## Simple examples
nonode_tree <- BeckLee_tree
nonode_tree$node.labels <- NULL
## Base examples
disparity_base <- dispRity(BeckLee_mat50, metric = centroids)
disparity_group <- dispRity(custom.subsets(BeckLee_mat50, group = crown.stem(BeckLee_tree, inc.nodes = FALSE)), tree = nonode_tree, metric = centroids)
## Create a list of trees and matrices
trees_list <- replicate(4, rcoal(30), simplify = FALSE)
class(trees_list) <- "multiPhylo"
matrices_list <- space.maker(elements = 30, dimensions = 5, distribution = rnorm, elements.names = trees_list[[1]]$tip.label, replicates = 3)
matrices_groups <- custom.subsets(data = matrices_list, group = list("group1" = trees_list[[1]]$tip.label[ 1:20],
"group2" = trees_list[[1]]$tip.label[21:30]))
matrix_groups <- custom.subsets(data = matrices_list[[1]], group = list("group1" = trees_list[[1]]$tip.label[ 1:20],
"group2" = trees_list[[1]]$tip.label[21:30]))
test_that("sanitizing works", {
expect_warning(disparity_time <- dispRity(chrono.subsets(BeckLee_mat50, FADLAD = BeckLee_ages, tree = BeckLee_tree, time = 5, method = "discrete"), metric = centroids, tree = nonode_tree))
## Sanitizing
## data
wrong_dimensions <- dispRity(BeckLee_mat50, metric = c(sum, variances))
error <- capture_error(pgls.dispRity(data = "wrong_dimensions", tree = BeckLee_tree))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "data must be of class dispRity.")
error <- capture_error(pgls.dispRity(data = wrong_dimensions, tree = BeckLee_tree))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "Impossible to run a univariate pgls on wrong_dimensions because doesn't contain a dimension level-2 metric. See ?dispRity.metric for more info.")
## tree
wrong_tree <- rtree(50)
error <- capture_error(pgls.dispRity(data = disparity_base, tree = "wrong_tree"))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "tree must be of class phylo or multiPhylo.")
expect_warning(error <- capture_error(pgls.dispRity(data = disparity_base, tree = wrong_tree)))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "The data is not matching the tree labels (you can use ?clean.data to match both data and tree).")
error <- capture_error(pgls.dispRity(data = disparity_base))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "No tree was found in the provided data and none was provided through the tree argument.")
## formula
wrong_formula <- dispoority ~ 1
error <- capture_error(pgls.dispRity(data = disparity_base, tree = nonode_tree, formula = wrong_formula))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "The response term of the formula must be 'disparity'.")
expect_equal(get.formula(disparity_base), disparity ~ 1)
expect_equal(get.formula(disparity_group), disparity ~ group)
error <- capture_error(get.formula(disparity_time))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "Some groups have overlapping elements.")
disparity_time2 <- dispRity(chrono.subsets(BeckLee_mat50, tree = BeckLee_tree, time = c(140, 66, 0), method = "discrete"), metric = centroids, tree = nonode_tree)
error <- capture_error(get.formula(disparity_time2))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "It is currently not possible to apply an phylogenetic linear model on dispRity data with time series.")
## model
error <- capture_error(pgls.dispRity(data = disparity_base, tree = nonode_tree, model = "SM"))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "model must be one of the following: BM, OUrandomRoot, OUfixedRoot, lambda, kappa, delta, EB, trend.")
test_that("get.data works", {
tree <- nonode_tree
## Base test (no group)
data <- add.tree(disparity_base, tree, replace = TRUE)
test <- get.pgls.data(data)
expect_equal(length(test), 1)
expect_is(test[[1]]$data, "data.frame")
expect_is(test[[1]]$phy, "phylo")
expect_equal(dim(test[[1]][[1]]), c(50, 1))
expect_equal(colnames(test[[1]][[1]]), c("disparity"))
expect_equal(rownames(test[[1]][[1]]), rownames(data$matrix[[1]]))
## Test with group test
data <- add.tree(disparity_group, tree, replace = TRUE)
test <- get.pgls.data(data)
expect_equal(length(test), 1)
expect_is(test[[1]]$data, "data.frame")
expect_is(test[[1]]$phy, "phylo")
expect_equal(dim(test[[1]][[1]]), c(50, 2))
expect_equal(colnames(test[[1]][[1]]), c("disparity", "group"))
expect_equal(rownames(test[[1]][[1]]), rownames(data$matrix[[1]])[unlist(lapply(data$subsets, `[[`, "elements"))])
