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  <Questions qset="a281e705-61ef-419e-b7a0-774c80654b98">
    <Question change="1" type="Single Response - Numeric">
      <Name>Unique Identifier</Name>
    <Question change="1" type="Multiple Response - Binary" needCheckValuesToCount="true">
    <Question change="1" type="Two Dimensional - Numeric">
    <Question change="1" type="Multiple Response - Categorical">
      <Name>Brand attitude</Name>
    <Question change="1" type="Two Dimensional - Binary" needCheckValuesToCount="true">
    <Question change="1" type="Single Response - Categorical">
    <Question change="1" type="Multiple Response - Numeric">
      <Name>Max-Diff Experiment: I</Name>
    <Question change="1" type="Multiple Response - Numeric">
      <Name>Max-Diff Experiment: I1</Name>
    <Question change="1" type="Multiple Response - Numeric">
      <Name>Max-Diff Experiment: I2</Name>
    <Question change="1" type="Multiple Response - Numeric">
      <Name>Max-Diff Experiment: I3</Name>
    <Question change="1" type="Multiple Response - Numeric">
      <Name>Max-Diff Experiment: I4</Name>
    <Question change="1" type="Multiple Response - Numeric">
      <Name>Max-Diff Experiment: I5</Name>
    <Question change="1" type="Multiple Response - Numeric">
      <Name>Max-Diff Experiment: I6</Name>
    <Table change="1">
      <Name>Unique Identifier</Name>
    <Table change="1">
      <Name>Unique Identifier</Name>
      <LocalFileItem path="C:\Users\Tim\Dropbox (Numbers)\flipGenerics\inst\extdata\Breakfast_Dissimilarities.csv" change="6">
      <RItem change="4">
        <Code>data = read.csv(Breakfast_Dissimilarities.csv)
breakfasts = names(data[,-1])
breakfastDissimilarities = vector("list", 4)
n = 4
k = 15
firstRow = seq(1,nrow(data),k)
names(breakfastDissimilarities) = data[firstRow,1]
for (i in 1:4) {
  zmat = as.matrix(data[firstRow[i]:(firstRow[i] + k - 1),-1])
  dimnames(zmat) = list(breakfasts,breakfasts)
  breakfastDissimilarities[[i]] = as.dist(zmat)
        <CodeName />
        <Arguments />
          <LocalFile guid="f7286b37-7804-4b6e-846b-9080b4e10b96" qset="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">Breakfast_Dissimilarities.csv</LocalFile>
        <RItem change="1">
          <Code>Distance = function(e1x, e1y, e2x, e2y) {
  sqrt(SquaredDistance(e1x, e1y, e2x, e2y))
          <CodeName />
          <Arguments />
          <Referenced />
        <RItem change="1">
          <Code>SquaredDistance = function(e1x, e1y, e2x, e2y) {
  (e2y - e1y)^2 + (e2x - e1x)^2
          <CodeName />
          <Arguments />
          <Referenced />
        <RItem change="1">
          <Code>DistanceToLineSegment = function(px, py, ax, ay, bx, by) {
  l2 = SquaredDistance(ax, ay, bx, by)
  if (l2 == 0)
    return(sqrt(SquaredDistance(px, py, ax, ay)))
  t = ((px - ax) * (bx - ax) + (py - ay) * (by - ay)) / l2
  if (t &lt; 0)
    return(sqrt(SquaredDistance(px, py, ax, ay)))
  if (t &gt; 1)
    return(sqrt(SquaredDistance(px, py, bx, by)))
  sqrt(SquaredDistance(px, py, ax + t * (bx - ax), ay + t * (by - ay)))
          <CodeName />
          <Arguments />
            <RItem guid="6f0acb99-f32c-45a4-b5c4-ee3c38f8e707" qset="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">SquaredDistance</RItem>
        <RItem change="1">
          <Code>#' Distance to a line segment
#' \code{DistanceToBox} Computes the distance between a point and the nearest point on a box (0 if in the box)
#' @param px The x coordinate of a point.
