
Defines functions .DefaultDASimulations DASimulations .DefaultPseudoDualSimulationsSummary .DefaultPseudoSimulationsSummary .DefaultPseudoDualFlexiSimulations PseudoDualFlexiSimulations .DefaultPseudoDualSimulations PseudoDualSimulations .DefaultPseudoSimulations PseudoSimulations .DefaultDualSimulationsSummary .DefaultSimulationsSummary .DefaultGeneralSimulationsSummary .DefaultDualSimulations DualSimulations .DefaultSimulations Simulations .DefaultGeneralSimulations GeneralSimulations

Documented in DASimulations .DefaultDASimulations .DefaultDualSimulations .DefaultDualSimulationsSummary .DefaultGeneralSimulations .DefaultGeneralSimulationsSummary .DefaultPseudoDualFlexiSimulations .DefaultPseudoDualSimulations .DefaultPseudoDualSimulationsSummary .DefaultPseudoSimulations .DefaultPseudoSimulationsSummary .DefaultSimulations .DefaultSimulationsSummary DualSimulations GeneralSimulations PseudoDualFlexiSimulations PseudoDualSimulations PseudoSimulations Simulations

#' @include helpers.R
#' @include Data-class.R
#' @include Simulations-validity.R
#' @include CrmPackClass-class.R

# GeneralSimulations ----

## class ----

#' `GeneralSimulations` @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This class captures trial simulations.
#' Here also the random generator state before starting the simulation is
#' saved, in order to be able to reproduce the outcome. For this just use
#' [`set.seed`] with the `seed` as argument before running
#' [`simulate,Design-method`].
#' @slot data (`list`)\cr produced [`Data`] objects.
#' @slot doses (`numeric`)\cr final dose recommendations.
#' @slot seed (`integer`)\cr random generator state before starting the simulation.
#' @aliases GeneralSimulations
#' @export
.GeneralSimulations <-
    Class = "GeneralSimulations",
    slots = c(
      data = "list",
      doses = "numeric",
      seed = "integer"
    prototype = prototype(
      data =
            x = 1:2,
            y = 0:1,
            doseGrid = 1:2,
            ID = 1L:2L,
            cohort = 1L:2L
            x = 3:4,
            y = 0:1,
            doseGrid = 3:4,
            ID = 1L:2L,
            cohort = 1L:2L
      doses = c(1, 2),
      seed = 1L
    contains = "CrmPackClass",
    validity = v_general_simulations

## constructor ----

#' @rdname GeneralSimulations-class
#' @param data (`list`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param doses (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param seed (`integer`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @example examples/Simulations-class-GeneralSimulations.R
#' @export
GeneralSimulations <- function(data,
                               seed) {
    data = data,
    doses = doses,
    seed = as.integer(seed)

## default constructor

#' @rdname GeneralSimulations-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultGeneralSimulations()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultGeneralSimulations <- function() {
    data = list(
      Data(x = 1:3, y = c(0, 1, 0), doseGrid = 1:3, ID = 1L:3L, cohort = 1L:3L),
      Data(x = 4:6, y = c(0, 1, 0), doseGrid = 4:6, ID = 1L:3L, cohort = 1L:3L)
    doses = c(1, 2),
    seed = 123

# Simulations ----

## class ----

#' `Simulations`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This class captures the trial simulations from model based designs.
#' Additional slots `fit`, `stop_reasons`, `stop_report`,`additional_stats` compared to
#' the general class [`GeneralSimulations`].
#' @slot fit (`list`)\cr final fits
#' @slot stop_reasons (`list`)\cr stopping reasons for each simulation run
#' @slot stop_report matrix of stopping rule outcomes
#' @slot additional_stats list of additional statistical summary
#' @aliases Simulations
#' @export
.Simulations <-
    Class = "Simulations",
    slots = c(
      fit = "list",
      stop_report = "matrix",
      stop_reasons = "list",
      additional_stats = "list"
    prototype = prototype(
      fit =
          c(0.1, 0.2),
          c(0.1, 0.2)
      stop_report = matrix(TRUE, nrow = 2),
      stop_reasons =
        list("A", "A"),
      additional_stats =
        list(a = 1, b = 1)
    contains = "GeneralSimulations",
    validity = v_simulations

