
Defines functions .getValueTransformedReferential .getTransform .checkLLPsettings .checkLLPinput .plotFigure .computeCI .displaySummary .paramVariationUpdate .getLL llp

llp <-function(project, parameters = NULL, settings=NULL){
  # Initialization
  # Check and initialize the settings
  if(is.null(settings$print)){ disp.res<-TRUE }else{ disp.res<-settings$print; settings$print<-NULL}
    if(!.checkLLPinput(inputName = "settings", inputValue = settings)){return(invisible(FALSE))}
  if(is.null(settings$max.iter)){ max.iter <- 10 }else{ max.iter <- settings$max.iter }
  if(is.null(settings$dLLthreshold)){ dLLthreshold <- 3.84 }else{ dLLthreshold <- settings$dLLthreshold }
  if(is.null(settings$method)){ method <- 'lin' }else{ method <- settings$method }
  if(is.null(settings$tol.LL)){ tol.LL <- .1 }else{ tol.LL <- settings$tol.LL }
  if(is.null(settings$tol.param)){ tol.param <- .01 }else{ tol.param <- settings$tol.param}
  # Project initialization
  # Check if linearization is possible
  if(method=="lin"){useLinearization <- T}else{useLinearization <- F}
  # Check if linearization is possible
  for (indexObservationModel in seq_along(mlx.getObservationInformation()$name)) {
    useLinearization <- useLinearization & (mlx.getObservationInformation()$type[[indexObservationModel]]=="continuous")
  # Define the scenario
  currentScenario <- mlx.getScenario()
  currentScenario$linearization <- useLinearization
  currentScenario$tasks <-as.list(currentScenario$tasks)
  currentScenario$tasks$logLikelihoodEstimation <- T
  currentScenario$tasks$standardErrorEstimation <- F
  currentScenario$tasks$plots <- F
    currentScenario$tasks$conditionalDistributionSampling <- F
    currentScenario$tasks$conditionalModeEstimation <-T
    currentScenario$tasks$conditionalDistributionSampling <- T
    currentScenario$tasks$conditionalModeEstimation <-F
  # Set the scenario
  # Set the location of the saved informations
  expDirectory <- mlx.getProjectSettings()$directory
  expDirectoryLlp <- paste0(expDirectory,"/proflike/")
  dir.create(expDirectoryLlp, showWarnings = F)
  mlx.setProjectSettings(directory = expDirectoryLlp)
  modelName <- substr(basename(project), 1, nchar(basename(project))-8)
  file_llp <- paste0(expDirectoryLlp,"proflike.csv")
  # Define the parameters to look at
  populationParameters <- mlx.getPopulationParameterInformation()$name[which(!(mlx.getPopulationParameterInformation()$method=="FIXED"))]
    if(!.checkLLPinput(inputName = "parameters", inputValue = parameters)){return(invisible(FALSE))}
    populationParameters <- intersect(parameters, populationParameters)
  # Get the reference LL and the initial conditions
  validParameterIndex <- match(x = populationParameters, table=mlx.getPopulationParameterInformation()$name)
  referenceParameterValues<- mlx.getPopulationParameterInformation()$initialValue[validParameterIndex]
  LLref <- .getLL()
  LLtarget <- LLref + dLLthreshold
  referenceParameterValues <- mlx.getPopulationParameterInformation()$initialValue[validParameterIndex]
  names(referenceParameterValues) <- mlx.getPopulationParameterInformation()$name[validParameterIndex]
  # See if the results were not already computed
  llpCompute <- TRUE
  # if(file.exists(file_llp)){
  #   llp_res <- read.table(file_llp,header = T, sep = ",")
  #   savedParamNames <- unique(llp_res$name)
  #   # Check if the number of parameter is similar
  #   if(compareParamName(projectParamNames=names(popParam),paramNames=savedParamNames)){
  #     llpCompute <- FALSE
  #     llp <- list()
  #     for(indexParam in 1:length(savedParamNames)){
  #       ind_Param <- which(llp_res$name==savedParamNames[indexParam])
  #       llp[[indexParam]] <- data.frame(param = llp_res$param[ind_Param],
  #                                       paramT = llp_res$paramT[ind_Param],
  #                                       LL = llp_res$LL[ind_Param],
  #                                       name = llp_res$name[ind_Param],
  #                                       paramInit = llp_res$paramInit[ind_Param],
  #                                       thresh = llp_res$thresh[ind_Param],
  #                                       tol = llp_res$tol[ind_Param],
  #                                       scenario = llp_res$scenario[ind_Param])
  #     }
  #     cat("LLP was previously computed \n")
  #   }
  # }
  # Define  the output figures
  nbFig <- length(populationParameters)
