
Defines functions isUpdated unwrapSpatVector wrapSpatVector withoutFinalNumeric .prepareFileBackedRaster list2envAttempts nextNumericName .getOtherFnNamesAndTags .debugCache .orderDotsUnderscoreFirst .sortDotsUnderscoreFirst .digestRasterLayer copySingleFile asPath.null asPath.character asPath

Documented in asPath asPath.character asPath.null copySingleFile .debugCache isUpdated .orderDotsUnderscoreFirst .prepareFileBackedRaster .sortDotsUnderscoreFirst

#' @exportClass Path
#' @rdname Path-class
setClass("Path", slots = c(.Data = "character"), contains = "character", prototype = NA_character_)

#' Coerce a character string to a class "Path"
#' Allows a user to specify that their character string is indeed a filepath.
#' Thus, methods that require only a filepath can be dispatched correctly.
#' It is often difficult or impossible to know algorithmically whether a
#' character string corresponds to a valid filepath.
#' In the case where it is en existing file, `file.exists` can work.
#' But if it does not yet exist, e.g., for a `save`, it is difficult to know
#' whether it is a valid path before attempting to save to the path.
#' This function can be used to remove any ambiguity about whether a character
#' string is a path. It is primarily useful for achieving repeatability with Caching.
#' Essentially, when Caching, arguments that are character strings should generally be
#' digested verbatim, i.e., it must be an exact copy for the Cache mechanism
#' to detect a candidate for recovery from the cache.
#' Paths, are different. While they are character strings, there are many ways to
#' write the same path. Examples of identical meaning, but different character strings are:
#' path expanding of `~` vs. not, double back slash vs. single forward slash,
#' relative path vs. absolute path.
#' All of these should be assessed for their actual file or directory location,
#' NOT their character string. By converting all character string that are actual
#' file or directory paths with this function, then `Cache` will correctly assess
#' the location, NOT the character string representation.
#' @param obj A character string to convert to a `Path`.
#' @param nParentDirs A numeric indicating the number of parent directories starting
#'                    from basename(obj) = 0 to keep for the digest
#' @export
#' @rdname Path-class
#' @return
#' A vector of class `Path`, which is similar to a character, but
#' has an attribute indicating how deep the Path should be
#' considered "digestible". In other words, most of the time, only some
#' component of an absolute path is relevant for evaluating its purpose in
#' a Cache situation. In general, this is usually equivalent to just the "relative" path
#' @examples
#' tmpf <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")
#' file.exists(tmpf) ## FALSE
#' tmpfPath <- asPath(tmpf)
#' is(tmpf, "Path") ## FALSE
#' is(tmpfPath, "Path") ## TRUE
asPath <- function(obj, nParentDirs = 0) {
  UseMethod("asPath", obj)

#' @export
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @rdname Path-class
asPath.character <- function(obj, nParentDirs = 0) { # nolint
  class(obj) <- unique(c("Path", class(obj)))
  attr(obj, "nParentDirs") <- nParentDirs

#' @export
#' @rdname Path-class
asPath.null <- function(obj, nParentDirs = 0) { # nolint

#' If using `as("string", "Path")`, there is no option to pass `nParentDirs`.
#' So, using `asPath` directly (e.g., `asPath("string", 0))`) is preferred.
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @rdname Path-class
#' @name asPath
setAs(from = "character", to = "Path", function(from) {
  asPath(from, 0)

