#' @title R6 class for hidden Markov model
#' @description
#' Encapsulates the observation and hidden state models for a hidden
#' Markov model.
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom mgcv gam rmvn dmvn
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes theme_light geom_line theme scale_colour_manual
#' facet_wrap label_bquote xlab ylab ggtitle element_blank element_text geom_point
#' geom_ribbon scale_size_manual geom_histogram geom_vline geom_errorbar after_stat
#' @importFrom TMB MakeADFun sdreport
#' @importFrom stringr str_trim str_split str_split_fixed
#' @importFrom stats nlminb
#' @importFrom tmbstan tmbstan
#' @useDynLib hmmTMB, .registration = TRUE
#' @export
HMM <- R6Class(
classname = "HMM",
public = list(
# Constructor -------------------------------------------------------------
#' @description Create new HMM object
#' @param obs Observation object, created with \code{Observation$new()}.
#' This contains the formulation for the observation model.
#' @param hid MarkovChain object, created with \code{MarkovChain$new()}.
#' This contains the formulation for the state process model.
#' @param file Path to specification file for HMM. If this argument is
#' used, then \code{obs} and \code{hid} are unnecessary.
#' @param init HMM object, used to initialise the parameters for this model.
#' If \code{init} is passed, then all parameters that are included in init
#' and in the present model are copied. This may be useful when fitting
#' increasingly complex models: start from a simple model, then pass it as
#' init to create a more complex model, and so on.
#' @param fixpar Named list, with optional elements: 'hid', 'obs', 'delta0',
#' 'lambda_obs', and 'lambda_hid'. Each element is a named vector of
#' parameters in coeff_fe that should either be fixed (if the corresponding
#' element is set to NA) or estimated to a common value (using integers or
#' factor levels).don See examples in the vignettes, and check the TMB
#' documentation to understand the inner workings (argument \code{map}
#' of \code{TMB::MakeADFun()}).
#' @return A new HMM object
#' @examples
#' # Load data set (included with R)
#' data(nottem)
#' data <- data.frame(temp = as.vector(t(nottem)))
#' # Create hidden state and observation models
#' hid <- MarkovChain$new(data = data, n_states = 2)
#' par0 <- list(temp = list(mean = c(40, 60), sd = c(5, 5)))
#' obs <- Observation$new(data = data, n_states = 2,
#' dists = list(temp = "norm"),
#' par = par0)
#' # Create HMM
#' hmm <- HMM$new(hid = hid, obs = obs)
initialize = function(obs = NULL,
hid = NULL,
file = NULL,
init = NULL,
fixpar = NULL) {
# Decide how model has been specified
if (is.null(file) & is.null(obs)) {
stop(paste0("Either 'file' should be the name of a file specifying ",
"the model or both obs/hid model objects should be ",
if (!is.null(file) & is.null(obs)) {
spec <- private$read_file(file)
# create obs
obs <- Observation$new(data = spec$data,
dists = spec$dists,
n_states = spec$nstates,
par = spec$par,
formulas = spec$forms)
hid <- MarkovChain$new(n_states = spec$nstates,
formula = spec$tpm,
data = spec$data)
if(!is.null(spec$delta0)) hid$update_delta0(spec$delta0)
if (!is.null(spec$fixed)) fixpar <- spec$fixed
if (!is.null(spec$tpm0)) hid$update_tpm(spec$tpm0)
# Check arguments
private$check_args(obs = obs, hid = hid, init = init)
# Get names of all covariates
var_names <- unique(c(rapply(hid$formulas(), all.vars),
rapply(obs$formulas(), all.vars)))
# Remove pi from list of covariates if it is in the formulas
var_names <- var_names[which(var_names!="pi")]
if(length(var_names) > 0) {
data <- obs$data()
# Remove NAs in covariates (replace by last non-NA value)
data[,var_names] <- lapply(data[,var_names, drop=FALSE],
function(col) na_fill(col))
# Update data frame in obs
# Store sub-model components
private$obs_ <- obs
private$hid_ <- hid
# Update/overwrite fixpar of each model component if necessary
if(!is.null(fixpar)) {
self$hid()$update_fixpar(fixpar = fixpar[
intersect(names(fixpar), c("hid", "lambda_hid", "delta0"))])
self$obs()$update_fixpar(fixpar = fixpar[
intersect(names(fixpar), c("obs", "lambda_obs"))])
if (!is.null(init)) {
# Copy parameters with matching names from 'init' model
private$initialize_submodel(private$obs_$coeff_fe(), init$obs()$coeff_fe()))
private$initialize_submodel(private$obs_$coeff_re(), init$obs()$coeff_re()))
private$initialize_submodel(private$hid_$coeff_fe(), init$hid()$coeff_fe()))
private$initialize_submodel(private$hid_$coeff_re(), init$hid()$coeff_re()))
# initialize priors
# Accessors ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' @description Observation object for this model
obs = function() {return(private$obs_)},
#' @description MarkovChain object for this model
hid = function() {return(private$hid_)},
#' @description Output of optimiser after model fitting
out = function() {
if (is.null(private$out_)) {
stop("Fit model first using $fit()")
#' @description Model object created by TMB. This is the output of
#' the TMB function \code{MakeADFun}, and it is a list including elements
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{fn}}{Objective function}
#' \item{\code{gr}}{Gradient function of fn}
#' \item{\code{par}}{Vector of initial parameters on working scale}
#' }
tmb_obj = function() {
if(is.null(private$tmb_obj_)) {
stop("Setup or fit model first")
#' @description Model object created by TMB for the joint likelihood of
#' the fixed and random effects. This is the output of the TMB function
#' \code{MakeADFun}, and it is a list including elements
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{fn}}{Objective function}
#' \item{\code{gr}}{Gradient function of fn}
#' \item{\code{par}}{Vector of initial parameters on working scale}
#' }
tmb_obj_joint = function() {
if(is.null(private$tmb_obj_joint_)) {
stop("Setup model first")
#' @description Output of the TMB function \code{sdreport}, which includes
#' estimates and standard errors for all model parameters.
tmb_rep = function() {
if(is.null(private$tmb_rep_)) {
stop("Fit model first")
#' @description Vector of estimated states, after \code{viterbi} has
#' been run
states = function() {
if(is.null(private$states_)) {
} else {
#' @description Coefficients for fixed effect parameters
coeff_fe = function() {
return(list(obs = self$obs()$coeff_fe(),
hid = self$hid()$coeff_fe()))
#' @description Coefficients for random effect parameters
coeff_re = function() {
return(list(obs = self$obs()$coeff_re(),
hid = self$hid()$coeff_re()))
#' @description List of all model coefficients
#' These are the parameters estimated by the model, including
#' fixed and random effect parameters for the observation parameters
#' and the transition probabilities, (transformed) initial
#' probabilities, and smoothness parameters.
coeff_list = function() {
list(coeff_fe_obs = self$obs()$coeff_fe(),
log_lambda_obs = self$obs()$lambda(),
coeff_fe_hid = self$hid()$coeff_fe(),
log_lambda_hid = self$hid()$lambda(),
log_delta0 = self$hid()$delta0(log = TRUE, as_matrix = FALSE),
coeff_re_obs = self$obs()$coeff_re(),
coeff_re_hid = self$hid()$coeff_re())
#' @description Fixed parameters
#' @param all Logical. If FALSE, only user-specified fixed
#' parameters are returned, but not parameters that are fixed
#' by definition (e.g., size of binomial distribution).
fixpar = function(all = FALSE) {
c(self$hid()$fixpar(all = all), self$obs()$fixpar(all = all))
#' @description Array of working parameters
coeff_array = function() {
#' @description Smoothness parameters
lambda = function() {
return(list(obs = self$obs()$lambda(),
hid = self$hid()$lambda()))
#' @description Update parameters stored inside model object
#' @param par_list List with elements for coeff_fe_obs,
#' coeff_fe_hid, coeff_re_obs, coeff_re_hid, log_delta0,
#' log_lambda_hid, and log_lambda_obs
#' @param iter Optional argument to update model parameters based on MCMC
#' iterations (if using rstan). Either the index of the iteration to use,
#' or "mean" if the posterior mean should be used.
update_par = function(par_list = NULL, iter = NULL) {
if (is.null(par_list) & is.null(iter)) {
stop("No new parameter values to update to")
if (!is.null(iter) & !is.null(par_list)) {
stop("Either specify iter or par_list, not both")
if (!is.null(iter)) {
# update to MCMC iteration
if (is.null(private$iters_)) {
stop("Must run fit_stan() before using iterations")
if (is.numeric(iter)) {
if (iter > dim(private$iters_)[1]) {
stop("'iter' exceeds number of MCMC iterations available")
samp <- private$iters_[iter,]
} else if (iter == "mean") {
samp <- colMeans(private$iters_)
} else {
stop("Invalid iter to update_par()")
par_list <- split(samp, names(samp))
# Update observation parameters
self$obs()$update_coeff_fe(coeff_fe = par_list$coeff_fe_obs)
if(!is.null(self$obs()$terms()$ncol_re)) {
# Only update if there are random effects
self$obs()$update_coeff_re(coeff = par_list$coeff_re_obs)
# Update transition probabilities
self$hid()$update_coeff_fe(coeff_fe = par_list$coeff_fe_hid)
if(!is.null(self$hid()$terms()$ncol_re)) {
# Only update if there are random effects
self$hid()$update_coeff_re(coeff_re = par_list$coeff_re_hid)
# Update initial distribution delta0
ID <- self$obs()$data()$ID
n_ID <- length(unique(ID))
n_states <- self$hid()$nstates()
if (self$hid()$stationary()) {
# Find stationary distribution for each ID
first_indices <- c(1, which(ID[-1] != ID[-length(ID)]) + 1)
delta0 <- self$hid()$delta(t = first_indices)
} else {
# Fill delta0 except reference elements
delta0 <- t(sapply(1:n_ID, function(i) {
ld0 <- rep(0, length = n_states)
ind <- ((n_states - 1)*(i - 1) + 1):((n_states - 1) * i)
ld0[-self$hid()$ref_delta0()[i]] <- par_list$log_delta0[ind]
d0 <- exp(ld0)/sum(exp(ld0))
# Update coeff_array
private$coeff_array_[,"value"] <- unlist(self$coeff_list(), use.names = FALSE)
#' @description Standard deviation of smooth terms (or random effects)
#' This function transforms the smoothness parameter of
#' each smooth term into a standard deviation, given by
#' SD = 1/sqrt(lambda). It is particularly helpful to get the
#' standard deviations of independent normal random effects.
