
Defines functions .getgenesymbol funm6aviewer

Documented in funm6aviewer

funm6aviewer <- function(dminfo,
                         bamgrlist = NA,
                         intrested_gene = NA,
                         top_alph = 0.8,
                         fungenethr = 0.3,
                         permutime = NA,
                         descoretype = "pval",
                         txdb = TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene,
                         orgdb = org.Hs.eg.db,
                         orgsymbol = org.Hs.egSYMBOL,
                         datapath = NA,
                         rescore_thr = 0.8,
                         descore_thr = 0.8,
                         enrich_input_directory = "",
                         version = "10",
                         species = 9606,
                         bp_fdr_thr = 0.05,
                         kegg_fdr_thr = 0.05,
                         savepath = NA,
                         no_cores = NA) {

  if (is.na(savepath)) { savepath <- getwd() }
  if (!dir.exists(savepath)) {dir.create(savepath, recursive = T)}
  if (is.na(datapath)) { datapath <- system.file("extdata", package="Funm6AViewer") }

  ## get dm annotation and de score
  names(dminfo) <- c("chr", "chromStart", "chromEnd", "name", "score", "strand", "log2fd")
  genesymbol <- .getgenesymbol(orgsymbol, dminfo$name)
  dminfo$name <- genesymbol$entrezeid
  genesymbol <- genesymbol$genesymbol
  dminfo$genesymbol <- genesymbol
  dminfo$foldenrich <- "hyper"
  dminfo$foldenrich[dminfo$log2fd < 0] <- "hypo"
  dminfo <- .getpeakposition(dminfo, txdb)

  if (!is.na(intrested_gene[1])) {
    siggene <- .getgenesymbol(orgsymbol, intrested_gene)
    entrezid <- siggene$entrezeid
    siggene <- siggene$genesymbol

    id <- is.element(entrezid, dminfo$name) & is.element(siggene, dminfo$genesymbol)
    siggene <- siggene[id]
    intrested_gene <- siggene

  if (length(intrested_gene) == 0) {intrested_gene <- NA}

  genesymbol <- .getgenesymbol(orgsymbol, deinfo$name)
  genesymbol <- genesymbol$genesymbol
  deinfo$name <- genesymbol
  descore <- getdescore(deinfo, scoretype = descoretype)

  ## plot character

  print("Visualizing DmM sites characteristics...")

  chara <- characterdmsites(dminfo, txdb = txdb, savepath = savepath)

  if (!is.na(intrested_gene[1])) {
    savepath1 <- paste(savepath, "DmMSiteOnGene", sep = "/")

    ## plot dmsites
    vp <- dmsiteplot(dminfo, intrested_gene = intrested_gene,
                     savepath = savepath1, txdb = txdb, orgsymbol = orgsymbol, orgdb = orgdb)

    ## plot coverage
    if (!is.na(bamgrlist)[1]) {
      vp <- coverageplot(dminfo, bamgrlist, intrested_gene = intrested_gene,
                         savepath = savepath1, txdb = txdb, orgsymbol = orgsymbol, orgdb = orgdb)

  ## FDMDeepm6A


  ## get dmgene
  gene_utr3 <- dminfo$UTR3 != 0
  gene_cds <- dminfo$CDS != 0
  gene_utr5 <- dminfo$UTR5 != 0
  dmgene <- list(utr3 = dminfo[gene_utr3,], utr5 = dminfo[gene_utr5,], cds = dminfo[gene_cds,])

  savepath2 <- paste(savepath, "FunDMDeepm6ARe", sep = "/")

  print("Running FunDMDeepm6A for genes with UTR3 DmM sites...")
  ## utr3
  DMgene <- dmgene$utr3
  fdm_utr3 <- fdmdeepm6A(DMgene, descore, top_alph = top_alph, fungenethr = fungenethr, datapath = datapath, savepath = savepath2,
                         orgsymbol = orgsymbol, permutime = permutime,
                         savename = "Funm6AGene_utr3", no_cores = no_cores)

  print("Running FunDMDeepm6A for genes with CDS DmM sites...")
  ## cds
  DMgene <- dmgene$cds
  fdm_cds <- fdmdeepm6A(DMgene, descore, top_alph = top_alph, fungenethr = fungenethr, datapath = datapath, savepath = savepath2,
                        orgsymbol = orgsymbol, permutime = permutime,
                        savename = "Funm6AGene_cds", no_cores = no_cores)

  print("Running FunDMDeepm6A for genes with UTR5 DmM sites...")
  ## utr5
  DMgene <- dmgene$utr5
  fdm_utr5 <- fdmdeepm6A(DMgene, descore, top_alph = top_alph, fungenethr = fungenethr, datapath = datapath, savepath = savepath2,
                         orgsymbol = orgsymbol, permutime = permutime,
                         savename = "Funm6AGene_utr5", UTR5only = TRUE, no_cores = no_cores)