#' Copy a file using `robocopy` on Windows and `rsync` on Linux/macOS
#' This is replacement for `file.copy`, but for one file at a time.
#' The additional feature is that it will use `robocopy` (on Windows) or
#' `rsync` on Linux or Mac, if they exist.
#' It will default back to `file.copy` if none of these exists.
#' If there is a possibility that the file already exists, then this function
#' should be very fast as it will do "update only", i.e., nothing.
#' @param from The source file.
#' @param to The new file.
#' @param useRobocopy For Windows, this will use a system call to `robocopy`
#'        which appears to be much faster than the internal `file.copy` function.
#'        Uses `/MIR` flag. Default `TRUE`.
#' @param overwrite Passed to `file.copy`
#' @param delDestination Logical, whether the destination should have any files deleted,
#' if they don't exist in the source. This is `/purge` for robocopy and --delete for
#' rsync.
#' @param create Passed to `checkPath`.
#' @param silent Should a progress be printed.
#' @author Eliot McIntire and Alex Chubaty
#' @rdname copyFile
#' @return
#' This function is called for its side effect, i.e., a file is copied `from` to `to`.
#' @examples
#' tmpDirFrom <- file.path(tempdir(), "example_fileCopy_from")
#' tmpDirTo <- file.path(tempdir(), "example_fileCopy_to")
#' tmpFile1 <- tempfile("file1", tmpDirFrom, ".csv")
#' tmpFile2 <- tempfile("file2", tmpDirFrom, ".csv")
#' dir.create(tmpDirFrom, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
#' dir.create(tmpDirTo, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
#' f1 <- normalizePath(tmpFile1, mustWork = FALSE)
#' f2 <- normalizePath(tmpFile2, mustWork = FALSE)
#' t1 <- normalizePath(file.path(tmpDirTo, basename(tmpFile1)), mustWork = FALSE)
#' t2 <- normalizePath(file.path(tmpDirTo, basename(tmpFile2)), mustWork = FALSE)
#' write.csv(data.frame(a = 1:10, b = runif(10), c = letters[1:10]), f1)
#' write.csv(data.frame(c = 11:20, d = runif(10), e = letters[11:20]), f2)
#' copyFile(c(f1, f2), c(t1, t2))
#' file.exists(t1) ## TRUE
#' file.exists(t2) ## TRUE
#' identical(read.csv(f1), read.csv(f2)) ## FALSE
#' identical(read.csv(f1), read.csv(t1)) ## TRUE
#' identical(read.csv(f2), read.csv(t2)) ## TRUE
copySingleFile <- function(from = NULL, to = NULL, useRobocopy = TRUE,
                           overwrite = TRUE, delDestination = FALSE,
                           create = TRUE, silent = FALSE) {
  if (any(length(from) != 1, length(to) != 1)) stop("from and to must each be length 1")
  useFileCopy <- identical(dirname(from), dirname(to))

  lapply(unique(dirname(to)), checkPath, create = create)

  os <- tolower(Sys.info()[["sysname"]])
  .onLinux <- .Platform$OS.type == "unix" && unname(os) == "linux"
  if (!useFileCopy) {
    if (isWindows() && isTRUE(file.size(from) > 1e6)) {
      if (!isTRUE(unique(dir.exists(to)))) toDir <- dirname(to) # extract just the directory part
      robocopyBin <- tryCatch(Sys.which("robocopy"), warning = function(w) NA_character_)

      robocopy <- if (silent) {
          robocopyBin, " /purge"[delDestination], " /ETA /XJ /XO /NDL /NFL /NJH /NJS \"", # nolint
          normalizePath(dirname(from), mustWork = TRUE, winslash = "\\"), "\" \"",
          normalizePath(toDir, mustWork = FALSE, winslash = "\\"), "\" ",
      } else {
          robocopyBin, " /purge"[delDestination], " /ETA /XJ /XO \"", # nolint
          normalizePath(dirname(from), mustWork = TRUE, winslash = "\\"), "\" \"",
          normalizePath(toDir, mustWork = FALSE, winslash = "\\"), "\" ",

      useFileCopy <- if (useRobocopy && !is.na(robocopyBin)) {
        suppressWarnings(tryCatch(system(robocopy, intern = TRUE), error = function(x) TRUE))
      } else {
      if (isTRUE(any(grepl("ERROR", useFileCopy)))) {
        useFileCopy <- TRUE

