#' filter_advise_lipidomics
#' @description \code{filter_advise_lipidomics} is the function for filtering lipid data on
#' several features.
#' @param out List. It is the result from the \code{read_advise_lipidomics} function.
#' @param ca_bound Numerical vector. It is the range of the carbon atoms for each lipid
#' species: first number is the lower bound, second number is the upper bound. Default = c(14,24).
#' @param db_bound Numerical vector. It is the range of the double bonds for each lipid
#' species: first number is the lower bound, second number is the upper bound. Default = c(0,6).
#' @param data_type Character. Where come from the data. Can be "LipidSearch" or "LIQUID".
#' @return res: a list with results from the reading step, updated with the filtered data, divided
#' into non-labeled data (lipid_filtered) and deuterated data (lipid_deuterated).
#' @import dplyr
#' @import shiny
#' @importFrom purrr flatten
#' @export
#' @details The filter step is composed of different filters applied on non-labeled files:
#' a) retention time, the retention times of the lipid species should be in the range reported
#' in the internal standard file for each class;
#' b) carbon atom, the carbon atoms of the lipid species should be in the range reported
#' in the internal standard file for each class, and should be an even number;
#' c) double bond, the double bonds of the lipid species should be in the range reported
#' in the internal standard file for each class;
#' d) duplicated area, the duplicated areas for a lipid species should be ingnored, conserving
#' only the minimum area for one lipid species (duplication is checkd on m/z values).
#' After this step, filtered data are stored separately from raw data.
#' @note Last change 17/12/2021
filter_advise_lipidomics <- function(out,
ca_bound = c(14,24),
db_bound= c(0,6),
data_type = "LipidSearch"){
# I) Check on retention time range
message("Check on retention time range...")
showNotification(tagList(icon("cogs"), HTML(" Check on retention time range...")), type = "default")
if(data_type == "LipidSearch"){
rt_range <- out$targets$internal_standard %>% dplyr::select(Class,Ion,MinRt,MaxRt,InternalStandardLipidIon)
lipid_filtered <- lapply(out$lipid_data[grepl("nonlabeled",names(out$lipid_data), fixed = TRUE)],
function(x) merge(x, rt_range, all.x=TRUE) %>%
dplyr::filter(TopRT >= MinRt & TopRT <= MaxRt))
lipid_deuterated <- lapply(out$lipid_data[grepl("deuterated",names(out$lipid_data), fixed = TRUE)],
function(x) merge(x, rt_range, by.x = "LipidIon",
by.y = "InternalStandardLipidIon") %>%
##### LIQUID
rt_range <- out$targets$internal_standard %>% dplyr::select(Class,Adduct,MinRt,MaxRt) %>% dplyr::rename(Adduct_std = Adduct)
# Filtering lipids with 0 intensity
lipid_filtered = lapply(out$lipid_data, function(x)
x %>% dplyr::filter(Intensity != 0) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Class = strsplit(Common_Name, split = "\\(") %>% lapply("[",1) %>% unlist())
# Filtering lipids based on Adduct and Apex_RT
lipid_filtered = lapply(lipid_filtered, function(x) merge(x, rt_range, all.x=TRUE) %>%
dplyr::filter(Adduct == Adduct_std) %>%
dplyr::filter(Apex_RT >= MinRt & Apex_RT <= MaxRt))
# II) Check on number of carbon atoms: range and even number
message("Check on number of carbon atoms...")
showNotification(tagList(icon("cogs"), HTML(" Check on number of carbon atoms...")), type = "default")
if(data_type == "LipidSearch"){
#--- Subfunction---#
fun_a <- function(a){
aa <- a$FattyAcid
aa <- gsub("[a-zA-Z()-]", "", aa)
aa <- strsplit(aa, split = "[:_]")
aa <- list(ca = lapply(aa, function(x) c(x[seq(length(x)) %% 2 == 1])),
db = lapply(aa, function(x) c(x[seq(length(x)) %% 2 == 0])) )
#--- Subfunction---#
fun_a <- function(a){
aa <- a$Common_Name
aa <- gsub("[a-zA-Z()-]", "", aa)
aa <- strsplit(aa, split = "[:/]")
aa <- list(ca = lapply(aa, function(x) c(x[seq(length(x)) %% 2 == 1])),
db = lapply(aa, function(x) c(x[seq(length(x)) %% 2 == 0])) )
ca_list <- lapply(lipid_filtered, function (x) fun_a(x)$ca)
db_list <- lapply(lipid_filtered, function (x) fun_a(x)$db)
## II.1) Range
fun_b <- function(b){
bb <- lapply(b, function(x) (as.numeric(x) >= ca_bound[1] & as.numeric(x) <= ca_bound[2]))
bb <- which(sapply(bb, function(x) any(x == FALSE)))
ca_list_idx <- lapply(ca_list, fun_b)
for(k in 1:length(lipid_filtered)){
if (length(ca_list_idx[[k]]) != 0){
aux = lipid_filtered[[k]]
lipid_filtered[[k]] <- aux[-c(ca_list_idx[[k]]),]
rownames(lipid_filtered[[k]]) <- 1:nrow(lipid_filtered[[k]])
## II.2) Even Number
fun_c <- function(c){
cc <- lapply(c, function(x) sum(as.numeric(x)))
cc <- which(sapply(cc, function(x) (x %% 2 == 1)))
ca_list_idx_2 <- lapply(ca_list, fun_c)
for(k in 1:length(lipid_filtered)){
if (length(ca_list_idx_2[[k]]) != 0){
aux = lipid_filtered[[k]]
lipid_filtered[[k]] <- aux[-c(ca_list_idx_2[[k]]),]
rownames(lipid_filtered[[k]]) <- 1:nrow(lipid_filtered[[k]])
# III) Check on insaturation (double bonds)
message("Check on number of double bonds...")