#' @return List of standard deviations for observation model and
#' hidden state model.
sd_re = function() {
if(is.null(private$tmb_rep_)) {
stop("Fit model first")
return(list(obs = self$obs()$sd_re(),
hid = self$hid()$sd_re()))
#' @description Model parameters
#' @param t returns parameters at time t, default is t = 1
#' @return A list with elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{obspar}}{Parameters of observation model}
#' \item{\code{tpm}}{Transition probability matrix of hidden state model}
#' }
par = function(t = 1) {
obspar <- self$obs()$par(t = t)
tpm <- self$hid()$tpm(t = t)
return(list(obspar = obspar, tpm = tpm))
#' @description Set priors for coefficients
#' @param new_priors is a named list of matrices with optional elements
#' coeff_fe_obs, coeff_fe_hid, log_lambda_obs, andlog_lambda_hid.
#' Each matrix has two columns (first col = mean, second col = sd)
#' specifying parameters for normal priors.
set_priors = function(new_priors = NULL) {
fe <- self$coeff_fe()
if (!is.null(new_priors$coeff_fe_obs)) {
coeff_fe_obs_prior <- new_priors$coeff_fe_obs
} else {
coeff_fe_obs_prior <- matrix(NA, nr = length(fe$obs), nc = 2)
if (!is.null(new_priors$coeff_fe_hid)) {
coeff_fe_hid_prior <- new_priors$coeff_fe_hid
} else {
coeff_fe_hid_prior <- matrix(NA, nr = length(fe$hid), nc = 2)
lam <- self$lambda()
if (!is.null(new_priors$log_lambda_obs)) {
log_lambda_obs_prior <- new_priors$log_lambda_obs
} else {
log_lambda_obs_prior <- matrix(NA, nr = length(lam$obs), nc = 2)
if (!is.null(new_priors$log_lambda_hid)) {
log_lambda_hid_prior <- new_priors$log_lambda_hid
} else {
log_lambda_hid_prior <- matrix(NA, nr = length(lam$hid), nc = 2)
# Name rows and columns for readability
rownames(coeff_fe_obs_prior) <- rownames(fe$obs)
rownames(coeff_fe_hid_prior) <- rownames(fe$hid)
rownames(log_lambda_obs_prior) <- rownames(lam$obs)
rownames(log_lambda_hid_prior) <- rownames(lam$hid)
colnames(coeff_fe_obs_prior) <- c("mean", "sd")
colnames(coeff_fe_hid_prior) <- c("mean", "sd")
colnames(log_lambda_obs_prior) <- c("mean", "sd")
colnames(log_lambda_hid_prior) <- c("mean", "sd")
private$priors_ <- list(coeff_fe_obs = coeff_fe_obs_prior,
coeff_fe_hid = coeff_fe_hid_prior,
log_lambda_obs = log_lambda_obs_prior,
log_lambda_hid = log_lambda_hid_prior)
# Setup if necessary
if(!is.null(private$tmb_obj_)) {
self$setup(silent = TRUE)
#' @description Extract stored priors
priors = function() {
#' @description Iterations from stan MCMC fit
#' @param type Either "response" for parameters on the response (natural)
#' scale, or "raw" for parameters on the linear predictor scale.
#' @return see output of as.matrix in stan
iters = function(type = "response") {
if (is.null(private$iters_)) {
stop("Run fit_stan() before extracting iterations")
if (type == "response") {
} else if (type == "raw") {
} else {
stop("Unknown type argument given to iters()")
#' @description fitted stan object from MCMC fit
#' @return the stanfit object
out_stan = function() {
if (is.null(private$iters_)) {
stop("Run fit_stan() first")
#' @description Log-likelihood at current parameters
#' @return Log-likelihood
llk = function() {
# Setup if necessary
if(is.null(private$tmb_obj_)) {
self$setup(silent = TRUE)
# compute log-likelihood
#' @description Effective degrees of freedom
#' @return Number of effective degrees of freedom
#' (accounting for flexibility in non-parametric
#' terms implied by smoothing)
edf = function() {
# Degrees of freedom for fixed effects
# (don't count smoothing parameters)
edf <- nrow(self$obs()$coeff_fe()) +
if(!self$hid()$stationary()) {
edf <- edf + length(self$coeff_list()$log_delta0)
if(!is.null(private$tmb_rep_)) {
if(!is.null(self$tmb_rep()$jointPrecision)) {
# Joint covariance matrix
Q <- self$tmb_rep()$jointPrecision
V <- prec_to_cov(Q)
# get Hessian
par_all <- c(self$tmb_rep()$par.fixed, self$tmb_rep()$par.random)
H <- self$tmb_obj_joint()$he(par_all)
# Extract covariance for random effect components
ind_re_hid <- which(colnames(Q) == "coeff_re_hid")
ind_re_obs <- which(colnames(Q) == "coeff_re_obs")
V_re_hid <- V[ind_re_hid, ind_re_hid]
V_re_obs <- V[ind_re_obs, ind_re_obs]
H_re_hid <- H[ind_re_hid, ind_re_hid]
H_re_obs <- H[ind_re_obs, ind_re_obs]
edf_hid <- sum(diag(H_re_hid %*% V_re_hid))
edf_obs <- sum(diag(H_re_obs %*% V_re_obs))
# Random effect EDF
edf <- edf + edf_hid + edf_obs
# Model fitting -----------------------------------------------------------
#' @description Suggest initial parameter values
#' Uses K-means clustering to split the data into naive "states", and
#' estimates observation parameters within each of these states. This is
#' meant to help with selecting initial parameter values before model
#' fitting, but users should still think about the values carefully,
#' and try multiple set of initial parameter values to ensure
#' convergence to the global maximum of the likelihood function.
#' @return List of initial parameters
suggest_initial = function() {
#' @description TMB setup
#' This creates an attribute \code{tmb_obj}, which can be used to
#' evaluate the negative log-likelihood function.
#' @param silent Logical. If TRUE, all tracing outputs are hidden (default).
setup = function(silent = TRUE) {
if(self$hid()$empty() | self$obs()$empty()) {
stop("Empty models (no data) should only be used for simulation.")
# Vector of codes of observation distributions
distcode <- as.vector(sapply(self$obs()$dists(), function(d) d$code()))
# Vector of number of parameters for observation distributions
distpar <- as.vector(sapply(self$obs()$dists(), function(d) d$npar()))
# check distcodes exist
if (any(is.null(distcode))) {
stop(paste0("Not all observation distributions are properly created. ",
"If you added any custom distributions recently, make sure ",
"you re-create them using Dist$new after you have ",
"recompiled the package."))
