
Defines functions .fitMCMC icsdata2mvicsdata simZ simQ simAlpha.u simAlpha.s alphaProp1

Documented in .fitMCMC

# Implements an MCMC sampler for the MIMOSA Author: finak

alphaProp1 <- function(alpha, sigma, i) {
    alpha[i] <- alpha[i] + rnorm(1, sd = sigma)

simAlpha.s <- function(alpha.s, alpha.u, z, S, llnull, llresp, i, rate) {
    a <- llnull(c(alpha.s, alpha.u))
    b <- llresp(c(alpha.s, alpha.u))

    old <- sum(a * z[, 1] + b * z[, 2]) + dexp(alpha.s[i], 1e-04, log = TRUE)
    alpha.s.prop <- alphaProp1(alpha.s, S, i)
    if (any(alpha.s.prop < 0)) {
        return(list(alpha.s, rate))

    a <- llnull(c(alpha.s.prop, alpha.u))
    b <- llresp(c(alpha.s.prop, alpha.u))

    new <- sum(a * z[, 1] + b * z[, 2]) + dexp(alpha.s.prop[i], 1e-04, log = TRUE)

    if (log(runif(1)) <= (new - old) & is.finite(new - old)) {
        rate[i] <- rate[i] + 1
        return(list(alpha.s.prop, rate))
    } else {
        return(list(alpha.s, rate))


simAlpha.u <- function(alpha.s, alpha.u, z, S, llnull, llresp, i, rate) {
    a <- llnull(c(alpha.s, alpha.u))
    b <- llresp(c(alpha.s, alpha.u))

    old <- sum(a * z[, 1] + b * z[, 2]) + dexp(alpha.u[i], 1e-04, log = TRUE)
    alpha.u.prop <- alphaProp1(alpha.u, S, i)
    if (any(alpha.u.prop < 0)) {
        return(list(alpha.u, rate))

    a <- llnull(c(alpha.s, alpha.u.prop))
    b <- llresp(c(alpha.s, alpha.u.prop))

    new <- sum(a * z[, 1] + b * z[, 2]) + dexp(alpha.u.prop[i], 1e-04, log = TRUE)

    if (log(runif(1)) <= (new - old) & is.finite(new - old)) {
        rate[i] <- rate[i] + 1
        return(list(alpha.u.prop, rate))
    } else {
        return(list(alpha.u, rate))


simQ <- function(z) {
    rbeta(1, sum(z[, 1]) + 1, sum(z[, 2]) + 1)

simZ <- function(q, alpha.s, alpha.u, llnull, llresp) {
    a <- llnull(c(alpha.s, alpha.u)) + log(q)
    b <- llresp(c(alpha.s, alpha.u)) + log(1 - q)
    den <- apply(cbind(a, b), 1, function(x) log(sum(exp(x - max(x)))) + max(x))
    p <- exp(a - den)
    z <- sapply(p, function(p) sample(c(0, 1), 1, prob = c(1 - p, p), replace = FALSE))
    return(cbind(z, 1 - z))

icsdata2mvicsdata <- function(x) {
    if (any(class(x) %in% "icsdata")) {
        xx <- list(n.stim = x[, c("Ns", "ns")], n.unstim = x[, c("Nu", "nu")])
        attr(xx, "pData") <- attributes(x)$pData
        class(xx) <- c(class(xx), "mvicsdata")
    } else {

#'Fit the MIMOSA model via MCMC
#'This is an internal function that fits the MIMOSA model via MCMC. It is called
#'from \code{MIMOSA}
#'@param data a \code{list} with elements names 'n.stim' and 'n.unstim', the
#'  stimulated and unstimulated counts. Must be at least of dimension 2.
#'@param inits the initialization parameters for the MCMC routine. Can be
#'  initialized from \code{MDMix} with \code{initonly=TRUE}.
#'@param iter the number of Mote Carlo iterations
#'@param burn the number of burn-in iterations
#'@param thin The thinning interval
#'@param tune the number of iterations used for tuning the step size
#'@param outfile the output file name
#'@param alternative either 'greater' or 'not equal' for fitting the one-sided
#'  or two-sided MIMOSA model, respectively.
#'@param UPPER tuning parameter for the upper bound on the acceptance ratio of
#'  each paramter
#'@param LOWER tuning parmeter for the lower bound on the acceptance ratio of
#'  each paramter
#'@param FAST \code{TRUE,FALSE}. Use the heuristic (FAST=TRUE) for fitting a
#'  one-sided model rather than recomputing the normalization constant via MCMC
#'  for each step.
#'  @importFrom coda mcmc
#'@param EXPRATE the mean of the prior distribution for the model hyperparameters.
#'@param pXi is the prior on the w,  beta(1,1) by default).
#'@param seed \code{numeric} random seed
#'  @rdname fitMCMC
#'  @name .fitMCMC
#'  @importFrom data.table fread
.fitMCMC <- function(data, inits = NULL, iter = 250000, burn = 50000, thin = 1, tune = 100,
    outfile = basename(tempfile(tmpdir = ".", fileext = ".dat")), alternative = "greater",
    UPPER = 0.5, LOWER = 0.15, FAST = TRUE, EXPRATE = 1e-04, pXi = c(1,1), seed = 10) {
    alternative <- match.arg(alternative, c("greater", "not equal"))
    data <- icsdata2mvicsdata(data)
    if (is.null(inits)) {
        r <- MDMix(data)
        inits <- list(alpha.s = r@par.stim, alpha.u = r@par.unstim, q = r@w[1], z = round(r@z))