## constructor ----

#' @rdname Simulations-class
#' @param fit (`list`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param stop_reasons (`list`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param stop_report see [`Simulations`]
#' @param additional_stats (`list`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param \dots additional parameters from [`GeneralSimulations`]
#' @example examples/Simulations-class-Simulations.R
#' @export
Simulations <- function(fit,
                        ...) {
  start <- GeneralSimulations(...)
    fit = fit,
    stop_report = stop_report,
    stop_reasons = stop_reasons,
    additional_stats = additional_stats

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname Simulations-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultSimulations()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultSimulations <- function() {
  design <- .DefaultDesign()
  myTruth <- probFunction(design@model, alpha0 = 7, alpha1 = 8)

    args = NULL,
    truth = myTruth,
    nsim = 1,
    seed = 819,
    mcmcOptions = .DefaultMcmcOptions(),
    parallel = FALSE

# DualSimulations ----

## class ----

#' `DualSimulations`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This class captures the trial simulations from dual-endpoint model based
#' designs. In comparison to the parent class [`Simulations`],
#' it contains additional slots to capture the dose-biomarker `fits`, and the
#' `sigma2W` and `rho` estimates.
#' @slot rho_est (`numeric`)\cr vector of final posterior median rho estimates
#' @slot sigma2w_est (`numeric`)\cr vector of final posterior median sigma2W estimates
#' @slot fit_biomarker (`list`)\cr with the final dose-biomarker curve fits
#' @aliases DualSimulations
#' @export
.DualSimulations <-
    Class = "DualSimulations",
    slots = c(
      rho_est = "numeric",
      sigma2w_est = "numeric",
      fit_biomarker = "list"
    prototype = prototype(
      rho_est = c(0.2, 0.3),
      sigma2w_est = c(0.2, 0.3),
      fit_biomarker =
          c(0.1, 0.2),
          c(0.1, 0.2)
    contains = "Simulations",
    validity = v_dual_simulations

## constructor ----

#' @rdname DualSimulations-class
#' @param rho_est (`numeric`)\cr see [`DualSimulations`]
#' @param sigma2w_est (`numeric`)\cr [`DualSimulations`]
#' @param fit_biomarker (`list`)\cr see [`DualSimulations`]
#' @param \dots additional parameters from [`Simulations`]
#' @example examples/Simulations-class-DualSimulations.R
#' @export
DualSimulations <- function(rho_est,
                            ...) {
  start <- Simulations(...)
    rho_est = rho_est,
    sigma2w_est = sigma2w_est,
    fit_biomarker = fit_biomarker

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname DualSimulations-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultDualSimulations()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultDualSimulations <- function() {
    rho_est = c(0.25, 0.35),
    sigma2w_est = c(0.15, 0.25),
    fit_biomarker = list(c(0.3, 0.4), c(0.4, 0.5)),
    fit = list(
      c(0.1, 0.2),
      c(0.3, 0.4)
    stop_report = matrix(c(TRUE, FALSE), nrow = 2),
    stop_reasons = list("A", "B"),
    additional_stats = list(a = 1, b = 1),
    data = list(
        x = 1:2,
        y = 0:1,
        doseGrid = 1:2,
        ID = 1L:2L,
        cohort = 1L:2L
        x = 3:4,
        y = 0:1,
        doseGrid = 3:4,
        ID = 1L:2L,
        cohort = 1L:2L
    doses = c(1, 2),
    seed = 123L

