test_that("model internals works", {
## with corStruc
test <- set.continuous.args.ace(method = "pic", model = "BM", scaled = 1, kappa = 2, corStruct = 3)
expect_is(test, "list")
expect_equal(names(test), c("type", "model", "scaled","kappa", "corStruct"))
## with models = "BM"
## with methods = "pic"
test <- set.continuous.args.ace.models(models = "pic", n = 1)
expect_is(test, "list")
expect_equal(names(test[[1]]), c("type", "model", "scaled","kappa"))
expect_error(check.model.class(one_model = "ah", available_models = available_models_continuous))
expect_equal(check.model.class(one_model = 1, available_models = available_models_continuous), "numeric")
## Test
test_that("multi.ace works", {
## Sanitizing works
matrix_test <- sim.morpho(rcoal(6), characters = 10, model = "ER", rates = c(rgamma, rate = 10, shape = 5), invariant = FALSE)
tree_test <- rmtree(2, 6)
matrix_complex <- matrix_test
matrix_complex[sample(1:length(matrix_complex), 5)] <- "-"
matrix_complex[sample(1:length(matrix_complex), 5)] <- "0%2"
matrix_complex[sample(1:length(matrix_complex), 5)] <- "?"
# results <- multi.ace(data = matrix_complex,
# tree = tree_test,
# models = "ER",
# threshold = TRUE,
# special.tokens = c("weird" = "%"),
# special.behaviours = list(weirdtoken = function(x,y) return(c(1,2))),
# brlen.multiplier = rnorm(10),
# verbose = FALSE,
# parallel = FALSE,
# output = "list")
error <- capture_error(multi.ace(data = "matrix_complex",
tree = tree_test,
models = "ER",
threshold = TRUE,
special.tokens = c("weird" = "%"),
special.behaviours = list(weirdtoken = function(x,y) return(c(1,2))),
brlen.multiplier = rnorm(10),
verbose = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE,
output = "list"))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "matrix must be of class matrix or list or data.frame.")
error <- capture_error(multi.ace(data = matrix_complex,
tree = "tree_test",
models = "ER",
threshold = TRUE,
special.tokens = c("weird" = "%"),
special.behaviours = list(weirdtoken = function(x,y) return(c(1,2))),
brlen.multiplier = rnorm(10),
verbose = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE,
output = "list"))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "tree must be of class phylo or multiPhylo.")
error <- capture_error(multi.ace(data = matrix_complex,
tree = tree_test,
models = tree_test,
threshold = TRUE,
special.tokens = c("weird" = "%"),
special.behaviours = list(weirdtoken = function(x,y) return(c(1,2))),
brlen.multiplier = rnorm(10),
verbose = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE,
output = "list"))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "models must be of class character or list or matrix.")
error <- capture_error(multi.ace(data = matrix_complex,
tree = tree_test,
models = "ER",
threshold = list(c(1,2,3)),
special.tokens = c("weird" = "%"),
special.behaviours = list(weirdtoken = function(x,y) return(c(1,2))),
brlen.multiplier = rnorm(10),
verbose = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE,
output = "list"))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "threshold must be of class logical or numeric.")
error <- capture_error(multi.ace(data = matrix_complex,
tree = tree_test,
models = "ER",
threshold = TRUE,
special.tokens = mean,
special.behaviours = list(weirdtoken = function(x,y) return(c(1,2))),
brlen.multiplier = rnorm(10),
verbose = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE,
output = "list"))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "special.tokens must be of class character.")
error <- capture_error(multi.ace(data = matrix_complex,
tree = tree_test,
models = "ER",
threshold = TRUE,
special.tokens = c("weird" = "%"),
special.behaviours = c("weird" = "%"),
brlen.multiplier = rnorm(10),
verbose = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE,
output = "list"))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "special.behaviours must be of class list.")
error <- capture_error(multi.ace(data = matrix_complex,
tree = tree_test,
models = "ER",
threshold = TRUE,
special.tokens = c("weird" = "%"),
special.behaviours = list(weirdtoken = function(x,y) return(c(1,2))),
brlen.multiplier = c(1,2,3),
verbose = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE,
output = "list"))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "brlen.multiplier must contain 10 values (number of edges).")
error <- capture_error(multi.ace(data = matrix_complex,
tree = tree_test,
models = "ER",
threshold = TRUE,
special.tokens = c("weird" = "%"),
special.behaviours = list(weirdtoken = function(x,y) return(c(1,2))),
brlen.multiplier = rnorm(10),
verbose = "FALSE",
parallel = FALSE,
output = "list"))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "verbose must be of class logical.")
