
#' make_ref_similarity_names
#' Construct some sensible labels or the groups/clusters in the query dataset, 
#' based on similarity the reference dataset.
#' This function aims to report a) the top most similar reference group, if 
#' there's a clear frontrunner, b) A list of multiple similar groups if they 
#' have similar similarity, or c) 'No similarity', if there is none.
#' Each group is named according to the following rules. 
#' Testing for significant 
#' (smaller) differences with a one-directional Mann-Whitney U test on their 
#' rescaled ranks:
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item The first (as ranked by median rescaled rank) reference group is 
#'   significantly more similar than the next: Report \emph{first only}.
#'   \item When comparing differences betwen groups stepwise ranked by 
#'   median rescaled rank - no group is significantly different to its 
#'   neighbour: Report \emph{no similarity}
#'   \item There's no significant differences in the stepwise comparisons 
#'   of the first N reference groups - but there is a significant 
#'   difference later on : Report \emph{multiple group similarity}
#' }
#' There are some further heuristic caveats:
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item The distribution of top genes in the last (or only) match group is 
#'   tested versus a theroetical random distribution around 0.5 (as reported 
#'   in \emph{pval_vs_random} column). If the distribution is not 
#'   significantly above random  
#'   (It is possible in edge cases where there is a skewed dataset
#'   and no/few matches),
#'   \emph{no similarity} is reported. The significnat \emph{pval} column is 
#'   left intact.
#'   \item The comparison is repeated reciprocally - reference groups vs the 
#'   query groups. This helps sensitivity of heterogenous query groups - 
#'   and investigating the reciprocal matches can be informative in these 
#'   cases.
#'   If a query group doens't 'match' a reference group, but the reference 
#'   group does match that query group - it is reported in the group label in 
#'   brackets.
#'   e.g. \emph{c1:th_lymphocytes(tc_lympocytes)}. 
#'   Its even possible if there was no match (and pval = NA) 
#'   e.g. emph{c2:(tc_lymphocytes)}
#' }
#' The similarity is formatted into a group label. Where there are 
#' multiple similar groups, they're listed from most to least similar by their 
#' median ranks.
#' For instance, a query dataset of clusters c1, c2, c3 and c4 againsts a 
#' cell-type labelled reference datatset might get names like:
#' E.g.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item c1:macrophage
#'   \item c2:endotheial|mesodermal
#'   \item c3:no_similarity
#'   \item c4:mesodermal(endothelial)
#' }
#' Function \code{make_ref_similarity_names} is a convenience wrapper function 
#' for \code{make_ref_similarity_names_from_marked}. It accepts two 'de_table' 
#' outputs of function \code{contrast_each_group_to_the_rest} to compare
#' and handles running
#' \code{\link{get_the_up_genes_for_all_possible_groups}}. 
#' Sister function \code{make_ref_similarity_names_from_marked} may (rarely) be 
#' of use if the \bold{de_table.marked} object has already been created, 
#' or if reciprocal tests are not wanted. 
#' @param de_table.test A differential expression table of the query 
#' experiment, as generated from 
#' \code{\link{contrast_each_group_to_the_rest}}
#' @param de_table.ref A differential expression table of the reference 
#' dataset, as generated from 
#' \code{\link{contrast_each_group_to_the_rest}}
#' @param pval Differences between the rescaled ranking distribution of 'top'
#' genes on different reference groups are tested with a Mann-Whitney U test. 
#' If they are \emph{significantly different}, 
#' only the top group(s) are reported. 
#' It isn't a simple cutoff threshold as it can change the number of similar 
#' groups reported.  ie. A more stringent \bold{pval} is more likely to decide 
#' that groups are similar -
#' which would result in multiple group reporting, or no similarity at all.
#' Unlikely that this parameter will ever need to change. Default = 0.01. 
#' @param num_steps After ranking reference groups according to median 'top' 
#' gene ranking, how many adjacent pairs to test for differences. 
#' Set to 1 to only compare each group to the next, or NA to perform an 
#' all-vs-all comparison. 
#' Setting too low may means it is possible to miss groups with some similarity 
#' to the reported matches (\emph{similar_non_match} column)).
#' Too high (or NA) with a large number of reference groups could be slow. 
#' Default = 5.