#' @param py The y coordinate of a point.
#' @param ax The x coordinate of the bottom-left of the box.
#' @param ay The y coordinate of the bottom-left of the box.
#' @param bx The x coordinate of the bottom-right of the box.
#' @param by The y coordinate of the bottom-right of the box.
#' @param cx The x coordinate of the top-right of the box.
#' @param cy The y coordinate of the top-right of the box.
#' @param dx The xcoordinates of the top-left of the box.
#' @param dy The y coordinate of the top-left of the box.
#' @return The squared distance.
DistanceToBox = function(px, py, ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, dx, dy) {
  d.horizontal = Distance(ax, ay, bx, by)
  d.vertical = Distance(bx, by, cx, cy)
  d.p.ab = DistanceToLineSegment(px, py, ax, ay, bx, by)
  d.p.bc = DistanceToLineSegment(px, py, bx, by, cx, cy)
  d.p.cd = DistanceToLineSegment(px, py, cx, cy, dx, dy)
  d.p.da = DistanceToLineSegment(px, py, dx, dy, ax, ay)
  # checking to see if point is in the box
  if (d.p.bc &lt;= d.horizontal &amp; d.p.da &lt;= d.horizontal &amp; d.p.ab &lt;= d.vertical &amp; d.p.cd &lt;= d.vertical)
  min(d.p.ab, d.p.bc, d.p.cd, d.p.da)
          <CodeName />
          <Arguments />
            <RItem guid="fcd12265-23aa-4f98-8d2c-257045c4a6a3" qset="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">Distance</RItem>
            <RItem guid="e1554071-6c05-40fd-bc5a-8e67cc71f6c2" qset="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">DistanceToLineSegment</RItem>
        <RItem change="1">
          <Code>#' Whether or not two boxes overlap
#' \code{BoxOverlap} Checks to see if two boxes overlap
#' @param ax1 The x coordinate of the bottom-left of the first box.
#' @param ay1 The y coordinate of the bottom-left of the first box.
#' @param bx1 The x coordinate of the bottom-right of the first box.
#' @param by1 The y coordinate of the bottom-right of the first box.
#' @param cx1 The x coordinate of the top-right of the first box.
#' @param cy1 The y coordinate of the top-right of the first box.
#' @param dx1 The x coordinate of the top-left of the first box.
#' @param dy1 The y coordinate of the top-left of the first box.
#' @param ax2 The x coordinate of the bottom-left of the second box.
#' @param ay2 The y coordinate of the bottom-left of the second box.
#' @param bx2 The x coordinate of the bottom-right of the second box.
#' @param by2 The y coordinate of the bottom-right of the second box.
#' @param cx2 The x coordinate of the top-right of the second box.
#' @param cy2 The y coordinate of the top-right of the second box.
#' @param dx2 The x coordinate of the top-left of the second box.
#' @param dy2 The y coordinate of the top-left of the second box.
#' @return true if the boxes overlap and false otherwise.
BoxOverlap = function(ax1, ay1, bx1, by1, cx1, cy1, dx1, dy1, ax2, ay2, bx2, by2, cx2, cy2, dx2, dy2) {
  # Returns: boolean
  if (DistanceToBox(ax1, ay1, ax2, ay2, bx2, by2, cx2, cy2, dx2, dy2) == 0)
  if (DistanceToBox(bx1, by1, ax2, ay2, bx2, by2, cx2, cy2, dx2, dy2) == 0)
  if (DistanceToBox(cx1, cy1, ax2, ay2, bx2, by2, cx2, cy2, dx2, dy2) == 0)
  if (DistanceToBox(dx1, dy1, ax2, ay2, bx2, by2, cx2, cy2, dx2, dy2) == 0)
  if (DistanceToBox(ax2, ay2, ax1, ay1, bx1, by1, cx1, cy1, dx1, dy1) == 0)
  if (DistanceToBox(bx2, by2, ax1, ay1, bx1, by1, cx1, cy1, dx1, dy1) == 0)
  if (DistanceToBox(cx2, cy2, ax1, ay1, bx1, by1, cx1, cy1, dx1, dy1) == 0)
  if (DistanceToBox(dx2, dy2, ax1, ay1, bx1, by1, cx1, cy1, dx1, dy1) == 0)
          <CodeName />
          <Arguments />
            <RItem guid="0fb04d86-c7c7-4a7d-a20b-32bb28d70a13" qset="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">DistanceToBox</RItem>
        <RItem change="1">
          <Code>#' Box coordinates
#' \code{BoxOverlap} Computes the positions of the corner of a box.