error <- capture_error(multi.ace(data = matrix_complex,
tree = tree_test,
models = "ER",
threshold = TRUE,
special.tokens = c("weird" = "%"),
special.behaviours = list(weirdtoken = function(x,y) return(c(1,2))),
brlen.multiplier = rnorm(10),
verbose = FALSE,
parallel = rtree,
output = "list"))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "parallel must be of class logical or numeric or integer.")
error <- capture_error(multi.ace(data = matrix_complex,
tree = tree_test,
models = "ER",
threshold = TRUE,
special.tokens = c("weird" = "%"),
special.behaviours = list(weirdtoken = function(x,y) return(c(1,2))),
brlen.multiplier = rnorm(10),
verbose = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE,
output = "something"))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "output option must be one of the following: matrix, list, combined, combined.list, combined.matrix, dispRity.")
error <- capture_error(multi.ace(data = matrix_complex,
tree = tree_test,
models = "ER",
threshold = TRUE,
special.tokens = c("weird" = "%"),
special.behaviours = list(weirdtoken = function(x,y) return(c(1,2))),
brlen.multiplier = rnorm(10),
verbose = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE,
output = "list",
estimation.details = c("bob")))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "estimation.details must be one of the following: success, Nstates, transition_matrix, loglikelihood, ancestral_likelihoods.")
# expect_is(results, "list") #bug in macos
# expect_is(results[[1]], "list") #bug in macos
# expect_is(results[[1]][[1]], "character") #bug in macos
# expect_equal(results[[1]][[1]], c("0", "0/1", "0/1", "0", "0", "1", "1", "0", "0", "0/1")) #bug in macos
# # expect_equal(results[[1]][[1]], c("0", "0/1/2", "0/1", "0", "0", "0/1", "1", "0", "0", "0/1")) v. > 1.6.8
# # expect_equal(results[[2]][[4]], c("0", "0", "0", "0", "0/1", "0/1", "1", "0", "0", "1"))
# expect_equal(results[[2]][[4]], c("0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0/1", "1", "0", "0", "1")) #bug in macos
# # new version of castor...
## Some specific case
list_matrix <- unlist(apply(matrix_test, 1, list), recursive = FALSE)
results <- multi.ace(data = list_matrix,
tree = tree_test[[1]],
verbose = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE,
output = "list")
expect_is(results, "list")
expect_is(results[[1]], "character")
wrong_tree <- tree_test[[1]]
wrong_tree$tip.label[2] <- "A"
error <- capture_error(results <- multi.ace(
data = list_matrix,
tree = wrong_tree,
verbose = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE,
output = "list"))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "Some names in the data or the tree(s) are not matching.\nYou can use dispRity::clean.data(list_matrix, wrong_tree) to find out more.")
## Models handling
specific_model <- matrix(c(0, 1, 1, 0), 2)
results <- multi.ace(data = list_matrix,
tree = tree_test[[1]],
models = specific_model,
verbose = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE,
output = "list")
expect_is(results, "list")
expect_is(results[[1]], "character")
specific_model <- replicate(10, matrix(c(0, 1, 1, 0), 2), simplify = FALSE)
results <- multi.ace(data = list_matrix,
tree = tree_test[[1]],
models = specific_model,
verbose = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE,
output = "list")
expect_is(results, "list")
expect_is(results[[1]], "character")
specific_model <- as.list(rep("SUEDE", 10))
results <- multi.ace(data = list_matrix,
tree = tree_test[[1]],
models = specific_model,
verbose = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE,
output = "list")
expect_is(results, "list")
expect_is(results[[1]], "character")
wrong_model <- list("SUEDE", matrix(c(0, 1, 1, 0), 2))
error <- capture_error(results <- multi.ace(
data = list_matrix,
tree = tree_test[[1]],
models = wrong_model,
verbose = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE,
output = "list"))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "models list must be the same length as the number of characters (10).")
## Castor options works well
error <- capture_error(results <- multi.ace(data = list_matrix,
tree = tree_test[[1]],
verbose = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE,
output = "list",
options.args = list(2)))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "options.args must be an unambiguous named list of options for castor::asr_mk_model() or ape::ace().")
## Threshold works well
results <- multi.ace(data = list_matrix,
tree = tree_test[[1]],
models = specific_model,
verbose = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE,
output = "list",
threshold = FALSE)
expect_is(results, "list")
expect_is(results[[1]], "character")
## Special tokens check
error <- capture_error(results <- multi.ace(data = list_matrix,
tree = tree_test[[1]],
verbose = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE,
output = "list",
special.tokens = c("something" = "@")))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "special.tokens cannot contain the character '@' since it is reserved for the dispRity::char.diff function.")
error <- capture_error(results <- multi.ace(data = list_matrix,
tree = tree_test[[1]],
verbose = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE,
output = "list",
special.tokens = c("missing" = "?", "something" = "?")))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "special.tokens cannot contain duplicated tokens.")
