
Defines functions importBEDAlignments importBAMAlignments rbind_dodge getUniqueCleavageEvents

Documented in getUniqueCleavageEvents

#' Using UMI sequence to obtain the starting sequence library
#' PCR amplification often leads to biased representation of the starting
#' sequence population. To track the sequence tags present in the initial
#' sequence library, a unique molecular identifier (UMI) is added to the 5
#' prime of each sequence in the staring library. This function uses the UMI
#' sequence plus the first few sequence from R1 reads to obtain the starting
#' sequence library.
#' @param alignment.inputfile The alignment file. Currently supports bed output
#' file with CIGAR information. Suggest run the workflow binReads.sh, which
#' sequentially runs barcode binning, adaptor removal, alignment to genome,
#' alignment quality filtering, and bed file conversion. Please download the
#' workflow function and its helper scripts at
#' http://mccb.umassmed.edu/GUIDE-seq/binReads/
#' @param umi.inputfile A text file containing at least two columns, one is the
#' read identifier and the other is the UMI or UMI plus the first few bases of
#' R1 reads. Suggest use getUMI.sh to generate this file. Please download the
#' script and its helper scripts at http://mccb.umassmed.edu/GUIDE-seq/getUMI/
#' @param alignment.format The format of the alignment input file. Currently
#' only bam and bed file format is supported. BED format will be deprecated
#' soon.
#' @param umi.header Indicates whether the umi input file contains a header
#' line or not.  Default to FALSE
#' @param read.ID.col The index of the column containing the read identifier in
#' the umi input file, default to 1
#' @param umi.col The index of the column containing the umi or umi plus the
#' first few bases of sequence from the R1 reads, default to 2
#' @param umi.sep column separator in the umi input file, default to tab
#' @param keep.chrM Specify whether to include alignment from chrM. Default
#' @param keep.R1only Specify whether to include alignment with only R1 without
#' paired R2.  Default TRUE
#' @param keep.R2only Specify whether to include alignment with only R2 without
#' paired R1.  Default TRUE
#' @param concordant.strand Specify whether the R1 and R2 should be aligned to
#' the same strand or opposite strand. Default opposite.strand (TRUE)
#' @param max.paired.distance Specify the maximum distance allowed between
#' paired R1 and R2 reads.  Default 1000 bp
#' @param min.mapping.quality Specify min.mapping.quality of acceptable
#' alignments
#' @param max.R1.len The maximum retained R1 length to be considered for
#' downstream analysis, default 130 bp. Please note that default of 130 works
#' well when the read length 150 bp. Please also note that retained R1 length
#' is not necessarily equal to the mapped R1 length
#' @param max.R2.len The maximum retained R2 length to be considered for
#' downstream analysis, default 130 bp. Please note that default of 130 works
#' well when the read length 150 bp. Please also note that retained R2 length
#' is not necessarily equal to the mapped R2 length
#' @param apply.both.max.len Specify whether to apply maximum length
#' requirement to both R1 and R2 reads, default FALSE
#' @param same.chromosome Specify whether the paired reads are required to
#' align to the same chromosome, default TRUE
#' @param distance.inter.chrom Specify the distance value to assign to the
#' paired reads that are aligned to different chromosome, default -1
#' @param min.R1.mapped The maximum mapped R1 length to be considered for
#' downstream analysis, default 30 bp.
#' @param min.R2.mapped The maximum mapped R2 length to be considered for
#' downstream analysis, default 30 bp.
#' @param apply.both.min.mapped Specify whether to apply minimum mapped length
#' requirement to both R1 and R2 reads, default FALSE
#' @param max.duplicate.distance Specify the maximum distance apart for two
#' reads to be considered as duplicates, default 0. Currently only 0 is
#' supported
#' @param umi.plus.R1start.unique To specify whether two mapped reads are
#' considered as unique if both containing the same UMI and same alignment
#' start for R1 read, default TRUE.
#' @param umi.plus.R2start.unique To specify whether two mapped reads are
#' considered as unique if both containing the same UMI and same alignment
#' start for R2 read, default TRUE.
#' @param min.umi.count To specify the minimum count for a umi to be included
#' in the subsequent analysis.  Please adjust it to a higher number for deeply
#' sequenced library and vice versa.
#' @param max.umi.count To specify the maximum count for a umi to be included
#' in the subsequent analysis.  Please adjust it to a higher number for deeply
