
Defines functions .pkg_base .extract_tests_to_file

# extract_tests.R ################################################################
# This file is part of the R package `documentation`.                            #
#                                                                                #
# Copyright 2017 Andrew Redd                                                     #
# Date: 2017-06-09                                                               #
#                                                                                #
# DESCRIPTION                                                                    #
# ===========                                                                    #
# Extract blocks for testing.                                                    #
#                                                                                #
# LICENSE                                                                        #
# ========                                                                       #
# The R package `documentation` is free software:                                #
# you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the                             #
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software      #
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later     #
# version.                                                                       #
#                                                                                #
# This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT   #
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS  #
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. #
#                                                                                #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with   #
# this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.                        #
#                                                                                #

makeActiveBinding( '.tests.head.lines', function(){
    include.time <- getOption("testextra::include_extraction_time", FALSE)
    c( ._("#! This file was automatically produced by the testextra package.")
     , if(include.time) ._("#! Extracted on %s", Sys.time())
     , ._("#! Changes will be overwritten.")
     , ''
}, environment())

.pkg_base <- function(path){
    if (grepl("\\.(R|r)$", path))
        path <- dirname(path)
    while ( nchar(path) > 0
         && basename(path) %in% c('R', 'man', 'tests', 'testthat')
         && !file.exists(file.path(path, 'DESCRIPTION'))
          ) path <- dirname(path)
    if (file.exists(file.path(path, 'DESCRIPTION'))) return(path)
    test.pkg.src <- system.file("testExtractionTest", "R", package = "testextra")
    pkg <- normalizePath( file.path(tempdir(), "testExtractionTest")
                        , "/", mustWork = FALSE)
    if (dir.exists(pkg))
        unlink(pkg, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)

    package.skeleton("testExtractionTest", path=tempdir()
                    , code_files = list.files(test.pkg.src, full=TRUE)
    expect_identical(.pkg_base(pkg), pkg)
    expect_identical(.pkg_base(file.path(pkg, "R", fsep = '/')), pkg)
    expect_identical(.pkg_base(file.path(pkg, "R", "Class.R", fsep = '/')), pkg)

    unlink(file.path(pkg, "DESCRIPTION", fsep = '/'))

    unlink(pkg, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)

.extract_tests_to_file <-
function( file              #< file to extract tests from
        , file.out  = NULL  #< file to write tests to, if provided must be fully specified, ie. `dir` will be ignored.
        , test.dir  = NULL  #< directory where to store extracted blocks.
        , verbose   = getOption('verbose', FALSE) #< Show progress messages?
        , full.path = FALSE
        , force = FALSE     #< Force extraction
    pkg_message(._("* Extracting tests from file `%s`.\n", file)) %if% verbose
    if (is.null(file.out)){
        if (is.null(test.dir)){
            test.dir <- .pkg_base(file)
            if (is.null(test.dir)) test.dir <- '.'
            if (file.exists(. <- file.path(test.dir, "tests"   ))) test.dir <- .
            if (file.exists(. <- file.path(test.dir, "testthat"))) test.dir <- .
            if (verbose) message("  + `test.dir` not provided. Setting to `", test.dir, "`")
        file.out <- file.path(test.dir, sprintf("test-%s", basename(file)))

    if (!force && file.exists(file.out) && file.mtime(file) < file.mtime(file.out)){
        pkg_message(._("  + file `%s` is newer.  SKIPPING.\n", file.out)) %if% verbose
        return(invisible(structure(character(0), test.file=file.out)))

    pkg_message(._("  + Writting extracted tests to `%s`.", file.out)) %if% verbose
    #! Extract `if(F){#! @TESTTHAT }` blocks from file
    content <- parsetools::extract_test_blocks(file)
    if (length(content)==0){
        pkg_message(._("  + No testing blocks found in `%s`.", file)) %if% verbose
    context.line <- sprintf("context('tests extracted from file `%s`')"
                           , if (full.path) file else basename(file))
    cat( .tests.head.lines, context.line, content, file=file.out, sep='\n', append=FALSE )

