#' Imports External Dependencies
#' Download and create dependency function.
#' @param name Name of library.
#' @param tag Library version. Default to NULL. If NULL, takes the latest version.
#' @param options See \link{charpente_options}.
#' @param open Whether to allow rstudioapi to open the newly created script. Default to TRUE.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' create_dependency("tabler")
#' # Use CDNs
#' create_dependency(
#' "framework7",
#' options = charpente_options(local = FALSE)
#' )
#' }
create_dependency <- function(name, tag = NULL, open = interactive(), options = charpente_options()){
# assert is in package
# should further check valid name, e.g.: no spaces or punctuation
# checks
if (missing(name)) stop("Missing `name`")
pkg <- get_pkg_name()
# discover assets and stop if not
if (is.null(tag)) tag <- get_dependency_versions(name, TRUE)
assets <- get_dependency_assets(name, tag)
if (inherits(assets$files, "list")) {
if (length(assets$files) == 0) {
stop(sprintf("No assets found for %s", name))
# delete other versions and install new ones
if (length(find_dep_file(name)) > 0) {
fs::file_delete(paste0("inst/", find_dep_file(name)))
# path to dependency
path <- sprintf("inst/%s-%s", name, tag)
# select assets
scripts <- assets$files$js$file
stylesheets <- assets$files$css$file
# Handle case like @vizuaalog/bulmajs
if (length(grep("/", name)) > 0) {
if (grep("/", name)) {
name <- strsplit(name, "/")[[1]][2]
# if local download files and create directories
if (options$local) {
# sanitize path name
path <- sprintf("inst/%s-%s", name, tag)
# create directories only when necessary and download files
if(!is.null(scripts)) {
directory_create_asset(path, "js")
dependencies_download(path, paste0(assets$url, scripts))
if(!is.null(stylesheets)) {
directory_create_asset(path, "css")
dependencies_download(path, paste0(assets$url, stylesheets))
# TO DO ... create html_dependencies.R. Only if it does not exist ...
if (!is.null(scripts) || !is.null(stylesheets)) {
# need to overwrite path which was used before
path <- sprintf("R/%s-dependencies.R", name)
# taken from golem ;)
write_there <- function(...){
write(..., file = path, append = TRUE)
insert_multiple_lines <- function(what) {
lapply(seq_along(what), function (i) {
if (i == length(what)) {
write_there(sprintf(' "%s"', what[[i]]))
} else {
write_there(sprintf(' "%s",', what[[i]]))
# handle missing js/ and css/ in file path (the CDN location
# may be different from the local file location), only for
# local option!
if (options$local) {
if (!is.null(scripts)) {
# remove /dist for bootstrap
scripts <- utils::tail(strsplit(scripts, "/")[[1]], n = 1)
if (length(grep("js/", scripts)) == 0) scripts <- file.path("js", scripts)
if (!is.null(stylesheets)) {
# remove /dist for bootstrap
stylesheets <- utils::tail(strsplit(stylesheets, "/")[[1]], n = 1)
if (length(grep("css/", stylesheets)) == 0) stylesheets <- file.path("css", stylesheets)
# write in the file
tag <- strsplit(utils::tail(strsplit(assets$url, "@")[[1]], n = 1), "/")[[1]][1]
# Replace any - in name by _ since - is not handled in R function names
func_name <- gsub("-", "_", name)
# roxygen export tag
write_there(sprintf("#' %s dependencies utils", name))
write_there(sprintf("#' @description This function attaches %s. dependencies to the given tag", name))
write_there("#' @param tag Element to attach the dependencies.")
write_there("#' @importFrom htmltools tagList htmlDependency")
write_there("#' @export")
# attach function
write_there(sprintf("add_%s_deps <- function(tag) {", func_name))
# htmlDependency content
write_there(sprintf(" %s_deps <- htmlDependency(", func_name))
write_there(sprintf(' name = "%s",', name))
write_there(sprintf(' version = "%s",', tag))
if (options$local) {
write_there(sprintf(' src = c(file = "%s-%s"),', name, tag))
} else {
write_there(sprintf(' src = c(href = "%s"),', assets$url))
if (!is.null(scripts)) {
if (length(scripts) > 1) {
write_there(" script = c(")
write_there(" ),")
} else {
write_there(sprintf(' script = "%s",', scripts))
if (!is.null(stylesheets)) {
if (length(stylesheets) > 1) {
write_there(" stylesheet = c(")
write_there(" ),")
} else {
write_there(sprintf(' stylesheet = "%s",', stylesheets))
if (options$local) {
write_there(sprintf(' package = "%s",', pkg))
# end deps
write_there(" )")
# attach deps
write_there(sprintf(" tagList(tag, %s_deps)", func_name))
# end function
write_there(" ")
if (open && rstudioapi::isAvailable()) rstudioapi::navigateToFile(path)
} else {
cli::cli_alert_danger("Unable to create the dependency")
#' Imports Internal Dependencies
#' Wrap internal scripts and stylesheets in one \link[htmltools]{htmlDependency}.
