# Code to check emulator implausibilities sequentially
sequential_imp <- function(ems, x, z, n = 1, cutoff = 3) {
t_ems <- ems
results <- map_lgl(seq_len(nrow(x)), function(a) {
current_fails <- 0
i <- 1
while (i <= length(t_ems)) {
if (!t_ems[[i]]$implausibility(x[a,],
z[[t_ems[[i]]$output_name]], cutoff)) {
current_fails <- current_fails + 1
this_output <- which(
map_chr(t_ems, ~.$output_name) == t_ems[[i]]$output_name)
t_ems <- t_ems[-this_output]
how_many_before <- sum(this_output <= i)
i <- i - how_many_before
if (current_fails >= n) break
i <- i + 1
return(current_fails < n)
#' nth Maximum Implausibility
#' Computes the nth-maximum implausibility of points relative to a set of emulators.
#' For a collection of emulators, we often combine the implausibility
#' measures for a given set of observations. The maximum implausibility of a point,
#' given a set of univariate emulators and an associated collection of target values,
#' is the largest implausibility of the collected set of implausibilities. The 2nd
#' maximum is the maximum of the set without the largest value, and so on. By default,
#' maximum implausibility will be considered when there are fewer than 10 targets to
#' match to; otherwise second-maximum implausibility is considered.
#' If \code{sequential = TRUE} and a specific \code{cutoff} has been provided, then the
#' emulators' implausibility will be evaluated one emulator at a time. If a point
#' is judged implausible by more than \code{n} emulators, \code{FALSE} is
#' returned without evaluating any more. Due to R efficiencies, this is more efficient
#' than the 'evaluate all' method once more than around 10 emulators are considered.
#' This function also deals with variance emulators and bimodal emulators, working in a nested
#' fashion. If targets are provided for both the expectation and variance as a list, then
#' given \code{ems = list(expectation = ..., variance = ...)} the implausibility is calculated
#' with respect to both sets of emulators, maximising as relevant. If targets are provided in
#' the 'normal' fashion, then only the mean emulators are used. The bimodal case is similar;
#' given a set of emulators \code{list(mode1 = list(expectation = ..., variance = ...), ...)}
#' then each mode has implausibility evaluated separately. The results from the two modes are
#' combined via piecewise minimisation.
#' @param ems A set of \code{\link{Emulator}} objects or nested sets thereof (see description)
#' @param x An input point, or \code{data.frame} of points.
#' @param z The target values, in the usual form or nested thereof.
#' @param n The implausibility level to return.
#' @param max_imp A maximum implausibility to return (often used with plotting)
#' @param cutoff A numeric value, or vector of such, representing allowed implausibility
#' @param sequential Should the emulators be evaluated sequentially?
#' @param get_raw Boolean - determines whether nth-implausibility should be applied.
#' @param ordered If FALSE, emulators are ordered according to restrictiveness.
#' @param ... Any additional arguments to pass to chained functions (e.g. \code{ordering}
#' to pass to \code{collect_emulators})
#' @return Either the nth maximum implausibilities, or booleans (if cutoff is given).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # A single point
#' nth_implausible(SIREmulators$ems, data.frame(aSI = 0.4, aIR = 0.25, aSR = 0.025),
#' SIREmulators$targets)
#' # A data.frame of points
#' grid <- expand.grid(
#' aSI = seq(0.1, 0.8, length.out = 4),
#' aIR = seq(0, 0.5, length.out = 4),
#' aSR = seq(0, 0.05, length.out = 4)
#' )
#' # Vector of numerics
#' i1 <- nth_implausible(SIREmulators$ems, grid, SIREmulators$targets)
#' # Vector of booleans (same as i1 <= 3)
#' i2 <- nth_implausible(SIREmulators$ems, grid, SIREmulators$targets, cutoff = 3)
#' # Throws a warning as n > no. of targets
#' i3 <- nth_implausible(SIREmulators$ems, grid, SIREmulators$targets, n = 4)
#' # Vector of booleans (note different output to i2)
#' i4 <- nth_implausible(SIREmulators$ems, grid, SIREmulators$targets,
#' cutoff = c(4, 2.5, 2))
#' # Variance Emulators
#' v_ems <- emulator_from_data(BirthDeath$training, c('Y'),
#' list(lambda = c(0, 0.08), mu = c(0.04, 0.13)), emulator_type = "variance")
#' v_targs = list(expectation = list(Y = c(90, 110)), variance = list(Y = c(55, 95)))
#' nth_implausible(v_ems, unique(BirthDeath$validation[,1:2]), v_targs)
#' ## If there is a mismatch between emulators and targets, expectation is assumed
#' nth_implausible(v_ems$expectation, unique(BirthDeath$validation[,1:2]), v_targs)
#' nth_implausible(v_ems, unique(BirthDeath$validation[,1:2]), v_targs$expectation)
nth_implausible <- function(ems, x, z, n = NULL,
max_imp = Inf, cutoff = NULL,
sequential = FALSE, get_raw = FALSE,
ordered = FALSE, ...) {
if (!is.data.frame(x)) {
if (!is.null(dim(x)) && !is.null(colnames(x)))
x <- data.frame(x)
else stop("Named array or data.frame of points required.")
if (!ordered) ems <- collect_emulators(ems, z, cutoff, ...)
