#global methods availible
method_v <- c("N","TC","Med","TMM","UQ","UQ2","Q","RPKM","RPM","DEQ","TPM","G")
method_c <- c("p","rmsd","mae")
#'Initialize and load input data into a NVTobject
#'@param housekeeping_gene_list A list of housekeeping-genes
#'@param expression_list_1 The first data frame of expression values per gene
#'@param expression_list_2 Second data frame of expression values per gene
#'@param normalization_method The normalization method to use [N,TC,Med,TMM,UQ,UQ2,Q,RPKM,RPM,DEQ,TPM,G] N = No normalization, TC = Total count normalization, Med = Median normalization, TMM = Trimmed Mean of M-values normalization, UQ = Upper Quartile normalization , UQ2 = Upper Quartile normalization (from NOISeq), Q = Quantile normalization, RPKM = Reads Per Kilobase per Million mapped reads normalization, RPM = Reads per Million mapped reads normalization, DEQ = relative log expression method included in the DESeq package, TPM = transcripts per million normalization, G = use the provided genes to normalize
#'@param feat_length A data frame of length per gene/exon
#'@return An NVTobject ready for normalization
#'mynvt <- NVTinit(mylist1,myexp1,myexp2,"N")
#'mynvt2 <- NVTinit(mylist1,myexp1,myexp2,"RPKM",mylen)
NVTinit <- function(housekeeping_gene_list, expression_list_1, expression_list_2, normalization_method, feat_length){
if (missing('housekeeping_gene_list')){
stop("No housekeeping-gene list specified!")
if (missing('expression_list_1')){
stop("No expression list specified!")
if (missing('expression_list_2')){
stop("No second expression list specified!")
if (missing('normalization_method')){
stop("No method specified!")
if( all(rownames(expression_list_1) %in% rownames(expression_list_2)) && all(rownames(expression_list_2) %in% rownames(expression_list_1)) ){
#check list of hk genes length
if(length(housekeeping_gene_list) == 1){
print("Warning: only one element in the housekeeping-gene-list this will disable plotting and the pearson correlation calculation")
#length missing
if (missing('feat_length')){
if(check_expression_list(expression_list_1) && check_expression_list(expression_list_2) && check_hkgene_list(housekeeping_gene_list) && check_method(normalization_method)) {
#sort expression data via rownames
expression_list_1 <- expression_list_1[order(rownames(expression_list_1)), , drop = FALSE]
expression_list_2 <- expression_list_2[order(rownames(expression_list_2)), , drop = FALSE]
#all here add length
if(check_expression_list(expression_list_1) && check_expression_list(expression_list_2) && check_hkgene_list(housekeeping_gene_list) && check_method(normalization_method) ) {
#check length data
if( all(rownames(expression_list_1) %in% rownames(feat_length)) && all(rownames(expression_list_2) %in% rownames(feat_length)) ){
#make sure its correctly sorted
feat_length <- subset(feat_length, rownames(feat_length) %in% rownames(expression_list_1))
feat_length <- feat_length[order(rownames(feat_length)), , drop = FALSE]
expression_list_1 <- expression_list_1[order(rownames(expression_list_1)), , drop = FALSE]
expression_list_2 <- expression_list_2[order(rownames(expression_list_2)), , drop = FALSE]
stop("Not all expressed genes have a length in the provided data-set!")
stop("The gene/exon names in the expression data sets are unequal/different!")
#'Normalize a NVTobject, the normalization method has been set already in the initialization step
#'@param NVTdataobj A previously initialized NVTobject
#'@param verbose mode on or off (T/F) [default=TRUE]
#'@return A normalized NVTobject
#'mynvt <- NVTinit(mylist1,myexp1,myexp2,"N",mylen)
#'mynorm <- NVTnormalize(mynvt)
NVTnormalize <- function(NVTdataobj, verbose=TRUE) {
if(check_expression_list(NVTdataobj@exp1) && check_expression_list(NVTdataobj@exp2)
&& check_hkgene_list(NVTdataobj@hklist) && check_method(NVTdataobj@norm_method)
&& exists_hkgene_list(NVTdataobj,NVTdataobj@hklist)){
if(verbose){print ("No normalization!")}
NVTdataobj@norm1 <- NVTdataobj@exp1
NVTdataobj@norm2 <- NVTdataobj@exp2
NVTdataobj@is_norm = TRUE
if(verbose){print ("Total count normalization!")}
NVTdataobj@norm_method_name="Total count"
ci1 <- NVTdataobj@exp1[,1]
N1 <- sum(ci1)
ci2 <- NVTdataobj@exp2[,1]
N2 <- sum(ci2)
NVTdataobj@norm1 <- as.data.frame(ci1/N1*m)
NVTdataobj@norm2 <- as.data.frame(ci2/N2*m)
NVTdataobj@is_norm = TRUE
if(verbose){print ("Median normalization!")}
ci1 <- NVTdataobj@exp1[,1]
N1 <- median(ci1[ci1>0])#non 0 values
ci2 <- NVTdataobj@exp2[,1]
N2 <- median(ci2[ci2>0])#non 0 values
NVTdataobj@norm1 <- as.data.frame(ci1/N1*m)
NVTdataobj@norm2 <- as.data.frame(ci2/N2*m)
NVTdataobj@is_norm = TRUE
if(verbose){print ("Trimmed Mean of M-values normalization!")}
NVTdataobj@norm_method_name="Trimmed Mean of M-values (TMM)"
if (requireNamespace("NOISeq", quietly = TRUE)) {
mymatrix <- as.matrix(cbind(NVTdataobj@exp1,NVTdataobj@exp2))
mynormmatrix <- NOISeq::tmm(mymatrix)
NVTdataobj@norm1 <- as.data.frame(mynormmatrix[,1])
NVTdataobj@norm2 <- as.data.frame(mynormmatrix[,2])
NVTdataobj@is_norm = TRUE
} else {
print ("NOISeq package not available, data not normalized!")
