unconstrained LVs species loadings if type=="marginal"
      if(quadratic!=FALSE)object$params$theta <- object$params$theta[,-c( (num.lv.c+num.RR+1):(num.lv.c+num.RR+num.lv) +num.RR+num.lv.c+num.lv),drop=F]
      object$params$theta <- object$params$theta[,-c( (num.lv.c+num.RR+1):(num.lv.c+num.RR+num.lv) ),drop=F]
      #remove constrined LVs species loadings if type=="residual"
      if(quadratic!=FALSE)object$params$theta <- object$params$theta[,-c( (num.lv.c+1):(num.lv.c+num.RR) +num.RR+num.lv.c+num.lv),drop=F]
      object$params$theta <- object$params$theta[,-c((num.lv.c+1):(num.lv.c+num.RR) ),drop=F]

  lv <- getLV(object, type = type)
  if ((num.lv+(num.lv.c+num.RR)) == 1|ncol(lv) == 1|length(which.lvs)==1) {
    if(ncol(lv)>1 && length(which.lvs) == 1){
      lv <- lv[, which.lvs,drop=FALSE]
    if(length(which.lvs)>1)which.lvs <- 1
      plot(1:Nlv, lv, ylab = paste0("LV", which.lvs-(num.lv.c+num.RR)), xlab = "Row index", type="n") 
      if (symbols) {
        points(lv, col = s.colors, cex = s.cex, ...)
      } else {
          text(lv, label = 1:Nlv, cex = s.cex, col = s.colors)
          text(lv, label = row.names(lv), cex = s.cex, col = s.colors)
      plot(1:Nlv, lv, ylab = paste0("CLV",which.lvs), xlab = "Row index", type="n") 
      if (symbols) {
        points(lv, col = s.colors, cex = s.cex, ...)
      } else {
          text(lv, label = 1:Nlv, cex = s.cex, col = s.colors)
          text(lv, label = row.names(lv), cex = s.cex, col = s.colors)
  if ((num.lv+num.lv.c+num.RR) > 1 & ncol(lv) > 1 & length(which.lvs)>1) {
   #unconstrained ordination always gets unscaled LVs, for correct prediction intervals.
    #prediction intervals don't yet account for the scaling of the residual term in 
      do_svd <- svd(lv)
        do_svd$v <- svd(getLV(object, type = type))$v
      # do_svd <- svd(lv)
      # do_svd <- svd(object$lvs)
      svd_rotmat_sites <- do_svd$v
      svd_rotmat_species <- do_svd$v
    } else {
      svd_rotmat_sites <- diag(ncol(lv))
      svd_rotmat_species <- diag(ncol(lv))

    choose.lvs <- lv
    if(quadratic == FALSE){choose.lv.coefs <- object$params$theta}else{choose.lv.coefs<-optima(object,sd.errors=F)}  
    #A check if species scores are within the range of the LV
    ##If spp.arrows=TRUE plots those that are not in range as arrows
      lvth <- max(abs(choose.lvs))
      idx <- choose.lv.coefs>(-lvth)&choose.lv.coefs<lvth
        stop(paste("For", colnames(idx)[!apply(idx,2,any)], "all optima seem to be outside the observed range of the LV. Please reconsider your model, or set  `spp.arrows = FALSE` ."))