      # means that the file didn't get copied because it is actually the same directory
      if (any(!nzchar(useFileCopy))) {
        useFileCopy <- TRUE
    } else if ((.onLinux)) { # nolint
      if (!identical(basename(from), basename(to))) {
        # rsync can't handle file renaming on copy
        useFileCopy <- TRUE
      } else {
        if (!dir.exists(to)) toDir <- dirname(to) # extract just the directory part
        rsyncBin <- tryCatch(Sys.which("rsync"), warning = function(w) NA_character_)
        opts <- if (silent) " -a " else " -avP "
        # rsync command can't handle spaces file/dir names -- must protect them
        toDir <- normalizePath(toDir, mustWork = FALSE)
        toDir <- gsub("\ ", "\\ ", toDir, fixed = TRUE)
        if (!dir.exists(toDir)) dir.create(toDir, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
        from <- normalizePath(from, mustWork = TRUE)
        rsync <- paste0(
          rsyncBin, " ", opts, " --delete "[delDestination],
          "'", from, "' ", toDir, "/"

        # THe warnings here are being caught; and use file.copy
        useFileCopy <- capture.output(system(rsync, intern = FALSE, ignore.stderr = TRUE, ignore.stdout = TRUE))
        filesCopied <- file.exists(file.path(toDir, basename(from)))
        useFileCopy <- any(!filesCopied)
    } else {
      useFileCopy <- TRUE
  if (isTRUE(useFileCopy)) {
    lapply(unique(dirname(to)), checkPath, create = create)
    file.copy(from = from, to = to, overwrite = overwrite, recursive = FALSE)


#' @export
#' @rdname copyFile
copyFile <- Vectorize(copySingleFile, vectorize.args = c("from", "to"))

#' @importFrom methods slotNames
#' @importFrom digest digest
.digestRasterLayer <- function(object, length, algo, quick) {
  .requireNamespace("raster", stopOnFALSE = TRUE)

  isRasterStack <- is(object, "RasterStack")
  if (!isRasterStack) {
    objList <- list(object)
  } else {
    objList <- object@layers
  dig <- lapply(objList, function(object) {
    sn <- slotNames(object@data)
    sn <- sn[!(sn %in% c( # "min", "max", "haveminmax", "names", "isfactor",
      "dropped", "nlayers", "fromdisk", "inmemory"
      # "offset", "gain"
    dataSlotsToDigest <- lapply(sn, function(s) slot(object@data, s))
    names(dataSlotsToDigest) <- sn
    theData <- .robustDigest(object@data@values)
    dataSlotsToDigest$values <- NULL
    dig <- .robustDigest(
        dim(object), raster::res(object), terra::crs(object),
        raster::extent(object), theData
      ), dataSlotsToDigest),
      length = length, quick = quick,
      algo = algo
    ) # don't include object@data -- these are volatile

    # Legend
    sn <- slotNames(object@legend)
    legendSlotsToDigest <- lapply(sn, function(s) slot(object@legend, s))
    dig2 <- .robustDigest(legendSlotsToDigest,
      length = length, quick = quick,
      algo = algo
    ) # don't include object@data -- these are volatile
    dig <- c(dig, dig2)

    sn <- slotNames(object@file)
    sn <- sn[!(sn %in% c("name"))]
    fileSlotsToDigest <- lapply(sn, function(s) slot(object@file, s))
    digFile <- .robustDigest(fileSlotsToDigest,
      length = length, quick = quick,
      algo = algo
    ) # don't include object@file -- these are volatile

    dig <- c(dig, digFile)

  fns <- Filenames(object, allowMultiple = FALSE)
  if (length(fns[nchar(fns) > 0])) {
    # if the Raster is on disk, has the first length characters;
    isGrd <- endsWith(basename(fns), suffix = ".grd")
    if (isTRUE(any(isGrd))) {
      fns[isGrd] <- sub(fns[isGrd], pattern = ".grd$", replacement = ".gri")
    # # there is no good reason to use depth = 0, 1, or 2 or more -- but I think 2 is *more* reliable
    dig2 <- .robustDigest(asPath(fns, 2), length = length, quick = quick, algo = algo)
    dig <- c(dig, unname(dig2))

  dig <- .robustDigest(unlist(dig), length = length, quick = quick, algo = algo)

