#' IMPACT Panel Annotation of NA's
#' @param gene_binary a processed gene_binary
#' @keywords internal
#' @return a data frame iwth NAs inserted for genes not tested for given panel versions
#' @export
specify_impact_panels <- function(gene_binary) {
gene_panels <- gnomeR::gene_panels
# create data frame of sample IDs
sample_panel_pair <- gene_binary["sample_id"]
any_impact <- sum(stringr::str_detect(sample_panel_pair$sample_id,
# check if there are any impact (based on sample ID)
switch(any_impact == 0,
cli::cli_abort("There are no IMPACT samples recognized (based on sample_id). If you wish to annotate
missingness based on a panel, please pass a data.frame of sample_ids and corresponding panels."))
# get which IMPACT panel
sample_panel_pair <- sample_panel_pair %>%
mutate(panel_id = case_when(
stringr::str_detect(.data$sample_id, "-IM3") ~ "IMPACT341",
stringr::str_detect(.data$sample_id, "-IM5") ~ "IMPACT410",
stringr::str_detect(.data$sample_id, "-IM6") ~ "IMPACT468",
stringr::str_detect(.data$sample_id, "-IM7") ~ "IMPACT505",
# heme panels
stringr::str_detect(.data$sample_id, "-IH3") ~ "IMPACT-HEME-400",
stringr::str_detect(.data$sample_id, "-IH4") ~ "IMPACT-HEME-468",
TRUE ~ "no"
# couldn't detect panel
unk_impact_panel <- sample_panel_pair %>%
filter(.data$panel_id == "no")
if(nrow(unk_impact_panel) > 0) {
cli::cli_alert("Couldn't infer IMPACT panel version from these sample_ids, therefore no NA panel annotation will be done for these: {unk_impact_panel$sample_id}")
#' Annotate Missing Gene Values According to Specific Panels
#' @param sample_panel_pair a data frame of `sample_id`-`panel_id` pairs specifying panels to use for annotation of each sample
#' @param gene_binary a binary matrix of 0/1 indicating alteration yes/no for each sample
#' @keywords internal
#' @return a gene_binary annotated for missingness
#' @export
annotate_any_panel <- function(sample_panel_pair, gene_binary) {
# if all "no", leave function
switch(all(sample_panel_pair$panel_id == "no"),
sample_panel_pair_nest <- sample_panel_pair %>%
group_by(.data$panel_id) %>%
summarise(samples_in_panel = list(.data$sample_id))
# pull genes for given panels
panels_needed <- unique(sample_panel_pair_nest$panel_id)
gnomeR::gene_panels %>%
filter(.data$gene_panel %in% panels_needed)
# has sample IDs and genes for each panel
sample_panel_pair_nest <- sample_panel_pair_nest %>%
left_join(., gnomeR::gene_panels, by = c("panel_id" = "gene_panel")) %>%
user_data_genes <- gene_binary %>%
select(-"sample_id") %>%
names() %>%
gsub(".fus|.Del|.Amp|.cna", "", .)
sample_panel_pair_nest <- sample_panel_pair_nest %>%
mutate(na_genes_raw = purrr::map(.data$genes_in_panel,
~unique(setdiff(user_data_genes, .x)))) %>%
mutate(na_genes = purrr::map(.data$na_genes_raw,
paste0(.x, ".fus"),
paste0(.x, ".Del"),
paste0(.x, ".Amp"),
paste0(.x, ".cna")
))) %>%
# TODO is there a better way to do this?
mutate(na_genes =
case_when(.data$panel_id == "no" ~ list(NULL),
TRUE ~ .data$na_genes)) %>%
mutate(na_genes_raw =
case_when(.data$panel_id == "no" ~ list(NULL),
TRUE ~ .data$na_genes_raw))
annotated_data <- purrr::pmap_df(sample_panel_pair_nest,
gene_binary = gene_binary)
#' Utility function to insert NA's According to Panel
#' @param gene_binary a processed binary matrix
#' @param panel_id name of gene panel
#' @param samples_in_panel samples to be annotated for each panel
#' @param na_genes genes to make NA
#' @param ... other args passed
#' @keywords internal
#' @return an annotated data frame
#' @export
annotate_specific_panel <- function(gene_binary,
na_genes, ...) {
mut_sub <- gene_binary[gene_binary$sample_id %in% samples_in_panel,]
index_na_genes <- stats::na.omit(match(na_genes, colnames(mut_sub)))
# By default these return logical so coerce into numeric for checks later
mut_sub[, index_na_genes] <- as.numeric(NA)
# Check which panels gene is on----------------------
#' provide a list of impact panels a provided gene is found within
#' @param hugo_symbol a vector of hugo symbols
#' @return a data frame with hugo symbols and the IMPACT panels on which they are
#' included
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' hugos <- unique(gnomeR::mutations$hugoGeneSymbol)[1:10]
#' which_impact_panel(hugos)
#' @export
which_impact_panel <- function(hugo_symbol) {
im_panels <- c("IMPACT341", "IMPACT410",
"IMPACT468", "IMPACT505",
# get table of gene aliases (internal data)
alias_table <- gnomeR::impact_alias_table %>%
dplyr::select("hugo_symbol", "alias")
# recode all genes to most common alias
hugo_symbol_recode <- purrr::map_chr(hugo_symbol,
~resolve_alias(gene_to_check = .x,
alias_table = alias_table))
x <- setdiff(hugo_symbol, hugo_symbol_recode)
y <- setdiff(hugo_symbol_recode, hugo_symbol)
if(length(x) > 0) {
vec_recode <- purrr::map2_chr(x, y,
~paste0(.x, " recoded to ", .y))
names(vec_recode) <- rep("!", times = length(vec_recode))
"The following genes were recoded to their common alias for panel lookup:",
gene_panels <- gnomeR::gene_panels %>%
filter(.data$gene_panel %in% im_panels) %>%
select("gene_panel", "genes_in_panel") %>%
tidyr::unnest(cols = c("genes_in_panel"))
df_im_gene <- expand.grid(gene_panel = im_panels,
genes_in_panel = hugo_symbol_recode)
impact_results <- gene_panels %>%
filter(.data$genes_in_panel %in% hugo_symbol_recode) %>%
distinct() %>%
mutate(fill = "yes") %>%
full_join(df_im_gene, by = c("gene_panel", "genes_in_panel"))%>%
mutate(fill = replace(.data$fill, is.na(.data$fill), "no")) %>%
names_from = "gene_panel",
values_from = "fill")
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