
##' **Author: Aydan Selek**
##' **Description:**
##' **Inputs:**
##' * total trade data
##' **Flag assignment:**
##' None

## Load the libraries
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, eval = FALSE)

library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

`%!in%` = Negate(`%in%`)

send_mail <- function(from = NA, to = NA, subject = NA,
                      body = NA, remove = FALSE) {

  if (missing(from)) from <- ''

  if (missing(to)) {
    if (exists('swsContext.userEmail')) {
      to <- swsContext.userEmail

  if (is.null(to)) {
    stop('No valid email in `to` parameter.')

  if (missing(subject)) stop('Missing `subject`.')

  if (missing(body)) stop('Missing `body`.')

  if (length(body) > 1) {
    body <-
        function(x) {
          if (file.exists(x)) {
            file_type <-
                tolower(sub('.*\\.([^.]+)$', '\\1', basename(x))),
                txt  = 'text/plain',
                csv  = 'text/csv',
                png  = 'image/png',
                jpeg = 'image/jpeg',
                jpg  = 'image/jpeg',
                gif  = 'image/gif',
                xls  = 'application/',
                xlsx = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet',
                doc  = 'application/msword',
                docx = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document',
                pdf  = 'application/pdf',
                zip  = 'application/zip',
                rds  = 'application/octet-stream'

            if (is.null(file_type)) {
              stop(paste(tolower(sub('.*\\.([^.]+)$', '\\1', basename(x))),
                         'is not a supported file type.'))
            } else {
              res <- sendmailR:::.file_attachment(x, basename(x), type = file_type)

              if (remove == TRUE) {

          } else {
  } else if (!is.character(body)) {
    stop('`body` should be either a string or a list.')

  sendmailR::sendmail(from, to, subject, as.list(body))


if (CheckDebug()) {

  SETTINGS = ReadSettings("modules/nutrients_trade_data/sws.yml")
  ## Define where your certificates are stored
  ## Get session information from SWS. Token must be obtained from web interface
  GetTestEnvironment(baseUrl = SETTINGS[["server"]],
                     token = SETTINGS[["token"]])


# Parameters
min_year = as.numeric(swsContext.computationParams$min_year)
max_year = as.numeric(swsContext.computationParams$max_year)
year <- as.integer(min_year:max_year)
# year <- as.integer(2010:2018)
number_of_year <- as.integer(length(year))

USER <- regmatches(swsContext.username, regexpr("(?<=/).+$", swsContext.username, perl = TRUE))

allm49 <-
  GetCodeList("trade", "total_trade_cpc_m49", "geographicAreaM49")[type == "country", code] %>%
  Dimension(name = "geographicAreaM49", keys = .)

allElementsDim <-
  c("5610", "5910", "5622", "5922", "5630", "5930", "50002", "66002") %>%
  Dimension(name = "measuredElementTrade", keys = .)

# CPC codes
cpc_codes_list <- ReadDatatable('commodity_list_for_total_trade_tables')
cpc_codes_list <- cpc_codes_list[is_livestock=='No',]
cpc_codes_list <- cpc_codes_list[order(commodity_code)]
cpc_codes <- unique(cpc_codes_list$commodity_code)
# animals <- cpc_codes_list[is_livestock=='Yes', commodity_code]

allItemsDim <-
  GetCodeList("trade", "total_trade_cpc_m49", "measuredItemCPC")[code %in%  cpc_codes][,code] %>%
  Dimension(name = "measuredItemCPC", keys = .)

allYearsDim <- Dimension(name = "timePointYears", keys = as.character(year))

totaltradekey <-
    domain = "trade",
    dataset = "total_trade_cpc_m49",
    dimensions =

tradeData <- GetData(totaltradekey) # Trade data

# tradeData <- tradeData[!(measuredItemCPC %in% animals & measuredElementTrade %in% c("5610", "5910")),]

continentCodes <- ReadDatatable('continent_country_mapping_for_total_trade_tables') # Continent-country mapping

crops <- unique(cpc_codes_list[is_livestock=='No', commodity_code])

timeseriesData <- = as.character(min_year:max_year),
                                                  geographicAreaM49 = unique(tradeData$geographicAreaM49),
                                                  measuredElementTrade = c(unique(tradeData[measuredItemCPC %in% crops, measuredElementTrade]),
                                                                           "Import - Export", "(Import/Export) - 1", "Status"),
                                                  measuredItemCPC = unique(crops)))

timeseriesData <- merge(timeseriesData, tradeData, by=c("geographicAreaM49","measuredElementTrade","measuredItemCPC", "timePointYears"),all.x = TRUE)

timeseriesData[, Value := 0]

