#' Get the start sites from a GRangesList of orfs grouped by orfs
#' In ATGTTTTGG, get the position of the A.
#' @param grl a \code{\link{GRangesList}} object
#' @param asGR a boolean, return as GRanges object
#' @param keep.names a logical (FALSE), keep names of input.
#' @param is.sorted a speedup, if you know the ranges are sorted
#' @return if asGR is False, a vector, if True a GRanges object
#' @export
#' @family ORFHelpers
#' @examples
#' gr_plus <- GRanges(seqnames = c("chr1", "chr1"),
#' ranges = IRanges(c(7, 14), width = 3),
#' strand = c("+", "+"))
#' gr_minus <- GRanges(seqnames = c("chr2", "chr2"),
#' ranges = IRanges(c(4, 1), c(9, 3)),
#' strand = c("-", "-"))
#' grl <- GRangesList(tx1 = gr_plus, tx2 = gr_minus)
#' startSites(grl, is.sorted = FALSE)
startSites <- function(grl, asGR = FALSE, keep.names = FALSE,
is.sorted = FALSE) {
if (!is.sorted) {
grl <- sortPerGroup(grl)
posIds <- strandBool(grl)
startSites <- rep(NA, length(grl))
startSites[posIds] <- firstStartPerGroup(grl[posIds], FALSE)
startSites[!posIds] <- firstEndPerGroup(grl[!posIds], FALSE)
if (asGR) {
startSites <- GRanges(seqnames = seqnamesPerGroup(grl, FALSE),
ranges = IRanges(startSites, width = 1),
strand = strandPerGroup(grl, FALSE),
seqinfo = seqinfo(grl))
if (keep.names) {
names(startSites) <- names(grl)
#' Get the stop sites from a GRangesList of orfs grouped by orfs
#' In ATGTTTTGC, get the position of the C.
#' @inheritParams startSites
#' @return if asGR is False, a vector, if True a GRanges object
#' @export
#' @family ORFHelpers
#' @examples
#' gr_plus <- GRanges(seqnames = c("chr1", "chr1"),
#' ranges = IRanges(c(7, 14), width = 3),
#' strand = c("+", "+"))
#' gr_minus <- GRanges(seqnames = c("chr2", "chr2"),
#' ranges = IRanges(c(4, 1), c(9, 3)),
#' strand = c("-", "-"))
#' grl <- GRangesList(tx1 = gr_plus, tx2 = gr_minus)
#' stopSites(grl, is.sorted = FALSE)
stopSites <- function(grl, asGR = FALSE, keep.names = FALSE,
is.sorted = FALSE) {
if (!is.sorted) {
grl <- sortPerGroup(grl)
posIds <- strandBool(grl)
stopSites <- rep(NA, length(grl))
stopSites[posIds] <- lastExonEndPerGroup(grl[posIds], FALSE)
stopSites[!posIds] <- lastExonStartPerGroup(grl[!posIds], FALSE)
if (asGR) {
stopSites <- GRanges(seqnames = seqnamesPerGroup(grl, FALSE),
ranges = IRanges(stopSites, width = 1),
strand = strandPerGroup(grl, FALSE),
seqinfo = seqinfo(grl))
if (keep.names) {
names(stopSites) <- names(grl)
#' Get the Start codons(3 bases) from a GRangesList of orfs grouped by orfs
#' In ATGTTTTGA, get the positions ATG.
#' It takes care of exons boundaries, with exons < 3 length.