# Number of states
n_states <- self$hid()$nstates()
# Create model matrices of observation process
# (Design matrices for fixed and random effects, and smoothing matrix)
mod_mat_obs <- self$obs()$terms()
X_fe_obs <- mod_mat_obs$X_fe
X_re_obs <- mod_mat_obs$X_re
S_obs <- mod_mat_obs$S
log_det_S_obs <- mod_mat_obs$log_det_S
ncol_re_obs <- mod_mat_obs$ncol_re
# Create model matrices of hidden state process
# (Design matrices for fixed and random effects, and smoothing matrix)
mod_mat_hid <- self$hid()$terms()
X_fe_hid <- mod_mat_hid$X_fe
X_re_hid <- mod_mat_hid$X_re
S_hid <- mod_mat_hid$S
log_det_S_hid <- mod_mat_hid$log_det_S
ncol_re_hid <- mod_mat_hid$ncol_re
# Prepare initial distribution delta0
ldelta0 <- self$hid()$delta0(log = TRUE, as_matrix = FALSE)
# Setup TMB parameters
tmb_par <- list(coeff_fe_obs = self$obs()$coeff_fe(),
log_lambda_obs = 0,
coeff_fe_hid = self$hid()$coeff_fe(),
log_lambda_hid = 0,
log_delta0 = ldelta0,
coeff_re_obs = 0,
coeff_re_hid = 0)
# Initialise vectors of fixed parameters and random effects
map <- NULL
random <- NULL
# Setup random effects in observation model
if(is.null(S_obs)) {
# If there are no random effects,
# coeff_re and log_lambda are not estimated
map <- c(map, list(coeff_re_obs = factor(NA),
log_lambda_obs = factor(NA)))
S_obs <- as_sparse(matrix(0, 1, 1))
log_det_S_obs <- -1
ncol_re_obs <- matrix(-1, nr = 1, nc = 1)
X_re_obs <- as_sparse(rep(0, nrow(X_fe_obs)))
} else {
# If there are random effects,
# set initial values for coeff_re and log_lambda
random <- c(random, "coeff_re_obs")
tmb_par$coeff_re_obs <- rep(0, ncol(X_re_obs))
tmb_par$log_lambda_obs <- log(self$lambda()$obs)
# Setup random effects in hidden state model
if(is.null(S_hid)) {
# If there are no random effects,
# coeff_re and log_lambda are not estimated
map <- c(map, list(coeff_re_hid = factor(NA),
log_lambda_hid = factor(NA)))
S_hid <- as_sparse(matrix(0, 1, 1))
log_det_S_hid <- -1
ncol_re_hid <- matrix(-1, nr = 1, nc = 1)
X_re_hid <- as_sparse(rep(0, nrow(X_fe_hid)))
} else {
# If there are random effects,
# set initial values for coeff_re and log_lambda
random <- c(random, "coeff_re_hid")
tmb_par$coeff_re_hid <- rep(0, ncol(X_re_hid))
tmb_par$log_lambda_hid <- log(self$lambda()$hid)
# Add custom mapping effects, i.e., add them to the map argument
# for TMB, and create a vector of 0/1 to record which parameters
# are estimated and which are not (used e.g. in post_coeff)
fixpar <- c(self$hid()$fixpar(all = TRUE), self$obs()$fixpar(all = TRUE))
par_list <- self$coeff_list()
usernms <- c("obs", "lambda_obs", "hid", "lambda_hid", "delta0", NA, NA)
par_names <- names(par_list)
fixpar_vec <- NULL
# Loop over model components
for (i in seq_along(par_list)) {
# Vector of parameters
v <- par_list[[par_names[i]]]
# Map vector for TMB
tmp <- seq_along(v)
# Check if user-specified constraint
fixed <- fixpar[[usernms[i]]]
mode(fixed) <- "integer"
if (length(fixed) > 0) {
# Increase fixed to make sure it's not between 1:length(v)
fixed <- fixed + length(v)
if(is.matrix(v)) {
nms <- rownames(v)
} else {
nms <- names(v)
# Set map to user input
tmp[nms %in% names(fixed)] <- fixed
tmp <- factor(as.vector(tmp), levels = unique(as.vector(tmp)))
ls <- list(tmp)
names(ls) <- par_names[i]
map <- c(map, ls)
# # Which parameters are fixed
# if(any(is.na(tmp))) {
# fix_or_not[which(is.na(tmp))] <- 1
# }
fix_or_not <- as.numeric(tmp) +
ifelse(test = is.null(fixpar_vec) | all(is.na(fixpar_vec)),
yes = 0,
no = max(fixpar_vec, na.rm = TRUE))
names(fix_or_not) <- rep(par_names[i], length(v))
fixpar_vec <- c(fixpar_vec, fix_or_not)
coeff_array <- cbind(fixpar_vec, unlist(par_list, use.names = FALSE))
colnames(coeff_array) <- c("fixed", "value")
private$coeff_array_ <- coeff_array
# Check if delta0 should be stationary
statdist <- ifelse(self$hid()$stationary(), yes = 1, no = 0)
# Get stored priors
priors <- self$priors()
# Get variables for observation distributions
obsvar <- self$obs()$obs_var(expand = TRUE)
datadim <- attr(obsvar, "datadim")
# Data for TMB
tmb_dat <- list(ID = self$obs()$data()$ID,
data = as.matrix(obsvar),
datadim = datadim,
known_states = self$obs()$known_states(),
n_states = n_states,
statdist = statdist,
distcode = distcode,
distpar = distpar,
X_fe_obs = as_sparse(X_fe_obs),
X_re_obs = as_sparse(X_re_obs),
S_obs = as_sparse(S_obs),
log_det_S_obs = log_det_S_obs,
ncol_re_obs = ncol_re_obs,
X_fe_hid = as_sparse(X_fe_hid),
X_re_hid = as_sparse(X_re_hid),
S_hid = as_sparse(S_hid),
log_det_S_hid = log_det_S_hid,
ncol_re_hid = ncol_re_hid,
include_smooths = 1,
ref_tpm = self$hid()$ref(),
coeff_fe_obs_prior = priors$coeff_fe_obs,
coeff_fe_hid_prior = priors$coeff_fe_hid,
log_lambda_obs_prior = priors$log_lambda_obs,
log_lambda_hid_prior = priors$log_lambda_hid)
# Create TMB model
obj <- MakeADFun(tmb_dat, tmb_par, DLL = "hmmTMB",
random = random,
map = map,
silent = silent)
nllk0 <- obj$fn(obj$par)
if(is.nan(nllk0) | is.infinite(nllk0)) {
stop(paste("Log-likelihood is NaN or infinite at starting parameters.",
"Check that the data are within the domain of definition of the",
"observation distributions, or try other starting parameters."))
# Negative log-likelihood function
private$tmb_obj_ <- obj
# Joint negative log-likelihood function
tmb_dat$include_smooths <- -1
private$tmb_obj_joint_ <- MakeADFun(tmb_dat, tmb_par, DLL = "hmmTMB",
map = map, silent = silent)
#' @description Fit model using tmbstan
#' Consult documentation of the tmbstan package for more information.
#' After this method has been called, the Stan output can be accessed
#' using the method \code{out_stan()}. This Stan output can for example
#' be visualised using functions from the rstan package. The parameters
#' stored in this HMM object are automatically updated to the mean
#' posterior estimate, although this can be changed using
#' \code{update_par()}.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to tmbstan
#' @param silent Logical. If FALSE, all tracing outputs are shown (default).
fit_stan = function(..., silent = FALSE) {
if (!requireNamespace("rstan", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("You need to install the package rstan to do this")
if (!requireNamespace("tmbstan", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("You need to install the package tmbstan to do this")
# Setup if necessary
if(is.null(private$tmb_obj_)) {
self$setup(silent = silent)
# Run Stan iterations
private$out_stan_ <- tmbstan(obj = private$tmb_obj_, init = "par", ...)
post <- as.matrix(private$out_stan_)
# Remove "lp__" column
post <- post[,-ncol(post)]
# Extract posterior samples
n_coeff <- nrow(self$coeff_array())
n_post <- nrow(post)
iters <- matrix(rep(self$coeff_array()[,"value"], each = n_post),
nrow = n_post, ncol = n_coeff)
colnames(iters) <- rownames(self$coeff_array())
# Fill non-fixed columns with posterior samples
# Do I need to account for shared parameter values? See post_coeff
iters[,which(!is.na(self$coeff_array()[,"fixed"]))] <- post
private$iters_ <- iters
# Get iterations on response scale
# (only obs parameters and transition probs)
npar <- length(unlist(self$par()))
par_iters <- matrix(0, nrow = n_post, ncol = npar)
for (i in 1:n_post) {
self$update_par(iter = i)
par <- self$par()
# Parameter matrices are transposed for best column order in par_iters
par_iters[i,] <- unlist(lapply(par, function(pararray)
# Name columns for readability
obspar_names <- names(unlist(self$obs()$formulas()))
n_states <- self$hid()$nstates()
tr_names <- paste0(paste0("S", rep(1:n_states, each = n_states),
">S", rep(1:n_states, n_states)))
colnames(par_iters) <- c(obspar_names, tr_names)
private$par_iters_ <- par_iters
# set coefficients to posterior means
self$update_par(iter = "mean")
#' @description Model fitting
#' The negative log-likelihood of the model is minimised using the
#' function \code{nlminb()}. TMB uses the Laplace approximation to integrate
#' the random effects out of the likelihood.
#' After the model has been fitted, the output of \code{nlminb()} can be
#' accessed using the method \code{out()}. The estimated parameters can
#' be accessed using the methods \code{par()} (for the HMM parameters,
#' possibly dependent on covariates), \code{predict()} (for uncertainty
#' quantification and prediction of the HMM parameters for new covariate
#' values), \code{coeff_fe()} (for estimated fixed effect coefficients on
#' the linear predictor scale), and \code{coeff_re()} (for estimated random
#' effect coefficients on the linear predictor scale).
#' @param silent Logical. If FALSE, all tracing outputs are shown (default).