## Test with multiple matrices
data <- dispRity(data = matrices_list, tree = trees_list[[1]], metric = centroids)
test <- get.pgls.data(data)
expect_equal(length(test), 3)
expect_is(test[[1]]$data, "data.frame")
expect_is(test[[1]]$phy, "phylo")
expect_equal(dim(test[[1]][[1]]), c(30, 1))
expect_equal(colnames(test[[1]][[1]]), c("disparity"))
expect_equal(rownames(test[[1]][[1]]), rownames(data$matrix[[1]])[unlist(lapply(data$subsets, `[[`, "elements"))])
## Test with multiple matrices (grouped)
data <- dispRity(data = matrices_groups, tree = trees_list[[1]], metric = centroids)
test <- get.pgls.data(data)
expect_equal(length(test), 3)
expect_is(test[[1]]$data, "data.frame")
expect_is(test[[1]]$phy, "phylo")
expect_equal(dim(test[[1]][[1]]), c(30, 2))
expect_equal(colnames(test[[1]][[1]]), c("disparity", "group"))
expect_equal(rownames(test[[1]][[1]]), rownames(data$matrix[[1]])[unlist(lapply(data$subsets, `[[`, "elements"))])
## Test with multiple trees
data <- dispRity(data = matrices_list[[1]], tree = trees_list, metric = centroids)
test <- get.pgls.data(data)
expect_equal(length(test) , 4)
expect_is(test[[1]]$data, "data.frame")
expect_is(test[[1]]$phy, "phylo")
expect_equal(dim(test[[1]][[1]]), c(30, 1))
expect_equal(colnames(test[[1]][[1]]), c("disparity"))
expect_equal(rownames(test[[1]][[1]]), rownames(data$matrix[[1]])[unlist(lapply(data$subsets, `[[`, "elements"))])
## Test with multiple trees (grouped)
data <- dispRity(data = matrix_groups, tree = trees_list, metric = centroids)
test <- get.pgls.data(data)
expect_equal(length(test) , 4)
expect_is(test[[1]]$data, "data.frame")
expect_is(test[[1]]$phy, "phylo")
expect_equal(dim(test[[1]][[1]]), c(30, 2))
expect_equal(colnames(test[[1]][[1]]), c("disparity", "group"))
expect_equal(rownames(test[[1]][[1]]), rownames(data$matrix[[1]])[unlist(lapply(data$subsets, `[[`, "elements"))])
## Test with the same number of trees and matrices
data <- dispRity(data = matrices_list, tree = trees_list[1:3], metric = centroids)
test <- get.pgls.data(data)
expect_equal(length(test), 3)
expect_is(test[[1]]$data, "data.frame")
expect_is(test[[1]]$phy, "phylo")
expect_equal(dim(test[[1]][[1]]), c(30, 1))
expect_equal(colnames(test[[1]][[1]]), c("disparity"))
expect_equal(rownames(test[[1]][[1]]), rownames(data$matrix[[1]])[unlist(lapply(data$subsets, `[[`, "elements"))])
## Test with the same number of trees and matrices (grouped)
data <- dispRity(data = matrix_groups, tree = trees_list[1:3], metric = centroids)
test <- get.pgls.data(data)
expect_equal(length(test), 3)
expect_is(test[[1]]$data, "data.frame")
expect_is(test[[1]]$phy, "phylo")
expect_equal(dim(test[[1]][[1]]), c(30, 2))
expect_equal(colnames(test[[1]][[1]]), c("disparity", "group"))
expect_equal(rownames(test[[1]][[1]]), rownames(data$matrix[[1]])[unlist(lapply(data$subsets, `[[`, "elements"))])
## Error (not the same numbers)
data <- dispRity(data = matrices_groups, tree = trees_list, metric = centroids)
error <- capture_error(test <- get.pgls.data(data))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "Data must either same number of matrices (12) and trees (4) or just one tree or matrix combined with respectively with multiple matrices or trees.")
test_that("pgls works", {
## Testing super simple
test <- pgls.dispRity(disparity_base, tree = nonode_tree)
expect_is(test, "phylolm")
expect_equal(test$call, "dispRity interface of phylolm using: formula = disparity ~ 1 and model = BM")
## Testing group example
test <- pgls.dispRity(disparity_group, tree = nonode_tree)
expect_is(test, "phylolm")
expect_equal(test$call, "dispRity interface of phylolm using: formula = disparity ~ group and model = BM")
## Wrapped up test
disparity <- dispRity(BeckLee_mat50, metric = centroids, tree = BeckLee_tree)
test <- test.dispRity(disparity, test = pgls.dispRity)
expect_is(test, "phylolm")
expect_equal(test$call, "dispRity interface of phylolm using: formula = disparity ~ 1 and model = BM")
## Create a list of trees and matrices
trees_list <- replicate(10, rcoal(30), simplify = FALSE)
class(trees_list) <- "multiPhylo"
matrices_list <- space.maker(elements = 30, dimensions = 5, distribution = rnorm, elements.names = trees_list[[1]]$tip.label, replicates = 3)
## Disparity for one matrix and one tree
data <- dispRity(data = matrices_list[[1]], tree = trees_list[[1]], metric = edge.length.tree)
