
Defines functions bugs

Documented in bugs

#' Run MultiBUGS from R
#' The \code{bugs} function takes data and starting values as input.  It
#' automatically writes a \pkg{MultiBUGS} script, calls the model, and saves
#' the simulations for easy access in R.
#' To run:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Write a \pkg{BUGS} model in an ASCII file (hint:
#'   use \code{\link{write.model}}).
#' \item Go into \R.
#' \item Prepare the inputs for the \code{bugs} function and run it (see
#'   Example section).
#' \item An \pkg{MultiBUGS} window will pop up and will freeze up. The model
#'   will now run in \pkg{MultiBUGS}. It might take awhile. You will see things
#'   happening in the Log window within \pkg{MultiBUGS}. When \pkg{MultiBUGS} is
#'   done, its window will close and \R will work again.
#' \item If an error message appears, re-run with \code{debug=TRUE}.
#' }
#' BUGS version support: \itemize{ \item\pkg{MultiBUGS} >=1.0 }
#' Operation system support:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \pkg{MS Windows} no problem
#' \item \pkg{Linux, intel processors} GUI display and graphics not available.
#' \item \pkg{Mac OS X} and \pkg{Unix} in general possible with Wine emulation
#' via \code{useWINE=TRUE}
#' }
#' If \code{useWINE=TRUE} is used, all paths (such as \code{working.directory}
#' and \code{model.file}, must be given in native (Unix) style, but
#' \code{MultiBUGS.pgm} can be given in Windows path style (e.g.
#' \dQuote{c:/Program Files/MultiBUGS/}) or native (Unix) style \cr (e.g.
#' \dQuote{/path/to/wine/folder/dosdevices/c:/Program
#' Files/MultiBUGS/MultiBUGS321/MultiBUGS.exe}).
#' @param data either a named list (names corresponding to variable names in
#' the \code{model.file}) of the data for the \pkg{MultiBUGS} model, \emph{or}
#' a vector or list of the names of the data objects used by the model.
#' If \code{data} is a one element character vector (such as \code{'data.txt'}),
#' it is assumed that data have already been written to the working directory
#' into that file, e.g. by the function \code{\link{bugs.data}}.
#' @param inits a list with \code{n.chains} elements; each element of the list
#' is itself a list of starting values for the \pkg{MultiBUGS} model, \emph{or}
#' a function creating (possibly random) initial values.  Alternatively, if
#' \code{inits=NULL}, initial values are generated by \pkg{MultiBUGS}.
#' If \code{inits} is a character vector with \code{n.chains} elements, it is
#' assumed that inits have already been written to the working directory into
#' those files, e.g. by the function \code{\link{bugs.inits}}.
#' @param parameters.to.save character vector of the names of the parameters to
#' save which should be monitored
#' @param model.file File containing the model written in \pkg{MultiBUGS} code.
#' The extension must be \file{.txt}.  The default location is given by
#' \code{working.directory}.  The old convention allowing model.file to be
#' named \file{.bug} has been eliminated because the \pkg{MultiBUGS}
#' feature that allows the program image to be saved and later restarted uses
#' the .bug extension for the saved images.  Alternatively, \code{model.file}
#' can be an R function that contains a BUGS model that is written to a
#' temporary model file (see \code{\link{tempfile}}) using
#' \code{\link{write.model}}.
#' @param fix.founders If TRUE, If the fix founder box is checked instead of
#' generating initial values for founder nodes (nodes of topological depth
#' one in the graphical model) the values of therse nodes is set to the mean
#' of their prior.
#' @param n.chains number of Markov chains (default: 3)
#' @param n.iter number of total iterations per chain (including burn in;
#' default: 2000)
#' @param n.burnin length of burn in, i.e. number of iterations to discard at
#' the beginning. Default is \code{n.iter/2}, that is, discarding the first
#' half of the simulations.
#' @param n.thin Thinning rate. Must be a positive integer. The default is
#' \code{n.thin} = 1.
#' The thinning is implemented in the MultiBUGS update phase, so thinned
#' samples are never stored, and they are not counted in \code{n.burnin} or
#' \code{n.iter}.  Setting \code{n.thin}=2, doubles the number of iterations
#' MultiBUGS performs, but does not change \code{n.iter} or \code{n.burnin}.
#' Thinning implemented in this manner is not captured in summaries created
#' by packages such as \pkg{coda}.
#' @param n.workers Number of workers to distribute computation within
#' MultiBUGS across. By default one core fewer than detected by
#' \code{\link[parallel]{detectCores}} is used.
#' @param saveExec If TRUE, a re-startable image of the MultiBUGS execution is
#' saved with \code{basename (model.file)} and extension .bug in the working
#' directory, which must be specified.  The .bug files can be large, so users
#' should monitor them carefully and remove them when not needed.
#' @param restart If TRUE, execution resumes with the final status from the
#' previous execution stored in the .bug file in the working directory.  If