#' @param ... Other arguments to nlminb which is used to optimise the
#' likelihood. This currently only supports the additional argument
#' \code{control}, which is a list of control parameters such as
#' \code{eval.max} and \code{iter.max} (see \code{?nlminb})
#' @examples
#' # Load data set (included with R)
#' data(nottem)
#' data <- data.frame(temp = as.vector(t(nottem)))
#' # Create hidden state and observation models
#' hid <- MarkovChain$new(data = data, n_states = 2)
#' par0 <- list(temp = list(mean = c(40, 60), sd = c(5, 5)))
#' obs <- Observation$new(data = data, n_states = 2,
#' dists = list(temp = "norm"),
#' par = par0)
#' # Create HMM
#' hmm <- HMM$new(hid = hid, obs = obs)
#' # Fit HMM
#' hmm$fit(silent = TRUE)
fit = function(silent = FALSE, ...) {
if(!silent) self$formulation()
# Setup if necessary
if(is.null(private$tmb_obj_)) {
self$setup(silent = silent)
# Check extra arguments
args <- list(...)
if (any(c("par", "fn", "gr", "he", "hessian") %in% names(args))) {
stop(paste("Cannot supply arguments to HMM$fit() with name par,",
"fn, gr, he, or hessian. These are reserved by TMB."))
if (any(c("lower", "upper") %in% names(args))) {
warning("'lower' and 'upper' arguments to nlminb are ignored in hmmTMB")
# Defaults eval.max and iter.max to 1e4
if("control" %in% names(args)) {
if(!("eval.max" %in% names(args$control))) {
args$control$eval.max <- 1e4
if(!("iter.max" %in% names(args$control))) {
args$control$iter.max <- 1e4
} else {
args$control <- list(eval.max = 1e4, iter.max = 1e4)
# Fit model
args <- c(private$tmb_obj_, args)
systime <- system.time(
private$out_ <- nlminb(start = args$par,
objective = args$fn,
gradient = args$gr,
control = args$control)
private$out_$systime <- systime
if (private$out_$convergence != 0) {
warning(paste("Convergence code was not zero, indicating that the",
"optimizer may not have converged to the correct",
"estimates. Please check by consulting the out() function",
"which shows what nlminb returned."))
# Get estimates and precision matrix for all parameters
best_par <- private$out_$par
rownames(best_par) <- NULL
names(best_par) <- names(private$tmb_obj_$par)
private$tmb_obj_$par <- best_par
private$tmb_rep_ <- sdreport(private$tmb_obj_,
getJointPrecision = TRUE,
skip.delta.method = FALSE)
par_list <- as.list(private$tmb_rep_, "Estimate")
# Update parameters
#' @description Get maximum likelihood estimates once model fitted
#' @return list of maximum likelihood estimates as described as
#' input for the function update_par()
mle = function() {
if (is.null(private$out_)) stop("Fit model first")
par_list <- as.list(self$tmb_rep(), "Estimate")
# Forward-backward probabilities ------------------------------------------
#' @description Forward-backward algorithm
#' The forward probability for time step t and state j
#' is the joint pdf/pmf of observations up to time t and of being in
#' state j at time t, p(Z[1], Z[2], ..., Z[t], S[t] = j).
#' The backward probability for time t and state j is the
#' conditional pdf/pmf of observations between time t + 1 and n,
#' given state j at time t, p(Z[t+1], Z[t+2], ..., Z[n] | S[t] = j).
#' This function returns their logarithm, for use in other methods
#' \code{state_probs}, and \code{sample_states}.
#' @return Log-forward and log-backward probabilities
forward_backward = function() {
delta0 <- self$hid()$delta0()
n <- nrow(self$obs()$data())
n_by_ID <- as.numeric(table(self$obs()$data()$ID))
# State-dependent probabilities
obsprobs <- self$obs()$obs_probs()
# Transition probability matrices
tpms <- self$hid()$tpm(t = "all")
# Initialise log-forward/backward probabilities
lforw <- matrix(0, nr = self$hid()$nstates(), nc = n)
lback <- matrix(0, nr = self$hid()$nstates(), nc = n)
# Loop over ID (time series)
k <- 1
for (ind in 1:length(n_by_ID)) {
# Forward algorithm
p <- delta0[ind,] * obsprobs[k,]
psum <- sum(p)
llk <- log(psum)
p <- p / psum
lforw[, k] <- log(p) + llk
for (i in 2:n_by_ID[ind]) {
p <- p %*% tpms[, , k + i - 2] * obsprobs[k + i - 1, ]
psum <- sum(p)
llk <- llk + log(psum)
p <- p / psum
lforw[, k + i - 1] <- log(p) + llk
# Backward algorithm
lback[, k + n_by_ID[ind] - 1] <- rep(0, self$hid()$nstates())
p <- rep(1 / self$hid()$nstates(), self$hid()$nstates())
llk <- log(self$hid()$nstates())
for (i in (n_by_ID[ind] - 1):1) {
p <- tpms[, , k + i - 1] %*% (obsprobs[k + i, ] * p)
lback[, k + i - 1] <- log(p) + llk
psum <- sum(p)
p <- p / psum
llk <- llk + log(psum)
k <- k + n_by_ID[ind]
return(list(logforward = lforw, logbackward = lback))
# Pseudo-residuals --------------------------------------------------------
#' @description Pseudo-residuals
#' Compute pseudo-residuals for the fitted model. If the fitted model
#' is the "true" model, the pseudo-residuals follow a standard normal
#' distribution. Deviations from normality suggest lack of fit.
#' @return List (of length the number of variables), where each element is
#' a vector of pseudo-residuals (of length the number of data points)
pseudores = function() {
ID <- self$obs()$data()$ID
n <- length(ID)
# Matrix of CDFs at observations
cat("Computing CDFs... ")
cdfs <- self$obs()$cdf()
n_var <- length(cdfs)
# Transition probability matrices
tpms <- self$hid()$tpm(t = "all")
# Log-forward probabilities
logforw <- self$forward_backward()$logforward
# Loop over observed variables
res_ls <- list()
for(var in 1:n_var) {
# Vector of residuals for this variable
res <- rep(NA, n)
if(all(is.na(cdfs[[var]]))) {
message(paste0("Pseudo-residuals not implemented for '",
self$obs()$dists()[[2]]$name(), "' distribution. ",
"Returning NA."))
} else {
cat("Computing residuals for", names(cdfs)[var], "... ")
# Loop over time steps
res[1] <- qnorm(t(self$hid()$delta0()[1,]) %*% cdfs[[var]][1,])
for(i in 2:n) {
if(ID[i] != ID[i-1]) {
res[i] <- qnorm(t(self$hid()$delta0()[ID[i],]) %*% cdfs[[var]][i,])
} else {
# c cancels out below (to avoid numerical issues)
c <- max(logforw[, i - 1])
a <- exp(logforw[, i - 1] - c)
res[i] <- qnorm(t(a) %*% (tpms[,,i]/sum(a)) %*% cdfs[[var]][i,])
res_ls[[var]] <- res
names(res_ls) <- names(cdfs)
# State estimation --------------------------------------------------------
#' @description Viterbi algorithm
#' @return Most likely state sequence
viterbi = function() {
if(!is.null(private$states_)) {
data <- self$obs()$data()
ID <- data$ID
# Number of observations
n <- nrow(data)
# Number of states
n_states <- self$hid()$nstates()
# Number of variables
n_var <- length(self$obs()$dists())
# Observation probabilities
obs_probs <- self$obs()$obs_probs()
# Transition probability matrices
tpm_all <- self$hid()$tpm(t = "all")
# Number of unique IDs
n_id <- length(unique(ID))
# First index for each ID
i0 <- c(1, which(ID[-1] != ID[-n]) + 1, n + 1)
# Initialise state sequence
all_states <- rep(NA, length = n)
# Initial distribution
delta0 <- self$hid()$delta0()
# Loop over IDs
for(id in 1:n_id) {
# Subset to this ID
ind_this_id <- i0[id]:(i0[id + 1] - 1)
sub_obs_probs <- obs_probs[ind_this_id,]
sub_tpm_all <- tpm_all[,,ind_this_id]
# Number of observations for this ID
n_this_id <- length(ind_this_id)
# Forward iterations
xi <- matrix(NA, n_this_id, n_states)
v <- delta0[id,] * sub_obs_probs[1,]
xi[1,] <- v/sum(v)
for(i in 2:n_this_id) {
v <- apply(xi[i-1,] * sub_tpm_all[,,i-1], 2, max) * sub_obs_probs[i,]
xi[i,] <- v/sum(v)
# Backward iterations
states <- rep(NA, n_this_id)
states[n_this_id] <- which.max(xi[n_this_id,])
for(i in (n_this_id - 1):1) {
states[i] <- which.max(sub_tpm_all[, states[i+1], i] * xi[i,])
# Append estimated states for this ID
all_states[ind_this_id] <- states
# Save state sequence
private$states_ <- all_states
#' @description Sample posterior state sequences using forward-filtering
#' backward-sampling
#' The forward-filtering backward-sampling algorithm returns a
#' sequence of states, similarly to the Viterbi algorithm, but it generates
#' it from the posterior distribution of state sequences, i.e., accounting
#' for uncertainty in the state classification. Multiple generated sequences
#' will therefore generally not be the same.