# European Union member countries are included to the also to the Europe continent (Cyprus to Asia)
# In order to avoid double counting, we need threat them only as Eurpean Union and not include to the other country group

european_countries <- unique(continentCodes[country_group=='European Union', m49_country_code])
continentCodes <- continentCodes[m49_country_code %in% european_countries, country_group:= "European Union"]
continentCodes <- unique(continentCodes)
timeseriesData <- merge(timeseriesData, continentCodes, by.x=c("geographicAreaM49"),by.y = c("m49_country_code"), all.x = TRUE)
setnames(timeseriesData, "country_group", "Country Group")

# Country wise calculation
timeseriesData[, Value := ifelse(measuredElementTrade %in% c("Import - Export"),
                                 round(Value[measuredElementTrade == "50002"] - Value[measuredElementTrade == "66002"], 0), Value),
               by=c("geographicAreaM49","Country Group","measuredItemCPC","timePointYears")]

timeseriesData[, Value := ifelse(measuredElementTrade %in% c("(Import/Export) - 1"),
                                 round(((Value[measuredElementTrade == "50002"]/Value[measuredElementTrade == "66002"])-1)*100,0), Value),
               by=c("geographicAreaM49","Country Group","measuredItemCPC","timePointYears")]

timeseriesData[Value == "Inf", Value := NA]
timeseriesData[is.nan(Value), Value := NA]

timeseriesData <- timeseriesData[order(measuredItemCPC, `Country Group`, timePointYears)]

# Calculate the growth of import and export
growthData <- timeseriesData[measuredElementTrade %in% c("50002","66002")]

growthData <-, measuredItemCPC+ timePointYears+ geographicAreaM49+ `Country Group` ~
                                 measuredElementTrade, value.var = c("Value"))

growthData[, Import_growth := round((`50002` - lag(`50002`))/lag(`50002`),0) , by = c("geographicAreaM49","measuredItemCPC", "Country Group")]

growthData[, Export_growth := round((`66002` - lag(`66002`))/lag(`66002`),0) , by = c("geographicAreaM49","measuredItemCPC", "Country Group")]

growthData[, c("50002", "66002") := NULL]

growthData<-, id.vars = c("measuredItemCPC","timePointYears","geographicAreaM49","Country Group"),

setnames(growthData, "variable", "measuredElementTrade")

growthData[is.nan(Value), Value := NA]

growthData[, c("flagObservationStatus", "flagMethod"):= NA]

timeseriesData <- rbind(timeseriesData,growthData)

timeseriesData[Value == "Inf", Value := NA]

timeseriesData[measuredElementTrade == "Status", Value := NA]

timeseriesData <-
    measuredElementTrade == "(Import/Export) - 1",
    .(geographicAreaM49,`Country Group`, measuredItemCPC, timePointYears, s = between(Value, -5, 5))
      on = c("geographicAreaM49", "Country Group","measuredItemCPC","timePointYears")
        measuredElementTrade == "Status", Value := s * 1
          s := NULL

timeseriesData[, Value:= round(Value, 0)] # Country wise calculation will be reasumed

# Region wise calculation
timeseriesDataRegion <- copy(timeseriesData)
timeseriesDataRegion <- subset(timeseriesDataRegion, measuredElementTrade %in% c("5610", "5910", "5622", "5922", "5630", "5930",
                                                                                 "50002", "66002",
                                                                                 "Import - Export", "(Import/Export) - 1", "Status") )

timeseriesDataRegion[, geographicAreaM49:= NULL]

timeseriesDataRegion[, c("flagObservationStatus", "flagMethod"):= NULL]

timeseriesDataRegion[, Value := ifelse(measuredElementTrade %in% c("Import - Export", "(Import/Export) - 1", "5630", "5930", "Status"), NA,Value),
                     by=c("Country Group", "measuredItemCPC", "timePointYears")]