#' @param rankmetric Specifiy ranking method used to pick the
#' 'top' genes. The default 'TOP100_LOWER_CI_GTE1' picks genes from the top 100
#' overrepresented genes (ranked by inner 95% confidence interval) - appears to 
#' work best for distinct cell types (e.g. tissue sample.). 'TOP100_SIG' again 
#' picks from the top 100 ranked genes, but requires only statistical 
#' significance, 95% CI threshold - may perform better on more similar cell 
#' clusters (e.g. PBMCs).
#' @param n For tweaking maximum returned genes from different ranking methods.
#' @return A table of automagically-generated labels for each query group, 
#' given their similarity to reference groups. 
#' The columns in this table:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \bold{test_group} : Query group e.g. "c1"
#'   \item \bold{shortlab} : The cluster label described above e.g. 
#'   "c1:macrophage"
#'   \item \bold{pval} : If there is a similarity flagged, this is the P-value 
#'   from a Mann-Whitney U test from the last 'matched' group to the adjacent  
#'   'non-matched' group. Ie. If only one label in shortlab, this will be the 
#'   first of the stepped_pvals, if there are 2, it will be the second. 
#'   If there is 'no_similarity' this will be NA 
#'   (Because there is no confidence in what 
#'   is the most appropriate of the all non-significant stepped pvalues.).
#'   \item \bold{stepped_pvals} : P-values from Mann-Whitney U tests across 
#'   adjacent pairs of reference groups ordered from most to least similar 
#'   (ascending median rank).
#'   ie. 1st-2nd most similar first, 2nd-3rd, 3rd-4th e.t.c. The last value 
#'   will always be NA (no more reference group).
#'   e.g. 
#'   refA:8.44e-10,refB:2.37e-06,refC:0.000818,refD:0.435,refE:0.245,refF:NA
#'   \item \bold{pval_to_random} : P-value of test of median rank (of last 
#'   matched reference group) < random, from binomial test on top gene 
#'   ranks (being < 0.5). 
#'   \item \bold{matches} : List of all reference groups that 'match', 
#'   as described, except it also includes (rare) examples where 
#'   pval_to_random is not significant. "|" delimited.
#'   \item \bold{reciprocal_matches} : List of all reference groups that  
#'   flagged test group as a match when directon of comparison is reversed.
#'   (significant pval and pval_to_random). "|" delimited.
#'   \item \bold{similar_non_match}: This column lists any reference groups 
#'   outside of shortlab that are not signifcantly different to a reported 
#'   match group. Limited by \emph{num_steps}, and will never find anything 
#'   if num_steps==1. "|" delimited. Usually NA.
#'   \item \bold{similar_non_match_detail} : P-values for any details about 
#'   similar_non_match results. These p-values will always be non-significant.
#'   E.g. "A > C (p=0.0214,n.s)". "|" delimited. Usually NA.
#'   \item \bold{differences_within} :  This feild lists any pairs of 
#'   reference groups in shortlab that are significantly different. 
#'   "|" delimited. Usually NA.
#' }
#' @examples
#' # Make input
#' # de_table.demo_query <- contrast_each_group_to_the_rest(demo_query_se, "demo_query")
#' # de_table.demo_ref   <- contrast_each_group_to_the_rest(demo_ref_se,   "demo_ref")
#' make_ref_similarity_names(de_table.demo_query, de_table.demo_ref)
#' make_ref_similarity_names(de_table.demo_query, de_table.demo_ref, num_steps=3)
#' make_ref_similarity_names(de_table.demo_query, de_table.demo_ref, num_steps=NA)
#' @seealso \code{\link{contrast_each_group_to_the_rest}} For 
#' preparing de_table input
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
make_ref_similarity_names <- function(
   de_table.test, de_table.ref, pval=0.01, num_steps=5, 
   rankmetric='TOP100_LOWER_CI_GTE1', n=100
) {
   # Read one dataset name from test and query. 
   test_dataset <- unique(de_table.test$dataset)
   ref_dataset  <- unique(de_table.ref$dataset)   
   if (length(test_dataset) >1  || length(ref_dataset) > 1) {
      stop( "Either test or reference includes more than ",
            "one dataset in dataset column. ", 
            "Trim down or use make_ref_similarity_names_using_marked")
   # Prepare the marked and reciprocal marked tables
   de_table.ref.marked   <- 
      get_the_up_genes_for_all_possible_groups(de_table.test, de_table.ref, 
                                               rankmetric = rankmetric, n=n)
   de_table.recip.marked <- 
      get_the_up_genes_for_all_possible_groups(de_table.ref, de_table.test, 
                                               rankmetric = rankmetric, n=n)


#' make_ref_similarity_names_using_marked 
#' This is a more low level/customisable version of 
#' \code{\link{make_ref_similarity_names}}, (would usually use that instead).  