#' @details
#' `.sortDotsUnderscoreFirst`: This exists so Windows, Linux, and Mac machines can have
#' the same order after a sort. It will put dots and underscores first
#' (with the sort key based on their second character, see examples.
#' It also sorts lower case before upper case.
#' @param obj  An arbitrary R object for which a `names` function
#'              returns a character vector.
#' @return `.sortDotsUnderscoreFirst`: the same object as `obj`,
#'   but sorted with dots and underscores first,
#'   lower case before upper case.
#' @author Eliot McIntire
#' @export
#' @rdname exportedMethods
#' @examples
#' items <- c(A = "a", Z = "z", `.D` = ".d", `_C` = "_C")
#' .sortDotsUnderscoreFirst(items)
#' # dots & underscore (using 2nd character), then all lower then all upper
#' items <- c(B = "Upper", b = "lower", A = "a", `.D` = ".d", `_C` = "_C")
#' .sortDotsUnderscoreFirst(items)
#' # with a vector
#' .sortDotsUnderscoreFirst(c(".C", "_B", "A")) # _B is first
.sortDotsUnderscoreFirst <- function(obj) {

#' @export
#' @rdname exportedMethods
.orderDotsUnderscoreFirst <- function(obj) {
  if (!is.null(names(obj))) {
    namesObj <- names(obj)
  } else {
    namesObj <- obj

  if (is.character(namesObj)) {
    namesObj <- gsub(namesObj, pattern = "\\.|_", replacement = "aa")
    allLower <- tolower(namesObj) == namesObj
    namesObj[allLower] <- paste0("abALLLOWER", namesObj[allLower])

    onesChanged <- startsWith(namesObj, prefix = "a")
    namesObj[!onesChanged] <- paste0("ZZZZZZZZZ", namesObj[!onesChanged])

    out <- order(namesObj)
  } else {
    out <- seq_along(obj)

#' Attach debug info to return for Cache
#' Internal use only. Attaches an attribute to the output, usable for
#' debugging the Cache.
#' @param obj  An arbitrary R object.
#' @param preDigest  A list of hashes.
#' @param ...  Dots passed from Cache
#' @return The same object as `obj`, but with 2 attributes set.
#' @author Eliot McIntire
#' @rdname debugCache
.debugCache <- function(obj, preDigest, ...) {
  attr(obj, "debugCache1") <- list(...)
  attr(obj, "debugCache2") <- preDigest

#' @keywords internal
.getOtherFnNamesAndTags <- function(scalls) {
  if (is.null(scalls)) {
    scalls <- sys.calls()

  patt <- paste(.defaultOtherFunctionsOmit, collapse = ")|(")
  otherFns <- .grepSysCalls(
    pattern = patt
  if (length(otherFns)) {
    otherFns <- unlist(lapply(scalls[-otherFns], function(x) {
      tryCatch(as.character(x[[1]]), error = function(y) "")
    otherFns <- otherFns[nzchar(otherFns)]
    otherFns <- otherFns[!startsWith(otherFns, prefix = ".")]
    otherFns <- paste0("otherFunctions:", otherFns)
  } else {
    otherFns <- character()

  # Figure out if it is in SpaDES.core call, which could be either a .parseModule or .runModuleInputObjects call...
  #   , if yes, then extract the module
  doEventFrameNum <- .grepSysCalls(scalls, "\\.parseModule|\\.runModuleInputObjects")
  if (length(doEventFrameNum)) {
    module <- get0("m", envir = sys.frame(tail(doEventFrameNum, 1)))
    if (is.null(module)) { # this block should cover any other cases, though is likely unnecessary
      # This whole mechanism is predicated on the module name being called "m" in the above 2 functions
      moduleEnv <- whereInStack("m")
      module <- get0("m", envir = moduleEnv)