# Aggregate the Quantity and Value elements
timeseriesDataRegion[, Agg_Sum := ifelse(measuredElementTrade %in% c("5610","5910","5622","5922", "50002", "66002"), sum(Value), Value),
                     by = list(measuredItemCPC, `Country Group`, measuredElementTrade, timePointYears)]

timeseriesDataRegion[, c("Value"):= NULL]
timeseriesDataRegion <- unique(timeseriesDataRegion)

setnames(timeseriesDataRegion, c("Agg_Sum"),c("Value"))

# Manage other ad-hoc elements for tyhe regional calculation
timeseriesDataRegion[, Value:= ifelse(measuredElementTrade %in% c("Import - Export") ,
                                      round(Value[measuredElementTrade == "50002"]-Value[measuredElementTrade == "66002"],0), Value),
                     by=c("Country Group", "measuredItemCPC", "timePointYears")]

timeseriesDataRegion[, Value:= ifelse(measuredElementTrade %in% c("5630"),
                                      round((Value[measuredElementTrade == "5622"]*1000)/Value[measuredElementTrade == "5610"],0), Value),
                     by=c("Country Group","measuredItemCPC" ,"timePointYears")]

timeseriesDataRegion[, Value:= ifelse(measuredElementTrade %in% c("5930"),
                                      round((Value[measuredElementTrade == "5922"]*1000)/Value[measuredElementTrade == "5910"],0), Value),
                     by=c("Country Group","measuredItemCPC" ,"timePointYears")]

timeseriesDataRegion[, Value:= ifelse(measuredElementTrade %in% c("(Import/Export) - 1"),
                                      round(((Value[measuredElementTrade == "50002"]/Value[measuredElementTrade == "66002"])-1)*100,0), Value),
                     by=c("Country Group","measuredItemCPC","timePointYears")]

timeseriesDataRegion <- timeseriesDataRegion[order(measuredItemCPC, `Country Group`, timePointYears)]

growthDataRe <- timeseriesDataRegion[measuredElementTrade %in% c("5610","5910", "50002", "66002")]

growthDataRe <-, measuredItemCPC+timePointYears+`Country Group` ~ measuredElementTrade, value.var = c("Value"))

growthDataRe[measuredItemCPC %in% crops, Import_growth := round(((`50002` - lag(`50002`))/lag(`50002`))*100, 0) , by = c("measuredItemCPC", "Country Group")]

growthDataRe[measuredItemCPC %in% crops, Export_growth := round(((`66002` - lag(`66002`))/lag(`66002`))*100, 0) , by = c("measuredItemCPC", "Country Group")]

growthDataRe[, c("5610","5910", "5608","5908","5609","5909", "50002", "66002") := NULL]

growthDataRe<-, id.vars = c("measuredItemCPC","timePointYears","Country Group"),
                               measure.vars=c("Import_growth","Export_growth"), "Value")

setnames(growthDataRe, "variable", "measuredElementTrade")

timeseriesDataRegion <- rbind(timeseriesDataRegion, growthDataRe)

timeseriesDataRegion[Value == "Inf", Value := NA]
timeseriesDataRegion[is.nan(Value), Value := NA]

timeseriesDataRegion <-
    measuredElementTrade == "(Import/Export) - 1",
    .(`Country Group`, measuredItemCPC, timePointYears, s = between(Value, -5, 5))
      on = c("Country Group","measuredItemCPC","timePointYears")
        measuredElementTrade == "Status", Value := s * 1
          s := NULL

timeseriesDataRegion[measuredElementTrade == "50002", measuredElementTrade := "Energy_content_of_import (kcal)"]
timeseriesDataRegion[measuredElementTrade == "66002", measuredElementTrade := "Energy_content_of_export (kcal)"]
timeseriesDataRegion[measuredElementTrade == "5610", measuredElementTrade := "Import_Quantity (t)"]
timeseriesDataRegion[measuredElementTrade == "5910", measuredElementTrade := "Export_Quantity (t)"]
timeseriesDataRegion[measuredElementTrade == "5622", measuredElementTrade:= "Import Value [1000 $]"]
timeseriesDataRegion[measuredElementTrade == "5922", measuredElementTrade:= "Export Value [1000 $]"]
timeseriesDataRegion[measuredElementTrade == "5630", measuredElementTrade:= "Import UV [$/t]"]
timeseriesDataRegion[measuredElementTrade == "5930", measuredElementTrade:= "Export UV [$/t]"]

setnames(timeseriesDataRegion, "measuredItemCPC", "measuredItemFbsSua")

timeseriesDataRegion <- nameData("sua-fbs", "sua_unbalanced", timeseriesDataRegion) # Name SWS keys