#' @param nsamp Number of samples to produce
#' @param full If TRUE and model fit by fit_stan then parameter estimates are
#' sampled from the posterior samples before simulating each sequence
#' @return Matrix where each column is a different sample of state sequences,
#' and each row is a time of observation
sample_states = function(nsamp = 1, full = FALSE) {
if (full & is.null(private$out_stan_)) {
stop("Fit model with fit_stan() first")
if (full) {
n_full_samp <- nsamp
nsamp <- 1
} else {
n_full_samp <- 1
nstates <- self$hid()$nstates()
actual_samps <- max(n_full_samp, nsamp)
n <- nrow(self$obs()$data())
states <- matrix(0, nr = n, nc = actual_samps)
# Loop over posterior draws if full = TRUE
for (k in 1:n_full_samp) {
if (full) {
# Sample a parameter iteration at random
self$update_par(iter = sample(1:nrow(mod$iters()), size = 1))
# Get forward-backward probabilities
fb <- self$forward_backward()
# Get tpms
tpms <- self$hid()$tpm(t = "all")
# Get observation probabilities
obsprobs <- self$obs()$obs_probs()
# Get number of observations per individual
n_by_ID <- as.numeric(table(self$obs()$data()$ID))
cumn <- cumsum(n_by_ID)
# Loop over time series / individuals
for (ind in 1:length(n_by_ID)) {
m <- cumn[ind]
# Sample last state
L <- logsumexp(fb$logforward[,m])
prob <- exp(fb$logforward[,m] - L)
prob <- prob / sum(prob)
if (full) {
states[m,k] <- sample(1:nstates, prob = prob,
size = nsamp, replace = TRUE)
} else {
states[m,] <- sample(1:nstates, prob = prob,
size = nsamp, replace = TRUE)
# Sample backward
for (s in 1:nsamp) {
for (i in 1:(n_by_ID[ind] - 1)) {
lprob <- fb$logforward[, m - i] +
log(tpms[, states[m - i + 1, s], m - i]) +
log(obsprobs[m - i + 1, states[m - i + 1, s]]) +
fb$logbackward[states[m - i + 1, s], m - i + 1] - L
lprob <- lprob - logsumexp(lprob)
prob <- exp(lprob)
index <- ifelse(full, k, s)
states[m - i, index] <- sample(1:nstates, prob = prob, size = 1)
#' @description Compute posterior probability of being in each state
#' @return matrix with a row for each observation and a column for each state
state_probs = function() {
n <- nrow(self$obs()$data())
nstates <- self$hid()$nstates()
n_by_ID <- as.numeric(table(self$obs()$data()$ID))
cn <- cumsum(n_by_ID)
fb <- self$forward_backward()
pr_state <- matrix(0, nr = n, nc = nstates)
k <- 0
for (ind in 1:length(n_by_ID)) {
llk <- logsumexp(fb$logforward[,cn[ind]])
for (i in 1:n_by_ID[ind]) {
pr_state[k + i,] <- exp(fb$logforward[, k + i] + fb$logbackward[,k + i] - llk)
k <- k + n_by_ID[ind]
colnames(pr_state) <- paste0("state", 1:nstates)
# Prediction and Uncertainty ----------------------------------------------
#' @description Posterior sampling for model coefficients
#' @param n_post Number of posterior samples
#' @return Matrix with one column for each coefficient and one row
#' for each posterior draw
post_coeff = function(n_post) {
# Get parameter estimates and covariance matrix
rep <- self$tmb_rep()
if(is.null(rep$jointPrecision)) {
par <- rep$par.fixed
V <- rep$cov.fixed
} else {
par <- c(rep$par.fixed, rep$par.random)
V <- prec_to_cov(rep$jointPrecision)
# Generate samples from MVN estimator distribution
post <- rmvn(n = n_post, mu = par, V = V)
# Matrix filled with estimates
npar <- nrow(self$coeff_array())
post_all <- matrix(rep(self$coeff_array()[,"value"], each = n_post),
nrow = n_post, ncol = npar)
colnames(post_all) <- rownames(self$coeff_array())
# Fill non-fixed columns with posterior samples
post_all[,which(!is.na(self$coeff_array()[,"fixed"]))] <-
#' @description Posterior sampling for linear predictor
#' @param n_post Number of posterior samples
#' @return List with elements obs and hid, where each is a matrix
#' with one column for each predictor and one row for each posterior draw
post_linpred = function(n_post) {
# save current parameters
coeff_fe_old <- self$coeff_fe()
coeff_re_old <- self$coeff_re()
pars <- self$post_coeff(n_post)
# observation submodel
obspars_fe <- pars[,which(colnames(pars) == "coeff_fe_obs")]
hidpars_fe <- pars[,which(colnames(pars) == "coeff_fe_hid")]
obspars_re <- pars[,which(colnames(pars) == "coeff_re_obs")]
hidpars_re <- pars[,which(colnames(pars) == "coeff_re_hid")]
lp <- NULL
lp$obs <- matrix(0, nr = n_post, nc = nrow(self$obs()$X_fe()))
lp$hid <- matrix(0, nr = n_post, nc = nrow(self$hid()$X_fe()))
for (i in 1:n_post) {
lp$obs[i,] <- self$obs()$linpred()
lp$hid[i,] <- self$hid()$linpred()
# reset design matrices and parameters
#' @description Create posterior simulations of a function of a model component
#' @param fn Function which takes a vector of linear predictors as input
#' and produces either a scalar or vector output
#' @param n_post Number of posterior simulations
#' @param comp Either "obs" for observation model linear predictor, or
#' "hid" for hidden model linear predictor
#' @param ... Arguments passed to fn
#' @param level Confidence interval level if required (e.g., 0.95 for 95%
#' confidence intervals). Default is 0, i.e., confidence intervals are not
#' returned.
#' @param return_post Logical indicating whether to return the posterior
#' samples. If FALSE (default), only mean estimates and confidence intervals
#' are returned
#' @return A list with elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{post}{If return_post = TRUE, this is a vector (for scalar
#' outputs of fn) or matrix (for vector outputs) with a column for
#' each simulation}
#' \item{mean}{Mean over posterior samples}
#' \item{lcl}{Lower confidence interval bound (if level !=0)}
#' \item{ucl}{Upper confidence interval bound (if level !=0)}
#' }
post_fn = function(fn, n_post, comp = NULL, ..., level = 0, return_post = FALSE) {
# Get linear predictors
lp <- self$post_linpred(n_post)
# Output list
res <- NULL
# Compute function of linear predictor
res$post <- lapply(1:nrow(lp[[comp]]), FUN = function(i) {
fn(linpred = lp[[comp]][i,], ...)
# Compute means
res$mean <- Reduce("+", res$post) / length(res$post)
# Compute confidence interval
if (level > 0) {
alpha <- 1 - level
arr <- simplify2array(res$post)
ci <- apply(X = arr,
MARGIN = 1:(length(dim(arr)) - 1),
FUN = quantile,
prob = c(alpha/2, 1 - alpha/2))
nci <- length(dim(ci))
ci <- aperm(ci, c(2:nci, 1))
block <- prod(dim(ci)[-nci])
lcl <- ci[1:block]
ucl <- ci[(1:block) + block]
dim(lcl) <- dim(ucl) <- dim(ci)[-nci]
res$lcl <- lcl
res$ucl <- ucl
dimnames(res$lcl) <- dimnames(res$mean)
dimnames(res$ucl) <- dimnames(res$mean)
if(!return_post) {
res$post <- NULL
#' @description Predict estimates from a fitted model
#' By default, this returns point estimates of the HMM parameters
#' for a new data frame of covariates. See the argument `n_post`
#' to also get confidence intervals.
#' @param what Which estimates to predict? Options include
#' transition probability matrices "tpm",
#' stationary distributions "delta", or
#' observation distribution parameters "obspar"
#' @param t Time points to predict at
#' @param ... Other arguments to the respective functions
#' for hid$tpm, hid$delta, obs$par
#' @param newdata New dataframe to use for prediction
#' @param n_post If greater than zero then n_post posterior
#' samples are produced, and used to create confidence intervals.
#' @param level Level of the confidence intervals, e.g. CI = 0.95
#' will produce 95\% confidence intervals (default)
#' @param return_post Logical. If TRUE, a list of posterior samples
#' is returned.
#' @param as_list Logical. If confidence intervals are required for the
#' transition probabilities or observation parameters, this
#' argument determines whether the MLE, lower confidence limit and upper
#' confidence limit are returned as separate elements in a list (if
#' TRUE; default), or whether they are combined into a single array (if
#' FALSE). Ignored if \code{what = "delta"} or if \code{n_post = 0}.
#' @return Maximum likelihood estimates (\code{mle}) of predictions,
#' and confidence limits (\code{lcl} and \code{ucl}) if requested. The
#' format of the output depends on whether confidence intervals are
#' required (specified through \code{n_post}), and on the argument
#' \code{as_list}.
