odeModel <- function(t, state, parameters) {
with(as.list(c(state, parameters)), {
state_vector <- state
results <- accel(t, state_vector, MJD_UTC, solarArea, satelliteMass,
satelliteArea, Cr, Cd, earthSPHDegree, SETcorrections,
OTcorrections, moonSPHDegree, SMTcorrections,
centralBody, autoCentralBodyChange)
centralBody <- results[[2]]
if(autoCentralBodyChange & centralBody != globalVarsEnv$latestCentralBody) {
if((t - globalVarsEnv$timeOfLastCentralBodyChange) > 3600) {
message(strwrap(paste("A transition from the sphere of influence of ",
globalVarsEnv$latestCentralBody, " to that of ",
centralBody, " has been detected. Therefore, integration
and results from this point will be in ICRF centered on
the new central body.", sep=""), initial="", prefix="\n"))
assign("latestCentralBody", centralBody, envir = globalVarsEnv)
assign("timeOfLastCentralBodyChange", t, envir = globalVarsEnv)
acceleration <- results[[1]]
dx <- acceleration[1, 1]
dy <- acceleration[1, 2]
dz <- acceleration[1, 3]
d2x <- acceleration[2, 1]
d2y <- acceleration[2, 2]
d2z <- acceleration[2, 3]
setTxtProgressBar(progressBar, t)
list(c(dx, dy, dz, d2x, d2y, d2z),
centralBodiesNum[centralBody], c(d2x, d2y, d2z))
hpop <- function(position, velocity, dateTime, times, satelliteMass, dragArea,
radiationArea, dragCoefficient, radiationCoefficient,
earthSphericalHarmonicsDegree = 130, solidEarthTides=TRUE,
oceanTides=TRUE, moonSphericalHarmonicsDegree = 150,
solidMoonTides=TRUE, centralBody="Earth",
autoCentralBodyChange=TRUE, ...) {
if(!(centralBody %in% c("SSB", "Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Moon",
"Mars", "Jupiter", "Saturn", "Uranus", "Neptune", "Pluto")))
propagationGlobalVars <- new.env()
extraArgs <- list(...)
date <- strptime(dateTime, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS", tz = "UTC")
year <- date$year + 1900
month <- date$mon + 1
day <- date$mday
hour <- date$hour
minute <- date$min
second <- date$sec
Mjd_UTC <- iauCal2jd(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)$DATE
MJD_trunc <- trunc(Mjd_UTC)
if(MJD_trunc > asteRiskData::earthPositions[nrow(asteRiskData::earthPositions), 4]) {
message(strwrap("Attempting propagation for a date for which Earth orientation
parameters and other space data are not currently available.
Now running getLatestSpaceData() to try to retrieve updated data."),
initial="", prefix="\n")
if(MJD_trunc > asteRiskData::earthPositions[nrow(asteRiskData::earthPositions), 4]) {
stop(strwrap("The required data was not found even after updating. The
target propagation date is too long into the future, and
therefore cannot be performed."),
initial="", prefix="\n")
} else {
message(strwrap("Required data succesfully retrieved. Proceeding with
calculation of trajectory."),
initial="", prefix="\n")
JPLephemerides <- JPLephemeridesDE440(MJD_TDB, centralBody=centralBody, derivativesOrder=2)
realCentralBody <- determineCentralBody(position, JPLephemerides[3:11], JPLephemerides[[12]])
if(centralBody != realCentralBody) {
message(strwrap(paste(centralBody, " was selected as the central body,
but the object has been determined to be in the sphere of
influence of ", realCentralBody, ". Propagation will therefore
be performed with the latter as central body.", sep=""), initial="", prefix="\n"))
position <- position - JPLephemerides[[paste("position", realCentralBody, sep="")]]
velocity <- velocity - JPLephemerides[[paste("velocity", realCentralBody, sep="")]]
#propagationGlobalVars$latestCentralBody <- realCentralBody
latestCentralBody <- realCentralBody
timeOfLastCentralBodyChange <- 0
initial_state <- c(position, velocity)
progressBar <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = max(times))
parameters = list(
solarArea = radiationArea,
satelliteMass = satelliteMass,
satelliteArea = dragArea,
Cr = radiationCoefficient,
Cd = dragCoefficient,
earthSPHDegree = earthSphericalHarmonicsDegree,
moonSPHDegree = moonSphericalHarmonicsDegree,
SETcorrections = solidEarthTides,
OTcorrections = oceanTides,
SMTcorrections = solidMoonTides,
centralBody = realCentralBody,
autoCentralBodyChange = autoCentralBodyChange,
progressBar = progressBar,
globalVarsEnv = environment())
integration_results <- ode(y=initial_state, times=times, func=odeModel,
#method="radau", rtol=1e-13,
#atol=1e-16, hini=0.01,
previousStepCentralBodies <- integration_results[, 8]
oldCentralBody <- previousStepCentralBodies[1]
if(autoCentralBodyChange & length(unique(previousStepCentralBodies)) > 1) {
combinedResults <- integration_results
totalChangePoint <- 0
while(length(unique(previousStepCentralBodies)) > 1) {
changePoint <- which(diff(previousStepCentralBodies) != 0)[1] + 1
newCentralBody <- previousStepCentralBodies[changePoint]
newTimes <- times[changePoint:length(times)] - times[changePoint]
newMjd_UTC <- Mjd_UTC + times[changePoint]/86400
newMJD_TDB <- Mjday_TDB(MJDUTCtoMJDTT(newMjd_UTC))
JPLephemerides_oldCentralBody <- JPLephemeridesDE440(newMJD_TDB, centralBody=names(centralBodiesNum[oldCentralBody]),
newPosition <- integration_results[changePoint, 2:4] -
JPLephemerides_oldCentralBody[[paste("position", names(centralBodiesNum[newCentralBody]), sep="")]]
newVelocity <- integration_results[changePoint, 5:7] -
JPLephemerides_oldCentralBody[[paste("velocity", names(centralBodiesNum[newCentralBody]), sep="")]]
newInitial_state <- c(newPosition, newVelocity)
progressBar <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = max(newTimes))
newParameters <- list(
MJD_UTC = newMjd_UTC,
solarArea = radiationArea,
satelliteMass = satelliteMass,
satelliteArea = dragArea,
Cr = radiationCoefficient,
Cd = dragCoefficient,
earthSPHDegree = earthSphericalHarmonicsDegree,
moonSPHDegree = moonSphericalHarmonicsDegree,
SETcorrections = solidEarthTides,
OTcorrections = oceanTides,
SMTcorrections = solidMoonTides,
centralBody = names(which(centralBodiesNum == newCentralBody)),
autoCentralBodyChange = autoCentralBodyChange,
progressBar = progressBar,
globalVarsEnv = environment()
newIntegration_results <- ode(y=newInitial_state, times=newTimes, func=odeModel,
#method="radau", rtol=1e-13,
#atol=1e-16, hini=0.01,
totalChangePoint <- totalChangePoint + changePoint
combinedResults[totalChangePoint:nrow(combinedResults), ] <- newIntegration_results
previousStepCentralBodies <- newIntegration_results[, 8]
oldCentralBody <- previousStepCentralBodies[1]
combinedResults[, 1] <- times
integration_results <- combinedResults
numeric_results <- integration_results[, c(1:7, 9:11)]
central_bodies <- names(centralBodiesNum[integration_results[, 8]])
output <- cbind(as.data.frame(numeric_results), central_bodies)
colnames(output) <- c("time", "positionX", "positionY", "positionZ",
"velocityX", "velocityY", "velocityZ",
"accelerationX", "accelerationY", "accelerationZ",
"Central body")
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