#' `GeneralSimulationsSummary`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This class captures the summary of general simulations output. Note that objects
#' should not be created by users, therefore no initialization
#' function is provided for this class.
#' @slot target (`numeric`)\cr target toxicity interval
#' @slot target_dose_interval (`numeric`)\cr corresponding target dose interval
#' @slot nsim (`integer`)\cr number of simulations
#' @slot prop_dlts (`ANY`)\cr A numeric array (multi-dimensional) or list representing proportions of DLTs in the trials
#' @slot mean_tox_risk (`numeric`)\cr mean toxicity risks for the patients
#' @slot dose_selected (`numeric`)\cr doses selected as MTD
#' @slot tox_at_doses_selected (`numeric`)\cr true toxicity at doses selected
#' @slot prop_at_target (`numeric`)\cr Proportion of trials selecting target MTD
#' @slot dose_most_selected (`numeric`)\cr dose most often selected as MTD
#' @slot obs_tox_rate_at_dose_most_selected (`numeric`)\cr observed toxicity rate at dose most often selected
#' @slot n_obs (`ANY`)\cr A numeric array (multi-dimensional) or list representing number of patients overall.
#' @slot n_above_target (`integer`)\cr number of patients treated above target tox interval
#' @slot dose_grid (`numeric`)\cr the dose grid that has been used
#' @slot placebo (`logical`)\cr set to TRUE (default is FALSE) for a design with placebo
#' @aliases GeneralSimulationsSummary
#' @export
.GeneralSimulationsSummary <-
    Class = "GeneralSimulationsSummary",
    slots = c(
      target = "numeric",
      target_dose_interval = "numeric",
      nsim = "integer",
      prop_dlts = "ANY",
      mean_tox_risk = "numeric",
      dose_selected = "numeric",
      tox_at_doses_selected = "numeric",
      prop_at_target = "numeric",
      dose_most_selected = "numeric",
      obs_tox_rate_at_dose_most_selected = "numeric",
      n_obs = "ANY",
      n_above_target = "integer",
      dose_grid = "numeric",
      placebo = "logical"

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname GeneralSimulationsSummary-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultGeneralSimulationsSummary()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultGeneralSimulationsSummary <- function() {
      "Class GeneralSimulationsSummary cannot be instantiated directly.",
      "Please use one of its subclasses instead."

## SimulationsSummary ----

## class ----

#' `SimulationsSummary`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' In addition to the slots in the parent class [`GeneralSimulationsSummary`],
#' it contains two slots with model fit information.
#' @slot stop_report (`matrix`)\cr matrix of stopping rule outcomes
#' @slot fit_at_dose_most_selected (`numeric`)\cr fitted toxicity rate at dose most often selected
#' @slot additional_stats (`list`)\cr list of additional statistical summary
#' @slot mean_fit (`list`)\cr list with the average, lower (2.5%) and upper (97.5%)
#' quantiles of the mean fitted toxicity at each dose level
#' @aliases SimulationsSummary
#' @export
.SimulationsSummary <-
    Class = "SimulationsSummary",
    slots = c(
      stop_report = "matrix",
      fit_at_dose_most_selected = "numeric",
      additional_stats = "list",
      mean_fit = "list"
    contains = "GeneralSimulationsSummary"

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname SimulationsSummary-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultSimulationsSummary()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultSimulationsSummary <- function() {
    "Class SimulationsSummary cannot be instantiated directly.",
    "Please use one of its subclasses instead."

# DualSimulationsSummary ----

# class ----

#' `DualSimulationsSummary`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This class captures the summary of dual-endpoint simulations output.
#' In comparison to its parent class [`SimulationsSummary`], it has additional slots.
#' @slot biomarker_fit_at_dose_most_selected (`numeric`)\cr fitted biomarker level at most often selected dose.
#' @slot mean_biomarker_fit (`list`)\cr list with average, lower (2.5%) and upper (97.5%) quantiles of
#' mean fitted biomarker level at each dose
#' @aliases DualSimulationsSummary
#' @export
.DualSimulationsSummary <-
    Class = "DualSimulationsSummary",
    slots = c(
      biomarker_fit_at_dose_most_selected = "numeric",
      mean_biomarker_fit = "list"
    contains = "SimulationsSummary"

# default constructor

#' @rdname DualSimulationsSummary-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultDualSimulationsSummary()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultDualSimulationsSummary <- function() {
  empty_data <- DataDual(doseGrid = c(1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30))

  my_model <- DualEndpointRW(
    mean = c(0, 1),
    cov = matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 1), nrow = 2),
    sigma2betaW = 0.01,
    sigma2W = c(a = 0.1, b = 0.1),
    rho = c(a = 1, b = 1),
    rw1 = TRUE

  my_next_best <- NextBestDualEndpoint(
    target = c(0.9, 1),
    overdose = c(0.35, 1),
    max_overdose_prob = 0.25

