
Defines functions codon_usage_psite

Documented in codon_usage_psite

#' Empirical codon usage indexes.
#' This function computes empirical codon usage indexes based on either the
#' ribosome P-sites, A-site or E-site frequency associated with in-frame P-sites
#' falling in the coding sequence. For each sample it computes 64
#' triplet-specific codon usage indexes ranging from 0 to 1 and optionally
#' normalized for the frequency of the corresponding triplet within the CDSs.
#' This function also allows to compare either two sets of codon usage indexes
#' from different samples or the set of codon usage indexes computed for one
#' sample and 64 triplet-specific values provided by the user. Multiple samples
#' and replicates can be handled.
#' @param data Either list of data tables or GRangesList object from
#'   \code{\link{psite_info}}. Each data table may or may not include one or
#'   more columns among \emph{p_site_codon}, \emph{a_site_codon} and
#'   \emph{e_site_codon} reporting the three nucleotides covered by the P-site,
#'   A-site and E-site, respectively. These columns can be previously generated
#'   by the \code{\link{psite_info}} function. Otherwise, the column of interest
#'   must be specified by \code{site} and it is automatically generated starting
#'   from a FASTA file or a BSgenome data package.
#' @param annotation Data table as generated by \code{\link{create_annotation}}.
#' @param sample Either character string, character string vector or named list
#'   of character string(s)/character string vector(s) specifying the name of
#'   the sample(s) and replicate(s) of interest. If a list is provided, each
#'   element of the list is considered as an independent sample associated with
#'   one ore multiple replicates. Multiple samples and replicates are handled
#'   and organized according to \code{multisamples} and \code{plot_style}.
#' @param multisamples Either "average" or "independent". It specifies how to
#'   handle multiple samples and replicates stored in \code{sample}:
#'   * if \code{sample} is a character string vector and \code{multisamples} is
#'   set to "average", the elements of the vector are considered as replicates
#'   of one sample.
#'   * if \code{sample} is a character string vector and \code{multisamples} is
#'   set to "independent", each element of the vector is analysed independently
#'   of the others.
#'   * if \code{sample} is a list, \code{multisamples} must be set to "average".
#'   Each element of the list is analysed independently of the others, its
#'   replicates averaged and its name reported in the plot.
#'   Note: when this parameter is set to "average" the bar plot associated with
#'   each sample displays the triplet-specific mean signal computed across the
#'   replicates and the corresponding standard error is also reported. Scatter
#'   plots (see \code{contrast_sample}) display the mean signal but not the
#'   standard error to streamline the plot.
#'   Default is "average".
#' @param plot_style Either "split" or "facet". It specifies how to organize and
#'   display multiple bar plots:
#'   * "split": one bar plot for each sample is returned as an independent
#'   ggplot object. In each plot the bars are arranged in increasing order
#'   according to the codon usage indexes.
#'   * "facet": the bar plots are placed one below the other, in independent
#'   boxes. The bars of all plots are arranged following the alphabetical order
#'   of the codons.
#'   Note: this parameter is considered only if \code{contrast_sample} is not
#'   specified and thus bar plots are generated.
#'   Default is "split".
#' @param site Either "psite, "asite", "esite". It specifies if the empirical
#'   codon usage indexes should be based on ribosome P-sites ("psite"), A-sites
#'   ("asite") or E-sites ("esite"). Default is "psite".
#' @param frequency_normalization Logical value whether to normalize the
#'   64 codon usage indexes for the corresponding codon frequencies in coding
#'   sequences. Default is TRUE.
#'   Note: the low frequency of the three stop codons often leads to codon usage
#'   indexes higher for these triplets than for the others. To discard the stop
#'   codons from the plots and avoid potential biases in the interpretation of
#'   the data, see \code{include_stop_codons}.
#' @param contrast_sample Either character string or character string vector. It
#'   specifies the sample(s) (if any) to be considered for the comparison of
#'   codon usage indexes between:
#    * two samples: \code{contrast_sample} must be a character string vector of
#'   exactly two elements from those listed either in \code{sample} (if
#'   \code{sample} is a character string or a character string vector) or in
#'   names(\code{sample}) (if \code{sample} is a list).
#'   * one sample and 64 triplet-specific values: \code{contrast_sample} must be
#'   one character string from those listed either in \code{sample} (if
#'   \code{sample} is a character string or a character string vector) or in
#'   names(\code{sample}) (if \code{sample} is a list). Moreover,
#'   \code{codon_values} must be provided.
#'   Note: when this parameter is specified the function generates a scatter
#'   plot instead of one or multiple bar plots, it performs a linear regression
#'   and computes the Pearson correlation coefficient. See also
#'   \code{label_scatter}, \code{label_number} and \code{label_aminoacid}.
#'   Default is "NULL".
#' @param codon_values Data table containing 64 triplet-specific values to be
#'   compared with the empirical codon usage indexes computed for the sample
#'   specified in \code{contrast_sample}. The data table must contain the DNA or
#'   RNA nucleotide sequence of the 64 codons and the corresponding values
#'   arranged in two columns named \emph{codon} and \emph{value}, respectively.
#'   Additional columns are ignored. This parameter is considered only if
#'   \code{contrast_sample} is specified. Default is NULL.
#' @param fastapath Character string specifying the FASTA file used in the
#'   alignment step, including its path, name and extension. This file can
#'   contain reference nucleotide sequences either of genome asseblies
#'   (chromosome sequences) or of transcripts (see \code{Details} and
#'   \code{fasta_genome}). Please make sure the sequences derive from the same
#'   release of the annotation file used in the \code{\link{create_annotation}}
#'   function. Note: either \code{fastapath} or \code{bsgenome} is required to
#'   compute the frequency of each codon along sequences, used as normalization
#'   factors, even if \code{data} includes one or more columns among
#'   \emph{p_site_codon}, \emph{a_site_codon} and \emph{e_site_codon}. Default
#'   is NULL.