#' @param grl a \code{\link{GRangesList}} object
#' @param is.sorted a boolean, a speedup if you know the ranges are sorted
#' @return a GRangesList of start codons, since they might be split on exons
#' @export
#' @family ORFHelpers
#' @examples
#' gr_plus <- GRanges(seqnames = "chr1",
#' ranges = IRanges(c(7, 14), width = 3),
#' strand = "+")
#' gr_minus <- GRanges(seqnames = "chr2",
#' ranges = IRanges(c(4, 1), c(9, 3)),
#' strand = "-")
#' grl <- GRangesList(tx1 = gr_plus, tx2 = gr_minus)
#' startCodons(grl, is.sorted = FALSE)
startCodons <- function(grl, is.sorted = FALSE){
if (!is.sorted) {
grl <- sortPerGroup(grl)
firstExons <- firstExonPerGroup(grl)
widths <- widthPerGroup(firstExons)
validWidths <- widths >= 3L
if (!all(validWidths)) { # fix short exons by tiling
needToFix <- grl[!validWidths]
fixedStarts <- reduceKeepAttr(downstreamN(needToFix, 3L))
grl[!validWidths] <- fixedStarts
# fix the others the easy way
firstExons <- firstExons[validWidths]
posIds <- strandBool(firstExons)
end(firstExons[posIds]) <- start(firstExons[posIds]) + 2L
start(firstExons[!posIds]) <- end(firstExons[!posIds]) - 2L
grl[validWidths] <- firstExons
#' Get the Stop codons (3 bases) from a GRangesList of orfs grouped by orfs
#' In ATGTTTTGA, get the positions TGA.
#' It takes care of exons boundaries, with exons < 3 length.
#' @param grl a \code{\link{GRangesList}} object
#' @param is.sorted a boolean, a speedup if you know the ranges are sorted
#' @return a GRangesList of stop codons, since they might be split on exons
#' @export
#' @family ORFHelpers
#' @examples
#' gr_plus <- GRanges(seqnames = c("chr1", "chr1"),
#' ranges = IRanges(c(7, 14), width = 3),
#' strand = c("+", "+"))
#' gr_minus <- GRanges(seqnames = c("chr2", "chr2"),
#' ranges = IRanges(c(4, 1), c(9, 3)),
#' strand = c("-", "-"))
#' grl <- GRangesList(tx1 = gr_plus, tx2 = gr_minus)
#' stopCodons(grl, is.sorted = FALSE)
stopCodons <- function(grl, is.sorted = FALSE) {
if (!is.sorted) {
grl <- sortPerGroup(grl)
lastExons <- lastExonPerGroup(grl)
widths <- widthPerGroup(lastExons)
validWidths <- widths >= 3L
if (!all(validWidths)) { # fix short exons by tiling
needToFix <- grl[!validWidths]
tileBy1 <- tile1(needToFix, matchNaming = FALSE)
fixedStops <- reduceKeepAttr(tails(tileBy1, 3L))
grl[!validWidths] <- fixedStops
# fix the others the easy way
lastExons <- lastExons[validWidths]
posIds <- strandBool(lastExons)
start(lastExons[posIds]) <- end(lastExons[posIds]) - 2L
end(lastExons[!posIds]) <- start(lastExons[!posIds]) + 2L
grl[validWidths] <- lastExons
#' Get window region of GRanges object
#' Per GRanges input (gr) of single position inputs (center point),
#' create a GRangesList window output of specified
#' upstream, downstream region relative to some transcript "tx". \cr
#' If downstream is 20, it means the window will start 20 downstream of
#' gr start site (-20 in relative transcript coordinates.)
#' If upstream is 20, it means the window will start 20 upstream of
#' gr start site (+20 in relative transcript coordinates.)
#' It will keep exon structure of tx, so if -20 is on next exon, it jumps to
#' next exon.
#' If a region has a part that goes out of bounds, E.g if you try to get window
#' around the CDS start site, goes longer than the 5' leader start site,
#' it will set start to the edge boundary
#' (the TSS of the transcript in this case).
#' If region has no hit in bound, a width 0 GRanges object is returned.
#' This is useful for things like countOverlaps, since 0 hits will then always
#' be returned for the correct object index. If you don't want the 0 width
#' windows, use \code{reduce()} to remove 0-width windows.
