Man pages for MRCIEU/gwasvcf
Tools for Dealing with GWAS Summary Data in VCF Format

check_bcftoolsCheck if the tools_bcftools option is set
check_plinkCheck if the tools_plink option is set
create_ldref_sqliteCreate LD reference sqlite database for tags
create_pval_index_from_vcfCreate pval index from GWAS-VCF file
create_rsidx_index_from_vcfCreate RSID index from VCF
create_rsidx_sub_indexCreate new index from existing index using a subset of rsids
create_vcfCreate GWAS vcf
get_ld_proxiesFind LD proxies for a set of SNPs
gwasvcf_to_summarysetCreate a SummarySet
merge_vcfMerge two GWAS VCF objects
parse_chromposParse chromosome:position
pipePipe operator
proxy_matchExtract SNPs from vcf file
query_chrompos_bcftoolsQuery chromosome and position using bcftools
query_chrompos_fileQuery vcf file, extracting by chromosome and position
query_chrompos_vcfQuery chrompos from vcf object
query_gwasQuery data from vcf file
query_pval_bcftoolsQuery p-value using bcftools
query_pval_fileQuery pval from vcf file
query_pvaliQuery pvali
query_pval_sqlite3Query pval from file using pvali index
query_pval_vcfQuery based on p-value threshold from vcf
query_rsid_fileQuery vcf file, extracting by rsid
query_rsid_rsidxQuery rsid from file using rsidx index
query_rsid_vcfQuery rsid from vcf object
query_rsidxQuery rsidx
set_bcftoolsSet bcftools binary location
set_plinkSet plink binary location
sqlite_ld_proxiesLookup LD proxies from sqlite database
vcflist_overlapsReduce list of VCFs to intersecting regions
vcf_to_grangesConvert vcf format to granges format
vcf_to_tibbleConvert vcf format to tibble (data frame)
MRCIEU/gwasvcf documentation built on Sept. 11, 2023, 7:50 p.m.