#' @param fasta_genome Logical value whether the FASTA file specified by
#'   \code{fastapath} contains nucleotide sequences of genome asseblies
#'   (chromosome sequences). If TRUE (the default), an annotation object is
#'   required (see \code{gtfpath} and \code{txdb}). FALSE implies nucleotide
#'   sequences of transcripts are provided instead.
#' @param refseq_sep Character specifying the separator between reference
#'   sequences' name and additional information to discard, stored in the
#'   headers of the FASTA file specified by \code{fastapath} (if any). It might
#'   be required for matching the reference sequences' identifiers reported in
#'   the input list of data tables. All characters before the first occurrence
#'   of the specified separator are kept. Default is NULL i.e. no string
#'   splitting is performed.
#' @param bsgenome Character string specifying the BSgenome data package with
#'   the genome sequences to be loaded. If not already present in the system, it
#'   is automatically installed through the biocLite.R script (check the list of
#'   available BSgenome data packages by running the
#'   \code{\link[BSgenome]{available.genomes}} function of the BSgenome
#'   package). This parameter must be coupled with an annotation object (see
#'   \code{gtfpath} and \code{txdb}). Please make sure the sequences included in
#'   the specified BSgenome data pakage are in agreement with the sequences used
#'   in the alignment step. Note: either \code{fastapath} or \code{bsgenome} is
#'   required to compute the frequency of each codon along sequences, used as
#'   normalization factors, even if \code{data} includes one or more columns
#'   among \emph{p_site_codon}, \emph{a_site_codon} and \emph{e_site_codon}.
#'   Default is NULL.
#' @param gtfpath Character string specifying the location of a GTF file,
#'   including its path, name and extension. Please make sure the GTF file and
#'   the sequences specified by \code{fastapath} or \code{bsgenome} derive from
#'   the same release. Note that either \code{gtfpath} or \code{txdb} is
#'   required if and only if nucleotide sequences of genome assemblies
#'   (chromosome sequences) are provided (see \code{fastapath} or
#'   \code{bsgenome}). Default is NULL.
#' @param txdb Character string specifying the TxDb annotation package to be
#'   loaded. If not already present in the system, it is automatically installed
#'   through the biocLite.R script (check
#'   \href{http://bioconductor.org/packages/release/BiocViews.html#___TxDb}{here}
#'    the list of available TxDb annotation packages). Please make sure the TxDb
#'   annotation package and the sequences specified by \code{fastapath} or
#'   \code{bsgenome} derive from the same release. Note that either
#'   \code{gtfpath} or \code{txdb} is required if and only if nucleotide
#'   sequences of genome assemblies (chromosome sequences) are provided (see
#'   \code{fastapath} or \code{bsgenome}). Default is NULL.
#' @param dataSource Optional character string describing the origin of the GTF
#'   data file. This parameter is considered only if \code{gtfpath} is
#'   specified. For more information about this parameter please refer to the
#'   description of \emph{dataSource} of the
#'   \code{\link[GenomicFeatures]{makeTxDbFromGFF}} function included in the
#'   \code{GenomicFeatures} package.
#' @param organism Optional character string reporting the genus and species of
#'   the organism of the GTF data file. This parameter is considered only if
#'   \code{gtfpath} is specified. For more information about this parameter
#'   please refer to the description of \emph{organism} of the
#'   \code{\link[GenomicFeatures]{makeTxDbFromGFF}} function included in the
#'   \code{GenomicFeatures} package.
#' @param transcripts Character string vector listing the name of transcripts to
#'   be included in the analysis. Default is NULL i.e. all transcripts are used.
#'   Please note: transcripts without annotated CDS and transcripts whose coding
#'   sequence length is not divisible by 3 are automatically discarded.
#' @param length_range Integer or integer vector for restricting the plot to a
#'   chosen range of read lengths. Default is NULL, i.e. all read lengths are
#'   used. If specified, this parameter prevails over \code{cl}.
#' @param cl Integer value in [1,100] specifying a confidence level for
#'   restricting the plot to an automatically-defined range of read lengths. The
#'   new range is computed according to the most frequent read lengths, which
#'   accounts for the cl% of the sample and is defined by discarding the
#'   (100-cl)% of read lengths falling in the tails of the read lengths
#'   distribution. If multiple samples are analysed, a single range of read
#'   lengths is computed such that at least the cl% of all samples is
#'   represented. Default is 100.
#' @param include_stop_codons Logical value whether to include the three stop
#'   codons in the plots. Default is TRUE.
#' @param label_scatter Logical value whether to label the dots in the scatter
#'   plot. Each dot is labeled using either the nucleotide sequence of the codon
#'   or the corresponding amino acid symbol (see \code{label_aminoacid}). This
#'   parameter is considered only if \code{contrast_sample} is specified.
#'   Default is FALSE.
#' @param label_number Integer value in [1,64] specifying how many dots in the
#'   scatter plot should be labeled. Dots farthest from the confident interval
#'   of the regression line are automatically identified and labeled. Default is
#'   64 i.e. all dots are labeled. This parameter is considered only if
#'   \code{label_scatter} is TRUE.
#' @param label_aminoacid Logical value whether to use amino acid symbols to
#'   label the dots of the scatter plot. Default is FALSE i.e. codon nucleotide
#'   sequences are used instead. This parameter is considered only if
#'   \code{label_scatter} is TRUE.