  ## combine result
  fdm_utr3$UTR5only <- "UTR3"
  fdm_utr5$UTR5only <- "UTR5"
  fdm_cds$UTR5only <- "CDS"

  fdmgene <- rbind(fdm_utr5, fdm_cds, fdm_utr3)
  names(fdmgene)[names(fdmgene) == "UTR5only"] <- "SitePosition"

  write.table(fdmgene, file =  paste(savepath2, "Candidate_Funm6AGene.xls", sep = "/"),
              sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
  write.table(fdmgene[fdmgene$padj <= fungenethr,], file =  paste(savepath2, "Funm6AGene.xls", sep = "/"),
              sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)

  print("Visualizing functional DmM genes...")

  savepath3 <- paste(savepath, "MSBScorePlot", sep = "/")

  ## plot MSB score
  siggenescoreplot(fdm_utr3, intrested_gene, plotname = "UTR3_Gene", sigthresh = fungenethr, savepath = savepath3,
                   rescore_thr = rescore_thr, descore_thr = descore_thr)
  siggenescoreplot(fdm_utr5, intrested_gene, plotname = "UTR5_Gene", sigthresh = fungenethr, savepath = savepath3,
                   rescore_thr = rescore_thr, descore_thr = descore_thr)
  siggenescoreplot(fdm_cds, intrested_gene, plotname = "CDS_Gene", sigthresh = fungenethr, savepath = savepath3,
                   rescore_thr = rescore_thr, descore_thr = descore_thr)

  if (!is.na(intrested_gene[1])) {
    savepath4 <- paste(savepath, "MSBNetPlot", sep = "/")

    ## plot MSB net
    dmgene <- unique(as.character(fdmgene$DMgene))
    netl <- lapply(as.list(intrested_gene), msbnetplot, dmgene, descore, orgsymbol, datapath, savepath4)
    net <- msbnetplot(intrested_gene, dmgene, descore, orgsymbol, datapath, savepath = savepath4, savename = "SigGene", labeloff = T)

  ## plot enrichment
  savepath5 <- paste(savepath, "FunctionEnrichmentPlot", sep = "/")

  funenrich <- enrichmentplot(fdmgene, sigthr = fungenethr, bp_fdr_thr = bp_fdr_thr, kegg_fdr_thr = kegg_fdr_thr,
                              input_directory = enrich_input_directory, version = version, species = species,
                              savepath = savepath5)

  if (!is.na(intrested_gene[1])) {

    genelist <- as.character(fdmgene$DMgene)
    siggenepathplot(genelist, intrested_gene, bp_fdr_thr = bp_fdr_thr, kegg_fdr_thr = kegg_fdr_thr,
                    input_directory = enrich_input_directory, version = version, species = species,
                    orgsymbol = orgsymbol, savepath = savepath5)

  re <- list(dmgene = dminfo,
             descore = descore,
             fundmgene_utr3 = fdm_utr3,
             fundmgene_utr5 = fdm_utr5,
             fundmgene_cds = fdm_cds,
             fundmgene = fdmgene,
             funenrichment = funenrich)


## get gene symbol

.getgenesymbol <- function(orgsymbol, id) {

  mapped_genes <- mappedkeys(orgsymbol)
  result <- as.list(orgsymbol[mapped_genes])
  entrez_id <- as.numeric(names(result))  # entrez ID
  gene_symbol <- as.character(result)     # gene symbol
  ID_convert <- data.frame(entrez_id,gene_symbol)

  gid <- sum(is.element(id, ID_convert$gene_symbol), na.rm = T)
  eid <- sum(is.element(id, ID_convert$entrez_id), na.rm = T)

  if (gid > eid) {
    genesymbol <- id
    entrezeid <- ID_convert$entrez_id[match(id, ID_convert$gene_symbol)]} else {
    genesymbol <- ID_convert$gene_symbol[match(id, ID_convert$entrez_id)]
    entrezeid <- id

  geneid <- list(genesymbol = as.character(genesymbol),
                 entrezeid = as.character(entrezeid))

NWPU-903PR/Funm6AViewer documentation built on April 25, 2021, 4:26 p.m.