
Defines functions detectKit

Documented in detectKit

# TODO: ...

# CHANGE LOG (last 20 changes)
# 27.06.2016: Now check for and removes NA in markers to handle SamplePlotSizingTable.
# 01.01.2016: Added support for vector.
# 08.11.2015: Changed default to index=TRUE. Export function.
# 03.08.2014: Added support for kit attribute.
# 15.04.2014: Revert to previous match if no match in a method.
# 24.10.2013: Improved matching.
# 18.09.2013: Fixed error when compairing unequal length.
# 17.09.2013: Updated to support new 'getKit' structure.
# 05.06.2013: Added debug option.
# 03.06.2013: Distinguish equal scores by marker position.
# 28.04.2013: Best match from proportion instead of number of matching markers.
# <28.04.2013: First version

#' @title Detect Kit
#' @description
#' Finds the most likely STR kit for a dataset.
#' @details
#' The function first check if there is a 'kit' attribute for the dataset.
#' If there was a 'kit' attribute, and a match is found in \code{getKit}
#' the corresponding kit or index is returned.
#' If an attribute does not exist the function looks at the markers
#' in the dataset and returns the most likely kit(s).
#' @param data data frame with column 'Marker' or vector with marker names.
#' @param index logical, returns kit index if TRUE or short name if FALSE.
#' @param debug logical, prints debug information if TRUE.
#' @export
#' @return integer or string indicating the detected kit.

detectKit <- function(data, index = FALSE, debug = FALSE) {
  if (is.data.frame(data)) {
    if (!"Marker" %in% colnames(data)) {
      stop("Data frame must contain a column 'Marker'")
  } else if (is.vector(data)) {
    if (!is.character(data)) {
      stop("Vector must be a character vector with marker names")

  # Get kit from data ---------------------------------------------------------

  # Get kit attribute.
  attribute <- attr(x = data, which = "kit", exact = TRUE)

  # Check if the attribute was found.
  if (!is.null(attribute)) {
    if (!index) {
      # Get kit name.
      detectedKit <- getKit(attribute, what = "Short.Name")
    } else {
      # Get kit index.
      detectedKit <- getKit(attribute, what = "Index")

    # Check if a match was returned.
    if (!is.na(detectedKit)) {
      # Write message.
        "Found matching attribute 'kit':",
        detectedKit, "(attr =", attribute, ")"

      if (debug) {
        print("Detected kit:")


  # Get markers from data -----------------------------------------------------

  if (is.data.frame(data)) {
    # Get unique markers.
    markers <- unique(data$Marker)
  } else if (is.vector(data)) {
    # Get unique markers.
    markers <- unique(data)
  } else {
    stop("'data' must be a data.frame or character vector.")

  # Check if any NA in markers.
  if (any(is.na(markers))) {
    markers <- markers[!is.na(markers)]
    message("Removed NA from markers.")

  # Get markers from kit ------------------------------------------------------

  # Get available kits.
  kits <- getKit()

  kitMarkers <- list()
  score <- vector()
  detectedKit <- vector()

  # Get markers for available kits.
  for (k in seq(along = kits)) {
    kitMarkers[[k]] <- getKit(kits[k], what = "Marker")

  if (debug) {
    print("Kit markers:")
    print("Data markers:")

  # Detect kit ----------------------------------------------------------------

  # First score 'data' in relation to kit (to account for missing markers).
  for (k in seq(along = kitMarkers)) {
    score[k] <- sum(markers %in% kitMarkers[[k]])
    score[k] <- score[k] / length(kitMarkers[[k]])

  # Get kit index.
  bestFit <- max(score, na.rm = TRUE)
  detectedKit <- which(score %in% bestFit)

  # Get number of candidate kit.
  candidates <- length(detectedKit)

  if (debug) {
    print("Number of matching markers:")
    print("Detected kit:")

  # Store last match.
  prevDetected <- detectedKit

  # Use 'detectedKit' in the following trials to resolve the kit further.

  # Check if more than one.
  if (candidates > 1) {
    if (debug) {
      print("Multiple kits with equal score!")
      print("Trying to resolve by closest match of marker order.")

    # Try to distinguish based on marker order.
    kitScore <- vector()

    # Loop over all candidate kits.
    for (c in seq(along = detectedKit)) {
      # Get first kit marker string.
      kitString <- paste(kitMarkers[[detectedKit[c]]], collapse = "")

      # Initiate variables.
      score <- vector()
      matchStart <- 0
      matchEnd <- 0
      prevPos <- 0

      # Loop over markers in data.
      for (m in seq(along = markers)) {
        # Search for substring.
        match <- regexpr(
          pattern = markers[m], text = kitString,
          ignore.case = FALSE, perl = FALSE,
          fixed = TRUE, useBytes = FALSE

        if (match < 0) {
          # No match. Exit.
          score <- NA
        } else {
          # Get first matching character position.
          matchStart <- match