#' @return List containing: one or more ggplot object(s) and the data table with
#'   the corresponding x- and y-axis values ("plot_dt"); an additional data
#'   table with raw, normalized and scaled number of P-sites associated with the
#'   64 triplets for each sample contributing to the plot ("count_dt").
#' @details \strong{riboWaltz} only works for read alignments based on
#'   transcript coordinates. This choice is due to the main purpose of RiboSeq
#'   assays to study translational events through the isolation and sequencing
#'   of ribosome protected fragments. Most reads from RiboSeq are supposed to
#'   map on mRNAs and not on introns and intergenic regions. BAM based on
#'   transcript coordinates can be generated in two ways: i) aligning directly
#'   against transcript sequences; ii) aligning against sequences of genome
#'   assemblies i.e. standard chromosome sequences, thus requiring the outputs
#'   to be translated in transcript coordinates. The first option can be easily
#'   handled by many aligners (e.g. Bowtie), given a reference FASTA file where
#'   each sequence represents a transcript, from the beginning of the 5' UTR to
#'   the end of the 3' UTR. The second procedure is based on reference FASTA
#'   files where each sequence represents a chromosome, usually coupled with
#'   comprehensive gene annotation files (GTF or GFF). The STAR aligner, with
#'   its option --quantMode TranscriptomeSAM (see Chapter 6 of its
#'   \href{http://labshare.cshl.edu/shares/gingeraslab/www-data/dobin/STAR/STAR.posix/doc/STARmanual.pdf}{manual}),
#'    is an example of tool providing such a feature.
#' @examples
#' ## data(reads_list)
#' ## data(mm81cdna)
#' ##
#' ## ## Generate fake samples and replicates
#' ## for(i in 2:6){
#' ##   samp_name <- paste0("Samp", i)
#' ##   set.seed(i)
#' ##   reads_list[[samp_name]] <- reads_list[["Samp1"]][sample(.N, 5000)]
#' ## }
#' ##
#' ## ## Compute and add p-site details
#' ## psite_offset <- psite(reads_list, flanking = 6, extremity = "auto")
#' ## reads_psite_list <- psite_info(reads_list, psite_offset)
#' ##
#' ## ## Define the list of samples and replicate to use as input
#' ## input_samples <- list("S1" = c("Samp1", "Samp2"),
#' ##                       "S2" = c("Samp3", "Samp4", "Samp5"),
#' ##                       "S3" = c("Samp6"))
#' ##
#' ## Generate bar plots, alignment on transcript sequences
#' ## example_cu_barplot <- codon_usage_psite(reads_psite_list, mm81cdna,
#' ##                                        sample = input_samples,
#' ##                                        multisamples = "average",
#' ##                                        plot_style = "facet",
#' ##                                        fastapath = "path/to/transcriptome/FASTA/file",
#' ##                                        fasta_genome = FALSE)
#' ##
#' ## Generate bar plots,  alignment on chromosome sequences
#' ## example_cu_barplot <- codon_usage_psite(reads_psite_list, mm81cdna,
#' ##                                        sample = input_samples,
#' ##                                        multisamples = "average",
#' ##                                        plot_style = "facet",
#' ##                                        fastapath = "path/to/chromosome/FASTA/file",
#' ##                                        fasta_genome = TRUE) 
#' ##
#' ## Generate scatterplot comparing two samples
#' ## example_cu_barplot <- codon_usage_psite(reads_psite_list, mm81cdna,
#' ##                                        sample = input_samples,
#' ##                                        contrast_sample = c("S1", "S2"),
#' ##                                        fastapath = "path/to/transcriptome/FASTA/file",
#' ##                                        fasta_genome = FALSE,
#' ##                                        frequency_normalization = FALSE)
#' @import data.table
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
codon_usage_psite <- function(data, annotation, sample, multisamples = "average",
                              plot_style = "split", site = "psite",
                              frequency_normalization = TRUE,
                              contrast_sample = NULL, codon_values = NULL,
                              fastapath = NULL, fasta_genome = TRUE,
                              refseq_sep = NULL, bsgenome = NULL, gtfpath = NULL,
                              txdb = NULL, dataSource = NA, organism = NA,
                              transcripts = NULL, length_range = NULL, cl = 100,
                              include_stop_codons = TRUE, label_scatter = FALSE,
                              label_number = 64, label_aminoacid = FALSE) {
  if(class(data[[1]])[1] == "GRanges"){
    data_tmp <- list()
    for(i in names(data)){
      data_tmp[[i]] <- as.data.table(data[[i]])[, c("width", "strand") := NULL
      ][, seqnames := as.character(seqnames)]
      setnames(data_tmp[[i]], c("seqnames", "start", "end"), c("transcript", "end5", "end3"))
    data <- data_tmp
  check_sample <- setdiff(unlist(sample), names(data))
  if(length(check_sample) != 0){
    stop(sprintf("incorrect sample name(s): \"%s\" not found\n\n",
                 paste(check_sample, collapse = ", ")))
  if(length(sample) == 0){
    stop("at least one sample name must be spcified\n\n")
    if(is.list(sample) & !all(contrast_sample %in% names(sample))){
      stop("contrast_sample includes at least one character string not listed in names(sample)\n\n")
    if(!is.list(sample) & !all(contrast_sample %in% sample)){
      stop("contrast_sample includes at least one character string not listed in parameter sample\n\n")
    if(length(contrast_sample) >= 2 & length(sample) > 1 & is.character(sample) & multisamples == "average"){
      warning("contrast_sample includes samples which are averaged according to
      multisamples = \"average\". Parameter multisamples will be coerced to
      \"independent\"\n", call. = FALSE)
      multisamples <- "independent"
    if(length(contrast_sample) == 1 & is.null(codon_values)){