  my_size1 <- CohortSizeRange(
    intervals = c(0, 30),
    cohort_size = c(1, 3)
  my_size2 <- CohortSizeDLT(
    intervals = c(0, 1),
    cohort_size = c(1, 3)
  my_size <- maxSize(my_size1, my_size2)

  my_stopping1 <- StoppingTargetBiomarker(
    target = c(0.9, 1),
    prob = 0.5

  my_stopping <- my_stopping1 | StoppingMinPatients(10) | StoppingMissingDose()

  my_increments <- IncrementsRelative(
    intervals = c(0, 20),
    increments = c(1, 0.33)

  my_design <- DualDesign(
    model = my_model,
    data = empty_data,
    nextBest = my_next_best,
    stopping = my_stopping,
    increments = my_increments,
    cohort_size = CohortSizeConst(3),
    startingDose = 3

  beta_mod <- function(dose, e0, eMax, delta1, delta2, scal) {
    maxDens <- (delta1^delta1) * (delta2^delta2) / ((delta1 + delta2)^(delta1 + delta2))
    dose <- dose / scal
    e0 + eMax / maxDens * (dose^delta1) * (1 - dose)^delta2

  true_biomarker <- function(dose) {
    beta_mod(dose, e0 = 0.2, eMax = 0.6, delta1 = 5, delta2 = 5 * 0.5 / 0.5, scal = 100)

  true_tox <- function(dose) {
    pnorm((dose - 60) / 10)

  x <- simulate(
    object = my_design,
    trueTox = true_tox,
    trueBiomarker = true_biomarker,
    sigma2W = 0.01,
    rho = 0,
    nsim = 1,
    parallel = FALSE,
    seed = 3,
    startingDose = 6,
    mcmcOptions = .DefaultMcmcOptions()

# PseudoSimulations ----

## class ----

#' `PseudoSimulations`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This class captures trial simulations from designs using pseudo model.
#' It has additional slots `fit` and `stop_reasons` compared to the
#' general class [`GeneralSimulations`].
#' @slot fit (`list`)\cr final fit values.
#' @slot final_td_target_during_trial_estimates (`numeric`)\cr final estimates of the `td_target_during_trial`.
#' @slot final_td_target_end_of_trial_estimates (`numeric`)\cr final estimates of the `td_target_end_of_trial`.
#' @slot final_td_target_during_trial_at_dose_grid (`numeric`)
#'        \cr dose levels at dose grid closest below the final `td_target_during_trial` estimates.
#' @slot final_td_target_end_of_trial_at_dose_grid (`numeric`)
#'        \cr dose levels at dose grid closest below the final `td_target_end_of_trial` estimates.
#' @slot final_tdeot_cis (`list`)\cr 95% credibility intervals of the final estimates for `td_target_end_of_trial`.
#' @slot final_tdeot_ratios (`numeric`)\cr ratio of the upper to the lower 95%
#'        credibility intervals for `td_target_end_of_trial`.
#' @slot final_cis (`list`)\cr final 95% credibility intervals for `td_target_end_of_trial` estimates.
#' @slot final_ratios (`numeric`)\cr final ratios of the upper to the lower 95%
#'        credibility interval for `td_target_end_of_trial`.
#' @slot stop_report (`matrix`)\cr outcomes of stopping rules.
#' @slot stop_reasons (`list`)\cr reasons for stopping each simulation run.
#' @aliases PseudoSimulations
#' @export
.PseudoSimulations <-
    Class = "PseudoSimulations",
    slots = c(
      fit = "list",
      final_td_target_during_trial_estimates = "numeric",
      final_td_target_end_of_trial_estimates = "numeric",
      final_td_target_during_trial_at_dose_grid = "numeric",
      final_td_target_end_of_trial_at_dose_grid = "numeric",
      final_tdeot_cis = "list",
      final_tdeot_ratios = "numeric",
      final_cis = "list",
      final_ratios = "numeric",
      stop_report = "matrix",
      stop_reasons = "list"
    prototype = prototype(
      final_td_target_during_trial_estimates = c(0.1, 0.1),
      final_td_target_end_of_trial_estimates = c(0.1, 0.1),
      final_td_target_during_trial_at_dose_grid = c(0.1, 0.1),
      final_td_target_end_of_trial_at_dose_grid = c(0.1, 0.1),
      final_tdeot_cis = list(c(0.1, 0.2), c(0.1, 0.2)),
      final_tdeot_ratios = c(0.1, 0.1),
      final_cis = list(c(0.1, 0.2), c(0.1, 0.2)),
      final_ratios = c(0.1, 0.1),
      stop_report = matrix(TRUE, nrow = 2),
      stop_reasons = list("A", "A")
    contains = "GeneralSimulations",
    validity = v_pseudo_simulations