test <- pgls.dispRity(data)
expect_is(test, "phylolm")
expect_equal(test$call, "dispRity interface of phylolm using: formula = disparity ~ 1 and model = BM")
## Disparity for one matrix but multiple trees
data <- dispRity(data = matrices_list[[1]], tree = trees_list, metric = centroids)
test <- pgls.dispRity(data)
expect_is(test, c("dispRity", "pgls.dispRity"))
expect_equal(length(test), 10)
expect_is(test[[1]], "phylolm")
expect_equal(test[[1]]$call, "dispRity interface of phylolm using: formula = disparity ~ 1 and model = BM")
test_that("options parsed correctly", {
## Test with different formulas
test <- pgls.dispRity(disparity_group, tree = nonode_tree, formula = disparity ~ 1)
expect_equal(test$call, "dispRity interface of phylolm using: formula = disparity ~ 1 and model = BM")
## Test with different model
test <- pgls.dispRity(disparity_group, tree = nonode_tree, model = "EB")
expect_equal(test$call, "dispRity interface of phylolm using: formula = disparity ~ group and model = EB")
## Test with additional argument
test <- pgls.dispRity(disparity_group, tree = nonode_tree, starting.value = 0)
expect_equal(test$call, "dispRity interface of phylolm using: formula = disparity ~ group and model = BM")
## Test with optim parameters
test <- pgls.dispRity(disparity_group, tree = nonode_tree, optim = list(method = "Nelder-Mead"))
expect_equal(test$call, "dispRity interface of phylolm using: formula = disparity ~ group and model = BM")
test_that("associated S3s work", {
## print
## normal test
data <- dispRity(data = matrices_list, tree = trees_list[1:3], metric = centroids)
test <- pgls.dispRity(data)
text <- capture.output(test)
expect_equal(text, c(
"phylolm test (pgls) applied to 3 disparity estimates" ,
"using the formula: disparity ~ 1 and the model: BM" ,
"" ,
" median sd" ,
"aic 103.6818 30.51387" ,
"logLik -49.8409 15.25694" ,
"" ,
"Parameter estimate(s) using ML:" ,
" median sd" ,
"sigma2 13.92685 8.516613" ,
"" ,
"Coefficients:" ,
" median sd" ,
"(Intercept) 2.109776 0.1719198" ,
"" ,
"You can access individual models by using their index (e.g. x[[1]])",
"or summarise and plot all models using summary(x) or plot(x)." )
## Summary works too
text <- capture.output(summary(test))
expect_equal(text, c(
"" ,
"Call:" ,
"[1] \"dispRity interface of phylolm using: formula = disparity ~ 1 and model = BM\"",
"[2] \"The statistics are calculated based on the median estimates of 3 models.\" ",
"" ,
" AIC logLik " ,
"103.68 -49.84 " ,
"" ,
"Raw residuals:" ,
" Min 1Q Median 3Q Max " ,
"-0.97989 -0.41799 -0.06967 0.36557 1.11200 " ,
"" ,
"Mean tip height: 2.282328" ,
"Parameter estimate(s) using ML:" ,
"sigma2: 13.92685 " ,
"" ,
"Coefficients:" ,
" Estimate StdErr t.value p.value" ,
"(Intercept) 2.1098 2.6163 0.8064 0.4266" ,
"" ,
"R-squared: 0\tAdjusted R-squared: 0 ")
## Plotting!
expect_null(plot(test, xlab = "hahah", col = "blue"))
## grouped test
data <- dispRity(data = matrices_groups, tree = trees_list[1:3], metric = centroids)
test <- pgls.dispRity(data)
text <- capture.output(test)
expect_equal(text, c(
"phylolm test (pgls) applied to 3 disparity estimates" ,
"using the formula: disparity ~ group and the model: BM" ,
"" ,
" median sd" ,
"aic 102.3646 29.07677" ,
"logLik -48.1823 14.53838" ,
"" ,
"Parameter estimate(s) using ML:" ,
" median sd" ,
"sigma2 12.469 7.370084" ,
"" ,
"Coefficients:" ,
" median sd" ,
"(Intercept) 2.03348693 0.3301852" ,
"groupgroup2 -0.04111237 0.4920793" ,
"" ,
"You can access individual models by using their index (e.g. x[[1]])",
"or summarise and plot all models using summary(x) or plot(x)." )
## Summary works too
text <- capture.output(summary(test))
expect_equal(text, c(
"" ,
"Call:" ,
"[1] \"dispRity interface of phylolm using: formula = disparity ~ group and model = BM\"",
"[2] \"The statistics are calculated based on the median estimates of 3 models.\" ",
"" ,
" AIC logLik " ,
"102.36 -48.18 " ,
"" ,
"Raw residuals:" ,
" Min 1Q Median 3Q Max " ,
"-1.09212 -0.26948 -0.05383 0.40231 0.76508 " ,
"" ,
"Mean tip height: 2.282328" ,
"Parameter estimate(s) using ML:" ,
"sigma2: 12.469 " ,
"" ,
"Coefficients:" ,
" Estimate StdErr t.value p.value" ,
"(Intercept) 2.033487 2.591239 0.7848 0.4392" ,
"groupgroup2 -0.041112 0.369139 -0.1114 0.9121" ,
"" ,
"R-squared: 0.003123\tAdjusted R-squared: -0.03248 ")
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