      idx <- matrix(TRUE,ncol=num.lv+num.lv.c+num.RR,nrow=p)
    bothnorms <- vector("numeric",ncol(choose.lv.coefs))
    for(i in 1:ncol(choose.lv.coefs)){
      bothnorms[i] <- sqrt(sum(choose.lvs[,i]^2)) * sqrt(sum(choose.lv.coefs[idx[,i],i]^2))
    # bothnorms <- sqrt(colSums(choose.lvs^2)) * sqrt(colSums(choose.lv.coefs^2)) 
    ## Standardize both to unit norm then scale using bothnorms. Note alpha = 0.5 so both have same norm. Otherwise "significance" becomes scale dependent
    scaled_cw_sites <- t(t(choose.lvs) / sqrt(colSums(choose.lvs^2)) * (bothnorms^alpha)) 
    # scaled_cw_species <- t(t(choose.lv.coefs) / sqrt(colSums(choose.lv.coefs^2)) * (bothnorms^(1-alpha))) 
    scaled_cw_species <- choose.lv.coefs
    for(i in 1:ncol(scaled_cw_species)){
      scaled_cw_species[,i] <- choose.lv.coefs[,i] / sqrt(sum(choose.lv.coefs[idx[,i],i]^2)) * (bothnorms[i]^(1-alpha)) 
    # Under development, need to be adjusted for more complex cases
    Bload<-diag((bothnorms^(1-alpha))/sqrt(colSums(choose.lv.coefs^2)), length(bothnorms))%*%Bload
    choose.lvs <- scaled_cw_sites%*%svd_rotmat_sites
    choose.lv.coefs <- scaled_cw_species%*%svd_rotmat_species
    # if(spp.arrows){
    #   idx <- choose.lv.coefs>matrix(apply(choose.lvs,2,min),ncol=ncol(choose.lv.coefs),nrow=nrow(choose.lv.coefs),byrow=T)&choose.lv.coefs<matrix(apply(choose.lvs,2,max),ncol=ncol(choose.lv.coefs),nrow=nrow(choose.lv.coefs),byrow=T)
    # }else{
    #   idx <- matrix(TRUE,ncol=num.lv+num.lv.c+num.RR,nrow=p)
    # }
    B<-(diag((bothnorms^alpha)/sqrt(colSums(getLV(object,type = type)^2)), length(bothnorms))%*%svd_rotmat_sites)  
    # testcov <- object$lvs %*% t(object$params$theta)
    # do.svd <- svd(testcov, num.lv, num.lv)
    # choose.lvs <- do.svd$u * matrix( do.svd$d[1:num.lv] ^ alpha,
    #     nrow = n, ncol = num.lv, byrow = TRUE )
    # choose.lv.coefs <- do.svd$v * matrix(do.svd$d[1:num.lv] ^ (1 - alpha),
    #     nrow = p, ncol = num.lv, byrow = TRUE )
    # if(type=="conditional" & num.RR>0 & (num.lv+num.lv.c)==0){
    #   type <- "marginal"
    #   warning("still need to adjust this, not clean.")
    # }
    if (!biplot) {
        main <- paste("Ordination (type='", type, "')",sep="")
        plotfun(choose.lvs[, which.lvs],
           xlab = paste("Latent variable", which.lvs[1]), 
           ylab = paste("Latent variable", which.lvs[2]),
           main = main , type = "n", ... )
      if (predict.region %in% c(TRUE, "sites")) {
        if(length(col.ellips)!=Nlv){ col.ellips =rep(col.ellips,Nlv)}
        if (object$method == "LA") {
          if((type%in%c("marginal","residual")&(num.lv.c+num.RR)>0)){#have to recalculate prediction errors
            object$prediction.errors$lvs <- sdrandom(object$TMBfn, object$Hess$cov.mat.mod, object$Hess$incl,ignore.u = F, type = type)$A
          for (i in 1:Nlv) {
            covm <- (t(B)%*%object$prediction.errors$lvs[i,,]%*%B)[which.lvs,which.lvs];
            ellipse( choose.lvs[i, which.lvs], covM = covm, rad = sqrt(qchisq(level, df=num.lv+num.lv.c+num.RR)), col = col.ellips[i], lwd = lwd.ellips, lty = lty.ellips)
        } else {

          sdb<-CMSEPf(object, type = type)$A

          #If not marginal add variational covariances
            #variational covariances but add 0s for RRR
            # A <- array(0,dim=c(n,num.lv.c+num.RR+num.lv,num.lv.c+num.RR+num.lv))
            # A[,-c((num.lv.c+1):(num.lv.c+num.RR)),-c((num.lv.c+1):(num.lv.c+num.RR))] <- object$A