NVTdataobj@norm1 <- NVTdataobj@exp1
NVTdataobj@norm2 <- NVTdataobj@exp2
NVTdataobj@is_norm = FALSE
if(verbose){print ("Upper Quartile normalization!")}
NVTdataobj@norm_method_name="Upper Quartile"
ci1 <- NVTdataobj@exp1[,1]
ci2 <- NVTdataobj@exp2[,1]
ci <- cbind(ci1,ci2)
#row_sub <- apply(ci, 1, function(row) all(row !=0 )) #remove all 0 rows
#res <- ci[row_sub,]
#N1 <- quantile(res[,1], 0.75)
#N2 <- quantile(res[,2], 0.75)
N1 <- quantile(ci1[ci1>0], 0.75) #non 0 values
N2 <- quantile(ci2[ci2>0], 0.75) #non 0 values
NVTdataobj@norm1 <- as.data.frame( ci1/N1*m )
NVTdataobj@norm2 <- as.data.frame( ci2/N2*m )
NVTdataobj@is_norm = TRUE
if(verbose){print ("Upper Quartile normalization (from NOISeq)!")}
NVTdataobj@norm_method_name="Upper Quartile (from NOISeq)"
if (requireNamespace("NOISeq", quietly = TRUE)) {
mymatrix <- as.matrix(cbind(NVTdataobj@exp1,NVTdataobj@exp2))
mynormmatrix <- NOISeq::uqua(mymatrix, long = 1000, lc = 0, k = 0)
NVTdataobj@norm1 <- as.data.frame(mynormmatrix[,1])
NVTdataobj@norm2 <- as.data.frame(mynormmatrix[,2])
NVTdataobj@is_norm = TRUE
} else {
print ("NOISeq package not available, data not normalized!")
NVTdataobj@norm1 <- NVTdataobj@exp1
NVTdataobj@norm2 <- NVTdataobj@exp2
NVTdataobj@is_norm = FALSE
if(verbose){print ("Quantile normalization!")}
if (requireNamespace("limma", quietly = TRUE)) {
mymatrix <- as.matrix(cbind(NVTdataobj@exp1,NVTdataobj@exp2))
mynormmatrix <- limma::normalizeBetweenArrays(mymatrix,"quantile")
NVTdataobj@norm1 <- as.data.frame(mynormmatrix[,1])
NVTdataobj@norm2 <- as.data.frame(mynormmatrix[,2])
NVTdataobj@is_norm = TRUE
} else {
print ("limma package not available, data not normalized!")
NVTdataobj@norm1 <- NVTdataobj@exp1
NVTdataobj@norm2 <- NVTdataobj@exp2
NVTdataobj@is_norm = FALSE
if(verbose){print ("RPKM normalization!")}
print ("No RPKM normalization possible without gene length, data not normalized!")
NVTdataobj@norm1 <- NVTdataobj@exp1
NVTdataobj@norm2 <- NVTdataobj@exp2
NVTdataobj@is_norm = FALSE
NVTdataobj@norm_method_name="Reads Per Kilobase per Million mapped reads (RPKM)"
li <- NVTdataobj@length
ci1 <- NVTdataobj@exp1[,1]
N1 <- sum(ci1)
NVTdataobj@norm1 <- as.data.frame(ci1/(N1/10^9)/(li))
#NVTdataobj@norm1 <- 10^9*ci1/li*N1
ci2 <- NVTdataobj@exp2[,1]
N2 <- sum(ci2)
NVTdataobj@norm2 <- as.data.frame(ci2/(N1/10^9)/(li))
#NVTdataobj@norm2 <- 10^9*ci2/li*N2
NVTdataobj@is_norm = TRUE
if(verbose){print ("RPM normalization!")}
NVTdataobj@norm_method_name="Reads Per Million mapped reads (RPM)"
ci1 <- NVTdataobj@exp1[,1]
N1 <- sum(ci1)
NVTdataobj@norm1 <- as.data.frame(ci1/(N1/10^9))
ci2 <- NVTdataobj@exp2[,1]
N2 <- sum(ci2)
NVTdataobj@norm2 <- as.data.frame(ci2/(N1/10^9))
