
# Internal functions for rocto

# Package-related functions ----
# Display a nice rocto message when the package is loaded.
.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  packageStartupMessage("                        __
       _________  _____/ /_____
      / ___/ __ \\/ ___/ __/ __ \\
     / /  / /_/ / /__/ /_/ /_/ /
    /_/   \\____/\\___/\\__/\\____/\n")
  packageStartupMessage(paste0("    ", 
                                                         fields = "Title")),

# Job-related functions ----
# Check whether directory is a valid job
.checkJob <- function(dir, tdir, interactive = TRUE) {
  fulldir <- normalizePath(dir)
  wrns <- msgs <- c()
  if (!dir.exists(dir)) {
    wrns <- c(wrns, "Job directory does not exist")
  } else {
    # first copy to tempdir and switch to it.
    copySuccess <- file.copy(fulldir, tdir, recursive = TRUE)
    if (copySuccess) {
      tempwd <- file.path(tdir, basename(fulldir))
    } else {
      stop("Temporary directory not available; could not check your package.", 
           "Perhaps you don't have the correct permissions.")
    lst <- list.files(tempwd)
    fileExp <- c("main.R", "params.R") 
    fileChk <- fileExp %in% lst
    if (!all(fileChk)) {
      wrns <- c(wrns, sprintf("Missing file: ", fileExp[!fileChk]))
    } else {
      # create environment to evaluate the functions in main and params
      paramEnv <- new.env()
      mainEnv <- new.env()
      mainSourced <- try(source(file.path(tempwd,"main.R"), mainEnv), 
                         silent = TRUE)
      paramsSourced <- try(source(file.path(tempwd,"params.R"), paramEnv), 
                           silent = TRUE)
      if (inherits(mainSourced, "try-error")) {
        # remove call
        w <- trimws(sub("[^:]*: ", "", mainSourced[1], perl = TRUE)) 
        wrns <- c(wrns, w)
      if (inherits(paramsSourced, "try-error")) {
        # remove call
        w <- trimws(sub("[^:]*: ", "", paramsSourced[1], perl = TRUE)) 
        wrns <- c(wrns, w)
      if (!inherits(mainSourced, "try-error") && 
          !inherits(paramsSourced, "try-error")) {
        # check that testParams exist in the params file and that they contain 
        # all iterated parameters
        parItr <- ls(paramEnv)
        if (!"testParams" %in% parItr) {
          wrns <- c(wrns, "testParams not found!")
        } else {
          parItr <- parItr[parItr != "testParams"]
          parTst <- names(paramEnv$testParams)
          if (!suppressWarnings(all(sort(parItr) == sort(parTst)))) {
            wrns <- c(wrns, "Elements of testParams are not the same as iterated params!")
          } else {
            for (p in parTst) {
              if (class(paramEnv$testParams[[p]]) != class(paramEnv[[p]])) {
                wrns <- c(wrns, sprintf("testParam '%s' does not have the same class as its iterated counterpart!", p))
        # check that all params are used in main and all main params are itrted
        parUse <- names(formals(mainEnv$main))
        parChk <- parItr %in% parUse
        if (!all(parChk)) {
          wrns <- c(wrns, sprintf("Unused parameter in main: %s", 
        parChk <- parUse %in% parItr
        if (!all(parChk)) {
          wrns <- c(wrns, sprintf("Parameter used in main but not iterated: %s", 
      # Check whether the files used in the roctoJob are available
      uf <- .findUsedFiles(file.path(tempwd,"main.R"))
      if (!is.null(uf)) {
        for (fi in uf) {
          if (!file.exists(fi) && !dir.exists(fi)) {
            wrns <- c(wrns, sprintf("Used file '%s' not found.", fi))
    if (!dir.exists(file.path(tempwd,"data"))) {
      msgs <- c(msgs, "Data directory does not exist")
  # Check for warnings and messages and return result
  if (length(wrns) > 0) {
    cat(crayon::red("\nJob package check failed! Inspect the warning messages and adjust your code accordingly."))
    for (w in wrns) {
      warning(w, call. = FALSE)
    for (m in msgs) {
    res <- FALSE
    attr(res, "warnings") <- wrns
    attr(res, "messages") <- msgs
  } else {
    if (length(msgs) > 0) {
      for (m in msgs) {
      if (interactive) {
        cont <- utils::menu(c("Yes", "No"), title = "Proceed anyway?")
      } else {
        cont <- 1
      if (cont == 1) {
        res <- TRUE
        attr(res, "messages") <- msgs
      } else {
        res <- FALSE
        attr(res, "messages") <- msgs
    res <- TRUE
  # Remove tempdir and return
  unlink(tempwd, recursive = TRUE)