#' \code{n.burnin=0},additional iterations are performed and all iterations
#' since the previous burnin are used (including those from past executions).
#' If \code{n.burnin>0}, a new burnin is performed, and the previous iterations
#' are discarded, but execution continues from the status at the end of the
#' previous execution.  When \code{restart=TRUE}, only \code{n.burnin},
#' \code{n.iter}, and \code{saveExec} inputs should be changed from the call
#' creating the .bug file, otherwise failed or erratic results may be produced.
#' Note the default has \code{n.burnin>0}.
#' @param debug if \code{FALSE} (default), \pkg{MultiBUGS} is closed
#' automatically when the script has finished running, otherwise
#' \pkg{MultiBUGS} remains open for further investigation.  The debug option is
#' not available for linux execution.
#' @param DIC logical; if \code{TRUE} (default), compute deviance, pD, and DIC.
#' The results are extracted directly from the \pkg{MultiBUGS} log, which uses
#' the rule \code{pD = Dbar - Dhat}.  If extraction fails or if there are less
#' iterations than required for the adaptive phase, the rule
#' \code{pD=var(deviance) / 2} is computed in R.  See \code{\link{bugs.log}}
#' for more information on extracting results from the log file.
#' @param digits number of significant digits used for \pkg{MultiBUGS} input,
#' see \code{\link{formatC}}
#' @param codaPkg logical; if \code{FALSE} (default) a \code{bugs} object is
#' returned, if \code{TRUE} file names of \pkg{MultiBUGS} output are returned
#' for easy access by the \pkg{coda} package through function
#' \code{\link{read.bugs}}.  A \code{bugs} object can be converted to an
#' \code{mcmc.list} object as used by the \pkg{coda} package with the method
#' \code{\link[coda]{as.mcmc.list}} (for which a method is provided by
#' R2MultiBUGS).
#' @param MultiBUGS.pgm For Windows or WINE execution, the full path to the
#' MultiBUGS executable.  For linux execution, the full path to the MultiBUGS
#' executable or shell script (the path to the shell script is not required if
#' the MultiBUGS shell script is in the user's PATH variable).  If \code{NULL}
#' (unset) and the environment variable \code{MultiBUGS_PATH} is set the latter
#' will be used as the default.  If \code{NULL} (unset), the environment
#' variable \code{MultiBUGS_PATH} is unset and the global option
#' \code{R2MultiBUGS.pgm} is not \code{NULL} the latter will be used as the
#' default.  If none of the former are set and OS is Windows, the most recent
#' MultiBUGS version registered in the Windows registry will be used as the
#' default.  For other operating systems, the location is guessed by
#' \code{Sys.which('MultiBUGS')}.
#' @param working.directory sets working directory during execution of this
#' function; \pkg{MultiBUGS}' input and output will be stored in this
#' directory; if \code{NULL}, a temporary working directory via
#' \code{\link{tempdir}} is used.
#' @param clearWD logical; indicating whether the files \file{data.txt},
#' \file{inits[1:n.chains].txt}, \file{log.odc}, \file{codaIndex.txt}, and
#' \file{coda[1:nchains].txt} should be removed after \pkg{MultiBUGS} has
#' finished.  If set to \code{TRUE}, this argument is only respected if
#' \code{codaPkg=FALSE}.
#' @param useWINE logical; attempt to use the Wine emulator to run
#' \pkg{MultiBUGS}. Default is \code{FALSE}. If WINE is used, the arguments
#' \code{MultiBUGS.pgm} and \code{working.directory} must be given in form of
#' Linux paths rather than Windows paths (if not \code{NULL}).
#' @param WINE Character, path to \file{wine} binary file, it is tried hard (by
#' a guess and the utilities \code{which} and \code{locate}) to get the
#' information automatically if not given.
#' @param newWINE Use new versions of Wine that have \file{winepath} utility
#' @param WINEPATH Character, path to \file{winepath} binary file, it is tried
#' hard (by a guess and the utilities \code{which} and \code{locate}) to get
#' the information automatically if not given.
#' @param bugs.seed [This is not currently honoured by R2MultiBUGS.] Random
#' seed for \pkg{MultiBUGS}.  Must be an integer between 1-14.  Seed
#' specification changed between WinBUGS and OpenBUGS; see the MultiBUGS
#' documentation for details.
#' @param summary.only If \code{TRUE}, only a parameter summary for very quick
#' analyses is given, temporary created files are not removed in that case.
#' @param save.history If \code{TRUE} (the default), trace plots are generated
#' at the end.
#' @param over.relax If \code{TRUE}, over-relaxed form of MCMC is used if
#' available from MultiBUGS.
#' @return 
#' If \code{codaPkg=TRUE} the returned values are the names of coda output
#' files written by \pkg{OpenBUGS} containing the Markov Chain Monte Carlo
#' output in the CODA format. This is useful for direct access with
#' \code{\link{read.bugs}}.
#' If \code{codaPkg=FALSE}, the following values are returned:
#' \item{n.chains}{see Section \sQuote{Arguments}}
#' \item{n.iter}{see Section \sQuote{Arguments}}
#' \item{n.burnin}{see Section \sQuote{Arguments}}
