
Defines functions calc_gSGC

Documented in calc_gSGC

#' Calculate De value based on the gSGC by Li et al., 2015
#' Function returns De value and De value error using the global standardised growth
#' curve (gSGC) assumption proposed by Li et al., 2015 for OSL dating of sedimentary quartz
#' The error of the De value is determined using a Monte Carlo simulation approach.
#' Solving of the equation is realised using [uniroot].
#' Large values for `n.MC` will significantly increase the computation time.
#' @param data [data.frame] (**required**):
#' input data of providing the following columns: `LnTn`, `LnTn.error`, `Lr1Tr1`, `Lr1Tr1.error`, `Dr1`
#' **Note:** column names are not required. The function expects the input data in the given order
#' @param gSGC.type [character] (*with default*):
#' define the function parameters that
#' should be used for the iteration procedure: Li et al., 2015 (Table 2)
#' presented function parameters for two dose ranges: `"0-450"` and `"0-250"`
#' @param gSGC.parameters [list] (*optional*):
#' option to provide own function parameters used for fitting as named list.
#' Nomenclature follows Li et al., 2015, i.e. `list(A,A.error,D0,D0.error,c,c.error,Y0,Y0.error,range)`,
#' range requires a vector for the range the function is considered as valid, e.g. `range = c(0,250)`\cr
#' Using this option overwrites the default parameter list of the gSGC, meaning the argument
#' `gSGC.type` will be without effect
#' @param n.MC [integer] (*with default*):
#' number of Monte Carlo simulation runs for error estimation, see details.
#' @param verbose [logical]:
#' enable or disable terminal output
#' @param plot [logical]:
#' enable or disable graphical feedback as plot
#' @param ... parameters will be passed to the plot output
#' @return Returns an S4 object of type [RLum.Results-class].
#' **`@data`**\cr
#' `$ De.value` ([data.frame]) \cr
#'  `.. $ De`  \cr
#'  `.. $ De.error` \cr
#'  `.. $ Eta` \cr
#' `$ De.MC` ([list]) contains the matrices from the error estimation.\cr
#' `$ uniroot` ([list]) contains the [uniroot] outputs of the De estimations\cr
#' **`@info`**\cr
#' `$ call`` ([call]) the original function call
#' @section Function version: 0.1.1
#' @author
#' Sebastian Kreutzer, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University (Germany)
#' @seealso [RLum.Results-class], [get_RLum], [uniroot]
#' @references
#' Li, B., Roberts, R.G., Jacobs, Z., Li, S.-H., 2015. Potential of establishing
#' a 'global standardised growth curve' (gSGC) for optical dating of quartz from sediments.
#' Quaternary Geochronology 27, 94-104. doi:10.1016/j.quageo.2015.02.011
#' @keywords datagen
#' @examples
#' results <- calc_gSGC(data = data.frame(
#' LnTn =  2.361, LnTn.error = 0.087,
#' Lr1Tr1 = 2.744, Lr1Tr1.error = 0.091,
#' Dr1 = 34.4))
#' get_RLum(results, data.object = "De")
#' @md
#' @export
calc_gSGC<- function(
  gSGC.type = "0-250",
  n.MC = 100,
  verbose = TRUE,
  plot = TRUE,
) {
  on.exit(.unset_function_name(), add = TRUE)


  .validate_class(data, "data.frame")
  if (ncol(data) != 5)
    .throw_error("'data' is expected to have 5 columns")
  gSGC.type <- .validate_args(gSGC.type, c("0-250", "0-450"))

  ##rename columns for consistency reasons
  colnames(data) <- c('LnTn', 'LnTn.error', 'Lr1Tr1', 'Lr1Tr1.error', 'Dr1')


    ##define function, nomenclature according to publication that should be solved
    f <- function(x,A,D0,c,Y0,Dr1,Lr1Tr1,LnTn) {
      (((A * (1 - exp( - Dr1 / D0))) + c * Dr1 + Y0)/Lr1Tr1) -
      (((A * (1 - exp( - x/D0))) + c * x + Y0)/LnTn)