            A <- array(0,dim=c(Nlv,(num.lv*ifelse(type=="marginal",0,1)+num.lv.c+num.RR*ifelse(type!="residual",1,0)),(num.lv*ifelse(type=="marginal",0,1)+num.lv.c+num.RR*ifelse(type!="residual",1,0))))
            if(type!="marginal"&num.RR>0)A[,-c((num.lv.c+1):(num.lv.c+num.RR)),-c((num.lv.c+1):(num.lv.c+num.RR))] <- object$A
            if(type!="marginal"&num.RR==0) A <- object$A
          } else {A<-object$A}
          if((object$num.lvcor > 1) && (object$Lambda.struc %in% c("diagU","UNN","UU"))) { #Not used at the moment, under development
            A<-array(diag(object$A[,,1]), dim = c(nrow(object$A[,,1]), object$num.lvcor,object$num.lvcor))
            for (i in 1:dim(A)[1]) {
          } else if((object$num.lvcor > 0) & (object$corP$cstruc[2] !="diag")) {#Not used at the moment, under development
            A<-array(0, dim = c(nrow(object$A[,,1]), object$num.lvcor,object$num.lvcor))
            for (i in 1:object$num.lvcor) {
              A[,i,i]<- diag(object$A[,,i])
          #If conditional scale variational covariances for concurrent ordination by sigma
          if(type=="conditional" & num.lv.c>0){
            S <- diag(1:(num.lv*ifelse(type=="marginal",0,1)+num.lv.c+num.RR*ifelse(type!="residual",1,0)))
            diag(S)[1:num.lv.c] <- object$params$sigma.lv[1:num.lv.c]
            # if((num.lv.c+num.lv)==1){
            #   A<-A*object$params$sigma.lv
            # }else{}            
            for(i in 1:Nlv){
              A <- object$A
              covsB <- as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(lapply(seq(dim(object$Ab.lv)[1]), function(k) object$Ab.lv[k , ,])))
            }else if(object$randomB=="LV"){
              covsB <- as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(lapply(seq(dim(object$Ab.lv)[1]), function(q) object$Ab.lv[q , ,])))
            for(i in 1:Nlv){
              Q <- as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(replicate(num.RR+num.lv.c,object$lv.X.design[i,,drop=F],simplify=F)))
              temp <- Q%*%covsB%*%t(Q) #variances and single dose of covariances
              temp[col(temp)!=row(temp)] <- 2*temp[col(temp)!=row(temp)] ##should be double the covariance
              A[i,1:(num.RR+num.lv.c),1:(num.RR+num.lv.c)] <- A[i,1:(num.RR+num.lv.c),1:(num.RR+num.lv.c)] + temp
              object$A <- A
          for (i in 1:Nlv) {
            if(!object$TMB && object$Lambda.struc == "diagonal"){
              covm <- (t(B)%*%diag(object$A[i,1:num.lv+r])%*%B)[which.lvs,which.lvs];
              # covm <- diag(object$A[i,which.lvs+r]);
            } else {
              covm <- (t(B)%*%object$A[i,1:(num.lv*ifelse(type=="marginal",0,1)+num.lv.c+num.RR*ifelse(type!="residual",1,0))+r,1:(num.lv*ifelse(type=="marginal",0,1)+num.lv.c+num.RR*ifelse(type!="residual",1,0))+r]%*%B)[which.lvs,which.lvs];
              # covm <- object$A[i,which.lvs+r,which.lvs+r];
            ellipse( choose.lvs[i, which.lvs], covM = covm, rad = sqrt(qchisq(level, df=num.lv+num.RR+num.lv.c)), col = col.ellips[i], lwd = lwd.ellips, lty = lty.ellips)
      if (!jitter)
        if (symbols) {
          points(choose.lvs[, which.lvs], col = s.colors, cex = s.cex, ...)
        } else {
            text(choose.lvs[, which.lvs], label = 1:Nlv, cex = s.cex, col = s.colors)
            text(choose.lvs[, which.lvs], label = row.names(lv), cex = s.cex, col = s.colors)
      if (jitter)
        if (symbols) {
          points(choose.lvs[, which.lvs][, 1] + runif(Nlv,-a,a), choose.lvs[, which.lvs][, 2] + runif(Nlv,-a,a), col =
                   s.colors, cex = s.cex, ...)