    # module <- get("m", envir = sys.frame(doEventFrameNum[2])) # always 2
    otherFns <- c(paste0("module:", module), otherFns)

#' @keywords internal
nextNumericName <- function(string) {
  theExt <- fileExt(string)
  saveFilenameSansExt <- filePathSansExt(string)
  finalNumericPattern <- "_[[:digit:]]+$"
  allSimilarFilesInDir <- dir(dirname(saveFilenameSansExt), pattern = basename(saveFilenameSansExt))
  allSimilarFilesInDirSansExt <- if (length(allSimilarFilesInDir) == 0) {
  } else {
  alreadyHasNumeric <- grepl(allSimilarFilesInDirSansExt, pattern = finalNumericPattern)
  if (isTRUE(any(alreadyHasNumeric))) {
    splits <- strsplit(allSimilarFilesInDirSansExt[alreadyHasNumeric], split = "_")
    highestNumber <- max(unlist(lapply(splits, function(split) as.numeric(tail(split, 1)))),
      na.rm = TRUE
    preNumeric <- unique(unlist(lapply(splits, function(spl) paste(spl[-length(spl)], collapse = "_")))) # nolint
    ## keep rndstr in here (below), so that both streams keep same rnd number state
    out <- file.path(dirname(saveFilenameSansExt), paste0(preNumeric, "_", highestNumber + 1))
  } else {
    out <- paste0(saveFilenameSansExt, "_1")

  paste0(out, ".", theExt)

list2envAttempts <- function(x, envir) {
  attempt <- try(list2env(x, envir), silent = TRUE)
  output <- NULL
  if (is(attempt, "try-error")) {
    attempt <- try(list2env(x, envir@.xData), silent = TRUE)
    if (is(attempt, "try-error")) {
      output <- as.environment(x)

#' Copy the file-backing of a file-backed Raster* object
#' Rasters are sometimes file-based, so the normal save and copy and assign
#' mechanisms in R don't work for saving, copying and assigning.
#' This function creates an explicit file copy of the file that is backing the raster,
#' and changes the pointer (i.e., `filename(object)`) so that it is pointing
#' to the new file.
#' @param obj The raster object to save to the repository.
#' @param repoDir Character denoting an existing directory in which an artifact will be saved.
#' @param overwrite Logical. Should the raster be saved to disk, overwriting existing file.
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return A raster object and its newly located file backing.
#'         Note that if this is a legitimate Cache repository, the new location
#'         will be a subdirectory called \file{rasters/} of \file{repoDir/}.
#'         If this is not a repository, the new location will be within `repoDir`.
#' @author Eliot McIntire
#' @importFrom digest digest
#' @importFrom methods is selectMethod slot slot<-
#' @inheritParams Cache
#' @rdname prepareFileBackedRaster
.prepareFileBackedRaster <- function(obj, repoDir = NULL, overwrite = FALSE,
                                     drv = getDrv(getOption("reproducible.drv", NULL)),
                                     conn = getOption("reproducible.conn", NULL),
                                     ...) {
  fnsAll <- Filenames(obj)
  fnsShort <- Filenames(obj, FALSE)
  if (!all(nchar(fnsAll) == 0)) {
    repoDir <- checkPath(repoDir, create = TRUE)
    isRepo <- CacheIsACache(cachePath = repoDir, drv = drv, conn = conn)
    # thoseWithGRI <- endsWith(fnsAll, "gri")
    fns <- fnsAll
    FB <- nchar(fns) > 0
    if (any(!file.exists(fns[FB]))) {
      FBshort <- nchar(fnsShort) > 0
      fnsOnly <- fnsShort[FBshort]
      badFileNames <- fnsOnly[!file.exists(fnsOnly)]