# Prepare job for packing and gather information
.prepJob <- function(dir, tdir) {
  fulldir <- normalizePath(dir)
  # first copy to tempdir and switch to it.
  copySuccess <- file.copy(fulldir, tdir, recursive = TRUE)
  if (copySuccess) {
    tempwd <- file.path(tdir, basename(fulldir))
  } else {
    stop("Temporary directory not available; could not prepare your package. Perhaps you don't have the correct permissions.")
  # create the parameter grid
  gridEnv <- new.env()
  source(file.path(tempwd,"params.R"), gridEnv)
  gridList <- list()
  for (p in ls(gridEnv)[ls(gridEnv) != "testParams"]) {
    gridList[[p]] <- gridEnv[[p]]
  grid <- expand.grid(gridList, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  colnames(grid) <- names(gridList)
  jgrid <- jsonlite::toJSON(grid)
  write(jgrid, file = file.path(tempwd,"grid.json"))
  # profile the job
  prof <- .profileJob(fulldir)
  # create meta information -- see api docs
  meta <- list(
    "version" = "0.1.0",
    "requirements" = list(
      "memorySize" = prof[["outputSize"]],
      "cpuTime" = ceiling(prof[["timeRequired"]]),
      "packages" = .findUsedPackages(file.path(fulldir, "main.R")),
      "RInfo" = as.list(unlist(version)),
      "cores" = .findNCores(file.path(fulldir, "main.R")) # return 1 for now
  jsonMeta <- jsonlite::toJSON(meta, pretty = TRUE)
  write(jsonMeta, file = file.path(tempwd,"meta.json"))

# Package the job, copy it next to the original folder and ask to open folder
.zipJob <- function(dir, tdir, verbose = TRUE) {
  fulldir <- normalizePath(dir)
  filename <- paste0(fulldir, ".rocto")
  if (file.exists(filename)) {
  .withDir(tdir, {
             recurse = TRUE)
  if (verbose) {
    open <- utils::menu(c("Yes", "No"), title = "\nOpen containing folder?")
  } else {
    open <- 2
  if (open == 1) {

# run a job in its own fully separated environment
.runJob <- function(dir, iterId) {
  # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45117441/recursively-source-files-to-environment/45118250#45118250
  # create environment
  ne <- new.env()
  # redefine source
  source <- function(file, local = ne, ...) base::source(file, local, ...)
  o <- NULL
  .withDir(dir, {
    if (iterId == "test") {
      p <- ne$testParams
    } else {
      ne$grid <- jsonlite::fromJSON(readLines("grid.json"))
      p <- as.list(ne$grid[iterId,])
    # convert parameters to correct order
    pSorted <- lapply(names(formals(ne$main)), function(n) { p[[n]] })
    # perform function
    o <- try(do.call(ne$main, pSorted))

# generate information about a job by running its test parameters
.profileJob <- function(dir) {
  # profile the job
  jobDir <- normalizePath(dir)
  cat(crayon::silver(paste0("\nRunning test iteration of '", basename(jobDir), "'.")))
  t0 <- Sys.time()
  o <- .runJob(jobDir, "test")
  timePassed <- as.numeric(Sys.time() - t0, units = "secs")
  oSize <- as.numeric(utils::object.size(o)) # object size in bytes
  return(list(outputSize = oSize, timeRequired = timePassed))