      warning("length of contrast_sample is 1 but codon_values is NULL:
              contrast_sample will not be considered.\n", call. = FALSE)
      contrast_sample <- NULL
    if(length(contrast_sample) > 2){
      warning("number of samples specified in contrast_sample > 2:
             the first two samples will be considered\n", call. = FALSE)
      contrast_sample <- contrast_sample[1:2]
    if(length(contrast_sample) == 2 & length(sample) == 1){
      stop("length of contrast_sample is 2 but only one element is listed in sample.\n\n")
        sample <- sample[contrast_sample]
      } else {
        sample <- contrast_sample
    if(length(contrast_sample) == 2){
      warning("codon_values is specified but two samples are listed in contrast_sample:
              codon_values will not be considered\n", call. = FALSE)
      codon_values <- NULL
      warning("codon_values is specified but contrast_sample is NULL:
              codon_values will not be considered\n", call. = FALSE)
      codon_values <- NULL
    if (!is.null(codon_values) & uniqueN(as.character(codon_values$codon)) < 64){
      stop("number of different triplets in codon_values < 64. At least one codon is missing\n\n")
    } else {
      if (!is.null(codon_values) & uniqueN(as.character(codon_values$codon)) > 64){
        stop("number of different triplets in codon_values > 64. Too many codons\n\n")
  if(!(site %in% c("psite", "asite", "esite"))){
    warning("parameter site must be either \"psite\", \"asite\" or \"esite\":
            parameter site will be coerced to default \"psite\"\n", call. = FALSE)
    site <- "psite"
  if(length(length_range) != 0 & !inherits(length_range, "numeric") & !inherits(length_range, "integer")){
    warning("class of length_range is neither numeric nor integer. Set to default NULL\n", call. = FALSE)
    length_range = NULL
  if(!(multisamples %in% c("average", "independent"))){
    warning("parameter multisamples must be either \"average\" or \"independent\".
            Set to default \"average\"\n", call. = FALSE)
    multisamples <- "average"
  if(multisamples == "independent" & is.list(sample)) {
    warning("parameter multisamples is set to \"independent\" but parameter sample is a list:
            parameter multisamples will be coerced to default \"average\"\n", call. = FALSE)
    multisamples <- "average"
  if(is.character(sample) & length(sample) == 1) {
    multisamples <- "independent"
    plot_style <- "split"
  if(is.character(sample) & length(sample) > 1 & multisamples == "average") {
    sample <- list("Average" = sample)
    plot_style <- "split"
    warning("Default name of averaged samples is \"Average\":
            consider to use a named list of one element to provide a meaningful plot title\n", call. = FALSE)
  if(is.list(sample) & length(sample) == 1){
    plot_style <- "split"
    plot_style <- "split"
  if(!(plot_style %in% c("split", "facet"))){
    warning("parameter plot_style must be either \"split\" or \"facet\".
            Set to default \"split\"\n", call. = FALSE)
    plot_style <- "split"
  # select transcripts
  l_transcripts <- as.character(annotation[l_cds > 0 & l_cds %% 3 == 0, transcript])
  if (length(transcripts) == 0) {
    c_transcripts <- l_transcripts
  } else {
    c_transcripts <- intersect(l_transcripts, transcripts)
  # define length range taking into account all (unlisted) samples
  if(length(length_range) == 0){
    for(samp in as.character(unlist(sample))){
      dt <- data[[samp]][transcript %in% c_transcripts]
      if(length(length_range) == 0){
        length_range <- seq(quantile(dt$length, (1 - cl/100)/2),
                            quantile(dt$length, 1 - (1 - cl/100)/2))
      } else {
        xmin <- min(min(length_range), quantile(dt$length, (1 - cl/100)/2))
        xmax <- max(max(length_range), quantile(dt$length, 1 - (1 - cl/100)/2))
        length_range <- seq(xmin, xmax)
  # check if all samples have reads of the specified lengths
  # especially required if only one read length is passed
  if(length(length_range) != 0){
      samp_dt <- data.table(stack(sample))
      setnames(samp_dt, c("sample", "sample_l"))
    } else {
      samp_dt <- data.table("sample" = sample, "sample_l" = sample)
    for(samp in samp_dt$sample){
      dt <- data[[samp]][cds_start != 0 & cds_stop !=0]
      if(length(c_transcripts) != 0) {
        dt <- dt[transcript %in% c_transcripts]
      len_check <- unique(dt$length)
      if(sum(length_range %in% len_check) == 0) {
        warning(sprintf("\"%s\" doesn't contain any reads of the selected lengths: sample removed\n", samp), call. = FALSE)
        #select element of sample which include the sample to be removed (useful if sample is a list)
        sel_l_samp <- samp_dt[sample == samp, sample_l]
        #remove the sample from the list/vector
          sample[[sel_l_samp]] <- sample[[sel_l_samp]][sample[[sel_l_samp]] != samp]
        } else {
          sample <- sample[sample != samp]
    stop("none of the data tables listed in sample contains any reads of the specified lengths\n\n")
  # if the "site column" is not present in all specified samples or frequency_normalization == T
  # add the "site column"
  if((sum(lapply(data[as.character(unlist(sample))], function(x)
    (gsub("site", "_site_codon", site) %in% colnames(x))) == TRUE) < length(as.character(unlist(sample)))) |
    ((sum(lapply(data[as.character(unlist(sample))], function(x)
      (gsub("site", "_site_codon", site) %in% colnames(x))) == TRUE) == length(as.character(unlist(sample)))) &
     (frequency_normalization == TRUE | frequency_normalization == T))){
    if(length(fastapath) == 0 & length(bsgenome) == 0){
      if(sum(lapply(data[as.character(unlist(sample))], function(x)
        (gsub("site", "_site_codon", site) %in% colnames(x))) == TRUE) < length(as.character(unlist(sample)))){
        stop(paste0("unable to add ", gsub("site", "_site_codon", site), " column. Either fastpath or bsgenome must be specified\n\n"))
      } else {
        warning("no nucleotide sequences provided.