NVTdataobj@is_norm = TRUE
# print ("RPKM normalization!")
# if(nrow(NVTdataobj@length)==0){
# stop("No RPKM normalization possible without gene length")
# }
# library("NOISeq")
# mymatrix <- as.matrix(cbind(NVTdataobj@exp1,NVTdataobj@exp2))
# mynormmatrix <- rpkm(mymatrix,long=NVTdataobj@length[,1])
# NVTdataobj@norm1 <- as.data.frame(mynormmatrix[,1])
# NVTdataobj@norm2 <- as.data.frame(mynormmatrix[,2])
# NVTdataobj@is_norm = TRUE
if(verbose){print ("DESeq normalization!")}
if (requireNamespace("DESeq", quietly = TRUE)) {
NVTdataobj@norm_method_name="Relative log expression method (DESeq)"
if(verbose){print ("Using DESeq")}
condition = factor( c( "untreated", "treated"))
if(is.integer(NVTdataobj@exp1) && is.integer(NVTdataobj@exp1) ){
mymatrix <- as.matrix(cbind(NVTdataobj@exp1,NVTdataobj@exp2))
if(verbose){print ("Input counts are not integer, converting them!")}
mymatrix <- as.matrix(cbind(as.integer(NVTdataobj@exp1[,1]),as.integer(NVTdataobj@exp2[,1])))
cds <- DESeq::newCountDataSet( mymatrix, condition )
cds <- DESeq::estimateSizeFactors( cds )
NVTdataobj@norm1 <- as.data.frame(DESeq::counts( cds, normalized=TRUE )[,1])
NVTdataobj@norm2 <- as.data.frame(DESeq::counts( cds, normalized=TRUE )[,2])
NVTdataobj@is_norm = TRUE
} else if(requireNamespace("DESeq2", quietly = TRUE)){
NVTdataobj@norm_method_name="Relative log expression method (DESeq)"
if(verbose){print ("Using DESeq2")}
condition = factor( c( "untreated", "treated"))
if(is.integer(NVTdataobj@exp1) && is.integer(NVTdataobj@exp1) ){
mymatrix <- as.matrix(cbind(NVTdataobj@exp1,NVTdataobj@exp2))
if(verbose){print ("Input counts are not integer, converting them!")}
mymatrix <- as.matrix(cbind(as.integer(NVTdataobj@exp1[,1]),as.integer(NVTdataobj@exp2[,1])))
dds <- DESeq2::DESeqDataSetFromMatrix( countData = mymatrix, colData = S4Vectors::DataFrame(condition),design = ~ condition)
dds <- DESeq2::estimateSizeFactors(dds)
NVTdataobj@norm1 <- as.data.frame(DESeq2::counts( dds, normalized=TRUE )[,1])
NVTdataobj@norm2 <- as.data.frame(DESeq2::counts( dds, normalized=TRUE )[,2])
NVTdataobj@is_norm = TRUE
} else{
print ("DESeq and DESeq2 packages not available, data not normalized!")
NVTdataobj@norm1 <- NVTdataobj@exp1
NVTdataobj@norm2 <- NVTdataobj@exp2
NVTdataobj@is_norm = FALSE
if(verbose){print ("TPM normalization!")}
print ("No TPM normalization possible without gene length, data not normalized!")
NVTdataobj@norm1 <- NVTdataobj@exp1
NVTdataobj@norm2 <- NVTdataobj@exp2
NVTdataobj@is_norm = FALSE
NVTdataobj@norm_method_name="Transcripts Per Million mapped reads (TPM)"
li <- NVTdataobj@length
ml <- mean (NVTdataobj@length[,1])
ci1 <- NVTdataobj@exp1[,1]
N1 <- sum(ci1)
#RPKM1 <- 10^9*ci1/li*N1
#NVTdataobj@norm1 <- ml*RPKM1/sum(RPKM1)*10^3
RPK1 <- ci1/(li/1000)
NVTdataobj@norm1 <- as.data.frame(RPK1/(sum(RPK1)/10^6))
ci2 <- NVTdataobj@exp2[,1]
N2 <- sum(ci2)
#RPKM2 <- 10^9*ci2/li*N2
#NVTdataobj@norm2 <- ml*RPKM2/sum(RPKM2)*10^3
RPK2 <- ci2/(li/1000)
NVTdataobj@norm2 <- as.data.frame(RPK2/(sum(RPK2)/10^6))
NVTdataobj@is_norm = TRUE
print ("Normalization by given gene-set!")
print (NVTdataobj@hklist)
gn1 <- mean(NVTdataobj@exp1[NVTdataobj@hklist,])
gn2 <- mean(NVTdataobj@exp2[NVTdataobj@hklist,])
NVTdataobj@norm1 <- as.data.frame(NVTdataobj@exp1/gn1)
NVTdataobj@norm2 <- as.data.frame(NVTdataobj@exp2/gn2)
NVTdataobj@is_norm = TRUE
if(verbose){print ("No normalization!")}
NVTdataobj@norm1 <- NVTdataobj@exp1
NVTdataobj@norm2 <- NVTdataobj@exp2
NVTdataobj@is_norm = TRUE
#set names
stop("Not a valid NVTdata object!")