showNotification(tagList(icon("cogs"), HTML(" Check on number of double bonds...")), type = "default")
fun_d <- function(d){
dd <- lapply(d, function(x) (as.numeric(x) >= db_bound[1] & as.numeric(x) <= db_bound[2]))
dd <- which(sapply(dd, function(x) any(x == FALSE)))
db_list_idx <- lapply(db_list,fun_d)
for(k in 1:length(lipid_filtered)){
if (length(db_list_idx[[k]]) != 0){
aux = lipid_filtered[[k]]
lipid_filtered[[k]] <- aux[-c(db_list_idx[[k]]),]
rownames(lipid_filtered[[k]]) <- 1:nrow(lipid_filtered[[k]])
if(data_type == "LipidSearch"){
#IV) Check on same species per class (observed m/z values)
message("Check on observed m/z values...")
showNotification(tagList(icon("cogs"), HTML(" Check on observed m/z values...")), type = "default")
fun_e <- function(e){
ee <- e %>% dplyr::select(Class,ObsMz,Area)
ee$ObsMz <- as.integer(ee$ObsMz)
ee$idx = rownames(ee)
mz_value <- lapply(lipid_filtered,fun_e)
mz_value_list <- lapply(mz_value, function(x) split(x,x$Class))
fun_f <- function(f){
dup <- f$ObsMz[duplicated(f$ObsMz)]
if(length(dup) != 0){
all_dup = list()
max_dup = list()
for(k in 1:length(dup)){
all_dup[[k]] <- f[f$ObsMz == dup[k],]
max_dup[[k]] <- all_dup[[k]] %>% dplyr::slice_max(Area,n = 1,with_ties = FALSE)
all_dup_df <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, all_dup))
max_dup_df <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, max_dup))
min_dup_idx <- setdiff(all_dup_df$idx, max_dup_df$idx)
min_idx <- list()
for(kk in 1:length(mz_value_list)){
min_idx[[kk]] <- unlist(lapply(mz_value_list[[kk]],fun_f))
aux <- lipid_filtered[[kk]]
lipid_filtered[[kk]] <- aux[-c(min_idx[[kk]]),]
} else {
min_idx[[kk]] = 0
# Updating
aux_out <- list(lipid_filtered = lipid_filtered, lipid_deuterated = lipid_deuterated)
#IV) Check on replicates lipids
message("Check on replicates lipids...")
showNotification(tagList(icon("cogs"), HTML(" Check on replicates lipids...")), type = "default")
fun_f <- function(f){
dup <- f$Common_Name[duplicated(f$Common_Name)] %>% unique()
not_dup = setdiff(f$Common_Name, dup)
if(length(dup) != 0){
all_dup = list()
max_dup = list()
for(k in 1:length(dup)){
all_dup[[k]] <- f[f$Common_Name == dup[k],]
max_dup[[k]] <- all_dup[[k]] %>% dplyr::slice_max(Intensity,n = 1,with_ties = FALSE)
max_dup_df <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, max_dup))
rbind(max_dup_df, dplyr::filter(f, Common_Name %in% not_dup))
#Filter duplicated lipids. Only lipids with maximum intensity will be picked.
lipid_filtered = lapply(lipid_filtered, fun_f)
# Updating
aux_out <- list(lipid_filtered = lipid_filtered)
res <- purrr::flatten(list(out,aux_out))
showNotification(tagList(icon("check"), HTML(" Filtering data completed!")), type = "message")
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