                Either fastpath or bsgenome must be specified to normalize the data for triplet frequencies:
                non-normalized codon usage indexes will be returned\n", .call = FALSE)
        frequency_normalization = FALSE
    if(((length(fastapath) != 0 & (fasta_genome == TRUE | fasta_genome == T)) |
        length(bsgenome) != 0) &
       length(gtfpath) == 0 & length(txdb) == 0){
      stop("genome annotation file not specified. Either gtfpath or txdb object must be specified\n\n")
    if(length(fastapath) != 0 & length(bsgenome) != 0){
      warning("both fastapath and bsgenome are specified. Only fastapath will be considered\n")
      bsgenome = NULL
    if(length(gtfpath) != 0 & length(txdb) != 0){
      warning("both gtfpath and txdb are specified. Only gtfpath will be considered\n")
      txdb = NULL
    if((length(gtfpath) != 0 | length(txdb) != 0) &
       ((length(fastapath) == 0 & length(bsgenome) == 0) |
        (length(fastapath) != 0 & (fasta_genome == FALSE | fasta_genome == F)))){
      stop("genome annotation file specified but no sequences from genome assembly provided\n\n")
    # read the gtf
    if(length(gtfpath) != 0 | length(txdb) != 0){
      if(length(gtfpath) != 0){
        path_to_gtf <- gtfpath
        suppressWarnings(txdbanno <- GenomicFeatures::makeTxDbFromGFF(file = path_to_gtf,
                                                                      format = "gtf",
                                                                      dataSource = dataSource,
                                                                      organism = organism))
      } else {
        if(txdb %in% rownames(installed.packages())){
          library(txdb, character.only = TRUE)
        } else {
          biocLite(txdb, suppressUpdates = TRUE)
          library(txdb, character.only = TRUE)
        txdbanno <- get(txdb)
    #read the FASTA and (if needed) move from chromosome sequences to transcript sequences
    if(length(fastapath) != 0 | length(bsgenome) != 0){
      if(length(fastapath) != 0) {
        if(fasta_genome == TRUE | fasta_genome == T){
          temp_sequences <- Biostrings::readDNAStringSet(fastapath, format = "fasta", use.names = TRUE)
          if(length(refseq_sep) != 0){
            names(temp_sequences) <- tstrsplit(names(temp_sequences), refseq_sep, fixed = TRUE, keep = 1)[[1]]
          exon <- suppressWarnings(GenomicFeatures::exonsBy(txdbanno, by = "tx", use.names = TRUE))
          exon <- as.data.table(exon[unique(names(exon))])
          sub_exon_plus <- exon[as.character(seqnames) %in% names(temp_sequences) & strand == "+"]
          sub_exon_minus <- exon[as.character(seqnames) %in% names(temp_sequences) & strand == "-"
          ][, new_end := Biostrings::width(temp_sequences[as.character(seqnames)]) - start + 1
          ][, new_start := Biostrings::width(temp_sequences[as.character(seqnames)]) - end + 1]
          seq_dt_plus <- sub_exon_plus[, nt_seq := "emp"
          ][, nt_seq := as.character(Biostrings::subseq(temp_sequences[as.character(seqnames)],
                                                        start = start,
                                                        end = end))
          ][, list(seq = paste(nt_seq, collapse = "")), by = group_name]
          revcompl_temp_sequences <- Biostrings::reverseComplement(temp_sequences)
          seq_dt_minus <- sub_exon_minus[, nt_seq := "emp"
          ][, nt_seq := as.character(Biostrings::subseq(revcompl_temp_sequences[as.character(seqnames)],
                                                        start = new_start,
                                                        end = new_end))
          ][, list(seq = paste(nt_seq, collapse = "")), by = group_name]
          sequences <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(c(seq_dt_plus$seq, seq_dt_minus$seq))
          names(sequences) <- c(unique(sub_exon_plus$group_name), unique(sub_exon_minus$group_name))
        } else {
          sequences <- Biostrings::readDNAStringSet(fastapath, format = "fasta", use.names = TRUE)
            names(sequences) <- tstrsplit(names(sequences), refseq_sep, fixed = TRUE, keep = 1)[[1]]
      } else {
        if(bsgenome %in% installed.genomes()){
          library(bsgenome, character.only = TRUE)
        } else {
          biocLite(bsgenome, suppressUpdates = TRUE)
          library(bsgenome, character.only = TRUE)
        sequences <- GenomicFeatures::extractTranscriptSeqs(get(bsgenome), txdbanno, use.names = T)
    # add the codon sequence associated with each P-site
    for(samp in as.character(unlist(sample))){
      if(!(gsub("site", "_site_codon", site) %in% colnames(data[[samp]]))){
        if(site == "psite" & !("p_site_codon" %in% colnames(data[[samp]]))){
          data[[samp]] <- data[[samp]][, p_site_codon := as.character(Biostrings::subseq(sequences[as.character(data[[samp]]$transcript)],
                                                                                         start = data[[samp]]$psite,
                                                                                         end = data[[samp]]$psite + 2))]
        if(site == "asite" & !("a_site_codon" %in% colnames(data[[samp]]))){
          data[[samp]] <- data[[samp]][, a_site_codon := as.character(Biostrings::subseq(sequences[as.character(data[[samp]]$transcript)],