#' \item{n.thin}{see Section \sQuote{Arguments}}
#' \item{n.keep}{number of iterations kept per chain (equal to
#'   \code{(n.iter-n.burnin) / n.thin})}
#' \item{n.sims}{number of posterior simulations (equal to
#'   \code{n.chains * n.keep})}
#' \item{sims.array}{3-way array of simulation output, with dimensions
#'   \code{n.keep}, \code{n.chains}, and length of combined parameter vector}
#' \item{sims.list}{list of simulated parameters:
#'   for each scalar parameter, a vector of length n.sims
#'   for each vector parameter, a 2-way array of simulations,
#'   for each matrix parameter, a 3-way array of simulations,  etc.
#'   (for convenience,  the \code{n.keep*n.chains} simulations in
#'   sims.matrix and sims.list (but NOT sims.array) have been randomly
#'   permuted)}
#' \item{sims.matrix}{matrix of simulation output, with
#'   \code{n.chains*n.keep} rows and one column for each element of
#'   each saved parameter (for convenience, the \code{n.keep*n.chains}
#'   simulations in sims.matrix and sims.list (but NOT sims.array) have
#'   been randomly permuted)}
#' \item{summary}{summary statistics and convergence information for
#'   each saved parameter.}
#' \item{mean}{a list of the estimated parameter means}
#' \item{sd}{a list of the estimated parameter standard deviations}
#' \item{median}{a list of the estimated parameter medians}
#' \item{root.short}{names of argument \code{parameters.to.save} and
#'   \dQuote{deviance}}
#' \item{long.short}{indexes; programming stuff}
#' \item{dimension.short}{dimension of \code{indexes.short}}
#' \item{indexes.short}{indexes of \code{root.short}}
#' \item{last.values}{list of simulations from the most recent
#'   iteration; they can be used as starting points if you wish to run
#'   \pkg{OpenBUGS} for further iterations}
#' \item{pD}{an estimate of the effective number of parameters, for
#'   calculations see the section \dQuote{Arguments}.}
#' \item{DIC}{\code{mean(deviance) + pD}}
#' @author Andrew Gelman, \email{gelman@@stat.columbia.edu}; modifications and
#' packaged by Sibylle Sturtz, \email{sturtz@@statistik.tu-dortmund.de}, Uwe
#' Ligges, and Neal Thomas
#' @seealso \code{\link{print.bugs}}, \code{\link{plot.bugs}}, as well as
#' \pkg{coda} and \pkg{BRugs} packages
#' @references Gelman, A., Carlin, J.B., Stern, H.S., Rubin, D.B. (2003):
#' \emph{Bayesian Data Analysis}, 2nd edition, CRC Press.
#' Sturtz, S., Ligges, U., Gelman, A. (2005): R2WinBUGS: A Package for Running
#' WinBUGS from R.  \emph{Journal of Statistical Software} 12(3), 1-16.
#' @keywords interface models
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # An example model file is given in:
#' model.file <- system.file(package='R2MultiBUGS', 'model', 'schools.txt')
#' # Let's take a look:
#' #file.show(model.file)
#' # Some example data (see ?schools for details):
#' data(schools)
#' schools
#' J <- nrow(schools)
#' y <- schools$estimate
#' sigma.y <- schools$sd
#' data <- list ('J', 'y', 'sigma.y')
#' inits <- function(){
#'     list(theta=rnorm(J, 0, 100), mu.theta=rnorm(1, 0, 100),
#'          sigma.theta=runif(1, 0, 100))
#' }
#' ## or alternatively something like:
#' # inits <- list(
#' #   list(theta=rnorm(J, 0, 90), mu.theta=rnorm(1, 0, 90),
#' #        sigma.theta=runif(1, 0, 90)),
#' #   list(theta=rnorm(J, 0, 100), mu.theta=rnorm(1, 0, 100),
#' #        sigma.theta=runif(1, 0, 100))
#' #   list(theta=rnorm(J, 0, 110), mu.theta=rnorm(1, 0, 110),
#' #        sigma.theta=runif(1, 0, 110)))
#' parameters <- c('theta', 'mu.theta', 'sigma.theta')
#' ## You may need to specify 'MultiBUGS.pgm'
#' ## also you need write access in the working directory:
#' schools.sim <- bugs(data, inits, parameters, model.file,
#'     n.chains=3, n.workers = 2, n.iter=5000)
#' print(schools.sim)
#' plot(schools.sim)
#' }
#' @export bugs
bugs <- function(data,
                 model.file = "model.txt",
                 fix.founders = TRUE,
                 n.chains = 3,
                 n.burnin = floor(n.iter/2),
                 n.thin = 1,
                 n.workers = detectCores() - 1,
                 saveExec = FALSE,
                 restart = FALSE,
                 debug = FALSE,
                 DIC = TRUE,
                 digits = 5,
                 codaPkg = FALSE,
                 MultiBUGS.pgm = NULL,
                 working.directory = NULL,
                 clearWD = FALSE,
                 useWINE = FALSE,
                 WINE = NULL,
                 newWINE = TRUE,
                 WINEPATH = NULL,
                 bugs.seed = 1,
                 summary.only = FALSE,
                 save.history = (.Platform$OS.type == "windows" |
                                   useWINE == TRUE),
                 over.relax = FALSE){
  if (is.null(MultiBUGS.pgm)){
    MultiBUGS.pgm <- findMultiBUGS()
    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows" || useWINE){
      MultiBUGS.pgm <- file.path(MultiBUGS.pgm, "MultiBUGS.exe")
  } else if (MultiBUGS.pgm == "MultiBUGS"){
    MultiBUGS.pgm <- Sys.which("MultiBUGS")
  if (!file.exists(MultiBUGS.pgm)){
    stop("Cannot find the MultiBUGS program")

