
Defines functions slim

Documented in slim

# TODO: option to drop/keep unspecified columns.
# TODO: option to drop/keep 'OL'.

# CHANGE LOG (last 20 changes)
# 07.08.2017: Added audit trail.
# 09.01.2016: Added more attributes to result.
# 06.01.2016: Added attributes to result.
# 29.08.2015: Added importFrom.
# 25.08.2015: Fixed error when 'stack' and 'slim' is empty or "".
# 01.06.2015: Fixed columns is found using 'match' instead of 'grep'
#  (fixes problem with partial matching).
# 25.05.2015: Renamed parameters (keepAllFixed -> keep.na)
# 23.05.2014: Improved error message.
# 23.01.2014: Fixed bug when only one column in 'fix'.
# 13.01.2014: Completely re-written for improved performance.
# <13.01.2014: Renamed parameters (slim.col -> stack / fix.col -> fix (as earlier)
# <13.01.2014: Fixed returned factor levels. Added as.matrix to return value.
# <13.01.2014: Renamed parameters (slim -> slim.col / fixed -> fix.col
# <13.01.2014: to avoid function/parameter slim to crash.
# <13.01.2014: Roxygenized.
# <13.01.2014: new parameter 'keep.na' - WORKING for two key kolumns, but not for unslim
# <13.01.2014: new name flattenGM() -> slim(), new parameter names.

#' @title Slim Data Frames
#' @description
#' Slim data frames with repeated columns.
#' @details
#' Stack repeated columns into single columns.
#' For example, the following data frame:
#'  Sample.Name|Marker|Allele.1|Allele.2|Size.1|Size.2|Data.Point..
#' using this command:
#'  slim(data, fix=c("Sample.Name","Marker"), stack=c("Allele","Size"))
#' would result in this data frame (NB! 'Data.Point' is dropped):
#'  Sample.Name|Marker|Allele|Size
#' @param data data.frame.
#' @param fix vector of strings with column names to keep fixed.
#' @param stack vector of strings with column names to slim.
#' @param keep.na logical, keep a row even if no data.
#' @param debug logical indicating printing debug information.
#' @return data.frame
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils str head

slim <- function(data, fix = NULL, stack = NULL,
                 keep.na = TRUE, debug = FALSE) {
  if (debug) {
    print(paste("IN:", match.call()[[1]]))

  # Check data ----------------------------------------------------------------

  # Check parameters.
  if (!is.logical(keep.na)) {
    stop("'keep.na' must be logical",
      call. = TRUE

  if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
    stop("'data' must be a data.frame",
      call. = TRUE

  # Prepare -------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Handle fix="" and fix=character(0)
  if (length(fix) == 0 || all(nchar(fix) == 0)) {
    fix <- NULL
    message("'fix' set to NULL")

  # Handle stack="" and stack=character(0)
  if (length(stack) == 0 || all(nchar(stack) == 0)) {
    stack <- NULL
    message("'stack' set to NULL")

  # Slim ----------------------------------------------------------------------

  if (!is.null(stack)) {
    # Get columns to slim.
    slimCols <- NULL
    for (c in seq(along = stack)) {
      slimCols[c] <- list(grepl(stack[c], names(data)))

    # Number of columns to slim
    nbSlimCol <- unlist(lapply(slimCols, sum))
    nbCol <- unique(nbSlimCol)
    # Check if equal.
    if (length(nbCol) != 1) {
      stop(paste("Columns to stack must have equal number of columns each!",
        paste(paste(stack, nbSlimCol, sep = ":"), collapse = "\n"),
        "The most common problem is multiple columns matching the same 'base' name.",
        "Here are your column names:",
        paste(names(data), collapse = ", "),
        sep = "\n"

    if (!is.null(fix)) {
      # Get fixed indexes.
      fixedIndex <- vector()
      for (k in seq(along = fix)) {
        # fixedIndex[k] <- grep(fix[k], names(data))
        fixedIndex[k] <- match(fix[k], names(data))

      # Get fixed data.
      fixedData <- as.data.frame(data[, fixedIndex])
      names(fixedData) <- fix

      # Make a list of matrixes for columns to stack.
      listStack <- list()
      listRep <- vector()
      for (c in seq(along = slimCols)) {
        # Get columns for current stack key.
        matrixStack <- data[, slimCols[[c]]]

        # Count number of values.
        values <- rowSums(!is.na(matrixStack))

        # Transpose and vectorize.
        vectorStack <- c(t(matrixStack))

        if (keep.na) {
          # Keep one value per fixed row.
          values <- replace(values, values == 0, 1)

          # Create a boolean vector with values to keep.
          bolVec <- rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), nrow(data))
          bolTimes <- vector()
          bolTimes[seq(from = 1, to = length(values) * 2, by = 2)] <- values
          bolTimes[seq(from = 2, to = length(values) * 2, by = 2)] <- nbCol - values
          keep <- rep(bolVec, times = bolTimes)

          # Extract values to keep.
          vectorStack <- vectorStack[keep]
        } else {
          # Extract values to keep.
          vectorStack <- vectorStack[!is.na(vectorStack)]

        # Add values to list.
        listRep[c] <- list(values)

        # Transpose and vectorize matrix, and put in list.
        listStack[c] <- list(vectorStack)

      # Check if all listRep's are equal.
      for (i in seq(along = listRep)) {
        # Compare lists.
        if (!identical(listRep[i], listRep[1])) {
          # Convert mismatch to vectors.
          testA <- unlist(listRep[1])
          testB <- unlist(listRep[i])

          # Find row causing the error.
          for (e in seq(along = testA)) {
            # Compare elements.
            if (testA[e] != testB[e]) {
                "Different repeat patterns detected for stacked columns!\n",
                "Caused by: ",
                paste(paste(names(fixedData), ":", fixedData[e, ], sep = ""),
                  collapse = ", "
                ), "\n",
                "Please fix and try again!"
              ), sep = "")

      # Loop over columns in fixed data.
      fixedDataExt <- list()
      for (k in seq(along = fix)) {
        # Repeat each 'row' to fit the stacked data.
        fixedDataExt[k] <- list(rep(fixedData[, k], times = unlist(listRep[1])))

      # Get number of rows.
      numberOfRows <- length(fixedDataExt[[1]])
      # Create a data frame for the result.
      res <- data.frame(matrix(NA, numberOfRows, length(fix) + length(stack)))
      # Add new column names.
      names(res) <- paste(c(fix, stack))

      # Combine fixed and stacked list into one.
      listRes <- append(fixedDataExt, listStack)
      for (i in seq(along = listRes)) {
        res[, i] <- as.character(listRes[[i]])

      # Update audit trail.
      res <- auditTrail(obj = res, f.call = match.call(), package = "strvalidator")

      if (debug) {
        print(paste("EXIT:", match.call()[[1]]))

    } else {
      message("fix=NULL, return data unchanged!")

      # Return the data frame unchanged.
  } else {
    message("stack=NULL, return data unchanged!")

    # Return the data frame unchanged.
OskarHansson/strvalidator documentation built on Aug. 15, 2024, 7:13 a.m.