
Defines functions getAssignmentsVectors checkInputs FindCelltype

Documented in checkInputs FindCelltype getAssignmentsVectors

#' Identify cell types based on a user defined consensus markers
#' Assign cell identities to clusters
#' @inheritParams RunSeurat
#' @inheritParams Seurat::FindAllMarkers
#' @param markers.file Path to the markers file (FindAllMarkers() output)
#' @param consensus.file Path to the consensus file
#' @param label Boolean to display cluster labels on umap plots
#' @param filename Character string to name the saved umap plots
#' @return A Seurat Object with cells identities assigned to clusters
#' @importFrom patchwork wrap_plots
#' @importFrom utils write.csv
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @importFrom stringr str_to_title
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @import Seurat
#' @import MAST
#' @import dplyr
#' @export

FindCelltype <- function(markers.file, consensus.file, object=NULL, output.dir, filename = NULL,
    save.rds = TRUE, label = TRUE, ...) {
    ## 1 - Check inputs
    inputs <- checkInputs(markers.file = markers.file, consensus.file = consensus.file,
        object = object, filename = filename)

    markers <- inputs[[1]]
    consensus <- inputs[[2]]

    ## 2 - Run assignment function
    vectors <- getAssignmentsVectors(consensus = consensus, markers = markers)

    cluster.ident.fc <- vectors[[1]]
    cluster.ident.nb <- vectors[[2]]

    ## 3 - Save results
        names(cluster.ident.fc) <- levels(object)

        object$assignment_fc <- Idents(RenameIdents(object, cluster.ident.fc))

        names(cluster.ident.nb) <- levels(object)

        object$assignment_nb <- Idents(RenameIdents(object, cluster.ident.nb))

        SavePlot(output.dir = output.dir, filename = paste0("Dimplot_", filename), plot = Seurat::DimPlot(object,
            reduction = "umap", label = label) + ggtitle("Cluster Identity"))

        SavePlot(output.dir = output.dir, filename = paste0("DimPlot_fc_", filename), plot = Seurat::DimPlot(object,
            reduction = "umap", group.by = "assignment_fc", label = label) + ggtitle("Cluster assignment (FoldChange)"))

        SavePlot(output.dir = output.dir, filename = paste0("DimPlot_nb_", filename), Seurat::DimPlot(object,
            reduction = "umap", group.by = "assignment_nb", label = label) + ggtitle("Cluster assignment (# of markers)"))

        if (save.rds) {
            saveRDS(object, paste0(output.dir, "/assigned_object.Rds"))


#' Check inputs for FindCelltypes function
#' @inheritParams FindCelltype
#' @return Return markers and consensus files as dataframes
#' @importFrom utils write.csv
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @import Seurat
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
checkInputs <- function(markers.file, consensus.file, object, filename) {
    if (!is.null(object)){

        if (is.null(filename)) {
            filename <- object@project.name

        ## check if data has been logtransformed
        if (dim(object@assays[["RNA"]]@scale.data)[1] == 0) {
            stop("RNA assay not Log-Normalized")

        ## check if clustering has been ran
        if (is.null(object@meta.data[["seurat_clusters"]])) {
            stop("No cluster in object")
    ## read files
        markers <- read.csv(markers.file)
        consensus <- read.csv(consensus.file)

    return(list(markers, consensus))

#' Assign clusters to cell identities from the consensus file provided
#' @param markers Markers dataframe (FindAllMarkers() output)
#' @param consensus Consensus dataframe (2 columns per cell-type labelled
#' cell-type e.g., 'Stem-Cell', and FC_cell-type e.g., 'FC_Stem-Cell')
#' @return Return two vectors with cell assignments.
#' One using the max number of overlap, and one using max total FoldChange.
#' @importFrom utils write.csv
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @import Seurat
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
getAssignmentsVectors <- function(consensus, markers) {
    celltypes <- colnames(consensus %>%

    cluster.ident.fc <- vector()
    cluster.ident.nb <- vector()

    ## Get marker genes and scores of each cluster
    for (c in 0:max(markers$cluster)) {
        cluster <- subset(markers, cluster == c) %>%
            select(c("avg_log2FC", "gene"))

        fc.scores <- vector()
        nb.scores <- vector()

        ## Get intersection between cell-type markers and cluster markers
        for (t in seq_along(celltypes)) {
            ctype <- celltypes[t]
            commun.genes <- intersect(cluster[, "gene"], consensus[, ctype])

            fc.consensus <- consensus[consensus[, ctype] %in% commun.genes,
                                      paste0("FC_", ctype)]

            nb.scores[t] <- length(fc.consensus)
            fc.scores[t] <- round(sum(fc.consensus), 1)


        message(cat('cluster',c, '->', round(sd(nb.scores))))
        cluster.ident.fc[c+1] <- celltypes[which.max(fc.scores)]
        cluster.ident.nb[c+1] <- celltypes[which.max(nb.scores)]

    return(list(cluster.ident.fc, cluster.ident.nb))
Theob0t/scEasyPip documentation built on Dec. 18, 2021, 4:10 p.m.