
Defines functions setup_temp_dir ids_subset .system2 plink_extract snprelate_impute impute_bed

if (getRversion() >= "2.15.1") {
  c('.', 'DIMRED_VARNAME', 'DIMRED_VARTYPE', 'scanID') %>%

impute_bed <- function(paths, df_snp, l_peaks, scan_ids, out,
  impute = sample_impute) {
  paths %>% paste0('.', c('bed', 'bim', 'fam')) %>%
    sapply(function(path) system(paste('mv', path, paste0(out, gsub('.*([.][a-z]+)$', '\\1', path)))))
  df_snp$probe_id[sort(unique(unlist(l_peaks)))] %>%
    plink_extract(out, ., scan_ids) %>% snprelate_impute(out, impute)

snprelate_impute <- function(params, path, impute) {
  tmpfile = tempfile()
  do.call(SNPRelate::snpgdsBED2GDS, c(params, tmpfile, verbose = FALSE))
  gds <- openfn.gds(tmpfile, FALSE)
  geno <- .gds_read_index('genotype', gds)
  geno[geno == 3] <- NA
  write.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, 'genotype'), impute(geno))
  SNPRelate::snpgdsGDS2BED(tmpfile, path, verbose = FALSE)

plink_extract <- function(path, probe_ids, scan_ids) {
  df_scans <- utils::read.table(paste0(path, '.fam'))[as.numeric(scan_ids), ]
  utils::write.table(df_scans, 'scans', sep = ' ',
    quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
  .system2('plink', paste('--noweb --bfile', path, '--snps', paste(probe_ids, collapse = ','),
      '--keep scans --make-bed --out'))
  as.list(paste0('output_plink.', c('bed', 'fam', 'bim')))

.system2 <- function(exe, cmd) {
  output <- paste0('output_', exe)
  system2(exe, paste(cmd, output, '| tail -n 1 > stdout'))
  stdout <- readLines('stdout')
  if (grepl('error', stdout, TRUE)) stop(stdout)
  if (!any(grepl(output, list.files()))) stop('Output file does not exist')

ids_subset <- function(positions, chromosome, df_snp) {
  subset <- df_snp$chromosome == chromosome &
    df_snp$position > positions[1] &
    df_snp$position < positions[2]


setup_temp_dir <- function(chdir = TRUE, ...) {
  dir <- tempfile(...)
  dir.create(dir, recursive = TRUE)
  old_dir <- NULL
  if (chdir) old_dir <- setwd(dir)

  # on one line because it not seen by the coverage
  cleanup <- bquote({if (.(chdir)) setwd(.(old_dir));unlink(.(dir), recursive = TRUE)})

  do.call(add_on_exit, list(cleanup, parent.frame()))


.STRING <- 'string'
check_fx_args <- function(...) {
  dots <- list(...)
  formals <- formals(sys.function(sys.parent()))

  die_if(!length(dots), 'check args specifications must not be empty')
  die_unless(all(names(dots) %in% names(formals)),
    'Bad check arg specifications, unknown variables')

  env <- parent.frame()
  call <- deparse(sys.call(sys.parent()))
  call <- paste0(call, collapse = '')

  for (arg_name in names(dots)) {
    check_arg(dots[[arg_name]], get(arg_name, env), arg_name, call)


check_arg <- function(spec, value, argname = deparse(substitute(value)),
  call = '') {
  if (!is.character(spec) || length(spec) != 1 || !nzchar(spec)) {
    stop('Bad spec argument:', spec)

  if (!is.character(argname) || length(argname) != 1 || !nzchar(argname)) {
    stop('Bad argname argument:', argname)

  if (!is.character(call) || length(call) != 1) {
    stop('Bad call:', call)

  arg_fmt <- .parse_arg_spec(spec)

  # arg msg error prefix
  err <- sprintf('Error checking arg [%s] in call %s: ', argname, call)
  .msg <- function(...) {
    paste0(err, sprintf(...))

