Man pages for Russel88/DAtest
Comparing Differential Abundance/Expression Methods

allDARun many differential abundance/expression methods
DA.adxAldex t.test and wilcox
DA.anovaRun 'anova' on all features from 'DAtest' results with...
DA.aoaANOVA - Multiplicative zero-correction and additive log-ratio...
DA.aocANOVA - Multiplicative zero-correction and additive log-ratio...
DA.drop1Run 'drop1' on all features from 'DAtest' results with...
DA.ds2DESeq2 with manual geometric means
DA.ereEdgeR exact test - TMM normalization
DA.ere2EdgeR exact test - RLE normalization
DA.erqEdgeR quasi-likelihood - TMM normalization
DA.erq2EdgeR quasi-likelihood - RLE normalization
DA.friFriedman Rank Sum test
DA.kruKruskal-Wallis test
DA.liaLIMMA - Multiplicative zero-correction and additive log-ratio...
DA.licLIMMA - Multiplicative zero-correction and center log-ratio...
DA.llmLog linear regression
DA.llm2Log linear regression
DA.lmaLinear regression - Multiplicative zero-correction and...
DA.lmcLinear regression - Multiplicative zero-correction and center...
DA.lrmLinear regression
DA.lsmeansRun 'lsmeans' on all features from 'DAtest' results with...
DA.lttWelch t-test
DA.ltt2Welch t-test
DA.msfMetagenomeSeq Feature model
DA.nebNegative binomial glm
DA.peaPearson Correlation
DA.perPermutation test of user-defined test statistic
DA.poiPoisson glm
DA.qpoQuasi-poisson glm
DA.quaQuade test
DA.speSpearman's Rank Correlation
DA.ttaWelch t-test - Multiplicative zero-correction and additive...
DA.ttcWelch t-test - Multiplicative zero-correction and center...
DA.ttrWelch t-test with rank-normalization
DA.tttWelch t-test
DA.TukeyHSDRun 'TukeyHSD' on all features from 'DAtest' results with...
DA.vliLIMMA with 'voom'
DA.wilWilcoxon Rank Sum and Signed Rank Test
DA.zigMetagenomeSeq ZIG
DA.znbZero inflated Negative Binomial glm
DA.zpoZero inflated Poisson glm
DA.zzzUser-defined function
featurePlotPlot association between abundance of a feature and predictor
norm_alrAdditive log-ratio normalization
norm_clrCentered log-ratio normalization
plot.DAPlotting results from 'testDA'
plot.DAPowerPlotting results from 'powerDA'
powerDAEstimating (empirical) statistical power
preDAPre-processing for DAtest
print.DAPrint results from 'testDA'
runtimeDAEstimate runtime of 'testDA' on large datasets
summary.DASummary of results from 'testDA'
summary.DAPowerSummary of results from 'powerDA'
testDAComparing differential abundance/expression methods by...
vennDAPlot Venn diagram from 'allDA' object
Russel88/DAtest documentation built on March 24, 2022, 3:50 p.m.