#' sequenced library and vice versa.
#' @param min.read.coverage To specify the minimum coverage for a read UMI
#' combination to be included in the subsequent analysis.  Please note that
#' this is different from min.umi.count which is less stringent.
#' @param n.cores.max Indicating maximum number of cores to use in multi core
#' mode, i.e., parallel processing, default 6. Please set it to 1 to disable
#' multicore processing for small dataset.
#' @param outputDir output Directory to save the figures
#' @param removeDuplicate default to TRUE. Set it to FALSE if PCR duplicates
#' not to be removed for testing purpose.
#' @param ignoreTagmSite default to FALSE. To collapse
#' reads with the same integration site and UMI but with different 
#' tagmentation site, set the option to TRUE.
#' @param ignoreUMI default to FALSE. To collapse reads with the same 
#' integration and tagmentation site but with different UMIs, 
#' set the option to TRUE and retain the UMI that appears most frequently
#'  for each combination of integration and tagmentation site. 
#'  In case of ties, randomly select one UMI.
#' @return \item{cleavage.gr }{Cleavage sites with one site per UMI as GRanges
#' with metadata column total set to 1 for each range}
#' \item{unique.umi.plus.R2}{a data frame containing unique cleavage site from
#' R2 reads mapped to plus strand with the following columns: seqnames
#' (chromosome), start (cleavage/Integration site), 
#' strand, UMI (unique molecular identifier), and UMI read duplication level
#' (min.read.coverage can be used to remove UMI-read with very low coverage) }
#' \item{unique.umi.minus.R2}{a data frame containing unique cleavage site from
#' R2 reads mapped to minus strand with the same columns as unique.umi.plus.R2
#' } \item{unique.umi.plus.R1}{a data frame containing unique cleavage site
#' from R1 reads mapped to minus strand without corresponding R2 reads mapped
#' to the plus strand, with the same columns as unique.umi.plus.R2 }
#' \item{unique.umi.minus.R1}{a data frame containing unique cleavage site from
#' R1 reads mapped to plus strand without corresponding R2 reads mapped to the
#' minus strand, with the same columns as unique.umi.plus.R2 }
#'  \item{align.umi}{a data frame containing all the mapped reads with the
#'  following columns.
#' readName (read ID), chr.x (chromosome of readSide.x/R1 read), start.x (start
#' of eadSide.x/R1 read), end.x (end of eadSide.x/R1 read), mapping.qual.x
#' (mapping quality of readSide.x/R1 read), strand.x (strand of readSide.x/R1
#' read), cigar.x (CIGAR of readSide.x/R1 read) , readSide.x (1/R1), chr.y
#' (chromosome of readSide.y/R2 read) start.y (start of readSide.y/R2 read),
#' end.y (end of readSide.y/R2 read), mapping.qual.y (mapping quality of
#' readSide.y/R2 read), strand.y (strand of readSide.y/R2 read), cigar.y (CIGAR
#' of readSide.y/R2 read), readSide.y (2/R2) R1.base.kept (retained R1 length),
#' R2.base.kept (retained R2 length), distance (distance between mapped R1 and
#' R2), UMI (unique molecular identifier (umi) or umi with the first few bases
#' of R1 read) }
#' @author Lihua Julie Zhu
#' @seealso getPeaks
#' @references Shengdar Q Tsai and J Keith Joung et al. GUIDE-seq enables
#' genome-wide profiling of off-target cleavage by CRISPR-Cas nucleases. Nature
#' Biotechnology 33, 187 to 197 (2015)
#' @keywords misc
#' @examples
#'     if(interactive())
#'     {
#'         umiFile <- system.file("extdata", "UMI-HEK293_site4_chr13.txt",
#'            package = "GUIDEseq")
#'         alignFile <- system.file("extdata","bowtie2.HEK293_site4_chr13.sort.bam" ,
#'             package = "GUIDEseq")
#'         cleavages <- getUniqueCleavageEvents(
#'             alignment.inputfile = alignFile , umi.inputfile = umiFile,
#'             n.cores.max = 1)
#'         names(cleavages)
#'         #output a summary of duplicate counts for sequencing saturation assessment
#'         table(cleavages$umi.count.summary$n)
#'     }
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @rawNamespace import(S4Vectors, except=c(fold, values, rename))
#' @rawNamespace import(IRanges, except=values)
#' @rawNamespace import(BSgenome, except=export)
#' @rawNamespace import(GenomicRanges, except=values)
#' @rawNamespace import(BiocGenerics, except=c(var, sd))
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off pdf
#' @importFrom graphics hist par
#' @importFrom GenomicAlignments readGAlignmentsList first
#' last readGAlignmentPairs
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster stopCluster detectCores
#' parLapply
#' @importFrom Rsamtools ScanBamParam BamFile bamFlagTest
#' @importFrom tools file_ext
#' @importFrom dplyr select mutate add_count filter slice_sample group_by count '%>%'

