Man pages for PFPrzytycki/CellWalkR
An R Package for Integrating and Visualizing Single-Cell and Bulk Data to Resolve Regulatory Elements

clusterLabelsCluster labels
combineGraphGenerate combined graph
combineMultiLabelGraphGenerate combined graph with list of label edges
computeCellHomogeneityCompute cell homogeneity
computeCellSimCompute Cell Similarity
computeLabelEdgesCompute Label Edges
computeMSTComptute Minimum Spanning Tree
downloadSampleDataDownload Sample Data
findMarkersFind markers in scRNA-seq data
findUncertainLabelsFind uncertain labels
getRegionsGet genomic regions
labelBulkLabel bulk data
launchVizLaunch Interactve Visualization
loadSampleDataLoad Sample Data
mapArchRToGenesMap ArchR peaks to genes
mapCiceroToGenesMap peaks to genes based on Cicero coaccessibility
mapPeaksToGenesMap peaks to genes
mapSnapATACToGenesMap SnapATAC peaks to genes
normalizeInfluenceNormalize influence matrix
PCAdistCompute distance in PCA space for matrix
plotCellsPlot Cells
plotMultiLevelLabelsPlot significant labels across heirarchy
randomWalkRandom walk with restarts
SampleCellWalkRDataList of 10 items used to test CellWalkR
scoreDoubletsScore doublets
selectLabelsSelect significant labels
selectMultiLevelLabelsSelect significant labels across heirarchy
sparseJaccardCompute Jaccard on sprase matrix
storeBulkStore bulk label data
storeMatStore ATACMat data
tensorJaccardCompute Jaccard on matrix using tensorflow
tuneEdgeWeightsTune edge weights
tuneFilterWeightsTune filter weights
walkCellsRun CellWalker Method
PFPrzytycki/CellWalkR documentation built on Oct. 26, 2023, 1:50 p.m.