      trySaveFilename <- badFileNames
      if (any(grepl(basename(repoDir), badFileNames))) {
        # File is in wrong folder, usually the result of a copy of cache between 2 machines
        splittedFilenames <- strsplit(badFileNames, split = basename(repoDir))
        trySaveFilename <- if (length(splittedFilenames) == 1) {
            file.path(repoDir, splittedFilenames[[1]][[length(splittedFilenames[[1]])]]),
            winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE
        } else {
          splittedFilenames2 <- lapply(splittedFilenames, function(x) {
            ifelse(length(x), x[length(x)], "")
          normalizePath(file.path(repoDir, splittedFilenames2), winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
      if (any(!file.exists(trySaveFilename))) {
          "The following file-backed rasters are supposed to be on disk ",
          "but appear to have been deleted:\n",
          paste("    ", badFileNames, collapse = "\n"),
          ". The most likely reason is that two functions had the same output ",
          "and one of them was removed with clearCache(...). ",
          "The best solution to this is never have two functions create the same ",
          "file-backed raster."
      } else {
        obj <- updateFilenameSlots(obj, curFilenames = fnsOnly, trySaveFilename)
        fnsAll <- fns <- Filenames(obj)
    saveFilename <- fns
    bn <- basename(fns)
    bnFB <- bn[FB]
    saveFilename[FB] <- if (isRepo) {
      file.path(repoDir, "rasters"[isRepo], bnFB)
    } else {
      file.path(repoDir, bnFB)
    dirForNewFiles <- unique(dirname(saveFilename[FB]))
    checkPath(dirForNewFiles, create = TRUE)
    saveFilename <- normPath(saveFilename)
    saveFilenamePreNumeric <- saveFilename
    exist <- file.exists(saveFilename)
    if (any(exist)) {
      saveFilename[exist] <- unlist(lapply(saveFilename[exist], nextNumericName))
    FBAll <- nchar(fnsAll) > 0
    out <- hardLinkOrCopy(from = fnsAll[FBAll], to = saveFilename[FBAll])
    saveFilenamesToUpdateSlot <- saveFilename[basename(saveFilenamePreNumeric) %in%
    obj <- updateFilenameSlots(obj, fnsShort, saveFilenamesToUpdateSlot)

withoutFinalNumeric <- function(string) {
  ext <- fileExt(string)
  string1 <- filePathSansExt(string)
  woNumeric <- gsub("^(.+)\\_[[:digit:]]+$", "\\1", string1)
  paste0(woNumeric, ".", ext)


wrapSpatVector <- function(obj) {
  obj <- terra::wrap(obj)
  if (FALSE) {
    geom1 <- terra::geom(obj)
    geom1 <- list(
      cols125 = matrix(as.integer(geom1[, c(1, 2, 5)]), ncol = 3),
      cols34 = matrix(as.integer(geom1[, c(3, 4)]), ncol = 2)
    geomtype1 <- terra::geomtype(obj)
    dat1 <- terra::values(obj)
    crs1 <- terra::crs(obj)
    obj <- list(geom1, geomtype1, dat1, crs1)
    names(obj) <- spatVectorNamesForCache

unwrapSpatVector <- function(obj) {
  obj <- terra::unwrap(obj)
  if (FALSE) {
    obj$x <- cbind(obj$x$cols125[, 1:2, drop = FALSE], obj$x$cols34[, 1:2, drop = FALSE], obj$x$cols125[, 3, drop = FALSE])
    do.call(terra::vect, obj)

#' Has a cached object has been updated?
#' @param x cached object
#' @return logical
#' @export
isUpdated <- function(x) {
  cond1 <- isTRUE(attr(x, ".Cache")[["newCache"]])
  cond2 <- length(attr(x, ".Cache")[["changed"]]) > 0

  cond1 || cond2
PredictiveEcology/reproducible documentation built on June 3, 2024, 10:05 p.m.