#' @export getUniqueCleavageEvents
getUniqueCleavageEvents <-
    alignment.format = c("auto", "bam", "bed"),
    umi.header = FALSE,
    read.ID.col = 1,
    umi.col = 2,
    umi.sep = "\t",
    keep.chrM = FALSE,
    keep.R1only = TRUE,
    keep.R2only = TRUE,
    concordant.strand = TRUE,
    max.paired.distance = 1000,
    min.mapping.quality = 30,
    max.R1.len = 130,
    max.R2.len = 130,
    apply.both.max.len = FALSE,
    same.chromosome = TRUE,
    distance.inter.chrom = -1,
    min.R1.mapped = 20,
    min.R2.mapped = 20,
    apply.both.min.mapped = FALSE,
    max.duplicate.distance = 0L,
    umi.plus.R1start.unique = TRUE,
    umi.plus.R2start.unique = TRUE,
    min.umi.count = 5L,
    max.umi.count = 100000L,
    min.read.coverage = 1L,
    n.cores.max = 6,
    removeDuplicate = TRUE,
    ignoreTagmSite = FALSE,
    ignoreUMI = FALSE)
        stop("alignment.inputfile is required,
         please type ?getUniqueCleavageEvents for details!")
        stop("umi.input is required, please
            type ?getUniqueCleavageEvents for details!")
### FIXME: could the UMI calculation be done in R, on the fly?
### FIXME: if not, it should be annotated in the read group of the BAM
    umi <- as.data.frame(fread(umi.inputfile, sep = umi.sep,
                               colClasses = "character", header = umi.header))
    alignment.format <- match.arg(alignment.format)
    if (alignment.format == "auto") {
        alignment.format <- file_ext(alignment.inputfile)
    if (alignment.format == "bed") {
        warning("BED alignment input is deprecated, please provide the BAM file")
        align <- importBEDAlignments(alignment.inputfile,
                                     min.mapping.quality, keep.chrM,
                                     keep.R1only, keep.R2only,
                                     min.R1.mapped, min.R2.mapped,
    } else {
        align <- importBAMAlignments(alignment.inputfile,
                                     min.mapping.quality, keep.chrM,
                                     keep.R1only, keep.R2only,
                                     min.R1.mapped, min.R2.mapped,
    if (missing(outputDir))
        outputDir <- getwd()
    pdf(file.path(outputDir, paste0(gsub(".sorted", "", gsub(".bam", "",
    par(mfrow = c(1,2))
    hist(align$width.first, xlab = "R1 aligned read width", main = "")
    hist(align$width.last, xlab = "R2 aligned read width", main = "")
    if (length(umi) < read.ID.col || length(umi) < umi.col)
        stop("umi input file must contain at least two columns,
            one is the header of the read, specified by read.ID.col,
            the other column is the umi sequence column, specified by umi.col")
        umi <- umi[, c(read.ID.col, umi.col)]
        colnames(umi) <- c("readName", "UMI")
        umi$readName <- gsub("^@", "", umi$readName)
        if (apply.both.max.len)
            align <- subset(align, width.first <= max.R1.len &
                width.last <= max.R2.len)
            align <- subset(align,
                            (width.first > 0L & width.first <= max.R1.len) |
                                (width.last > 0L & width.last <= max.R2.len))
        align.umi <- merge(align, umi)
        all.ind <- seq(dim(align.umi)[1])
        align.umi <- align.umi[setdiff(all.ind, grep("N", align.umi$UMI)), ]
        temp <- as.data.frame(table(align.umi$UMI))
	    align.umi <-
	        align.umi[align.umi$UMI %in% temp[temp[,2] >= min.umi.count &
                   temp[,2] <= max.umi.count,1],]
        pdf(file.path(outputDir,paste0(gsub(".sorted", "", gsub(".bam", "",
              par(mfrow = c(1,2))
              hist(align.umi$width.first, xlab = "R1 aligned read width", main = "")
              hist(align.umi$width.last, xlab = "R2 aligned read width", main = "")
### plus means R2 on plus strand
        R2.good.len <- subset(align.umi, qwidth.last <= max.R2.len &
                                  qwidth.last >= min.R2.mapped)
        R2.umi.plus <- subset(R2.good.len, strand.last == "+")
        R2.umi.minus <- subset(R2.good.len, strand.last == "-")

