
#' Prediction for a diffusion process
#' @description Bayesian prediction of a stochastic process
#'   \eqn{dY_t = b(\phi,t,Y_t)dt + \gamma \widetilde{s}(t,Y_t)dW_t}.
#' @param object class object of MCMC samples: "est.Diffusion", created with method \code{\link{estimate,Diffusion-method}}
#' @param t vector of time points to make predictions for
#' @param Euler.interval if TRUE: simple prediction intervals with Euler are made (in one step each)
#' @param level level of the prediction intervals
#' @param burnIn burn-in period
#' @param thinning thinning rate
#' @param b.fun.mat matrix-wise definition of drift function (makes it faster)
#' @param which.series which series to be predicted, new one ("new") or further development of current one ("current")
#' @param y.start optional, if missing, first (which.series = "new") or last observation variable ("current") is taken
#' @param M2pred optional, if current series to be predicted and t missing, \code{M2pred} variables will be predicted
#'  with the observation time distances
#' @param cand.length length of candidate samples (if method = "vector")
#' @param pred.alg prediction algorithm, "Distribution", "Trajectory", "simpleTrajectory" or "simpleBayesTrajectory"
#' @param method vectorial ("vector") or not ("free")
#' @param sampling.alg sampling algorithm, inversion method ("InvMethod") or rejection sampling ("RejSamp")
#' @param sample.length number of samples to be drawn, default is the number of posterior samples
#' @param grid fineness degree of sampling approximation
#' @param plot.prediction if TRUE, prediction intervals are plotted
#' @references
#' Hermann, S. (2016a). BaPreStoPro: an R Package for Bayesian Prediction of Stochastic Processes. 
#' SFB 823 discussion paper 28/16.
#' Hermann, S. (2016b). Bayesian Prediction for Stochastic Processes based on the Euler Approximation Scheme. 
#' SFB 823 discussion paper 27/16.
#' @examples
#' model <- set.to.class("Diffusion", parameter = list(phi = 0.5, gamma2 = 0.01))
#' t <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.01)
#' data <- simulate(model, t = t, y0 = 0.5)
#' est_diff <- estimate(model, t, data, 1000) # better: 10000
#' plot(est_diff)
#' \dontrun{
#' pred_diff <- predict(est_diff, t = seq(0, 1, by = 0.1))
#' pred_diff <- predict(est_diff, b.fun.mat = function(phi, t, y) phi[,1])  # much faster
#' pred_diff2 <- predict(est_diff, which.series = "current", b.fun.mat = function(phi, t, y) phi[,1])
#' pred_diff3 <- predict(est_diff, which.series = "current", y.start = data[51], 
#'                t = t[seq(51, 100, by = 5)], b.fun.mat = function(phi, t, y) phi[,1])
#' }
#' pred_diff <- predict(est_diff, Euler.interval = TRUE, b.fun.mat = function(phi, t, y) phi[,1])  
#' # one step Euler approximation
#' pred_diff <- predict(est_diff, pred.alg = "simpleTrajectory", sample.length = 100)
#' for(i in 1:100) lines(t[-1], pred_diff[i,], col = "grey")
#' pred_diff <- predict(est_diff, pred.alg = "simpleBayesTrajectory")
#' @export
setMethod(f = "predict", signature = "est.Diffusion",
          definition = function(object,
                                t, Euler.interval = FALSE, level = 0.05, burnIn, thinning,
                                b.fun.mat, which.series = c("new", "current"), y.start, M2pred = 10,
                                cand.length = 1000, pred.alg = c("Distribution", "Trajectory", "simpleTrajectory", "simpleBayesTrajectory"),
                                method = c("vector", "free"),
                                sampling.alg = c("InvMethod", "RejSamp"), sample.length, grid, plot.prediction = TRUE) {

  pred.alg <- match.arg(pred.alg)
    if(pred.alg == "Trajectory"){
      method <- "free"
    } else {
      method <- "vector"
#  method <- match.arg(method)
  sampling.alg <- match.arg(sampling.alg)
  which.series <- match.arg(which.series)

    if(which.series == "new") y.start <- object@Y[1]
    if(which.series == "current") y.start <- object@Y[length(object@Y)]

  if(missing(burnIn)) burnIn <- object@burnIn
  if(missing(thinning)) thinning <- object@thinning

    if(which.series == "new") t <- object@t
    if(which.series == "current"){
      dt <- median( diff(object@t))
      t <- object@t[length(object@t)] + cumsum(c(0, rep(dt, M2pred)))

  ind <- seq(burnIn + 1, length(object@gamma2), by = thinning)
  samples <- list(phi = as.matrix(object@phi[ind,]), gamma2 = object@gamma2[ind])
  K <- length(samples$gamma2)
  if(missing(sample.length) | pred.alg == "Distribution") sample.length <- K
  b.fun <- object@model$b.fun
  sT.fun <- object@model$sT.fun
  n <- length(t)
  dt <- diff(t)

  if(pred.alg == "simpleTrajectory"){
    if(missing(sample.length)) sample.length <- 100
    result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)
    phi.est <- apply(samples$phi, 2, mean); gamma2.est <- mean(samples$gamma2)
    cl <- set.to.class("Diffusion", parameter = list(phi = phi.est, gamma2 = gamma2.est), b.fun = b.fun, sT.fun = sT.fun)
    for(i in 1:sample.length){
      result[i,] <- simulate(cl, t = t, y0 = y.start, plot.series = FALSE)
    result <- result[,-1]
  if(pred.alg == "simpleBayesTrajectory"){
      sample.length <- K
    } else{
      if(sample.length > K) sample.length <- K
    result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)
    for(i in 1:sample.length){
      cl <- set.to.class("Diffusion", parameter = list(phi = samples$phi[i,], gamma2 = samples$gamma2[i]), b.fun = b.fun, sT.fun = sT.fun)
      result[i,] <- simulate(cl, t = t, y0 = y.start, plot.series = FALSE)
    result <- result[,-1]
  if(pred.alg == "Distribution"){

        result <- matrix(0, 2, n-1)
        for(i in 1:(n-1)){
          cand.Area <- c(y.start + (t[i+1]-t[1])*b.fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[1], y.start) - 5*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sT.fun(t[1], y.start)^2*(t[i+1]-t[1])),
                         y.start + (t[i+1]-t[1])*b.fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[1], y.start) + 5*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sT.fun(t[1], y.start)^2*(t[i+1]-t[1])) )
            Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(pnorm(yn, yn_1+(t[i+1]-t[1])*b.fun.mat(samples$phi, t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*(t[i+1]-t[1]))))
            Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, yn_1+(t[i+1]-t[1])*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*(t[i+1]-t[1])))))
          result[,i] <- prediction.intervals(samples, Fun, x0 = y.start, level = level, candArea = cand.Area)
          Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(pnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[1]*b.fun.mat(samples$phi, t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*dt[1])))
          dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(dnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[1]*b.fun.mat(samples$phi, t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*dt[1])))
          if(pred.alg == "Distribution"){
            Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, yn_1[k]+dt[1]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[1], yn_1[k]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1[k])^2*dt[1]))))
            dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) dnorm(yn, yn_1[k]+dt[1]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[1], yn_1[k]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1[k])^2*dt[1]))))
          if(pred.alg == "Trajectory"){
            Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[1]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*dt[1]))))
            dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) dnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[1]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*dt[1]))))
        cand.Area <- c(y.start + dt[1]*b.fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[1], y.start) - 5*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sT.fun(t[1], y.start)^2*dt[1]),
                       y.start + dt[1]*b.fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[1], y.start) + 5*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sT.fun(t[1], y.start)^2*dt[1]) )
        if(missing(grid)) d <- diff(cand.Area)/cand.length
        result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n-1)
        result[,1] <- pred.base(samples = samples, Fun, dens, x0 = y.start, len = sample.length, method = method,
                                pred.alg = pred.alg, sampling.alg = sampling.alg, candArea = cand.Area, grid = d)
        for(i in 2:(n-1)){
            Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(pnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[i]*b.fun.mat(samples$phi, t[i], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1)^2*dt[i])))
            dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(dnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[i]*b.fun.mat(samples$phi, t[i], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1)^2*dt[i])))
            if(pred.alg == "Distribution"){
              Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, yn_1[k]+dt[i]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[i], yn_1[k]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1[k])^2*dt[i]))))
              dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) dnorm(yn, yn_1[k]+dt[i]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[i], yn_1[k]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1[k])^2*dt[i]))))
            if(pred.alg == "Trajectory"){
              Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[i]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[i], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1)^2*dt[i]))))
              dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) dnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[i]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[i], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1)^2*dt[i]))))
          cand.Area <- c(min(result[,i-1]) + dt[i]*b.fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[i], mean(result[,i-1])) - 5*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sT.fun(t[i], mean(result[,i-1]))^2*dt[i]),
                         max(result[,i-1]) + dt[i]*b.fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[i], mean(result[,i-1])) + 5*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sT.fun(t[i], mean(result[,i-1]))^2*dt[i]) )
          if(missing(grid)) d <- diff(cand.Area)/cand.length
          result[,i] <- pred.base(samples = samples, Fun, dens, x0 = result[,i-1], len = sample.length, method = method,
                                  pred.alg = pred.alg, sampling.alg = sampling.alg, candArea = cand.Area, grid = d)

          if(i %% 10 == 0) message(paste(i, "of", n-1, "predictions are calculated"))
  if(pred.alg == "Trajectory"){
      result <- matrix(0, 2, n-1)
      for(i in 1:(n-1)){
        cand.Area <- c(y.start + (t[i+1]-t[1])*b.fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[1], y.start) - 5*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sT.fun(t[1], y.start)^2*(t[i+1]-t[1])),
                       y.start + (t[i+1]-t[1])*b.fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[1], y.start) + 5*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sT.fun(t[1], y.start)^2*(t[i+1]-t[1])) )
          Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(pnorm(yn, yn_1+(t[i+1]-t[1])*b.fun.mat(samples$phi, t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*(t[i+1]-t[1]))))
          Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, yn_1+(t[i+1]-t[1])*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*(t[i+1]-t[1])))))
        result[,i] <- prediction.intervals(samples, Fun, x0 = y.start, level = level, candArea = cand.Area)
        Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(pnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[1]*b.fun.mat(samples$phi, t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*dt[1])))
        dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(dnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[1]*b.fun.mat(samples$phi, t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*dt[1])))
        if(pred.alg == "Distribution"){
          Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, yn_1[k]+dt[1]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[1], yn_1[k]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1[k])^2*dt[1]))))
          dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) dnorm(yn, yn_1[k]+dt[1]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[1], yn_1[k]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1[k])^2*dt[1]))))
        if(pred.alg == "Trajectory"){
          Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[1]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*dt[1]))))
          dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) dnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[1]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*dt[1]))))
      cand.Area <- c(y.start + dt[1]*b.fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[1], y.start) - 5*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sT.fun(t[1], y.start)^2*dt[1]),
                     y.start + dt[1]*b.fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[1], y.start) + 5*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sT.fun(t[1], y.start)^2*dt[1]) )
      if(missing(grid)) d <- diff(cand.Area)/cand.length
      result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n-1)
      result[,1] <- pred.base(samples = samples, Fun, dens, x0 = y.start, len = sample.length, method = method,
                              pred.alg = pred.alg, sampling.alg = sampling.alg, candArea = cand.Area, grid = d)
      for(i in 2:(n-1)){
          Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(pnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[i]*b.fun.mat(samples$phi, t[i], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1)^2*dt[i])))
          dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(dnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[i]*b.fun.mat(samples$phi, t[i], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1)^2*dt[i])))
          if(pred.alg == "Distribution"){
            Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, yn_1[k]+dt[i]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[i], yn_1[k]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1[k])^2*dt[i]))))
            dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) dnorm(yn, yn_1[k]+dt[i]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[i], yn_1[k]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1[k])^2*dt[i]))))
          if(pred.alg == "Trajectory"){
            Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[i]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[i], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1)^2*dt[i]))))
            dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) dnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[i]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[i], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1)^2*dt[i]))))
        cand.Area <- c(min(result[,i-1]) + dt[i]*b.fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[i], mean(result[,i-1])) - 5*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sT.fun(t[i], mean(result[,i-1]))^2*dt[i]),
                       max(result[,i-1]) + dt[i]*b.fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[i], mean(result[,i-1])) + 5*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sT.fun(t[i], mean(result[,i-1]))^2*dt[i]) )
        if(missing(grid)) d <- diff(cand.Area)/cand.length
        result[,i] <- pred.base(samples = samples, Fun, dens, x0 = result[,i-1], len = sample.length, method = method,
                                pred.alg = pred.alg, sampling.alg = sampling.alg, candArea = cand.Area, grid = d)
        if(i %% 10 == 0) message(paste(i, "of", n-1, "predictions are calculated"))
#   if(pred.alg %in% c("Distribution", "Trajectory")){
#     if(Euler.interval){
#       result <- matrix(0, 2, n-1)
#       for(i in 1:(n-1)){
#         cand.Area <- c(y.start + (t[i+1]-t[1])*b.fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[1], y.start) - 5*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sT.fun(t[1], y.start)^2*(t[i+1]-t[1])),
#                        y.start + (t[i+1]-t[1])*b.fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[1], y.start) + 5*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sT.fun(t[1], y.start)^2*(t[i+1]-t[1])) )
#         if(!missing(b.fun.mat)){
#           Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(pnorm(yn, yn_1+(t[i+1]-t[1])*b.fun.mat(samples$phi, t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*(t[i+1]-t[1]))))
#         }else{
#           Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, yn_1+(t[i+1]-t[1])*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*(t[i+1]-t[1])))))
#         }
#         result[,i] <- prediction.intervals(samples, Fun, x0 = y.start, level = level, candArea = cand.Area)
#       }
#     }else{
#       if(!missing(b.fun.mat)){
#         Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(pnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[1]*b.fun.mat(samples$phi, t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*dt[1])))
#         dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(dnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[1]*b.fun.mat(samples$phi, t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*dt[1])))
#       }else{
#         if(pred.alg == "Distribution"){
#           Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, yn_1[k]+dt[1]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[1], yn_1[k]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1[k])^2*dt[1]))))
#           dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) dnorm(yn, yn_1[k]+dt[1]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[1], yn_1[k]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1[k])^2*dt[1]))))
#         }
#         if(pred.alg == "Trajectory"){
#           Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[1]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*dt[1]))))
#           dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) dnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[1]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*dt[1]))))
#         }
#       }
#       cand.Area <- c(y.start + dt[1]*b.fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[1], y.start) - 5*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sT.fun(t[1], y.start)^2*dt[1]),
#                      y.start + dt[1]*b.fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[1], y.start) + 5*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sT.fun(t[1], y.start)^2*dt[1]) )
#       if(missing(grid)) d <- diff(cand.Area)/cand.length
#       result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n-1)
#       result[,1] <- pred.base(samples = samples, Fun, dens, x0 = y.start, len = sample.length, method = method,
#                               pred.alg = pred.alg, sampling.alg = sampling.alg, candArea = cand.Area, grid = d)
#       for(i in 2:(n-1)){
#         if(!missing(b.fun.mat)){
#           Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(pnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[i]*b.fun.mat(samples$phi, t[i], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1)^2*dt[i])))
#           dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(dnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[i]*b.fun.mat(samples$phi, t[i], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1)^2*dt[i])))
#         }else{
#           if(pred.alg == "Distribution"){
#             Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, yn_1[k]+dt[i]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[i], yn_1[k]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1[k])^2*dt[i]))))
#             dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) dnorm(yn, yn_1[k]+dt[i]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[i], yn_1[k]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1[k])^2*dt[i]))))
#           }
#           if(pred.alg == "Trajectory"){
#             Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[i]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[i], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1)^2*dt[i]))))
#             dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) dnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[i]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[i], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1)^2*dt[i]))))
#           }
#         }
#         cand.Area <- c(min(result[,i-1]) + dt[i]*b.fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[i], mean(result[,i-1])) - 5*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sT.fun(t[i], mean(result[,i-1]))^2*dt[i]),
#                        max(result[,i-1]) + dt[i]*b.fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[i], mean(result[,i-1])) + 5*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sT.fun(t[i], mean(result[,i-1]))^2*dt[i]) )
#         if(missing(grid)) d <- diff(cand.Area)/cand.length
#         result[,i] <- pred.base(samples = samples, Fun, dens, x0 = result[,i-1], len = sample.length, method = method,
#                                 pred.alg = pred.alg, sampling.alg = sampling.alg, candArea = cand.Area, grid = d)
#         if(i %% 10 == 0) message(paste(i, "of", n-1, "predictions are calculated"))
#       }
#     }
#   }
    qu <- apply(result, 2, quantile, c(level / 2, 1 - level / 2))
    if(which.series == "new"){
      plot(object@t, object@Y, type = "l", xlab = "t", ylim = range(c(object@Y, range(qu))), ylab = expression(Y[t]))
      lines(t[-1], qu[1,], col = 2)
      lines(t[-1], qu[2,], col = 2)
    if(which.series == "current"){
      plot(object@t, object@Y, type = "l", xlim = range(c(object@t, t)), ylim = range(c(object@Y, range(qu))), xlab = "t", ylab = expression(Y[t]))
      lines(t[-1], qu[1,], col = 2)
      lines(t[-1], qu[2,], col = 2)