    ##set general parameters
    if (!missing(gSGC.parameters)) {
      A <- gSGC.parameters$A
      A.error <- gSGC.parameters$A.error
      D0 <- gSGC.parameters$D0
      D0.error <- gSGC.parameters$D0.error
      c <- gSGC.parameters$c
      c.error <- gSGC.parameters$c.error
      Y0 <- gSGC.parameters$Y0
      Y0.error <- gSGC.parameters$Y0.error
      range <- gSGC.parameters$range

      if (gSGC.type == "0-450") {
        A <- 0.723
        A.error <- 0.014
        D0 <- 65.1
        D0.error <- 0.9
        c <- 0.001784
        c.error <- 0.000016
        Y0 <- 0.009159
        Y0.error <- 0.004795

        range <- c(0.1,250)

      }else if (gSGC.type == "0-250") {
        A <- 0.787
        A.error <- 0.051
        D0 <- 73.9
        D0.error <- 2.2
        c <- 0.001539
        c.error <- 0.000068
        Y0 <- 0.01791
        Y0.error <- 0.00490

        range <- c(0.1,250)

    ##Define size of output objects
    output.data <- data.table::data.table(
      DE = numeric(length = nrow(data)),
      DE.ERROR =  numeric(length = nrow(data)),
      ETA =  numeric(length = nrow(data))

    ##set list for De.MC
    output.De.MC <- vector("list",  nrow(data))

    ##set list for uniroot
    output.uniroot <-  vector("list",  nrow(data))

for(i in 1:nrow(data)){
    Lr1Tr1 <- data[i, "Lr1Tr1"]
    Lr1Tr1.error <- data[i,"Lr1Tr1.error"]
    Dr1 <- data[i,"Dr1"]
    Dr1.error <- data[i,"Dr1.error"]

    LnTn <- data[i,"LnTn"]
    LnTn.error <- data[i,"LnTn.error"]

  ##calculate mean value
    temp <- try(uniroot(
      interval = c(0.1,450),
      tol = 0.001,
      A = A,
      D0 = D0,
      c = c,
      Y0 = Y0,
      Dr1 = Dr1,
      Lr1Tr1 = Lr1Tr1,
      LnTn = LnTn,
      extendInt = 'yes',
      check.conv = TRUE,
      maxiter = 1000
    ), silent = TRUE)

  if(!inherits(temp, "try-error")){

    ##get De
    De <- temp$root

    ##calculate Eta, which is the normalisation factor
    Eta <- ((A * (1 - exp( - Dr1 / D0))) + c * Dr1 + Y0)/Lr1Tr1

    ##Monte Carlo simulation for error estimation

    ##set matrix
    temp.MC.matrix <- matrix(nrow = n.MC, ncol = 8)

    ##fill matrix
    temp.MC.matrix[,1:6] <- matrix(rnorm(
      n.MC * 6,
      mean = c(LnTn, Lr1Tr1, A, D0, c, Y0),
      sd = c(LnTn.error, Lr1Tr1.error, A.error, D0.error, c.error, Y0.error)
    ), ncol = 6, byrow = TRUE)

      ##run uniroot to get the De
      temp.MC.matrix[,7] <- vapply(X = 1:n.MC, FUN = function(x){

                interval = c(0.1,450),
                tol = 0.001,
                A = temp.MC.matrix[x,3],
                D0 = temp.MC.matrix[x,4],
                c = temp.MC.matrix[x,5],
                Y0 = temp.MC.matrix[x,6],
                Dr1 = Dr1,
                Lr1Tr1 =temp.MC.matrix[x,2],
                LnTn = temp.MC.matrix[x,1],
                check.conv = TRUE,
                extendInt = 'yes',
                maxiter = 1000

      }, FUN.VALUE = vector(mode = "numeric", length = 1))

      ##calculate also the normalisation factor
      temp.MC.matrix[,8] <- (temp.MC.matrix[,3] * (1 - exp( - Dr1 / temp.MC.matrix[,4])) +
        temp.MC.matrix[,5] * Dr1 + temp.MC.matrix[,6])/temp.MC.matrix[,2]

      ##re-name matrix
      colnames(temp.MC.matrix) <- c("LnTn","Lr1Tr1","A","D0","c","Y0","De","Eta")

      ##get De error as SD
      De.error <- sd(temp.MC.matrix[,7])

    .throw_warning("No solution was found")
    De <- NA
    Eta <- NA
    De.error <- NA

    ##set matrix
    temp.MC.matrix <- matrix(nrow = n.MC, ncol = 8)

