
Defines functions makeFootprintSwath getGeometa listGeometa

#' Get MODIS Swath Granules
#' @description 
#' Get MODIS swath granules for a specific geographic area, time period and 
#' (optionally) time of day.
#' @param extent 'sf' oject defining the area of interest.
#' @param platform `character` of length 1, either MODIS "terra" or "aqua".
#' @param begin Start date of time series. Default `NULL` which means start with
#'   the first existing image, see [transDate()] for more details.
#' @param end End date of time series. Default is [Sys.Date()]. See 
#'   [transDate()] for more details.
#' @param collection `integer` or `character`.
#' @param DayNightFlag A `character` vector of allowed day/night flags. This can
#'   be an arbitrary combination of `"D"` (day), `"N"` (night), `"B"` (both), 
#'   `"X"` (not designated). By default, all flags are accepted.
#' @param removeDatecrossers If `TRUE` (default), remove granules that cross the
#'   dateline as current solution warps polygons across the globe.
#' @param ... Currently only works for the MODIS 'outDirPath' root directory.
#' @details The retrieval of Swath data follows a three step approach: 
#' 1) download and store CSV summary files. These yearly summary files contain 
#'   the file names of each geometa: MYD03 or MOD03 file.
#' 2) base in the CSV summary file download and store selected geometa files
#' 3) Extract Swath footprint geometries from geometa files and intersect it 
#'   with the extent.
#' @return 
#' Identified granules as `character`.
#' @author Florian Detsch and Matteo Mattiuzzi
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' data(meuse)
#' pts = sf::st_as_sf(meuse, coords = c("x", "y"), crs = 28992)
#' begin <- '2017001'
#' end   <- '2017010'
#' fp <- makeFootprintSwath(extent=pts, platform='terra', 
#'             begin = begin, end = end, DayNightFlag = "D")
#' plot(fp$geometry)
#' fp
#' }
#' @export makeFootprintSwath
#' @name makeFootprintSwath
listGeometa = function(platform=c('terra', 'aqua'),
                       begin = NULL, end = Sys.Date(), 
                       collection=6, forceRefresh=FALSE, ...) # 
  opts <- combineOptions()
  url <- 'https://ladsweb.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/archive/geoMeta/'
  collection <- as.integer(collection)
  stopifnot(collection %in% 5:6)
  platform <- toupper(platform)
  stopifnot(length(platform) == 1)
  stopifnot(tolower(platform) %in% c('terra', 'aqua'))
  dts <- transDate(begin, end)
  ## date range
    begin <- max("2000055",dts$beginDOY) 
  } else
    begin <- max("2002184",dts$beginDOY)
  dts <- transDate(begin, end)
  dates   <- seq(dts$begin,dts$end,by='day')
  years   <- unique(format(dates,'%Y'))
  basedir <- paste0(opts$auxPath,"geoMeta/",collection,"/",platform,"/")
  csvDir  <- paste0(basedir,"csv/")  
  dir.create(csvDir,showWarnings = FALSE,recursive = TRUE)
  # querry folder content from CSV 
  # create urls
  rcsv <- paste0(url,collection,"/",platform,"/",unique(format(dates,'%Y')),".csv") 
  lcsv <- paste0(csvDir,years,".csv")
    needed <- rep(TRUE, length(lcsv))  
  } else
    needed <- is.na(fileSize(lcsv)) | fileSize(lcsv) < 500 # kB requires eventual tuning (of check file integrity by opening the file) 
    if(format(dates[length(dates)],"%Y")==format(Sys.Date(),'%Y') & file.exists(lcsv[length(lcsv)]))
      thisyear <- read.csv(lcsv[length(lcsv)])
      latestFile <- transDate(end=substr(thisyear$name[length(thisyear$name)],7,16))$endDOY
      latestNeeded <- format(dates[length(dates)],"%Y%j")
      if(latestFile<latestNeeded) # eventually we have to consider the time until a file becomes available on the server... 
        needed[length(lcsv)] <- TRUE
    lcsvn <- lcsv[needed]
    rcsvn <- rcsv[needed]
    # risky at it might hangs in this loop
    exist <- file.exists(lcsvn)
      exist <- file.exists(lcsvn)
      rcsvn <- rcsvn[!exist]
      lcsvn <- lcsvn[!exist]
    warning('Not all M*D03 summary files were downloaded.\nConsider to re-run MODIS:::listGeometa()!')
  readin <- lcsv[file.exists(lcsv)]
  csvx <- vector(mode = 'list', length = length(readin))
  for(i in seq_along(readin))
    csvx[[i]] <- as.character(read.csv(readin[i])$name)
  csvx <- unlist(csvx)
  filedates <- as.Date(substr(csvx,7,16))
  return(csvx[filedates >= min(dates) & filedates <= max(dates)])    