#' Prediction for a hierarchical (mixed) diffusion process model
#' @description Bayesian prediction of a stochastic process model
#'   \eqn{dY_t = b(\phi_j,t,Y_t)dt + \gamma \widetilde{s}(t,Y_t)dW_t, \phi_j~N(\mu, \Omega)}.
#' @param object class object of MCMC samples: "est.mixedDiffusion", created with method \code{\link{estimate,mixedDiffusion-method}}
#' @param t vector of time points to make predictions for
#' @param Euler.interval if TRUE: simple prediction intervals with Euler are made (in one step each)
#' @param level level of the prediction intervals
#' @param burnIn burn-in period
#' @param thinning thinning rate
#' @param b.fun.mat matrix-wise definition of drift function (makes it faster)
#' @param which.series which series to be predicted, new one ("new") or further development of current one ("current")
#' @param y.start optional, if missing, first (which.series = "new") or last observation variable ("current") is taken
#' @param ind.pred index of series to be predicted, optional, if which.series = "current" and ind.pred missing, the last series is taken
#' @param M2pred optional, if current series to be predicted and t missing, \code{M2pred} variables will be predicted with
#'  the observation time distances
#' @param cand.length length of candidate samples (if method = "vector")
#' @param pred.alg prediction algorithm, "Distribution", "Trajectory", "simpleTrajectory" or "simpleBayesTrajectory"
#' @param sample.length number of samples to be drawn, default is the number of posterior samples
#' @param grid fineness degree of sampling approximation
#' @param plot.prediction if TRUE, prediction intervals are plotted
#' @references
#' Hermann, S. (2016a). BaPreStoPro: an R Package for Bayesian Prediction of Stochastic Processes. 
#' SFB 823 discussion paper 28/16.
#' Hermann, S. (2016b). Bayesian Prediction for Stochastic Processes based on the Euler Approximation Scheme. 
#' SFB 823 discussion paper 27/16.
#' @examples
#' mu <- 2; Omega <- 0.4; phi <- matrix(rnorm(21, mu, sqrt(Omega)))
#' model <- set.to.class("mixedDiffusion", 
#'          parameter = list(phi = phi, mu = mu, Omega = Omega, gamma2 = 0.1), 
#'          b.fun = function(phi, t, x) phi*x, sT.fun = function(t, x) x)
#' t <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.01)
#' data <- simulate(model, t = t)
#' est_mixdiff <- estimate(model, t, data[1:20,], 100) # nMCMC should be much larger
#' plot(est_mixdiff)
#' \dontrun{
#' pred_mixdiff <- predict(est_mixdiff, b.fun.mat = function(phi, t, y) phi[,1]*y)
#' lines(t, data[21,], lwd = 2)
#' mean(apply(pred_mixdiff$Y, 2, quantile, 0.025) <= data[21, ] & 
#' apply(pred_mixdiff$Y, 2, quantile, 0.975) >= data[21, ])
#' mean(sapply(1:20, function(i){ 
#'    mean(apply(pred_mixdiff$Y, 2, quantile, 0.025) <= data[i, ] & 
#'    apply(pred_mixdiff$Y, 2, quantile, 0.975) >= data[i, ])}))
#' pred_mixdiff2 <- predict(est_mixdiff, b.fun.mat = function(phi, t, y) phi[,1]*y, 
#'      which.series = "current")
#' pred_mixdiff3 <- predict(est_mixdiff, b.fun.mat = function(phi, t, y) phi[,1]*y, 
#'      which.series = "current", y.start = data[20, 51], t = t[51:101])
#' }
#' pred_mixdiff <- predict(est_mixdiff, Euler.interval = TRUE, 
#'      b.fun.mat = function(phi, t, y) phi[,1]*y); lines(t, data[21,], lwd = 2)  
#'      # one step Euler approximation
#' pred_mixdiff <- predict(est_mixdiff, pred.alg = "simpleTrajectory", 
#'                         sample.length = 100)
#' for(i in 1:100) lines(t, pred_mixdiff$Y[i,], col = "grey")
#' pred_mixdiff <- predict(est_mixdiff, pred.alg = "simpleBayesTrajectory")
#' # OU
#' \dontrun{
#' b.fun <- function(phi, t, y) phi[1]-phi[2]*y; y0.fun <- function(phi, t) phi[3]
#' mu <- c(10, 1, 0.5); Omega <- c(0.9, 0.01, 0.01)
#' phi <- sapply(1:3, function(i) rnorm(21, mu[i], sqrt(Omega[i])))
#' model <- set.to.class("mixedDiffusion", 
#'            parameter = list(phi = phi, mu = mu, Omega = Omega, gamma2 = 0.1), 
#'            y0.fun = y0.fun, b.fun = b.fun, sT.fun = function(t, x) 1)
#' t <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.01)
#' data <- simulate(model, t = t)
#' est <- estimate(model, t, data[1:20,], 2000) 
#' plot(est)
#' pred <- predict(est, t = seq(0, 1, length = 21), 
#'    b.fun.mat = function(phi, t, y) phi[,1]-phi[,2]*y)
#' lines(t, data[21,], lwd = 2)
#' mean(apply(pred$Y, 2, quantile, 0.025) <= data[21, seq(1, length(t), length = 21)] & 
#'      apply(pred$Y, 2, quantile, 0.975) >= data[21, seq(1, length(t), length = 21)])
#' mean(sapply(1:20, function(i){
#'     mean(apply(pred$Y, 2, quantile, 0.025) <= data[i, seq(1, length(t), length = 21)] & 
#'     apply(pred$Y, 2, quantile, 0.975) >= data[i, seq(1, length(t), length = 21)])}))
#' }
#' @export
setMethod(f = "predict", signature = "est.mixedDiffusion",
          definition = function(object, t, Euler.interval = FALSE, level = 0.05, burnIn, thinning,
                                b.fun.mat, which.series = c("new", "current"), y.start, ind.pred, M2pred = 10,
                                cand.length = 1000, pred.alg = c("Distribution", "Trajectory", "simpleTrajectory", "simpleBayesTrajectory"),
                                sample.length, grid, plot.prediction = TRUE) {
# Y as list ?
    pred.alg <- match.arg(pred.alg)
    which.series <- match.arg(which.series)

#    if(is.list(object@Y)) J <- length(object@Y)
#    if(is.matrix(object@Y)) J <- nrow(object@Y)

    if(length(object@Y.list) == 0){
      J <- nrow(object@Y)
      n <- ncol(object@Y)  # equal to length(object@t)
      J <- length(object@Y.list)
      n <- sapply(object@Y.list, length)

    if(missing(ind.pred) & which.series == "current") ind.pred <- J

    if(missing(burnIn)) burnIn <- object@burnIn
    if(missing(thinning)) thinning <- object@thinning

      if(which.series == "new") t <- object@t
      if(which.series == "current"){
        if(length(object@Y.list) == 0){
          dt <- median( diff(object@t))
          t <- object@t[length(object@t)] + cumsum(c(0, rep(dt, M2pred)))
          dt <- median( diff(object@t.list[[ind.pred]]))
          t <- object@t.list[[ind.pred]][n[ind.pred]] + cumsum(c(0, rep(dt, M2pred)))
    ind <- seq(burnIn + 1, length(object@gamma2), by = thinning)
    K <- length(ind)
    if(which.series == "new"){
      samples <- list(mu = as.matrix(object@mu[ind,]), Omega = as.matrix(object@Omega[ind,]) )
      phi.pred <- predPhi(samples)

      samples <- list(phi = phi.pred, gamma2 = object@gamma2[ind])
        y.start <- sapply(1:K, function(i) object@model$y0.fun(samples$phi[i, ], t[1]))
    if(which.series == "current"){
      samples <- list(phi = sapply(1:ncol(object@mu) , function(i) sapply(object@phi[ind], function(m) m[ind.pred, i]) ), gamma2 = object@gamma2[ind])
        if(length(object@Y.list) == 0){
          y.start <- object@Y[ind.pred, n]
          y.start <- object@Y.list[[ind.pred]][n[ind.pred]]

    if(missing(sample.length) | pred.alg == "Distribution") sample.length <- K
    b.fun <- object@model$b.fun
    sT.fun <- object@model$sT.fun
    n <- length(t)
    dt <- diff(t)

    if(pred.alg == "simpleTrajectory"){
      if(missing(sample.length)) sample.length <- 100
      result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)
      if(which.series == "current"){
        phi.est <- apply(samples$phi, 2, mean); gamma2.est <- mean(samples$gamma2)
        cl <- set.to.class("Diffusion", parameter = list(phi = phi.est, gamma2 = gamma2.est), b.fun = b.fun, sT.fun = sT.fun)
        for(i in 1:sample.length){
          result[i,] <- simulate(cl, t = t, y0 = y.start, plot.series = FALSE)
      if(which.series == "new"){
        mu.est <- apply(as.matrix(object@mu[ind,]), 2, mean)
        Omega.est <- apply(as.matrix(object@Omega[ind,]), 2, mean)
        gamma2.est <- mean(samples$gamma2)
        phi.pred <- matrix(0, sample.length, length(mu.est))
        for(i in 1:sample.length){
          phi.pred[i, ] <- rnorm(length(mu.est), mu.est, sqrt(Omega.est))
          cl <- set.to.class("Diffusion", parameter = list(phi = phi.pred[i, ], gamma2 = gamma2.est), b.fun = b.fun, sT.fun = sT.fun)
          result[i,] <- simulate(cl, t = t, y0 = object@model$y0.fun(phi.pred[i,], t[1]), plot.series = FALSE)
    if(pred.alg == "simpleBayesTrajectory"){
        sample.length <- K
      } else{
        if(sample.length > K) sample.length <- K
      result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)
      if(which.series == "current"){
        for(i in 1:sample.length){
          cl <- set.to.class("Diffusion", parameter = list(phi = samples$phi[i,], gamma2 = samples$gamma2[i]), b.fun = b.fun, sT.fun = sT.fun)
          result[i,] <- simulate(cl, t = t, y0 = y.start, plot.series = FALSE)
      if(which.series == "new"){
        mu.est <- as.matrix(object@mu[ind,])
        Omega.est <- as.matrix(object@Omega[ind,])
        phi.pred <- matrix(0, sample.length, ncol(mu.est))
        for(i in 1:sample.length){
          phi.pred[i, ] <- rnorm(ncol(mu.est), mu.est[i,], sqrt(Omega.est[i,]))
          cl <- set.to.class("Diffusion", parameter = list(phi = phi.pred[i, ], gamma2 = samples$gamma2[i]), b.fun = b.fun, sT.fun = sT.fun)
          result[i,] <- simulate(cl, t = t, y0 = object@model$y0.fun(phi.pred[i,], t[1]), plot.series = FALSE)
    if(pred.alg %in% c("Distribution", "Trajectory")){

        result <- matrix(0, 2, n-1)
        for(i in 1:(n-1)){
          cand.Area <- c(min(y.start) + (t[i+1]-t[1])*b.fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[1], mean(y.start)) - 5*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sT.fun(t[1], mean(y.start))^2*(t[i+1]-t[1])),
                         max(y.start) + (t[i+1]-t[1])*b.fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[1], mean(y.start)) + 5*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sT.fun(t[1], mean(y.start))^2*(t[i+1]-t[1])) )
            Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(pnorm(yn, yn_1+(t[i+1]-t[1])*b.fun.mat(samples$phi, t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*(t[i+1]-t[1]))))
            Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, yn_1+(t[i+1]-t[1])*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*(t[i+1]-t[1])))))
          result[,i] <- prediction.intervals(samples, Fun, x0 = y.start, level = level, candArea = cand.Area)
        result <- cbind(quantile(y.start, c(level/2, 1-level/2)), result)

        if(pred.alg == "Distribution") method <- "vector"
        if(pred.alg == "Trajectory") method <- "free"
          Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(pnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[1]*b.fun.mat(samples$phi, t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*dt[1])))
          dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(dnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[1]*b.fun.mat(samples$phi, t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*dt[1])))
          if(pred.alg == "Distribution"){
            Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, yn_1[k]+dt[1]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[1], yn_1[k]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1[k])^2*dt[1]))))
            dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) dnorm(yn, yn_1[k]+dt[1]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[1], yn_1[k]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1[k])^2*dt[1]))))
          if(pred.alg == "Trajectory"){
            Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[1]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*dt[1]))))
            dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) dnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[1]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*dt[1]))))
        cand.Area <- c(min(y.start) + dt[1]*b.fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[1], mean(y.start)) - 5*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sT.fun(t[1], mean(y.start))^2*dt[1]),
                       max(y.start) + dt[1]*b.fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[1], mean(y.start)) + 5*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sT.fun(t[1], mean(y.start))^2*dt[1]) )
        if(missing(grid)) d <- diff(cand.Area)/cand.length

        result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n-1)
        result[,1] <- pred.base(samples = samples, Fun, dens, x0 = y.start, len = sample.length, method = method,
                                pred.alg = pred.alg, sampling.alg = "InvMethod", candArea = cand.Area, grid = d)

        for(i in 2:(n-1)){

            Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(pnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[i]*b.fun.mat(samples$phi, t[i], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1)^2*dt[i])))
            dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(dnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[i]*b.fun.mat(samples$phi, t[i], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1)^2*dt[i])))
            if(pred.alg == "Distribution"){
              Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, yn_1[k]+dt[i]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[i], yn_1[k]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1[k])^2*dt[i]))))
              dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) dnorm(yn, yn_1[k]+dt[i]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[i], yn_1[k]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1[k])^2*dt[i]))))
            if(pred.alg == "Trajectory"){
              Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[i]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[i], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1)^2*dt[i]))))
              dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) dnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[i]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[i], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1)^2*dt[i]))))

           cand.Area <- range(result[,i-1]) + c(-1, 1)*(which.series == "new") + dt[i]*b.fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[i], mean(result[,i-1])) + 5*c(-1,1)*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sT.fun(t[i], mean(result[,i-1]))^2*dt[i])
          if(missing(grid)) d <- diff(cand.Area)/cand.length

          result[,i] <- pred.base(samples = samples, Fun, dens, x0 = result[,i-1], len = sample.length, method = method,
                                  pred.alg = pred.alg, sampling.alg = "InvMethod", candArea = cand.Area, grid = d)
          if(i %% 10 == 0) message(paste(i, "of", n-1, "predictions are calculated"))
        result <- cbind(y.start, result)


      qu <- apply(result, 2, quantile, c(level / 2, 1 - level / 2))
      if(length(object@Y.list) == 0){
        if(which.series == "new"){
          plot(object@t, object@Y[1,], type = "l", xlab = "t", ylim = range(c(object@Y, range(qu))), ylab = expression(Y[t]))
          for(j in 2:J) lines(object@t, object@Y[j,])
          lines(t, qu[1,], col = 2, lwd = 2)
          lines(t, qu[2,], col = 2, lwd = 2)
        if(which.series == "current"){
          plot(object@t, object@Y[ind.pred, ], type = "l", xlim = range(c(object@t, t)), ylim = range(c(object@Y[ind.pred, ], range(qu))), xlab = "t", ylab = expression(Y[t]))
          lines(t, qu[1,], col = 2)
          lines(t, qu[2,], col = 2)
        if(which.series == "new"){
          plot(object@t.list[[1]], object@Y.list[[1]], type = "l", xlab = "t", ylim = range(c(unlist(object@Y), range(qu))), ylab = expression(Y[t]))
          for(j in 2:J) lines(object@t.list[[j]], object@Y.list[[j]])
          lines(t, qu[1,], col = 2, lwd = 2)
          lines(t, qu[2,], col = 2, lwd = 2)
        if(which.series == "current"){
          plot(object@t.list[[ind.pred]], object@Y.list[[ind.pred]], type = "l", xlim = range(c(object@t.list[[ind.pred]], t)), ylim = range(c(object@Y.list[[ind.pred]], range(qu))), xlab = "t", ylab = expression(Y[t]))
          lines(t, qu[1,], col = 2)
          lines(t, qu[2,], col = 2)

    if(which.series == "new") return(list(Y = result, phi = phi.pred))
    if(which.series == "current") return(result)