#' @param name Package name.
#' @param version Package version.
#' @param entry_points Entry points to create dependency for.
#' @param open Whether to allow rstudioapi to open the newly created script. Default to TRUE.
#' @param mode Internal. Don't use.
#' @keywords Internal
create_custom_dependency <- function(name, version, entry_points, open = interactive(), mode) {
# need to overwrite path which was used before
path <- sprintf("R/%s-dependencies.R", name)
# taken from golem ;)
write_there <- function(...){
write(..., file = path, append = TRUE)
if (length(entry_points) > 1) {
# remove everything before last / and remove .js
entry_point_names <- gsub(".*/|.js", "", entry_points)
# Check for special characters, digits, and replace - with _
has_special_or_digit <- grepl("[^a-zA-Z\\s]|\\d", entry_point_names)
has_hyphen <- grepl("-", entry_point_names)
if (any(has_special_or_digit)) {
format_names <- entry_point_names[has_special_or_digit]
"Consider removing special characters or digits from the following entry point filenames:
{paste(format_names, collapse = ', ')}"
if (any(has_hyphen)) {
entry_point_names[has_hyphen] <- gsub("-", "_", entry_point_names[has_hyphen])
format_names <- entry_point_names[has_hyphen]
"Replaced - with _ in the following entry points:
{paste(format_names, collapse = ', ')}"
} else {
entry_point_names <- name
# write in file for each entry point
lapply(entry_point_names, function(dep) {
stylesheet <- sprintf("%s%s.css", dep, mode)
script <- sprintf("%s%s.js", dep, mode)
# roxygen export
write_there(sprintf("#' %s dependencies utils", dep))
write_there(sprintf("#' @description This function attaches %s dependencies to the given tag", dep))
write_there("#' @param tag Element to attach the dependencies.")
write_there("#' @importFrom utils packageVersion")
write_there("#' @importFrom htmltools tagList htmlDependency")
write_there("#' @export")
# attach function
write_there(sprintf("add_%s_deps <- function(tag) {", dep))
# htmlDependency content
write_there(sprintf(" %s_deps <- htmlDependency(", dep))
write_there(sprintf(' name = "%s",', dep))
write_there(sprintf(' version = "%s",', version))
write_there(sprintf(' src = c(file = "%s-%s"),', name, version))
write_there(sprintf(' script = "dist/%s",', script))
write_there(sprintf(' stylesheet = "dist/%s",', stylesheet))
write_there(sprintf(' package = "%s",', name))
# end deps
write_there(" )")
# attach deps
write_there(sprintf(" tagList(tag, %s_deps)", dep))
# end function
write_there(" ")
# path to dependency
if (!file.exists(sprintf("R/%s-dependencies.R", name))) {
ui_oops("Failed to create dependencies file!")
} else {
ui_done("Dependencies successfully updated!")
if (open && rstudioapi::isAvailable()) rstudioapi::navigateToFile(path)
#' Update the given dependency to a specific version or latest
#' @param name Library name.
#' @param version_target Targeted version. Default to latest.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' update_dependency("framework7")
#' }
update_dependency <- function(name, version_target = "latest") {
# get the current version
current <- get_installed_dependency(name)
versions <- get_dependency_versions(name)
# Little trick: get_dependency_versions with latest = TRUE returns, the latest
# stable dep, which is not necessarily the latest version. There might be alpha/beta
# releases. We assume people will want to test those non official versions. Latest
# is then defined as the first element of versions (versions contains all version
# sorted by newer to older).
latest <- versions[1]
if (version_target == "latest") version_target <- latest
# stop if current is version_target
if (current == version_target) stop("Versions are identical")