          # Get match length
          matchEnd <- match + attr(match, "match.length")

          if (matchStart < prevPos) {
            # Back matching, penalise.
            score[m] <- -1
          } else {
            # Forward matching, reward.
            score[m] <- 1

        # Remember last matching position.
        prevPos <- matchEnd

      # Sum match score of current kit.
      kitScore[c] <- sum(score)

    # Get kit index.
    bestFit <- suppressWarnings(max(kitScore, na.rm = TRUE))
    kitIndex <- which(kitScore %in% bestFit)

    # Get detected kits.
    detectedKit <- detectedKit[kitIndex]

    if (debug) {
      print("Marker position matching:")
      print("Detected kit:")
  } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Get number of candidate kit.
  candidates <- length(detectedKit)

  if (candidates == 0) {
    # Revert to previous matches.
    detectedKit <- prevDetected

    if (debug) {
      print("No match with this method!")
      print("Revert to previous match:")
  } else {
    # Store last match.
    prevDetected <- detectedKit
  } ###########################################################################

  #   # Check if more than one.
  #   if(candidates > 1){
  #     if(debug){
  #       print("Multiple kits with equal score!")
  #       print("Trying to resolve by marker order.")
  #     }
  #     # Try to distinguish based on marker order.
  #     posMatch <- vector()
  #     markers<-unique(data$Marker)
  #     # Loop over all candidate kits.
  #     for(c in seq(along=detectedKit)){
  #       # Get kit markers and vector lengths.
  #       tmpKit <- kitMarkers[[detectedKit[c]]]
  #       lenKit <- length(tmpKit)
  #       lenMarkers <- length(markers)
  #       # Make equal length. 'as.character' to get rid of levels.
  #       tmpKit <- as.character(tmpKit[1:min(lenKit, lenMarkers)])
  #       tmpMarker <- as.character(markers[1:min(lenKit, lenMarkers)])
  #       if(debug){
  #         print("Data markers:")
  #         print(tmpMarker)
  #         print(paste("Kit", c, "markers:"))
  #         print(tmpKit)
  #       }
  #       # Sum number of markers in matching position.
  #       posMatch[c]<- sum(tmpKit == tmpMarker)
  #     }
  #     # Get kit index.
  #     bestFit <- max(posMatch)
  #     kitIndex <- which(posMatch %in% bestFit)
  #     detectedKit <- detectedKit[kitIndex]
  #     if(debug){
  #       print("Number of markers in matching position:")
  #       print(posMatch)
  #       print("Detected kit:")
  #       print(detectedKit)
  #     }
  #   } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  #     # Get number of candidate kit.
  #     candidates <- length(detectedKit)
  #     if(candidates == 0){
  #       # Revert to previous matches.
  #       detectedKit <- prevDetected
  #       if(debug){
  #         print("No match with this method!")
  #         print("Revert to previous match:")
  #         print(detectedKit)
  #       }
  #     } else {
  #       # Store last match.
  #       prevDetected <- detectedKit
  #     } ###########################################################################

  #   # Check if more than one.
  #   if(candidates > 1){
  #     if(debug){
  #       print("Still multiple kits with equal score!")
  #       print("Trying to resolve by sub string matching.")
  #     }
  #     # Try to distinguish based on sub string matching.
  #     posMatch <- vector()
  #     markerString <- paste(unique(data$Marker), collapse="")
  #     # Loop over all candidate kits.
  #     for(c in seq(along=detectedKit)){
  #       kitString <- paste(kitMarkers[[detectedKit[c]]], collapse="")
  #       if(debug){
  #         print("Data marker string:")
  #         print(markerString)
  #         print(paste("Kit", c, "marker string:"))
  #         print(kitString)
  #       }
  #       # Search for substring.
  #       posMatch[c]<- grepl(markerString, kitString, fixed=TRUE)
  #     }
  #     # Get kit index.
  #     bestFit <- TRUE
  #     kitIndex <- which(posMatch %in% bestFit)
  #     detectedKit <- detectedKit[kitIndex]
  #     if(debug){
  #       print("Sub string matched:")
  #       print(posMatch)
  #       print("Detected kit:")
  #       print(detectedKit)
  #     }
  #   } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  #     # Get number of candidate kit.
  #     candidates <- length(detectedKit)
  #     if(candidates == 0){
  #       # Revert to previous matches.
  #       detectedKit <- prevDetected
  #       if(debug){
  #         print("No match with this method!")
  #         print("Revert to previous match:")
  #         print(detectedKit)
  #       }
  #     } else {
  #       # Store last match.
  #       prevDetected <- detectedKit
  #     } ###########################################################################

  if (candidates > 1) {
    message("Could not resolve kit. Multiple candidates returned.")

  if (!index) {
    # Get kit name.
    detectedKit <- getKit(detectedKit, what = "Short.Name")

  # Write message.
  message(paste("Detected kit(s):", paste(detectedKit, collapse = ", ")))

  if (debug) {
    print("Detected kit:")

OskarHansson/strvalidator documentation built on July 22, 2023, 12:04 p.m.