                                                                                         start = data[[samp]]$psite + 3,
                                                                                         end = data[[samp]]$psite + 5))]
        if(site == "esite" & !("e_site_codon" %in% colnames(data[[samp]]))){
          data[[samp]] <- data[[samp]][, e_site_codon := as.character(Biostrings::subseq(sequences[as.character(data[[samp]]$transcript)],
                                                                                         start = data[[samp]]$psite - 3,
                                                                                         end = data[[samp]]$psite - 1))]
  # if frequency_normalization == TRUE compute the frequency of all 
  # triplets in the selected transcripts 
  if(frequency_normalization == TRUE | frequency_normalization == T){
    if(setequal(names(sequences), as.character(annotation$transcript)) == FALSE){
      exc_seq <- length(setdiff(names(sequences), as.character(annotation$transcript)))
      exc_anno <- length(setdiff(as.character(annotation$transcript), names(sequences)))
      if(exc_seq > 0){
        warning(sprintf("more reference sequences (from FASTA or BSgenome) than transcript IDs (from annotation data table): 
                        %s reference sequences discarded", exc_seq), call. = FALSE)
      if(exc_anno > 0){
        warning(sprintf("more transcript IDs (from annotation data table) than sequences (from FASTA or BSgenome):
                        %s transcript IDs discarded", exc_seq), call. = FALSE)
    c_transcripts <- intersect(c_transcripts, names(sequences))
    sub_sequences <- sequences[c_transcripts]
    cds_biost <- Biostrings::subseq(sub_sequences,
                                    start = annotation[transcript %in% names(sub_sequences), l_utr5] + 1,
                                    end = annotation[transcript %in% names(sub_sequences), l_utr5] +
                                      annotation[transcript %in% names(sub_sequences), l_cds])
    seq_freq <- (Biostrings::trinucleotideFrequency(cds_biost, step = 3,
                                                    as.prob = TRUE,
                                                    with.labels = TRUE,
                                                    simplify.as = "collapsed")) * 1000
    names(seq_freq) <- gsub("T", "U", names(seq_freq))
  # data.table for conversion codon-aa
  cod_aa <- data.table(codon=c("GCC", "GCG", "GCU", "GCA", "AGA", "CGG", "AGG", "CGA", "CGC", "CGU", "AAC", "AAU", "GAC", "GAU", "UGC", "UGU", "CAA", "CAG", "GAG", "GAA", "GGC", "GGU", "GGA", "GGG", "CAC", "CAU", "AUA", "AUC", "AUU", "CUG", "CUA", "UUA", "CUU", "UUG", "CUC", "AAA", "AAG", "AUG", "UUC", "UUU", "CCG", "CCC", "CCU", "CCA", "AGC", "UCG", "UCU", "UCA", "UCC", "AGU", "UAG", "UAA", "UGA", "ACA", "ACC", "ACG", "ACU", "UGG", "UAU", "UAC", "GUA", "GUG", "GUU", "GUC"),
                       aa=c("A", "A", "A", "A", "R", "R", "R", "R", "R", "R", "N", "N", "D", "D", "C", "C", "Q", "Q", "E", "E", "G", "G", "G", "G", "H", "H", "I", "I", "I", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "K", "K", "M", "F", "F", "P", "P", "P", "P", "S", "S", "S", "S", "S", "S", "*", "*", "*", "T", "T", "T", "T", "W", "Y", "Y", "V", "V", "V", "V"))
  cod_lev <- gsub("U", "T", cod_aa$codon)
  # compute triplet coverage
  final_dt <- data.table()
  for(samp in as.character(unlist(sample))) {
    dt <- data[[samp]][as.character(transcript) %in% c_transcripts & psite_from_start %% 3 == 0]
    if(site == "psite"){
      dt <- dt[psite_region == "cds"]
      temp_table <- data.table(table(factor(dt$p_site_codon, levels = cod_lev)))
    } else {
      if(site == "asite"){
        dt <- dt[psite_from_start >= -3 & psite_from_stop <= -3]
        temp_table <- data.table(table(factor(dt$a_site_codon, levels = cod_lev)))
      } else {
        dt <- dt[psite_from_start >= 3 & psite_from_stop <= 3]
        temp_table <- data.table(table(factor(dt$e_site_codon, levels = cod_lev)))
    colnames(temp_table) <- c("codon", "count")
    temp_table[, codon := gsub("T", "U", codon)]
    if(frequency_normalization == TRUE | frequency_normalization == T){
      temp_table[, norm_count := count / seq_freq[codon]]
    } else {
      temp_table[, norm_count := count]
    temp_table[, scaled_count := norm_count - min(norm_count)
    ][, scaled_count := scaled_count / max(scaled_count)
    ][, tmp_samp := samp]
    final_dt <- rbind(final_dt, temp_table)
  output <- list()
  output[["count_dt"]] <- copy(final_dt[, c("tmp_samp", "codon", "count", "norm_count", "scaled_count")])
  if(!(frequency_normalization == TRUE | frequency_normalization == T)){
    output[["count_dt"]][, norm_count := NULL]
  setnames(output[["count_dt"]], "tmp_samp", "sample")
  if(length(contrast_sample) == 1){
    codon_values <- codon_values[, list(codon, value)]
    codon_values[, scaled_user_count := value - min(value)
    ][, scaled_user_count := scaled_user_count / max(scaled_user_count)
    ][, codon := gsub("T", "U", codon)]
  #add codon classes
  final_dt <- final_dt[, class := "cds"
  ][codon == "AUG", class := "start"
  ][codon %in% c("UAA", "UGA", "UAG"), class := "stop"]
  # compute mean samples if a list is provided
    samp_dt <- data.table(stack(sample))
    setnames(samp_dt, c("tmp_samp", "sample"))