  x_NbFig <- ceiling(max(sqrt(nbFig),1)); y_NbFig <- ceiling(nbFig/x_NbFig)
  par(mfrow = c(x_NbFig, y_NbFig), oma = c(0, 3, 1, 1), mar = c(3, 1, 1, 3), mgp = c(2, 1, 0), xpd = NA)
  # Compute if necessary
    # Get the profile LL on all parameters
    llp <- list()
    ci.inf <- ci.sup <- NULL
    for(indexParam in 1:length(populationParameters)){
      # Initialization
      paramName <- populationParameters[indexParam]
      paramValue <- as.double(referenceParameterValues[indexParam])
      if (disp.res)
        cat("/**********************************************************************/ \n",paste0("LL search on ",paramName,'\n'))
      LLup <- LLdown <- vector(length = max.iter+1)
      LLup[1] <- LLdown[1] <- LLref
      paramValueUp <- paramValueDown <- vector(length = max.iter+1)
      paramValueUp[1] <- paramValueDown[1] <- paramValue
      # Search for increasing parameter values
      for(indexIter in 2:(max.iter+1)){
        # Parameter estimation
        paramValueUp[indexIter] <- .paramVariationUpdate(paramName, indexIter, vect_x = paramValueUp[1:(indexIter-1)], vect_y = LLup[1:(indexIter-1)], y_target = LLtarget, bIncreasing = TRUE)
        if (disp.res)
          cat(paste0("Upper bound search / Iteration ",toString(indexIter)," / ",paramName, " = ",toString(floor(1000*paramValueUp[indexIter])/1000),'\n'))
        LLup[indexIter] <- .getLL(referenceParameterValues, paramName, paramValue = paramValueUp[indexIter])
        LL_err <- abs(LLup[indexIter]-LLtarget); dx_rerr <- abs((paramValueUp[indexIter]-paramValueUp[indexIter-1])/paramValue)
      indexIterUp <- indexIter
      # Search for decreasing parameter values
      for(indexIter in 2:(max.iter+1)){
        # Parameter estimation
        paramValueDown[indexIter] <- .paramVariationUpdate(paramName, indexIter, vect_x = paramValueDown[1:(indexIter-1)], vect_y = LLdown[1:(indexIter-1)], y_target = LLtarget, bIncreasing = FALSE)
        if (disp.res)
          cat(paste0("Lower bound search / Iteration ",toString(indexIter)," / ",paramName, " = ",toString(floor(1000*paramValueDown[indexIter])/1000),'\n'))
        LLdown[indexIter] <- .getLL(referenceParameterValues, paramName, paramValue = paramValueDown[indexIter])
        LL_err <- abs(LLdown[indexIter]-LLtarget); dx_rerr <- abs((paramValueDown[indexIter]-paramValueDown[indexIter-1])/paramValue)
      indexIterDown <- indexIter
      # Concatenate informaton and sort
      paramEval <- c(paramValue, paramValueUp[2:indexIterUp], paramValueDown[2:indexIterDown])
      llEval <- c(LLref, LLup[2:indexIterUp], LLdown[2:indexIterDown])
      sortParam <-sort(paramEval,index.return=TRUE)
      llp[[indexParam]] <- data.frame(param = sortParam$x, paramInit = paramValue,
                                      LL = llEval[sortParam$ix], name = paramName,
                                      thresh = dLLthreshold, tol.param = tol.param, tol.LL = tol.LL, useLinearization = useLinearization)
      names(llp[[indexParam]])[3] <- "OFV"
      # Save a summary
        write.table(llp[[indexParam]],file=file_llp,quote = FALSE,
                    append=FALSE,sep = ',',col.names = TRUE, row.names  = FALSE)
        write.table(llp[[indexParam]],file=file_llp,quote = FALSE,
                    append=TRUE,sep = ',',col.names = FALSE,row.names  = FALSE)
      # Plot the result
      if (disp.res){
        .plotFigure(llp2plot = llp[[indexParam]])
        .displaySummary(llp2display = llp[[indexParam]])
      ci <- .computeCI(llp2display = llp[[indexParam]])
      ci.inf <- c(ci.inf, ci[1])
      ci.sup <- c(ci.sup, ci[2])
    res.ci <- data.frame(estimate=referenceParameterValues,
                         lower=ci.inf, upper=ci.sup)
    row.names(res.ci) <- populationParameters
  # Replot the result
  if (disp.res) {
    par(mfrow = c(x_NbFig, y_NbFig), oma = c(0, 3, 1, 1),  mar = c(3, 1, 1, 3), mgp = c(2, 1, 0),  xpd = NA)
    for(indexFigure in 1:nbFig){
      .plotFigure(llp2plot = llp[[indexFigure]])
    # Display a summary
    for(indexParam in 1:nbFig){
      cat("/**********************************************************************/ \n")
      .displaySummary(llp2display = llp[[indexParam]])
  return(list(confint=res.ci, proflike=llp))