#' @param x x coordinate of the middle of the box.
#' @param y y coordinate of the middle of the box.
#' @param w width of the box in the x-scale.
#' @param h height  of the box in the y-scale.
#' @return A vector containing the coordinates of a box.
BoxCoordinates = function(x, y, w, h) {
  p1 = x - w / 2
  p2 = y - h / 2
  p3 = x + w / 2
  p4 = y + h / 2
  c(p1, p2, p3, p2, p3, p4, p1, p4)
          <CodeName />
          <Arguments />
          <Referenced />
        <RItem change="1">
          <Code>#' Box center
#' \code{BoxCenter} Computes the coordinates of the center of a box based upon the coordinates of the corner.
#' @param ax The x coordinate of the bottom-left of the box.
#' @param ay The y coordinate of the bottom-left of the box.
#' @param bx The x coordinate of the bottom-right of the box.
#' @param by The y coordinate of the bottom-right of the box.
#' @param cx The x coordinate of the top-right of the box.
#' @param cy The y coordinate of the top-right of the box.
#' @param dx The x coordinate of the top-left of the box.
#' @param dy The y coordinate of the top-left of the box.
#' @return vector containing the x,y coordinates of the center.
BoxCenter = function(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, dx, dy) {
  c((ax + bx) / 2, (ay + dy) / 2)

#' Box Overlaps
#' \code{IsOverlap} Tests if a box overlaps any other boxes.
#' @param boxes A list of boxes, where each box is its coordinates.
#' @param this.box The box to check to see if it overlaps with the rest.
#' @return TRUE if there is an overlap and false otherwise.
IsOverlap = function(boxes, this.box) {
  if (length(boxes) == 0)
  for (box in boxes) {
    if (BoxOverlap(box[1],box[2],box[3],box[4],box[5],box[6],box[7],box[8], this.box[1],this.box[2],this.box[3],this.box[4],this.box[5],this.box[6],this.box[7],this.box[8]))
          <CodeName />
          <Arguments />
            <RItem guid="f9f04892-a711-4797-9d10-d2f30640444e" qset="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">BoxOverlap</RItem>
        <RItem change="1">
          <Code>#' ggplot xlim
#' \code{GetXlim} Tests if a box overlaps any other boxes.
#' @param p A \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}} plot.
#' @return A vector containing the minimum and and maximum value of x plotted.
GetXlim = function(p) {
  g = ggplot_build(p)
          <CodeName />
          <Arguments />
          <Referenced />
        <RItem change="1">
          <Code>#' ggplot ylim
#' \code{GetYlim} Tests if a box overlaps any other boxes.
#' @param p A \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}} plot.
#' @return A vector containing the minimum and and maximum value of y  plotted.
GetYlim = function(p) {
  g = ggplot_build(p)
          <CodeName />
          <Arguments />
          <Referenced />
        <RItem change="1">
          <Code>#' Find better cootrdinates for text labels
#' \code{GetYlim} Identifies a better set of coordinates to place labels in a labeled ggplot scatterplot.
#' @param p A \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}} plot.
#' @param cex Relative font, line and glyph size.
