#' HKY85 Substiution Model
#' This function creates the rate matrix of the HKY85 model before calculating the 
#' related transition matrix, P, using the mutation (mu), branch length/time (t) and transition
#' transversion ratio (kappah)
#' @param mu Mutation rate
#' @param t Branch length, i.e. specific generation time
#' @param kappa ransition/transversion rate ratio
#' @param pi Base Frequencies
#' @export
#' @return This function returns a \code{dgeMatrix} containing the transition matrix P

HKY85 <- function (mu, t, kappa, pi){
  ## check supplied variables
  if(!is.numeric(mu)) stop("Mutation rate not valid")
  if(!is.numeric(t)) stop("Branch length not valid")
  if(!is.numeric(kappa)) stop("Transition/transversion rate ratio not valid")
  if(length(pi)==1) stop("Epidemic died out")

  ## create the generator matrix R incorporating the transition/transversion rate
  a = 0
  b = 1
  R = matrix(data = rbind(c(a,b,kappa,b),c(b,a,b,kappa),c(kappa,b,a,b),c(b,kappa,b,a)), ncol = 4)
  ## diagonalise the frequency vector
  freq = diag(pi)
  ## create the scaled Q matrix
  Q <-(R%*%freq)-diag(apply(R%*%freq,1,sum))
  scaleQ <-sum(freq%*%R%*%freq)
  Q <- Q/scaleQ
  ## Create the transition matrix P, by calculating the matrix exponential of the 
  ## branch length * mu * Q.
  P <- expm(Q*mu*t)
  ##return transition matrix
OJWatson/sims4 documentation built on May 7, 2019, 8:33 p.m.