# Function of the evaluation of the LL
.getLL <- function(referenceParameterValues=NULL, paramName=NULL, paramValue=NULL, seed=NULL){
  # Renilitialize the project with initial values
    for(indexParam in 1:length(referenceParameterValues)){
      parameterName <- names(referenceParameterValues)[indexParam]
      # Unfix all the parameters and reinit them
      eval(parse(text=paste0('lixoftConnectors::setPopulationParameterInformation(',parameterName,' = list(method = "MLE", initialValue = as.double(referenceParameterValues[indexParam])))')))
  # Fix te parameter to a value
    eval(parse(text=paste0('lixoftConnectors::setPopulationParameterInformation(',paramName,' = list(method = "FIXED", initialValue =',as.double(paramValue),'))')))
  # Run the scenario and get the LL

# Function of the evaluation of the parameter estimation
.paramVariationUpdate <-function(paramName, indexIter, vect_x, vect_y, y_target, bIncreasing){
  parameterLaw <- tolower(.getTransform(paramName)[[1]])
  if(bIncreasing){gain = 1}else{gain = -1}
  if(indexIter == 2){
    # Step 1 / look around the proposed values
    out <- .getValueTransformedReferential(paramName, paramValue = vect_x[1], offset = gain*.2)
  }else if(indexIter>2){
    # Step 2 / Find the optima of the parabola
    v_x <- switch(parameterLaw,
                  "lognormal" = log(vect_x) - log(vect_x[1]),
                  "logitnormal" = log(vect_x/(1-vect_x)) - log(vect_x[1]/(1-vect_x[1])),
                  vect_x[1:length(vect_y)] - vect_x[1]
    v_y <- vect_y - vect_y[1]
    v_y <- pmax(v_y, 0)
    polyVal <- lm(formula = v_y ~ I(v_x^2)-1)
    coeff <- max(1,polyVal$coefficients[[1]])
    offset <- sqrt(abs(vect_y[1]-y_target)/coeff)
    if(indexIter == 3){
      # Make a first initial guess based on the parabola
      out <- .getValueTransformedReferential(paramName, paramValue = vect_x[1], offset = gain*offset)
      # Newton iterations
      f <- vect_y[length(vect_y)]-y_target
      df <- 2*coeff*gain*offset
      x_prop <- vect_x[length(vect_y)]-f*df/(1+df^2)
      # Sort the previous results and see if it is in the good bounds
      # Else wise, we get the value by dichotomy
      sortX <- sort(vect_x,index.return=TRUE)
      xVal <- sortX$x
      yVal <- vect_y[sortX$ix]
        ind_min <- max(which(yVal<y_target))
          ind_max <- min(which(yVal>y_target))
          ind_max <- length(xVal)
        ind_max <- min(which(yVal<y_target))
          ind_min <- max(which(yVal>y_target))
          ind_min <- 1
        if(yVal[ind_max]<y_target){# Last point not sufficient
          out <- .getValueTransformedReferential(paramName, paramValue = xVal[ind_max], offset = gain*.2)
          if((x_prop>xVal[ind_min])&(x_prop<xVal[ind_max])){# Newton method
            out <- x_prop
          }else{# Dichotomy method
            param_a <- (yVal[ind_max]-yVal[ind_min])/(xVal[ind_max]-xVal[ind_min])
            param_b <- yVal[ind_max]-param_a*xVal[ind_max]
            out <- (y_target - param_b)/param_a
        if(yVal[ind_min]<y_target){# Last point not sufficient
          out <- .getValueTransformedReferential(paramName, paramValue = xVal[ind_min], offset = gain*.2)
          if((x_prop>xVal[ind_min])&(x_prop<xVal[ind_max])){# Newton method
            out <- x_prop
          }else{# Dichotomy method
            param_a <- (yVal[ind_max]-yVal[ind_min])/(xVal[ind_max]-xVal[ind_min])
            param_b <- yVal[ind_max]-param_a*xVal[ind_max]
            out <- (y_target - param_b)/param_a