## Multiple branch lengths modifiers (and good handling of NA special tokens)
results <- multi.ace(data = list_matrix,
tree = tree_test,
models = specific_model,
brlen.multiplier = list(rep(1, 10), rep(2, 10)),
verbose = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE,
output = "list",
special.tokens = c("missing" = NA, "forgot" = "?"))
expect_is(results, "list")
expect_is(results[[1]], "list")
expect_is(results[[1]][[1]], "character")
## Invariant characters
invariant_matrix <- matrix_test
invariant_matrix[,1:10] <- "0"
error <- capture_error(multi.ace(data = invariant_matrix, tree = tree_test))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "invariant_matrix contains only invariant characters.")
invariant_matrix <- matrix_test
invariant_matrix[,1:3] <- "0"
warnings <- capture_warning(multi.ace(data = invariant_matrix, tree = tree_test, threshold = FALSE))
expect_equal(warnings[[1]], "The characters 1, 2, 3 are invariant (using the current special behaviours for special characters) and are simply duplicated for each node.")
expect_is(results, "list")
expect_is(results[[1]], "list")
expect_is(results[[1]][[1]], "character")
## Outputs work
ancestral_states <- multi.ace(matrix_test, tree_test, output = "list")
expect_is(ancestral_states, "list")
expect_equal(length(ancestral_states), 2)
expect_equal(length(ancestral_states[[1]]), 5)
expect_equal(length(ancestral_states[[1]][[1]]), 10)
ancestral_states <- multi.ace(matrix_test, tree_test, output = "matrix")
expect_is(ancestral_states, "list")
expect_equal(length(ancestral_states), 2)
expect_is(ancestral_states[[1]], "matrix")
expect_equal(dim(ancestral_states[[1]]), c(5, 10))
ancestral_states <- multi.ace(matrix_test, tree_test, output = "combined.list")
expect_is(ancestral_states, "list")
expect_equal(length(ancestral_states), 2)
expect_equal(length(ancestral_states[[1]]), 11)
expect_equal(length(ancestral_states[[1]][[1]]), 10)
ancestral_states <- multi.ace(matrix_test, tree_test, output = "combined.matrix")
expect_is(ancestral_states, "list")
expect_equal(length(ancestral_states), 2)
expect_is(ancestral_states[[1]], "matrix")
expect_equal(dim(ancestral_states[[1]]), c(11, 10))
ancestral_states <- multi.ace(matrix_test, tree_test, output = "combined")
expect_is(ancestral_states, "list")
expect_equal(length(ancestral_states), 2)
expect_is(ancestral_states[[1]], "matrix")
expect_equal(dim(ancestral_states[[1]]), c(11, 10))
## Parallel works
expect_is(multi.ace(matrix_test, tree_test, parallel = 1), "list")
test_verbose <- capture.output(test <- multi.ace(matrix_test, tree_test, parallel = 2, verbose = TRUE))
expect_is(test, "list")
expect_equal(test_verbose, c("Preparing the data:.....Done.", "Running the estimation for 2 trees using 2 cores...Done."))
## Examples work
tree <- rcoal(15)
my_rates = c(rgamma, rate = 10, shape = 5)
matrix_simple <- sim.morpho(tree, characters = 50, model = "ER", rates = my_rates,
invariant = FALSE)
multiple_trees <- rmtree(10, 15)
matrix_complex <- matrix_simple
matrix_complex[sample(1:length(matrix_complex), 50)] <- "-"
matrix_complex[sample(1:length(matrix_complex), 50)] <- "0%2"
matrix_complex[sample(1:length(matrix_complex), 50)] <- "?"
my_spec_tokens <- c("weirdtoken" = "%")
my_spec_behaviours <- list()
my_spec_behaviours$inapplicable <- function(x,y) return(NA)
my_spec_behaviours$missing <- function(x,y) return(y)
my_spec_behaviours$weirdtoken <- function(x,y) return(c(1,2))
branch_lengths <- rnorm(28)^2
my_models <- c(rep("ER", 25), rep("SYM", 25))
## Output details
matrix_test <- sim.morpho(rcoal(6), characters = 10, model = "ER", rates = c(rgamma, rate = 10, shape = 5), invariant = FALSE)
tree_test <- rmtree(2, 6)
matrix_complex <- matrix_test
matrix_complex[sample(1:length(matrix_complex), 5)] <- "-"
matrix_complex[sample(1:length(matrix_complex), 5)] <- "0%2"
matrix_complex[sample(1:length(matrix_complex), 5)] <- "?"