    #! testing blocks can be placed inside the same files as the source
    #! for the functions.  Wrap the lines in curly braces and place
    #! `if(FALSE)` before the opening brace, to denote that the code
    #! should not be run when sourced, such as when building a package.
    #! The `FALSE` may be abbreviated as `F`, but those are the only
    #! two acceptable options.  Also required is a documentation comment with a
    #! tag denoting that the block is for testing,
    #! either `@@testthat`, `@@testing`, or simply `@@test` are acceptable.
    #! The comment must be a documentation comment, regular comments are
    #! ignored, and the taging comment must be the first element in the block.
    return(structure(attr(content, 'test.names'), test.file=file.out))
if(FALSE){#@testing .extract_tests_to_file Basic
{'hello_world <- function(){
    print("hello world")
    expect_output(hello_world(), "hello world")

f2 <- function(){stop("this does nothing")}
if(F){#! @test
if(F){#! example
'}-> text
tmp.in  <- normalizePath(tempfile("src-" , fileext=".R"), '/', FALSE)
tmp.out <- normalizePath(tempfile("test-", fileext=".R"), '/', FALSE)
if (!dir.exists(. <- dirname(tmp.in))) dir.create(.)

writeLines(text, tmp.in)

x <- .extract_tests_to_file(tmp.in, tmp.out, verbose=FALSE)

expect_true ( file.exists(tmp.out))
expect_equal( lines <- readLines(tmp.out)
            , c( "#! This file was automatically produced by the testextra package."
               , "#! Changes will be overwritten."
               , ""
               , sprintf("context('tests extracted from file `%s`')", basename(tmp.in))
               , sprintf("#line 4 \"%s\"", tmp.in)
               , "test_that('hello_world', {#!@testthat"
               , "    expect_output(hello_world(), \"hello world\")"
               , "})"
               , sprintf("#line 9 \"%s\"", tmp.in)
               , "test_that('f2', {#! @test"
               , "    expect_error(f2())"
               , "})"
expect_equal(x, structure(c("hello_world", "f2"), test.file = tmp.out))

expect_message( x <- .extract_tests_to_file(tmp.in, tmp.out, verbose=TRUE)
              , "* Extracting tests from file `.*`."
expect_true (file.exists(tmp.out))
expect_equal( lines
            , c( "#! This file was automatically produced by the testextra package."
               , "#! Changes will be overwritten."
               , ""
               , sprintf("context('tests extracted from file `%s`')", basename(tmp.in))
               , sprintf("#line 4 \"%s\"", tmp.in)
               , "test_that('hello_world', {#!@testthat"
               , "    expect_output(hello_world(), \"hello world\")"
               , "})"
               , sprintf("#line 9 \"%s\"", tmp.in)
               , "test_that('f2', {#! @test"
               , "    expect_error(f2())"
               , "})"
expect_equal(x, structure(c("hello_world", "f2"), test.file = tmp.out))

val <- .extract_tests_to_file(tmp.in, tmp.out, verbose=FALSE, force=FALSE)
expect_identical(val, structure(character(0), test.file=tmp.out))
expect_message( val <- .extract_tests_to_file(tmp.in, tmp.out, verbose=TRUE, force=FALSE)
              , "  \\+ file `" %<<<% tmp.out %<<<% "` is newer\\.  SKIPPING\\."

val <- .extract_tests_to_file(tmp.in, tmp.out, verbose=FALSE, force=TRUE)
expect_equal(val, structure(c("hello_world", "f2"), test.file = tmp.out))