## constructor ----

#' @rdname PseudoSimulations-class
#' @param fit (`list`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param final_td_target_during_trial_estimates (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param final_td_target_end_of_trial_estimates (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param final_td_target_during_trial_at_dose_grid (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param final_td_target_end_of_trial_at_dose_grid (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param final_tdeot_cis (`list`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param final_tdeot_ratios (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param final_cis (`list`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param final_ratios (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param stop_report see [`PseudoSimulations`]
#' @param stop_reasons (`list`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param \dots additional parameters from [`GeneralSimulations`]
#' @export
PseudoSimulations <- function(fit,
                              ...) {
  start <- GeneralSimulations(...)
    fit = fit,
    final_td_target_during_trial_estimates = final_td_target_during_trial_estimates,
    final_td_target_end_of_trial_estimates = final_td_target_end_of_trial_estimates,
    final_td_target_during_trial_at_dose_grid = final_td_target_during_trial_at_dose_grid,
    final_td_target_end_of_trial_at_dose_grid = final_td_target_end_of_trial_at_dose_grid,
    final_tdeot_cis = final_tdeot_cis,
    final_tdeot_ratios = final_tdeot_ratios,
    final_cis = final_cis,
    final_ratios = final_ratios,
    stop_report = stop_report,
    stop_reasons = stop_reasons

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname PseudoSimulations-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultPseudoSimulations()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultPseudoSimulations <- function() {
  stop("Class PseudoSimulations cannot be instantiated directly. Please use one of its subclasses instead.")

# PseudoDualSimulations ----

## class ----

#' `PseudoDualSimulations`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This class conducts trial simulations for designs using both the
#' DLE and efficacy responses. It defines final values for
#' efficacy fit and DLE, estimates of Gstar, optimal dose and sigma2.
#' @slot fit_eff (`list`)\cr final values of efficacy fit.
#' @slot final_gstar_estimates (`numeric`)\cr final Gstar estimates.
#' @slot final_gstar_at_dose_grid (`numeric`)\cr final Gstar estimates at dose grid.
#' @slot final_gstar_cis (`list`)\cr list of 95% confidence interval for Gstar estimates.
#' @slot final_gstar_ratios (`numeric`)\cr ratios of confidence intervals for Gstar estimates.
#' @slot final_optimal_dose (`numeric`)\cr final optimal dose.
#' @slot final_optimal_dose_at_dose_grid (`numeric`)\cr final optimal dose at dose grid.
#' @slot sigma2_est (`numeric`)\cr final sigma2 estimates.
#' @aliases PseudoDualSimulations
#' @export
.PseudoDualSimulations <-
    Class = "PseudoDualSimulations",
    slots = c(
      fit_eff = "list",
      final_gstar_estimates = "numeric",
      final_gstar_at_dose_grid = "numeric",
      final_gstar_cis = "list",
      final_gstar_ratios = "numeric",
      final_optimal_dose = "numeric",
      final_optimal_dose_at_dose_grid = "numeric",
      sigma2_est = "numeric"
    prototype = prototype(
      final_gstar_estimates = c(0.1, 0.1),
      final_gstar_at_dose_grid = c(0.1, 0.1),
      final_gstar_cis = list(c(0.1, 0.2), c(0.1, 0.2)),
      final_gstar_ratios = c(0.01, 0.01),
      final_optimal_dose = c(0.01, 0.01),
      final_optimal_dose_at_dose_grid = c(0.01, 0.01),
      sigma2_est = c(0.001, 0.002)
    contains = "PseudoSimulations",
    validity = v_pseudo_dual_simulations