#' @examples
#' # Load data set (included with R)
#' data(nottem)
#' data <- data.frame(temp = as.vector(t(nottem)))
#' # Create hidden state and observation models
#' hid <- MarkovChain$new(data = data, n_states = 2)
#' par0 <- list(temp = list(mean = c(40, 60), sd = c(5, 5)))
#' obs <- Observation$new(data = data, n_states = 2,
#' dists = list(temp = "norm"),
#' par = par0)
#' # Create HMM
#' hmm <- HMM$new(hid = hid, obs = obs)
#' # Fit HMM
#' hmm$fit(silent = TRUE)
#' # Get transition probability matrix with confidence intervals
#' hmm$predict(what = "tpm", n_post = 1000)
predict = function(what, t = 1, newdata = NULL, n_post = 0, level = 0.95,
return_post = FALSE, as_list = TRUE) {
if (is.null(private$out_) & n_post > 0) {
stop("Fit model first")
if (!is.null(newdata)) {
# Return predictions for all rows of newdata if provided
t <- "all"
# Save model matrices, then replace by matrices based on newdata
old <- list(X_fe_obs = self$obs()$X_fe(),
X_re_obs = self$obs()$X_re(),
X_fe_hid = self$hid()$X_fe(),
X_re_hid = self$hid()$X_re())
obsmats <- self$obs()$make_mat(new_data = newdata)
hidmats <- self$hid()$make_mat(data = self$obs()$data(),
new_data = newdata)
# get appropriate prediction function
fn <- switch(what,
tpm = self$hid()$tpm,
delta = self$hid()$delta,
obspar = self$obs()$par)
# get appropriate model component
comp <- switch(what, tpm = "hid", delta = "hid", obspar = "obs")
if (n_post == 0) {
# just return predicted means if no confidence intervals wanted
val <- fn(linpred = self[[comp]]()$linpred(), t = t)
} else {
# return means and confidence intervals
val <- self$post_fn(fn = fn,
n_post = n_post,
comp = comp,
t = t,
level = level,
return_post = return_post)
# Replace posterior mean from post_fn() by MLE
val$mean <- fn(linpred = self[[comp]]()$linpred(), t = t)
names(val)[which(names(val) == "mean")] <- "mle"
# Format as array for nicer output
if(!as_list & what %in% c("tpm", "obspar")) {
mle <- val$mle
names <- paste0(rep(rownames(mle), each = ncol(mle)),
" - ", rep(colnames(mle), nrow(mle)))
a <- array(NA, dim = c(length(names), 3, dim(mle)[3]),
dimnames = list(names, c("mle", "lcl", "ucl"), NULL))
a[,1,] <- as.vector(aperm(mle, c(2, 1, 3)))
a[,2,] <- as.vector(aperm(val$lcl, c(2, 1, 3)))
a[,3,] <- as.vector(aperm(val$ucl , c(2, 1, 3)))
val <- a
# Reset to original model matrices
if (!is.null(newdata)) {
#' @description Confidence intervals for working parameters
#' This function computes standard errors for all fixed effect model
#' parameters based on the diagonal of the inverse of the Hessian matrix,
#' and then derives Wald-type confidence intervals.
#' @param level Level of confidence intervals. Defaults to 0.95, i.e., 95\%
#' confidence intervals.
#' @return List of matrices with three columns: mle (maximum likelihood
#' estimate), lcl (lower confidence limit), ucl (upper confidence
#' limit), and se (standard error). One such matrix is produced for
#' the working parameters of the observation model, the working parameters
#' of the hidden state model, the smoothness parameters of the observation
#' model, and the smoothness parameters of the hidden state model.
confint = function(level = 0.95) {
# Get standard errors from covariance matrix
rep <- self$tmb_rep()
par <- rep$par.fixed
if(is.null(rep$jointPrecision)) {
V <- rep$cov.fixed
} else {
V <- prec_to_cov(rep$jointPrecision)
se <- sqrt(diag(V)[1:length(par)])
# Unpack model components
obspar_se <- se[which(names(par) == "coeff_fe_obs")]
hidpar_se <- se[which(names(par) == "coeff_fe_hid")]
obslam_se <- se[which(names(par) == "log_lambda_obs")]
hidlam_se <- se[which(names(par) == "log_lambda_hid")]
# Get Wald-type confidence intervals
quant <- qnorm(1 - (1 - level)/2)
obspar_ci <- cbind(self$coeff_fe()$obs,
self$coeff_fe()$obs - quant * obspar_se,
self$coeff_fe()$obs + quant * obspar_se,
hidpar_ci <- cbind(self$coeff_fe()$hid,
self$coeff_fe()$hid - quant * hidpar_se,
self$coeff_fe()$hid + quant * hidpar_se,
obslam_ci <- cbind(self$lambda()$obs,
self$lambda()$obs - quant * obslam_se,
self$lambda()$obs + quant * obslam_se,
hidlam_ci <- cbind(self$lambda()$hid,
self$lambda()$hid - quant * hidlam_se,
self$lambda()$hid + quant * hidlam_se,
colnames(obspar_ci) <- c("mle", "lcl", "ucl", "se")
colnames(hidpar_ci) <- c("mle", "lcl", "ucl", "se")
colnames(obslam_ci) <- c("mle", "lcl", "ucl", "se")
colnames(hidlam_ci) <- c("mle", "lcl", "ucl", "se")
out <- list(coeff_fe = list(obs = obspar_ci, hid = hidpar_ci),
lambda = list(obs = obslam_ci, hid = hidlam_ci))
# Simulation --------------------------------------------------------------
#' @description Simulate from hidden Markov model
#' @param n Number of time steps to simulate
#' @param data Optional data frame including covariates
#' @param silent if TRUE then no messages are printed
#' @return Data frame including columns of data (if provided), and simulated
#' data variables
simulate = function(n, data = NULL, silent = FALSE) {
if(is.null(data)) {
data <- data.frame(ID = rep(factor(1), n))
} else if(!("ID" %in% names(data))) {
data$ID <- rep(factor(1), n)
# Number of states
n_states <- self$hid()$nstates()
# Simulate state process
S <- self$hid()$simulate(n = n, data = self$obs()$data(),
new_data = data,
silent = silent)
# Create observation parameters
mats_obs <- self$obs()$make_mat(new_data = data)
X_fe_old <- self$obs()$X_fe()
X_re_old <- self$obs()$X_re()
par_obs <- self$obs()$par(t = "all", full_names = FALSE)
# Simulate observation process
obs_dists <- self$obs()$dists()
obs_all <- data
attributes(obs_all)$state <- S
par_count <- 1
for(var in seq_along(obs_dists)) {
# Distribution, name, and parameter indices for this variable
obsdist <- obs_dists[[var]]
var_name <- names(obs_dists)[var]
par_ind <- par_count:(par_count + obsdist$npar() - 1)
# Simulate n realisations for variable "var"
obs <- rep(NA, n)
for(i in 1:n) {
if(round(i/n*100)%%10 == 0) {
if(!silent) {
cat("\rSimulating ", var_name, "... ",
round(i/n*100), "%", sep = "")
# Generate realisation
obs[i] <- obsdist$rng_apply(n = 1, par = par_obs[par_ind, S[i], i])
# Add variable to data frame
obs_all[[var_name]] <- obs
par_count <- par_count + obsdist$npar()
if(!silent) cat("\n")
# reset design matrices
#' @description Compute goodness-of-fit statistics using simulation
#' Many time series are simulated from the fitted model, and the
#' statistic(s) of interest are calculated for each. A histogram of
#' those values can for example be used to compare to the observed
#' value of the statistic. An observation far in the tails of the
#' distribution of simulated statistics suggests lack of fit.
#' @param check_fn Goodness-of-fit function which accepts "data" as input
#' and returns a statistic (either a vector or a single number) to be
#' compared between observed data and simulations.
#' @param nsims Number of simulations to perform
#' @param full If model fitted with `fit_stan`, then full = TRUE
#' will sample from posterior for each simulation
#' @param silent Logical. If FALSE, simulation progress is shown.
#' (Default: TRUE)
#' @return List with elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{obs_stat: }{Vector of values of goodness-of-fit statistics for the
#' observed data}
#' \item{stats: }{Matrix of values of goodness-of-fit statistics for the
#' simulated data sets (one row for each statistic, and one column for each
#' simulation)}
#' \item{plot: }{ggplot object}
#' }
check = function(check_fn, nsims = 100, full = FALSE, silent = FALSE) {
# Evaluate statistics for observed data
obs_stat <- check_fn(self$obs()$data())
# Simulate from model and evaluate statistics for simulated data
stats <- matrix(0, nc = nsims, nr = length(obs_stat))
for (sim in 1:nsims) {
if (!silent) cat("Simulating", sim, " / ", nsims, "\r")
# if full and mcmc then sample parameter
if (full & !is.null(private$out_stan_)) {
self$update_par(iter = sample(1:nrow(self$iters()), size = 1))
# simulate new data
newdat <- self$simulate(n = nrow(self$obs()$data()),
data = self$obs()$data(),
silent = TRUE)
# compute statistics
stats[,sim] <- check_fn(newdat)
# Get names of statistics
if(is.null(names(obs_stat))) {
stat_names <- paste("statistic", 1:length(obs_stat))
names(obs_stat) <- stat_names
} else {
stat_names <- names(obs_stat)
rownames(stats) <- stat_names
# Data frames for ggplot (observed and simulated values)
df_obs <- as.data.frame.table(as.matrix(obs_stat))
colnames(df_obs) <- c("stat", "sim", "val")
df <- as.data.frame.table(stats)
colnames(df) <- c("stat", "sim", "val")
# Create plot
p <- ggplot(df, aes(val)) +
geom_histogram(bins = 20, aes(y=..density..), col = "white",
bg = "lightgrey", na.rm = TRUE) +
facet_wrap("stat", scales = "free") +
geom_vline(aes(xintercept = val), data = df_obs) +
xlab("statistic") + ggtitle("Vertical line is observed value") +
theme_light() +
theme(strip.background = element_blank(),
strip.text = element_text(colour = "black"))
if (!silent) plot(p)
return(list(obs_stat = obs_stat, stats = stats, plot = p))
# Plotting ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' @description Time series plot coloured by states
#' Creates a plot of the data coloured by the most likely state sequence,
#' as estimated by the Viterbi algorithm. If one variable name is passed
#' as input, it is plotted against time. If two variables are passed, they
#' are plotted against each other.