timeseriesDataRegion[, c("timePointYears_description"):= NULL]
timeseriesDataRegion[, Value:= round(Value,0)]
setnames(timeseriesDataRegion, c("measuredItemFbsSua","measuredItemFbsSua_description"), c("Commodity CPC Code", "Commodity name"))

timeseriesDataRegion <-, `Country Group`+ `Commodity CPC Code`+ `Commodity name`+ measuredElementTrade
                                         ~ timePointYears, value.var = c("Value"))

setnames(timeseriesDataRegion, c("measuredElementTrade"), c("Trade Dimension"))

timeseriesDataRegion[, Country:= NA]

setcolorder(timeseriesDataRegion, c("Country Group","Country","Commodity name","Commodity CPC Code","Trade Dimension"

timeseriesDataRegion[, `Trade Dimension`:= as.character(`Trade Dimension`)] # Region wise calculation finalised

# World wise calculation
world <- subset(timeseriesData, measuredElementTrade %in% c("5610","5910","5622","5922","5630","5930", "50002", "66002",
                                                            "Import - Export", "(Import/Export) - 1","Status") )

world[, c("flagObservationStatus", "flagMethod"):=NULL]

world <- world[!duplicated(world[, c("geographicAreaM49", "measuredItemCPC", "timePointYears", "measuredElementTrade"), with = FALSE])]

world[, Value:= ifelse(measuredElementTrade %in% c("Import - Export","(Import/Export) - 1","5630","5930","Status"), NA,Value),
      by=c("Country Group","measuredItemCPC","timePointYears")]

world[, geographicAreaM49 :=NULL]

world[, `Country Group`:= c("World")]

# Aggregate the Quantity and Value elements
world[, Agg_Sum := ifelse(measuredElementTrade %in% c("5610","5910", "5622","5922", "50002", "66002"), sum(Value), Value),
      by = list(measuredItemCPC,`Country Group`, measuredElementTrade,timePointYears)]

world[,c("Value") := NULL]
world <- unique(world)
setnames(world, c("Agg_Sum"),c("Value"))

# Manage other ad-hoc elements for the regional calculation
world[, Value:= ifelse(measuredElementTrade %in% c("Import - Export"),
                       round(Value[measuredElementTrade == "50002"]-Value[measuredElementTrade == "66002"],0), Value),
      by=c("Country Group","measuredItemCPC","timePointYears")]

world[, Value:= ifelse(measuredElementTrade %in% c("5630"),
                       round((Value[measuredElementTrade == "5622"]*1000)/Value[measuredElementTrade == "5610"],0), Value),
      by=c("Country Group","measuredItemCPC" ,"timePointYears")]

world[, Value:= ifelse(measuredElementTrade %in% c("5930"),
                       round((Value[measuredElementTrade == "5922"]*1000)/Value[measuredElementTrade == "5910"],0), Value),
      by=c("Country Group","measuredItemCPC" ,"timePointYears")]

world[, Value:= ifelse(measuredElementTrade %in% c("(Import/Export) - 1"),
                       round(((Value[measuredElementTrade == "50002"]/Value[measuredElementTrade == "66002"])-1)*100), Value),
      by=c("Country Group","measuredItemCPC","timePointYears")]

world <- world[order(measuredItemCPC, `Country Group`, timePointYears)]

growthWorld <- world[measuredElementTrade %in% c("5610","5910", "50002", "66002")]

growthWorld <-, measuredItemCPC+timePointYears+`Country Group` ~ measuredElementTrade, value.var = c("Value"))

growthWorld[measuredItemCPC %in% crops, Import_growth:= round(((`50002` - lag(`50002`))/lag(`50002`))*100,0) , by = c("measuredItemCPC", "Country Group")]

growthWorld[measuredItemCPC %in% crops, Export_growth:= round(((`66002` - lag(`66002`))/lag(`66002`))*100,0) , by = c("measuredItemCPC", "Country Group")]

growthWorld[, c("5610","5910", "50002", "66002") := NULL]

growthWorld<-, id.vars = c("measuredItemCPC","timePointYears","Country Group"),
                              measure.vars=c("Import_growth","Export_growth"), = "Value")

setnames(growthWorld, "variable", "measuredElementTrade")

world <- rbind(world,growthWorld)
world[ is.nan(Value), Value := NA]
world[ Value == "Inf" , Value := NA]