#' Prediction for a hidden diffusion process
#' @description Bayesian prediction of the model,
#'   \eqn{Z_i = Y_{t_i} + \epsilon_i, dY_t = b(\phi,t,Y_t)dt + \gamma \widetilde{s}(t,Y_t)dW_t}.
#' @param object class object of MCMC samples: "est.hiddenDiffusion", created with method \code{\link{estimate,hiddenDiffusion-method}}
#' @param t vector of time points to make predictions for
#' @param burnIn burn-in period
#' @param thinning thinning rate
#' @param b.fun.mat matrix-wise definition of drift function (makes it faster)
#' @param which.series which series to be predicted, new one ("new") or further development of current one ("current")
#' @param M2pred optional, if current series to be predicted and t missing, \code{M2pred} variables will be predicted
#'  with the observation time distances
#' @param cand.length length of candidate samples (if method = "vector")
#' @param pred.alg prediction algorithm, "Distribution", "Trajectory", "simpleTrajectory" or "simpleBayesTrajectory"
#' @param sample.length number of samples to be drawn, default is the number of posterior samples
#' @param grid fineness degree of sampling approximation
#' @param plot.prediction if TRUE, prediction intervals are plotted
#' @references
#' Hermann, S. (2016a). BaPreStoPro: an R Package for Bayesian Prediction of Stochastic Processes. 
#' SFB 823 discussion paper 28/16.
#' Hermann, S. (2016b). Bayesian Prediction for Stochastic Processes based on the Euler Approximation Scheme. 
#' SFB 823 discussion paper 27/16.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' model <- set.to.class("hiddenDiffusion", parameter = list(phi = 5, gamma2 = 1, sigma2 = 0.1))
#' t <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.01)
#' data <- simulate(model, t = t)
#' est_hiddiff <- estimate(model, t, data$Z, 100)  # nMCMC should be much larger!
#' plot(est_hiddiff)
#' pred_hiddiff <- predict(est_hiddiff, t = seq(0, 1, by = 0.1))
#' pred_hiddiff2 <- predict(est_hiddiff, which.series = "current")
#' pred_hiddiff <- predict(est_hiddiff, pred.alg = "simpleTrajectory", sample.length = 100)
#' pred_hiddiff <- predict(est_hiddiff, pred.alg = "simpleBayesTrajectory")
#' }
#' @export
setMethod(f = "predict", signature = "est.hiddenDiffusion",
          definition = function(object, t, burnIn, thinning,
                                b.fun.mat, which.series = c("new", "current"), M2pred = 10,
                                cand.length = 1000, pred.alg = c("Distribution", "Trajectory", "simpleTrajectory", "simpleBayesTrajectory"),
                                sample.length, grid, plot.prediction = TRUE) {

    pred.alg <- match.arg(pred.alg)
    which.series <- match.arg(which.series)

    if(missing(burnIn)) burnIn <- object@burnIn
    if(missing(thinning)) thinning <- object@thinning

      if(which.series == "new") t <- object@t
      if(which.series == "current"){
        dt <- median( diff(object@t))
        t <- object@t[length(object@t)] + cumsum(c(0, rep(dt, M2pred)))

    ind <- seq(burnIn + 1, length(object@gamma2), by = thinning)
    samples <- list(phi = as.matrix(object@phi[ind,]), gamma2 = object@gamma2[ind], sigma2 = object@sigma2[ind])
    K <- length(samples$gamma2)
    if(missing(sample.length) | pred.alg == "Distribution") sample.length <- K
    b.fun <- object@model$b.fun
    sT.fun <- object@model$sT.fun
    n <- length(t)
    dt <- diff(t)

    if(which.series == "new") y.start <- object@Y.est[ind, 1]
    if(which.series == "current") y.start <- object@Y.est[ind, ncol(object@Y.est)]

    if(pred.alg == "simpleTrajectory"){
      if(missing(sample.length)) sample.length <- 100
      result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)
      phi.est <- apply(samples$phi, 2, mean); gamma2.est <- mean(samples$gamma2); sigma2.est <- mean(samples$sigma2)
      if(which.series == "new"){
        y0.fun <- object@model$y0.fun
        y0.fun <- function(phi, t) y.start[sample(K, 1)]
      cl <- set.to.class("hiddenDiffusion", parameter = list(phi = phi.est, gamma2 = gamma2.est, sigma2 = sigma2.est), y0.fun = y0.fun, b.fun = b.fun, sT.fun = sT.fun)
      Ypred <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)
     for(i in 1:sample.length){
        he <- simulate(cl, t = t, plot.series = FALSE)
        result[i,] <- he$Z
        Ypred[i,] <- he$Y

    if(pred.alg == "simpleBayesTrajectory"){
        sample.length <- K
      } else{
        if(sample.length > K) sample.length <- K
      result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)
      if(which.series == "new"){
        y0.fun <- object@model$y0.fun
        y0.fun <- function(phi, t) y.start[sample(K, 1)]
      Ypred <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)
      for(i in 1:sample.length){
        cl <- set.to.class("hiddenDiffusion", parameter = list(phi = samples$phi[i,], gamma2 = samples$gamma2[i], sigma2 = samples$sigma2[i]), y0.fun = y0.fun, b.fun = b.fun, sT.fun = sT.fun)
        he <- simulate(cl, t = t, plot.series = FALSE)
        result[i,] <- he$Z
        Ypred[i,] <- he$Y
    if(pred.alg %in% c("Distribution", "Trajectory")){

      if(pred.alg == "Distribution") method <- "vector"
      if(pred.alg == "Trajectory") method <- "free"
        Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(pnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[1]*b.fun.mat(samples$phi, t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*dt[1])))
        dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(dnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[1]*b.fun.mat(samples$phi, t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*dt[1])))
        if(pred.alg == "Distribution"){
          Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, yn_1[k]+dt[1]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[1], yn_1[k]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1[k])^2*dt[1]))))
          dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) dnorm(yn, yn_1[k]+dt[1]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[1], yn_1[k]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1[k])^2*dt[1]))))
        if(pred.alg == "Trajectory"){
          Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[1]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*dt[1]))))
          dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) dnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[1]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*dt[1]))))
      cand.Area <- c(min(y.start) + dt[1]*b.fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[1], mean(y.start)) - 5*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sT.fun(t[1], mean(y.start))^2*dt[1]),
                     max(y.start) + dt[1]*b.fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[1], mean(y.start)) + 5*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sT.fun(t[1], mean(y.start))^2*dt[1]) )
      if(missing(grid)) d <- diff(cand.Area)/cand.length

      result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n-1)
      result[,1] <- pred.base(samples = samples, Fun, dens, x0 = y.start, len = sample.length, method = method,
                              pred.alg = pred.alg, sampling.alg = "InvMethod", candArea = cand.Area, grid = d)

      for(i in 2:(n-1)){

          Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(pnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[i]*b.fun.mat(samples$phi, t[i], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1)^2*dt[i])))
          dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(dnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[i]*b.fun.mat(samples$phi, t[i], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1)^2*dt[i])))
          if(pred.alg == "Distribution"){
            Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, yn_1[k]+dt[i]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[i], yn_1[k]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1[k])^2*dt[i]))))
            dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) dnorm(yn, yn_1[k]+dt[i]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[i], yn_1[k]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1[k])^2*dt[i]))))
          if(pred.alg == "Trajectory"){
            Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[i]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[i], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1)^2*dt[i]))))
            dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) dnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[i]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[i], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1)^2*dt[i]))))

        cand.Area <- c(min(result[,i-1]) + dt[i]*b.fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[i], mean(result[,i-1])) - 5*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sT.fun(t[i], mean(result[,i-1]))^2*dt[i]),
                       max(result[,i-1]) + dt[i]*b.fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[i], mean(result[,i-1])) + 5*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sT.fun(t[i], mean(result[,i-1]))^2*dt[i]) )
        if(missing(grid)) d <- diff(cand.Area)/cand.length

        result[,i] <- pred.base(samples = samples, Fun, dens, x0 = result[,i-1], len = sample.length, method = method,
                                pred.alg = pred.alg, sampling.alg = "InvMethod", candArea = cand.Area, grid = d)
        if(i %% 10 == 0) message(paste(i, "of", n-1, "predictions are calculated"))

    Ypred <- cbind(y.start, result)
    N <- ncol(Ypred)
    result <- matrix(0, K, N)

    for(i in 1:N){
      cand.Area <- range(Ypred[, i]) + c(-1, 1)*sqrt(mean(samples$sigma2))*5
      Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(pnorm(yn, yn_1, sqrt(samples$sigma2)))
      result[,i] <- pred.base(samples = samples, Fun, dens, x0 = Ypred[,i], len = sample.length, method = method,
                              pred.alg = pred.alg, sampling.alg = "InvMethod", candArea = cand.Area, grid = d)


      qu <- apply(result, 2, quantile, c(0.05 / 2, 1 - 0.05 / 2))
      if(which.series == "new"){
        plot(object@t, object@Z, type = "l", xlab = "t", ylim = range(c(object@Z, range(qu))), ylab = "prediction")
        lines(t, qu[1,], col = 2)
        lines(t, qu[2,], col = 2)
      if(which.series == "current"){
        plot(object@t, object@Z, type = "l", xlim = range(c(object@t, t)), ylim = range(c(object@Z, range(qu))), xlab = "t", ylab = "prediction")
        lines(t, qu[1,], col = 2)
        lines(t, qu[2,], col = 2)
    return(list(Y = Ypred, Z = result))


#' Prediction for a hierarchical (mixed) hidden diffusion process model
#' @description Bayesian prediction of the model
#'   \eqn{Z_{ij} = Y_{t_{ij}} + \epsilon_{ij}, dY_t = b(\phi_j,t,Y_t)dt + \gamma \widetilde{s}(t,Y_t)dW_t, \phi_j~N(\mu, \Omega)}.
#' @param object class object of MCMC samples: "est.hiddenmixedDiffusion", created with method \code{\link{estimate,hiddenmixedDiffusion-method}}
#' @param t vector of time points to make predictions for
#' @param burnIn burn-in period
#' @param thinning thinning rate
#' @param b.fun.mat matrix-wise definition of drift function (makes it faster)
#' @param which.series which series to be predicted, new one ("new") or further development of current one ("current")
#' @param ind.pred index of series to be predicted, optional, if which.series = "current" and ind.pred missing, the last series is taken
#' @param M2pred optional, if current series to be predicted and t missing, \code{M2pred} variables will be predicted
#'  with the observation time distances
#' @param cand.length length of candidate samples (if method = "vector")
#' @param pred.alg prediction algorithm, "Distribution", "Trajectory", "simpleTrajectory" or "simpleBayesTrajectory"
#' @param sample.length number of samples to be drawn, default is the number of posterior samples
#' @param grid fineness degree of sampling approximation
#' @param plot.prediction if TRUE, prediction intervals are plotted
#' @references
#' Hermann, S. (2016a). BaPreStoPro: an R Package for Bayesian Prediction of Stochastic Processes. 
#' SFB 823 discussion paper 28/16.
#' Hermann, S. (2016b). Bayesian Prediction for Stochastic Processes based on the Euler Approximation Scheme. 
#' SFB 823 discussion paper 27/16.
#' @examples
#' mu <- c(5, 1); Omega <- c(0.9, 0.04)
#' phi <- cbind(rnorm(21, mu[1], sqrt(Omega[1])), rnorm(21, mu[2], sqrt(Omega[2])))
#' y0.fun <- function(phi, t) phi[2]
#' model <- set.to.class("hiddenmixedDiffusion", y0.fun = y0.fun, 
#'      b.fun = function(phi, t, y) phi[1], 
#'      parameter = list(phi = phi, mu = mu, Omega = Omega, gamma2 = 1, sigma2 = 0.01))
#' t <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.01)
#' data <- simulate(model, t = t)
#' \dontrun{
#' est_hidmixdiff <- estimate(model, t, data$Z[1:20,], 200)
#' plot(est_hidmixdiff)
#' pred1 <- predict(est_hidmixdiff, b.fun.mat = function(phi, t, y) phi[,1])
#' pred2 <- predict(est_hidmixdiff, pred.alg = "Trajectory", b.fun.mat = function(phi, t, y) phi[,1])
#' pred3 <- predict(est_hidmixdiff, pred.alg = "simpleTrajectory", sample.length = nrow(pred1$Y))
#' lines(t, apply(pred1$Z, 2, quantile, 0.025), col = 3)
#' lines(t, apply(pred1$Z, 2, quantile, 0.975), col = 3)
#' lines(t, apply(pred2$Z, 2, quantile, 0.025), col = 4)
#' lines(t, apply(pred2$Z, 2, quantile, 0.975), col = 4)
#' pred4 <- predict(est_hidmixdiff, pred.alg = "simpleBayesTrajectory")
#' }
#' @export
setMethod(f = "predict", signature = "est.hiddenmixedDiffusion",
          definition = function(object, t, burnIn, thinning,
                                b.fun.mat, which.series = c("new", "current"), ind.pred, M2pred = 10,
                                cand.length = 1000, pred.alg = c("Distribution", "Trajectory", "simpleTrajectory", "simpleBayesTrajectory"),
                                sample.length, grid, plot.prediction = TRUE) {

    pred.alg <- match.arg(pred.alg)
    which.series <- match.arg(which.series)

    if(length(object@Z.list) == 0){
      J <- nrow(object@Z)
      n <- ncol(object@Z)  # equal to length(object@t)
      J <- length(object@Z.list)
      n <- sapply(object@Z.list, length)
    if(missing(ind.pred) & which.series == "current") ind.pred <- J

    if(missing(burnIn)) burnIn <- object@burnIn
    if(missing(thinning)) thinning <- object@thinning

      if(which.series == "new") t <- object@t
      if(which.series == "current"){
        if(length(object@Y.list) == 0){
          dt <- median(diff(object@t))
          t <- object@t[n] + cumsum(c(0, rep(dt, M2pred)))
          dt <- median( diff(object@t.list[[ind.pred]]))
          t <- object@t.list[[ind.pred]][n[ind.pred]] + cumsum(c(0, rep(dt, M2pred)))
    ind <- seq(burnIn + 1, length(object@gamma2), by = thinning)
    K <- length(ind)

    if(which.series == "new"){
      samples <- list(mu = as.matrix(object@mu[ind,]), Omega = as.matrix(object@Omega[ind,]) )
      phi.pred <- predPhi(samples)

      samples <- list(phi = phi.pred, gamma2 = object@gamma2[ind], sigma2 = object@sigma2[ind])
      y.start <- sapply(1:K, function(i) object@model$y0.fun(samples$phi[i, ], t[1]))
    if(which.series == "current"){
      samples <- list(phi = sapply(1:ncol(object@mu) , function(i) sapply(object@phi[ind], function(m) m[ind.pred, i]) ), gamma2 = object@gamma2[ind], sigma2 = object@sigma2[ind])
      y.start <- sapply(object@Y.est[ind], function(li) li[[ind.pred]][length(li[[ind.pred]])])

    b.fun <- object@model$b.fun
    sT.fun <- object@model$sT.fun
    n <- length(t)
    dt <- diff(t)

    if(pred.alg == "simpleTrajectory"){
      if(missing(sample.length)) sample.length <- 100