#'Plot the XY-plot of a NVTobject
#'@param NVTdataobj A previously initialized and normalized NVTobject
#'@param cex Scaling of points and text relative to the default [default=1]
#'@param ... Arguments passed on to the plot function
#'@return Plots the Scatter-plot with the housekeeping genes indicated
#'mynvt <- NVTinit(mylist1,myexp1,myexp2,"N")
#'mynorm <- NVTnormalize(mynvt)
NVTplot <- function(NVTdataobj, cex=1, ...) {
if(length(NVTdataobj@hklist) == 1){
stop("Only one element in the housekeeping-gene-list, can not calculate linear model")
if(check_expression_list(NVTdataobj@exp1) && check_expression_list(NVTdataobj@exp2)
&& check_hkgene_list(NVTdataobj@hklist) && check_method(NVTdataobj@norm_method)
&& check_norm_list(NVTdataobj@norm1) && check_norm_list(NVTdataobj@norm2)
&& exists_hkgene_list(NVTdataobj,NVTdataobj@hklist)){
l1 <- log(NVTdataobj@norm1[[1]])
l2 <- log(NVTdataobj@norm2[[1]])
names(l1) <- rownames(NVTdataobj@norm1)
names(l2) <- rownames(NVTdataobj@norm2)
#clean up
l <- cbind(l1,l2)
idx <- apply(l, 1, function(x) all(!is.infinite(x)))
l <- l[idx,]
idx <- apply(l, 1, function(x) all(!is.na(x)))
l <- l[idx,]
idx <- apply(l, 1, function(x) all(!is.nan(x)))
l <- l[idx,]
min <- min(l)
max <- max(l)
#only houskeeping genes
m1 <- l1[NVTdataobj@hklist]
m2 <- l2[NVTdataobj@hklist]
#clean up for lm
m <- cbind(m1,m2)
idx <- apply(m, 1, function(x) all(!is.infinite(x)))
m <- m[idx,]
idx <- apply(m, 1, function(x) all(!is.na(x)))
m <- m[idx,]
idx <- apply(m, 1, function(x) all(!is.nan(x)))
m <- m[idx,]
plot(l1,l2,main=paste("Scatter plot of:", names(NVTdataobj@norm1),"vs.",names(NVTdataobj@norm2)),
xlab=paste("log( normalized expression",names(NVTdataobj@norm1),")"),
ylab=paste("log( normalized expression",names(NVTdataobj@norm2),")")
,pch=20,col=rgb(193,205,205,50,maxColorValue=255),xlim=c(min, max),ylim=c(min, max),cex.lab = cex,cex.main = cex, cex.axis = cex,cex = cex, ...)
fm <- lm(m[,2] ~ m[,1])
#print lines
abline(0, 1, lwd = 1, lty = 2, col=rgb(0,0,0,150,maxColorValue=255))
abline(fm, col = "red")
#add hk genes
#hk gene names
text(m1,m2,NVTdataobj@hklist, pos=4, col = "blue",cex=cex)
#text(m1,m2,NVTdataobj@hklist,cex=0.6, pos=4, col = "blue")
stop("Not a valid NVTdata object with normalized values!")
#'Plot the MA-plot of a NVTobject
#'@param NVTdataobj A previously initialized and normalized NVTobject
#'@param cex Scaling of points and text relative to the default [default=1]
#'@param ... Arguments passed on to the plot function
#'@return Plots the MA-plot with the housekeeping genes indicated
#'mynvt <- NVTinit(mylist1,myexp1,myexp2,"N")
#'mynorm <- NVTnormalize(mynvt)
NVTmaplot <- function(NVTdataobj, cex=1, ...) {
if(length(NVTdataobj@hklist) == 1){
stop("Only one element in the housekeeping-gene-list, can not calculate linear model")
if(check_expression_list(NVTdataobj@exp1) && check_expression_list(NVTdataobj@exp2)
&& check_hkgene_list(NVTdataobj@hklist) && check_method(NVTdataobj@norm_method)
&& check_norm_list(NVTdataobj@norm1) && check_norm_list(NVTdataobj@norm2)
&& exists_hkgene_list(NVTdataobj,NVTdataobj@hklist)){
l1 <- NVTdataobj@norm1[[1]]
l2 <- NVTdataobj@norm2[[1]]
l <- cbind(l1,l2)
mean <- log2(rowMeans(l))
#log2 fold change
fc <- log2(l1/l2)
names(mean) <- rownames(NVTdataobj@norm1)
names(fc) <- rownames(NVTdataobj@norm1)
l <- cbind(fc,mean)
#clean up
idx <- apply(l, 1, function(x) all(!is.infinite(x)))
l <- l[idx,]
idx <- apply(l, 1, function(x) all(!is.na(x)))
l <- l[idx,]
idx <- apply(l, 1, function(x) all(!is.nan(x)))
l <- l[idx,]
#only houskeeping genes
m <- cbind(fc,mean)[NVTdataobj@hklist,]
#clean up for lm
idx <- apply(m, 1, function(x) all(!is.infinite(x)))
m <- m[idx,]
idx <- apply(m, 1, function(x) all(!is.na(x)))
m <- m[idx,]
idx <- apply(m, 1, function(x) all(!is.nan(x)))
m <- m[idx,]
#,xlim=c(min, max),ylim=c(min, max)
plot(l[,2],l[,1],main=paste("MA-plot of:", names(NVTdataobj@norm1),"vs.",names(NVTdataobj@norm2)),
ylab=paste("log2( normalized expression",names(NVTdataobj@norm1),"/",names(NVTdataobj@norm2),")"),
xlab=paste("log2(mean normalized expression)")
,pch=20,col=rgb(193,205,205,50,maxColorValue=255),cex.lab = cex,cex.main = cex, cex.axis = cex,cex = cex, ...)
fm <- lm(m[,1] ~ m[,2])
#print lines
abline(fm, col = "red")
#add hk genes
#hk gene names
text(m[,2],m[,1],NVTdataobj@hklist, pos=4, srt = 320, col = "blue",cex=cex)
stop("Not a valid NVTdata object with normalized values!")