  ## Is MultiBUGS.pgm defined in Windows (where second character
  ## is : i.e. C:\Program...) or Unix style path?
  if (useWINE && (substr(MultiBUGS.pgm, 2, 2) == ":")){
    MultiBUGS.pgm <- win2native(MultiBUGS.pgm,
                                newWINE = newWINE,
                                WINEPATH = WINEPATH)

  ### check options for unix/linux
  if (.Platform$OS.type != "windows" && !useWINE){
    if (debug){
      stop("The debug option is not available with linux/unix")
    if (save.history){
      stop("History plots (save.history) are not available with linux/unix")

  if (!bugs.seed %in% 1:14){
    stop("MultiBUGS seed must be integer in 1:14")

  if (!is.function(model.file) && length(grep("\\.bug", tolower(model.file)))){
    stop("model.file must be renamed with .txt rather than .bug")

  if (is.null(working.directory) && (saveExec || restart)){
    stop("The working directory must be specified when saveExec or restart is TRUE")

  if (!is.null(working.directory)){
    working.directory <- path.expand(working.directory)
    savedWD <- getwd()

  ## Checking number of inits, which is NOT saved here:
  if (!missing(inits) &&
        !is.function(inits) &&
         !is.null(inits) &&
         (length(inits) != n.chains)){
    stop("Number of initialized chains (length(inits)) != n.chains")

  ## Wine
  if (useWINE){
    ## Attempt to find wine and winepath
    if (is.null(WINE)){
      WINE <- findUnixBinary(x = "wine")
    if (is.null(WINEPATH)){
      WINEPATH <- findUnixBinary(x = "winepath")