world <-
    measuredElementTrade == "(Import/Export) - 1",
    .(`Country Group`, measuredItemCPC, timePointYears, s = between(Value, -5, 5))
      on = c("Country Group","measuredItemCPC","timePointYears")
        measuredElementTrade == "Status", Value := s * 1
          s := NULL

world[measuredElementTrade == "50002", measuredElementTrade := "Energy_content_of_import (kcal)"]
world[measuredElementTrade == "66002", measuredElementTrade := "Energy_content_of_export (kcal)"]
world[measuredElementTrade == "5610", measuredElementTrade := "Import_Quantity (t)"]
world[measuredElementTrade == "5910", measuredElementTrade := "Export_Quantity (t)"]
world[measuredElementTrade == "5622", measuredElementTrade := "Import Value [1000 $]"]
world[measuredElementTrade == "5922", measuredElementTrade := "Export Value [1000 $]"]
world[measuredElementTrade == "5630", measuredElementTrade := "Import UV [$/t]"]
world[measuredElementTrade == "5930", measuredElementTrade := "Export UV [$/t]"]


world <- nameData("sua-fbs", "sua_unbalanced",world)
world[, c("timePointYears_description") := NULL]
world[, Value := round(Value,0)]
setnames(world, c("measuredItemFbsSua", "measuredItemFbsSua_description"), c("Commodity CPC Code", "Commodity name"))

world <-, `Country Group`+ `Commodity CPC Code`+ `Commodity name`+ measuredElementTrade
                          ~ timePointYears, value.var = c("Value"))

setnames(world, c( "measuredElementTrade"), c("Trade Dimension"))
world[,Country:= NA]

setcolorder(world, c("Country Group","Country","Commodity name","Commodity CPC Code","Trade Dimension",

world[, `Trade Dimension` := as.character(`Trade Dimension`)] # World wise calculation finalised

# Country wise calculation resume
country <- copy(timeseriesData)

country[measuredElementTrade == "50002", measuredElementTrade := "Energy_content_of_import (kcal)"]
country[measuredElementTrade == "66002", measuredElementTrade := "Energy_content_of_export (kcal)"]
country[measuredElementTrade == "5610", measuredElementTrade := "Import_Quantity (t)"]
country[measuredElementTrade == "5910", measuredElementTrade := "Export_Quantity (t)"]
country[measuredElementTrade == "5622", measuredElementTrade := "Import Value [1000 $]"]
country[measuredElementTrade == "5922", measuredElementTrade := "Export Value [1000 $]"]
country[measuredElementTrade == "5630", measuredElementTrade := "Import UV [$/t]"]
country[measuredElementTrade == "5930", measuredElementTrade := "Export UV [$/t]"]

setnames(country, "measuredItemCPC", "measuredItemFbsSua")

country <- nameData("sua-fbs", "sua_unbalanced", country)
country[, c("timePointYears_description"):= NULL]
country[, Value:= round(Value,0)]
setnames(country, c("measuredItemFbsSua", "measuredItemFbsSua_description"), c("Commodity CPC Code", "Commodity name"))

country[, c("geographicAreaM49"):= NULL]
### POP ###
population_key <- DatasetKey(domain = "population", dataset = "population_unpd", dimensions = list(
  geographicAreaM49 =
    GetCodeList(domain = "trade", dataset = "total_trade_cpc_m49", dimension = "geographicAreaM49")[type == "country", code] %>%
    Dimension(name = "geographicAreaM49", keys = .),
  measuredElementSuaFbs = Dimension(name = "measuredElement", keys = "511"), # 511 = Total population
  timePointYears = Dimension(name = "timePointYears", keys = as.character(year))

population <- GetData(population_key)
population <- nameData(domain = "population", dataset = "population_unpd", population,
                       except = c("measuredElement", "timePointYears", "Value", "flagObservationStatus", "flagMethod"))
population <- population[geographicAreaM49 != "156",]
population[, c('flagObservationStatus', 'flagMethod'):= NULL]
country <- country[geographicAreaM49_description %in% unique(population$geographicAreaM49_description), ]
population <- population[geographicAreaM49_description %in% unique(country$geographicAreaM49_description), ]


country <-, geographicAreaM49_description + `Country Group`+ `Commodity CPC Code`+ `Commodity name`+ measuredElementTrade
                            ~ timePointYears, value.var = c("Value", "flagObservationStatus", "flagMethod"))