      result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)
      if(which.series == "current"){
        phi.est <- apply(samples$phi, 2, mean); gamma2.est <- mean(samples$gamma2)

        cl <- set.to.class("Diffusion", parameter = list(phi = phi.est, gamma2 = gamma2.est), y0.fun = function(phi, t) y.start[sample(K, 1)], b.fun = b.fun, sT.fun = sT.fun)
        for(i in 1:sample.length){
          result[i,] <- simulate(cl, t = t, plot.series = FALSE)
      if(which.series == "new"){
        mu.est <- apply(as.matrix(object@mu[ind,]), 2, mean)
        Omega.est <- apply(as.matrix(object@Omega[ind,]), 2, mean)
        gamma2.est <- mean(samples$gamma2)
        phi.pred <- matrix(0, sample.length, length(mu.est))

        for(i in 1:sample.length){
          phi.pred[i, ] <- rnorm(length(mu.est), mu.est, sqrt(Omega.est))
          cl <- set.to.class("Diffusion", parameter = list(phi = phi.pred[i, ], gamma2 = gamma2.est), b.fun = b.fun, sT.fun = sT.fun)
          result[i,] <- simulate(cl, t = t, y0 = object@model$y0.fun(phi.pred[i,], t[1]), plot.series = FALSE)
      Ypred <- result
      result <- apply(Ypred, 2, function(vec) rnorm(length(vec), vec, sqrt(mean(samples$sigma2))))
    if(pred.alg == "simpleBayesTrajectory"){
        sample.length <- K
      } else{
        if(sample.length > K) sample.length <- K
      result <- Ypred <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)
      if(which.series == "current"){

        for(i in 1:sample.length){
          cl <- set.to.class("hiddenDiffusion", parameter = list(phi = samples$phi[i,], gamma2 = samples$gamma2[i], sigma2 = samples$sigma2[i]), y0.fun = function(phi, t) y.start[sample(K, 1)], b.fun = b.fun, sT.fun = sT.fun)
          he <- simulate(cl, t = t, plot.series = FALSE)
          Ypred[i,] <- he$Y
          result[i,] <- he$Z
      if(which.series == "new"){
        mu.est <- as.matrix(object@mu[ind,])
        Omega.est <- as.matrix(object@Omega[ind,])
        phi.pred <- matrix(0, sample.length, length(mu.est))
        for(i in 1:sample.length){
          phi.pred[i, ] <- rnorm(length(mu.est), mu.est[i,], sqrt(Omega.est[i,]))
          cl <- set.to.class("hiddenDiffusion", parameter = list(phi = phi.pred[i, ], gamma2 = samples$gamma2[i], sigma2 = samples$sigma2[i]), 
                             b.fun = b.fun, sT.fun = sT.fun, y0.fun = object@model$y0.fun)
          he <- simulate(cl, t = t, plot.series = FALSE)
          result[i,] <- he$Z
          Ypred[i,] <- he$Y
    if(pred.alg %in% c("Distribution", "Trajectory")){
      if(missing(sample.length)) sample.length <- K

      if(pred.alg == "Distribution") method <- "vector"
      if(pred.alg == "Trajectory") method <- "free"
        Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(pnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[1]*b.fun.mat(samples$phi, t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*dt[1])))
        dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(dnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[1]*b.fun.mat(samples$phi, t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*dt[1])))
        if(pred.alg == "Distribution"){
          Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, yn_1[k]+dt[1]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[1], yn_1[k]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1[k])^2*dt[1]))))
          dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) dnorm(yn, yn_1[k]+dt[1]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[1], yn_1[k]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1[k])^2*dt[1]))))
        if(pred.alg == "Trajectory"){
          Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[1]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*dt[1]))))
          dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) dnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[1]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[1], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[1], yn_1)^2*dt[1]))))
      cand.Area <- c(min(y.start) + dt[1]*b.fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[1], mean(y.start)) - 5*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sT.fun(t[1], mean(y.start))^2*dt[1]),
                     max(y.start) + dt[1]*b.fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[1], mean(y.start)) + 5*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sT.fun(t[1], mean(y.start))^2*dt[1]) )
      if(missing(grid)) d <- diff(cand.Area)/cand.length

      result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n-1)
      result[,1] <- pred.base(samples = samples, Fun, dens, x0 = y.start, len = sample.length, method = method,
                              pred.alg = pred.alg, sampling.alg = "InvMethod", candArea = cand.Area, grid = d)

      for(i in 2:(n-1)){

          Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(pnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[i]*b.fun.mat(samples$phi, t[i], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1)^2*dt[i])))
          dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(dnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[i]*b.fun.mat(samples$phi, t[i], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1)^2*dt[i])))
          if(pred.alg == "Distribution"){
            Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, yn_1[k]+dt[i]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[i], yn_1[k]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1[k])^2*dt[i]))))
            dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) dnorm(yn, yn_1[k]+dt[i]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[i], yn_1[k]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1[k])^2*dt[i]))))
          if(pred.alg == "Trajectory"){
            Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[i]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[i], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1)^2*dt[i]))))
            dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) dnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[i]*b.fun(samples$phi[k,], t[i], yn_1), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i], yn_1)^2*dt[i]))))

        cand.Area <- c(min(result[,i-1]) + dt[i]*b.fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[i], mean(result[,i-1])) - 5*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sT.fun(t[i], mean(result[,i-1]))^2*dt[i]),
                       max(result[,i-1]) + dt[i]*b.fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[i], mean(result[,i-1])) + 5*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sT.fun(t[i], mean(result[,i-1]))^2*dt[i]) )
        if(missing(grid)) d <- diff(cand.Area)/cand.length

        result[,i] <- pred.base(samples = samples, Fun, dens, x0 = result[,i-1], len = sample.length, method = method,
                                pred.alg = pred.alg, sampling.alg = "InvMethod", candArea = cand.Area, grid = d)
        if(i %% 10 == 0) message(paste(i, "of", n-1, "predictions are calculated"))
      Ypred <- cbind(y.start, result)
      N <- ncol(Ypred)
      result <- matrix(0, K, N)  # different sample.length ?

      for(i in 1:N){
        cand.Area <- range(Ypred[, i]) + c(-1, 1)*sqrt(mean(samples$sigma2))*5
        Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(pnorm(yn, yn_1, sqrt(samples$sigma2)))
        result[,i] <- pred.base(samples = samples, Fun, dens, x0 = Ypred[,i], len = sample.length, method = method,
                                pred.alg = pred.alg, sampling.alg = "InvMethod", candArea = cand.Area, grid = d)


      qu <- apply(result, 2, quantile, c(0.05 / 2, 1 - 0.05 / 2))
      if(length(object@Z.list) == 0){
        if(which.series == "new"){
          plot(object@t, object@Z[1,], type = "l", xlab = "t", ylim = range(c(object@Z, range(qu))), ylab = expression(Z[i]))
          for(j in 2:J) lines(object@t, object@Z[j,])
          lines(t, qu[1,], col = 2, lwd = 2)
          lines(t, qu[2,], col = 2, lwd = 2)
        if(which.series == "current"){
          plot(object@t, object@Z[ind.pred, ], type = "l", xlim = range(c(object@t, t)), ylim = range(c(object@Z[ind.pred, ], range(qu))), xlab = "t", ylab = expression(Z[t]))
          lines(t, qu[1,], col = 2)
          lines(t, qu[2,], col = 2)
        if(which.series == "new"){
          plot(object@t.list[[1]], object@Z.list[[1]], type = "l", xlab = "t", ylim = range(c(unlist(object@Z), range(qu))), ylab = expression(Z[i]))
          for(j in 2:J) lines(object@t.list[[j]], object@Z.list[[j]])
          lines(t, qu[1,], col = 2, lwd = 2)
          lines(t, qu[2,], col = 2, lwd = 2)
        if(which.series == "current"){
          plot(object@t.list[[ind.pred]], object@Z.list[[ind.pred]], type = "l", xlim = range(c(object@t.list[[ind.pred]], t)), ylim = range(c(object@Z.list[[ind.pred]], range(qu))), xlab = "t", ylab = expression(Z[i]))
          lines(t, qu[1,], col = 2)
          lines(t, qu[2,], col = 2)

    if(which.series == "new") return(list(Z = result, Y = Ypred, phi = phi.pred))
    if(which.series == "current") return(list(Z = result, Y = Ypred))


#' Prediction for a non-homogeneous Poisson process
#' @description Bayesian prediction of a non-homogeneous Poisson process with cumulative intensity function \eqn{\Lambda(t, \xi)}.
#' @param object class object of MCMC samples: "est.NHPP", created with method \code{\link{estimate,NHPP-method}}
#' @param variable if prediction of event times ("eventTimes") or of Poisson process variables ("PoissonProcess")
#' @param t vector of time points to make predictions for (only for variable = "PoissonProcess")
#' @param burnIn burn-in period
#' @param thinning thinning rate
#' @param Lambda.mat matrix-wise definition of drift function (makes it faster)
#' @param which.series which series to be predicted, new one ("new") or further development of current one ("current")
#' @param Tstart optional, if missing, first (which.series = "new") or last observation variable ("current") is taken
#' @param M2pred optional, if current series to be predicted and t missing, \code{M2pred} variables will be predicted 
#' with the observation time distances
#' @param rangeN vector of candidate area for differences of N, only if pred.alg = "Distribution" and variable = "PoissonProcess"
#' @param cand.length length of candidate samples (if method = "vector")
#' @param pred.alg prediction algorithm, "Distribution", "Trajectory", "simpleTrajectory" or "simpleBayesTrajectory"
#' @param sample.length number of samples to be drawn, default is the number of posterior samples
#' @param grid fineness degree of sampling approximation
#' @param plot.prediction if TRUE, prediction intervals are plotted
#' @references
#' Hermann, S. (2016a). BaPreStoPro: an R Package for Bayesian Prediction of Stochastic Processes. 
#' SFB 823 discussion paper 28/16.
#' Hermann, S. (2016b). Bayesian Prediction for Stochastic Processes based on the Euler Approximation Scheme. 
#' SFB 823 discussion paper 27/16.
#' @examples
#' model <- set.to.class("NHPP", parameter = list(xi = c(5, 1/2)), 
#'                Lambda = function(t, xi) (t/xi[2])^xi[1])
#' t <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.01)
#' data <- simulate(model, t = t)
#' est <- estimate(model, t, data$Times, 1000)  # nMCMC should be much larger!
#' plot(est)
#' pred <- predict(est, Lambda.mat = function(t, xi) (t/xi[,2])^xi[,1], 
#'    variable = "PoissonProcess", pred.alg = "Distribution")
#' \dontrun{
#' pred_NHPP <- predict(est, Lambda.mat = function(t, xi) (t/xi[,2])^xi[,1])
#' pred_NHPP <- predict(est, variable = "PoissonProcess", 
#'    Lambda.mat = function(t, xi) (t/xi[,2])^xi[,1])
#' pred_NHPP2 <- predict(est, which.series = "current", 
#'    Lambda.mat = function(t, xi) (t/xi[,2])^xi[,1])
#' pred_NHPP3 <- predict(est, variable = "PoissonProcess", which.series = "current", 
#'                       Lambda.mat = function(t, xi) (t/xi[,2])^xi[,1])
#' pred_NHPP4 <- predict(est, pred.alg = "simpleTrajectory", M2pred = length(data$Times))
#' }
#' pred_NHPP <- predict(est, variable = "PoissonProcess", pred.alg = "simpleTrajectory", 
#'                      M2pred = length(data$Times))
#' pred_NHPP <- predict(est, variable = "PoissonProcess", pred.alg = "simpleBayesTrajectory", 
#'                      M2pred = length(data$Times), sample.length = 100)
#' @export
setMethod(f = "predict", signature = "est.NHPP",
          definition = function(object, variable = c("eventTimes", "PoissonProcess"),
                                t, burnIn, thinning,
                                Lambda.mat, which.series = c("new", "current"), Tstart, M2pred = 10, rangeN = c(0,5), 
                                cand.length = 1000, pred.alg = c("Trajectory", "Distribution", "simpleTrajectory", "simpleBayesTrajectory"),
                                sample.length, grid = 1e-05, plot.prediction = TRUE) {

    pred.alg <- match.arg(pred.alg)
    which.series <- match.arg(which.series)
    variable <- match.arg(variable)

      if(which.series == "new") Tstart <- 0
      if(which.series == "current"){
        Tstart <- max(object@t)

    if(missing(burnIn)) burnIn <- object@burnIn
    if(missing(thinning)) thinning <- object@thinning

    if(missing(t) & variable == "PoissonProcess"){
      if(which.series == "new"){
        t <- object@t
      if(which.series == "current"){
        dt <- median( diff(object@t))
        t <- object@t[length(object@t)] + cumsum(c(0, rep(dt, M2pred)))
    K <- nrow(object@xi)
    ind <- seq(burnIn + 1, K, by = thinning)
    K <- length(ind)
    samples <- object@xi[ind, ]

    Lambda <- object@model$Lambda

      if(pred.alg == "Distribution"){
        Lambda.diff <- function(cand, Tn_1, samples){
          sapply(1:K, function(i) Lambda(cand, samples[i,]) - Lambda(Tn_1[i], samples[i,]) )

        Fun <- function(cand, Tn_1){
          sol <- 1 - exp(- Lambda.diff(cand, Tn_1, samples))
          sum(sol[sol >= 0])/K
        Lambda.diff <- function(cand, Tn_1, samples){
          sapply(1:K, function(i) Lambda(cand + Tn_1, samples[i,]) - Lambda(Tn_1, samples[i,]) )

        Fun <- function(cand, Tn_1) 1 - mean(exp(- Lambda.diff(cand, Tn_1, samples)))

      if(pred.alg == "Distribution"){
        Fun <- function(cand, Tn_1){
          sol <- 1 - exp(-(Lambda.mat(cand, samples) - Lambda.mat(Tn_1, samples)))
          sum(sol[sol >= 0])/K
        Fun <- function(cand, Tn_1){
          1-mean(exp(-(Lambda.mat(cand+Tn_1, samples)-Lambda.mat(Tn_1, samples))))


    if( variable == "eventTimes"){

      if(pred.alg == "simpleTrajectory"){
        if(missing(sample.length)) sample.length <- 100
        xi <- apply(samples, 2, mean)
        drawTn1 <- function(Tn_1){
          cand <- seq(Tn_1, Tn_1 + 1, by = 1e-04)
          prob <- 1 - exp(-(Lambda(cand, xi)-Lambda(Tn_1, xi)))
          u <- runif(1)
          cand[which(abs(u-prob) == min(abs(u-prob)))]
        result <- matrix(0, sample.length, M2pred + 1)
        result[, 1] <- Tstart
        for(i in 1:sample.length){
          for(j in 2:(M2pred + 1)){
            result[i,j] <- drawTn1(result[i, j-1])
        result <- result[, -1]
      if(pred.alg == "simpleBayesTrajectory"){
          sample.length <- K
        } else{
          if(sample.length > K) sample.length <- K
        drawTn2 <- function(Tn_1, xi){
          cand <- seq(Tn_1, Tn_1 + 1, by = 1e-04)
          prob <- 1 - exp(-(Lambda(cand, xi)-Lambda(Tn_1, xi)))
          u <- runif(1)
          cand[which(abs(u-prob) == min(abs(u-prob)))]
        result <- matrix(0, sample.length, M2pred + 1)
        result[, 1] <- Tstart
        for(i in 1:sample.length){
          for(j in 2:(M2pred + 1)){
            result[i,j] <- drawTn2(result[i, j-1], samples[i,])
        result <- result[, -1]
      if(pred.alg == "Trajectory"){

        if(missing(sample.length)) sample.length <- 100

        drawTn3 <- function(Tn_1){
          u <- runif(1)
          cand <- 1
          memory <- cand

