
# Return result from sData method and compare to expected
# Return result from svarLabels method and compare to expected
# Return result from dimLabels method and compare to expected


datadir <- system.file("extdata", "DSP_NGS_Example_Data",
DCCFiles <- dir(datadir, pattern=".dcc$", full.names=TRUE)

protocolDataColNames <- c("aoi",

testData <- readRDS(file= system.file("extdata", "DSP_NGS_Example_Data", 
                                      "demoData.rds", package = "GeomxTools"))

testData_agg <- aggregateCounts(testData)

DCCFiles <- DCCFiles[!basename(DCCFiles) %in% unique(sData(testData)$NTC_ID)]

# Spec 1: test that the rownames and column names in sData are correct:------
testthat::test_that("test that the rownames and column names in sData are correct", {
  expect_true(all(basename(DCCFiles) %in% rownames(sData(testData))))
                    protocolDataColNames) %in% colnames(sData(testData))))

# Spec 2: test that the svarLabels method gives the correct results:------
testthat::test_that("test that the svarLabels method gives the correct results", {
  expect_true(all(svarLabels(testData) == colnames(sData(testData))))

# Spec 3: test that the dimLabels method gives the correct results:------
testthat::test_that("test that the dimLabels method gives the correct results", {
  expect_true(length(dimLabels(testData)) == 2)
  expect_true(all(paste0(sData(testData)[[dimLabels(testData)[2]]], ".dcc") == colnames(testData@assayData$exprs)))
  expect_true(all(testData@featureData@data[[dimLabels(testData)[1]]] == rownames(testData@assayData$exprs)))

# Spec 4: test that the design method gives the correct results:------
testthat::test_that("test that the design method gives the correct results", {

# Spec 5: test that the featureType method gives the correct results:------
testthat::test_that("test that the featureType method gives the correct results", {
  expect_true(featureType(testData_agg) == "Target")
  expect_true(featureType(testData) == "Probe")
  expect_false(featureType(testData_agg) == featureType(testData))

# Spec 6: test that the countsShiftedByOne method gives the correct results:------
testthat::test_that("test that the countsShiftedByOne method gives the correct results", {

proteinData <- readRDS(file= system.file("extdata","DSP_Proteogenomics_Example_Data", 
                                         "proteinData.rds", package = "GeomxTools"))

# Spec 7: test that the analyte method gives the correct results:------
testthat::test_that("test that the analyte method gives the correct results", {
  expect_true(analyte(testData_agg) == "RNA")
  expect_true(analyte(testData) == "RNA")
  expect_true(analyte(testData_agg) == analyte(testData))
  expect_true(analyte(proteinData) == "Protein")
  expect_false(analyte(proteinData) == analyte(testData))
Nanostring-Biostats/GeomxTools documentation built on April 14, 2024, 1:25 a.m.