# Function that display a summary
.displaySummary <- function(llp2display){
  xVal <- llp2display$param
  yVal <- llp2display[['OFV']]
  xlabel <- llp2display$name[1]
  LLtarget <- yVal[which(xVal == llp2display$paramInit[1])]+llp2display$thresh[1]
  tol.LL <- llp2display$tol.LL[1]
  val_ref <- llp2display$paramInit[1]
  indexMin <- which(yVal==min(yVal))
  diffTarget <- yVal-LLtarget
  if(diffTarget[1]< -tol.LL){
    CI_min <- "]-Inf"
    se_min <- "]-Inf"
    rse_min <- "]-Inf"
    val <- xVal[which(abs(diffTarget[1:indexMin])==min(abs(diffTarget[1:indexMin])))]
    CI_min <- paste0('[',toString(floor(val*1000)/1000))
    se_min <- paste0('[',toString(floor((val - val_ref)*1000)/1000))
    rse_min <- paste0('[',toString(floor(100*(val - val_ref)/val_ref*1000)/1000))
  if(diffTarget[length(yVal)]< -tol.LL){
    CI_max <- "+Inf["
    se_max <- "+Inf["
    rse_max <- "+Inf["
    val <- xVal[which(abs(diffTarget[indexMin:length(diffTarget)])==min(abs(diffTarget[indexMin:length(diffTarget)])))+indexMin-1]
    CI_max <- paste0(toString(floor(val*1000)/1000),']')
    se_max <- paste0(toString(floor((val-val_ref)*1000)/1000),']')
    rse_max <- paste0(toString(floor(100*(val-val_ref)/val_ref*1000)/1000),']')
  cat("parameter ", toString(xlabel), "\nValue ",toString(floor(val_ref*1000)/1000),"\nCI = ",CI_min,",",CI_max," \n")
  cat("diff. = ",se_min,",",se_max,"\n")
  cat("rel. diff. = ",rse_min,",",rse_max,"\n")

# Compute the C.I.
.computeCI <- function(llp2display){
  xVal <- llp2display$param
  yVal <- llp2display[['OFV']]
  xlabel <- llp2display$name[1]
  LLtarget <- yVal[which(xVal == llp2display$paramInit[1])]+llp2display$thresh[1]
  tol.LL <- llp2display$tol.LL[1]
  val_ref <- llp2display$paramInit[1]
  indexMin <- which(yVal==min(yVal))
  diffTarget <- yVal-LLtarget
  if(diffTarget[1]< -tol.LL){
    val1 <- -Inf
    val1 <- xVal[which(abs(diffTarget[1:indexMin])==min(abs(diffTarget[1:indexMin])))]
  if(diffTarget[length(yVal)]< -tol.LL){
    val2 <- Inf
    val2 <- xVal[which(abs(diffTarget[indexMin:length(diffTarget)])==min(abs(diffTarget[indexMin:length(diffTarget)])))+indexMin-1]

# Function that plot the results
.plotFigure <- function(llp2plot){
  xVal <- llp2plot$param
  yVal <- llp2plot[['OFV']]
  xlabel <- llp2plot$name[1]
  LLtarget <- yVal[which(xVal == llp2plot$paramInit[1])]+llp2plot$thresh[1]
  ymin <- min(min(yVal),LLtarget)-1
  ymax <- max(yVal)+1
  xmax <- max(xVal)+.01*mean(abs(xVal))
  xmin <- min(xVal)-.01*mean(abs(xVal))
  plot(xVal,yVal,type="b",col="blue",ylab = "-2LL",ylim = c(ymin,ymax),xlab = xlabel , 
  lines(xVal, 0*xVal+LLtarget, col="black", type="l", lty=3)
  lines(x=(0*seq(0,1,length.out = 100)+llp2plot$paramInit[1]), y=seq(ymin, max(yVal),length.out = 100),
        col="black", type="l", lty=3)