## Preprocessing for variance emulation
if (!is.null(ems$expectation) && !is.null(ems$variance)) {
if (is.null(n))
n <- ifelse(length(unique(map_chr(
ems$expectation, ~.$output_name))) > 10, 2, 1)
if (!is.null(z$expectation) && !is.null(z$variance)) {
imps_list <- list(
expectation = nth_implausible(ems$expectation, x,
z$expectation, n, max_imp,
cutoff, FALSE, TRUE),
variance = nth_implausible(ems$variance, x,
z$variance, n, max_imp,
cutoff, FALSE, TRUE))
imp_mat <- cbind.data.frame(imps_list$expectation, imps_list$variance)
if (get_raw) {
c(paste0(map_chr(ems$expectation, ~.$output_name), "Exp"),
paste0(map_chr(ems$variance, ~.$output_name), "Var"))))
else {
if (n == 1) imps <- apply(imp_mat, 1, max)
else imps <- apply(imp_mat, 1, function(x) -sort(-x, partial = 1:n)[n])
return(map_dbl(imps, ~min(., max_imp)))
else {
return(nth_implausible(ems$expectation, x, z, n,
max_imp, cutoff, sequential, get_raw))
else if (!is.null(z$expectation) && !is.null(z$variance)) {
return(nth_implausible(ems, x, z$expectation, n,
max_imp, cutoff, sequential, get_raw))
else if (!is.null(ems$mode1) && !is.null(ems$mode2)) {
if (is.null(n))
n <- ifelse(length(unique(map_chr(
ems$mode1$expectation, ~.$output_name))) > 10, 2, 1)
imps1 <- nth_implausible(ems$mode1, x, z, n, max_imp, cutoff, FALSE, TRUE)
imps2 <- nth_implausible(ems$mode2, x, z, n, max_imp, cutoff, FALSE, TRUE)
imps2 <- imps2[,names(imps1),drop = FALSE]
get_min_concrete <- function(v1, v2) {
if (all(is.numeric(v1))) {
output <- map_dbl(seq_along(v1), function(i) {
if (is.nan(v1[i]) && is.nan(v2[i])) return(0)
if (is.nan(v1[i])) return(v2[i])
if (is.nan(v2[i])) return(v1[i])
return(min(v1[i], v2[i]))
if (all(is.logical(v1))) {
output <- v1 | v2
imp_mat <- as.data.frame(Map(get_min_concrete, imps1, imps2))
if (get_raw) return(imp_mat)
else {
if (is.null(n))
n <- ifelse(length(unique(map_chr(ems, ~.$output_name))) > 10, 2, 1)
for (i in seq_along(z)) {
if (length(z[[i]]) == 1) {
"is a single value. Assuming it's a val with sigma = 5%."))
z[[i]] <- list(val = z[[i]], sigma = 0.05*z[[i]])
if (inherits(ems, "Emulator")) {
if (!ems$output_name %in% names(z))
stop("Target not found corresponding to named emulator.")
else return(ems$implausibility(x, z[[ems$output_name]], cutoff))
if (n > length(unique(map_chr(ems, ~.$output_name)))) {
warning(paste("n cannot be greater than the number of targets to match to.",
"Switching to minimum implausibility."))
n <- length(unique(map_chr(ems, ~.$output_name)))
if (length(cutoff) == 1) cutoff <- rep(cutoff, length(ems))
if (!is.null(cutoff) && (length(ems) > 10 || sequential)) {
return(sequential_imp(ems, x, z, n, cutoff[[1]]))
implausibles <- do.call(
'cbind', map(seq_along(ems),
d_implausibles <- setNames(
map_chr(ems, ~.$output_name))
if (!is.null(cutoff))
imp_mat <- t(apply(
d_implausibles, 1,
function(x) map_lgl(unique(names(x)), ~all(x[names(x) == .]))))
imp_mat <- t(apply(
d_implausibles, 1,
function(x) map_dbl(unique(names(x)), ~max(x[names(x) == .]))))
if (length(ems) == 1 ||
(!is.null(ems$expectation) &&
length(ems$expectation) == 1)) imp_mat <- t(imp_mat)
if (nrow(imp_mat) == 1 && nrow(x) != 1) imp_mat <- t(imp_mat)
if (get_raw)
unique(map_chr(ems, ~.$output_name))))
if (!is.null(cutoff)) {
return(apply(imp_mat, 1, function(x) sum(x) > length(x)-n))
if (n == 1) imps <- apply(imp_mat, 1, max)
else imps <- apply(imp_mat, 1, function(x) -sort(-x, partial = 1:n)[n])
return(map_dbl(imps, ~min(., max_imp)))
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