# get the latest version
"current version: %s ||
target version: %s ||
latest version: %s",
# if the version target is latest and current is latest, there is nothing to to
# and we exit the function. TO DO: get_dependency_versions has low perfs!!
current_rank <- match(current, versions)
target_rank <- match(version_target, versions)
if (current_rank < target_rank) {
# downgrade
cli::cli_alert_warning(sprintf("Downgrading %s to %s", name, version_target))
} else{
# current is outdated, let's upgrade
cli::cli_alert_warning(sprintf("Upgrading %s to %s", name, version_target))
# delete all deps and install new ones
fs::file_delete(paste0("inst/", find_dep_file(name)))
create_dependency(name, tag = version_target)
#' Get the current version of the given dependency
#' Used by \link{get_installed_dependency}.
#' @param name Library name.
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
extract_dependency_version <- function(name) {
temp_split <- strsplit(name, "-")[[1]]
stringr::str_c(strsplit(name, "-")[[1]][2: length(temp_split)], collapse = "-")
#' Get the version of the current installed dependency
#' Used by \link{update_dependency}.
#' @param name Library name
#' @return A character containing the version number
#' @export
get_installed_dependency <- function(name) {
# TO DO: need to handle dependencies with CDN which don't have any folder.
# A yaml config file would be good!
file_name <- find_dep_file(name)
if (purrr::is_empty(file_name)) stop("Dependency not found!")
#' Find the folder corresponding to the given dependency
#' Used by \link{get_installed_dependency} and \link{update_dependency}.
#' @param name Library name.
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
find_dep_file <- function(name) {
list.files(path = "inst/", pattern = sprintf("%s-", name))
#' Configure charpente
#' @param local Whether to download files locally or to point to a CDN. Default to TRUE.
#' @return A list of options.
#' @export
charpente_options <- function(local = TRUE) {
list(local = local)
#' Creates Assets Directories
#' @param path Path to store dependencies `inst/libraryName`.
#' @param asset Asset path to create, depends on file type.
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
directory_create_asset <- function(path, asset = c("js", "css")){
asset <- match.arg(asset)
path <- sprintf("%s/%s", path, asset)
#' Download Dependencies
#' @inheritParams directory_create_asset
#' @param files Files to download
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
dependencies_download <- function(path, files){
if(is.null(files)) return()
# file info
extension <- tools::file_ext(files)[1]
file_names <- gsub(".*\\/", "", files)
# path to store
path <- sprintf("%s/%s", path, extension)
# download files
purrr::map2(files, file_names, function(file, name, base_path){
path <- sprintf("%s/%s", base_path, name)
# don't download if empty folder
if (extension != "") {
utils::download.file(file, path, quiet = TRUE)
} else {
cli::cli_alert_danger("No file to download")
}, base_path = path)
#' Get all version for the current dependency
#' Query from \url{https://data.jsdelivr.com/v1/package/npm/} under the hood.
#' @param dep Library name.
#' @param latest Whether to get the last version. Default to FALSE.
#' @return A vector containing all versions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_dependency_versions("framework7")
#' get_dependency_versions("bootstrap")
#' get_dependency_versions("react", latest = TRUE)
#' }
get_dependency_versions <- function(dep, latest = FALSE) {
cdn <- "https://data.jsdelivr.com/v1/package/npm/"
cli::cli_alert_info(sprintf("Trying with %s%s", cdn, dep))
temp <- jsonlite::fromJSON(sprintf("%s%s", cdn, dep))
if (latest) {
} else {
}, error = function(e) {
cli::cli_alert_danger(sprintf("Failed: we tried but %s", e))
#' Get all links to dependencies
#' Query from \url{https://data.jsdelivr.com/v1/package/npm/} under the hood.
#' @param dep Library name.
#' @param tag Library version. Default to latest.
#' @return A list of url containing links to CSS and JS dependencies for the given library.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_dependency_assets("bootstrap")
#' get_dependency_assets("framework7", tag = "5.5.5")
#' }
get_dependency_assets <- function(dep, tag = "latest") {
# get all js and css assets from jsdelivr
cdn <- "https://data.jsdelivr.com/v1/package/npm/"
if (tag == "latest") tag <- get_dependency_versions(dep, latest = TRUE)
entrypoints <- jsonlite::fromJSON(sprintf("%s%s@%s/entrypoints", cdn, dep, tag))
download_endpoint <- "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/"
url <- sprintf("%s%s@%s", download_endpoint, dep, tag)
list(url = url, files = entrypoints)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.