## constructor ----

#' @rdname PseudoDualSimulations-class
#' @param fit_eff (`list`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param final_gstar_estimates (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param final_gstar_at_dose_grid (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param final_gstar_cis (`list`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param final_gstar_ratios (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param final_optimal_dose (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param final_optimal_dose_at_dose_grid (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param sigma2_est (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param \dots additional parameters from [`PseudoSimulations`]
#' @export
PseudoDualSimulations <- function(fit_eff,
                                  ...) {
  start <- PseudoSimulations(...)
    fit_eff = fit_eff,
    final_gstar_estimates = final_gstar_estimates,
    final_gstar_at_dose_grid = final_gstar_at_dose_grid,
    final_gstar_cis = final_gstar_cis,
    final_gstar_ratios = final_gstar_ratios,
    final_optimal_dose = final_optimal_dose,
    final_optimal_dose_at_dose_grid = final_optimal_dose_at_dose_grid,
    sigma2_est = sigma2_est

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname PseudoDualSimulations-class
#' @note Do not use the `.DefaultPseudoDualSimulations()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultPseudoDualSimulations <- function() {
  stop("Class PseudoDualSimulations cannot be instantiated directly. Please use a subclass.")

# nolint start
# PseudoDualFlexiSimulations ----

## class ----

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Class for Pseudo simulation using DLE and efficacy responses using 'EffFlex' efficacy model
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##' This is a class which captures the trial simulations design using both the
##' DLE and efficacy responses. The design of model from \code{\linkS4class{ModelTox}}
##' class and the efficacy model from \code{\linkS4class{EffFlexi}} class
##'  It contains all slots from
##' \code{\linkS4class{GeneralSimulations}}, \code{\linkS4class{PseudoSimulations}}
##' and \code{\linkS4class{PseudoDualSimulations}} object.
##' In comparison to the parent class \code{\linkS4class{PseudoDualSimulations}},
##' it contains additional slots to
##' capture the sigma2betaW estimates.
##' @slot sigma2betaWest the vector of the final posterior mean sigma2betaW estimates
##' @export
##' @keywords class
.PseudoDualFlexiSimulations <-
    Class = "PseudoDualFlexiSimulations",
    representation(sigma2betaWest = "numeric"),
    prototype(sigma2betaWest = c(0.001, 0.002)),
    contains = "PseudoDualSimulations",
    validity = v_pseudo_dual_flex_simulations


##' Initialization function for 'PseudoDualFlexiSimulations' class
##' @param sigma2betaWest please refer to \code{\linkS4class{PseudoDualFlexiSimulations}} class object
##' @param \dots additional parameters from \code{\linkS4class{PseudoDualSimulations}}
##' @return the \code{\linkS4class{PseudoDualFlexiSimulations}} object
PseudoDualFlexiSimulations <- function(sigma2betaWest,
                                       ...) {
  start <- PseudoDualSimulations(...)
    sigma2betaWest = sigma2betaWest

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname PseudoDualFlexiSimulations-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultPseudoFlexiSimulations()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultPseudoDualFlexiSimulations <- function() {
  stop(paste0("Class PseudoFlexiSimulations cannot be instantiated directly.  Please use one of its subclasses instead."))

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ================================================================================================

