#' Given a GRangeslist object with peaks for each samples, determine
#' the consensus peaks (found in at least N replicates, where N is input
#' by the user) for each sample type
#' @param samplepeaks A GRangesList object comprising one GRanges object (peaks)
#' for each sample (output of loadBEDFiles() function)
#' @param minreps minimum number of replicate samples that a peak should be
#' contained in to be called as a consensus peak. This cutoff will be
#' applied to both samples.
#' @return a list comprising:
#' 1) a GRangeslist with one GRange for each sample type
#' which contains consensus peaks
#' 2) a summary statistic table
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' csvfile <- loadCSVFile("DNaseEncodeExample.csv")
#' samplePeaks <- loadBedFiles(csvfile)
#' consensusPeaks <- getConsensusPeaks(samplepeaks = samplePeaks, minreps = 2)
#' @export
getConsensusPeaks <- function(samplepeaks, minreps) {
if (class(samplepeaks) != "GRangesList")
stop("Peaks must be a GRangesList Object")
sampnames <- names(samplepeaks)
sampletypes <- sort(unique(gsub("_.*", "", sampnames)))
conspeaks <- GRangesList()
conspeaks_stats <- list()
# Chromosomes to keep (used later to remove other chromosomes e.g. chrM)
#chrom_subset <- paste0('chr', c(1:22,'X','Y'))
for (mytype in order(sampletypes)) {
mytypepeaks <- samplepeaks[grep(sampletypes[mytype], sampnames)]
# Concatenate all peaks pertaining to the same sample type and merge
# peaks
allregregions <- c(mytypepeaks[[1]])
for (i in 2:length(mytypepeaks)) {
allregregions <- c(allregregions, mytypepeaks[[i]])
reducedallregregions <- reduce(allregregions)
# For each reduced peak, determine whether it was present in each
# sample type
for (i in 1:length(mytypepeaks)) {
typespecific <- findOverlaps(reducedallregregions, mytypepeaks[[i]])
newdataframe <- data.frame(i = matrix(nrow = length(reducedallregregions)))
newdataframe[queryHits(typespecific), 1] <- "present"
values(reducedallregregions) <- cbind(values(reducedallregregions),
colnames(values(reducedallregregions)) <- names(mytypepeaks)
# Find regions that are present in at least N replicates (from user in
# put minreps)
reducedallregionsdata <- grangestodataframe(reducedallregregions)
applymatrix <- as.matrix(reducedallregionsdata[4:ncol(reducedallregionsdata)])
keepers <- which(apply(applymatrix,
function(x) length(which(x == "present")) >= minreps))
reducedallregionsdatakeepers <- reducedallregionsdata[keepers, ]
# Convert back to GRanges object
finalgranges <- GRanges(reducedallregionsdatakeepers$chr,
mcols(finalgranges)[1] <- sampletypes[mytype]
colnames(mcols(finalgranges)) <- "sampletype"
# Remove chromosomes that are not 1-22/X/Y
#finalgranges <- GenomeInfoDb::keepSeqlevels(finalgranges, chrom_subset)
# Construct output
conspeaks$mytype <- finalgranges
names(conspeaks)[mytype] <- sampletypes[mytype]
# Get some stats for the peaks (before/after merging)
totconspeaks <- NROW(finalgranges)
names(totconspeaks) <- sampletypes[mytype]
totreppeaks <- c()
for (numreps in 1:length(mytypepeaks)) {
totreppeaks <- c(totreppeaks, NROW(mytypepeaks[[numreps]]))
names(totreppeaks)[numreps] <- names(mytypepeaks)[numreps]
conspeaks_stats[[mytype]] <- c(totconspeaks, totreppeaks)
names(conspeaks_stats)[[mytype]] <- sampletypes[mytype]
} # end looping through sampletypes
maxreps <- max(c(length(conspeaks_stats[[1]]) - 1,
length(conspeaks_stats[[2]]) - 1))
samp1 <- conspeaks_stats[[1]]
samp2 <- conspeaks_stats[[2]]
if (length(samp1) - 1 != maxreps) {
samp1 <- c(samp1, rep(0, maxreps - length(samp1) + 1))
if (length(samp2) - 1 != maxreps) {
samp2 <- c(samp2, rep(0, maxreps - length(samp2) + 1))
dfstats <- as.data.frame(cbind(c("ConsensusPeaks", paste0("rep", 1:maxreps)),
colnames(dfstats) <- c("PeakType", names(conspeaks_stats))
return(list(consPeaks = conspeaks,
consPeaksStats = data.frame(dfstats)))
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