#' Suitable for rare cases to reuse an existing \bold{de_table.ref.marked} 
#' object. Or use a \bold{de_table.ref.marked} table with more than one dataset
#' present (discoraged). Or to skip the reciprocal comparison step. 
#' @param de_table.ref.marked The output of 
#' \code{\link{get_the_up_genes_for_all_possible_groups}} for the contrast 
#' of interest.
#' @param de_table.recip.marked Optional. The (reciprocal) output of 
#' \code{\link{get_the_up_genes_for_all_possible_groups}} with the test and 
#' reference datasets swapped. 
#' If omitted a reciprocal test will not be done. Default = NA.
#' @param the_test_dataset Optional. A short meaningful name for the 
#' experiment. 
#' (Should match \emph{test_dataset} column in \bold{de_table.marked}). 
#' Only needed in a table of more than one dataset. Default = NA.
#' @param the_ref_dataset Optional. A short meaningful name for the 
#' experiment. 
#' (Should match \emph{dataset} column in \bold{de_table.marked}). 
#' Only needed in a table of more than one dataset. Default = NA.
#' @examples
#' # Make input
#' # de_table.demo_query <- contrast_each_group_to_the_rest(demo_query_se, "demo_query")
#' # de_table.demo_ref   <- contrast_each_group_to_the_rest(demo_ref_se,   "demo_ref")
#' de_table.marked.query_vs_ref <- get_the_up_genes_for_all_possible_groups(
#'      de_table.demo_query, de_table.demo_ref) 
#' de_table.marked.reiprocal <- get_the_up_genes_for_all_possible_groups(
#'      de_table.demo_ref, de_table.demo_query)
#' make_ref_similarity_names_using_marked(de_table.marked.query_vs_ref, 
#'                                        de_table.marked.reiprocal)
#' make_ref_similarity_names_using_marked(de_table.marked.query_vs_ref)
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_the_up_genes_for_all_possible_groups}} 
#' To prepare the \bold{de_table.ref.marked} input.
#' @describeIn make_ref_similarity_names Construct some sensible cluster 
#' labels, but using a premade marked table.  
#' @export
make_ref_similarity_names_using_marked <- function(
   de_table.ref.marked, de_table.recip.marked=NA,
   pval=0.01, num_steps=5 
   # Sanity checks with nicer errors
   # datatset designations may be omoitted, 
   # IF only one dataset in the table (normal)
   ref_datasets_present  <- unique(de_table.ref.marked$dataset)
   test_datasets_present <- unique(de_table.ref.marked$test_dataset)   
   if (is.na(the_ref_dataset)) {
      if (base::length(ref_datasets_present) != 1 ) {
         stop("More than one reference datatset in de_table.ref.marked, ",
              "specify with the_ref_dataset")
   if (is.na(the_test_dataset)) {
      if (base::length(test_datasets_present) != 1 ) {
         stop("More than one reference datatset in de_table.ref.marked, ",
              "specify with the_test_dataset")
   # Also it has to be present if defined!
   if ( ! the_ref_dataset  %in% ref_datasets_present) {
      stop("Cannot find specified ref dataset in de_table.ref.marked")
   if ( ! the_test_dataset %in% test_datasets_present) {
      stop("Cannot find specified ref dataset in de_table.ref.marked")
   # Likewise, the reciprocal tests.
   have_recip <- typeof(de_table.recip.marked) == "list" #NA is logical
   if (have_recip) {
      if ( ! the_ref_dataset %in% unique(de_table.recip.marked$test_dataset)) {
         stop("Cannot find specified ref dataset as query dataset",
               "in de_table.recip.marked")
      if ( ! the_test_dataset %in% unique(de_table.recip.marked$dataset)) {
         stop("Cannot find specified test dataset as ref dataset",
               "in de_table.recip.marked")
   # Run the contrasts, as many as requested.
   test_groups <- base::unique(de_table.ref.marked$test_group)
   mwtest_res_table <- dplyr::bind_rows(
                   the_ref_dataset = the_ref_dataset,
                   pval=pval) )
   reciprocal_matches <- NA
   if (have_recip) {
      recip_test_groups <- base::unique(de_table.recip.marked$test_group) 
      mwtest_res_table.recip <- dplyr::bind_rows(
                      X= recip_test_groups, 
                      the_test_dataset= the_ref_dataset, 
                      the_ref_dataset = the_test_dataset,
                      num_steps=1, # Simplistic check.