##' Class for the summary of pseudo-models simulations output
##' Note that objects should not be created by users, therefore no
##' initialization function is provided for this class.
##' @slot targetEndOfTrial the target probability of DLE wanted at the end of a trial
##' @slot targetDoseEndOfTrial the dose level corresponds to the target probability
##' of DLE wanted at the end of a trial, TDEOT
##' @slot targetDoseEndOfTrialAtDoseGrid the dose level at dose grid corresponds to the target probability
##' of DLE wanted at the end of a trial
##' @slot targetDuringTrial the target probability of DLE wanted during a trial
##' @slot targetDoseDuringTrial the dose level corresponds to the target probability of DLE
##' wanted during the trial. TDDT
##' @slot targetDoseDuringTrialAtDoseGrid the dose level at dose grid corresponds to the target probability
##' of DLE wanted during a trial
##' @slot TDEOTSummary the six-number table summary, include the lowest, the 25th precentile (lower quartile),
##' the 50th percentile (median), the mean, the 27th percentile and the highest values of the
##' final dose levels obtained corresponds to the target probability of DLE
##' want at the end of a trial across all simulations
##' @slot TDDTSummary the six-number table summary, include the lowest, the 25th precentile (lower quartile),
##' the 50th percentile (median), the mean, the 27th percentile and the highest values of the
##' final dose levels obtained corresponds to the target probability of DLE
##' want during a trial across all simulations
##' @slot FinalDoseRecSummary the six-number table summary, include the lowest, the 25th precentile (lower quartile),
##' the 50th percentile (median), the mean, the 27th percentile and the highest values of the
##' final optimal doses, which is either the TDEOT when only DLE response are incorporated into
##' the escalation procedure or the minimum of the TDEOT and Gstar when DLE and efficacy responses are
##' incorporated, across all simulations
##' @slot ratioTDEOTSummary the six-number summary table of the final ratios of the upper to the lower 95%
##' credibility intervals of the final TDEOTs across all simulations
##' @slot FinalRatioSummary the six-number summary table of the final ratios of the upper to the lower 95%
##' credibility intervals of the final optimal doses across all simulations
##' #@slot doseRec the dose level that will be recommend for subsequent study
##' @slot nsim number of simulations
##' @slot propDLE proportions of DLE in the trials
##' @slot meanToxRisk mean toxicity risks for the patients
##' @slot doseSelected doses selected as MTD (targetDoseEndOfTrial)
##' @slot toxAtDosesSelected true toxicity at doses selected
##' @slot propAtTargetEndOfTrial Proportion of trials selecting at the doseGrid closest below the MTD, the
##' targetDoseEndOfTrial
##' @slot propAtTargetDuringTrial Proportion of trials selecting at the doseGrid closest below the
##' targetDoseDuringTrial
##' @slot doseMostSelected dose most often selected as MTD
##' @slot obsToxRateAtDoseMostSelected observed toxicity rate at dose most often
##' selected
##' @slot nObs number of patients overall
##' @slot nAboveTargetEndOfTrial number of patients treated above targetDoseEndOfTrial
##' @slot nAboveTargetDuringTrial number of patients treated above targetDoseDuringTrial
##' @slot doseGrid the dose grid that has been used
##' @slot fitAtDoseMostSelected fitted toxicity rate at dose most often selected
##' @slot meanFit list with the average, lower (2.5%) and upper (97.5%)
##' quantiles of the mean fitted toxicity at each dose level
##' @slot stop_report matrix of stopping rule outcomes
##' @export
##' @keywords classes
.PseudoSimulationsSummary <-
    Class = "PseudoSimulationsSummary",
      targetEndOfTrial = "numeric",
      targetDoseEndOfTrial = "numeric",
      targetDoseEndOfTrialAtDoseGrid = "numeric",
      targetDuringTrial = "numeric",
      targetDoseDuringTrial = "numeric",
      targetDoseDuringTrialAtDoseGrid = "numeric",
      TDEOTSummary = "table",
      TDDTSummary = "table",
      FinalDoseRecSummary = "table",
      ratioTDEOTSummary = "table",
      FinalRatioSummary = "table",
      # doseRec="numeric",
      nsim = "integer",
      propDLE = "numeric",
      meanToxRisk = "numeric",
      doseSelected = "numeric",
      toxAtDosesSelected = "numeric",
      propAtTargetEndOfTrial = "numeric",
      propAtTargetDuringTrial = "numeric",
      doseMostSelected = "numeric",
      obsToxRateAtDoseMostSelected = "numeric",
      nObs = "integer",
      nAboveTargetEndOfTrial = "integer",
      nAboveTargetDuringTrial = "integer",
      doseGrid = "numeric",
      fitAtDoseMostSelected = "numeric",
      meanFit = "list",
      stop_report = "matrix"

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname GeneralSimulationsSummary-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultPseudoSimulationsSummary()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultPseudoSimulationsSummary <- function() {
  stop(paste0("Class PseudoSimulationsSummary cannot be instantiated directly.  Please use one of its subclasses instead."))