#' @param fixed.aspect If true, forces the x and y dimensions to be on the same scale.
#' @param tstep The angle (theta) step size as the algorithm spirals out.
#' @param rstep The radius step size (in standard deviations) as the algorithm spirals out.
#' @return label.coords Recommended label coordinates.
#' @return dimensions Width and height of the text to be plotted in terms of the scale of x and y.
ReducePointAndLabelOverlap = function (p, cex = 1, fixed.aspect = FALSE, tstep = 0.1, rstep = 0.1){
  # Inspired by  wordlayout {wordcloud}
  # getting the coordinates
  labels = p$data$labels
  label.coords = point.coords = p$data[,1:2]
  col.labels = colnames(label.coords)
  n = length(labels)
  # determining scale of the points and text relative to plot coordinates (dodgy hack)
  #print( par()$pin)
  initial.x.scale = x.scale = diff(GetXlim(p)) / par()$pin[1] * 0.8
  y.scale = diff(GetYlim(p)) / par()$pin[2] * 0.8
  #print(c("orig", x.scale, y.scale))
  if (fixed.aspect) {
    x.scale = y.scale = max(x.scale, y.scale)
  # print(c("modified", x.scale, y.scale))
  w = h = strheight("Jj", "inches", cex = cex)
  initial.w = w = w * x.scale
  h = h * y.scale
  #print(c(w, h))
  #print(strwidth(labels, "inches", cex = cex))
  widths = strwidth(labels, "inches", cex = cex) * x.scale# / initial.x.scale
  sdx = sd(label.coords[,1], na.rm = TRUE)
  sdy = sd(label.coords[,2], na.rm = TRUE)
  if (sdx == 0)
    sdx &lt;- 1
  if (sdy == 0)
    sdy &lt;- 1
  # computing position of the points (assuming they are the same height as the first label)
  boxes = vector("list", n)
  for (i in 1:n)
    boxes[[i]] = BoxCoordinates(point.coords[i,1], point.coords[i,2], w * .8, h * .8)
  # preventing overlap of points
  for (i in 2:n)
    for (prev.i in 1:(i - 1))
      if (sum(point.coords[i,] == point.coords[prev.i,]) == 2) {
        radian = 2 * pi * (n + i) / (2 * n)
        point.coords[i, 1] = point.coords[i, 1] + w / 4 * cos(radian)
        point.coords[i, 2] = point.coords[i, 2] + h / 4 * sin(radian)
  # getting the coordinates for the labels
  dimensions = matrix(c(widths,rep(h,n)), n, 2, dimnames = list(labels, c("width", "height")))
  label.coords[,2] = h + label.coords[,2] #putting the initial labels above the points
  box.coordinates = vector("list", n)
  thetas = 2 * pi * (1:n) / n
  for (i in 1:n) {
    theta = thetas[i]
    x1 = x0 = label.coords[i, 1]
    y1 = y0 = label.coords[i, 2]
    r = 0
    label = labels[i]
    w = widths[i]
    overlapped = TRUE
    new.position.counter = 0
    while (overlapped) {
      this.box = BoxCoordinates(x1, y1, w, h)
      if (!IsOverlap(boxes, this.box)) {
        boxes[[i + n]] &lt;- this.box
        label.coords[i, ] =  c(x1, y1)
        overlapped = FALSE
      } else {
        new.position.counter = new.position.counter + 1
        if (new.position.counter == 1){# trying to put the point underneath
          y1 = y0 - 2 * h
        } else if (new.position.counter == 2){# trying to put the point to the left
          x1 = x0 - (initial.w + widths[i])
          y1 = y0 - h * 1.2
        } else if (new.position.counter == 3){# trying to put the point to the left
          x1 = x0 + (initial.w + widths[i])
          y1 = y0 - h
        } else {
          theta &lt;- theta + tstep
          r &lt;- r + rstep * tstep/(2 * pi)
          x1 &lt;- x0 + sdx * r * cos(theta)
          y1 &lt;- y0 + sdy * r * sin(theta)
  list(label.coords = as.data.frame(label.coords), dimensions = dimensions)
          <CodeName />
          <Arguments />
            <RItem guid="fe338053-2eae-405e-ac5b-ca4aa909e4c6" qset="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">GetXlim</RItem>
            <RItem guid="572ecdea-522b-43f0-bc26-bccd8acca856" qset="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">GetYlim</RItem>
            <RItem guid="56706437-c512-45a0-a153-37ae8608abb5" qset="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">BoxCoordinates</RItem>
            <RItem guid="431eb239-33b0-4570-bd52-9a932229f43c" qset="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">IsOverlap</RItem>
        <RItem change="1">
          <Code>#' Find better cootrdinates for text labels
#' \code{GetYlim} Identifies a better set of coordinates to place labels in a labeled ggplot scatterplot.