                      pval=pval) )
      # Reciprocal matches
      reciprocal_matches <- get_reciprocal_matches(mwtest_res_table.recip, 
   ## Make labels
   labels_by_similarity_table <- dplyr::bind_rows(
                   the_pval=pval) ) 

#' make_ref_similarity_names_for_group
#' Internal function, called by make_ref_similarity_names_using_marked 
#' for each group.
#' @param the_test_group Query group to make name for
#' @param mwtest_res_table Mann-whitney test results as constructed 
#' in \code{\link{make_ref_similarity_names_using_marked}}
#' @param de_table.ref.marked The output of 
#' \code{\link{get_the_up_genes_for_all_possible_groups}} for the contrast of 
#' interest.
#' @param reciprocal_matches Simplified table of reciprocal matches prepared 
#' within \code{\link{make_ref_similarity_names_using_marked}}. 
#' If omitted no reciprocal matching done. Default = NA.
#' @param the_test_dataset A short meaningful name for the experiment. 
#' (Should match \emph{test_dataset} column in \bold{de_table.marked})
#' @param the_ref_dataset A short meaningful name for the experiment. 
#' (Should match \emph{dataset} column in \bold{de_table.marked})
#' @param the_pval pval as per 
#' \code{\link{make_ref_similarity_names_using_marked}}
#' @return A tibble with just one group's labelling information, as per 
#' \code{\link{make_ref_similarity_names_using_marked}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{make_ref_similarity_names_using_marked}} 
#' Only place that uses this function, details there.
make_ref_similarity_names_for_group <- function(
   the_test_group, mwtest_res_table, de_table.ref.marked, 
   reciprocal_matches = NA, the_test_dataset, the_ref_dataset, the_pval 
) {
   short_lab_col          = NA
   matches_col            = NA
   pval_col               = NA
   not_random_pval_col    = NA
   sim_outside_col        = NA
   sim_outside_detail_col = NA
   differences_within_col = NA
   stepped_pvals_col      = NA
   reciprocal_matches_col = NA
   matches               <- NULL
   reciprocal_match_list <- NULL
   # Just this group
   mwtest_res_table.this <- mwtest_res_table %>% 
      dplyr::filter(.data$test_group == the_test_group)
   # Get a bunch of matches (stepped), or NA
   mwtest_res_table.matches <- 
      get_matched_stepped_mwtest_res_table(mwtest_res_table.this, the_pval)
   # Reciprocal matches (simple)
   if (any(! is.na(reciprocal_matches))) {
      group_matches <- reciprocal_matches$test_group == the_test_group
      reciprocal_match_list <- reciprocal_matches$ref_group[group_matches]
   # Much of the other checks only apply when a match is defined. 
   if (any(!is.na(mwtest_res_table.matches))) { 
      # This table is ordered by grouprank, starting at 1
      last_of_match <- nrow(mwtest_res_table.matches)
      matches       <- mwtest_res_table.matches$group 
      inmatch       <- mwtest_res_table.this$grouprank <= last_of_match
      nextinmatch   <- mwtest_res_table.this$grouprank + 
                       mwtest_res_table.this$step <= last_of_match
      mwtest_res_table.this$inmatch     <- inmatch
      mwtest_res_table.this$nextinmatch <- nextinmatch
      ## Pval from last of match group to first of non-match. 
      # ie. the first sig difference
      pval_col <- base::signif(mwtest_res_table.matches$pval[last_of_match], 3) 
      ## Pval to a random distribution of ranks.
      last_of_match_group <- mwtest_res_table.matches$group[last_of_match]