    # If the alternative hypothesis is one-sided, then compute a filter for pu>ps and
    # pass that to the MCMC code
    if (alternative == "greater") {
        ps <- t(do.call(cbind, apply(data$n.stim, 1, function(x) (data.frame(prop.table(x))[-1L,
            , drop = FALSE]))))
        pu <- t(do.call(cbind, apply(data$n.unstim, 1, function(x) (data.frame(prop.table(x))[-1L,
            , drop = FALSE]))))

        filter <- sapply(1:nrow(ps), function(i) all(ps[i, ] <= pu[i, ]))
        FILTER = TRUE
    } else {
        filter <- rep(FALSE, nrow(data$n.stim))
        FILTER <- FALSE
    result <- .Call("C_fitMCMC", as.matrix(data$n.stim), as.matrix(data$n.unstim),
        as.vector(inits$alpha.s), as.vector(inits$alpha.u), as.vector(inits$q), as.matrix(inits$z),
        as.vector(iter), as.vector(burn), as.vector(thin), as.numeric(tune), as.character(outfile),
        as.vector(filter), as.numeric(UPPER), as.numeric(LOWER), FILTER, FAST, as.numeric(EXPRATE),
    if (inherits(result, "character")) {
    result$z <- cbind(result$z, 1 - result$z)
    result$getmcmc <- function(x = outfile) {
        coda::mcmc(read.table(x, sep = "\t", header = TRUE))
    # TODO rewrite this to be more robust with large files
    # result$getP<-function(x=paste(outfile,'P',sep='')){
    # nc<-length(strsplit(readLines(x,n=1),'\t')[[1]]) which.cols<-nc/3+1:nc #awk
    # each co lumn and read it quantiles<-sapply(which.cols[1:10],function(i){
    # system(sprintf('awk '{print $%s}' %s > column',i,x))
    # quantile(read.table('column',header=TRUE)[,1],c(0.025,0.5,0.975)) }) #return
    # the quantiles }
    result$getP <- function(x = paste(outfile, "P", sep = ""), thin = 1) {
        if (thin > 1) {
            nc <- length(strsplit(readLines(x, 1), "\t")[[1]])
            thins <- paste("p", paste(rep(";n", thin - 1), collapse = ""), sep = "")
            s <- sprintf("sed -n '%s' %s|cut -f %s-%s", thins, x, (nc/3 + 1), nc)
            con <- pipe(s)
            d <- do.call(rbind, lapply(strsplit(readLines(con), "\t")[-1L], as.numeric))
            colnames(d) <- strsplit(readLines(x, 1), "\t")[[1]][(nc/3 + 1):nc]
            d <- split(as.list(data.frame(d)), gl(nc/3, 2))
        } else {
            d <- mcmc(read.table(x, sep = "\t", header = TRUE))
            nc <- ncol(d)
            d <- split(as.list(data.frame(d[, (nc/3 + 1):nc])), gl(nc/3, 2))
    result$getRespInd<-function(x = paste(outfile, "P", sep = ""), thin = 1){
        tbl<-as.data.frame(data.table::fread(x, sep = "\t", header = TRUE))
            tbl<-tbl[sample(1:nrow(tbl),size = 10000,replace = FALSE),,drop=FALSE]
        tbl<-1.0-tbl #transform to response indicator rather than non-response indicator
    attr(result, "class") <- c(attr(result, "class"), "MDMixResult")
    attr(result, "pData") <- attr(data, "pData")
    result$n.stim <- data$n.stim
    result$n.unstim <- data$n.unstim
RGLab/MIMOSA documentation built on Nov. 13, 2020, 5:04 a.m.