        } else {
              (choose.lvs[, which.lvs][, 1] + runif(n,-a,a)),
              (choose.lvs[, which.lvs][, 2] + runif(n,-a,a)),
              label = 1:Nlv, cex = s.cex, col = s.colors )          
                  (choose.lvs[, which.lvs][, 1] + runif(n,-a,a)),
                  (choose.lvs[, which.lvs][, 2] + runif(n,-a,a)),
                  label = row.names(lv), cex = s.cex, col = s.colors )          
    if (biplot) {
      if(quadratic==F)largest.lnorms <- order(apply(object$params$theta ^ 2, 1, sum), decreasing = TRUE)[1:ind.spp]
      if(quadratic!=F)largest.lnorms <- order(apply(object$params$theta[,1:((num.lv.c+num.RR)+num.lv)] ^ 2, 1, sum)+2*apply(object$params$theta[,-c(1:((num.lv.c+num.RR)+num.lv))] ^ 2, 1, sum) , decreasing = TRUE)[1:ind.spp]
        main <- paste("Ordination (type='", type, "')",sep="")
        rbind(choose.lvs[, which.lvs], choose.lv.coefs[apply(idx,1,all), which.lvs]),
        xlab = paste("Latent variable", which.lvs[1]), 
        ylab = paste("Latent variable", which.lvs[2]),
        main = main, type = "n", ... )
      if (predict.region %in% c(TRUE, "sites")) {
        if(length(col.ellips)!=Nlv){ col.ellips =rep(col.ellips,n)}
        if (object$method == "LA") {
          if((type%in%c("marginal","residual")&(num.lv.c+num.RR)>0)){#have to recalculate prediction errors
            object$prediction.errors$lvs <- sdrandom(object$TMBfn, object$Hess$cov.mat.mod, object$Hess$incl,ignore.u = F, type = type)$A
          for (i in 1:Nlv) {
            covm <- (t(B)%*%object$prediction.errors$lvs[i,,]%*%B)[which.lvs,which.lvs];
            ellipse( choose.lvs[i, which.lvs], covM = covm, rad = sqrt(qchisq(level, df=num.lv+num.lv.c+num.RR)), col = col.ellips[i], lwd = lwd.ellips, lty = lty.ellips)
        } else {

          sdb<-CMSEPf(object, type = type)$A
          #If not marginal add variational covariances
          if(type!="residual" & (object$num.lvcor == 0) ){
            #variational covariances but add 0s for RRR
            A <- array(0,dim=c(Nlv,(num.lv*ifelse(type=="marginal",0,1)+num.lv.c+num.RR*ifelse(type!="residual",1,0)),(num.lv*ifelse(type=="marginal",0,1)+num.lv.c+num.RR*ifelse(type!="residual",1,0))))
            if(type!="marginal"&num.RR>0)A[,-c((num.lv.c+1):(num.lv.c+num.RR)),-c((num.lv.c+1):(num.lv.c+num.RR))] <- object$A
            if(type!="marginal"&num.RR==0) A <- object$A
          } else {A<-object$A}
          # if(num.RR>0){
            # A <- array(0,dim=c(Nlv,num.lv.c+num.RR+num.lv,num.lv.c+num.RR+num.lv))
            # A[,-c((num.lv.c+1):(num.lv.c+num.RR)),-c((num.lv.c+1):(num.lv.c+num.RR))] <- object$A
          # } else 
          if((object$num.lvcor > 1) && (object$Lambda.struc %in% c("diagU","UNN","UU"))) {#Not used at the moment, under development
            A<-array(diag(object$A[,,1]), dim = c(nrow(object$A[,,1]), object$num.lvcor,object$num.lvcor))
            for (i in 1:dim(A)[1]) {
          } else if((object$num.lvcor > 0) & (object$corP$cstruc[2] !="diag")) {#Not used at the moment, under development
            A<-array(0, dim = c(nrow(object$A[,,1]), object$num.lvcor,object$num.lvcor))
            for (i in 1:object$num.lvcor) {
              A[,i,i]<- diag(object$A[,,i])
            #If conditional scale variational covariances for concurrent ordination by sigma
            if(type=="conditional" & num.lv.c>0){
              S <- diag(1:(num.lv*ifelse(type=="marginal",0,1)+num.lv.c+num.RR*ifelse(type!="residual",1,0)))
              diag(S)[1:num.lv.c] <- object$params$sigma.lv[1:num.lv.c]
              for(i in 1:Nlv){