          while(length(unique(memory)) == length(memory)){
            if(Fun(cand, Tn_1) < u){
              cand <- cand*2
              memory <- c(memory, cand)
              cand <- cand/2
              memory <- c(memory, cand)
          lower <- min(memory[length(memory)-1], memory[length(memory)])
          upper <- max(memory[length(memory)-1], memory[length(memory)])
          diff <- upper - lower
          while(diff >= grid){
            if(Fun(lower+diff/2, Tn_1) < u){
              lower <- lower+diff/2
              upper <- lower+diff/2
            diff <- upper - lower
          Tn_1 + (lower+upper)/2
        result <- matrix(0, sample.length, M2pred)
        result[,1] <- sapply(1:sample.length, function(i) drawTn3(Tstart))

        if(M2pred > 1){
          for(i in 2:M2pred){
            result[,i] <- vapply(result[,i-1], drawTn3, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))

      if(pred.alg == "Distribution"){

        if(missing(sample.length)) sample.length <- K

        result <- matrix(0, sample.length, M2pred)
        Tn_1 <- rep(Tstart, sample.length)
        for(l in 1:M2pred){
          cand <- seq(0, max(Tn_1)/2 + 1, length = cand.length)
          diFu <- vapply(cand, Fun, Tn_1, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
          U <- runif(sample.length, 0, max(diFu))
          Tn_1 <- sapply(U, function(u) cand[which(diFu >= u)[1]])
          result[,l] <- Tn_1


        qu <- apply(result, 2, quantile, c(0.05 / 2, 1 - 0.05 / 2))
        if(which.series == "new"){
          plot(object@jumpTimes, type = "l", xlab = "event number", ylim = range(c(object@jumpTimes, range(qu))), ylab = "event times")
          lines(qu[1,], col = 2)
          lines(qu[2,], col = 2)
        if(which.series == "current"){
          plot(object@jumpTimes, type = "l", xlim = c(1, length(object@jumpTimes) + M2pred), ylim = range(c(object@jumpTimes, range(qu))), xlab = "event number", ylab = "event times")
          lines(length(object@jumpTimes) + 1:M2pred, qu[1,], col = 2)
          lines(length(object@jumpTimes) + 1:M2pred, qu[2,], col = 2)

      n <- length(t)

      if(pred.alg == "Distribution"){
        result <- matrix(0, K, n)  
          he <- function(j, Nj_1, c){
            h <- sapply(1:K, function(i) Lambda(t[j], samples[i,]) - Lambda(t[j-1], samples[i,]) )
            ind <- which(c-Nj_1 < 0)
            res <- 1/factorial(pmax(c-Nj_1, 1)) * h^pmax(c-Nj_1, 0) * exp(-h)  
            res[ind] <- 0
          Fun.N <- function(candNj, j, Nj_1) vapply(candNj, function(c) mean(he(j, Nj_1, c)), FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
          Fun.N <- function(candNj, j, Nj_1){
            vapply(candNj, function(c){
              h <- Lambda.mat(t[j], samples) - Lambda.mat(t[j-1], samples)
              ind <- which(c-Nj_1 < 0)
              res <- 1/factorial(pmax(c-Nj_1, 1)) * h^pmax(c-Nj_1, 0) * exp(-h)
              res[ind] <- 0
            }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)) 
        for(a in 2:n){
          candNj <- (min(result[,a-1]) + rangeN[1]):(max(result[,a-1]) + rangeN[2])
          prob <- cumsum( Fun.N(candNj, a, result[,a-1]) )
          result[, a] <- vapply(runif(K, 0, max(prob)), function(u) candNj[which(prob >= u)[1]], FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
          if(a %% 10 == 0) message(paste(a, "of", n-1, " Poisson process predictions are calculated"))

      if(pred.alg == "simpleTrajectory"){
        if(missing(sample.length)) sample.length <- 100
        xi <- apply(samples, 2, mean)

        if(which.series == "new"){
            cl <- set.to.class("NHPP", parameter = list(xi = xi), Lambda = Lambda)
            result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)  # here: N_t
            for(i in 1:sample.length){
              result[i, ] <- simulate(cl, t = t, plot.series = FALSE)$N

          result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)
          drawTn1 <- function(Tn_1){
            cand <- seq(Tn_1, Tn_1 + 1, by = 1e-04)
            prob <- 1 - exp(-(Lambda(cand, xi)-Lambda(Tn_1, xi)))
            u <- runif(1)
            cand[which(abs(u-prob) == min(abs(u-prob)))]

          result[, 1] <- max(object@N)
          for(i in 1:sample.length){
            times <- drawTn1(Tstart)
            while(times[length(times)] < t[n]){
              times <- c(times, drawTn1(times[length(times)]))
            result[i, ] <- result[i, 1] + TimestoN(times, t)


      if(pred.alg == "simpleBayesTrajectory"){
          sample.length <- K
        } else{
          if(sample.length > K) sample.length <- K

        if(which.series == "new"){
          result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)  # here: N_t
          for(i in 1:sample.length){
            cl <- set.to.class("NHPP", parameter = list(xi = samples[i,]), Lambda = Lambda)
            result[i, ] <- simulate(cl, t = t, plot.series = FALSE)$N
          result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)
          drawTn2 <- function(Tn_1, xi){
            cand <- seq(Tn_1, Tn_1 + 1, by = 1e-04)
            prob <- 1 - exp(-(Lambda(cand, xi)-Lambda(Tn_1, xi)))
            u <- runif(1)
            cand[which(abs(u-prob) == min(abs(u-prob)))]
          result[, 1] <- max(object@N)
          for(i in 1:sample.length){
            times <- drawTn2(Tstart)
            while(times[length(times)] < t[n]){
              times <- c(times, drawTn2(times[length(times)], samples[i,]))
            result[i, ] <- result[i, 1] + TimestoN(times, t)
      if(pred.alg == "Trajectory"){

        if(missing(sample.length)) sample.length <- 100

        drawTn3 <- function(Tn_1){
          u <- runif(1)
          cand <- 1
          memory <- cand

          while(length(unique(memory)) == length(memory)){
            if(Fun(cand, Tn_1) < u){
              cand <- cand*2
              memory <- c(memory, cand)
              cand <- cand/2
              memory <- c(memory, cand)
          lower <- min(memory[length(memory)-1], memory[length(memory)])
          upper <- max(memory[length(memory)-1], memory[length(memory)])
          diff <- upper - lower
          while(diff >= grid){
            if(Fun(lower+diff/2, Tn_1) < u){
              lower <- lower+diff/2
              upper <- lower+diff/2
            diff <- upper - lower
          Tn_1 + (lower+upper)/2

        result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)  # here: N_t
        if(which.series == "new") result[, 1] <- 0
        if(which.series == "current") result[, 1] <- max(object@N)
        for(i in 1:sample.length){

          times <- drawTn3(Tstart)
          while(times[length(times)] < t[n]){
            times <- c(times, drawTn3(times[length(times)]))
          result[i, ] <- result[i, 1] + TimestoN(times, t)


        qu <- apply(result, 2, quantile, c(0.05 / 2, 1 - 0.05 / 2))
        if(which.series == "new"){
          plot(object@t, object@N, type = "l", lwd = 2, xlab = "t", ylim = range(c(object@N, range(qu))), ylab = expression(N[t]))
          lines(t, qu[1,], col = 2)
          lines(t, qu[2,], col = 2)
        if(which.series == "current"){
          plot(object@t, object@N, type = "l", xlim = range(c(object@t, t)), ylim = range(c(object@N, range(qu))), xlab = "t", ylab = expression(N[t]))
          lines(t, qu[1,], col = 2)
          lines(t, qu[2,], col = 2)



#' Prediction for a jump diffusion process
#' @description Bayesian prediction of a stochastic process
#'   \eqn{dY_t = b(\phi,t,Y_t)dt + s(\gamma,t,Y_t)dW_t + h(\eta,t,Y_t)dN_t}.
#' @param object class object of MCMC samples: "est.jumpDiffusion", created with method \code{\link{estimate,jumpDiffusion-method}}
#' @param t vector of time points to make predictions for
#' @param burnIn burn-in period
#' @param thinning thinning rate
#' @param Lambda.mat matrix-wise definition of intensity rate function (makes it faster)
#' @param which.series which series to be predicted, new one ("new") or further development of current one ("current")
#' @param M2pred optional, if current series to be predicted and t missing, \code{M2pred} variables will be predicted
#'  with the observation time distances
#' @param cand.length length of candidate samples (if method = "vector"), for jump diffusion
#' @param pred.alg prediction algorithm, "Distribution", "Trajectory", "simpleTrajectory" or "simpleBayesTrajectory"
#' @param pred.alg.N prediction algorithm, "Distribution", "Trajectory"
#' @param candN vector of candidate area for differences of N, only if pred.alg.N = "Distribution"
#' @param sample.length number of samples to be drawn, default is the number of posterior samples
#' @param plot.prediction if TRUE, prediction intervals are plotted
#' @references
#' Hermann, S. (2016a). BaPreStoPro: an R Package for Bayesian Prediction of Stochastic Processes. 
#' SFB 823 discussion paper 28/16.
#' Hermann, S. (2016b). Bayesian Prediction for Stochastic Processes based on the Euler Approximation Scheme. 
#' SFB 823 discussion paper 27/16.
#' @examples
#' model <- set.to.class("jumpDiffusion", 
#'          parameter = list(theta = 0.1, phi = 0.05, gamma2 = 0.1, xi = c(3, 1/4)), 
#'          Lambda = function(t, xi) (t/xi[2])^xi[1])
#' t <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.01)
#' data <- simulate(model, t = t, y0 = 0.5)
#' est_jd <- estimate(model, t, data, 2000)
#' plot(est_jd)
#' \dontrun{
#' pred_jd <- predict(est_jd, Lambda.mat = function(t, xi) (t/xi[,2])^xi[,1])
#' pred_jd2 <- predict(est_jd, pred.alg = "Distribution", pred.alg.N = "Distribution", 
#'                     Lambda.mat = function(t, xi) (t/xi[,2])^xi[,1])
#' est <- estimate(model, t[1:81], data = list(N = data$N[1:81], Y = data$Y[1:81]), 2000)
#' pred <- predict(est, t = t[81:101], which.series = "current", 
#'                      Lambda.mat = function(t, xi) (t/xi[,2])^xi[,1])
#' lines(t, data$Y, type = "l", lwd = 2)
#' }
#' pred_jd4 <- predict(est_jd, pred.alg = "simpleTrajectory", sample.length = 100)
#' for(i in 1:100) lines(t[-1], pred_jd4$Y[i,], col = "grey")
#' pred_jd5 <- predict(est_jd, pred.alg = "simpleBayesTrajectory", sample.length = 100)
#' @export
setMethod(f = "predict", signature = "est.jumpDiffusion",
          definition = function(object, t, burnIn, thinning, Lambda.mat, which.series = c("new", "current"), M2pred = 10,
                                cand.length = 1000, pred.alg = c("Trajectory", "Distribution", "simpleTrajectory", "simpleBayesTrajectory"),
                                pred.alg.N = c("Trajectory", "Distribution"), candN = 0:5, sample.length, plot.prediction = TRUE) {

    pred.alg <- match.arg(pred.alg)
    pred.alg.N <- match.arg(pred.alg.N)
    which.series <- match.arg(which.series)

    if(missing(burnIn)) burnIn <- object@burnIn
    if(missing(thinning)) thinning <- object@thinning
    Lambda <- object@model$Lambda
    b.fun <- object@model$b.fun
    s.fun <- object@model$s.fun
    h.fun <- object@model$h.fun

    ind <- seq(burnIn + 1, length(object@gamma2), by = thinning)
    K <- length(ind)

    if(which.series == "new"){
      Tstart <- 0
      y.start <- object@Y[1]
      if(missing(t)) t <- object@t

    if(which.series == "current"){
      Tstart <- max(object@t)
      y.start <- object@Y[length(object@Y)]
        dt <- median( diff(object@t))
        t <- object@t[length(object@t)] + cumsum(c(0, rep(dt, M2pred)))
      if(length(object@N.est) == 0){  # -> object@N is equal to observed Poisson process
        startN <- max(object@N)
      }else{  # Poisson variables are filtered
        startN <- object@N.est[nrow(object@N.est), ind]

    n <- length(t)

    if(pred.alg == "Trajectory" | pred.alg == "Distribution"){

      if(pred.alg.N == "Trajectory"){
        gridN <- median(diff(t))/10
        samples <- object@xi[ind, ]
          Lambda.diff <- function(cand, Tn_1, samples){
            sapply(1:K, function(i) Lambda(cand + Tn_1, samples[i,]) - Lambda(Tn_1, samples[i,]) )
          Fun.T <- function(cand, Tn_1) 1 - mean(exp(- Lambda.diff(cand, Tn_1, samples)))
          Fun.T <- function(cand, Tn_1){
            1-mean(exp(-(Lambda.mat(cand + Tn_1, samples)-Lambda.mat(Tn_1, samples))))
        sample.lengthN <- K
        drawTn <- function(Tn_1){
          u <- runif(1)
          cand <- Tn_1 + 0.1
          memory <- cand
          while(length(unique(memory)) == length(memory)){
            if(Fun.T(cand, Tn_1) < u){
              cand <- cand*2
              memory <- c(memory, cand)
              cand <- cand/2
              memory <- c(memory, cand)
          lower <- min(memory[length(memory)-1], memory[length(memory)])
          upper <- max(memory[length(memory)-1], memory[length(memory)])
          diff <- upper - lower
          while(diff >= gridN){
            if(Fun.T(lower+diff/2, Tn_1) < u){
              lower <- lower+diff/2
              upper <- lower+diff/2
            diff <- upper - lower
          Tn_1 + (lower+upper)/2
        result <- matrix(0, sample.lengthN, n)  # here: N_t
        if(which.series == "new") result[, 1] <- 0
        if(which.series == "current") result[, 1] <- startN
        for(i in 1:sample.lengthN){
          times <- drawTn(Tstart)
          while(times[length(times)] < t[n]){
            times <- c(times, drawTn(times[length(times)]))
          result[i, ] <- result[i, 1] + TimestoN(times, t)
          if(i %% 100 == 0) message(paste(i, "of", sample.lengthN, " Poisson process predictions are calculated"))
        Npred <- result
        dN <- t(apply(Npred, 1, diff))
      if(pred.alg.N == "Distribution"){
        samples <- object@xi[ind, ]

        result <- matrix(0, K, n-1)  # here: dN_t
#         candN <- 0:5
          dLambda <- function(j, samples){
            sapply(1:K, function(i) Lambda(t[j+1], samples[i,]) - Lambda(t[j], samples[i,]) )
          Fun.N <- function(j) vapply(candN, function(c) mean(ppois(c, dLambda(j, samples))), FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
          Fun.N <- function(j){
            vapply(candN, function(c) mean(ppois(c, Lambda.mat(t[j+1], samples) - Lambda.mat(t[j], samples))), FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
        for(a in 1:(n-1)){
          prob <- Fun.N(a)
          result[, a] <- vapply(runif(K, 0, max(prob)), function(u) candN[which(prob >= u)[1]], FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
          if(a %% 10 == 0) message(paste(a, "of", n-1, " Poisson process predictions are calculated"))
        Npred <- t(apply(cbind(0, result), 1, cumsum))
        dN <- result

## jump diffusion:

      dt <- diff(t)
      samples <- list(phi = object@phi[ind], theta = object@theta[ind], gamma2 = object@gamma2[ind])
      if(missing(sample.length) | pred.alg == "Distribution") sample.length <- K

      if(pred.alg == "Distribution") method <- "vector"
      if(pred.alg == "Trajectory") method <- "free"

      Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(pnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[1]*b.fun(samples$phi, t[1], yn_1) + h.fun(samples$theta, t[1], yn_1)*dN[,1], sqrt(s.fun(samples$gamma2, t[1], yn_1)^2*dt[1])))
      cand.Area <- y.start + dt[1]*b.fun(mean(samples$phi), t[1], y.start) + h.fun(mean(samples$theta), t[1], y.start)*range(dN[,1]) + 5* c(-1,1) *sqrt(s.fun(mean(samples$gamma2), t[1], y.start)^2*dt[1])
      d <- diff(cand.Area)/cand.length

      result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n-1)
      result[,1] <- pred.base(samples = samples, Fun, x0 = y.start, len = sample.length, method = method,
                              pred.alg = pred.alg, sampling.alg = "InvMethod", candArea = cand.Area, grid = d)

      for(i in 2:(n-1)){

        Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(pnorm(yn, yn_1+dt[i]*b.fun(samples$phi, t[i], yn_1) + h.fun(samples$theta, t[i], yn_1)*dN[,i], sqrt(s.fun(samples$gamma2, t[i], yn_1)^2*dt[i])))

        cand.Area <- range(result[,i-1]) + dt[i]*b.fun(mean(samples$phi), t[i], mean(result[,i-1])) +
                      h.fun(mean(samples$theta), t[i], mean(result[,i-1]))*range(dN[,i]) + c(-1, 1)*5*sqrt(s.fun(mean(samples$gamma2), t[i], mean(result[,i-1]))^2*dt[i])
        d <- diff(cand.Area)/cand.length

        result[,i] <- pred.base(samples = samples, Fun, x0 = result[,i-1], len = sample.length, method = method,
                                pred.alg = pred.alg, sampling.alg = "InvMethod", candArea = cand.Area, grid = d)
        if(i %% 10 == 0) message(paste(i, "of", n-1, "jump diffusion predictions are calculated"))


    if(pred.alg == "simpleTrajectory"){
      if(missing(sample.length)) sample.length <- 100
      xi <- apply(object@xi[ind, ], 2, mean)
      phi <- mean(object@phi[ind])
      gamma2 <- mean(object@gamma2[ind])
      theta <- mean(object@theta[ind])
      cl <- set.to.class("jumpDiffusion", parameter = list(phi = phi, theta = theta, gamma2 = gamma2, xi = xi),
                         Lambda = Lambda, b.fun = b.fun, s.fun = s.fun, h.fun = h.fun)
      if(which.series == "new"){
        result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n-1)
        Npred <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)  # here: N_t

        for(i in 1:sample.length){
          help <- simulate(cl, t = t, y0 = object@Y[1], plot.series = FALSE)
          result[i, ] <- help$Y[-1]
          Npred[i, ] <- help$N

        result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n-1)
        Npred <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)  # here: N_t

        for(i in 1:sample.length){
          if(length(startN) > 1){
            ind.i <- sample(K, 1)
            he <- simulate(cl, t = t, y0 = y.start, start = c(max(object@t), startN[ind.i]), plot.series = FALSE)
            he <- simulate(cl, t = t, y0 = y.start, start = c(max(object@t), startN), plot.series = FALSE)
          Npred[i, ] <- he$N
          result[i, ] <- he$Y[-1]

    if(pred.alg == "simpleBayesTrajectory"){
        sample.length <- K
      } else{
        if(sample.length > K) sample.length <- K
      xi <- object@xi[ind, ]
      phi <- object@phi[ind]
      gamma2 <- object@gamma2[ind]
      theta <- object@theta[ind]
      if(which.series == "new"){
        result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n-1)
        Npred <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)  # here: N_t
        for(i in 1:sample.length){
          cl <- set.to.class("jumpDiffusion", parameter = list(phi = phi[i], theta = theta[i], gamma2 = gamma2[i], xi = xi[i,]),
                             Lambda = Lambda, b.fun = b.fun, s.fun = s.fun, h.fun = h.fun)
          help <- simulate(cl, t = t, y0 = object@Y[1], plot.series = FALSE)
          result[i, ] <- help$Y[-1]
          Npred[i, ] <- help$N
        result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n-1)
        Npred <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)  # here: N_t
        for(i in 1:sample.length){
          cl <- set.to.class("jumpDiffusion", parameter = list(phi = phi[i], theta = theta[i], gamma2 = gamma2[i], xi = xi[i,]),
                             Lambda = Lambda, b.fun = b.fun, s.fun = s.fun, h.fun = h.fun)
          if(length(startN) > 1){
            ind.i <- sample(K, 1)
            help <- simulate(cl, t = t, y0 = y.start, start = c(max(object@t), startN[ind.i]), plot.series = FALSE)
            help <- simulate(cl, t = t, y0 = y.start, start = c(max(object@t), startN), plot.series = FALSE)
          Npred[i, ] <- help$N
          result[i, ] <- help$Y[-1]

      qu <- apply(result, 2, quantile, c(0.05 / 2, 1 - 0.05 / 2))
      if(which.series == "new"){
        plot(object@t, object@Y, type = "l", xlab = "t", ylim = range(c(object@Y, range(qu))), ylab = expression(Y[t]))
        lines(t[-1], qu[1,], col = 2)
        lines(t[-1], qu[2,], col = 2)
      if(which.series == "current"){
        plot(object@t, object@Y, type = "l", xlim = range(c(object@t, t)), ylim = range(c(object@Y, range(qu))), xlab = "t", ylab = expression(Y[t]))
        lines(t[-1], qu[1,], col = 2)
        lines(t[-1], qu[2,], col = 2)
    return(list(N = Npred[, -1], Y = result))


#' Prediction for a jump diffusion process
#' @description Bayesian prediction of a stochastic process
#'   \eqn{Y_t = y_0 \exp( \phi t - \gamma2/2 t+\gamma W_t + \log(1+\theta) N_t)}.
#' @param object class object of MCMC samples: "est.Merton", created with method \code{\link{estimate,Merton-method}}
#' @param t vector of time points to make predictions for
#' @param burnIn burn-in period
#' @param thinning thinning rate
#' @param Lambda.mat matrix-wise definition of intensity rate function (makes it faster)
#' @param which.series which series to be predicted, new one ("new") or further development of current one ("current")
#' @param M2pred optional, if current series to be predicted and t missing, \code{M2pred} variables will be predicted
#'  with the observation time distances
#' @param only.interval if TRUE: only calculation of prediction intervals (only for pred.alg = "Distribution")
#' @param level level of the prediction intervals
#' @param cand.length length of candidate samples (if method = "vector"), for jump diffusion
#' @param pred.alg prediction algorithm, "Distribution", "Trajectory", "simpleTrajectory" or "simpleBayesTrajectory"
#' @param sample.length number of samples to be drawn, default is the number of posterior samples
#' @param plot.prediction if TRUE, prediction intervals are plotted
#' @references
#' Hermann, S. (2016a). BaPreStoPro: an R Package for Bayesian Prediction of Stochastic Processes. 
#' SFB 823 discussion paper 28/16.
#' Hermann, S. (2016b). Bayesian Prediction for Stochastic Processes based on the Euler Approximation Scheme. 
#' SFB 823 discussion paper 27/16.
#' @examples
#' cl <- set.to.class("Merton", 
#'                parameter = list(thetaT = 0.1, phi = 0.05, gamma2 = 0.1, xi = c(3, 1/4)), 
#'                Lambda = function(t, xi) (t/xi[2])^xi[1])
#' t <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.01)
#' data <- simulate(cl, t = t, y0 = 0.5)
#' est <- estimate(cl, t, data, 1000)
#' plot(est)
#' \dontrun{
#' pred1 <- predict(est, Lambda.mat = function(t, xi) (t/xi[,2])^xi[,1])
#' pred2 <- predict(est, Lambda.mat = function(t, xi) (t/xi[,2])^xi[,1], pred.alg = "Trajectory")
#' pred3 <- predict(est, pred.alg = "simpleTrajectory")
#' pred4 <- predict(est, pred.alg = "simpleBayesTrajectory")
#' }
#' @export
setMethod(f = "predict", signature = "est.Merton",
          definition = function(object, t, burnIn, thinning, Lambda.mat,
                                which.series = c("new", "current"), M2pred = 10, only.interval = TRUE, level = 0.05,
                                cand.length = 1000, pred.alg = c("Distribution", "Trajectory", "simpleTrajectory", "simpleBayesTrajectory"),
                                sample.length, plot.prediction = TRUE) {
      pred.alg <- match.arg(pred.alg)
      which.series <- match.arg(which.series)
      if(missing(burnIn)) burnIn <- object@burnIn
      if(missing(thinning)) thinning <- object@thinning
      Lambda <- object@model$Lambda
      ind <- seq(burnIn + 1, length(object@gamma2), by = thinning)
      K <- length(ind)
      if(which.series == "new"){
        Tstart <- 0
        y.start <- object@Y[1]
        if(missing(t)) t <- object@t
      if(which.series == "current"){
        Tstart <- max(object@t)
        y.start <- object@Y[length(object@Y)]
          dt <- median( diff(object@t))
          t <- object@t[length(object@t)] + cumsum(c(0, rep(dt, M2pred)))
        if(length(object@N.est) == 0){  # -> object@N is equal to observed Poisson process
          startN <- max(object@N)
        }else{  # Poisson variables are filtered
          startN <- object@N.est[nrow(object@N.est), ind]
      n <- length(t)
      if(pred.alg == "Trajectory" | pred.alg == "Distribution"){
        samples <- object@xi[ind, ]
          Lambda.diff <- function(cand, Tn_1, samples){
            sapply(1:K, function(i) Lambda(cand + Tn_1, samples[i,]) - Lambda(Tn_1, samples[i,]) )
          Fun.T <- function(cand, Tn_1) 1 - mean(exp(- Lambda.diff(cand, Tn_1, samples)))
          Fun.T <- function(cand, Tn_1){
            1-mean(exp(-(Lambda.mat(cand + Tn_1, samples)-Lambda.mat(Tn_1, samples))))
        sample.lengthN <- K
        gridN <- median(diff(t))/10
        drawTn <- function(Tn_1){
          u <- runif(1)
          cand <- Tn_1 + 0.1
          memory <- cand
          while(length(unique(memory)) == length(memory)){
            if(Fun.T(cand, Tn_1) < u){
              cand <- cand*2
              memory <- c(memory, cand)
              cand <- cand/2
              memory <- c(memory, cand)
          lower <- min(memory[length(memory)-1], memory[length(memory)])
          upper <- max(memory[length(memory)-1], memory[length(memory)])
          diff <- upper - lower
          while(diff >= gridN){
            if(Fun.T(lower+diff/2, Tn_1) < u){
              lower <- lower+diff/2
              upper <- lower+diff/2
            diff <- upper - lower
          Tn_1 + (lower+upper)/2
        result <- matrix(0, sample.lengthN, n)  # here: N_t
        if(which.series == "current") result[, 1] <- startN
        for(i in 1:sample.lengthN){
          times <- drawTn(Tstart)
          while(times[length(times)] < t[n]){
            times <- c(times, drawTn(times[length(times)]))
          result[i, ] <- result[i, 1] + TimestoN(times, t)
        Npred <- result
        dN <- t(apply(Npred, 1, diff))
        ## jump diffusion:
        dt <- diff(t)
        samples <- list(phi = object@phi[ind], thetaT = object@thetaT[ind], gamma2 = object@gamma2[ind])
        if(missing(sample.length)) sample.length <- K
        if(pred.alg == "Distribution"){
            result <- matrix(0, 2, n-1)
            for(i in 1:(n-1)){
              Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(pnorm(log(yn), log(yn_1)+sum(dt[1:i])*(samples$phi+ samples$gamma2/2) + samples$thetaT*(Npred[,i+1] - Npred[,1]), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sum(dt[1:i]))))
              cand.Area <- exp(log(y.start) + sum(dt[1:i])*(mean(samples$phi)-mean(samples$gamma2)/2) + mean(samples$thetaT)*range(Npred[,i+1] - Npred[,1]) + 6* c(-1,1) *sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sum(dt[1:i])))
              d <- diff(cand.Area)/cand.length
              result[,i] <- prediction.intervals(samples, Fun, x0 = y.start, level = level, candArea = cand.Area, grid = d)
            result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n-1)
            for(i in 1:(n-1)){
              Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(pnorm(log(yn), log(yn_1)+sum(dt[1:i])*(samples$phi+ samples$gamma2/2) + samples$thetaT*(Npred[,i+1] - Npred[,1]), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sum(dt[1:i]))))
              cand.Area <- exp(log(y.start) + sum(dt[1:i])*(mean(samples$phi)-mean(samples$gamma2)/2) + mean(samples$thetaT)*range(Npred[,i+1] - Npred[,1]) + 5* c(-1,1) *sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*sum(dt[1:i])))
              d <- diff(cand.Area)/cand.length
              result[,i] <- pred.base(samples = samples, Fun, x0 = y.start, len = sample.length, method = "vector",
                                      pred.alg = pred.alg, sampling.alg = "InvMethod", candArea = cand.Area, grid = d)
              if(i %% 10 == 0) message(paste(i, "of", n-1, "predictions are calculated"))

        }else{  # "Trajectory"
          Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(pnorm(log(yn), log(yn_1)+dt[1]*(samples$phi+ samples$gamma2/2) + samples$thetaT*dN[,1], sqrt(samples$gamma2*dt[1])))
          cand.Area <- exp(log(y.start) + dt[1]*(mean(samples$phi)-mean(samples$gamma2)/2) + mean(samples$thetaT)*range(dN[,1]) + 5* c(-1,1) *sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*dt[1]))
          d <- diff(cand.Area)/cand.length
          result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n-1)
          result[,1] <- pred.base(samples = samples, Fun, x0 = y.start, len = sample.length, method = "free",
                                  pred.alg = pred.alg, sampling.alg = "InvMethod", candArea = cand.Area, grid = d)
          for(i in 2:(n-1)){
            Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(pnorm(log(yn), log(yn_1)+dt[i]*(samples$phi+ samples$gamma2/2) + samples$thetaT*dN[,i], sqrt(samples$gamma2*dt[i])))
            cand.Area <- exp(range(log(result[,i-1])) + dt[i]*(mean(samples$phi)-mean(samples$gamma2)/2) + mean(samples$thetaT)*range(dN[,i]) + 5* c(-1,1) *sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2)*dt[i]))
            d <- diff(cand.Area)/cand.length
            result[,i] <- pred.base(samples = samples, Fun, x0 = result[,i-1], len = sample.length, method = "free",
                                    pred.alg = pred.alg, sampling.alg = "InvMethod", candArea = cand.Area, grid = d)
            if(i %% 10 == 0) message(paste(i, "of", n-1, "predictions are calculated"))
      if(pred.alg == "simpleTrajectory"){
        if(missing(sample.length)) sample.length <- 100
        xi <- apply(object@xi[ind, ], 2, mean)
        phi <- mean(object@phi[ind])
        gamma2 <- mean(object@gamma2[ind])
        thetaT <- mean(object@thetaT[ind])
        cl <- set.to.class("Merton", parameter = list(phi = phi, thetaT = thetaT, gamma2 = gamma2, xi = xi),
                           Lambda = Lambda)
        if(which.series == "new"){
          result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n-1)
          Npred <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)  # here: N_t
          for(i in 1:sample.length){
            help <- simulate(cl, t = t, y0 = y.start, plot.series = FALSE)
            result[i, ] <- help$Y[-1]
            Npred[i, ] <- help$N
         result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n-1)
          Npred <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)  # here: N_t
          for(i in 1:sample.length){
            if(length(startN) > 1){
              ind.i <- sample(K, 1)
              help <- simulate(cl, t = t, y0 = y.start, start = c(max(object@t), startN[ind.i]), plot.series = FALSE)
              help <- simulate(cl, t = t, y0 = y.start, start = c(max(object@t), startN), plot.series = FALSE)
            Npred[i, ] <- help$N
            result[i, ] <- help$Y[-1]
      if(pred.alg == "simpleBayesTrajectory"){
          sample.length <- K
        } else{
          if(sample.length > K) sample.length <- K
        xi <- object@xi[ind, ]
        phi <- object@phi[ind]
        gamma2 <- object@gamma2[ind]
        thetaT <- object@thetaT[ind]
        if(which.series == "new"){
          result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n-1)
          Npred <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)  # here: N_t
          for(i in 1:sample.length){
            cl <- set.to.class("Merton", parameter = list(phi = phi[i], thetaT = thetaT[i], gamma2 = gamma2[i], xi = xi[i,]),
                               Lambda = Lambda)
            help <- simulate(cl, t = t, y0 = y.start, plot.series = FALSE)
            result[i, ] <- help$Y[-1]
            Npred[i, ] <- help$N
          result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n-1)
          Npred <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)  # here: N_t
          for(i in 1:sample.length){
            cl <- set.to.class("Merton", parameter = list(phi = phi[i], thetaT = thetaT[i], gamma2 = gamma2[i], xi = xi[i,]),
                               Lambda = Lambda)
            if(length(startN) > 1){
              ind.i <- sample(K, 1)
              help <- simulate(cl, t = t, y0 = y.start, start = c(max(object@t), startN[ind.i]), plot.series = FALSE)
              help <- simulate(cl, t = t, y0 = y.start, start = c(max(object@t), startN), plot.series = FALSE)
            Npred[i, ] <- help$N
            result[i, ] <- help$Y[-1]
        qu <- apply(result, 2, quantile, c(level / 2, 1 - level / 2))
        if(which.series == "new"){
          plot(object@t, object@Y, type = "l", xlab = "t", ylim = range(c(object@Y, range(qu))), ylab = expression(Y[t]))
          lines(t[-1], qu[1,], col = 2)
          lines(t[-1], qu[2,], col = 2)
        if(which.series == "current"){
          plot(object@t, object@Y, type = "l", xlim = range(c(object@t, t)), ylim = range(c(object@Y, range(qu))), xlab = "t", ylab = expression(Y[t]))
          lines(t[-1], qu[1,], col = 2)
          lines(t[-1], qu[2,], col = 2)
      return(list(N = Npred[, -1], Y = result))