#'Plot the XY-plot of a NVTobject with ggplot2
#'@param NVTdataobj A previously initialized and normalized NVTobject
#'@param p_cex Point size factor [default = 1]
#'@param t_cex Title size factor [default = 1]
#'@param l_cex Label size factor [default = 1]
#'@return Plots the Scatter-plot with the housekeeping genes indicated
#'mynvt <- NVTinit(mylist1,myexp1,myexp2,"N")
#'mynorm <- NVTnormalize(mynvt)
NVTadvancedplot <- function(NVTdataobj,p_cex=1,t_cex=1,l_cex=1) {
if(length(NVTdataobj@hklist) == 1){
stop("Only one element in the housekeeping-gene-list, can not calculate linear model")
if (requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE) ) {
#only needed for dsensity plots
#&& requireNamespace("gridExtra", quietly = TRUE)
if(check_expression_list(NVTdataobj@exp1) && check_expression_list(NVTdataobj@exp2)
&& check_hkgene_list(NVTdataobj@hklist) && check_method(NVTdataobj@norm_method)
&& check_norm_list(NVTdataobj@norm1) && check_norm_list(NVTdataobj@norm2)
&& exists_hkgene_list(NVTdataobj,NVTdataobj@hklist)){
l1 <- log(NVTdataobj@norm1[[1]])
l2 <- log(NVTdataobj@norm2[[1]])
names(l1) <- rownames(NVTdataobj@norm1)
names(l2) <- rownames(NVTdataobj@norm2)
#clean up
l <- cbind(l1,l2)
idx <- apply(l, 1, function(x) all(!is.infinite(x)))
l <- l[idx,]
idx <- apply(l, 1, function(x) all(!is.na(x)))
l <- l[idx,]
idx <- apply(l, 1, function(x) all(!is.nan(x)))
l <- l[idx,]
min <- min(l)
max <- max(l)
#only houskeeping genes
m1 <- l1[NVTdataobj@hklist]
m2 <- l2[NVTdataobj@hklist]
#clean up for lm
m <- cbind(m1,m2)
idx <- apply(m, 1, function(x) all(!is.infinite(x)))
m <- m[idx,]
idx <- apply(m, 1, function(x) all(!is.na(x)))
m <- m[idx,]
idx <- apply(m, 1, function(x) all(!is.nan(x)))
m <- m[idx,]
myl <- as.data.frame(l)
mysubl <- myl[NVTdataobj@hklist,]
myl[,3] <- rownames(myl)
colnames(myl)[3] <- "names"
#empty plot as spacing of the density plots
#empty <- ggplot()+geom_point(aes(1,1), colour="white") + theme(plot.background = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.border = element_blank(), panel.background = element_blank(), axis.title.x = element_blank(), axis.title.y = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank())
d <- ggplot2::ggplot(data=myl, ggplot2::aes(x = l1, y = l2)) + ggplot2::geom_point( alpha = 0.2, color="gray", cex=p_cex)
d <- d + ggplot2::geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, alpha = 0.5, linetype=2, color="black")
d <- d + ggplot2::geom_smooth(data=subset(myl,names %in% NVTdataobj@hklist), method=lm,fullrange=TRUE, se=FALSE,alpha = 0.1, color="red",lwd = 0.5)
d <- d + ggplot2::geom_point(data=subset(myl,names %in% NVTdataobj@hklist), ggplot2::aes(x = l1, y = l2), alpha = 0.8, color="blue", cex=p_cex)
#tested labeling with directlabels
#if (requireNamespace("directlabels", quietly = TRUE) ) {
# d <- d + directlabels::geom_dl(mapping=ggplot2::aes(label=names), data=subset(myl,names %in% NVTdataobj@hklist), method="top.bumptwice",inherit.aes = TRUE, color="blue", size=2)
# print("directlabels not found, printing normal labels")
d <- d + ggplot2::geom_text(data=subset(myl,names %in% NVTdataobj@hklist), ggplot2::aes(label=names), hjust=-0.2, vjust=0.5, color="blue", cex=l_cex)
d <- d + ggplot2::ggtitle(bquote(atop(.(paste("Scatter plot of:", names(NVTdataobj@norm1),"vs",names(NVTdataobj@norm2))), atop(italic(.(paste(NVTdataobj@norm_method_name,"normalized"))), ""))))
d <- d + ggplot2::xlab(paste("log( normalized expression",names(NVTdataobj@norm1),")"))
d <- d + ggplot2::ylab(paste("log( normalized expression",names(NVTdataobj@norm2),")"))
d <- d + ggplot2::geom_rug(col="darkred",alpha=.1,position='jitter')
d <- d + ggplot2::theme(axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = 10 * t_cex), axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = 10 * t_cex), plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = 10 * t_cex), axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = 10 * t_cex), axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = 10 * t_cex) )
#desnity plots
#plot_top <- ggplot(data=myl, aes(l1)) +
# geom_density(alpha=.5) +
# scale_fill_manual(values = c("orange", "purple")) +
# theme(legend.position = "none")
#plot_right <- ggplot(data=myl, aes(l2)) +
# geom_density(alpha=.5) +
# coord_flip() +
# scale_fill_manual(values = c("orange", "purple")) +
# theme(legend.position = "none")
#grid.arrange(plot_top, empty, d, plot_right, ncol=2, nrow=2, widths=c(4, 1), heights=c(1, 4))
stop("Not a valid NVTdata object with normalized values!")
print("ggplot2 not found, please use the NVTplot function!")