withr::with_dir(dirname(tmp.in), {
    if (dir.exists('tests')) unlink('tests', recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
    x <- .extract_tests_to_file( file = basename(tmp.in)
                               , file.out = NULL
                               , NULL
                               , verbose=FALSE)
    file.out <- file.path('.', "test-" %<<<% basename(tmp.in), fsep='/')
    expect_equal( lines <- readLines(file.out)
                , c( "#! This file was automatically produced by the testextra package."
                   , "#! Changes will be overwritten."
                   , ""
                   , sprintf("context('tests extracted from file `%s`')", basename(tmp.in))
                   , sprintf("#line 4 \"%s\"", basename(tmp.in))
                   , "test_that('hello_world', {#!@testthat"
                   , "    expect_output(hello_world(), \"hello world\")"
                   , "})"
                   , sprintf("#line 9 \"%s\"", basename(tmp.in))
                   , "test_that('f2', {#! @test"
                   , "    expect_error(f2())"
                   , "})"
    expect_equal(x, structure(c("hello_world", "f2")
                     , test.file = file.out))
withr::with_dir(dirname(tmp.in), {
    if (!dir.exists('tests')) dir.create('tests') else
    if ( dir.exists('tests/testthat')) unlink('tests/testthat', TRUE, TRUE)
        x <- .extract_tests_to_file( file = basename(tmp.in)
                                   , file.out = NULL
                                   , NULL
                                   , verbose=TRUE)
    }, "  \\+ `test.dir` not provided. Setting to `.*`")
    file.out <- "./tests/test-" %<<<% basename(tmp.in)
    expect_equal( lines <- readLines(file.out)
                , c( "#! This file was automatically produced by the testextra package."
                   , "#! Changes will be overwritten."
                   , ""
                   , sprintf("context('tests extracted from file `%s`')", basename(tmp.in))
                   , sprintf("#line 4 \"%s\"", basename(tmp.in))
                   , "test_that('hello_world', {#!@testthat"
                   , "    expect_output(hello_world(), \"hello world\")"
                   , "})"
                   , sprintf("#line 9 \"%s\"", basename(tmp.in))
                   , "test_that('f2', {#! @test"
                   , "    expect_error(f2())"
                   , "})"
    expect_equal(x, structure(c("hello_world", "f2"), test.file = file.out))
    unlink("tests", force = TRUE)
withr::with_dir(dirname(tmp.in), {
    if (!dir.exists('tests/testthat'))
        dir.create('tests/testthat', recursive = TRUE)
        x <- .extract_tests_to_file( file = basename(tmp.in)
                                   , file.out = NULL
                                   , test.dir = NULL
                                   , verbose=TRUE)
    }, "  \\+ Writting extracted tests to `.*`.")
    file.out <- "./tests/testthat/test-" %<<<% basename(tmp.in)
    expect_equal( lines <- readLines(file.out)
                , c( "#! This file was automatically produced by the testextra package."
                   , "#! Changes will be overwritten."
                   , ""
                   , sprintf("context('tests extracted from file `%s`')", basename(tmp.in))
                   , sprintf("#line 4 \"%s\"", basename(tmp.in))
                   , "test_that('hello_world', {#!@testthat"
                   , "    expect_output(hello_world(), \"hello world\")"
                   , "})"
                   , sprintf("#line 9 \"%s\"", basename(tmp.in))
                   , "test_that('f2', {#! @test"
                   , "    expect_error(f2())"
                   , "})"
    expect_equal(x, structure(c("hello_world", "f2"), test.file = file.out))
    }, finally = unlink(file.path(tempdir(), "tests"), TRUE, TRUE))
expect_false(dir.exists(file.path(tempdir(), "tests")))

if(FALSE){#@testing .extract_tests_to_file setClass
    expect_is(getClass("Test-Class"), "classRepresentation")
'}-> class.text

tmp.in  <- tempfile("src-" , fileext=".R")
tmp.out <- tempfile("test-", fileext=".R")

writeLines(class.text, tmp.in)
x <- .extract_tests_to_file(tmp.in, tmp.out, verbose=FALSE)
lines <- readLines(tmp.out)

expect_true (file.exists(tmp.out))
expect_equal( lines
            , c( "#! This file was automatically produced by the testextra package."
               , "#! Changes will be overwritten."
               , ""
               , sprintf("context('tests extracted from file `%s`')", basename(tmp.in))
               , sprintf("#line 3 \"%s\"", tmp.in)
               , "test_that('setClass(\"Test-Class\", ...)', {#!@test"
               , "    expect_true(TRUE)"
               , "    expect_is(getClass(\"Test-Class\"), \"classRepresentation\")"
               , "})"
expect_equal(x, structure("setClass(\"Test-Class\", ...)", test.file = tmp.out))

if(FALSE){#@testing .extract_tests_to_file setMethod
setMethod("show", "Test-Class", function(x){cat("hi")})
'-> method.text
tmp.in  <- tempfile("src-" , fileext=".R")
tmp.out <- tempfile("test-", fileext=".R")

writeLines(method.text, tmp.in)
x <- .extract_tests_to_file(tmp.in, tmp.out, verbose=FALSE)
lines <- readLines(tmp.out)

expect_true (file.exists(tmp.out))
expect_equal( lines
            , c( "#! This file was automatically produced by the testextra package."
               , "#! Changes will be overwritten."
               , ""
               , sprintf("context('tests extracted from file `%s`')", basename(tmp.in))
               , sprintf("#line 3 \"%s\"", tmp.in)
               , "test_that('show,Test-Class-method', {#!@test"
               , "    expect_true(TRUE)"
               , "})"
expect_equal(x, structure("show,Test-Class-method", test.file = tmp.out))

if(FALSE){#@testing .extract_tests_to_file setGeneric
setGeneric("yolo", yolo::yolo)
'-> generic.text
tmp.in  <- tempfile("src-" , fileext=".R")
tmp.out <- tempfile("test-", fileext=".R")