#' Prediction for a regression model dependent on a Poisson process
#' @description Bayesian prediction of a regression model
#'   \eqn{y_i = f(t_i, N_{t_i}, \theta) + \epsilon_i} with
#'   \eqn{N_t\sim Pois(\Lambda(t, \xi)), \epsilon_i\sim N(0,\gamma^2\widetilde{s}(t))}.
#' @param object class object of MCMC samples: "est.jumpRegression", created with method \code{\link{estimate,jumpRegression-method}}
#' @param t vector of time points to make predictions for
#' @param only.interval if TRUE: only calculation of prediction intervals
#' @param level level of the prediction intervals
#' @param burnIn burn-in period
#' @param thinning thinning rate
#' @param Lambda.mat matrix-wise definition of intensity rate function (makes it faster)
#' @param fun.mat matrix-wise definition of regression function (makes it faster)
#' @param which.series which series to be predicted, new one ("new") or further development of current one ("current")
#' @param M2pred optional, if current series to be predicted and t missing, \code{M2pred} variables will be predicted
#'  with the observation time distances
#' @param cand.length length of candidate samples (if method = "vector"), for jump diffusion
#' @param pred.alg prediction algorithm, "Distribution", "Trajectory", "simpleTrajectory" or "simpleTrajectory"
#' @param sample.length number of samples to be drawn, default is the number of posterior samples
#' @param grid fineness degree of sampling approximation
#' @param plot.prediction if TRUE, prediction intervals are plotted
#' @references
#' Hermann, S. (2016a). BaPreStoPro: an R Package for Bayesian Prediction of Stochastic Processes. 
#' SFB 823 discussion paper 28/16.
#' Hermann, S. (2016b). Bayesian Prediction for Stochastic Processes based on the Euler Approximation Scheme. 
#' SFB 823 discussion paper 27/16.
#' @examples
#' t <- seq(0,1, by = 0.01)
#' cl <- set.to.class("jumpRegression", fun = function(t, N, theta) theta[1]*t + theta[2]*N, 
#'              parameter = list(theta = c(1,2), gamma2 = 0.1, xi = c(3, 1/4)), 
#'              Lambda = function(t, xi) (t/xi[2])^xi[1])
#' data <- simulate(cl, t = t)
#' est <- estimate(cl, t, data, 1000)
#' plot(est)
#' \dontrun{
#' pred <- predict(est, Lambda.mat = function(t, xi) (t/xi[,2])^xi[,1], 
#'                  fun.mat = function(t, N, theta) theta[,1]*t + theta[,2]*N)
#' }
#' pred <- predict(est, pred.alg = "simpleTrajectory", sample.length = 100)
#' @export
setMethod(f = "predict", signature = "est.jumpRegression",
          definition = function(object, t, only.interval = TRUE, level = 0.05, burnIn, thinning, Lambda.mat, fun.mat, 
                                which.series = c("new", "current"), M2pred = 10,
                                cand.length = 1000, pred.alg = c("Distribution", "simpleTrajectory", "simpleBayesTrajectory"),
                                sample.length, grid = 1e-05, plot.prediction = TRUE) {
    pred.alg <- match.arg(pred.alg)
    which.series <- match.arg(which.series)
    if(missing(burnIn)) burnIn <- object@burnIn
    if(missing(thinning)) thinning <- object@thinning
    Lambda <- object@model$Lambda
    fun <- object@model$fun
    sT.fun <- object@model$sT.fun
    ind <- seq(burnIn + 1, nrow(object@xi), by = thinning)
    K <- length(ind)
    if(which.series == "new"){
      Tstart <- 0
      if(missing(t)) t <- object@t
    if(which.series == "current"){
      Tstart <- max(object@t)
        dt <- median( diff(object@t))
        t <- object@t[length(object@t)] + cumsum(c(0, rep(dt, M2pred)))
      if(length(object@N.est) == 0){  # -> object@N is equal to observed Poisson process
        startN <- max(object@N)
      }else{  # Poisson variables are filtered
        startN <- object@N.est[nrow(object@N.est), ind]
    n <- length(t)
    if(pred.alg == "Distribution"){
      samples <- object@xi[ind, ]
        Lambda.diff <- function(cand, Tn_1, samples){
          sapply(1:K, function(i) Lambda(cand + Tn_1, samples[i,]) - Lambda(Tn_1, samples[i,]) )
        Fun.T <- function(cand, Tn_1) 1 - mean(exp(- Lambda.diff(cand, Tn_1, samples)))
        Fun.T <- function(cand, Tn_1){
          1-mean(exp(-(Lambda.mat(cand + Tn_1, samples)-Lambda.mat(Tn_1, samples))))
      sample.lengthN <- K
      drawTn <- function(Tn_1){
        u <- runif(1)
        cand <- Tn_1 + 0.1
        memory <- cand
        while(length(unique(memory)) == length(memory)){
          if(Fun.T(cand, Tn_1) < u){
            cand <- cand*2
            memory <- c(memory, cand)
            cand <- cand/2
            memory <- c(memory, cand)
        lower <- min(memory[length(memory)-1], memory[length(memory)])
        upper <- max(memory[length(memory)-1], memory[length(memory)])
        diff <- upper - lower
        while(diff >= grid){
          if(Fun.T(lower+diff/2, Tn_1) < u){
            lower <- lower+diff/2
            upper <- lower+diff/2
          diff <- upper - lower
        Tn_1 + (lower+upper)/2
      result <- matrix(0, sample.lengthN, n)  # here: N_t
      if(which.series == "current") result[, 1] <- startN
      for(i in 1:sample.lengthN){
        times <- drawTn(Tstart)
        while(times[length(times)] < t[n]){
          times <- c(times, drawTn(times[length(times)]))
        result[i, ] <- result[i, 1] + TimestoN(times, t)
      Npred <- result
      samples <- list(theta = as.matrix(object@theta[ind,]), gamma2 = object@gamma2[ind])
      sample.length <- K
      method <- "vector"
        result <- matrix(0, 2, n)
        for(i in 1:n){
          cand.Area <- range(fun(t[i], Npred[, i], apply(samples$theta, 2, mean))) + 6*c(-1, 1)*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2))
            Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(pnorm(yn, fun.mat(t[i], Npred[,i], samples$theta), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[i]))))
            Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, fun(t[i], Npred[k,i], samples$theta[k,]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i])))))
          result[,i] <- prediction.intervals(samples, Fun, x0 = 0, level = level, candArea = cand.Area)
          if(which.series == "new"){
            plot(object@t, object@Y, xlab = "t", ylim = range(c(object@Y, range(result))), ylab = expression(Y[t]))
            lines(t, result[1,], col = 2)
            lines(t, result[2,], col = 2)
          if(which.series == "current"){
            plot(object@t, object@Y, xlim = range(c(object@t, t)), ylim = range(c(object@Y, range(result))), xlab = "t", ylab = expression(Y[t]))
            lines(t, result[1,], col = 2)
            lines(t, result[2,], col = 2)
        result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)
        for(i in 1:n){
            Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(pnorm(yn, fun.mat(t[i], Npred[,i], samples$theta), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[i]))))
            dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(dnorm(yn, fun.mat(t[i], Npred[,i], samples$theta), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[i]))))
            Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, fun(t[i], Npred[k,i], samples$theta[k,]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i])))))
            dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) dnorm(yn, fun(t[i], Npred[k,i], samples$theta[k,]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i])))))
          cand.Area <- range(fun(t[i], Npred[, i], apply(samples$theta, 2, mean))) + 6*c(-1, 1)*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2))
          if(missing(grid)) d <- diff(cand.Area)/cand.length
          result[,i] <- pred.base(samples = samples, Fun, dens, x0 = 0, len = sample.length, method = method,
                                  pred.alg = "Distribution", sampling.alg = "InvMethod", candArea = cand.Area, grid = d)
          qu <- apply(result, 2, quantile, c(level / 2, 1 - level / 2))
          if(which.series == "new"){
            plot(object@t, object@Y, xlab = "t", ylim = range(c(object@Y, range(qu))), ylab = expression(Y[t]))
            lines(t, qu[1,], col = 2)
            lines(t, qu[2,], col = 2)
          if(which.series == "current"){
            plot(object@t, object@Y, xlim = range(c(object@t, t)), ylim = range(c(object@Y, range(qu))), xlab = "t", ylab = expression(Y[t]))
            lines(t, qu[1,], col = 2)
            lines(t, qu[2,], col = 2)
      if(pred.alg == "simpleTrajectory"){
        if(missing(sample.length)) sample.length <- 100
        xi <- apply(object@xi[ind, ], 2, mean)
        gamma2 <- mean(object@gamma2[ind])
        theta <- apply(object@theta[ind,], 2, mean)
        if(which.series == "new"){
          cl <- set.to.class("jumpRegression", parameter = list(theta = theta, gamma2 = gamma2, xi = xi), Lambda = Lambda, fun = fun)
          result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)
          Npred <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)  # here: N_t
          for(i in 1:sample.length){
            help <- simulate(cl, t = t, plot.series = FALSE)
            result[i, ] <- help$Y
            Npred[i, ] <- help$N
          result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)
          Npred <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)  # here: N_t
          for(i in 1:sample.length){
            if(length(startN) > 1){
              Npred[i, ] <- simN(t, xi, len = 1, start = c(max(object@t), startN[sample(K, 1)]), Lambda = Lambda)$N
              ind.i <- 1
              Npred[i, ] <- simN(t, xi, len = 1, start = c(max(object@t), startN), Lambda = Lambda)$N
            result[i, ] <- fun(t, Npred[i,], theta) + rnorm(length(t), 0, sqrt(gamma2))
      if(pred.alg == "simpleBayesTrajectory"){
          sample.length <- K
        } else{
          if(sample.length > K) sample.length <- K
        xi <- object@xi[ind, ]
        gamma2 <- object@gamma2[ind]
        theta <- object@theta[ind,]
        if(which.series == "new"){
          result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)
          Npred <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)  # here: N_t
          for(i in 1:sample.length){
            cl <- set.to.class("jumpRegression", parameter = list(theta = theta[i,], gamma2 = gamma2[i], xi = xi[i,]), Lambda = Lambda, fun = fun)
            help <- simulate(cl, t = t, plot.series = FALSE)
            result[i, ] <- help$Y
            Npred[i, ] <- help$N
          result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)
          Npred <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)  # here: N_t
          for(i in 1:sample.length){
            if(length(startN) > 1){
              Npred[i, ] <- simN(t, xi[i,], len = 1, start = c(max(object@t), startN[sample(K, 1)]), Lambda = Lambda)$N
              ind.i <- 1
              Npred[i, ] <- simN(t, xi[i,], len = 1, start = c(max(object@t), startN), Lambda = Lambda)$N
            result[i, ] <- fun(t, Npred[i,], theta[i,]) + rnorm(length(t), 0, sqrt(gamma2[i]))
        qu <- apply(result, 2, quantile, c(level / 2, 1 - level / 2))
        if(which.series == "new"){
          plot(object@t, object@Y, type = "l", xlab = "t", ylim = range(c(object@Y, range(qu))), ylab = expression(Y[t]))
          lines(t, qu[1,], col = 2)
          lines(t, qu[2,], col = 2)
        if(which.series == "current"){
          plot(object@t, object@Y, type = "l", xlim = range(c(object@t, t)), ylim = range(c(object@Y, range(qu))), xlab = "t", ylab = expression(Y[t]))
          lines(t, qu[1,], col = 2)
          lines(t, qu[2,], col = 2)
   return(list(N = Npred, Y = result))

#' Prediction for a regression model
#' @description Bayesian prediction of regression model
#'   \eqn{y_i = f(\phi, t_i) + \epsilon_i, \epsilon_i\sim N(0,\gamma^2\widetilde{s}(t_i))}.
#' @param object class object of MCMC samples: "est.Regression", created with method \code{\link{estimate,Regression-method}}
#' @param t vector of time points to make predictions for
#' @param only.interval if TRUE: only calculation of prediction intervals
#' @param level level of the prediction intervals
#' @param burnIn burn-in period
#' @param thinning thinning rate
#' @param fun.mat matrix-wise definition of drift function (makes it faster)
#' @param which.series which series to be predicted, new one ("new") or further development of current one ("current")
#' @param M2pred optional, if current series to be predicted and t missing, \code{M2pred} variables will be predicted
#'  with the observation time distances
#' @param cand.length length of candidate samples (if method = "vector")
#' @param method vectorial ("vector") or not ("free")
#' @param sampling.alg sampling algorithm, inversion method ("InvMethod") or rejection sampling ("RejSamp")
#' @param sample.length number of samples to be drawn, default is the number of posterior samples
#' @param grid fineness degree of sampling approximation
#' @param plot.prediction if TRUE, prediction intervals are plotted
#' @references
#' Hermann, S. (2016a). BaPreStoPro: an R Package for Bayesian Prediction of Stochastic Processes. 
#' SFB 823 discussion paper 28/16.
#' Hermann, S. (2016b). Bayesian Prediction for Stochastic Processes based on the Euler Approximation Scheme. 
#' SFB 823 discussion paper 27/16.
#' @examples
#' t <- seq(0,1, by = 0.01)
#' cl <- set.to.class("Regression", fun = function(phi, t) phi[1]*t + phi[2], 
#'                    parameter = list(phi = c(1,2), gamma2 = 0.1))
#' data <- simulate(cl, t = t)
#' est <- estimate(cl, t, data, 1000)
#' plot(est)
#' pred <- predict(est, fun.mat = function(phi, t) phi[,1]*t + phi[,2])
#' \dontrun{
#' pred2 <- predict(est, fun.mat = function(phi, t) phi[,1]*t + phi[,2], only.interval = FALSE)
#' plot(density(pred2[,10]))
#' }