#'Plot the MA-plot of a NVTobject with ggplot2
#'@param NVTdataobj A previously initialized and normalized NVTobject
#'@param p_cex Point size factor [default = 1]
#'@param t_cex Title size factor [default = 1]
#'@param l_cex Label size factor [default = 1]
#'@return Plots the MA-plot with the housekeeping genes indicated
#'mynvt <- NVTinit(mylist1,myexp1,myexp2,"N")
#'mynorm <- NVTnormalize(mynvt)
NVTadvancedmaplot <- function(NVTdataobj,p_cex=1,t_cex=1,l_cex=1) {
if(length(NVTdataobj@hklist) == 1){
stop("Only one element in the housekeeping-gene-list, can not calculate linear model")
if (requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE) ) {
if(check_expression_list(NVTdataobj@exp1) && check_expression_list(NVTdataobj@exp2)
&& check_hkgene_list(NVTdataobj@hklist) && check_method(NVTdataobj@norm_method)
&& check_norm_list(NVTdataobj@norm1) && check_norm_list(NVTdataobj@norm2)
&& exists_hkgene_list(NVTdataobj,NVTdataobj@hklist)){
l1 <- NVTdataobj@norm1[[1]]
l2 <- NVTdataobj@norm2[[1]]
l <- cbind(l1,l2)
mean <- log2(rowMeans(l))
#log2 fold change
fc <- log2(l1/l2)
names(mean) <- rownames(NVTdataobj@norm1)
names(fc) <- rownames(NVTdataobj@norm1)
l <- cbind(fc,mean)
#clean up
idx <- apply(l, 1, function(x) all(!is.infinite(x)))
l <- l[idx,]
idx <- apply(l, 1, function(x) all(!is.na(x)))
l <- l[idx,]
idx <- apply(l, 1, function(x) all(!is.nan(x)))
l <- l[idx,]
#only houskeeping genes
m <- cbind(fc,mean)[NVTdataobj@hklist,]
idx <- apply(m, 1, function(x) all(!is.infinite(x)))
m <- m[idx,]
idx <- apply(m, 1, function(x) all(!is.na(x)))
m <- m[idx,]
idx <- apply(m, 1, function(x) all(!is.nan(x)))
m <- m[idx,]
myl <- as.data.frame(l)
mysubl <- myl[NVTdataobj@hklist,]
myl[,3] <- rownames(myl)
colnames(myl)[3] <- "names"
mysubdata=subset(myl,names %in% NVTdataobj@hklist)
rownames(mysubdata) <- NULL
d <- ggplot2::ggplot(data=myl, ggplot2::aes(x = mean, y = fc)) + ggplot2::geom_point( alpha = 0.2, color="gray", cex=p_cex)
d <- d + ggplot2::geom_smooth(data=mysubdata, ggplot2::aes(y =fc, x = mean), method=lm, fullrange=TRUE, se=FALSE, alpha = 0.1, color="red", lwd = 0.5)
d <- d + ggplot2::geom_point(data=mysubdata, ggplot2::aes(y = fc, x = mean), alpha = 0.8, color="blue", cex=p_cex)
d <- d + ggplot2::geom_text(data=mysubdata, ggplot2::aes(label =names), hjust=-0.2, vjust=0.5, color="blue", cex=l_cex, angle = 320)
d <- d + ggplot2::ggtitle(bquote(atop(.(paste("MA-plot of:", names(NVTdataobj@norm1),"vs",names(NVTdataobj@norm2))), atop(italic(.(paste(NVTdataobj@norm_method_name,"normalized"))), ""))))
d <- d + ggplot2::xlab(paste("log2( mean expression )"))
d <- d + ggplot2::ylab(paste("log2( normalized expression",names(NVTdataobj@norm1),"/",names(NVTdataobj@norm2),")"))
d <- d + ggplot2::geom_rug(col="darkred",alpha=.1,position='jitter')
d <- d + ggplot2::theme(axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = 10 * t_cex), axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = 10 * t_cex), plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = 10 * t_cex), axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = 10 * t_cex), axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = 10 * t_cex) )
stop("Not a valid NVTdata object with normalized values!")
print("ggplot2 not found, please use the NVTmaplot function!")
#'Returns the linear model a normalized NVTobject
#'@param NVTdataobj A previously initialized and normalized NVTobject
#'@return Returns the linear model a normalized NVTobject
#'mynvt <- NVTinit(mylist1,myexp1,myexp2,"N")
#'mynorm <- NVTnormalize(mynvt)
#'mylm <- NVTlm(mynorm)
NVTlm <- function(NVTdataobj) {
if(length(NVTdataobj@hklist) == 1){
stop("Only one element in the housekeeping-gene-list, can not calculate linear model")
if(check_expression_list(NVTdataobj@exp1) && check_expression_list(NVTdataobj@exp2)
&& check_hkgene_list(NVTdataobj@hklist) && check_method(NVTdataobj@norm_method)
&& check_norm_list(NVTdataobj@norm1) && check_norm_list(NVTdataobj@norm2)
&& exists_hkgene_list(NVTdataobj,NVTdataobj@hklist)){
l1 <- log(NVTdataobj@norm1[[1]])
l2 <- log(NVTdataobj@norm2[[1]])
names(l1) <- rownames(NVTdataobj@norm1)
names(l2) <- rownames(NVTdataobj@norm2)
#clean up
l <- cbind(l1,l2)
idx <- apply(l, 1, function(x) all(!is.infinite(x)))
l <- l[idx,]
idx <- apply(l, 1, function(x) all(!is.na(x)))
l <- l[idx,]
idx <- apply(l, 1, function(x) all(!is.nan(x)))
l <- l[idx,]
#only houskeeping genes
m1 <- l1[NVTdataobj@hklist]
m2 <- l2[NVTdataobj@hklist]
#clean up for lm
m <- cbind(m1,m2)
idx <- apply(m, 1, function(x) all(!is.infinite(x)))
m <- m[idx,]
idx <- apply(m, 1, function(x) all(!is.na(x)))
m <- m[idx,]
idx <- apply(m, 1, function(x) all(!is.nan(x)))
m <- m[idx,]
sample1 <- m[,1]
sample2 <- m[,2]
fm <- lm(sample2 ~ sample1)
stop("Not a valid NVTdata object with normalized values!")