writeLines(generic.text, tmp.in)
x <- .extract_tests_to_file(tmp.in, tmp.out, verbose=FALSE)
lines <- readLines(tmp.out)

expect_true (file.exists(tmp.out))
expect_equal( lines
            , c( "#! This file was automatically produced by the testextra package."
               , "#! Changes will be overwritten."
               , ""
               , sprintf("context('tests extracted from file `%s`')", basename(tmp.in))
               , sprintf("#line 3 \"%s\"", tmp.in)
               , "test_that('setGeneric(\"yolo\", ...)', {#!@test"
               , "    expect_true(TRUE)"
               , "})"
expect_equal(x, structure("setGeneric(\"yolo\", ...)", test.file = tmp.out))
if(FALSE){#@testing .extract_tests_to_file no test blocks
'hello_world <- function(){
    print("hello world")

f2 <- function(){stop("this does nothing")}
if(F){#! example
'-> text
tmp.in  <- tempfile("src-" , fileext=".R")
tmp.out <- tempfile("test-", fileext=".R")

writeLines(text, tmp.in)
expect_message( x <- .extract_tests_to_file(tmp.in, tmp.out, verbose=TRUE)
              , class = "testextra-message")
expect_identical(x, character())
expect_false (file.exists(tmp.out))

#' Extract tests from source
#' Use this function to extract tests from package source files.
#' In-source testing blocks are contained in blocks that are prevented
#' from running when sourced by an `if(FALSE){...}` statement.
#' It also contains a documentation tag to denote a testing block.
#' The first line of the block should look similar to
#' ```
#'     if(FALSE){#@testing [optional information]
#'     ...
#'     }
#' ```
#' @param pkg The root directory of the package.
#' @param filter If specified, only tests from files matching
#'               this regular expression are extracted.
#' @param verbose Print message?
#' @param full.path  Include full file paths in generated files.
#'                   TRUE, indicates full path,
#'                   FALSE, indicated only basename, and
#'                   NA(default) implies path relative to `pkg`.
#' @param force Force test extraction even if the generated test file
#'              is newer than the corresponding source file.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Extract all files
#' extract_tests('.')
#' # Extract only files that start with 'Class-' or 'class-'
#' extract_tests('.', filter="^[Cc]lass-.*\\.[Rr]$")
#' }
extract_tests <-
function( pkg = '.'     #< package to extract tests for.
        , filter = NULL
        , verbose  = getOption('verbose', FALSE) #< print messages
        , full.path = NA
        , force = FALSE #< Force extraction of tests.
    #! Extract tests for testing directory.
    if (requireNamespace('devtools')){
        pkg <- devtools::as.package(pkg)
    } else if (is.character(pkg) && file.exists(file.path(pkg, "DESCRIPTION"))) { # nocov start
        desc <- read.dcf(file.path(pkg, "DESCRIPTION"))
        desc <- structure(as.list(desc), names=tolower(colnames(desc)))
        desc$path <- normalizePath(pkg)
        pkg <- structure(desc, class = 'package')
    }# nocov end
    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
        pkg$path <- normalizePath(pkg$path, '/')  # nocov
    for(e in intersect(c('imports', 'suggests', 'depends', 'extends', 'collate'), names(pkg)))
        pkg[[e]] <- trimws(strsplit(pkg[[e]], "\\s*,\\s*")[[1]], 'both')
    if ( "testthat" %!in% pkg$suggests
      && "testthat" %!in% pkg$imports
      && "testthat" %!in% pkg$depends
      && "testthat" %!in% pkg$extends
        pkg_warning("testthat not found in suggests." %<<%
                    "`extract_tests` assumes a testthat infrastructure.")
    test.dir <- file.path(pkg$path, "tests", "testthat")
    if (!file.exists(test.dir)) {
        pkg_message("Creating directory `"%<<<% test.dir %<<<%"`") %if% (verbose) #nocov
        dir.create(test.dir, recursive=TRUE)
    if (!file.exists(.f <- file.path(test.dir, "..", "testthat.R"))){
        pkg_message("creating file `"%<<<%normalizePath(.f)%<<<%"`") %if% (verbose)  #nocov
        cat( c( paste0("# This file was created by `testextra::extract_tests` on ", Sys.time(), ".")
              , "# Once present, this file will not be overwritten and changes will persist."
              , "# To recreate the default version of this file delete and rerun `extract_tests`."
              , 'library(testthat)'
              , sprintf('test_check("%s")', pkg$package)
           , file=.f, sep='\n')