              A <- object$A
                covsB <- as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(lapply(seq(dim(object$Ab.lv)[1]), function(k) object$Ab.lv[k , ,])))
              }else if(object$randomB=="LV"){
                covsB <- as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(lapply(seq(dim(object$Ab.lv)[1]), function(q) object$Ab.lv[q , ,])))
              for(i in 1:Nlv){
                Q <- as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(replicate(num.RR+num.lv.c,object$lv.X.design[i,,drop=F],simplify=F)))
                temp <- Q%*%covsB%*%t(Q) #variances and single dose of covariances
                temp[col(temp)!=row(temp)] <- 2*temp[col(temp)!=row(temp)] ##should be double the covariance
                A[i,1:(num.RR+num.lv.c),1:(num.RR+num.lv.c)] <- A[i,1:(num.RR+num.lv.c),1:(num.RR+num.lv.c)] + temp
              object$A <- A
          for (i in 1:Nlv) {
            if(!object$TMB && object$Lambda.struc == "diagonal"){
              covm <- (t(B)%*%diag(object$A[i,1:num.lv+r])%*%B)[which.lvs,which.lvs];
              # covm <- diag(object$A[i,which.lvs+r]);
            } else {
              covm <- (t(B)%*%object$A[i,1:(num.lv*ifelse(type=="marginal",0,1)+num.lv.c+num.RR*ifelse(type!="residual",1,0))+r,1:(num.lv*ifelse(type=="marginal",0,1)+num.lv.c+num.RR*ifelse(type!="residual",1,0))+r]%*%B)[which.lvs,which.lvs];
              # covm <- (t(B)%*%object$A[i,1:(num.lv+num.lv.c+num.RR)+r,1:(num.lv+num.RR+num.lv.c)+r]%*%B)[which.lvs,which.lvs];
              # covm <- object$A[i,which.lvs+r,which.lvs+r];
            ellipse( choose.lvs[i, which.lvs], covM = covm, rad = sqrt(qchisq(level, df=num.lv+num.RR+num.lv.c)), col = col.ellips[i], lwd = lwd.ellips, lty = lty.ellips)
      if (predict.region %in% c("species")) {
        if(length(col.ellips)!=p){ col.ellips2 =rep(col.ellips[1],p)}
        # col.ellips2=rep("grey",p)
        covMload<-object$sd$theta%*%( diag(object$params$sigma.lv, length(object$params$sigma.lv)) ); #diag(covMT)=1
        covMload <- array(apply(covMload^2, 1, diag), dim = c(ncol(object$sd$theta),ncol(object$sd$theta),nrow(object$sd$theta)))
        for (i in (largest.lnorms[1:ind.spp])) {
          if(any(diag(covMload[,,i])==0)) diag(covMload[,,i])[diag(covMload[,,i])==0]=0.01
          covmL <- (t(Bload)%*%covMload[,,i]%*%Bload)[which.lvs,which.lvs];
          ellipse( choose.lv.coefs[i, which.lvs], covM = covmL, rad = sqrt(qchisq(level, df=num.lv+num.RR+num.lv.c)), col = col.ellips2[i], lwd = lwd.ellips, lty = lty.ellips)
      if (!jitter){
        if (symbols) {
          points(choose.lvs[, which.lvs], col = s.colors, cex = s.cex, ...)
        } else {
            text(choose.lvs[, which.lvs], label = 1:Nlv, cex = s.cex, col = s.colors)
            text(choose.lvs[, which.lvs], label = row.names(lv), cex = s.cex, col = s.colors)
          matrix(choose.lv.coefs[largest.lnorms[1:ind.spp],which.lvs,drop=F][apply(idx[largest.lnorms[1:ind.spp],which.lvs,drop=F],1,function(x)all(x)),], nrow = sum(apply(!idx[largest.lnorms[1:ind.spp],which.lvs],1,function(x)!any(x)))),
          label = rownames(object$params$theta)[largest.lnorms[1:ind.spp]][apply(idx[largest.lnorms[1:ind.spp],which.lvs,drop=F],1,function(x)all(x))],
          col = spp.colors[largest.lnorms][1:ind.spp][apply(idx[largest.lnorms[1:ind.spp],which.lvs,drop=F],1,function(x)all(x))], cex = cex.spp )
      if (jitter){
        if (symbols) {
          points(choose.lvs[, which.lvs[1]] + runif(Nlv,-a,a), (choose.lvs[, which.lvs[2]] + runif(Nlv,-a,a)), col =
                   s.colors, cex = s.cex, ...)