#' @param var Name of the variable to plot.
#' @param var2 Optional name of a second variable, for 2-d plot.
#' @param line Logical. If TRUE (default), lines are drawn between
#' successive data points. Can be set to FALSE if another geom is
#' needed (e.g., geom_point).
#' @return A ggplot object
plot_ts = function(var, var2 = NULL, line = TRUE) {
if(is.null(private$states_)) {
# Data frame for plot
data <- self$obs()$data()
# State sequence as factor
state <- as.factor(self$states())
# Time series ID
ID <- self$obs()$data()$ID
if(is.null(var2)) {
# 1d time series plot
df <- data.frame(ID = ID,
index = 1:nrow(data),
x = data[[var]])
p <- ggplot(data = df, mapping = aes(index, x, col = state, group = ID)) +
xlab("time") + ylab(var)
if(line) {
p <- p + geom_line()
} else {
# 2d plot
df <- data.frame(ID = ID,
x = data[[var]],
y = data[[var2]])
p <- ggplot(data = df, mapping = aes(x, y, col = state, group = ID)) +
xlab(var) + ylab(var2)
if(line) {
p <- p + geom_path()
p <- p +
scale_color_manual(values = hmmTMB_cols) +
#' @description Plot observation distributions weighted by frequency in Viterbi
#' This is a wrapper around Observation$plot_dist, where the
#' distribution for each state is weighted by the proportion of time
#' spent in that state (according to the Viterbi state sequence).
#' @param var Name of data variable. If NULL, a list of plots are
#' returned (one for each observation variable)
#' @return Plot of distributions with data histogram
plot_dist = function(var = NULL) {
if(is.null(private$states_)) {
# Proportion of time spent in each state
weights <- sapply(1:self$hid()$nstates(), function(s)
length(which(self$states() == s))/length(self$states()))
return(self$obs()$plot_dist(var, weights = weights))
#' @description Plot a model component
#' @param what Name of model component to plot: should be one of "tpm"
#' (transition probabilities), "delta" (stationary state probabilities),
#' or "obspar" (state-dependent observation parameters)
#' @param var Name of covariate to plot on x-axis
#' @param covs Optional named list for values of covariates (other than 'var')
#' that should be used in the plot (or dataframe with single row). If this is
#' not specified, the mean value is used for numeric variables, and the
#' first level for factor variables.
#' @param i If plotting tpm then rows of tpm; if plotting delta then indices
#' of states to plot; if plotting obspar then full names of parameters
#' to plot (e.g., obsvar.mean)
#' @param j If plotting tpm then columnss of tpm to plot; if plotting delta
#' then this is ignored,; if plotting obspar then indices of states to plot
#' @param n_grid Number of points in grid over x-axis (default: 50)
#' @param n_post Number of posterior simulations to use when computing
#' confidence intervals; default: 1000. See \code{predict} function for
#' more detail.
#' @return A ggplot object
plot = function(what, var = NULL, covs = NULL, i = NULL, j = NULL,
n_grid = 50, n_post = 1000) {
# Get relevant model component
comp <- switch(what, tpm = "hid", delta = "hid", obspar = "obs")
# Get x-axis
newdata <- cov_grid(var = var,
obj = self,
covs = covs,
formulas = self[[comp]]()$formulas(),
n_grid = n_grid)
# Number of states
n_states <- self$hid()$nstates()
# Get predictions and uncertainty
preds <- self$predict(what = what, t = "all", newdata = newdata,
level = 0.95, n_post = n_post)
# Data frame for plot
df <- as.data.frame.table(preds$mle)
df$lcl <- as.vector(preds$lcl)
df$ucl <- as.vector(preds$ucl)
if (what == "tpm") {
colnames(df) <- c("from", "to", "var", "prob", "lcl", "ucl")
levels(df$from) <- paste("State", 1:n_states)
levels(df$to) <- paste("State", 1:n_states)
df$var <- rep(newdata[, var], each = n_states * n_states)
if (!is.null(i)) df <- df[df$from == paste0("State ", i),]
if (!is.null(j)) df <- df[df$to == paste0("State ", j),]
} else if (what == "delta") {
colnames(df) <- c("var", "state", "prob", "lcl", "ucl")
levels(df$state) <- paste("State", 1:n_states)
df$var <- rep(newdata[, var], n_states)
if (!is.null(i)) df <- df[df$state == paste0("State ", i),]
} else if (what == "obspar") {
colnames(df) <- c("par", "state", "var", "val", "lcl", "ucl")
levels(df$state) <- paste("State", 1:n_states)
df$var <- rep(newdata[, var], each = nrow(df)/nrow(newdata))
if (!is.null(i)) df <- df[df$par == i,]
if (!is.null(j)) df <- df[df$state == paste0("State ", j),]
# Create caption with values of other (fixed) covariates
plot_txt <- NULL
if(ncol(newdata) > 1) {
other_covs <- newdata[1, which(colnames(newdata) != var),
drop = FALSE]
# Round numeric values, and transform factors to strings
num_ind <- sapply(other_covs, is.numeric)
other_covs[num_ind] <- lapply(other_covs[num_ind], function(cov)
round(cov, 2))
fac_ind <- sapply(other_covs, is.factor)
other_covs[fac_ind] <- lapply(other_covs[fac_ind], as.character)
plot_txt <- paste(colnames(other_covs), "=", other_covs,
collapse = ", ")
if (what == "tpm") {
p <- ggplot(df, aes(var, prob)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lcl, ymax = ucl), alpha = 0.3) +
geom_line() +
facet_wrap(c("from", "to"),
strip.position = "left",
labeller = label_bquote("Pr("*.(from)*" -> "*.(to)*")")) +
xlab(var) + ylab(NULL) + ggtitle(plot_txt) +
theme_light() +
theme(strip.background = element_blank(),
strip.placement = "outside",
strip.text = element_text(colour = "black")) +
coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 1))
if(is.factor(df$var)) {
p <- p + geom_point(size = 0.7) +
geom_errorbar(aes(x = var, ymin = lcl, ymax = ucl),
alpha = 0.5, width = 0.2) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5))
} else {
p <- p + geom_line(linewidth = 0.7) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lcl, ymax = ucl), alpha = 0.3)
} else {
if (what == "delta") {
p <- ggplot(df, aes(var, prob, group = state, col = state)) +
scale_color_manual("", values = hmmTMB_cols) +
scale_fill_manual(values = hmmTMB_cols, guide = "none") +
xlab(var) + ylab("Stationary state probabilities") + ggtitle(plot_txt) +
theme_light() +
coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 1))
} else if (what == "obspar") {
p <- ggplot(df, aes(var, val, col = state)) + theme_light() +
scale_color_manual("", values = hmmTMB_cols) +
scale_fill_manual(values = hmmTMB_cols, guide = "none") +
facet_wrap(c("par"), scales = "free_y",
strip.position = "left",
labeller = label_bquote(.(par))) +
xlab(var) + ylab(NULL) + ggtitle(plot_txt) +
theme(strip.background = element_blank(),
strip.placement = "outside",
strip.text = element_text(colour = "black"))
if(is.factor(df$var)) {
p <- p + geom_point(size = 0.7) +
geom_errorbar(aes(x = var, ymin = lcl, ymax = ucl),
alpha = 0.5, width = 0.2) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5))
} else {
p <- p + geom_line(linewidth = 0.7) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lcl, ymax = ucl, fill = state),
col = NA, alpha = 0.3)
# AIC methods (for simulation experiments) --------------------------------
#' @description Marginal Akaike Information Criterion
#' The marginal AIC is for example defined by
#' Wood (2017), as AIC = - 2L + 2k where L is the
#' maximum marginal log-likelihood (of fixed
#' effects), and k is the number of degrees
#' of freedom of the fixed effect component of
#' the model
#' @return Marginal AIC
AIC_marginal = function() {
llk <- -self$out()$objective
npar <- nrow(self$obs()$coeff_fe()) +
nrow(self$hid()$coeff_fe()) +
length(self$obs()$lambda()) +
if(!self$hid()$stationary()) {
npar <- npar + length(self$coeff_list()$log_delta0)
if(nrow(self$obs()$coeff_re()) + nrow(self$hid()$coeff_re()) > 0) {
warning("AIC functions are experimental for models with random effects",
" or splines. Use at your own risk.")
aic <- - 2 * llk + 2 * npar
#' @description Conditional Akaike Information Criterion
#' The conditional AIC is for example defined by
#' Wood (2017), as AIC = - 2L + 2k where L is the
#' maximum joint log-likelihood (of fixed and random
#' effects), and k is the number of effective degrees
#' of freedom of the model (accounting for flexibility
#' in non-parametric terms implied by smoothing)
#' @return Conditional AIC
AIC_conditional = function() {
# Get all estimated parameters (fixed and random)
par_all <- c(self$tmb_rep()$par.fixed, self$tmb_rep()$par.random)
llk <- - self$tmb_obj_joint()$fn(par_all)
npar <- self$edf()
if(nrow(self$obs()$coeff_re()) + nrow(self$hid()$coeff_re()) > 0) {
warning("AIC functions are experimental for models with random effects",
" or splines. Use at your own risk.")