setnames(country, c( "measuredElementTrade", "geographicAreaM49_description"),c("Trade Dimension","Country"))

yearcols <- grep("^Value", names(country), value = TRUE)
yearcols_new = gsub("^.*?_","", yearcols)

flagcols <- grep("^flagObservationStatus", names(country), value = TRUE)
flagcols_new=gsub("_", " ", flagcols, fixed=TRUE)

methodcols <- grep("^flagMethod", names(country), value = TRUE)
methodcols_new=gsub("_", " ", methodcols, fixed=TRUE)

addorder <- as.vector(rbind(yearcols_new, flagcols_new, methodcols_new))

setnames(country, c(yearcols, flagcols, methodcols), c(yearcols_new, flagcols_new, methodcols_new))

setcolorder(country, c("Country Group", "Country", "Commodity name", "Commodity CPC Code", "Trade Dimension", addorder))

flagcols_new <- grep("^flagObservationStatus", names(country), value = TRUE)

methodcols_new <- grep("^flagMethod", names(country), value = TRUE)

setnames(country, flagcols_new, rep("Status", number_of_year))
setnames(country, methodcols_new, rep("Method", number_of_year))

country[, `Trade Dimension`:= as.character(`Trade Dimension`)]

country <- subset(country, `Trade Dimension` %in% c("Energy_content_of_import (kcal)", "Energy_content_of_export (kcal)",
                                                    "Import_Quantity (t)", "Export_Quantity (t)", "Import Value [1000 $]",
                                                    "Export Value [1000 $]", "Import UV [$/t]","Export UV [$/t]"))

population_dcast <-, geographicAreaM49_description ~ timePointYears, value.var = c('Value'))
population_dcast[, `Trade Dimension`:= 'Population [1000]']
setnames(population_dcast, "geographicAreaM49_description", "Country")
country <- rbind(country, population_dcast, fill= TRUE)

# Give the last shape of data and produce excel files
message("Excel files producing...")
# timeseriesDataRegion : regional data
# country              : country data
# world                : world data

world[`Trade Dimension` == "(Import/Export) - 1", `Trade Dimension` := "[(Import/Export) - 1] in %"]
world[`Trade Dimension` == "Import_growth", `Trade Dimension` := "[Import_growth] in %"]
world[`Trade Dimension` == "Export_growth", `Trade Dimension` := "[Export_growth] in % "]

timeseriesDataRegion[`Trade Dimension` == "(Import/Export) - 1", `Trade Dimension` := "[(Import/Export) - 1] in %"]
timeseriesDataRegion[`Trade Dimension` == "Import_growth", `Trade Dimension` := "[Import_growth] in %"]
timeseriesDataRegion[`Trade Dimension` == "Export_growth", `Trade Dimension` := "[Export_growth] in % "]

country[`Trade Dimension` == "(Import/Export) - 1", `Trade Dimension` := "[(Import/Export) - 1] in %"]
country[`Trade Dimension` == "Import_growth", `Trade Dimension` := "[Import_growth] in %"]
country[`Trade Dimension` == "Export_growth", `Trade Dimension` := "[Export_growth] in % "]

foritem_names <- country[,.(`Commodity name`)]
# foritem_names[`Commodity name`=='Swine / pigs', `Commodity name`:= 'Swine-pigs']
item_names <- unique(foritem_names$`Commodity name`)
# Create temporary location for the output
TMP_DIR <- file.path(tempdir())
if (!file.exists(TMP_DIR)) dir.create(TMP_DIR, recursive = TRUE)
tmp_file_commoditytables <- file.path(TMP_DIR, paste0("item_", item_names,".xlsx"))

# tmp_file_commoditytables <- file.path(R_SWS_SHARE_PATH, "selek", paste0("item_", item_names,".xlsx"))
tmp_file_commoditytables <- file.path('C:/Users/Selek/Desktop/ALL', paste0("item_", item_names,".xlsx"))

# Item files is being producing
list_of_commodity <- unique(world$`Commodity CPC Code`)
for (i in 1:length(list_of_commodity)){

  item_name <- unique(country[, c("Commodity name","Commodity CPC Code"), with = FALSE])
  if(list_of_commodity[i] == "02140"){

    item_name <- c("Swine_Pigs")

    item_name <- unique(item_name[`Commodity CPC Code` == list_of_commodity[i]]$`Commodity name`)