    files <- if(is.na(full.path)){
        old <- setwd(dir=pkg$path)
            list.files( "R", pattern="\\.r$", ignore.case=TRUE, full.names=FALSE))
    } else if (full.path) {
        list.files( file.path(pkg$path, "R"), pattern="\\.r$", ignore.case=TRUE, full.names=TRUE)
    } else {
        old <- setwd(dir=file.path(pkg$path, 'R'))
        list.files( ".", pattern="\\.r$", ignore.case=TRUE, full.names=FALSE)
    if (!is.null(filter)) {
        which.files <- grepl(filter, sub("\\.[rR]$", "", basename(files)), perl = TRUE)
        if (!any(which.files))
            pkg_error("Filtered to no files to extract from.")
        files <- files[which.files]
    structure( lapply( files, .extract_tests_to_file
                     , test.dir=test.dir
                     , verbose=verbose
                     , full.path = isTRUE(full.path)
                     , force = force
             , names = files)

    tmp.dir <- normalizePath(tempdir(), '/', TRUE)
    if (!dir.exists(tmp.dir)) dir.create(tmp.dir)
    if (dir.exists(. <- file.path(tmp.dir, "testExtractionTest")))
        unlink(., recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
    package.skeleton("testExtractionTest", path=tmp.dir, force=TRUE
                    , code_files = list.files(system.file("testExtractionTest", "R", package='testextra'), full=TRUE)
    pkg <- file.path(tmp.dir, "testExtractionTest", fsep='/')
    expect_warning( result <- extract_tests(pkg)
                  , "testthat not found in suggests. `extract_tests` assumes a testthat infrastructure.")
    test.dir <- file.path(tmp.dir, 'testExtractionTest', 'tests', 'testthat', fsep='/')
    expected <- structure( list( structure(c( "setClass(\"Test-Class\", ...)"
                                    , "show,Test-Class-method"
                                    , "setGeneric(\"yolo\", ...)"
                                  , test.file = file.path(test.dir, 'test-Class.R', fsep='/')
                               , structure("hello_world"
                                  , test.file = file.path(test.dir, 'test-function.R', fsep='/')
                         , names = file.path('R', c('Class.R', 'function.R'))
    test.dir <- normalizePath(file.path(pkg, "tests", "testthat"), '/', FALSE)
    expect_identical(list.files(test.dir), c('test-Class.R', 'test-function.R'))

    file <- file.path(test.dir, 'test-Class.R')
    expect_identical( readLines(file)[c(1:5)]
                    , c( "#! This file was automatically produced by the testextra package."
                       , "#! Changes will be overwritten."
                       , ""
                       , "context('tests extracted from file `Class.R`')"
                       , "#line 4 \"R/Class.R\""

    expect_equal( result, expected)
    expect_true(dir.exists(file.path(pkg, "tests", "testthat")))
    expect_true(file.exists(file.path(pkg, "tests", "testthat", "test-Class.R")))
    expect_true(file.exists(file.path(pkg, "tests", "testthat", "test-function.R")))

    description <- as.data.frame(read.dcf(file.path(pkg, 'DESCRIPTION')))
    description$Suggests <- collapse(c('testthat', 'testextra'), ", ")
    write.dcf(description, file=file.path(pkg, 'DESCRIPTION'))

    unlink(sapply(expected, attr, 'test.file'))
    expect_silent(result <- extract_tests(pkg, full.path = TRUE))
    expected <- structure( expected
                         , names = file.path(pkg, 'R', c('Class.R', 'function.R'), fsep ="/"))
    expect_identical(result, expected)

    file <- file.path(test.dir, 'test-Class.R')
    from <- normalizePath(file.path(pkg, "R", "Class.R"), '/', FALSE)
    expect_identical( readLines(file)[c(1:5)]
                    , c( "#! This file was automatically produced by the testextra package."
                       , "#! Changes will be overwritten."
                       , ""
                       , "context('tests extracted from file `" %<<<% from %<<<% "`')"
                       , "#line 4 \"" %<<<% from %<<<%"\""

    unlink(sapply(expected, attr, 'test.file'))
    expect_silent(result <- extract_tests(pkg, full.path = FALSE))
    expected <- structure( expected
                         , names = c('Class.R', 'function.R')
    expect_identical(result, expected)