# Convenience functions ----
# regex all used packages from a rocto folder
.findUsedPackages <- function(file, namesOnly = FALSE) {
  # Determine packages used
  if (!class(file) == "character")
    stop("Input a string")
  fullPath <- normalizePath(file)
  dir <- dirname(fullPath)
  file <- basename(fullPath)
  text <- paste(readLines(fullPath, warn = FALSE), collapse = "\n")
  # Check if this file sources other files
  regex <- "(?<=source\\([\\\"\\']).*(?=[\\\"\\']\\))"
  matches <- gregexpr(regex, text, perl = TRUE)[[1]]
  lengths <- attr(matches, "match.length")
  # If it does, recursively get the names of packages from those files
  sourcedPackages <- list()
  if (any(matches >= 0)) {
    for (m in seq_along(matches)) {
      sourceFile <- substr(text, matches[m], matches[m] + lengths[m] - 1)
      sourcePath <- file.path(dir, sourceFile)
      sourcedPackages[[m]] <- .findUsedPackages(sourcePath, namesOnly = TRUE)
  # Find packages used in this file
  regex <- "(?<=library\\().*(?=\\))|(?<=require\\().*(?=\\))|(?<=[ \\t\\n\\(\\{\\|\\&\\)\\}\\\"\\'])[A-Za-z0-9\\.]*(?=::)"
  matches <- gregexpr(regex, text, perl = TRUE)[[1]]
  lengths <- attr(matches, "match.length")
  # If there are any, get their names
  usedPackages <- NULL
  if (any(matches >= 0)) {
    for (m in seq_along(matches)) {
      usedPackages[m] <- substr(text, matches[m], matches[m] + lengths[m] - 1)
  usedPackages <- trimws(c(usedPackages, 
                           unlist(sourcedPackages, use.names = FALSE)))
  if (namesOnly) return(usedPackages)
  if (length(usedPackages) > 0) {
    # Get the version number of each package and return output
    uniquePackages <- unique(usedPackages)
    pkgElement <- list("name" = NULL, "version" = NULL)
    out <- rep(list(pkgElement), length(uniquePackages))
    for (p in seq_along(uniquePackages)) {
      pkg <- uniquePackages[p]
      ver <- as.character(utils::packageVersion(pkg))
      out[[p]][["name"]] <- pkg
      out[[p]][["version"]] <- ver
  } else {
    # no packages used, return null

# regex all used files from a main.r file
.findUsedFiles <- function(file) {
  # Determine files used
  if (!class(file) == "character")
    stop("Input a string")
  dir <- dirname(normalizePath(file))
  text <- paste(readLines(file, warn = FALSE), collapse = "\n")
  # Init
  # Check if this file sources other files
  regex <- "(?<=source\\([\\\"\\']).*(?=[\\\"\\']\\))"
  matches <- gregexpr(regex, text, perl = TRUE)[[1]]
  lengths <- attr(matches, "match.length")
  # If it does, recursively get the used files from these sources
  sourcedFiles <- list()
  if (any(matches >= 0)) {
    for (m in seq_along(matches)) {
      sourceFile <- substr(text, matches[m], matches[m] + lengths[m] - 1)
      if (file.exists(file.path(dir,sourceFile))) {
        sourcedFiles[[m]] <- .findUsedFiles(file.path(dir,sourceFile))
      } else {
        sourcedFiles[[m]] <- NULL
  # Find files used in this file
  regex <- paste0("(?<=source\\([\\\"\\']).*(?=[\\\"\\']\\))|",
  matches <- gregexpr(regex, text, perl = TRUE)[[1]]
  lengths <- attr(matches, "match.length")
  # If there are any, get their names
  usedFiles <- NULL
  if (any(matches >= 0 )) {
    for (m in seq_along(matches)) {
      usedFiles[m] <- file.path(dir, substr(text, 
                                            matches[m] + lengths[m] - 1))
  usedFiles <- trimws(c(usedFiles, unlist(sourcedFiles, use.names = FALSE)))

# get a folder's size in bytes
.folderSize <- function(dir) {
  o <- 0
  if (dir.exists(dir)) {
    o <- sum(file.info(list.files(dir, 
                                  all.files = TRUE,
                                  full.names = TRUE,
                                  include.dirs = TRUE,
                                  recursive = TRUE))[["size"]]) 

# find the number of cores of a rocto dir
.findNCores <- function(file) {
  return(1) # return 1 for now
ROctopus/rocto-rpackage documentation built on May 23, 2019, 10:35 p.m.