  ## Move to working drirectory or temporary directory when NULL
  inTempDir <- FALSE
  if (is.null(working.directory)){
    working.directory <- tempdir()
    if (useWINE){
      ## Some tweaks for wine (particularly required for Mac OS)
      working.directory <- gsub("//", "/", working.directory)
      Sys.chmod(working.directory, mode = "770")
      on.exit(Sys.chmod(working.directory, mode = "700"), add = TRUE)
    savedWD <- getwd()
    on.exit(setwd(savedWD), add = TRUE)
    inTempDir <- TRUE

  ## model.file is not a file name but a model function
  if (is.function(model.file)){
    temp <- tempfile("model")
    temp <- paste(temp, "txt", sep = ".")
    write.model(model.file, con = temp, digits = digits)
    model.file <- gsub("\\\\", "/", temp)
  if (inTempDir && basename(model.file) == model.file){
    try(file.copy(file.path(savedWD, model.file),
                  overwrite = TRUE))
  if (!file.exists(model.file)){
    stop(paste(model.file, "does not exist."))
  if (file.info(model.file)$isdir){
    stop(paste(model.file, "is a directory, but a file is required."))
  if (!(length(data) == 1 &&
          is.vector(data) &&
          is.character(data) &&
          (regexpr("\\.txt$", data) > 0))){
    bugs.data.file <- bugs.data(data, dir = getwd(), digits)
  } else {
    if (inTempDir && all(basename(data) == data)){
      try(file.copy(file.path(savedWD, data), data, overwrite = TRUE))
    if (!file.exists(data)){
      stop("File", data, "does not exist.")
    bugs.data.file <- data

  if (is.character(inits)){
    if (inTempDir && all(basename(inits) == inits)){
      try(file.copy(file.path(savedWD, inits), inits, overwrite = TRUE))
    if (!all(file.exists(inits))){
      stop("One or more inits files are missing")
    if (length(inits) != n.chains){
      stop("Need one inits file for each chain")
    bugs.inits.files <- inits
  } else {
    if (!is.function(inits) &&
          !is.null(inits) &&
           (length(inits) != n.chains)){
      stop("Number of initialized chains (length(inits)) != n.chains")
    bugs.inits.files <- bugs.inits(inits, n.chains, digits)

  if (DIC){
    parameters.to.save <- c(parameters.to.save, "deviance")
  ## Model files must have extension '.txt'
  if (!length(grep("\\.txt$", tolower(model.file)))){
    new.model.file <- paste(basename(model.file), ".txt", sep = "")
    if (!is.null(working.directory)){
      new.model.file <- file.path(working.directory, new.model.file)
    file.copy(model.file, new.model.file, overwrite = TRUE)
    on.exit(try(file.remove(new.model.file)), add = TRUE)
  } else {
    new.model.file <- model.file

  ## Create a filename model.file + .bug
  model.file.bug <- gsub("\\.txt", ".bug", basename(new.model.file))

  if (restart && !file.exists(model.file.bug)){
    stop("The .bug restart file was not found in the working directory")

  if (useWINE){
    ## Some tweaks for wine (particularly required for Mac OS)
    new.model.file <- gsub("//", "/", new.model.file)
              debug = debug,
              is.inits = !is.null(inits),
              fix.founders = fix.founders,
              DIC = DIC,
              useWINE = useWINE,
              newWINE = newWINE,
              WINEPATH = WINEPATH,
              bugs.seed = bugs.seed,
              summary.only = summary.only,
              save.history = save.history,
              bugs.data.file = bugs.data.file,
              bugs.inits.files = bugs.inits.files,
              over.relax = over.relax)
           debug = debug,
           WINE = WINE,
           useWINE = useWINE,
           newWINE = newWINE,
  if (!is.null(parameters.to.save)){
  if (codaPkg){
    return(file.path(getwd(), paste("CODAchain", 1:n.chains, ".txt", sep = "")))
  if (summary.only){

  sims <- c(bugs.sims(parameters.to.save,
            model.file = model.file)
  if (clearWD){
                  paste("CODAchain", 1:n.chains, ".txt", sep = "")))
  class(sims) <- "bugs"
MultiBUGS/R2MultiBUGS documentation built on Aug. 14, 2019, 3:15 p.m.