    ##fill matrix
    temp.MC.matrix[,1:6] <- matrix(rnorm(
      n.MC * 6,
      mean = c(LnTn, Lr1Tr1, A, D0, c, Y0),
      sd = c(LnTn.error, Lr1Tr1.error, A.error, D0.error, c.error, Y0.error)
    ), ncol = 6, byrow = TRUE)

# Plot output -------------------------------------------------------------
  if (plot) {

    ##set plot settings
    plot.settings <- list(
      main = "gSGC and resulting De",
      xlab = "Dose [a.u.]",
      ylab = expression(paste("Re-norm. ", L[x]/T[x])),
      xlim = NULL,
      ylim = NULL,
      lwd = 1,
      lty = 1,
      pch = 21,
      col = "red",
      grid = expression(nx = 10, ny = 10),
      mtext = ""

    plot.settings <-  modifyList(plot.settings, list(...))

    ##graphical feedback
    x <- NA
      A * (1 - exp(-x / D0)) + c * x + Y0, from = 0, to = 500,
      xlab = plot.settings$xlab,
      ylab = plot.settings$ylab,
      main = plot.settings$main,
      xlim = plot.settings$xlim,
      ylim = plot.settings$ylim,
      lwd = plot.settings$lwd,
      lty = plot.settings$lty

    mtext(side = 3, plot.settings$mtext)


    if(!inherits(temp, "try-error")){

      if(temp$root < 450 & temp$root > 0){
        points(temp$root,Eta*LnTn, col = plot.settings$col, pch = plot.settings$pch)
        segments(De - De.error,Eta * LnTn,
                 De + De.error,Eta * LnTn)

        hist <-
            temp.MC.matrix[, 7],
            freq = FALSE,
            add = TRUE,
            col = rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.2),
            border = rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.5)


        if(temp$root < 450){
            x0 = 450,
            y0 = par()$usr[4] - 0.2,
            x1 = 500,
            y1 = par()$usr[4] - 0.2,
            arr.type = "triangle",
            col = "red"

              x0 = 50,
              y0 = par()$usr[4] - 0.2,
              x1 = 0,
              y1 = par()$usr[4] - 0.2,
              arr.type = "triangle",
              col = "red"

        mtext(side = 1, text = "Out of bounds!", col = "red")

      mtext(side = 1, text = "No solution found!", col = "red")

# Terminal output ---------------------------------------------------------
    if (verbose) {
      cat("\n Corresponding De based on the gSGC\n")

      cat(paste0("\n"," Ln/Tn:\t\t ",LnTn," \u00B1 ", LnTn.error,"\n"))
      cat(paste0(""," Lr1/Tr1:\t ",Lr1Tr1," \u00B1 ", Lr1Tr1.error,"\n"))
      cat(paste0(""," Dr1:\t\t ",Dr1,"\n"))
      cat(paste0(""," f(D):\t\t ",A," * (1 - exp(-D /",D0,")) + c * D + ",Y0,"\n"))
      cat(paste0(""," n.MC:\t\t ",n.MC,"\n"))
      cat(paste0(" ------------------------------ \n"))
      cat(paste0(" De:\t\t",round(De,digits = 2)," \u00B1 ",round(De.error,digits = 2),"\n"))
      cat(paste0(" ------------------------------ \n"))


    ##needed for data.table
    temp.De <- De
    temp.De.error <- De.error
    temp.Eta <- Eta

    ##replace values in the data.table with values
    output.data[i, `:=` (DE = temp.De,
                         DE.ERROR = temp.De.error,
                         ETA = temp.Eta)]

    rm(list = c('temp.De', 'temp.De.error', 'temp.Eta'))

    ##matrix - to prevent memory overload limit output
    if(n.MC * nrow(data) > 1e6){
      # nocov start
      if(i == 1){
        output.De.MC[[i]] <- temp.MC.matrix
        output.De.MC[[i]] <- NA

      .throw_warning("Only the first MC matrix is returned to prevent ",
                     "memory overload")
      # nocov end
      output.De.MC[[i]] <- temp.MC.matrix

    output.uniroot[[i]] <- temp

}##end for loop


    temp.RLum.Results <- set_RLum(
      class = "RLum.Results",
      data = list(
        De = as.data.frame(output.data),
        De.MC =  output.De.MC,
        uniroot = output.uniroot
      info = list( call = sys.call())

R-Lum/Luminescence documentation built on Oct. 16, 2024, 5:49 a.m.