      not_random_pval_col <- get_vs_random_pval(de_table.ref.marked, 
      ## Any non-signifiant difference between match and outside of it?
      # These are borderline maybe matches that aren't reported as matches 
      # because there's a significant difference above them.
      sim_outside_match <- mwtest_res_table.this %>% 
         dplyr::filter(.data$inmatch == TRUE, .data$nextinmatch == FALSE) %>%
         dplyr::filter(.data$pval > the_pval)
      if (base::nrow(sim_outside_match) > 0 ) {
         sim_outside_col        = paste0(
         sim_outside_detail_col = paste0(
            sim_outside_match$group, " > ",sim_outside_match$next_group, 
            " (p=",base::signif(sim_outside_match$pval,3),",n.s)", 
      ## If there are multiple matches, are they different to each other?
      if (length(matches) > 1) {
         differences_within_col <- 
            find_within_match_differences( de_table.ref.marked, 
   # Defaine the short name now.
   # <query cluster>: match1|match2
   # <query cluster>: match1(reciprocalmatchfrommatch2) 
   # <query cluster>: No similarity
   reportable_matches = matches
   if (length(matches) > 0 ) {
      if (not_random_pval_col <= the_pval) {
         # Shortlab col won't' include matches unless the last is above random 
         # (even if sig to next)
         shortlab_col = paste0(shortlab_col,paste(matches, collapse="|"))
      } else {
         # there are matches, but we're not putting them in shortlab
         reportable_matches = character(0) 
   extra_recip_matches = base::setdiff(reciprocal_match_list, 
   if (length(extra_recip_matches) > 0 ) {
      shortlab_col = paste0(shortlab_col,"(", 
                            paste(extra_recip_matches, collapse="|"), ")")
   # If (no matches, or no non-random > 0.5 matches) AND no recip matches
   if ( 
         ( length(matches) == 0 | 
           (length(matches) > 0 & not_random_pval_col > the_pval)  
         & length(extra_recip_matches) == 0 
      ) {
      shortlab_col = paste0(shortlab_col,"No similarity")

   # Other cols
   matches_col            <- paste(matches, collapse="|")
   reciprocal_matches_col <- paste0(reciprocal_match_list, collapse="|")
   stepped_pvals_col      <- get_stepped_pvals_str(mwtest_res_table.this)
   labels_by_similarity_table <- tibble::tibble(
      test_group               = the_test_group,
      shortlab                 = shortlab_col,
      pval                     = pval_col,
      stepped_pvals            = stepped_pvals_col,
      pval_to_random           = not_random_pval_col,
      matches                  = matches_col,
      reciprocal_matches       = reciprocal_matches_col,
      similar_non_match        = sim_outside_col,
      similar_non_match_detail = sim_outside_detail_col,
      differences_within       = differences_within_col ) 

#' get_ranking_and_test_results
#' Internal function to get reference group similarity contrasts for an 
#' individual query qroup. 
#' For use by \bold{make_ref_similarity_names_using_marked}, see that function 
#' for parameter details.
#' This function just runs this for a single query group \bold{the_test_group}
#' @param de_table.ref.marked see 
#' \link{make_ref_similarity_names_using_marked}
#' @param the_test_group The group to calculate the stats on.
#' @param the_test_dataset see 
#' \link{make_ref_similarity_names_using_marked}
#' @param the_ref_dataset see 
#' \link{make_ref_similarity_names_using_marked}
#' @param pval see 
#' \link{make_ref_similarity_names_using_marked}
#' @param num_steps see 
#' \link{make_ref_similarity_names_using_marked}
#' @return Table of similarity contrast results/assigned names 
#' e.t.c for a single group. 
#' Used internally for populating mwtest_res_table tables.
#' @seealso \code{\link{make_ref_similarity_names_using_marked}} 
#' which calls this. 
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
get_ranking_and_test_results <- function (
      de_table.ref.marked, the_test_group, 
      the_test_dataset, the_ref_dataset, 
      num_steps, pval=0.01 
) {
   # Should only be one test datast, and one reference dataset 
   # in de_table.ref_marked. Not needed, but forced here for paranoia reasons.
   de_table.ref.marked <- de_table.ref.marked %>% 
                    .data$dataset==the_ref_dataset )
   # Get the average rankings in order.
   # For this test_group
   rankstat_table <- get_rankstat_table(de_table.ref.marked, the_test_group)
   #group                median_rank mean_rank     n grouprank
   #<fct>                      <dbl>     <dbl> <int>     <int>
   #1 microglia                0.00314    0.0574    60         1
   #2 interneurons             0.354      0.519     60         2
   #3 oligodendrocytes         0.757      0.616     60         3
   last_rank <- base::nrow(rankstat_table)
   # Sanity checks    
   if (base::nrow(rankstat_table) ==1) { 
      warning("Only 1 reference group. Something odd is happening.") 