        R1.good.len <- subset(align.umi, qwidth.first <= max.R1.len &
                                  qwidth.first >= min.R1.mapped)
        R1.umi.plus <- subset(R1.good.len, strand.first == "-" &
                                  !readName %in% R2.umi.plus$readName)
        R1.umi.minus <- subset(R1.good.len, strand.first == "+" &
                                   !readName %in% R2.umi.minus$readName)

            unique.umi.plus.R2 <- R2.umi.plus
            unique.umi.minus.R2 <- R2.umi.minus
            unique.umi.plus.R1 <- R1.umi.plus
            unique.umi.minus.R1 <- R1.umi.minus
            unique.umi.plus.R2 <- R2.umi.plus %>%
                select(seqnames.last, seqnames.first,
                     strand.last, strand.first,
                     start.last, end.first, UMI) %>%
                add_count(seqnames.last, seqnames.first,
                     strand.last, strand.first,
                     start.last, end.first, UMI) %>%
                unique %>%
                filter(n >= min.read.coverage)

            unique.umi.minus.R2 <- R2.umi.minus %>%
                select(seqnames.last, seqnames.first,
                     strand.last, strand.first,
                     start.first, end.last, UMI) %>%
                add_count(seqnames.last, seqnames.first,
                     strand.last, strand.first,
                     start.first, end.last, UMI) %>%
                unique %>%
                filter(n >= min.read.coverage)
# R2 did not pass filter
            unique.umi.plus.R1 <- R1.umi.plus %>%
                select(seqnames.last, seqnames.first,
                     strand.last, strand.first,
                     start.first, end.first, UMI) %>%
                add_count(seqnames.last, seqnames.first,
                     strand.last, strand.first,
                     start.first, end.first, UMI) %>%
                unique %>%
                filter(n >= min.read.coverage)