#'  #
#' @param coords The xy coordinates of the points.
#' @param group A factor indicating group membership for each point.
#' @param row.labels A vector of labels which will, if supplied, over-ride the rownames of coodinates.
#' @param col.labels A vector of labels which will, if supplied, over-ride the colnames of coodinates.
#' @param title Title for the plot.
#' @param legend.title Title for the legend (which only appears if group is not null).
#' @param fixed.aspect if true, forces the x and y dimensions to be on the same scale.
#' @param auto.tidy Move the labels around so that fewer overlap.
#' @param colors Colors that are cycled through where there is only one series, or, used to demarkate series where there are multiple series.
#' @param auto.color When the number of rows of coords is less than or equal to this, a single color is used to label the points.  Otherwise, they cycle throuogh the colors.
#' @param coords Relative font, line and glyph size.
#' @param general.color The color to be used in axes and titles.
#' @param cex Relative font, line and glyph size.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @param object An object to be plotted.
#' @param row.description A title for the rows.
#' @param column.description A title for the columns.
#' @return p A \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}} plot.
#' @examples
#' # MDS - square
#' library(smacof)
#' data(breakfastDissimilarities)
#' mdsInterval &lt;- smacofSym(breakfastDissimilarities[[4]],
#'     type = "interval", eps = 1e-12, itmax = 100000)
#' LabeledScatterPlot(mdsInterval, title = "Interval-scale MDS of Breakfast Dissimilarities")
#' data(colaPerceptions)
#' LabeledScatterPlot(colaPerceptions[,c(7,8)], title = "Scatterplot of perceptions data",
#'                           auto.tidy = TRUE, auto.color = 5, fixed.aspect = TRUE)
#' @export
LabeledScatterPlot &lt;- function(coords, ...) UseMethod("LabeledScatterPlot")
          <CodeName />
          <Arguments />
          <Referenced />
        <RItem change="1">
          <Code>#' @describeIn LabeledScatterPlot  Default labeled scatterplot
#' @export
LabeledScatterPlot.default = function(coords, group = NULL, row.labels = NULL, col.labels = NULL, title = "", legend.title = "",
                                      fixed.aspect = TRUE, auto.tidy = TRUE,
                                      colors = qColors, auto.color = 10, general.color = "gray28",
                                      cex = 1, ...) {
  # identifying the labels
  if (is.null(row.labels))
    row.labels = rownames(coords)
  n = length(row.labels)
  if (is.null(col.labels)) {
    col.labels = colnames(coords)
    if(is.null(col.labels)) {
      xlab = "Dimension 1"
      ylab = "Dimension 2"
    } else {
      xlab = col.labels[1]
      ylab = col.labels[2]
  # Setting the colors
  has.groups = !is.null(group)
  if (!has.groups) {
    if (auto.color &gt;= n) {
      group = rep(5, n)
    } else {
      group = array(1:length(colors), n)
  group = factor(group)
  # Setting limits to the axes so that they can easily accomodate the text
  point.coords = as.data.frame(coords)
  point.coords$labels =  row.labels
  # initial plot to get the coordinates
  p = ggplot(point.coords, aes_string(x = col.labels[1], y = col.labels[2], label = "labels")) + geom_point()
  if (fixed.aspect)
    p = p + coord_fixed(ratio = 1)#, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, wise = NULL)
  # moving points and labels to avoid overlap
  new.coords = ReducePointAndLabelOverlap(p, cex, fixed.aspect)
  label.dimensions = new.coords$dimensions
  label.coords = new.coords$label.coords
  point.coords$labels = label.coords$labels = row.labels
  point.coords$group = label.coords$group = group
  smallest.x = min(point.coords[,1], label.coords[,1] - label.dimensions[,1] / 2)
  biggest.x = max(point.coords[,1], label.coords[,1] + label.dimensions[,1] / 2)