        } else {
              (choose.lvs[, which.lvs[1]] + runif(n,-a,a)),
              (choose.lvs[, which.lvs[2]] + runif(n,-a,a)),
              label = 1:Nlv, cex = s.cex, col = s.colors )
              (choose.lvs[, which.lvs[1]] + runif(n,-a,a)),
              (choose.lvs[, which.lvs[2]] + runif(n,-a,a)),
              label = row.names(lv), cex = s.cex, col = s.colors )
          matrix(choose.lv.coefs[largest.lnorms[1:ind.spp],which.lvs,drop=F][apply(idx[largest.lnorms[1:ind.spp],which.lvs,drop=F],1,function(x)all(x)),], nrow = sum(apply(!idx[largest.lnorms[1:ind.spp],which.lvs],1,function(x)!any(x)))),
          label = rownames(object$params$theta)[largest.lnorms[1:ind.spp]][apply(idx[largest.lnorms[1:ind.spp],which.lvs,drop=F],1,function(x)all(x))],
          col = spp.colors[largest.lnorms][1:ind.spp][apply(idx[largest.lnorms[1:ind.spp],which.lvs,drop=F],1,function(x)all(x))], cex = cex.spp )
      ##Here add arrows for species with optima outside of range LV
      # if(quadratic!=FALSE){
        origin<- c(mean(marg[1:2]),mean(marg[3:4]))
        #scores_to_plot <- choose.lv.coefs[largest.lnorms[!apply(idx[largest.lnorms,which.lvs,drop=F],1,all)],which.lvs,drop=F]
        scores_to_plot <- choose.lv.coefs[largest.lnorms[1:ind.spp],which.lvs][apply(idx[largest.lnorms[1:ind.spp],which.lvs],1,function(x)!all(x)),,drop=F]
          ends <- t(t(t(t(scores_to_plot)-origin)/sqrt((scores_to_plot[,1]-origin[1])^2+(scores_to_plot[,2]-origin[2])^2)*min(Xlength,Ylength)))*arrow.spp.scale
          units = par(c('usr', 'pin'))
          xi = with(units, pin[1L]/diff(usr[1:2]))
          yi = with(units, pin[2L]/diff(usr[3:4]))
          # idx <- sqrt((xi * diff(c(origin[1],ends[,1]+origin[1])))**2 + (yi * diff(c(origin[2],ends[,2]+origin[2])))**2) >.001
          idx2 <-  apply(ends,1,function(x)if(all(abs(x)<0.001)){FALSE}else{TRUE})
            for(i in which(!idx2)){
              cat("The effect for", paste(row.names(scores_to_plot)[i],collapse=",", sep = " "), "was too small to draw an arrow. \n")  
            ends <- ends[idx2,]
            scores_to_plot <- scores_to_plot[idx2,]
            arrows(origin[1],origin[2],ends[,1]+origin[1],ends[,2]+origin[2],col=spp.colors[largest.lnorms][1:ind.spp][!apply(idx[largest.lnorms[1:ind.spp],which.lvs,drop=F],1,function(x)all(x))][idx2], cex = cex.spp, length = 0.1, lty=spp.arrows.lty)
            text(x=ends[,1]*(1+lab.dist)+origin[1],y=ends[,2]*(1+lab.dist)+origin[2],labels = row.names(scores_to_plot),col=spp.colors[largest.lnorms][1:ind.spp][!apply(idx[largest.lnorms[1:ind.spp],which.lvs,drop=F],1,function(x)all(x))], cex = cex.spp)
    #Only draw arrows when no unconstrained LVs are present currently: diffcult otherwise due to rotation
    #Could alternatively post-hoc regress unconstrained LVs..but then harder to distinguish which is post-hoc in the plot..