            unique.umi.minus.R1 <- R1.umi.minus  %>%
                select(seqnames.last, seqnames.first,
                     strand.last, strand.first,
                     start.first, end.first, UMI) %>%
                add_count(seqnames.last, seqnames.first,
                     strand.last, strand.first,
                     start.first, end.first, UMI) %>%
                unique %>%
                filter(n >= min.read.coverage)
        if (ignoreUMI) {
          unique.umi.plus.R1 <- unique.umi.plus.R1 %>% 
                   start.first, end.first, UMI) %>%
            summarize(count = n()) %>%
                     start.first, end.first) %>%
            filter(count == max(count)) %>%
            slice_sample(n = 1) %>%  # randomly select one row if there's a tie
                   start.first, end.first, UMI)
          unique.umi.minus.R1 <- unique.umi.minus.R1 %>% 
                   end.first, start.first, UMI) %>%
            summarize(count = n()) %>%
                     end.first, start.first) %>%
            filter(count == max(count)) %>%
            slice_sample(n = 1) %>%  # randomly select one row if there's a tie
                   end.first, start.first, UMI)
          unique.umi.plus.R2 <-   unique.umi.plus.R2 %>% 
                   start.last, end.first, UMI) %>%
            summarize(count = n()) %>% 
                     start.last, end.first) %>% 
            filter(count == max(count)) %>% 
            slice_sample(n = 1) %>% 
                   start.last, end.first, UMI)
          unique.umi.minus.R2 <- unique.umi.minus.R2 %>% 
                   end.last, start.first, UMI) %>%
            summarize(count = n()) %>% 
                     end.last, start.first) %>% 
            filter(count == max(count)) %>%
            slice_sample(n = 1) %>% 
                    end.last, start.first, UMI)
        plus.cleavage.R2 <-
            unique.umi.plus.R2[, c("seqnames.last", "start.last", "UMI")]
        plus.cleavage.R1 <-
            unique.umi.plus.R1[, c("seqnames.first", "start.first", "UMI")]
        minus.cleavage.R2 <-
            unique.umi.minus.R2[, c("seqnames.last", "end.last", "UMI")]
        minus.cleavage.R1 <-
            unique.umi.minus.R1[, c("seqnames.first", "end.first", "UMI")]
        if (ignoreTagmSite) {
            plus.cleavage.R2 <-  unique(plus.cleavage.R2)
            plus.cleavage.R1 <- unique(plus.cleavage.R1)
            minus.cleavage.R2 <- unique(minus.cleavage.R2)
            minus.cleavage.R1 <- unique(minus.cleavage.R1)
        colnames(plus.cleavage.R1) <- c("seqnames", "start", "UMI")
        colnames(plus.cleavage.R2) <- c("seqnames", "start", "UMI")
        colnames(minus.cleavage.R1) <- c("seqnames", "start", "UMI")
        colnames(minus.cleavage.R2) <- c("seqnames", "start", "UMI")
        plus.cleavage <- rbind(plus.cleavage.R2, plus.cleavage.R1)
        minus.cleavage <- rbind(minus.cleavage.R2, minus.cleavage.R1)
        plus.cleavage <- cbind(plus.cleavage, strand = "+")
        minus.cleavage <- cbind(minus.cleavage, strand = "-")
        colnames(plus.cleavage)[4] <-  "strand"
        colnames(minus.cleavage)[4] <-  "strand"

        unique.umi.both <- rbind(plus.cleavage, minus.cleavage)

        R1.umi.plus <- R1.umi.plus[, c("seqnames.first",
                                   "start.first", "UMI")]
        R1.umi.minus <- R1.umi.minus[, c("seqnames.first",
                                    "end.first", "UMI")]
        R2.umi.plus <- R2.umi.plus[, c("seqnames.last",
                                    "start.last", "UMI")]
        R2.umi.minus <- R2.umi.minus[, c("seqnames.last",
                                    "end.last", "UMI")]

        colnames(R1.umi.plus) <- c("seqnames", "strand", "start", "UMI")
        colnames(R1.umi.minus) <- c("seqnames", "strand", "start", "UMI")
        colnames(R2.umi.plus) <- c("seqnames", "strand", "start", "UMI")
        colnames(R2.umi.minus) <- c("seqnames", "strand", "start", "UMI")

        # summary before duplicate removal
	      R1.umi.plus.summary <- unique(add_count(R1.umi.plus, seqnames, 
	                                              strand, start, UMI))
        R1.umi.minus.summary <- unique(add_count(R1.umi.minus, seqnames,
                                                 strand, start, UMI))
        R2.umi.plus.summary <- unique(add_count(R2.umi.plus, seqnames,
                                                strand, start, UMI))
        R2.umi.minus.summary <- unique(add_count(R2.umi.minus, seqnames, 
                                                 strand, start, UMI))