#' @param gr a GRanges/IRanges object (startSites or others,
#' must be single point per in genomic coordinates)
#' @param tx a \code{\link{GRangesList}} of transcripts or (container region),
#' names of tx must contain all gr names. The names of gr can also be the
#' ORFik orf names. that is "txName_id".
#' @param upstream an integer, default (0), relative region to get
#' upstream end from. (0 means start site, +1 is one upstream, -1 is one downstream)
#' @param downstream an integer, default (0), relative region to get
#' downstream end from (0 means start site, +1 is one downstream, -1 is one upstream)
#' @return a GRanges, or GRangesList object if any group had > 1 exon.
#' @export
#' @family ExtendGenomicRanges
#' @importFrom data.table chmatch
#' @examples
#' # find 2nd codon of an ORF on a spliced transcript
#' ORF <- GRanges("1", c(3), "+") # start site
#' names(ORF) <- "tx1_1" # ORF 1 on tx1
#' tx <- GRangesList(tx1 = GRanges("1", c(1,3,5,7,9,11,13), "+"))
#' windowPerGroup(ORF, tx, upstream = 0, downstream = 0) # <- TIS
#' windowPerGroup(ORF, tx, upstream = 0, downstream = 1) # <- first and second base
#' windowPerGroup(ORF, tx, upstream = -1, downstream = 1) # <- second base
#' # find 2nd codon of an ORF on a spliced transcript
#' windowPerGroup(ORF, tx, upstream = -3, downstream = 5) # <- 2nd codon
#' # With multiple extensions downstream
#' ORF <- rep(ORF, 2)
#' names(ORF)[2] <- "tx1_2"
#' windowPerGroup(ORF, tx, upstream = 0, downstream = c(2, 5))
#' # The last one gives 2nd for first ORF and (1st and 2nd) codon for
#' # second ORF, returned as two groups of class GRanges/GRangsList
windowPerGroup <- function(gr, tx, upstream = 0L, downstream = 0L) {
g <- asTX(gr, tx, tx.is.sorted = TRUE)
indices <- chmatch(txNames(gr, tx), names(tx))
if (anyNA(indices)) {
indices <- chmatch(names(gr), names(tx))
if (anyNA(indices)) {
stop("not all references are present, so can not map to transcripts.",
" Does your annotation contains '_'+number naming?",
"ORFik uses this for a special purpose.")
txEnds <- widthPerGroup(tx[indices], FALSE)
starts <- pmin(pmax(start(g) - upstream, 1L), txEnds)
g <- ranges(g)
if (any(downstream != 0L)) {
ends <- pmin(pmax(end(g) + downstream, starts - 1), txEnds)
if (is(g, "IRanges")) # Remove this ?
g <- IRanges(starts, ends)
} else {
start(g) <- starts
names(g) <- indices
region <- pmapFromTranscriptF(g, tx, TRUE)
names(region) <- names(gr)
#' Start region as GRangesList
#' Get the start region of each ORF. If you want the start codon only,
#' set upstream = 0 or just use \code{\link{startCodons}}.
#' Standard is 2 upstream and 2 downstream, a width 5 window centered at
#' start site. since p-shifting is not 100% accurate, this window is
#' usually the reads from the start site.
#' If tx is null, then upstream will be forced to 0 and downstream to
#' a maximum of grl width (3' UTR end for mRNAs).
#' Since there is no reference for splicing.
#' @param grl a \code{\link{GRangesList}} object
#' with usually either leaders, cds', 3' utrs or ORFs
#' @param tx default NULL, a GRangesList of transcripts or (container region),
#' names of tx must contain all grl names. The names of grl can also be the
#' ORFik orf names. that is "txName_id"
#' @param is.sorted logical (TRUE), is grl sorted.
#' @param upstream an integer (2), relative region to get upstream from.