   ## Make a table of the contrasts to test
   # All vs all, or some subset.
   pairset <- NA
   if (is.na(num_steps) || num_steps == 0 ) { # All vs all.
      pairset <- base::expand.grid('groupArank'=seq_len(last_rank), 
      pairset <- tibble::as.tibble(pairset) %>% 
         dplyr::filter(.data$groupArank!=.data$groupBrank) # no self contrast
   } else { 
      # Shortcut table - only Group to Group+Nth rank check
      # for stepped contrats num_steps=1.
      # from n+1 to n+num_steps or end 
      get_nstep_ranks <- function(the_rank, num_steps, last_rank) {
         if (the_rank >= last_rank) {
            return (data.frame())  #empty, not a NA
         nstep_rank_vals <- (the_rank+1):min(the_rank + num_steps, last_rank)
         return ( 
                  rep(the_rank, times=base::length(nstep_rank_vals))),
               'groupBrank'=nstep_rank_vals) ) 
      pairset <- dplyr::bind_rows(
                      last_rank=last_rank) )
   # ranks back to names
   rank2group <- stats::setNames(rankstat_table$group, rankstat_table$grouprank)
   pairset$groupA <- rank2group[pairset$groupArank]
   pairset$groupB <- rank2group[pairset$groupBrank]  
   pairset$step <- pairset$groupBrank - pairset$groupArank
   # calculate diferences
   mwtest_res_table <- pairset %>% dplyr::rowwise() %>% 
      dplyr::do (run_pair_test_stats(de_table.ref.marked=de_table.ref.marked, 
   # Collect information
   rankstat_table$group <- as.character(rankstat_table$group)
   ranking_and_mwtest_results <- base::merge(x=rankstat_table, 
   # pretty names    
   ranking_and_mwtest_results <- ranking_and_mwtest_results %>% 
      dplyr::arrange(.data$grouprank) %>%
      dplyr::rename(next_group=.data$groupB) %>% 
      tibble::add_column( test_group   = the_test_group, 
                          test_dataset = the_test_dataset, 
                          ref_dataset  = the_ref_dataset, .before=1)
   # Add step size 
   ranking_and_mwtest_results <- base::merge(
      y=pairset %>% dplyr::select(.data$groupA, .data$groupB, .data$step),
      by.x=c("group", "next_group"),
      by.y=c("groupA", "groupB"), 

#' get_rankstat_table 
#' Summarise the comparison of the specified query group against in the 
#' comparison in \bold{de_table.ref.marked} - number of 'top' genes and their 
#' median rank in each of the reference groups, with reference group rankings.
#' @param de_table.ref.marked The output of 
#' \code{\link{get_the_up_genes_for_all_possible_groups}} for the contrast 
#' of interest.
#' @param the_test_group Name of query group to test
#' @return A tibble of query group name (test_group), 
#' number of 'top' genes (n), 
#' reference dataset group (group) with its ranking (grouprank) and the median 
#' (rescaled 0..1) ranking of 'top' genes (median_rank).
#' @examples
#' # Make input
#' # de_table.demo_query <- contrast_each_group_to_the_rest(demo_query_se, "demo_query")
#' # de_table.demo_ref   <- contrast_each_group_to_the_rest(demo_ref_se,   "demo_ref")
#' de_table.marked.query_vs_ref <- get_the_up_genes_for_all_possible_groups(
#'     de_table.demo_query, 
#'     de_table.demo_ref)
#' get_rankstat_table(de_table.marked.query_vs_ref, "Group3")
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_the_up_genes_for_all_possible_groups}} To 
#' prepare the \bold{de_table.ref.marked} input.
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr n
get_rankstat_table <- function(de_table.ref.marked, the_test_group ) {
   # Get the average rankings in order.
   # For this test_group
   rankstat_table <- de_table.ref.marked %>%
      dplyr::group_by(.data$group) %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$test_group == the_test_group) %>% #only test group
                       n=n() ) %>%
   rankstat_table$grouprank <- base::as.integer(base::rownames(rankstat_table))
   # NB:
   #n() is part of dplyr, but yeilds error if specified as 
   #dplyr::n 'Evaluation error: This function 
   #should not be called directly.'

#' run_pair_test_stats
#' Internal function to compare the distribution of a query datasets 'top' 
#' genes between two different reference datasete groups with a 
#' Mann–Whitney U test. One directional test if groupA median < group B.