    file <- file.path(test.dir, 'test-Class.R')
    from <- normalizePath(file.path(pkg, "R", "Class.R"), '/', FALSE)
    expect_identical( readLines(file)[c(1:5)]
                    , c( "#! This file was automatically produced by the testextra package."
                       , "#! Changes will be overwritten."
                       , ""
                       , "context('tests extracted from file `" %<<<% basename(from) %<<<% "`')"
                       , "#line 4 \"" %<<<% basename(from) %<<<%"\""

    unlink(pkg, recursive=TRUE, force = TRUE)
    pkg <- file.path(tempdir(), "testExtractionTest")
    if (dir.exists(pkg))
        unlink(pkg, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
    package.skeleton("testExtractionTest", path=tempdir()
                    , code_files = list.files(system.file("testExtractionTest", "R", package='testextra'), full=TRUE)
    test.dir <- normalizePath(file.path(pkg, "tests", "testthat"), '/', mustWork = FALSE)

    description <- as.data.frame(read.dcf(file.path(pkg, 'DESCRIPTION')))
    description$Suggests <- collapse(c('testthat', 'testextra'), ", ")
    write.dcf(description, file=file.path(pkg, 'DESCRIPTION'))

    expect_identical(list.files(test.dir, full.names = TRUE),character())
    result <- extract_tests(pkg, filter='Class', full.path = FALSE)
    expect_length(result, 1)
    expect_length(result[[1]], 3)
    expect_equal( structure(result[[1]], test.file=NULL)
                , c( 'setClass("Test-Class", ...)'
                   , 'show,Test-Class-method'
                   , 'setGeneric("yolo", ...)'
    expect_equal( normalizePath(attr(result[[1]], "test.file"))
                , normalizePath(file.path(test.dir, 'test-Class.R', fsep='/'))

    expect_identical( list.files(test.dir, full.names = FALSE)
                    , 'test-Class.R'

    expect_error(extract_tests(pkg, filter='bad filter', full.path = FALSE)
                , "Filtered to no files to extract from\\.")

    unlink(pkg, recursive = TRUE, force=TRUE)

#' Extract and run package tests
#' This function corresponds to an intentionally masks [devtools::test()]
#' from the [\code{devtools}](https://devtools.r-lib.org/) package.
#' This version is polymorphic depending on the number of arguments given.
#' When no arguments are provided all tests are extracted and run from
#' the package corresponding to the active working directory.
#' In other words `test()` is equivalent to `test(pkg='.', filter=NULL)`
#' If arguments are provided they may be named.
#' If any argument is named all must be named, if not found
#' the two key parameters will be taken to be
#' @param ... polymorphic arguments
#' @param pkg The package to test.
#' @param filter An optional filter to restrict the files to extract from and run tests for.
#' @param file for `test_file` the exact file to extract and test from.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Extract and run all tests for the package in the
#' # current working directory.
#' test()
#' # One argument form
#' # extract and test class files for the
#' # package in the current working directory.
#' test("^Class-")
#' # Two argument form
#' # Extract files matching "Class" in the filename
#' # for the package located at "inst/textExtractionTest"
#' test("inst/testExtractionTest", "Class")
#' }
# nocov start
test <-
function( ...
        , pkg    = switch(     nargs(), '.', ..1)
        , filter = switch( ...length(), ..1, ..2)
    if (nargs() > 2) pkg_error("too many arguments")
    if (is.null(pkg)) pkg <- '.'
    tests <- extract_tests(pkg, filter=filter)
    pkg_message(length(unlist(tests)) %<<<% ' test blocks extracted.\n')
    if (requireNamespace('devtools'))
        devtools::test(pkg=pkg, filter=filter, perl=TRUE)
        stop('devtools is required to run the tests.')

#' RStudio add-ins
addin_test <- function(){
    project <- rstudioapi::getActiveProject()
    if (is.null(project)) project <- getwd()
    try(test(pkg=project, filter=NULL))

#' @rdname test
extract_and_test_file <-
function( file = rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()$path
        , pkg  = rstudioapi::getActiveProject()
    tests <- .extract_tests_to_file(file, verbose=TRUE)
    testthat::test_file( attr(tests, 'test.file')
                       , env = asNamespace(basename(pkg)))

#' @rdname addin_test
addin_test_file <- function(){
    pkg <- rstudioapi::getActiveProject()
    doc <- rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()
    try(extract_and_test_file(doc$path, basename(pkg)))
# nocov end
RDocTaskForce/testextra documentation built on Feb. 5, 2020, 11:05 p.m.