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##' Class for the summary of the dual responses simulations using pseudo models
##' It contains all slots from \code{\linkS4class{PseudoSimulationsSummary}} object. In addition to
##' the slots in the parent class \code{\linkS4class{PseudoSimulationsSummary}}, it contains four
##' more slots for the efficacy model fit information.
##' Note that objects should not be created by users, therefore no initialization function
##' is provided for this class.
##' @slot targetGstar the target dose level such that its gain value is at maximum
##' @slot targetGstarAtDoseGrid the dose level at dose Grid closest and below Gstar
##' @slot GstarSummary the six-number table summary (lowest, 25th, 50th (median), 75th percentile, mean
##' and highest value) of the final Gstar values obtained across all simulations
##' @slot ratioGstarSummary the six-number summary table of the ratios of the upper to the lower 95%
##' credibility intervals of the final Gstar across all simulations
##' @slot EffFitAtDoseMostSelected fitted expected mean efficacy value at dose most often
##' selected
##' @slot meanEffFit list with mean, lower (2.5%) and upper (97.5%) quantiles of the fitted expected
##' efficacy value at each dose level.
##' @export
##' @keywords class
.PseudoDualSimulationsSummary <-
    Class = "PseudoDualSimulationsSummary",
    contains = "PseudoSimulationsSummary",
    representation =
        targetGstar = "numeric",
        targetGstarAtDoseGrid = "numeric",
        GstarSummary = "table",
        ratioGstarSummary = "table",
        EffFitAtDoseMostSelected = "numeric",
        meanEffFit = "list"

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname PseudoDualSimulationsSummary-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultPseudoDualSimulationsSummary()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultPseudoDualSimulationsSummary <- function() {
  stop(paste0("Class PseudoDualSimulationsSummary cannot be instantiated directly.  Please use one of its subclasses instead."))

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

##' Class for the simulations output from DA based designs
##' This class captures the trial simulations from DA based
##' designs. In comparison to the parent class \code{\linkS4class{Simulations}},
##' it contains additional slots to capture the time to DLT fits, additional
##' parameters and the trial duration.
##' @slot trialduration the vector of trial duration values for all simulations.
##' @export
##' @keywords classes
.DASimulations <-
    Class = "DASimulations",
    representation(trialduration = "numeric"),
    prototype(trialduration = rep(0, 2)),
    contains = "Simulations",
    validity = v_da_simulations

##' Initialization function for `DASimulations`
##' @param trialduration see \code{\linkS4class{DASimulations}}
##' @param \dots additional parameters from \code{\link{Simulations}}
##' @return the \code{\linkS4class{DASimulations}} object
##' @export
##' @keywords methods
DASimulations <- function(trialduration,
                          ...) {
  start <- Simulations(...)
    trialduration = trialduration

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname DASimulations-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DASimulations()` function.  This
#' function has a noticeable execution time.
#' @export
.DefaultDASimulations <- function() {
  design <- .DefaultDADesign()
  myTruth <- probFunction(design@model, alpha0 = 2, alpha1 = 3)
  exp_cond.cdf <- function(x, onset = 15) {
    a <- stats::pexp(28, 1 / onset, lower.tail = FALSE)
    1 - (stats::pexp(x, 1 / onset, lower.tail = FALSE) - a) / (1 - a)

    args = NULL,
    truthTox = myTruth,
    truthSurv = exp_cond.cdf,
    trueTmax = 80,
    nsim = 2,
    seed = 819,
    mcmcOptions = .DefaultMcmcOptions(),
    firstSeparate = TRUE,
    deescalate = FALSE,
    parallel = FALSE
# nolint end

# tidy

## tidy-Simulations ----

#' @rdname tidy
#' @aliases tidy-Simulations
#' @example examples/Simulations-method-tidy.R
#' @export
  f = "tidy",
  signature = signature(x = "Simulations"),
  definition = function(x, ...) {
    slot_names <- slotNames(x)
    rv <- list()
    for (nm in slot_names) {
      if (!is.function(slot(x, nm))) {
        if (nm %in% c("stop_reasons", "additional_stats")) {
        } else {
          rv[[nm]] <- h_tidy_slot(x, nm)
    # Column bind of all list elements have the same number of rows
    if (length(rv) > 1 & length(unique(sapply(rv, nrow))) == 1) {
      rv <- rv %>% dplyr::bind_cols()
    rv %>% h_tidy_class(x)
Roche/crmPack documentation built on Sept. 26, 2024, 3:07 a.m.