  ### check null
  if (is.null(value)) {
    die_unless(arg_fmt$null, .msg('NULL not allowed'))

  ### check length
  len <- arg_fmt$length
  vl <- length(value)
  if (is.integer(len)) {
    die_unless(vl %in% len,  .msg('expected length %i, got %i', len, vl))
  } else {
    if (len == '+') {
      die_if(vl == 0, .msg('length must be > 0'))
    } else if (grepl('\\+', len)) {
      min_le <- as.integer(gsub('\\+$', '', len))
      die_if(vl < min_le, .msg('length must be > %s', min_le - 1))
    } else {


  ### check type
  type <- arg_fmt$type
  if (type != 'any') {
    rtype <- if (type == .STRING) 'character' else type
    die_unless(methods::is(value, rtype), .msg('expected type %s, got %s', rtype,
    if (type == .STRING) {
      die_unless(all(nzchar(value)), .msg('empty strings are not allowed'))

  ### check NA
  if (!arg_fmt$na) { # NAs not allowed
    die_if(any(is.na(value)), .msg('no NAs are allowed'))


.parse_arg_spec <- function(fmt) {
  die_if(!nzchar(fmt), 'Bad spec: can not be ""')
  die_unless(nchar(fmt) >= 2, 'Bad spec %s', fmt)

  # parse optional !
  null <- TRUE
  if (substr(fmt, 1, 1) == '!') {
    null <- FALSE
    fmt <- substr(fmt, 2, nchar(fmt))

  # parse type
  t <- substr(fmt, 1, 1)
  TYPES <- c(i = 'integer',
             n = 'numeric',
             c = 'character',
             s = .STRING,
             b = 'logical',
             l = 'list',
             d = 'data.frame',
             a = 'any')
  type <- unname(TYPES[tolower(t)])
  die_if(is.na(type), "Bad spec type identifier: %s", t)

  na <- t == tolower(t)
  l <- nchar(fmt)
  last <- substr(fmt, l, l)

#  na <- last != '!'
  len_expr <- substr(fmt, 2, l)
  if (len_expr == '*' || len_expr == '+' || grepl('^\\d+\\+$', len_expr)) {
    len <- len_expr
  } else if (len_expr == '?') {
    len <- 0:1
  } else {
    die_if(grepl('\\+', len_expr), 'Bad spec: only allowed + or [0-9]+')
    len <- eval(parse(text = len_expr))
    nn <- try(as.integer(len), silent = TRUE)
    if (is.integer(nn)) {
      len <- sort(nn)
      die_if(len < 0, "Bad spec negative length: %i", len)

  die_unless(len == '*' || len == '+' || is.integer(len) ||
      grepl('^\\d+\\+$', len_expr),
    'Bad spec length: %s', len)

  res <- list(type = type, length = len, na = na, null = null)


die_unless <- function(cond, format, ...) {
  if (!is.logical(cond) || !length(cond)) {
    stop("Bad logical argument cond: ", cond)
  if (missing(format)) {
    stop("Argument 'format' is missing in die_unless()")

  if (any(!cond)) {
    msg <- .build_error_message(format, ...)
    stop(msg, call. = FALSE)


# build the error message, using a sprintf format string and additional
# arguments. If some of the arguments are vectors, they are collapsed as
# a character string using ','
.build_error_message <- function(format, ...) {
  dots <- list(...)
  if (!length(dots)) return(format)

  .collapse_args <- function(x) {
    if (length(x) > 1) paste0(x, collapse = ',') else x
  fixed_dots <- lapply(dots, .collapse_args)

  do.call(sprintf, c(list(format), fixed_dots))

die_if  <- function(cond, format, ...) die_unless(!cond, format, ...)

catch_warnings <- function(expr) {
  ws <- list()
  res <- suppressWarnings(withCallingHandlers(expr,
      warning = function(w) { ws[[length(ws)+1]] <<- w}))
  return(list(result = res, warnings = ws))

"%//%" <- function(a, b) {
  if (is.null(a)) b else a

add_on_exit <- function(expr, where = parent.frame()) {
  do.call("on.exit", list(substitute(expr), add = TRUE), envir = where)
ThomasChln/snpclust documentation built on June 11, 2020, 4:27 p.m.