    # set names of samples as specified in parameter sample
    final_dt <- merge.data.table(final_dt, samp_dt, sort = FALSE)[, tmp_samp := NULL]
    # compute mean and se
    plot_dt <- final_dt[, .(mean_scaled_count = mean(scaled_count),
                            se_scaled_count = sd(scaled_count/sqrt(.N))), by = .(codon, class, sample)]
      if(any(lengths(sample) != 1)){
        output[["plot_dt"]] <- copy(plot_dt[, c("sample", "codon", "class", "mean_scaled_count", "se_scaled_count")])
        setnames(output[["plot_dt"]], c("codon", "mean_scaled_count", "se_scaled_count"), c("x", "y", "y_se"))
      } else {
        output[["plot_dt"]] <- copy(final_dt[, c("sample", "codon", "class", "scaled_count")])
        setnames(output[["plot_dt"]], c("codon", "scaled_count"), c("x", "y"))
  } else {
    plot_dt <- final_dt[, sample := tmp_samp
    ][, se_scaled_count := NA]
    setnames(plot_dt, "scaled_count", "mean_scaled_count")
      output[["plot_dt"]] <- copy(plot_dt[, c("sample", "codon", "class", "mean_scaled_count")])
      setnames(output[["plot_dt"]], c("codon", "mean_scaled_count"), c("x", "y"))
  plot_dt[, sample := factor(sample, levels = unique(sample))]
  #define plot dt and output dt when a scatter plot is generated
  if(!is.null(contrast_sample)) {
    if(length(contrast_sample) == 1){
      plot_scatter_dt <- merge.data.table(plot_dt, codon_values, by = "codon")
    } else {
      plot_scatter_dt <- plot_dt[sample == contrast_sample[1]]
      plot_scatter_dt[, scaled_user_count := plot_dt[sample == contrast_sample[2], mean_scaled_count]]
    plot_dt <- plot_scatter_dt
    output[["plot_dt"]] <- copy(plot_dt[, c("codon", "class", "mean_scaled_count", "scaled_user_count")]
    )[order(codon, class)]
    setnames(output[["plot_dt"]], c("mean_scaled_count", "scaled_user_count"), c("x", "y"))
  plot_dt <- merge.data.table(plot_dt, cod_aa, by = "codon", sort = FALSE)
  if(include_stop_codons == TRUE){
    plot_dt <- plot_dt[, class := factor(class, levels = c("start", "cds", "stop"),
                                         labels = c("Start codon", "CDS", "Stop codon"))]
  } else {
    output[["plot_dt"]] <- output[["plot_dt"]][class != "stop"]
    plot_dt <- plot_dt[class != "stop"
    ][, class := factor(class, levels = c("start", "cds"),
                        labels = c("Start codon", "CDS"))]

  oldw <- getOption("warn")
    if(plot_style == "split"){
      for(samp in unique(plot_dt$sample)){
        sub_plot_dt <- plot_dt[sample == samp
        ][, codon_aa := paste0(codon, "-", aa)
          ][, codon_aa := factor(codon_aa, levels = codon_aa)]
        colour_codon <- ifelse(sub_plot_dt$codon == "AUG", "#333f50",
                               ifelse(sub_plot_dt$codon %in% c("UAA", "UGA", "UAG"),
                                      "#8f1115", "gray40"))
        bs <- 30
        plot <- ggplot(sub_plot_dt, aes(x = codon_aa, y = mean_scaled_count, fill = class)) +
          geom_bar(stat = "identity", alpha = 1, color = "white") +
          geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = mean_scaled_count - se_scaled_count,
                            ymax = mean_scaled_count + se_scaled_count, color = class),
                        width = 0.35, linewidth = 1.1, na.rm = T, show.legend = F)
          if(include_stop_codons == TRUE){
            plot <- plot + scale_fill_manual(breaks = c("Start codon","Stop codon"), 
                                             values = c("#333f50", "#8f1115"), limits = c("Start codon","Stop codon")) +
              scale_color_manual(breaks = c("Start codon","Stop codon"), 
                                 values = c("#333f50", "#8f1115"), limits = c("Start codon","Stop codon"))
          } else {
            plot <- plot + scale_fill_manual(breaks = c("Start codon", "CDS"),
                                             values = c("#333f50", "gray40"), limits = c("Start codon", "CDS")) +
              scale_color_manual(breaks = c("Start codon", "CDS"), 
                                 values = c("#333f50", "gray40"), limits = c("Start codon", "CDS"))
          plot <- plot + theme_bw(base_size = bs) +
          theme(legend.position = "top", legend.margin=margin(0,0,0,0), legend.box.margin=margin(5,0,-15,0),
                legend.text = element_text(margin = margin(l = -8, unit = "pt")),
                legend.title = element_blank(),
                axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5, size = bs * 0.5, colour = colour_codon),
                panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(),
                plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
          labs(title = samp, x = "Codon") +
          scale_y_continuous("Usage index", limits = c(0, 1.025), breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.25))
        output[[paste0("plot_", samp)]] <- plot
    } else {
      plot_dt <- plot_dt[order(class, codon)
      ][, codon_aa := paste0(codon, "-", aa)
      ][, codon_aa := factor(codon_aa, levels = unique(codon_aa))]
      colour_codon <- ifelse(unique(plot_dt$codon) == "AUG", "#333f50",
                             ifelse(unique(plot_dt$codon) %in% c("UAA", "UGA", "UAG"),
                                    "#8f1115", "gray40"))
      bs <- 30
      plot <- ggplot(plot_dt, aes(x = codon_aa, y = mean_scaled_count, fill = class)) +
