
Defines functions cutpos rs2regex sanitizeSeq

Documented in cutpos rs2regex sanitizeSeq

# to avoid "no visible binding for global variable" note
                         "redata", "site","head",
                         "start", "xval", "yval", "end"))

#' Find the position cut by given enzyme
#' A function to locate the cut site of given enzyme and enzyme dataset.
#' @param dnaseq a string of DNA sequence
#' @param enz the name of enzyme
#' @param dataset the data used to store enzyme info (name and site)
#' @return a data frame of cut position (name, seq, start and end), if not found, return NA.
#' @examples
#' enz <- 'AanI'
#' cutpos(dnaSeq, enz, redata)
#' @export
#' @import stringr
cutpos <- function(dnaseq, enz, dataset = redata) {

  # select the enz in dataset, find recognition site
  site_seq <- toString(subset(dataset, name == enz, select = site)[1, 1])

  # convert recognition site to regular expression
  site_regex <- rs2regex(site_seq)

  # locate the cut position
  loc <- stringr::str_locate(dnaseq, site_regex)
  if (!any(is.na(loc))) {
    enz_name_seq <- data.frame(name = enz, seq = site_seq)
    result <- cbind(enz_name_seq, as.data.frame(loc))

  } else {

#' Convert recognition site to regular expression
#'A helper function for \code{cutpos} to convert recognition site to regular expression.
#' @param rs a string of recognition site
#' @return a string of regular expression
#' @import seqinr
rs2regex <- function(rs) {

    # convert rs string to rs vector
    rs_vec <- seqinr::s2c(rs)

    rexgex <- vector()
    for (b in rs_vec) {
        if ( (b != "_") & (b != "'") ) {
            temp <- switch(b, A = "A", C = "C", G = "G", T = "T",
                           r = "[AG]", y = "[CT]", m = "[AC]", k = "[GT]",
                           s = "[GC]", w = "[AT]", h = "[ATC]", b = "[GTC]",
                           v = "[GAC]", d = "[GAT]", n = "[ATCG]")
            rexgex <- c(rexgex, temp)

#' Remove invalid characters in DNA sequence
#' Remove FASTA header and all letters except A, T, C, G.
#' This function is adapted for Dr.Steipe's function dbSanitizeSequence()
#' @references
#' Boris Steipe BCH441 - Bioinformatics
#' http://steipe.biochemistry.utoronto.ca/abc/index.php/Bioinformatics_Main_Page
#' @param s  chr DNA sequence, maybe not vaild
#' @return chr a valid, uppercase, DNA sequence
sanitizeSeq <- function(s) {

  s <- as.character(unlist(s))    # convert complex object to plain chr vector
  s <- unlist(strsplit(s, "\n"))  # split up at linebreaks, if any
  s <- s[! grepl("^>", s)]        # drop all lines beginning">" (FASTA header)
  s <- paste(s, collapse="")      # combine into single string
  s <- toupper(gsub("[^atcgATCG]", "", s))

LoadingBFX/rsrm documentation built on Dec. 8, 2019, 8:40 a.m.