#' For use by make_ref_similarity_names_using_marked
#' @param de_table.ref.marked The output of 
#' \code{\link{get_the_up_genes_for_all_possible_groups}} for the contrast 
#' of interest.
#' @param the_test_group Name of the test group in query dataset.
#' @param groupA One of the reference group names
#' @param groupB Another of the reference group names
#' @param enforceAgtB Do a one tailed test of A 'less' B (more similar)? 
#' Or two-tailed. Default = TRUE.
#' @return A tibble of wilcox / man-whitneyU test results for this contrast.
#' @seealso  \code{\link{make_ref_similarity_names_using_marked}} 
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
run_pair_test_stats <- function(
      de_table.ref.marked, the_test_group, groupA, groupB, enforceAgtB=TRUE 
) {
   groupA_ranks <- de_table.ref.marked %>% 
      dplyr::filter(.data$test_group == the_test_group, 
                    .data$group      == groupA) %>%
   groupB_ranks <- de_table.ref.marked %>% 
      dplyr::filter(.data$test_group == the_test_group, 
                    .data$group      == groupB) %>%
   if (enforceAgtB) {
      if (stats::median(groupA_ranks) > stats::median(groupB_ranks)) {
         stop("Running test comparision in wrong direction (B < A) ",
              "this shouldn't happen")

      mwtest_res <- stats::wilcox.test(groupA_ranks,groupB_ranks, 
                                       alternative = "less",  
                                       exact=FALSE, conf.int=FALSE) ))
   return( dplyr::bind_cols(
      "groupA"     = groupA,
      "groupB"     = groupB,
      "meandiff"   = base::mean(groupA_ranks)    - base::mean(groupB_ranks),
      "mediandiff" = stats::median(groupA_ranks) - stats::median(groupB_ranks),
      "pval"       = base::as.numeric(mwtest_res$p.value)))

#' get_stepped_pvals_str
#' Internal function to construct the string of stepped pvalues reported by 
#' make_ref_similarity_names_using_marked
#' For use by make_ref_similarity_names_for_group
#' @param mwtest_res_table.this Combined output of 
#' \code{\link{get_ranking_and_test_results}}
#' @return Stepped pvalues string
#' @seealso  \code{\link{make_ref_similarity_names_for_group}} 
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
get_stepped_pvals_str  <- function(mwtest_res_table.this) {
   # dunno:0.000264,Weird subtype:0.226,Exciting:0.00705,Mystery cell type:NA
   mwtest_res_table.this.stepped <- mwtest_res_table.this %>% 
      dplyr::filter(.data$step == 1) %>% 
   stepped_pvals_str=paste0(mwtest_res_table.this.stepped$group, ":", 
                        base::signif(mwtest_res_table.this.stepped$pval, 3),
   stepped_pvals_str=paste0(stepped_pvals_str, ",",
                        utils::tail(mwtest_res_table.this.stepped$next_group, 1),

#' get_matched_stepped_mwtest_res_table
#' Internal function to grab a table of the matched group(s).
#' For use by make_ref_similarity_names_for_group
#' @param mwtest_res_table.this Combined output of 
#' \code{\link{get_ranking_and_test_results}}
#' @param the_pval Pvalue threshold
#' @return Stepped pvalues string
#' @seealso \code{\link{make_ref_similarity_names_for_group}} 
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
get_matched_stepped_mwtest_res_table <- function(
   mwtest_res_table.this, the_pval
) {
   mwtest_res_table.this.stepped <- mwtest_res_table.this %>% 
      dplyr::filter(.data$step == 1) %>% 
   mwtest_res_table.this.stepped.sig <- mwtest_res_table.this.stepped %>% 
      dplyr::filter( .data$pval <= the_pval) 
   # Significance in adjacest steps defines matches
   # last in match is the last reference group that matches (usually 1)
   if (base::nrow(mwtest_res_table.this.stepped.sig) >  0) {
      last_of_match <- mwtest_res_table.this.stepped.sig$grouprank[1]
   } else {
      # Or NA for no match.

#' find_within_match_differences
#' Internal function to find if there are significant difference between the
#' distribitions, when there are multiple match groups. 