#'Calculate the pearson correclation of the housekeeping genes of an initialized and normalized NVTobject
#'@param NVTdataobj A previously initialized and normalized NVTobject
#'@return Pearson correlation of the normalized housekeeping genes between the samples
#'mynvt <- NVTinit(mylist1,myexp1,myexp2,"TMM")
#'mynorm <- NVTnormalize(mynvt)
NVTpearson <- function(NVTdataobj) {
if(length(NVTdataobj@hklist) == 1){
stop("Only one element in the housekeeping-gene-list, can not calculate Pearson correlation")
if(check_expression_list(NVTdataobj@exp1) && check_expression_list(NVTdataobj@exp2)
&& check_hkgene_list(NVTdataobj@hklist) && check_method(NVTdataobj@norm_method)
&& check_norm_list(NVTdataobj@norm1) && check_norm_list(NVTdataobj@norm2)
&& exists_hkgene_list(NVTdataobj,NVTdataobj@hklist)){
if(NVTdataobj@is_norm ){
m1 <- NVTdataobj@norm1[1][NVTdataobj@hklist,]
m2 <- NVTdataobj@norm2[1][NVTdataobj@hklist,]
#pearson <- cor(m1,m2,method="pearson")
pearson <- cor.test(m1,m2,method="pearson")
names(pearson$p.value) <- "p-value"
names(pearson$estimate) <- "pearson"
stop("Not a valid NVTdata object with normalized values!")
#'Calculate the root mean squared deviation (RMSD) of the housekeeping genes of an initialized and normalized NVTobject
#'@param NVTdataobj A previously initialized and normalized NVTobject
#'@return Root mean squared deviation (RMSD) of the normalized housekeeping genes between the samples
#'mynvt <- NVTinit(mylist1,myexp1,myexp2,"TMM")
#'mynorm <- NVTnormalize(mynvt)
NVTrmsd <- function(NVTdataobj) {
if(check_expression_list(NVTdataobj@exp1) && check_expression_list(NVTdataobj@exp2)
&& check_hkgene_list(NVTdataobj@hklist) && check_method(NVTdataobj@norm_method)
&& check_norm_list(NVTdataobj@norm1) && check_norm_list(NVTdataobj@norm2)
&& exists_hkgene_list(NVTdataobj,NVTdataobj@hklist)){
if(NVTdataobj@is_norm ){
m1 <- NVTdataobj@norm1[1][NVTdataobj@hklist,]
m2 <- NVTdataobj@norm2[1][NVTdataobj@hklist,]
mydif <- m1 - m2
rmsd <- sqrt(mean(mydif^2))
names(rmsd) <- "RMSD"
stop("Not a valid NVTdata object with normalized values!")
#'Calculate the mean absolute error (MAE) of the housekeeping genes of an initialized and normalized NVTobject
#'@param NVTdataobj A previously initialized and normalized NVTobject
#'@return Mean absolute error (MAE) of the normalized housekeeping genes between the samples
#'mynvt <- NVTinit(mylist1,myexp1,myexp2,"TMM")
#'mynorm <- NVTnormalize(mynvt)
NVTmae <- function(NVTdataobj) {
if(check_expression_list(NVTdataobj@exp1) && check_expression_list(NVTdataobj@exp2)
&& check_hkgene_list(NVTdataobj@hklist) && check_method(NVTdataobj@norm_method)
&& check_norm_list(NVTdataobj@norm1) && check_norm_list(NVTdataobj@norm2)
&& exists_hkgene_list(NVTdataobj,NVTdataobj@hklist)){
if(NVTdataobj@is_norm ){
m1 <- NVTdataobj@norm1[1][NVTdataobj@hklist,]
m2 <- NVTdataobj@norm2[1][NVTdataobj@hklist,]
mydif <- m1 - m2
mae <- mean(abs(mydif))
names(mae) <- "MAE"
stop("Not a valid NVTdata object with normalized values!")
#'Calculate the chosen correclation of the housekeeping genes of an initialized NVTobject for all normalization methods
#'@param NVTdataobj A previously initialzed and normalized NVTobject
#'@param cmethod Pearson correlation (p), root mean square deviation (rmsd) or mean absolute error (mae) [default="p"]
#'@param verbose mode on or off (T/F) [default=TRUE]
#'@return Sorted pearson correlation coefficients, RMSD or MAE of the normalized housekeeping genes between the samples
#'mynvt <- NVTinit(mylist1,myexp1,myexp2,"N",mylen)
NVTtestall <- function(NVTdataobj, cmethod="p", verbose=TRUE) {
tmpNVT <- NVTdataobj
#test all methods and extract correlation value
for (n in method_v) {
tmpNVT@norm_method <- n
tmpnorm <- NVTnormalize(tmpNVT,verbose = verbose)
p <- NVTpearson(tmpnorm)
p <- NVTrmsd(tmpnorm)
p <- NVTmae(tmpnorm)
stop("Invalid correlation calculation method!")