  # TMP_DIR <- file.path(tempdir())
  # if (!file.exists(TMP_DIR)) dir.create(TMP_DIR, recursive = TRUE)
  # tmp_file_commoditytables <- file.path(TMP_DIR, paste0("item_", item_name,".xlsx"))

  x1 <- subset(world, `Commodity CPC Code` == list_of_commodity[i])

  if (list_of_commodity[i] %in% crops){

    z <- c("Energy_content_of_import (kcal)", "Energy_content_of_export (kcal)",
           "Import_Quantity (t)","Import Value [1000 $]", "Import UV [$/t]", "Export_Quantity (t)",
           "Export Value [1000 $]","Export UV [$/t]","Import - Export",
           "[(Import/Export) - 1] in %", "[Import_growth] in %", "[Export_growth] in % ", "Status" )


  x1 <- x1[order(match(`Trade Dimension`, z)),]

  x1_0 <- rbind(x1[1:2,],x1[1:2,][nrow(x1[1:2,]) + 1L])
  x1_1 <- rbind(x1[3:5,],x1[3:5,][nrow(x1[3:5,]) + 1L])
  x1_2 <- rbind(x1[6:8,],x1[6:8,][nrow(x1[6:8,]) + 1L])
  x1_3 <- rbind(x1[9:13,],x1[9:13,][nrow(x1[9:13,]) + 1L])

  x1 <- rbind(x1_0,x1_1,x1_2,x1_3)

  x1[] <- ""

  numeric_columns  <- grep("^[[:digit:]]{4}$", names(x1), value = TRUE)
  x1[, (numeric_columns) := lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = numeric_columns] # World

  # Country details

  z2 <- c("Energy_content_of_import (kcal)", "Energy_content_of_export (kcal)",
            "Import_Quantity (t)","Import Value [1000 $]", "Import UV [$/t]", "Export_Quantity (t)", "Export Value [1000 $]","Export UV [$/t]",
            "Population [1000]")

  x2 <- subset(country, `Commodity CPC Code` == list_of_commodity[i] |`Commodity CPC Code`) & `Trade Dimension` %in% z2)

  x2 <- x2[order(match(`Trade Dimension`, z2)),]
  x2 <- x2[order(Country),]

  # Regions
  x3 <- subset(timeseriesDataRegion, `Commodity CPC Code` == list_of_commodity[i])
  x3 <- x3[order(match(`Trade Dimension`, z)),]
  xxx <- list()

  for (j in 1:length(unique(x3$`Country Group`))){

    xx <- subset(x3, `Country Group` == unique(x3$`Country Group`)[j])
    xx <- xx[order(match(`Trade Dimension`, z)),]

    xx_0<-rbind(xx[1:2,],xx[1:2,][nrow(xx[1:2,]) + 1L])
    xx_1<-rbind(xx[3:5,],xx[3:5,][nrow(xx[3:5,]) + 1L])
    xx_2 <-rbind(xx[6:8,],xx[6:8,][nrow(xx[6:8,]) + 1L])
    xx_3 <-rbind(xx[9:13,],xx[9:13,][nrow(xx[9:13,]) + 1L])

    xx <- rbind(xx_0,xx_1,xx_2,xx_3)

    xx[] <- ""

    numeric_columns  <- grep("^[[:digit:]]{4}$", names(xx), value = TRUE)
    xx[, (numeric_columns) := lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = numeric_columns]

    xxx[[j]] <- xx


  x3 <- rbindlist(xxx) # Regions

  wb <- createWorkbook("Creator of workbook")
  addWorksheet(wb, sheetName = "World_summary")
  addWorksheet(wb, sheetName = "Country_details")
  addWorksheet(wb, sheetName = "Regions")

  header_st <- createStyle(textDecoration = "Bold")

  writeData(wb, "World_summary", x1, headerStyle = header_st)
  writeData(wb, "Country_details", x2, headerStyle = header_st)
  writeData(wb, "Regions", x3, headerStyle = header_st)

  setColWidths(wb, sheet = "World_summary" , cols = 1:ncol(x1), widths = "auto")
  setColWidths(wb, sheet = "Country_details" , cols = 1:ncol(x2), widths = "auto")
  setColWidths(wb, sheet = "Regions" , cols = 1:ncol(x3), widths = "auto")

  style_comma <- createStyle(numFmt = "COMMA")

  for (y in 6:length(x1)) {
    addStyle(wb, "World_summary", cols = y, rows = 1:nrow(x1)+1, style = style_comma, gridExpand = TRUE, stack = TRUE)

  for (y in c((6:length(x2)) [6:length(x2)%%3 == 0])) {
    addStyle(wb, "Country_details", cols = y, rows = 1:nrow(x2)+1, style = style_comma, gridExpand = TRUE, stack = TRUE)

  for (y in 6:length(x3)) {
    addStyle(wb, "Regions", cols = y, rows = 1:nrow(x3)+1, style = style_comma, gridExpand = TRUE, stack = TRUE)