#' @param downstream an integer (2), relative region to get downstream from
#' @family features
#' @return a GRanges, or GRangesList object if any group had > 1 exon.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## ORF start region
#' orf <- GRangesList(tx1 = GRanges("1", 200:300, "+"))
#' tx <- GRangesList(tx1 = GRanges("1",
#' IRanges(c(100, 200), c(195, 400)), "+"))
#' startRegion(orf, tx, upstream = 6, downstream = 6)
#' ## 2nd codon of ORF
#' startRegion(orf, tx, upstream = -3, downstream = 6)
startRegion <- function(grl, tx = NULL, is.sorted = TRUE,
upstream = 2L, downstream = 2L) {
if (!is.sorted) {
grl <- sortPerGroup(grl)
is.sorted <- TRUE
if (is.null(tx)) {
tx <- grl
region <- windowPerGroup(startSites(grl, TRUE, TRUE, is.sorted), tx,
upstream, downstream)
#' Stop region as GRangesList
#' Get the stop region of each ORF / region. If you want the stop codon only,
#' set downstream = 0 or just use \code{\link{stopCodons}}.
#' Standard is 2 upstream and 2 downstream, a width 5 window centered at
#' stop site.
#' If tx is null, then downstream will be forced to 0 and
#' upstream to a minimum of -grl width (to the TSS).
#' .
#' Since there is no reference for splicing.
#' @param grl a \code{\link{GRangesList}} object
#' with usually either leaders, cds', 3' utrs or ORFs
#' @param tx default NULL, a GRangesList of transcripts or (container region),
#' names of tx must contain all grl names. The names of grl can also be the
#' ORFik orf names. that is "txName_id"
#' @param is.sorted logical (TRUE), is grl sorted.
#' @param upstream an integer (2), relative region to get upstream from.
#' @param downstream an integer (2), relative region to get downstream from
#' @family features
#' @return a GRanges, or GRangesList object if any group had > 1 exon.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## ORF stop region
#' orf <- GRangesList(tx1 = GRanges("1", 200:300, "+"))
#' tx <- GRangesList(tx1 = GRanges("1",
#' IRanges(c(100, 305), c(300, 400)), "+"))
#' stopRegion(orf, tx, upstream = 6, downstream = 6)
#' ## 2nd last codon of ORF
#' stopRegion(orf, tx, upstream = 6, downstream = -3)
stopRegion <- function(grl, tx = NULL, is.sorted = TRUE,
upstream = 2L, downstream = 2L) {
if (!is.sorted) {
grl <- sortPerGroup(grl)
is.sorted <- TRUE
if (is.null(tx)) {
tx <- grl
region <- windowPerGroup(stopSites(grl, TRUE, TRUE, is.sorted), tx,
upstream, downstream)
#' Get flanks per group
#' For a GRangesList, get start and end site, return back as GRangesList.
#' @param grl a \code{\link{GRangesList}}
#' @return a GRangesList, 1 GRanges per group with:
#' start as minimum start of group and end as maximum per group.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' grl <- GRangesList(tx1 = GRanges("1", IRanges(c(1,5), width = 2), "+"),
#' tx2 = GRanges("2", IRanges(c(10,15), width = 2), "+"))
#' flankPerGroup(grl)
flankPerGroup <- function(grl) {
gr <- unlistToExtremities(grl)
grl <- groupGRangesBy(gr, gr$group)
names(grl) <- grl@unlistData$names
grl@unlistData$names <- grl@unlistData$group <- NULL
#' Get flanks as GRanges
#' For a GRangesList, get start and end site, return back as GRanges.
#' @inheritParams flankPerGroup
#' @return a GRangs object with meta column "group", which gives
unlistToExtremities <- function(grl) {
old_names <- names(grl)
grl@unlistData$group <- NULL
dt <- as.data.table(grl)
dt$group_name <- NULL
dt <- dt[, .(start = min(start), end = max(end), seqnames = seqnames[1],
strand = strand[1]), by = group]
dt[, names := old_names]
return(GRanges(dt, seqinfo = seqinfo(grl)))
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