pf <- p
pf <- rbind(pf,p)
rownames(pf) <- method_v
if(cmethod == "p"){#order pearson
results <- pf[order(pf[,1,drop=FALSE],pf[,2,drop=FALSE],decreasing = T),]
}else{#order other methods with just one value
results <- pf[order(pf[,1,drop=FALSE],decreasing = F),]
#'Load a gff2 (gtf) or gff3 file, this may take a while depending on the file-size / number of features
#'@param gff_file The annotation in gff format
#'@param gff_version The version of the provided gff file [gff1,gff2,gff3,gtf]
#'@param gff_feature The feature to use [default: exon]
#'@param gff_name The name to use [default: gene_id]
#'@return List of gene/exon names and their length
#'#get test GFF-file provided by this library
#'mygffpath<-system.file("extdata", "Ctr-D-UW3CX.gff", package = "NVT")
#'mylen <- NVTloadgff(mygffpath,"gff3","gene","locus_tag")
NVTloadgff <- function(gff_file, gff_version, gff_feature, gff_name) {
if (requireNamespace("GenomicRanges", quietly = TRUE) && requireNamespace("rtracklayer", quietly = TRUE) && requireNamespace("S4Vectors", quietly = TRUE)) {
if(is.null(gff_feature)) gff_feature <- "exon"
if(is.null(gff_name)) gff_name <- "gene_id"
mygff <- rtracklayer::import(gff_file, format=gff_version, feature.type=gff_feature )
#mygff <- rtracklayer::import.gff(gff_file, format=gff_version, feature.type=gff_feature )
mygred <- GenomicRanges::reduce(S4Vectors::split(mygff, GenomicRanges::elementMetadata(mygff)[[gff_name]]))
mygffred <- GenomicRanges::unlist(mygred, use.names=T)
GenomicRanges::elementMetadata(mygffred)$gene_id <- rep(names(mygred), S4Vectors::elementLengths(mygred))
GenomicRanges::elementMetadata(mygffred)$widths <- GenomicRanges::width(mygffred)
get_length <- function(x) { sum(GenomicRanges::elementMetadata(x)$widths) }
mylen <- t(sapply(S4Vectors::split(mygffred, GenomicRanges::elementMetadata(mygffred)$gene_id), get_length))
mylen <- t(mylen)
colnames(mylen) <- c("Length")
print("GenomicRanges and/or rtracklayer not found, please install these packages or extract gene length manually!")
#'Check housekeeping gene list
#'@param hkgene_list Housekeeping gene list
#'@return true or false
check_hkgene_list <- function(hkgene_list) {
if( is.character(hkgene_list) ){
stop("Housekeeping-gene list is no list!")
#'Check if housekeeping gene list is valid
#'@param NVTobject A initialized NVTdata object
#'@param hkgene_list Housekeeping gene list
#'@return true or false
exists_hkgene_list <- function(NVTobject,hkgene_list) {
for ( gene in hkgene_list ) {
if((gene %in% rownames(NVTobject@exp1)) && (gene %in% rownames(NVTobject@exp2))){
stop(paste("Housekeeping-gene",gene,"is not present in expression list!"))
#'Check expression gene list
#'@param exp_list Expression gene list
#'@return true or false
check_expression_list <- function(exp_list) {
if( is.data.frame(exp_list) || is.list(exp_list) || is.vector(exp_list) || is.matrix(exp_list)){
stop("Expression list is no data frame, list or vector!")
#'Check normalized expression gene list
#'@param norm_list Normalized expression gene list
#'@return true or false
check_norm_list <- function(norm_list) {
if( is.data.frame(norm_list) || is.list(norm_list) || is.vector(norm_list)){
stop("Normalized-list is empty, use NVTnormalize() first!")
stop("Expression list is no data frame, list or vector!")
#'Check normalization method
#'@param norm_method Normalization method
#'@return true or false
check_method <- function(norm_method) {
if( norm_method %in% method_v ){
stop("Unknown method specified!")
#'Check correlation method
#'@param c_method Normalization method
#'@return true or false
check_cmethod <- function(c_method) {
if( c_method %in% method_c ){
stop("Unknown method specified!")
#' List of length of each gene
#' A data set with each gene name and its length in nucleotides
#' @format A data frame with 64102 rows and 1 variable:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Length}
#' }
#' List of expression data of each gene
#' A data set with each gene name and its expression
#' @format A data frame with 64102 rows and 1 variable:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{GSM1275862}
#' }
#' List of expression data of each gene
#' A data set with each gene name and its expression
#' @format A data frame with 64102 rows and 1 variable:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{GSM1275863}
#' }
#' List of human housekeeping genes
#' A data set of 10 human housekeeping genes
#' @format A list of 10 elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{HK_genes}
#' }
#' List of ensembl human gene-length
#' A data set with each human ensemble gene name and its length in nucleotides
#' @format A list of 60619 elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Length}
#' }
#' Dataframe of expression of six human RNA-Seq samples
#' A data set with each gene name and its expression in the six samples
#' @format A data frame with 60619 rows and 6 variables:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{GSM1464282}
#' \item{GSM1464283}
#' \item{GSM1464284}
#' \item{GSM1464289}
#' \item{GSM1464290}
#' \item{GSM1464291}
#' }
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