# Check the inputs
.checkLLPinput = function(inputName, inputValue){
  isValid = TRUE
  inputName = tolower(inputName)
  if(inputName == tolower("parameters")){
    if(is.vector(inputValue) == FALSE){
      message("ERROR: Unexpected type encountered. parameters must be a vector")
      isValid = FALSE
    }else if(length(intersect(x = mlx.getPopulationParameterInformation()$name, y=inputValue))==0){
      message("ERROR: parameters have no valid population parameters in its definition.")
      isValid = FALSE
  }else if(inputName == tolower("settings")){
    if(is.list(inputValue) == FALSE){
      message("ERROR: Unexpected type encountered. settings must be a list")
      isValid = FALSE
    }else {
      for (i in 1:length(inputValue)){
        if(!.checkLLPsettings(settingName = names(inputValue)[i], settingValue = inputValue[[i]])){
          isValid = FALSE

.checkLLPsettings = function(settingName, settingValue){
  isValid = TRUE
  settingName = tolower(settingName)
  if(settingName == tolower("max.iter")){
    if((is.double(settingValue) == FALSE)&&(is.integer(settingValue) == FALSE)){
      message("ERROR: Unexpected type encountered. The maximum number of interations must be an integer.")
      isValid = FALSE
      if(!(as.integer(settingValue) == settingValue)){
        message("ERROR: Unexpected type encountered. The maximum number of interations must be an integer.")
        isValid = FALSE
      }else if(settingValue<1){
        message("ERROR:the maximum number of replicates must be a strictly positive integer.")
        isValid = FALSE
  }else if(settingName == tolower("dLLthreshold")){
    if(is.double(settingValue) == FALSE){
      message("ERROR: Unexpected type encountered. The dLLthreshold must be a double.")
      isValid = FALSE
        message("ERROR: dLLthreshold must be strictly positive.")
        isValid = FALSE
  }else if(settingName == tolower("method")){
    if(is.character(settingValue) == FALSE){
      message("ERROR: Unexpected type encountered. The method must be a character.")
      isValid = FALSE
      if(length(intersect(tolower(settingValue), c('lin','is')))==0){
        message("ERROR: the type must be a character in the following list: 'lin', 'is'.")
        isValid = FALSE
  }else if(settingName == tolower("tol.LL")){
    if(is.double(settingValue) == FALSE){
      message("ERROR: Unexpected type encountered. tol.LL must be a double.")
      isValid = FALSE
        message("ERROR: tol.LL must be strictly positive.")
        isValid = FALSE
  }else if(settingName == tolower("tol.param")){
    if(is.double(settingValue) == FALSE){
      message("ERROR: Unexpected type encountered. tol.param must be a double.")
      isValid = FALSE
        message("ERROR: tol.param must be strictly positive.")
        isValid = FALSE
    warning("WARNING: ",settingName,' is not a valid setting')

# Get the distribution of the parameter
.getTransform <- function(paramName){
  # Get the individual transformation
  paramTransform <- NULL
  if(length(grep(pattern="_pop", x = paramName))>0){# This is a population parameter
    indexParam <- which(sub(pattern="_pop",replacement = "",x = paramName)==mlx.getIndividualParameterModel()$name)
    paramTransform <- mlx.getIndividualParameterModel()$distribution[indexParam]
  }else if(length(grep(pattern="omega", x = paramName))>0){
    paramTransform <- "logNormal"
  }else if(length(grep(pattern="gamma", x = paramName))>0){
    paramTransform <- "logNormal"
  }else if(length(grep(pattern="beta", x = paramName))>0){
    paramTransform <- "normal"
    paramTransform <- "logNormal"

# Get the value in the transformed referential
.getValueTransformedReferential <- function(paramName, paramValue, offset=NULL){
  paramTransform <- .getTransform(paramName)
    offset <- 0
  offset[which(is.na(offset))] <- 0
  if(paramTransform == "normal"){
    outValue <- paramValue + offset
  }else if(paramTransform == "logNormal"){
    outValue <- exp(log(paramValue) + offset)
  }else if(paramTransform == "logitNormal"){
    tValue <- log(paramValue/(1-paramValue)) + offset
    outValue <- exp(tValue)/(1+exp(tValue))
    outValue <- paramValue + offset
MarcLavielle/Rsmlx documentation built on June 11, 2024, 8:22 a.m.