getGeometa <- function(platform=c('terra', 'aqua'),
                       begin = NULL, end = Sys.Date(), 
                       collection=6, forceRefresh=FALSE,...)
  opts <- combineOptions()
  url <- 'https://ladsweb.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/archive/geoMeta/'
  collection <- as.integer(collection)
  stopifnot(collection %in% 5:6)
  platform <- toupper(platform)
  stopifnot(length(platform) == 1)
  stopifnot(tolower(platform) %in% c('terra', 'aqua'))
  dts <- transDate(begin, end)
  ## date range
    begin <- max("2000055",dts$beginDOY) 
  } else
    begin <- max("2002184",dts$beginDOY)
  dts <- transDate(begin, end)
  csv <- listGeometa(platform=platform, begin = dts$begin, end = dts$end, collection = collection)
  dates <- as.Date(substr(csv,7,16))
  years <- unique(format(dates,'%Y'))  
  basedir <- paste0(opts$auxPath,"geoMeta/",collection,"/",platform,"/")
  # create local directories, if download.files() creates them, we can remove this.
  dirs <- paste0(basedir,unique(format(dates,'%Y')))
  for(u in seq_along(dirs))
    dir.create(dirs[u],recursive=TRUE,showWarnings = FALSE)
  lf <- paste0(basedir,format(dates,'%Y'),"/",csv)
  rf <- paste0("https://ladsweb.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/archive/geoMeta/", 
               collection, "/", platform,"/",format(dates,'%Y'),"/",csv)
    needed <- rep(TRUE, length(lf))
  } else
    fileSize <- fileSize(lf)
    needed   <- is.na(fileSize) | fileSize < 900 # kB requires eventual tuning (of check file integrity by opening the file) 
    lfn <- lf[needed] 
    rfn <- rf[needed]
    # I don't know where the limit is but I got a error: 'Too many open files'
    maxfiles <- 50
    split <- rep(1:100000,each=maxfiles)[1:length(lfn)]
    for(u in 1:max(split))
      try(utils::download.file(rfn[split==u], lfn[split==u], quiet = opts$quiet, mode = "wb"))

makeFootprintSwath <- function(extent, platform=c('terra', 'aqua'),
                               DayNightFlag = c("D", "N", "B", "X"),
                               begin = NULL, end = Sys.Date(), 
                               collection=6,removeDatecrossers = TRUE,
  opts <- combineOptions()
  collection <- as.integer(collection)
  stopifnot(collection %in% 5:6)
  platform <- toupper(platform)
  stopifnot(length(platform) == 1)
  stopifnot(tolower(platform) %in% c('terra', 'aqua'))
  DayNightFlag <- toupper(DayNightFlag)
  stopifnot(DayNightFlag %in% c("D", "N", "B", "X"))
  dts <- transDate(begin, end)
  ## date range
    begin <- max("2000055",dts$beginDOY) 
  } else
    begin <- max("2002184",dts$beginDOY)
  dts <- transDate(begin, end)
  geometa <- getGeometa(platform=platform, begin = dts$begin, end = dts$end, collection = collection)
  extent <- sf::st_transform(extent,crs = 4326)
  selected <- list()
  for(i in seq_along(geometa))
  { # i=1
    fp <- read.csv(geometa[i])
    colnames(fp) <- c("GranuleID", "StartDateTime", "ArchiveSet", "OrbitNumber", "DayNightFlag", 
                      "EastBoundingCoord", "NorthBoundingCoord", "SouthBoundingCoord", "WestBoundingCoord", 
                      "GRingLongitude1", "GRingLongitude2", "GRingLongitude3", "GRingLongitude4", 
                      "GRingLatitude1", "GRingLatitude2", "GRingLatitude3", "GRingLatitude4")
    fp <- fp[fp[,"DayNightFlag"] %in% toupper(DayNightFlag),]
    if (removeDatecrossers)
      ind <- grep(colnames(fp),pattern="^GRingLongitude")
      prepos <- rowSums(fp[,ind]>=0) 
      fp <- fp[prepos == 0 | prepos == 4,]
    po <- list()
    for (f in 1:nrow(fp))
      po[[f]] <- sf::st_polygon(list(matrix(
        c(fp[f,"GRingLongitude1"], fp[f,"GRingLatitude1"],
          fp[f,"GRingLongitude2"], fp[f,"GRingLatitude2"],
          fp[f,"GRingLongitude3"], fp[f,"GRingLatitude3"], 
          fp[f,"GRingLongitude4"], fp[f,"GRingLatitude4"], 
          fp[f,"GRingLongitude1"], fp[f,"GRingLatitude1"]),
        ncol=2, byrow = TRUE)))
    foot <- sf::st_sfc(po,crs=4326)
    #foot <- st_wrap_dateline(footprints, options="WRAPDATELINE=YES")
    foot <- sf::st_sf(data.frame(fp[,c("GranuleID", "StartDateTime", "ArchiveSet", "OrbitNumber", "DayNightFlag")], geom=foot))
    # aoi 
    id <- unlist(sf::st_intersects(extent,foot))
      footprints <- as.data.frame(foot[id,])
    } else
      footprints <- rbind(footprints,as.data.frame(foot[id,]))
  footprints <- sf::st_sf(footprints)
MatMatt/MODIS documentation built on Feb. 1, 2023, 12:39 a.m.