        res <- list(cleavage.gr = GRanges(IRanges(
                        strand = unlist(unique.umi.both[,4]),
                        total=rep(1, dim(unique.umi.both)[1]),
                        umi = unlist(unique.umi.both[,3])),
            unique.umi.plus.R2 = unique.umi.plus.R2,
            unique.umi.minus.R2 = unique.umi.minus.R2,
            unique.umi.plus.R1 = unique.umi.plus.R1,
            unique.umi.minus.R1 = unique.umi.minus.R1,
            align.umi = align.umi,
            umi.count.summary = rbind(R1.umi.plus.summary,
            sequence.depth = length(unique(align$readName))
        #saveRDS(res, file = paste0(gsub(".sorted", "",
        #      gsub(".bam", "", basename(alignment.inputfile))),
        #      "CleavageSitesWithUMI.RDS"))

rbind_dodge <- function(x, y,
                        xSuffix = deparse(substitute(x)),
                        ySuffix = deparse(substitute(y)),
                        common = character())
    naDF <- function(cols) {
        as.data.frame(setNames(as.list(rep(NA, length(cols))), cols))

    dodgeDF <- function(df, suffix) {
        only <- setdiff(colnames(df), common)
        dodged <- df[only]
        colnames(dodged) <- paste0(only, suffix)

    xDodged <- dodgeDF(x, xSuffix)
    yDodged <- dodgeDF(y, ySuffix)

    rbind(cbind(x[common], xDodged, naDF(colnames(yDodged))),
          cbind(y[common], naDF(colnames(xDodged)), yDodged))

importBAMAlignments <- function(file,
                                min.mapping.quality = 30L,
                                keep.chrM = FALSE,
                                keep.R1only = TRUE,
                                keep.R2only = TRUE,
                                min.R1.mapped = 30L,
                                min.R2.mapped = 30L,
                                apply.both.min.mapped = FALSE,
                                concordant.strand = TRUE,
                                same.chromosome = TRUE,
                                max.paired.distance = 1000L,
                                distance.inter.chrom = -1L
    param <- ScanBamParam(mapqFilter=min.mapping.quality, what=c("flag", "mapq"))
    gal <- readGAlignmentsList(BamFile(file, asMates=TRUE), param=param,
    my.pairs <- tryCatch(( as(gal, "GAlignmentPairs")),
          error=function(e) {
             readGAlignmentPairs(BamFile(file), use.names = TRUE,
                param = param, strandMode = 1)})

    if (!keep.chrM)
        my.pairs <- my.pairs[!seqnames(my.pairs) %in% c("chrM", "chrMT", "M"),]
    if (apply.both.min.mapped) {
        my.pairs <- my.pairs[width(first(my.pairs)) >= min.R1.mapped &
                       width(last(my.pairs)) >= min.R2.mapped]
    } else {
        my.pairs <- my.pairs[width(first(my.pairs)) >= min.R1.mapped |
                       width(last(my.pairs)) >= min.R2.mapped]

    if (concordant.strand) {
        my.pairs <- my.pairs[strand(my.pairs) != "*"]

    if (same.chromosome) {
        my.pairs <- my.pairs[!is.na(seqnames(my.pairs))]

    distance <- ifelse(is.na(seqnames(my.pairs)), distance.inter.chrom,
                       ## does not yield negative
                       ## width(pgap(ranges(first(my.pairs)), ranges(last(my.pairs))))
                       ifelse(strand(my.pairs) == "+",
                              (start(last(my.pairs)) - end(first(my.pairs))),
                              (start(first(my.pairs)) - end(last(my.pairs)))))
    mcols(my.pairs)$distance <- distance

    unpaired <- unlist(gal[mcols(gal)$mate_status == "unmated"])

    mcols(unpaired)$readName <- names(unpaired)
    names(unpaired) <- NULL

    first <- bamFlagTest(mcols(unpaired)$flag, "isFirstMateRead")
    firstUnpaired <- unpaired[first & keep.R1only]
    firstUnpaired <- firstUnpaired[width(firstUnpaired) >= min.R1.mapped]
    lastUnpaired <- unpaired[!first & keep.R2only]
    lastUnpaired <- lastUnpaired[width(lastUnpaired) >= min.R2.mapped]

    mcols(unpaired)$flag <- NULL
    unpairedDF <- rbind_dodge(as.data.frame(firstUnpaired),
                              ".first", ".last", "readName")
    unpairedDF$distance <- NA_integer_

    pairedDF <- as.data.frame(my.pairs)
    pairedDF$readName <- rownames(pairedDF)
    rownames(pairedDF) <- NULL