aic <- - 2 * llk + 2 * npar
# Print methods -----------------------------------------------------------
#' @description Print observation parameters at t = 1
print_obspar = function() {
if(is.null(private$out_) & is.null(private$out_stan_)) {
cat("> Initial observation parameters (t = 1):\n")
} else {
cat("> Estimated observation parameters (t = 1):\n")
par <- self$par(t = 1)
print(round(par$obspar[,,1], 3))
#' @description Print observation parameters at t = 1
print_tpm = function() {
if(is.null(private$out_) & is.null(private$out_stan_)) {
cat("> Initial transition probabilities (t = 1):\n")
} else {
cat("> Estimated transition probabilities (t = 1):\n")
par <- self$par(t = 1)
print(round(par$tpm[,,1], 3))
#' @description Print model formulation
formulation = function() {
#' @description Print HMM object
print = function() {
private = list(
# Private data members ----------------------------------------------------
obs_ = NULL,
hid_ = NULL,
out_ = NULL,
tmb_obj_ = NULL,
tmb_obj_joint_ = NULL,
tmb_rep_ = NULL,
priors_ = NULL,
out_stan_ = NULL,
iters_= NULL,
par_iters_ = NULL,
coeff_array_ = NULL,
states_ = NULL,
# Reading from spec file --------------------------------------------------
## @description Read model specification files
## @param file File location
## @return List with elements:
## \describe{
## \item{\code{data}}{Data frame}
## \item{\code{nstates}}{Number of states}
## \item{\code{dists}}{List of observation distributions}
## \item{\code{forms}}{Formulas for observation model}
## \item{\code{tpm}}{Formulas of hidden state model}
## \item{\code{par}}{Initial parameters for observation model}
## \item{\code{tpm0}}{Initial transition probability matrix}
## \item{\code{fixed}}{Fixed parameters}
## }
read_file = function(file) {
if (!file.exists(file)) {
stop("Model specification file does not exist:", file)
# Vector with one element for each line of 'file'
spec <- scan(file = file,
sep = "\n",
strip.white = TRUE,
quiet = TRUE)
# Remove comments
spec <- strip_comments(spec)
# Block names
# Find blocks
wh_blocks <- sapply(blocknms, FUN = function(b) {grep(b, spec)})
wh_blocks <- unlist(wh_blocks[sapply(wh_blocks, length) > 0])
wh_blocks <- sort(wh_blocks)
read_nms <- names(wh_blocks)
if ("DATA" %in% read_nms) {
data_block <- private$read_block("DATA", wh_blocks, spec)
read_data_block <- private$read_equals(data_block)
dataset <- get(read_data_block$rhs[which(read_data_block$lhs == "dataset")])
nstates <- as.numeric(read_data_block$rhs[which(read_data_block$lhs == "nstates")])
} else {
stop("DATA block is missing from model specification")
if ("DISTRIBUTION" %in% read_nms) {
dist_block <- private$read_block("DISTRIBUTION", wh_blocks, spec)
dists <- private$read_dists(dist_block)
} else {
dists <- NULL
if ("FORMULA" %in% read_nms) {
form_block <- private$read_block("FORMULA", wh_blocks, spec)
forms <- private$read_forms(form_block)
} else {
forms <- NULL
if ("TPM" %in% read_nms) {
tpm_block <- private$read_block("TPM", wh_blocks, spec)
tpm <- matrix(str_trim(unlist(str_split(tpm_block, ";"))),
nr = nstates,
nc = nstates,
byrow = TRUE)
} else {
tpm <- NULL
if ("INITIAL" %in% read_nms) {
ini_block <- private$read_block("INITIAL", wh_blocks, spec)
ini <- private$read_forms(ini_block, ini = TRUE, nstates = nstates)
} else {
stop("INITIAL block is missing from model specification")
if ("FIXED" %in% read_nms) {
fixed_block <- private$read_block("FIXED", wh_blocks, spec)
len <- length(fixed_block)
fixed <- NULL
if ("delta0" %in% fixed_block) {
fixed$delta0 <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(unique(self$obs()$data()$ID)),
ncol = nstates - 1)
colnames(fixed$delta0) <- paste0("state", 1:(nstates - 1))
len <- len - 1
fixed$obs <- rep(NA, len)
names(fixed$obs) <- fixed_block[fixed_block != "delta0"]
} else {
fixed <- NULL
return(list(data = dataset,
nstates = nstates,
dists = dists,
forms = forms,
tpm = tpm,
par = ini$par,
tpm0 = ini$tpm0,
delta0 = ini$delta0,
fixed = fixed))
## @description Read a specified block in a model specification file
## Subset specification file, passed as vector with one string
## for each line, to only keep lines corresponding to specified block.
read_block = function(name, wh_blocks, spec) {
find <- which(names(wh_blocks) == name)
start_block <- wh_blocks[find] + 1
end_block <- ifelse(start_block > max(wh_blocks),
wh_blocks[find + 1] - 1)
block <- spec[start_block:end_block]
## @description Separate left hand side and right hand side variables
## from a equation
## @param x Character vector of equations
## @return List of left hand sides (lhs) and right hand sides (rhs)
read_equals = function(x) {
rhs <- str_trim(gsub(".*=", "", x))
lhs <- str_trim(gsub("=.*", "", x))
return(list(lhs = lhs, rhs = rhs))
## @description Read distribution block
## @param dist Character vector of distribution block
## @return List of distributions
read_dists = function(dists) {
ds <- strsplit(dists, "\n")
terms <- sapply(ds, FUN = function(x) {all.vars(as.formula(x))})
ls <- as.list(terms[2,])
names(ls) <- terms[1,]
## @description Read both formula and initial blocks
## @param forms Character vector of block to read
## @param ini If TRUE then read as if it is initial block otherwise assume it
## is the formula block
read_forms = function(forms, ini = FALSE, nstates = NULL) {
par <- NULL
tpm0 <- NULL
delta0 <- NULL
# Find variables
wh_vars <- grep(":", forms)
vars <- str_trim(gsub(":", "", forms[wh_vars]))
# Loop over variables
for (i in 1:length(vars)){
# Find sub-block of formula/initial values for that variable
if (i < length(vars)) {
end <- wh_vars[i + 1] - 1
} else {
end <- length(forms)
subforms <- forms[(wh_vars[i] + 1):end]
if (str_trim(vars[i]) == "tpm") {
# Read transition probability matrix
nstates <- length(subforms)
tpm0 <- matrix(0, nr = nstates, nstates)
for (s in 1:nstates) {
tpm0[s,] <- as.numeric(strsplit(subforms[s], ",")[[1]])
} else if (str_trim(vars[i]) == "delta0") {
# Read initial distribution
delta0 <- as.numeric(strsplit(subforms, ",")[[1]])
} else {
# Read observation parameters
subpar <- NULL
subparnms <- NULL
# Loop over parameters
for (j in 1:length(subforms)) {
# Get parameter name
pattern <- ifelse(ini, "\\=.*", "\\~.*")
par_name <- str_trim(gsub(pattern, "", subforms[j]))
# Get rhs of formula or initial values
if (ini){
par_ini <- as.numeric(str_split(sub(".*\\=", "", subforms[j]), ",")[[1]])
if (length(par_ini) == 1) par_ini <- rep(par_ini, nstates)
} else {
par_ini <- as.formula(paste0("~", gsub(".*\\~", "", subforms[j])))
subparnms <- c(subparnms, par_name)
subpar <- c(subpar, list(par_ini))
names(subpar) <- subparnms
par <- c(par, list(subpar))
names(par) <- vars[!(vars %in% c("tpm", "delta0"))]
if (ini) {
res <- list(par = par, tpm0 = tpm0, delta0 = delta0)
} else {
res <- par
# Other private methods ---------------------------------------------------
## Compute effective degrees of freedom for a GAM
comp_edf = function(X, S, lambda){
# duplicate lambda enough times
lambda <- rep(lambda, nrow(S))
# calculate lambda*S
Sbig <- S * lambda
# calculate the hat matrix
XtX <- t(X) %*% X
Fi <- solve(XtX + Sbig)
F <- Fi %*% XtX
# return the trace
## Initialize submodel component
## This is used to initialise parameters based on a previous model
initialize_submodel = function(par, initpar) {
# Find which parameters of initializing model occur in current model
wh <- match(rownames(initpar), rownames(par))
# Find which parameters of initializing model do not occur in current model
wh2 <- 1:nrow(initpar)
wh2 <- wh2[!is.na(wh)]
wh <- wh[!is.na(wh)]
# Copy over shared part
if (length(wh) > 0) {
par[wh, 1] <- initpar[wh2, 1]
## Check constructor arguments
# (For argument description, see constructor)
check_args = function(obs, hid, init) {
if(!inherits(obs, "Observation")) {
stop("'obs' should be an Observation object")
if(!inherits(hid, "MarkovChain")) {
stop("'hid' should be an MarkovChain object")
if(obs$nstates() != hid$nstates()) {
stop(paste0("The observation model and hidden state model should have the ",
"same number of states. (obs$nstates = ", obs$nstates(),
", hid$nstates = ", hid$nstates(), ")"))
if(!is.null(init)) {
if (!("HMM" %in% class(init))) {
stop("init must be a HMM object.")
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