  # Sys.setenv(R_ZIPCMD= "C:/Users/Selek/Documents/Rtools/bin/zip")
  saveWorkbook(wb, tmp_file_commoditytables[i], overwrite = TRUE)
  # saveWorkbook(wb, file = file.path("C:/Users/aydan/Desktop/all_items", paste0("item_", item_name,".xlsx")), overwrite = TRUE)


tmp_file_world <- file.path(TMP_DIR, paste0(min_year, "_", max_year, "_trade_commodity_tables.xlsx"))

world2 <- world[`Trade Dimension` %!in% c("Import UV [$/t]", "Export UV [$/t]"),]

z <- c("Energy_content_of_import (kcal)", "Energy_content_of_export (kcal)", "Import_Quantity (t)", "Export_Quantity (t)",
       "Import - Export", "[(Import/Export) - 1] in %", "[Import_growth] in %",
       "[Export_growth] in % ", "Status", "Import Value [1000 $]", "Export Value [1000 $]")

world2 <- world2 %>% slice(order(factor(`Trade Dimension`, levels = z)))
world2 <-  world2[order(world2$`Commodity CPC Code`),, drop=FALSE]

N = 1
after_rows = 11

world2<-, lapply(split(world2, ceiling(1:NROW(world2)/after_rows)),
                               function(a) rbind(a, replace(a[1:N,], TRUE, ""))))

world2 <-
world2[, Country:= NULL]

cols.num <- c(names(world2)[names(world2) %!in% c("Country Group", "Commodity name", "Commodity CPC Code", "Trade Dimension")])
world2[, (cols.num) := lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = cols.num]

wb <- createWorkbook("Creator of workbook2")
addWorksheet(wb, sheetName = "World_trade_tables")

header_st <- createStyle(textDecoration = "Bold", border = c('Top', 'Bottom', 'Left', 'Right'), borderColour = 'black')
style_comma <- createStyle(numFmt = "COMMA")
first_fill <- createStyle(fgFill = "#F34B43")

writeData(wb, 'World_trade_tables', world2, headerStyle = header_st)

setColWidths(wb, sheet = "World_trade_tables" , cols = 1:ncol(world2), widths = "auto")

for (i in 5:ncol(world2)){
  addStyle(wb, "World_trade_tables", cols = i, rows = 1 + c(na.omit((1:nrow(world2))[world2[[i]] == 0 & world2$`Trade Dimension` == 'Status'])),
           style = first_fill, gridExpand = TRUE, stack = TRUE)

for (i in 5:ncol(world2)) {
  addStyle(wb, "World_trade_tables", cols = i, rows = 1:nrow(world2), style = style_comma, gridExpand = TRUE, stack = TRUE)

# saveWorkbook(wb, tmp_file_world, overwrite = TRUE)
saveWorkbook(wb,file = "C:/Users/Selek/Desktop/world.xlsx", overwrite = TRUE)

# files2zip <- dir("C:/Users/aydan/Desktop/items_nonlivestock/", full.names = TRUE)
# zipped <- zip(zipfile = 'C:/Users/aydan/Desktop/testzip', files = files2zip)

bodyCommodityTables = paste("Plugin completed.")

send_mail(from = "", subject = "Commodity tables", body = c(bodyCommodityTables, tmp_file_commoditytables), remove = TRUE)
# send_mail(from = "", subject = "Commodity tables", body = c(bodyCommodityTables, tmp_file_commoditytables[21:length(tmp_file_commoditytables)]), remove = TRUE)
send_mail(from = "", subject = "World", body = c(bodyCommodityTables, tmp_file_world), remove = TRUE)

print('Plug-in Completed')
SWS-Methodology/faoswsTrade documentation built on Feb. 13, 2023, 1:04 a.m.