#' For use by make_ref_similarity_names_for_group
#' @param de_table.ref.marked see make_ref_similarity_names_for_group
#' @param matches see make_ref_similarity_names_for_group
#' @param the_test_group  see make_ref_similarity_names_for_group
#' @param the_test_dataset see make_ref_similarity_names_for_group
#' @param the_ref_dataset  see make_ref_similarity_names_for_group
#' @param the_pval  see make_ref_similarity_names_for_group
#' @return String of within match differences
#' @seealso  \code{\link{make_ref_similarity_names_for_group}} 
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
find_within_match_differences <- function(
   de_table.ref.marked, matches, the_test_group, 
   the_test_dataset, the_ref_dataset, the_pval 
) {
   # Any significant (non-stepped) differences within match (from high to low)
   de_table.ref.marked.thismatch <- de_table.ref.marked %>%
                    .data$group %in% matches) 
   # Do an all vs all test, just within the matches.
   # Care if sig in either direction
   mwtest_res_table.inmatches <- get_ranking_and_test_results(
      the_test_group      = the_test_group,
      de_table.ref.marked = de_table.ref.marked.thismatch , 
      the_test_dataset    = the_test_dataset, 
      the_ref_dataset     = the_ref_dataset,
   diffs_in_match <- mwtest_res_table.inmatches %>% 
      dplyr::filter(.data$pval <= the_pval)
   if (base::nrow(diffs_in_match) > 0 ) {
      return(paste0(diffs_in_match$group, " > ",diffs_in_match$next_group, 
                    " (p=",base::signif(diffs_in_match$pval,3),")", 
   } else { 

#' get_vs_random_pval
#' Internal function to run a bionomial test of 
#' median test rank > 0.5 (random).
#' For use by make_ref_similarity_names_for_group
#' @param de_table.ref.marked see make_ref_similarity_names_for_group
#' @param the_group Reference group name
#' @param the_test_group Test group name
#' #'
#' @return Pvalue result of a binomial test of each 'top gene' being greater 
#' than the theoretical random median rank of 0.5 (halfway).
#' @seealso \code{\link{make_ref_similarity_names_for_group}} 
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
get_vs_random_pval <- function(de_table.ref.marked, the_group, the_test_group){
   # Also - last of match should be 
   # above (well, below) 0.5 - theoritical random
   # NB: power-wise there must be 6 or more genes (all true) 
   #     for this to be sig.
   last_of_match_rank_dist <- de_table.ref.marked %>% 
      dplyr::filter( .data$group == the_group & 
                     .data$test_group == the_test_group) %>%  
   not_random_pval_binom <- stats::binom.test(
      base::sum(last_of_match_rank_dist < 0.5), 
      alternative = "greater")
   return(signif(not_random_pval_binom$p.value, 3))

#' get_reciprocal_matches 
#' Internal function to run a bionomial test of 
#' median test rank > 0.5 (random).
#' For use by make_ref_similarity_names_using_marked
#' @param mwtest_res_table.recip Combined output of 
#' \code{\link{get_ranking_and_test_results}} for reciprocal test - 
#' ref vs query.
#' @param de_table.recip.marked Recriprocal ref vs query de_table.ref.marked
#' @param the_pval See make_ref_similarity_names_using_marked
#' @return List of table of reciprocal matches tested from reference to query. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{make_ref_similarity_names_using_marked}} 
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
get_reciprocal_matches <- function( 
   mwtest_res_table.recip, de_table.recip.marked, the_pval
) {
   # 'test' here being ref
   the_test_groups <- unique(mwtest_res_table.recip$test_group) 
   get_reciprocal_matches_group <- function(
         mwtest_res_table.recip, de_table.recip.marked,  
      ) {
      # Just this group
      mwtest_res_table.recip.this <- mwtest_res_table.recip %>% 
         dplyr::filter(.data$test_group == the_test_group)
      # Get a bunch of matches (stepped), or NA
      mwtest_res_table.matches <- 
      if (! all(is.na(mwtest_res_table.matches))) {
         # Pval to a random distribution of ranks.
         group_to_test <- mwtest_res_table.matches$group[nrow(mwtest_res_table.matches)]
         not_random_pval <- get_vs_random_pval(de_table.recip.marked, 
         if (not_random_pval <= the_pval) {
            # Ref + test relative to original query this is the reciprocal of
            return( dplyr::bind_cols( 
               ref_group =mwtest_res_table.matches$test_group )
   reciprocal_matches <- dplyr::bind_rows(
   if (is.null(reciprocal_matches)) {
      reciprocal_matches <- NA
MonashBioinformaticsPlatform/celaref documentation built on June 5, 2019, 11:35 a.m.