    #still add special clause for num.RR=ncol(lv.X.design) & num.lv>0, since then LVs are uncorrelated with predictors and we can add arrows anyway
      LVcoef <- (object$params$LvXcoef%*%svd_rotmat_sites)[,which.lvs]
        covB <- object$Hess$cov.mat.mod
        colnames(covB) <- row.names(covB) <- names(object$TMBfn$par)[object$Hess$incl]
        covB <- covB[row.names(covB)=="b_lv",colnames(covB)=="b_lv"]
            covB <- sdrandom(object$TMBfn, object$Hess$cov.mat.mod, object$Hess$incl,ignore.u = F, type = "residual", return.covb=T)
            covB <- covB[colnames(covB)=="b_lv",colnames(covB)=="b_lv"]
            covB <- CMSEPf(object, type = "residual",return.covb = T)
            covB <- covB[colnames(covB)=="b_lv",colnames(covB)=="b_lv"]
              covB <- covB + as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(lapply(seq(dim(object$Ab.lv)[1]), function(k) object$Ab.lv[k , ,])))
            }else if(object$randomB=="LV"){
              covB <- covB + as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(lapply(seq(dim(object$Ab.lv)[1]), function(q) object$Ab.lv[q , ,])))
        rotSD <- matrix(0,ncol=num.RR+num.lv.c,nrow=ncol(object$lv.X.design)) 
        #using svd_rotmat_sites instead of B so that uncertainty of the predictors is not affected by the scaling using alpha and sigma.lv
        for(i in 1:ncol(object$lv.X.design)){
          rotSD[i,] <- sqrt(abs(diag(t(svd_rotmat_sites[1:(num.lv.c+num.RR),1:(num.lv.c+num.RR)])%*%covB[seq(i,(num.RR+num.lv.c)*ncol(object$lv.X.design),by=ncol(object$lv.X.design)),seq(i,(num.RR+num.lv.c)*ncol(object$lv.X.design),by=ncol(object$lv.X.design))]%*%svd_rotmat_sites[1:(num.lv.c+num.RR),1:(num.lv.c+num.RR)])))
        rotSD <- rotSD[,which.lvs]
        cilow <- LVcoef+qnorm( (1 - 0.95) / 2)*rotSD
        ciup <-LVcoef+qnorm(1- (1 - 0.95) / 2)*rotSD
        lty <- rep(arrow.lty,ncol(object$lv.X.design))
        col <- rep("red", ncol(object$lv.X.design))
        lty[sign(cilow[,1])!=sign(ciup[,1])|sign(cilow[,2])!=sign(ciup[,2])] <- "solid"
        col[sign(cilow[,1])!=sign(ciup[,1])|sign(cilow[,2])!=sign(ciup[,2])] <- hcl(0, 100, 80)#rgb(1,0,0,alpha=0.3)
        lty <- rep("solid",ncol(object$lv.X.design))
      #account for variance of the predictors
      LVcoef <- LVcoef/apply(object$lv.X.design,2,sd)
      origin<- c(mean(marg[1:2]),mean(marg[3:4]))
        cats <- apply(object$lv.X.design,2,function(x) { all(x %in% 0:1) })
        cats <- rep(FALSE, ncol(object$lv.X.design))
      ends <- LVcoef[,,drop=FALSE]/max(abs(LVcoef[!cats,,drop=FALSE]))*min(Xlength,Ylength)*arrow.scale
      #double check if all arrows are long enough to draw
      units = par(c('usr', 'pin'))
      xi = with(units, pin[1L]/diff(usr[1:2]))
      yi = with(units, pin[2L]/diff(usr[3:4]))
      # idx <- sqrt((xi * diff(c(origin[1],ends[,1]+origin[1])))**2 + (yi * diff(c(origin[2],ends[,2]+origin[2])))**2) >.001
      idx <-  apply(ends,1,function(x)if(all(abs(x)<0.001)){FALSE}else{TRUE})

        for(i in which(!idx&!cats)){
          cat("The effect for", paste(row.names(LVcoef)[i],collapse=",", sep = " "), "was too small to draw an arrow. \n")  
      ends <- ends[idx &!cats ,, drop=FALSE]
      text(x=origin[1]+ends[,1]*(1+lab.dist),y=origin[2]+ends[,2]*(1+lab.dist),labels = row.names(LVcoef)[idx&!cats],col=col[!cats], cex = cex.env)
      # add points for categorical variables
        LVcoef <- object$params$LvXcoef
        pts<- ((t(t(LVcoef[cats,, drop = FALSE]) / sqrt(colSums(lv^2)) * (bothnorms^alpha)))%*%svd_rotmat_sites)[,which.lvs]
        points(pts[,1], pts[,2], pch = gr_par_list$pch, col=col[cats], cex = cex.env)
        text(pts[,1]*(1+lab.dist),y=pts[,2]*(1+lab.dist),labels = row.names(pts), col=col[cats], cex = cex.env)
    }else if(num.lv>0&(num.lv.c+num.RR)>0){warning("Cannot add arrows to plot, when num.lv>0 and with reduced rank constraints.")}

#'@export ordiplot
ordiplot <- function(object, ...)
  UseMethod(generic = "ordiplot")
JenniNiku/gllvm documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 9:53 a.m.