# results <- multi.ace(data = matrix_complex,
# tree = tree_test,
# models = "ER",
# threshold = TRUE,
# special.tokens = c("weird" = "%"),
# special.behaviours = list(weirdtoken = function(x,y) return(c(1,2))),
# brlen.multiplier = rnorm(10),
# verbose = FALSE,
# parallel = FALSE,
# output = "matrix",
# estimation.details = c("loglikelihood", "transition_matrix"))
# expect_is(results, "list")
# expect_equal(names(results), c("estimations", "details"))
# expect_is(results$estimations, "list")
# expect_is(results$estimations[[1]], "matrix")
# expect_is(results$details[[1]]$transition_matrix[[9]], "matrix")
# expect_equal(rownames(results$details[[1]]$transition_matrix[[9]]), c("0","1","2"))
# expect_is(results$details[[2]]$loglikelihood[[1]], "numeric")
## Test1
# set.seed(3)
# test <- capture.output(results <- multi.ace(data = matrix_complex,
# tree = tree_test,
# models = "ER",
# threshold = FALSE,
# special.tokens = c("weird" = "%"),
# special.behaviours = list(weirdtoken = function(x,y) return(c(1,2))),
# brlen.multiplier = rnorm(10),
# verbose = TRUE,
# parallel = FALSE,
# output = "matrix",
# estimation.details = c("loglikelihood", "transition_matrix")))
# expect_equal(test,
# c("Preparing the data:.....Done." ,
# "Running ancestral states estimations:....................Done."))
# set.seed(3)
# test <- capture.output(results <- multi.ace(data = matrix_complex,
# tree = tree_test,
# models = "ER",
# threshold = TRUE,
# special.tokens = c("weird" = "%"),
# special.behaviours = list(weirdtoken = function(x,y) return(c(1,2))),
# brlen.multiplier = rnorm(10),
# verbose = TRUE,
# parallel = 2,
# output = "matrix",
# estimation.details = c("loglikelihood", "transition_matrix")))
# expect_equal(length(test),2)
# expect_is(results, "list")
# expect_equal(names(results), c("estimations", "details"))
# expect_is(results$estimations, "list")
# expect_is(results$estimations[[1]], "matrix")
# expect_is(results$details[[1]]$transition_matrix[[9]], "matrix")
# expect_equal(rownames(results$details[[1]]$transition_matrix[[9]]), c("0","1","2"))
# expect_is(results$details[[2]]$loglikelihood[[1]], "numeric")
test_that("multi.ace works with continuous and mix", {
## The tree
tree <- rcoal(15)
tree <- makeNodeLabel(tree)
## The matrix
data <- space.maker(elements = 15, dimensions = 5, distribution = rnorm, elements.name = tree$tip.label)
## Run the multi.ace on the continuous data
expect_warning(test <- multi.ace(data = data, tree = tree, output = "combined.matrix", verbose = FALSE))
## Works well for continuous
expect_is(test, "matrix")
expect_equal(dim(test), c(15+14, 5))
expect_equal(sort(rownames(test)), sort(c(tree$tip.label, tree$node.label)))
expect_equal(unique(apply(test, 2, class)), "numeric")
## Mixed characters
data <- as.data.frame(data)
data <- cbind(data, "new_char" = as.character(sample(1:2, 15, replace = TRUE)))
data <- cbind(data, "new_char2" = as.character(sample(1:2, 15, replace = TRUE)))
## Works well for mixed characters
expect_warning(test <- multi.ace(data = data, tree = tree, output = "combined.matrix"))
expect_is(test, "data.frame")
expect_equal(dim(test), c(15+14, 7))
expect_equal(sort(rownames(test)), sort(c(tree$tip.label, tree$node.label)))
classes <- character()
for(i in 1:ncol(test)) {
classes[i] <- class(test[, i])
expect_equal(unique(classes), c("numeric", "character"))
## Works for parallel
test <- multi.ace(data = data, tree = tree, parallel = 1)
expect_is(test, "data.frame")
expect_equal(dim(test), c(14, 7))
expect_equal(sort(rownames(test)), sort(c(tree$node.label)))
classes <- character()
for(i in 1:ncol(test)) {
classes[i] <- class(test[, i])
expect_equal(unique(classes), c("numeric", "character"))
## Works with invariant characters and absolute threshold model
data <- cbind(data, "invar1" = as.character(rep(1, 15, replace = TRUE)))
data <- cbind(data, "invar2" = as.character(rep(2, 15, replace = TRUE)))
expect_warning(test <- multi.ace(data = data, tree = tree, threshold = 0.75))
expect_is(test, "data.frame")
expect_equal(dim(test), c(14,9))
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