    df <- rbind(pairedDF[colnames(unpairedDF)], unpairedDF)
    df$njunc.first <- df$njunc.last <- NULL


importBEDAlignments <- function(file,
                                min.mapping.quality = 30L,
                                keep.chrM = FALSE,
                                keep.R1only = TRUE,
                                keep.R2only = TRUE,
                                min.R1.mapped = 30L,
                                min.R2.mapped = 30L,
                                apply.both.min.mapped = FALSE,
                                concordant.strand = TRUE,
                                same.chromosome = TRUE,
                                max.paired.distance = 1000L,
                                distance.inter.chrom = -1L,
                                n.cores = 6)
    align <- as.data.frame(fread(file, sep = "\t",
                                  header = FALSE,
                                 colClasses =
                                     c("character", "integer",
                                       "integer", "character", "integer",
                                       "character", "character")))
    colnames(align) <- c("seqnames", "start", "end", "name", "mapq",
                         "strand", "cigar")
    align <- align[align$mapq >= min.mapping.quality,]
    if (!keep.chrM)
        align <- align[!align$seqnames %in% c("chrM", "chrMT", "M"),]
    sidePos <- nchar(align$name)
    readSide <- as.integer(substring(align$name, sidePos, sidePos))
    align$readName <- substring(align$name, 1L, sidePos - 2L)
    align$name <- NULL
    R1 <- align[readSide == 1L, ]
    R2 <- align[readSide == 2L, ]
    all <- merge(R1, R2, by="readName", all.x = keep.R1only,
                 all.y = keep.R2only, suffixes = c(".first", ".last"))
    if (apply.both.min.mapped)
        all <- subset(all, (is.na(all$end.first) |
                           (all$end.first - all$start.first) >= min.R1.mapped) &
                             (is.na(all$end.last) |
                             (all$end.last - all$start.last) >= min.R2.mapped))
        all <- subset(all, (all$end.first - all$start.first) >= min.R1.mapped |
                          (all$end.last - all$start.last) >= min.R2.mapped )
    if (concordant.strand)
        all <- subset(all, is.na(all$strand.first) | is.na(all$strand.last) |
                          all$strand.last != all$strand.first)
    all$start.first <- all$start.first + 1L # BED is 0-based
    all$start.last <- all$start.last + 1L
    if (same.chromosome)
        all <- subset(all, is.na(all$seqnames.first) | is.na(all$seqnames.last) |
                          all$seqnames.first == all$seqnames.last)
    if (keep.R1only && !keep.R2only)
        all <- subset(all, !is.na(all$seqnames.last))
    else if (keep.R2only && !keep.R1only)
        all <- subset(all, !is.na(all$seqnames.first))
    else if (!keep.R1only && !keep.R2only)
        all <- subset(all, !is.na(all$seqnames.first) &
    distance <- ifelse(all$strand.last == "-", (all$start.last - all$end.first),
                       (all$start.first - all$end.last))
    distance[!is.na(all$seqnames.first) & !is.na(all$seqnames.last) &
                 all$seqnames.first != all$seqnames.last] <- distance.inter.chrom
    all <- cbind(all, distance)
    all <- subset(all, is.na(distance) | distance <=  max.paired.distance)
    n.cores <- min(n.cores, detectCores() -1 )
    unique.cigar <- unique(c(all$cigar.first, all$cigar.last))
    if (n.cores > 1)
        cl <- makeCluster(n.cores)
        unique.base.kept <- cbind(cigar = unique.cigar,
                              base.kept = unlist(parLapply(cl, unique.cigar,
        unique.base.kept <- cbind(cigar = unique.cigar,
                              base.kept = unlist(lapply(unique.cigar,
    qwidth.first <- as.numeric(
        unique.base.kept[match(all$cigar.first, unique.base.kept[,1]),2])
    qwidth.last <- as.numeric(
        unique.base.kept[match(all$cigar.last, unique.base.kept[,1]),2])
    cbind(all, qwidth.first, qwidth.last)
LihuaJulieZhu/GUIDEseq documentation built on March 27, 2024, 9:42 p.m.