        geom_bar(stat = "identity", alpha = 1, color = "white") +
        geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = mean_scaled_count - se_scaled_count,
                          ymax = mean_scaled_count + se_scaled_count, color = class),
                      width = 0.35, linewidth = 1.1, na.rm = T, show.legend = F)
      if(include_stop_codons == TRUE){
        plot <- plot + scale_fill_manual(breaks = c("Start codon","Stop codon"), 
                                         values = c("#333f50", "#8f1115"), limits = c("Start codon","Stop codon")) +
          scale_color_manual(breaks = c("Start codon","Stop codon"), 
                             values = c("#333f50", "#8f1115"), limits = c("Start codon","Stop codon"))
      } else {
        plot <- plot + scale_fill_manual(breaks = c("Start codon", "CDS"),
                                         values = c("#333f50", "gray40"), limits = c("Start codon", "CDS")) +
          scale_color_manual(breaks = c("Start codon", "CDS"), 
                             values = c("#333f50", "gray40"), limits = c("Start codon", "CDS"))
      plot <- plot + theme_bw(base_size = bs) +
        facet_grid(sample ~ ., switch = "x") +
        theme(legend.position = "top", legend.margin=margin(0,0,0,0), legend.box.margin=margin(5,0,-15,0),
              legend.text = element_text(margin = margin(l = -12, unit = "pt")),
              legend.title = element_blank(), strip.background = element_blank(),
              axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5, size = bs * 0.5, colour = colour_codon),
              panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank()) +
        labs(x = "Codon") +
        scale_y_continuous("Usage index", limits = c(0, 1.025), breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.25))
      output[["plot"]] <- plot
  } else {
    correlation <- round(cor(plot_dt$mean_scaled_count, plot_dt$scaled_user_count), 3)
    bs <- 25
    plot <- ggplot(plot_dt, aes(x = mean_scaled_count, y = scaled_user_count, colour = class)) +
      geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = T, color = "gray80", fill = "gray80", linetype = 1,
                  formula = y ~ x, level = 0.99,  fullrange = TRUE) +
      geom_point(alpha = 0.9, size = bs * 0.14)
    if(include_stop_codons == TRUE){
      plot <- plot + scale_colour_manual(breaks = c("Start codon","Stop codon"),
                                         values = c("#333f50", "#8f1115"), limits = c("Start codon","Stop codon"))
    } else {
      plot <- plot + scale_color_manual(breaks = c("Start codon", "CDS"), 
                                        values = c("#333f50", "gray40"), limits = c("Start codon", "CDS"))
    plot <- plot + theme_bw(base_size = bs) +
      theme(legend.position = "top", legend.margin=margin(0,0,0,0), legend.box.margin=margin(5,0,-15,0),
            legend.text = element_text(margin = margin(l = -12, unit = "pt")),
            panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), legend.title = element_blank()) +
      scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-0.3,1.3), breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.25), expand = c(0,0)) +
      scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-0.3,1.3), breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.25), expand = c(0,0)) +
      coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-0.05, 1.05), ylim = c(-0.05, 1.05)) +
      annotate("text", x = 1, y = 0, label = paste0("R=",correlation),
               vjust = -0.2, size = bs * 0.2, hjust = 1, color = "black")
    if(length(contrast_sample) == 1){
      plot <- plot + labs(x = contrast_sample, y = "User value")
    } else {
      plot <- plot + labs(x = contrast_sample[1], y = contrast_sample[2])
    if (label_scatter == T || label_scatter == TRUE) {
      if (label_number != 64){
        fit <- lm(plot_dt$scaled_user_count ~ plot_dt$mean_scaled_count)
        outlier_tab <- data.table(predict.lm(fit, interval = "confidence", level = 0.95)
        )[, codon := plot_dt$codon
        ][, scaled_user_count := plot_dt$scaled_user_count
        ][scaled_user_count < lwr | scaled_user_count > upr]
        outlier_cod <- as.character(outlier_tab[, max_dist := min(abs(scaled_user_count - lwr), abs(scaled_user_count - upr)),
                                                by = 1:nrow(outlier_tab)
        ][1:label_number, codon])
        lab_table <- plot_dt[, codon_out := ""
        ][as.character(codon) %in% outlier_cod, codon_out := codon
        ][, aa_out := ""
        ][codon_out != "", aa_out := aa]
        if (label_aminoacid == T || label_aminoacid == TRUE) {
          label_col <- "aa_out"
        } else {
          label_col <- "codon_out"
      } else {
        lab_table <- plot_dt
        if (label_aminoacid == T || label_aminoacid == TRUE) {
          label_col <- "aa"
        } else {
          label_col <- "codon"
      plot <- plot +
        ggrepel::geom_text_repel(data = lab_table, 
                                 aes_string("mean_scaled_count", "scaled_user_count",
                                            label = as.character(label_col)), show.legend = F)
    output[["plot"]] <- plot
  options(warn = oldw)
LabTranslationalArchitectomics/riboWaltz documentation built on Jan. 17, 2024, 12:18 p.m.