#' @export
setMethod(f = "predict", signature = "est.Regression",
          definition = function(object,
                                t, only.interval = TRUE, level = 0.05, burnIn, thinning,
                                fun.mat, which.series = c("new", "current"), M2pred = 10,
                                cand.length = 1000, method = c("vector", "free"),
                                sampling.alg = c("InvMethod", "RejSamp"), sample.length, grid, plot.prediction = TRUE) {
            method <- match.arg(method)
            sampling.alg <- match.arg(sampling.alg)
            which.series <- match.arg(which.series)
            if(missing(burnIn)) burnIn <- object@burnIn
            if(missing(thinning)) thinning <- object@thinning
              if(which.series == "new") t <- object@t
              if(which.series == "current"){
                dt <- median( diff(object@t))
                t <- object@t[length(object@t)] + cumsum(c(0, rep(dt, M2pred)))
            ind <- seq(burnIn + 1, length(object@gamma2), by = thinning)
            samples <- list(phi = as.matrix(object@phi[ind,]), gamma2 = object@gamma2[ind])
            K <- length(samples$gamma2)
            if(missing(sample.length)) sample.length <- K
            fun <- object@model$fun
            sT.fun <- object@model$sT.fun
            n <- length(t)

              result <- matrix(0, 2, n)
              for(i in 1:n){
                cand.Area <- fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[i]) + 6*c(-1, 1)*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2))*sT.fun(t[i])
                  Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(pnorm(yn, fun.mat(samples$phi, t[i]), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[i])^2)))
                  Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, fun(samples$phi[k,], t[i]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i])^2))))
                result[,i] <- prediction.intervals(samples, Fun, x0 = 0, level = level, candArea = cand.Area)
                if(which.series == "new"){
                  plot(object@t, object@Y, xlab = "t", ylim = range(c(object@Y, range(result))), ylab = expression(Y[t]))
                  lines(t, result[1,], col = 2)
                  lines(t, result[2,], col = 2)
                if(which.series == "current"){
                  plot(object@t, object@Y, xlim = range(c(object@t, t)), ylim = range(c(object@Y, range(result))), xlab = "t", ylab = expression(Y[t]))
                  lines(t, result[1,], col = 2)
                  lines(t, result[2,], col = 2)
              result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)
              for(i in 1:n){
                  Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(pnorm(yn, fun.mat(samples$phi, t[i]), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[i])^2)))
                  dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(dnorm(yn, fun.mat(samples$phi, t[i]), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[i])^2)))
                  Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, fun(samples$phi[k,], t[i]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i])^2))))
                  dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) dnorm(yn, fun(samples$phi[k,], t[i]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i])^2))))
                cand.Area <- fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[i]) + 6*c(-1, 1)*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2))*sT.fun(t[i])
                if(missing(grid)) d <- diff(cand.Area)/cand.length
                result[,i] <- pred.base(samples = samples, Fun, dens, x0 = 0, len = sample.length, method = method,
                                        pred.alg = "Distribution", sampling.alg = sampling.alg, candArea = cand.Area, grid = d)
                qu <- apply(result, 2, quantile, c(level / 2, 1 - level / 2))
                if(which.series == "new"){
                  plot(object@t, object@Y, xlab = "t", ylim = range(c(object@Y, range(qu))), ylab = expression(Y[t]))
                  lines(t, qu[1,], col = 2)
                  lines(t, qu[2,], col = 2)
                if(which.series == "current"){
                  plot(object@t, object@Y, xlim = range(c(object@t, t)), ylim = range(c(object@Y, range(qu))), xlab = "t", ylab = expression(Y[t]))
                  lines(t, qu[1,], col = 2)
                  lines(t, qu[2,], col = 2)


#' Prediction for a mixed regression model
#' @description Bayesian prediction of the regression model
#'   \eqn{y_{ij} = f(\phi_j, t_{ij}) + \epsilon_{ij}, \phi_j\sim N(\mu, \Omega),
#'   \epsilon_{ij}\sim N(0,\gamma^2\widetilde{s}(t_{ij}))}.
#' @param object class object of MCMC samples: "est.mixedRegression", created with method \code{\link{estimate,mixedRegression-method}}
#' @param t vector of time points to make predictions for
#' @param only.interval if TRUE: only calculation of prediction intervals
#' @param level level of the prediction intervals
#' @param burnIn burn-in period
#' @param thinning thinning rate
#' @param fun.mat matrix-wise definition of drift function (makes it faster)
#' @param which.series which series to be predicted, new one ("new") or further development of current one ("current")
#' @param ind.pred index of series to be predicted, optional, if which.series = "current" and ind.pred missing, the last series is taken
#' @param M2pred optional, if current series to be predicted and t missing, \code{M2pred} variables will be predicted
#'  with the observation time distances
#' @param cand.length length of candidate samples (if method = "vector")
#' @param method vectorial ("vector") or not ("free")
#' @param sampling.alg sampling algorithm, inversion method ("InvMethod") or rejection sampling ("RejSamp")
#' @param sample.length number of samples to be drawn, default is the number of posterior samples
#' @param grid fineness degree of sampling approximation
#' @param plot.prediction if TRUE, prediction intervals are plotted
#' @references
#' Hermann, S. (2016a). BaPreStoPro: an R Package for Bayesian Prediction of Stochastic Processes. 
#' SFB 823 discussion paper 28/16.
#' Hermann, S. (2016b). Bayesian Prediction for Stochastic Processes based on the Euler Approximation Scheme. 
#' SFB 823 discussion paper 27/16.
#' @examples
#' mu <- c(10, 5); Omega <- c(0.9, 0.01)
#' phi <- cbind(rnorm(21, mu[1], sqrt(Omega[1])), rnorm(21, mu[2], sqrt(Omega[2])))
#' model <- set.to.class("mixedRegression", 
#'          parameter = list(phi = phi, mu = mu, Omega = Omega, gamma2 = 0.1), 
#'          fun = function(phi, t) phi[1]*t + phi[2], sT.fun = function(t) 1)
#' t <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.01)
#' data <- simulate(model, t = t)
#' est <- estimate(model, t, data[1:20,], 2000)
#' plot(est)
#' pred <- predict(est, fun.mat = function(phi, t) phi[,1]*t + phi[,2])
#' points(t, data[21,], pch = 20)
#' t.list <- list()
#' for(i in 1:20) t.list[[i]] <- t
#' t.list[[21]] <- t[1:50]
#' data.list <- list()
#' for(i in 1:20) data.list[[i]] <- data[i,]
#' data.list[[21]] <- data[21, 1:50]
#' est <- estimate(model, t.list, data.list, 100)
#' pred <- predict(est, t = t[50:101], which.series = "current", ind.pred = 21, 
#'    fun.mat = function(phi, t) phi[,1]*t + phi[,2])
#' @export
setMethod(f = "predict", signature = "est.mixedRegression",
          definition = function(object, t, only.interval = TRUE, level = 0.05, burnIn, thinning,
                                fun.mat, which.series = c("new", "current"), ind.pred, M2pred = 10,
                                cand.length = 1000, method = c("vector", "free"),
                                sampling.alg = c("InvMethod", "RejSamp"), sample.length, grid, plot.prediction = TRUE) {
    which.series <- match.arg(which.series)
    if(length(object@Y.list) == 0){
      J <- nrow(object@Y)
      n <- ncol(object@Y)  # equal to length(object@t)
      J <- length(object@Y.list)
      n <- sapply(object@Y.list, length)
    if(missing(ind.pred) & which.series == "current") ind.pred <- J

    if(missing(burnIn)) burnIn <- object@burnIn
    if(missing(thinning)) thinning <- object@thinning
      if(which.series == "new") t <- object@t
      if(which.series == "current"){
        if(length(object@Y.list) == 0){
          dt <- median( diff(object@t))
          t <- object@t[length(object@t)] + cumsum(c(0, rep(dt, M2pred)))
          dt <- median( diff(object@t.list[[ind.pred]]))
          t <- object@t.list[[ind.pred]][n[ind.pred]] + cumsum(c(0, rep(dt, M2pred)))
    ind <- seq(burnIn + 1, length(object@gamma2), by = thinning)
    if(which.series == "new"){
      samples <- list(mu = as.matrix(object@mu[ind,]), Omega = as.matrix(object@Omega[ind,]) )
      phi.pred <- predPhi(samples)
      samples <- list(phi = phi.pred, gamma2 = object@gamma2[ind])
    if(which.series == "current"){
      samples <- list(phi = sapply(1:ncol(object@mu) , function(i) sapply(object@phi[ind], function(m) m[ind.pred, i]) ), gamma2 = object@gamma2[ind])
    K <- length(samples$gamma2)
    if(missing(sample.length)) sample.length <- K
    fun <- object@model$fun
    sT.fun <- object@model$sT.fun
    n <- length(t)

      result <- matrix(0, 2, n)
      for(i in 1:n){
        cand.Area <- fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[i]) + 6*c(-1, 1)*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2))*sT.fun(t[i])
          Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(pnorm(yn, fun.mat(samples$phi, t[i]), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[i])^2)))
          Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, fun(samples$phi[k,], t[i]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i])^2))))
        result[,i] <- prediction.intervals(samples, Fun, x0 = 0, level = level, candArea = cand.Area)
      result <- matrix(0, sample.length, n)
      for(i in 1:n){
          Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(pnorm(yn, fun.mat(samples$phi, t[i]), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[i])^2)))
          dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(dnorm(yn, fun.mat(samples$phi, t[i]), sqrt(samples$gamma2*sT.fun(t[i])^2)))
          Fun <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) pnorm(yn, fun(samples$phi[k,], t[i]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i])^2))))
          dens <- function(yn, yn_1, samples)  mean(sapply(1:K, function(k) dnorm(yn, fun(samples$phi[k,], t[i]), sqrt(samples$gamma2[k]*sT.fun(t[i])^2))))
        cand.Area <- fun(apply(samples$phi, 2, mean), t[i]) + 6*c(-1, 1)*sqrt(mean(samples$gamma2))*sT.fun(t[i])
        if(missing(grid)) d <- diff(cand.Area)/cand.length
        result[,i] <- pred.base(samples = samples, Fun, dens, x0 = 0, len = sample.length, method = method,
                                pred.alg = "Distribution", sampling.alg = sampling.alg, candArea = cand.Area, grid = d)
      qu <- apply(result, 2, quantile, c(level / 2, 1 - level / 2))
      if(length(object@Y.list) == 0){
        if(which.series == "new"){
          plot(object@t, object@Y[1,], type = "l", xlab = expression(t[i]), ylim = range(c(object@Y, range(qu))), ylab = expression(Y[i]))
          for(j in 2:J) lines(object@t, object@Y[j,])
          lines(t, qu[1,], col = 2, lwd = 2)
          lines(t, qu[2,], col = 2, lwd = 2)
        if(which.series == "current"){
          plot(object@t, object@Y[ind.pred, ], type = "l", xlim = range(c(object@t, t)), ylim = range(c(object@Y[ind.pred, ], range(qu))), xlab = expression(t[i]), ylab = expression(Y[i]))
          lines(t, qu[1,], col = 2)
          lines(t, qu[2,], col = 2)
        if(which.series == "new"){
          plot(object@t.list[[1]], object@Y.list[[1]], type = "l", xlab = expression(t[i]), ylim = range(c(unlist(object@Y), range(qu))), ylab = expression(Y[i]))
          for(j in 2:J) lines(object@t.list[[j]], object@Y.list[[j]])
          lines(t, qu[1,], col = 2, lwd = 2)
          lines(t, qu[2,], col = 2, lwd = 2)
        if(which.series == "current"){
          plot(object@t.list[[ind.pred]], object@Y.list[[ind.pred]], type = "l", xlim = range(c(object@t.list[[ind.pred]], t)), ylim = range(c(object@Y.list[[ind.pred]], range(qu))), xlab = expression(t[i]), ylab = expression(Y[i]))
          lines(t, qu[1,], col = 2)
          lines(t, qu[2,], col = 2)
   if(which.series == "new") return(list(Y = result, phi = phi.pred))
    if(which.series == "current") return(result)


#' Bayesian prediction function
#' @description Drawing from predictive distribution based on distribution function \code{Fun(x, x0, samples)} or
#'  density \code{dens(x, x0, samples)}.
#' Samples should contain samples from the posterior distribution of the parameters.
#' @param samples MCMC samples
#' @param Fun cumulative distribution function
#' @param dens density function
#' @param len number of samples to be drawn
#' @param x0 vector of starting points
#' @param method vectorial ("vector") or not ("free")
#' @param pred.alg prediction algorithm, "Distribution" or "Trajectory"
#' @param sampling.alg sampling algorithm, rejection sampling ("RejSamp") or inversion method ("InvMethod")
#' @param candArea candidate area
#' @param grid fineness degree
#' @references
#' Hermann, S. (2016). Bayesian Prediction for Stochastic Processes based on the Euler Approximation Scheme. 
#' SFB 823 discussion paper 27/16.
#' @return
#' vector of samples from prediction
#' @export
pred.base <- function(samples, Fun, dens, len = 100, x0, method = c("vector", "free"),
                 pred.alg = c("Distribution", "Trajectory"), sampling.alg = c("RejSamp", "InvMethod"),
                 candArea, grid = 0.001){
  # without a candidate area: currently only sampling of positive values...
  method <- match.arg(method)
  pred.alg <- match.arg(pred.alg)
  sampling.alg <- match.arg(sampling.alg)
    candArea <- findCandidateArea(Fun)
    if(method == "vector") candArea <- seq(candArea[1], candArea[2], by = grid)
    if(method == "vector" & length(candArea) == 2) candArea <- seq(candArea[1], candArea[2], by = grid)
    if(method == "free" & length(candArea) > 2) candArea <- c(min(candArea), max(candArea))

  if(method == "vector" & pred.alg == "Trajectory") message("would be faster with method = free")

  if(pred.alg == "Distribution"){
    if(length(x0) == 1) x0 <- rep(x0, len)
    if(sampling.alg == "RejSamp"){
      sample.result <- RejSampling(Fun = function(t) Fun(t, x0, samples), dens = function(t) dens(t, x0, samples),
                  len = len, cand = candArea, grid = grid, method = method)
    if(sampling.alg == "InvMethod"){
      sample.result <- InvMethod(Fun = function(t) Fun(t, x0, samples), len = len,
                                 candArea = candArea, grid = grid, method = method)

    if(length(x0) == 1) x0 <- rep(x0, len)
    if(sampling.alg == "RejSamp"){
      sample.result <- sapply(1:len, function(i) RejSampling(Fun = function(t) Fun(t, x0[i], samples), dens = function(t) dens(t, x0, samples),
                                                             len = 1, cand = candArea, grid = grid, method = method) )
    if(sampling.alg == "InvMethod"){
      sample.result <- sapply(1:len, function(i) InvMethod(Fun = function(t) Fun(t, x0[i], samples), len = 1,
                                                           candArea = candArea, grid = grid, method = method))



#' Bayesian prediction interval function
#' @description Calculation of quantiles \code{level}/2 and 1-\code{level}/2 from predictive distribution based on distribution function \code{Fun(x, x0, samples)}.
#' \code{samples} should contain samples from the posterior distribution of the parameters.
#' @param samples posterior samples 
#' @param Fun cumulative distribution function
#' @param x0 starting point
#' @param level level of prediction intervals
#' @param candArea candidate area
#' @param grid fineness degree for the binary search
#' @return
#' prediction interval
#' @export
prediction.intervals <- function(samples, Fun, x0, level = 0.05, candArea, grid = 0.001){
  # without a candidate area: currently only sampling of positive values...
  if(missing(candArea)) candArea <- findCandidateArea(Fun)

  if(length(candArea) > 2){
    method <- "vector"
    method <- "free"
  sampling <- function(Fun, qu){
    if(method == "vector"){
      diFu <- sapply(candArea, Fun)
      result <- sapply(qu, function(u) candArea[which(diFu >= u)[1]])
    if(method == "free"){
      n <- length(qu)
      result <- numeric(n)
      for(i in 1:n){
        u <- qu[i]
        lower <- candArea[1]
        upper <- candArea[2]
        diff <- upper - lower
        while(diff >= grid){
          if(Fun(lower+diff/2) < u){
            lower <- lower+diff/2
            upper <- lower+diff/2
          diff <- upper - lower
        result[i] <- (lower+upper)/2

  sampling(Fun = function(t) Fun(t, x0, samples), qu = c(level/2, 1-level/2))

predPhi <- function(samples, cand){

  K <- nrow(samples$mu)
  p <- ncol(samples$mu)
    cand <- sapply(1:p, function(i){
      seq(mean(samples$mu[,i])-4*sqrt(mean(samples$Omega[,i])), mean(samples$mu[,i])+4*sqrt(mean(samples$Omega[,i])), length = 1000)
  phi.res <- matrix(0, K, p)
  for(i in 1:p){
    prob <- numeric(length(cand[,i]))
    for(a in 1:length(cand[,i])){
      prob[a] <- mean(dnorm(cand[a,i], samples$mu[,i], sqrt(samples$Omega[,i])))
    cand2 <- cand[prob != 0, i]
    prob <- prob[prob != 0]
    mp <- max(prob)
    count <- 1
    while(count <= K){
      u <- runif(1, 0, mp)
      ind <- sample(1:length(cand2), 1)
      if(u <= prob[ind]){
        phi.res[count, i] <- cand2[ind]
        count <- count + 1
SimoneHermann/BaPreStoPro documentation built on May 9, 2019, 1:46 p.m.