  smallest.y = min(point.coords[,2], label.coords[,2] - label.dimensions[,2] / 2)
  biggest.y = max(point.coords[,2], label.coords[,2] + label.dimensions[,2] / 2)
  # creating the plot a second time
  p = ggplot(point.coords, aes_string(x = col.labels[1], y = col.labels[2]))#, colour = "labels")) #+  scale_fill_manual(values=c("#F8766D", "#00BA38"))
  p = p + theme_bw()
  p = p + geom_point(size = 2 * cex, aes(colour = group))
  p = p + geom_text(data = label.coords, aes_string(x = col.labels[1], y = col.labels[2], label = "labels", group = "group", colour = "group"), size = 3 * cex, show_guide  = F )
  p = p + labs(title = title)
  p = p + xlim(smallest.x, biggest.x) + ylim(smallest.y, biggest.y)
  p = p + scale_colour_manual(values = qColors, name = legend.title)
  if (fixed.aspect)
    p = p + coord_fixed(ratio = 1)#, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, wise = NULL)
  if (has.groups) {
    #p = p + scale_colour_manual(values = qColors, name = legend.title)
    p = p + theme(legend.text = element_text(colour = general.color, size = 10 * cex))
  } else {
    p = p + theme(legend.position = "none")
  p = p + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(colour = general.color, size = 8 * cex))
  p = p + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(colour = general.color, size = 8 * cex))
  p = p + theme(axis.title.x = element_text(colour = general.color, size = 10 * cex))
  p = p + theme(axis.title.y = element_text(colour = general.color, size = 10 * cex))
  p = p + theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold"))
  p = p + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 12 * cex, face="bold", vjust = cex * 1.2))
  # connecting points to text using lines
  for (i in 1:n) {
    x = coords[i, 1]
    y = coords[i, 2]
    x1 = label.coords[i, 1]
    y1 = label.coords[i, 2]
    w = label.dimensions[i, 1]
    h = label.dimensions[i, 2]
    cs = BoxCoordinates(x1, y1, w, h)
    abs.slope = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
      abs((y1 - y2) / (x1 - x2))
    if (DistanceToBox(x, y, cs[1], cs[2], cs[3], cs[4], cs[5], cs[6], cs[7], cs[8]) &gt; h) {
      line.color = colors[group[i]]
      if (abs.slope(x, y, x1, y1) &lt; 0.5) {
        if (x &gt; x1) { # point to the righy of label
          p = p + geom_segment(aes_string(x = x, xend = cs[3], y = y, yend = cs[2] + h / 2), colour = line.color, size = cex / 2)#, size = 3)
        } else  { # point to the left of label
          p = p + geom_segment(aes_string(x = x, xend = cs[1], y = y, yend = cs[2] + h / 2), colour = line.color, size = cex / 2)#, colour = transparent.colors[i], size = 3)
      } else {
        if (y &gt; y1) { # point above the label
          p = p + geom_segment(aes_string(x = x, xend = cs[1] + w / 2, y = y, yend=cs[8]), colour = line.color, size = cex / 2)##, colour = transparent.colors[i], size = 3)
        } else  { # point below the label
          p = p + geom_segment(aes_string(x = x, xend = cs[1] + w / 2, y = y, yend=cs[2]), colour = line.color, size = cex / 2)##, colour = transparent.colors[i], size = 3)
          <CodeName />
          <Arguments />
            <RItem guid="90fd2c02-9144-4399-8ad5-4cf66a97d9a4" qset="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">ReducePointAndLabelOverlap</RItem>
            <RItem guid="56706437-c512-45a0-a153-37ae8608abb5" qset="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">BoxCoordinates</RItem>
            <RItem guid="0fb04d86-c7c7-4a7d-a20b-32bb28d70a13" qset="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">DistanceToBox</RItem>
        <RItem change="1">
          <Code>#' @describeIn LabeledScatterPlot  Labeled scatterplot of smacof object
#' @export
LabeledScatterPlot.smacof = function(object, ...) {
  LabeledScatterPlot.default(object$conf, fixed.aspect = TRUE, ...)
          <CodeName />
          <Arguments />
            <RItem guid="62c9c92c-0834-4044-a813-aa50d30baaff" qset="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">LabeledScatterPlot.default</RItem>
        <RItem change="1">
          <Code>#' @describeIn LabeledScatterPlot  Labeled scatterplot of smacofB object
#' @export
LabeledScatterPlot.smacofB = function(object, ...) {
  LabeledScatterPlot.default(object$conf, fixed.aspect = TRUE, ...)
          <CodeName />
          <Arguments />
            <RItem guid="62c9c92c-0834-4044-a813-aa50d30baaff" qset="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">LabeledScatterPlot.default</RItem>
        <RItem change="1">
          <Code>#' @describeIn LabeledScatterPlot  Labeled scatterplot of smacofR object
#' @export
LabeledScatterPlot.smacofR = function(object, row.description = "Rows", column.description = "Columns",  ...) {
  coords = rbind(object$conf.row, object$conf.col)
  group = c(rep(row.description, length(object$spp.row)),rep(column.description, length(object$spp.col)))
  LabeledScatterPlot.default(coords, fixed.aspect = TRUE, group = group, ...)

          <CodeName />
          <Arguments />
            <RItem guid="62c9c92c-0834-4044-a813-aa50d30baaff" qset="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">LabeledScatterPlot.default</RItem>
        <RItem change="6">
          <Code>res.rect &lt;- smacofRect(breakfast, itmax = 1000)
          <CodeName />
          <Arguments />
          <Referenced />
        <RItem change="6">
          <Code>res.rect &lt;- smacofRect(breakfast, itmax = 1000)
          <CodeName />
          <Arguments />
          <Referenced />
        <RItem change="6">
          <Code>z = as.matrix(breakfastDissimilarities[[1]])+as.matrix(breakfastDissimilarities[[2]])+as.matrix(breakfastDissimilarities[[3]])+as.matrix(breakfastDissimilarities[[4]])
z = as.dist(z)
          <CodeName />
          <Arguments />
            <RItem guid="e4cb2084-eb12-4302-af11-04a5d677c9e2" qset="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">breakfastDissimilarities</RItem>
        <RItem change="6">
          <Code>z = as.matrix(breakfastDissimilarities[[1]])+as.matrix(breakfastDissimilarities[[2]])+as.matrix(breakfastDissimilarities[[3]])+as.matrix(breakfastDissimilarities[[4]])
z = as.dist(z)
          <CodeName />
          <Arguments />
            <RItem guid="e4cb2084-eb12-4302-af11-04a5d677c9e2" qset="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">breakfastDissimilarities</RItem>
        <RItem change="6">
          <CodeName />
          <Arguments />
          <Referenced />
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NumbersInternational/qrserver documentation built on May 7, 2019, 7:19 p.m.